HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?

Page created by Bruce Brooks
HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
HBCUs: Are They
           Being Noticed or
V O L .7   Negotiated?
HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
Black Cotton News Staff:
Dr. Joyce Dent-McNair, CEO

 Dr. Toni Dent-McNair, COO
 Kellie Dent, Writer
 Shandria Woodall, Writer
 Alicia Carter, Writer
 James Kpou, Writer
 Jacqueline Randle, Writer
 Dr. Quietasha Younger, Writer
 Sjana Venson, Writer
 Kimberly Shannon, Writer
HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
17 Cover Story:
     Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?

15 Watching History      50 5 Reasons HBCUs
     Unfold Before Our        Are Still Relevant
     Eyes                                          www.therealblackcottonnews.com

                                                   ADDITIONAL CONTENT
21 A Journey Through     53 How to Buy the         Page 1:     About the Cover
     Depression              House of Your
                                                   Page 3:     Welcome to
                                                               Black Life 360o
                             Dreams Even With      Page 5:     Entertainment
25 Covid Vaccines:           a Low Credit Score    Page 29:    Beauty &
     Which Is Better?                              Page 39:    International
                                                   Page 45:    Home & Family
                                                   Page 47:    Kidz Corner
                                                   Page 53:    Business &
27 What Is Conscious                                           Finance

29 Winter Care

45   Demerara Sugar –
     The Underdog,
     The Pivot

HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
o TM
Black Cotton News introduces Black Life 360            . We defy articles written
about us so...we assembled a group of Black writers to tell the stories of who
we are in our own voices. Our App connects our true Black Culture globally to
share and embrace our experiences. BCN has writers across the United States
and internationally to give a closer look at the pulse of life that connects our
community, roots, history, politics, food, fashion, entertainment, education, lan-
guages, technology, athletics and so much more…

Our media platform serves to:
•   Showcase the daily lives and events that give a voice for our communities
•   Educate, enhance and build stronger economic communities
•   Unite African and African descendants globally
•   Increase political and financial awareness for equality
•   Eradicate colonial constructs in both business and education
•   Promote holistic generational healing
•   Build understanding of cultural identity

  Experience the connection that lies in our melanin skin with a new volume
published each month. Embrace and connect to everyday vibrations of conver-
 sations in our community from around the world. We are the awakened, the
                          history-makers of today.

                            Welcome to Black Life 360o

                                                         Dr. Joyce Dent-McNair
                                                            CEO/Chief Editor

HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?

                                                          Charlamagne tha
                                                          God Responds to
                                                          LaKeith Stanfield
                                                          Calling Him a
Charlamagne tha God kept up his beef with                 Charlamagne tha God kept up his beef with
LaKeith Stanfield, saying that he likes to get            LaKeith Stanfield, saying that he likes to get
“online and play the victim” on an episode                “online and play the victim” on an episode of The
of The Breakfast Club.                                    Breakfast Club.

The radio host was responding to LaKeith’s In-            The radio host was responding to LaKeith’s Insta-
stagram call-out, where the actor called Charla-          gram call-out, where the actor called Charla-
magne a “hoe” for a line of questioning to                magne a “hoe” for a line of questioning to
his Judas & The Black Messiah co-star Dan-                his Judas & The Black Messiah co-star Dan-
iel Kaluuya. Charlamagne reignited a long-                iel Kaluuya. Charlamagne reignited a long-
standing feud with the actor when he implied              standing feud with the actor when he implied
Stanfield was particularly well-suited to play an         Stanfield was particularly well-suited to play an
informant in the film. Kaluuya shut the host              informant in the film. Kaluuya shut the host
down, saying “We’re not having that,” but the             down, saying “We’re not having that,” but the im-
implication had already been made. In a new epi-          plication had already been made. In a new epi-
sode of his radio show, Charlamagne accused the           sode of his radio show, Charlamagne accused the
actor of being overly sensitive.                          actor of being overly sensitive.

“This is yet another example of LaKeith being             “This is yet another example of LaKeith being
able to dish it but he can’t take it because he           able to dish it but he can’t take it because he
made comments about The Breakfast Club and                made comments about The Breakfast Club and
other Black outlets being anti-Black, being nega-         other Black outlets being anti-Black, being nega-
tive, reinforcing negative stereotypes of Black           tive, reinforcing negative stereotypes of Black
people, that was back in 2019,” Charlamagne               people, that was back in 2019,” Charlamagne
said. “I gave him ‘Donkey of the Day’ for that            said. “I gave him ‘Donkey of the Day’ for that
and pointed out all of the times he’s gone on             and pointed out all of the times he’s gone on these
these white people’s platforms and reinforced             white people’s platforms and reinforced negative
negative stereotypes of Black people himself. I           stereotypes of Black people himself. I left it alone
left it alone after that. LaKeith did a whole reply       after that. LaKeith did a whole reply video, he did
video, he did a diss song, he put my face on the          a diss song, he put my face on the cover of the
cover of the song, and had me with the sambo              song, and had me with the sambo lips. I didn’t re-
lips. I didn’t respond to any of that, but I gave         spond to any of that, but I gave him a little jab
him a little jab during the interview with Daniel.        during the interview with Daniel.

HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
I owed him that and that was light.”

“He makes it seem like I’m always coming at him.
But he does that all the time. When he made com-
ments about Kamala’s hair last year and got back-
lash, he got online and said he can say what he
wants and nobody’s gonna force him into not say-
ing what he wants,” he continued. “All good but if
you gonna have that energy of saying what you
want, don’t play victim when people say something

Source: www.complex.com/pop-culture/charlamagne-

HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
Celebrity Gossip

HBCUs: Are They Being Noticed or Negotiated?
H                        istory Unfold
                                            BEFORE OUR EYES

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, the world              Mrs. Harris has also served as attorney general
watched in awe as history unfolded on televi-          for the State of California. During this time, she
sion! Kamala Harris was the first woman to ever        created the Mortgage Fraud Strike in the wake
become Vice President of the United States of          of the 2010 United States foreclosure crisis.
America! Not only is she the first woman, but          She also obtained two of the largest recoveries
she’s the first woman of color to ever hold such a     in California’s False Claims Act. It was the
high prestigious position!                             largest in California’s history! She would also
                                                       serve in the US Senate from 2017 until taking
Kamala Harris was born October 20, 1964 in             office as Vice President in 2021. She has served
Oakland, CA. She graduated from Howard Uni-            on numerous committees as well as being a
versity in 1986 with a degree in political science.    member in many caucuses. Mrs. Harris decided
She would then attend the University of Califor-       to run for President in 2019. However, she
nia, Hastings College of Law where she would           withdrew from running on December 3, 2019.
graduate with her Juris Doctor in 1989. She was
admitted to the California Barr in 1990.               Although she decided not to continue her bid
                                                       for the presidency, she would ultimately be
Who knew that Kamala Harris would break                chosen to placed on the Democratic presidential
many barriers for women? She served as the dis-        ticket with Joe Biden. The rest, as they say, is
trict attorney for San Francisco from 2004-2011.       history!
While in office, she created an environmental
crimes unit, cleared 27 of the 74 backlogged
homicide cases by settling 14 by plea bargain
and taking 11 to trial, and she pushed for higher
bail for criminal defendants involved with gun-
related crimes. Kamala Harris also created a
Hate Crimes Unit, placing her focus more on
hate crimes against the LGBT children and teens
in schools. This is just a tiny list of the many
great contributions made by Kamala Harris.
                                                                      Dr. Queietasha Younger

From The Editor’s Desk
                          If the past has taught us anything is that when
                          white America comes knocking at your door with
                          one hand extended, always watch the hand that

                          cannot be seen…

                          Ever since the Black Lives Matter Movement and
                          Cancel Culture began to emerge with impressive
                          numbers, HBCU's continued to have gone unno-
                          ticed, underfunded and quite frankly their gradu-
                          ates considered to be less competitive in the work

Are They                  force. Even though those college and universities
                          has released into the world the best and brightest
                          minds to mankind.

Being Noticed             On this date, the Registry looks at Historically
                          Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in
or                        America.

                          At their beginning in the 1830s, the main duty of
Negotiated?               these institutions was to teach freed slaves to read
                          and write. Today, there are more than 100 Histori-
                          cally Black Colleges and Universities in the Unit-
                          ed States, which have evolved and grown over

the last 75 years. HBCUs offer
African American students
graduate and post-graduate de-
grees and a setting to nurture
their soul, get a sense of identi-
ty, learn their heritage, and find
a place in their community.

Inventors, mathematicians,
teachers, Doctors, lawyers, sci-
entists and PHDs have grown
major Fortune 500 industry
even at the helm. Many are a
part of research teams that has
                                     as the Institute for Colored        disparities handed down gen-
helped with the Covid 19 Pan-
                                     Youth, has the earliest found-      eration by generation to main-
demic vaccine on saving the
                                     ing date of an HBCU. For            tain a great divide.
world. And yes now that we
                                     most of its early history it of-
have a Black woman as Vice
                                     fered only elementary and           We simply cannot let corpo-
President of the Free World that
                                     high school-level instruction.      rate America to buy it's way
hold sway with her Black soror-
                                     Lincoln University, also in the     into our heritage. At what
ity in tow, we have see a vast
                                     commonwealth of Pennsylva-          point do we say "No Thank
change of attention given to
                                     nia was the first HBCU to is-       You"!!! We have an obligation
Black HBCU's. Many staples of
                                     sue degrees in America.             to those who constructed these
American giants are now donat-
                                                                         Colleges/Universities and to
ing large contributions to the
                                     The efforts although needed is      those who walked the halls be-
forgotten institutions. Commer-
                                     to either purge their absence       fore us to not sell our heritage.
cializing throughout the media
                                     and dismissal of such bright        To not be once again set upon
these monumental and ceremo-
                                     minds or it is to capitalize on a   the auction block for white
nial feats.
                                     trending social issue and re-       capitalism. We must reinvest
                                     ceive brand loyalty in the bil-     into these institutions our-
Before the American Civil War
                                     lions of dollars spent by the       selves to deliver to the next
the majority of Blacks in the
                                     Black Community continuous-         generation the experience, cul-
United States were enslaved.
                                     ly as consumers. No where has       tural identity and superior edu-
Although a few free Blacks at-
                                     it been more glaring than in        cation that can only be deliv-
tended primarily white colleges
                                     the tech community with             ered at an HBCU...
in the North in the years before
                                     opening of jobs opportunities
the war, such opportunities
                                     rather than new start-ups with
were rare and did not exist in
                                     backing capital. The atmos-
the slave states of the Antebel-
                                     phere of large donations mak-
lum South. To answer the lack
                                     ing their way to select HBCU's
of opportunity, a few institu-
                                     is again needed but at what
tions of secondary and higher
                                     price? The price of the silence
education for Blacks were
                                     of the voices that caused mon-
structured in the antebellum
                                     umental changes or to wash
years. Cheyney University in
                                     the stain of guilt from con-
Pennsylvania, founded in 1837
Author: Dr. Joyce Dent-McNair, CEO
        CEO, Black Life 360°
      The MASS Group, LLC

just described. I suffered for so
 S                                     P
          ome people are not do-              lease never suffer
          ing so well mentally.               alone. The symptoms         many years in silence and it
          They feel like they are             feels like it's always      manifested itself in the most
on the verge of having a mental      something trying to break you.       damaging of ways. I won't sug-
breakdown. Work has been             And you really don't feel like I     gest the meditation as a start,
stressful and are working over-      can make it. You can experi-         although it works but as I faced
time since constantly. This can      ence as tired in your soul and       the anger of being so ill that I
often lead to more conflicts..       people can't understand when         could not make it out of bed
On top of all that you can com-      you say that. Many are told to       most days, I could not believe
pound the stress by being taken      think positive, meditate, do         that God had seem to have for-
to court by a collection agency      this, do that....like one haven't    saken me. Financial business
for an account in collections, so    tried any of that stuff. You         woes, all things fell at my feet.
now you have to set up pay-          don't want to feel like this. It's   I had so much anxiety and then
ment arrangements with them.         not a choice, the chemicals in       the depression kicked in big....
Which is why you are still           the brain is always in fight or      I would cry everyday and suck
working overtime. Leaving you        flight mode because bad stuff        it up and move on to build my
just so tired and feeling like       has been happening to on a           business. So one day after all
giving up. You find yourself al-     constant basis. It can seem like     the tears and emotional ex-
ways crying and frustrated.          you've been fighting just to         hausting days.... I cried out to
Some have the luck to work           survive your whole life and          God and just surrendered. I
from home so they can cry            now so tired. And it can feel        prayed in a plain conversation
without having to explain.           like anyone understands how it       with my Creator and I released
These are all classical signs of     feels to be in your body. It         every hurt, every failed experi-
Clinical Depression. So now          takes so much effort just to get     ence, every betrayal and every
one should decide to go see a        out of bed and pretend to be         struggle. I was so close to end-
doctor because one can honest-       happy and be okay. You try not       ing my own life that it con-
ly feel like they are about to       hide to not let anyone see you       sumed my every thought.
lose their mind. Feeling just so     cry cause they would worry.
tired of everything and work so      What else to do? Most just try       And when I got completely out
hard while still feeling stuck.      to focus enough to get through       of breath... God spoke to my
                                     work so one can pay the bills.       spirit....He said "let it go" I
        ome people just feel         They still have to provide. Be-      didn't get the fullness of it until
 S      they don't have any-         sides going to the doctor but I      the Holy Spirit explained. To
                                                                          surrender is the most liberating
        thing left in them to        know that won't fix the empti-
give anyone or life. They are        ness and brokenness a person         act that a human being can ev-
just waking up and trying to         can feel. You just want to feel      er do. It is the most free of all
survive the day at this point. 1st   normal and feel like you're          freedoms of free will. I gave
and foremost, I am so sorry          okay....not feel like it's a war     every care and worry away to
about anyone's struggles. I am       going on inside of you. You          Him. And every time the
saddened to hear about the state     can rationalize that you feel        thought of one of those things
that your anxiety is taken turn.     like you have no peace outside       that caused me hurt or anxie-
Visiting your Dr should prove        or inside your body.                 ty....I would immediately just
extremely helpful. Knowing                                                say " nope God that's yours to
whenever you need to talk is         As a therapist, I absolutely un-     handle".
important...                         derstand and I identify with
                                     every emotional battle that you      I begin to slowly start watching

my life return to me and my problems dimin-
ished. My finances got so much better (getting
ready to buy a new house) and I continue to Sur-
render daily. See your Doctor but try it ... It may
just give you the relief of being in complete Sur-

I'm here...you are not alone.

                                                        Shandria R. Woodall, LMHC
                                                         Director, Wester Wellcare
                                                              Director, TEARS

Covid Vaccines...Which is Better?
Winter storms, COVID-19 pandemic, loved            much needed care. Telehealth visits became a
ones distanced and a sense of normalcy we’ve       main source for patients reestablishing their care
all taken for granted is where we currently        from the safety of their homes while sitting in
find ourselves. The year of 2020 was littered      front of their computers. Doctors were able to pro-
with hardships that brought the world to a         vide medication refills and pharmacies began to
screeching halt. Among so many things,             offer curbside service.
healthcare for many became hard to maintain.
The growing fear of the novel coronavirus left     Fast-forwarding to the end of winter, more and
even medical care facilities afraid of opening     more citizens are receiving a series of vaccines to
its doors to the public. Emergency rooms were      help their bodies fight off coronavirus and soon be
riddled with patients in dire need as well as      able to enjoy life without an abundance of fear
many other departments of major facilities         like in previous months. Patients are more at ease
alike.                                             with visiting their doctors in whatever option is
                                                   provided to them and most are now able to get
As CDC (Centers for Disease Control and            back into their local labs for blood work that al-
Prevention) guidelines updated on a daily ba-      lows their doctor to monitor their adherence to
sis, people of certain age groups became even      medications.
more uncertain about their safety and how to
get much needed medication. As states began        COVID-19 vaccines are now being offered in
to phase in their reopening plans, doctor’s of-    many locations such as local health departments,
fices also considered ways of reconnecting         hospitals and now Publix pharmacies across cer-
with their patients and providing them with        tain states.

If you find that you are interested in receiving
the COVID-19 vaccine, speak with your
healthcare provider about more details and how
it may or may not affect your health. There may
be a series of blood testing they would recom-
mend you complete, to make sure your immune
system can successfully fight off the replicated
strain of virus in the vaccine. The strain is an en-
gineered copy of the virus, not the actual virus
itself. There are two leading companies at the
front of the race with the widely used vaccines,
which are Moderna and Pfizer. Both vaccines
require two doses and have minimal side effects.
Again, it is always in your best interest to con-
sult your primary care physician before taking
any new medications or vaccines. While speak-
ing with your doctor, be sure to inquire about all
routine testing and always know your status.

               Author: Kellie Dent
              Certified Phlebotomist

with Dr. Toni Dent-McNair
The right time to do something is when you look       to think about it. This is what I call being uncon-
around and realize that you are already naturally     sciously conscious 100% of the time. When one
doing it. Like, I am writing now. Not because I       achieves this, they are in alignment with all who
forced myself to pick up a pen and a pad but be-      they are. This is a good thing. For, it teaches us
cause I had an inspired thought that needed to be     that manifestation occurs on this realm because
immortalized. And, in doing so, I realized that it    we are engaged on that realm. Being uncon-
must be the right time to write.                      sciously conscious is a tool of the higher evolved
                                                      because its attainment is only achieved through
We must never force ourselves to do a thing.          advancing through higher levels, i.e. growth.
Force ruins natural harmony and therefore skews
our natural path. And hence, the natural out-         But, once attained, one flows effortlessly through
comes... The peaceful ones... The ones most in        life in unison with All. Life is blissful. Even dur-
alignment with who we are.                            ing times of outside force, it remains blissful to
                                                      those on this realm because they have learned
The act of knowing in full engagement what we         how to rise above.
are doing at a time is called Conscious Aware-
ness. Strive to be Aware of every action...every      We, as humans, must learn to become aware of
breath...every doing...every thought. Doing so,       every action so we may choose the action which
allows us to make decisions about these actions.      will create the best outcome. Continually doing
We realize that we can choose our actions in          this creates a series of outcomes that are goodly
each moment as opposed to ignorantly moving to        and right. These acts enhance our Soul and there-
society's rhythm.                                     fore, our growth onto a higher level. They will
                                                      improve your lives and, collectively, the world.
Knowing this helps us to choose rightly words
and actions all the time, until we no longer have     It is already occurring. Look around.
People are collectively better now than they have
ever been. So much so that those who thrive in
deception are glaringly being revealed. This is
because, collectively, the nation is rising above
deception as a character trait so, it clearly being

 Deception and those traits which follow a darker
spirit lie lower in the spectrum whereas as those
of Light and harmonic traits are higher. When we
are higher, we can see what's below. Like a bird's
eye view.

However, when we are low, we cannot see above
because we have not yet attained that level. So,
we can't understand that perspective yet. But,
Awareness helps us rise.

How to start?
At every moment ask yourself, what are you do-
ing now. Right now. Then continue that pattern
of thought for as long as you can. That is being
Consciously Aware. Do this until you don't have
to anymore...until you have done so for so long
that you know you would have made the same
choices whether you were conscious of them or
not. This is when you are living in true align-
ment with who you are. This is when the magic
happens because you are thoroughly aligned
with your desires because they are a part of who
you genuinely are. And since you live in align-
ment, those things that are aligned with you will
find you.

Some call this God's Blessings. I call it a deep
connection with an energetic higher dimension. I            Dr. Toni Dent-McNair, Metaphysicist
                                                         Executive Director, Forward Progression LCS
believe it is our connection with something more             Author, Chronicles to Enlightenment
advanced than what we physically see; God, the
Universe, the Akashic Field...call it what you                    www.tonidentmcnair.com
want...that creates the "blessings" or the manifes-
tations. Either way, it's energetically based and
the way to overcome our human misery and be-
come triumphant. Peace, Friends.

Beauty & Fashion

2020 was one heck of a year as we all know                 people are learning to adapt and make the most
from a pandemic and racial inequality. We have             of their situations. I mean people are learning
learned more about racial inequities and racism            new trades and increasing their education on
against blacks than what was in the textbooks.             running small businesses. I have also taken this
We have learned through social media how some              opportunity to research info regarding pedicures
of our friends and family thoughts and ideas on            and small businesses, I have not been doing
racial inequalities are. We have lost or fallen out        many manicures and full sets lately I have been
with plenty of friends and family over these ide-          doing a lot more pedicures.
as of racial inequalities and how they really feel.
                                                           Pedicures if done right can be the entry way to
  2020 was a year where some white people felt             heaven (LOL); they can be the wind down after
more comfortable expressing their hate for black           work before you get home. Pedicures are under-
people and felt they were more than entitled to            valued by a lot of people, especially men. A
physically harm and destroy black people. 2020             pedicure is more than painting your toenails;
was also a year where we had to endure and still           they will have you more invested in your foot
are in the midst of a pandemic; we have continu-           care with proper maintenance and care. You can
ally hearing about the people that are losing their        learn some do’s and don’ts about your feet. I
lives and way of living. All I know everything is          am aware that it has come to be that time of year
crazy and out of whack instead of things going             where people trade in their sandals for boots and
back to normal (whatever that may be now)                  other closed in shoes with warm and cozy socks,
you all tuck your feet away in        natural pedi-
some hot and sweaty environ-          cure or foot
ment all because of winter.           soaks with
                                      basic service;
Well unless you are living in         two, you can
Florida or on some tropical is-       seek medical
land you do not have to worry         advice if need-
about wearing boots. What I           ed for antifun-
am really trying to say is that       gal treatments
the winter months are some of         and regimens
the best times that you can real-     that you can
ly get into the groove of proper-     take to your
ly taking care of your feet. You      pedicurist.
know just how you work out            Three, you can
and want that summertime fine         wear proper fit-
body or that body that looks          ting shoes.
                                                                        to the doctor and ask them
good when naked do the same           Foot massages and keeping
                                                                        questions as well unless it is
for your feet. It is a nice feeling   them moisturized also helps. A
                                                                        something more on a medical
to know that you are able to          massage helps with circulation
                                                                        professional level or concern.
wear for feet out without being       and tired feet and moisturizing
                                                                        If you have concerns, ask your
embarrassed or trying to cover        them keeps you from shred-
                                                                        pedicurist if they know of any
bad looking toenails with nail        ding up those bed sheets and
                                                                        good podiatrist, they can refer
polish. It is a few things that       cutting up your boo while you
                                                                        you to or offer you some good
you can do to properly maintain       all trying to cuddle, plus they
                                                                        tips on proper at home care.
 foot and nail health while the       just feel so darn good.
                                                                        When first starting working af-
cold weather hangs around for a
                                                                        ter I finished school I worked at
bit. One, you can enjoy a             Pedicures are like nice warm
                                                                        a day spa as a nail tech only I
                                                  and bubbly bub-
                                                                        had a customer come in and she
                                                  ble baths for your
                                                                        have these huge calluses on the
                                                  feet only; they can
                                                                        bottom of both of her feet.
                                                  help eliminate the
                                                                        They were hard to treat because
                                                  stress from a long
                                                                        of the working limits within the
                                                  day of walking or
                                                                        spa but I did my best and gave
                                                  standing at work.
                                                                        her proper advice and told her
                                                  Pedicures can
                                                                        that flip flops are not the best
                                                  range from medi-
                                                                        every day shoes.
                                                  cal to just relaxa-
                                                  tion. When you
                                                                        So, to go along with having
                                                  are getting a pedi-
                                                                        nice looking feet and toes you
                                                  cure, you should
                                                                        need to make sure you are
                                                  be able to ask
                                                                        wearing the proper fitting
                                                  your tech any type
                                                                        shoes. I know I am not the on-
                                                  of questions re-
                                                                        ly that has read on antifungal
                                                  garding your feet
                                                                        instructions that you need to
                                                  and toenails. Just
                                                                        change your socks to cut down
                                                  like when you go
                                                                        on the sweating and prolonging
of the fungus. Yeah, I am not really good at          I say to do these things not because they feel
following directions. But I do what I need to         good but being able to properly take care of
be able to wear my toes out without having to         your feet will mean a whole lot when the weath-
put on polish to cover up something or even           er is right, and you see those nice sandals you
worse putting on polish and it shows your im-         want to wear. I to have dealt with issues with
perfections on your nails. Shoes that do not          my own feet and toenails and through some trial
have a proper fit can cause so many problems          and error I have healed myself and made my
for your feet. You can develop corns and cal-         feet and toes summertime fine. I scrub my feet
luses; you can develop fungus and ingrown toe-        every night in the shower if needed so I am no
nails. From some of the YouTube videos I have         longer sounding like I am cutting the threads on
watched ingrown toenails and calluses are noth-       my sheets. I am so thankful that I have not ever
ing to play with. So, you should really think         had an issue with foot odor. Just take it from
about giving pedicures a chance and add them          me do not under-estimate a pedicure it can
to your nail care regimen. I have talked a few        change you in so many ways you could not im-
men into getting them and if I were able to, I        agine.
would get them to validate my suggestion.

I’ve spoke before on supporting minority and
black owned businesses. You have bad experi-
ences but that is anywhere instead of giving up
on them return giving them service like you
would the big chain businesses that are rude to
you. You may find some that are reasonably
priced you may find some that are not within
your price range. But you must understand they
want to give the best customer service that they                     Author: Alicia Carter
can so they invest in what they feel are the best                     Licensed Nail Tech
products for their budget. Many small busi-
nesses including nail and spa salons that are
black owned research products that are made
for black/deep tone complexion. That goes
from facial cleanser to sunscreen. Most of these
black own nail/spa businesses try to invest in
letting their black community know that it is ok
to come in and get pampered and not be rushed.
They invest in pleasing the customer whether
you return or not.

It all comes down to what your preferences and
excuses are. I believe in supporting black own
businesses and it is a good feeling when I see
this type of effort. Where do you stand? When
do you feel enough is enough and how to do
speak on racial inequalities within your com-
munity by business owners who are not black?

Texture Talk: 4 Protective Hairstyles
That Will Give Natural Hair Life

Through all the twist-outs, wash-and-gos and            conditioning and using a light leave-in condi-
high puffs in my six years of being natural, pro-       tioner. Next, it’s important to choose a style
tective styles that use synthetic or human hair         compatible with your hair texture and density
extensions reign supreme as my favorite way to          (the number of individual strands per square
style my afro-textured hair and help it thrive.         inch on your head). If your hair is fine and low
                                                        density, you risk breakage with a heavy style.
From cold winter air to wet summer humidity,            And when done the right way, protective styles
protective styles tuck your own hair away from          shouldn’t hurt you or your head, so avoid styles
the elements, encouraging growth and moisture           that are too tight, which can cause headaches
retention. They also prevent product overload           and traction alopecia.
and keep your hands out of your hair which
helps avoid breakage, says Zaynab Logun, a              With this in mind, we’ve rounded up four popu-
stylist in Edmonton who is known for her pro-           lar added-hair protective styles to consider for
tective styles that incorporate extensions. In-         your next in-salon appointment and the key
stalling may be time-consuming at the get-go,           need-to-knows for each.
but adding in hair is key to making protective
styles long-lasting and low-maintenance, which
will make your morning routine a breeze. “With
                                                                 BOX BRAIDS
extensions, a hairstyle can last up to six to eight
weeks,” says Glenna Sandy, a Toronto-based
stylist who has been styling natural hair for over
15 years.

But here’s the thing: Sandy says people can
make the mistake of turning to these styles when
their hair is too fragile to support the added hair,
so to avoid damage, make sure your hair is well-
moisturized and fairly healthy before trying
them out. Logun and Sandy recommend prep-
ping your hair by washing and deep

Box braids are three strand braids that get their      Senegalese twists are a two-strand braiding tech-
name from the square parting that is often used        nique that takes extension hair and twists it to-
when doing the style, but they can refer to any        gether with your natural hair from the root. Tra-
parting shape. Classic box braids involve part-        ditionally kanekalon extensions are used for a
ing a section of hair, wrapping extension hair         silkier finish but the same technique can be done
around it and braiding the extension hair with         using kinkier textures of synthetic hair, often
your own. A variation of this style are knotless       called marley hair. A variation of this style
braids, where the braid starts with your own hair      are passion twists which are done with curly syn-
and extension hair is then fed in as you braid.        thetic hair, creating a textured look. Passion
This particular style is low-tension, lightweight      twists can be installed by crocheting; taking pre-
and currently Logun’s best selling hairstyle. For      twisted hair and using a crochet tool to loop and
both styles, a smooth synthetic hair like kaneka-      tie the twist into single braided or cornrowed
lon is used.                                           hair. Crochet styles provide low-tension and
                                                       lightweight alternatives to traditional twists.
Chair time: This style typically takes three to
six hours to install depending on the size and         Chair time: Generally two to six hours.
                                                       Life span: Senegalese twists lasts six to eight
Life span: Box braids last six to eight weeks          weeks but passion twists typically last only three
with proper care.                                      weeks because of the hair texture.

At-home maintenance: Sandy recommends                  At-home maintenance: Unlike braids, your hair
spritzing your scalp with rose water daily to hy-      is less secure and washing it will cause your hair
drate and clear buildup, and oiling your scalp         to stick out from the style, so stick to oiling your
once a week to keep it moisturized. Both hair          scalp and spraying rose water to keep buildup at
experts like castor oil. If you wash your braids,      bay.
use a clarifying shampoo but skip conditioner,
as it’s hard to rinse out and it can cause buildup.
Tying your hair up and covering it with a silk or
                                                                  FAUX LOCS
satin scarf or a bonnet while you sleep will keep
your braids fresh.


                                                        Meant to imitate natural locs, faux locs are cre-
                                                        ated by wrapping hair, often marley, around
                                                        braided sections until the entire braid is hidden.
                                                        Faux locs are a higher-tension style, so if you
                                                        have fine hair, crochet locs are a good alterna-
                                                        tive. These employ the same technique as cro-
                                                        chet twists and take less time to install.
Chair time: Faux locs can take five to 10 hours     At-home maintenance: Faux locs can’t be
depending on the length and hair used. For cro-     washed so stick to the same scalp cleaning and
chet locs, it takes about two to four hours.        moisturizing methods, like rose water and castor
Life span: This style can last up to two and a      oil. If you have issues with buildup, Logun sug-
half months, but beware of keeping it in too long   gests using a face towel to scrub your scalp with
as the take-down process becomes harder.            shampoo and then using a wet towel to clean

                                                         Fulani braids are named after the traditional
                                                         cornrow styles of the Fulani people, who live
                                                         mainly in West Africa. Using kanekalon hair,
                                                         this braiding technique incorporates smaller
                                                         cornrow patterns divided in the centre, as well
                                                         as cornrows braided towards the front at the
                                                         sides of your head. Sandy notes that language
                                                         is fluid and stylists define Fulani braids differ-
                                                         ently, so make sure to find an inspirational
                                                         photo of the style you want.
                                                         Chair time: Three to five hours.
                                                         Life span: You’re looking at about three
                                                         weeks before your cornrows begin to frizz.
                                                         At-home maintenance: Any water will con-
                                                         tribute to aging the style faster, so skip the rose
                                                         water spray for this style and just oil your
                                                         scalp. The cornrows allow your scalp to
                                                         breathe and be easily moisturized. As always,
                                                         cover your hair when you sleep to help prolong
                                                         the style.

                                                         Courtesy of www.fashionmagazine.com/face-body/texture-talk-


With 2021 trudging along the way it is, our fashion choices
can and should be intentional. A handbag can be our most          Love, Cortnie
prized possession, a piece of art, or the everyday tote you re-
ly on more than your BFF. The things we carry hold weight,
both literally and emotionally, so make it a priority to diver-
sify your closet. Black people matter and so do the business-
es they own. We’ve rounded up 30 Black-owned handbag
brands to know, support, and love. From fashion-industry
favorites like Brother Vellies to indie brands you should be
paying attention to, click through our gallery and remember
to #BuyBlack.

        Mateo                          Amina Iris                 Petit Kouraj

                       AND BEYOND

Yvonne Koné          Agnes Badoo                Ashya

 Blackwood            Anima Iris           Brother Vellies

   AAKS               Asata Maisé             Kimora

                          AND BEYOND

                          Jumz                Love, Cortnie
     Edas               Accessories

Haiti Design Co.        Kayadua

   Helmer                Kintu
                        New York

                                           Article courtesy of


Senegal Erupts in Protests, With a Rape Charge Only
the Spark
DAKAR, Senegal — The most         In the residential neighborhood        The arrest of the opposition
widespread demonstrations in      of Medina, a police van accel-         leader, Ousmane Sonko, on
Senegal in years continued for    erated into a cluster of protest-      Wednesday was the trigger for
the third day on Friday, an ex-   ers, almost running them over.         Senegalese young people, many
pression of anger at the presi-   In Ngor, a fishing village abut-       of whom support Mr. Sonko, to
dent, Macky Sall, and outrage     ting the city’s fanciest district,     take to the streets. Mr. Sonko,
at the arrest of the country’s    protesters lit fires in the streets.   who came in third in the 2019
leading opposition figure, who   One person died on Thursday             presidential elections, has been
has been accused of rape.        when security forces used live          accused of raping a young
In Dakar, the capital, crowds of ammunition on protesters in             woman who worked in a mas-
young people threw stones at     Bignona, a town in the coun-            sage parlor.
the police, who were firing tear try’s south, according to the hu-
gas.                             man rights organization Amnes-
                                 ty International.

Independent Rights Experts                              Nearly 30 independent experts appointed by the
                                                        UN Human Rights Council are calling for the
Urge US to Address                                      United States to reform its criminal justice sys-
Systemic Racism and                                     tem in the wake of a recent spate of killings of
                                                        African Americans, including at the hands of the
Racial Bias                                             police.
n a statement issued on Friday,     Killings evoke lynching            Double standards
they urged the US authorities       The UN human rights experts        “Statements from the US Gov-
to address systemic racism and      charged that these killings in-    ernment inciting and threaten-
racial bias, and to conduct in-     volved impunity, disregard or      ing violence against protesters
dependent investigations into       depravity toward human life,       stand in stark contrast to calls
cases of excessive use of force     and the use of public spaces to    for leniency and understanding
by police officers.                 assert racial control, with each   which the Government had is-
                                    characteristic of a modern-day     sued in the wake of largely
“The origin story of policing in    lynching.                          white protests against COVID-
the United States of America                                           19 restrictions on services like
starts with slave patrols and so-   “The latest videos to surface      barbershops, salons, and spas”,
cial control, where human           showing white men chase, cor-      they said.
property of enslavers was           ner, and execute a young man       Furthermore, the decision to
‘protected’ with violence and       who was out jogging, or show-      deploy military force against
impunity against people of Af-      ing an officer kneeling with       protestors “involves legal in-
rican descent. In the US, this      his weight on a man’s neck for     struments used primarily
legacy of racial terror remains     eight minutes shock the con-       against people of African de-
evident in modern-day polic-        science and evoke the very ter-    scent, but rarely in their de-
ing”, they said.                    ror that the lynching regime in    fense in similar situations.”
                                    the United States was intended     They added that these incidents
The experts, who investigate        to inspire”, they said.            are unfolding in the context of
human rights violations – ei-       “Given the track record of im-     the COVID-19 pandemic
ther concerning specific coun-      punity for racial violence of      which has disproportionately
tries or thematic issues — con-     this nature in the United          impacted people of African de-
demned the killings in Febru-       States, Black people have          scent, who are at greater risk of
ary and March of Ahmaud Ar-         good reason to fear for their      the disease.
bery, and Breonna Taylor, and       lives.”                            The 28 experts who signed the
on 25 May, of George Floyd,                                            statement were appointed by
whose death while in police         With millions of Americans         the UN Human Rights Council:
custody ignited on-going pro-       taking to the streets, the ex-     either as Special Rapporteurs
tests across the USA and in         perts also expressed concern       or members of various Working
many cities worldwide.              about police response to these     Groups.
Mr. Arbery, 25, was fatally         protests.                          They are neither UN staff
shot by three white men while                                          members nor are they paid by
jogging near his home, while        They said demonstrations have      the Organization.
Ms. Taylor, also 25, was shot       been marked by violence, arbi-
in her bed when police raided       trary arrest, militarisation and
                                    the detention of thousands of        Source: Independent rights ex-
the wrong house.
                                                                         perts urge US to address systemic
Mr. Floyd, 46, died after he        protesters. Journalists of col-
                                                                         racism and racial bias | | UN News
was apprehended by police in        our have also been targeted
                                                                         Article courtesy of:
Minneapolis on accusations of       and detained, some of whom           www.thenubiannews.com/2020/1
using a counterfeit bill. Video     have faced violence and har-         0/14/independent-rights-experts-
of an officer kneeling on his       assment.                             urge-us-to-address-systemic-
neck, while three others partic-
ipated and observed, sparked
outrage across the globe.

Rastafarians in Caribbean Skeptical
about COVID Vaccine
Several members of the Rastafari community in       and probably the life of my generation, my
the Caribbean are not keen on taking the            seed... my seed’s seed. There is too much un-
COVID-19 vaccine.                                   known about the vaccine for us to take it.”

They explained why during The Marcia Weekes
show entitled ‘Rastafari Speaks’ where the top-
ics of the COVID-19 vaccine, agriculture and
marijuana were discussed.
                                                    Quilin Fekerte Selassie also known in Mak-
COVID-19 and the vaccine                            ers circles as Empress Q in Trinidad and Toba-
Concerns about taking the COVID-19 vaccine          go, says the reported side effects
surrounded not knowing much about its ingre-        of previous vaccines over the years on children
dients or the possible long terms effects           is of concern as well.
from taking the vaccine.
                                                    She said: “As Rastafari we have deep seated sus-
Reverend Kwame Kamau from Trinidad and              picions of these people who come and say that
Tobago who gave his thoughts on the issue           what they want is to bring a cure or some medic-
said: “We do not want to put anything in our        inal intervention when what we know it is an in-
system that could contaminate or in any way         dustry, it is a money-making industry.”
bring us away from our levity, our natu-
ral element.”                                       Adeyemi Hinds from Barbados, who is an Afri-
                                                    can Centered social and cultural activist
Ras Simba from Barbados, a member of the Af-        said: “We cannot simply accept it and me on a
rican Heritage Foundation said fertility            personal level I can’t because it's not natural. For
is a major issue for the community: “I have to      a long time, my body tells me what’s best for
ask myself am I willing to play with my life        me, my spirit tells me what’s best for me.”

Agriculture and Cannabis                                 Cultural activist Adeyemi Hinds added that in
                                                         the Caribbean ganja fields are being burnt
When the coronavirus hit the Caribbean many
                                                         while it has become a billion-dollar indus-
tourism-dependent islands felt the
                                                         try abroad.
sting with calls for backyard farming becoming
a buzzword again. For the Rastafari
                                                         With COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out in
community, agriculture is nothing new.
                                                         many countries around the world, experts in the
                                                         research and treatment of deadly viruses in the
Ras Simba from Barbados said: “Long time
                                                         Caribbean say strongly-held myths could threat-
Rastafari tell them tourism woulda flop, that it
                                                         en the take up of the vaccine in the region.
was unwise to put all your eggs in one basket.”
                                                         The view that vaccines cause autism, make men
                                                         sterile and are developed to destroy the black
It was also explained that agriculture is not just
                                                         race are some of the myths that should be ad-
about food production but there are also other
                                                         dressed before the roll out of the vaccine in the
industries where materials could be produced.
                                                         region expected next year, the experts say.
Ras Simba noted that cannabis is part of I
and I’s health regime and there is the miscon-
                                                             Source: www.loopjamaica.com/content/rastafarians-
ception that when one speaks                                 caribbean-sceptical-about-covid-vaccine-2
about cannabis, it’s only about smoking.                     Source: www.loopjamaica.com/content/rastas-say-
Reverend Kwame Kamau said cannabis is a
healing sacrament, a means to be healed of
body, mind and spirit: “With cannabis and hemp
we can resuscitate the Barbados economy, the
Trinidad economy, the Jamaican economy all
the economies.”

                                                             Royals' Comments Raise
                                                             Race Issue in Common-
                                                             wealth Nations

  In countries with historic ties to Britain, allega-        expose more rifts in the royal family. Now it
  tions by Prince Harry and Meghan that an un-               seems to be risking divisions within the “family"
  named member of the royal family had                       of the Commonwealth — an association of 54
  “concerns” over how dark their unborn baby’s               countries, most of them former British colonies,
  skin might have raised a thorny question: Do               held together by historic ties. For decades,
  those nations really want to be so closely con-            Queen Elizabeth II has been the driving force be-
  nected to Britain and its royal family anymore?            hind the Commonwealth.
  It was expected the interview would
In Kenya, a former colony            happens to be the head of         “opens our eyes further” on the
where a young Princess Eliza-        state, the king or queen of the   merits of the Commonwealth,
beth was visiting in 1952 when       UK, automatically our head of     wrote Nicholas Sengoba, a
she learned about the death of       state?”                           newspaper columnist in the
her father and thus that she         The value of the Common-          former colony of Uganda.
would become queen, news of          wealth has been debated be-
the interview also has begun         fore, with critics questioning    He cited “unresolved issues”
appearing in the country's           if                                in his country relating to the
newspapers.                          countries and people once         abuses of colonialism and
                                     colonized —                       questioned whether the heads
“We feel very angry seeing our                                         of Commonwealth countries
fellow African sister being har-     And even oppressed —              should still be “proud to eat
assed because she is black,"         should remain in such an as-      dinner” with members of the
said Nairobi resident Sylvia         sociation with a former colo-     British royal family, consider-
Wangari, referring to Meghan.        nizer. Its stated aim is to im-   ing the accusations.
She added that Kenyans in            prove international relations,
1952 did not show Elizabeth          but Britain’s relationship with   Meghan, who is biracial,
“any racism, and she stayed          the members has been cloud-       had said in the interview that
here without us showing her
any discrimination.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau declined to comment
on the interview. He said many
institutions in Canada are built
around colonialism and sys-
tematic racism, including Par-
liament, and he said the answer
is to listen to Canadians who
face discrimination so

After the TV interview, shown        ed by diplomatic missteps and     an unidentified member of the
in the US on the eve of Com-         the legacy of the empire. In a    royal family had raised
monwealth Day, former Aus-           speech to mark Common-            “concerns” about the color of
tralian Prime Minister Malcolm       wealth Day on Monday, the         her baby with Harry when she
Turnbull cited it as another rea-    queen spoke of “the spirit of
son for the country to sever its     unity.”                           was pregnant with her son,
constitutional ties to the British                                     Archie and that the palace
monarchy.                            Charismatic royals like Harry     failed to help her when she had
                                     and Meghan have been de-          suicidal thoughts.
“After the end of the queen’s        ployed in the past to Com-
reign, that is the time for us to    monwealth-related events          Buckingham Palace said Tues-
say: OK, we’ve passed that wa-       with young people, businesses     day the allegations of racism
tershed," Turnbull told Austral-     and volunteer groups.             by Harry and Meghan were
ian Broadcasting Corp. "Do we                                          “concerning” and would be ad-
really want to have whoever          But their interview this week     dressed privately by the royal

Reaction to the interview was especially fierce
in Africa. It was encapsulated by one Twitter
user in South Africa who wrote: “It’s Britain
and the royal family. What did you expect?
They oppressed us for years.”

Meghan and Harry traveled to South Africa in
2019, where their impending split with the roy-
al family became clearer and they even spoke
                                                          Behind that whole elegant facade are thoughts
of possibly living in Cape Town.
                                                          that are not so elegant.” said fashion writer
                                                          Meenakshi Singh.
Mohammed Groenewald, who showed them
around at a mosque in Cape Town, was still di-
                                                          Lawyer Sunaina Phul said the Commonwealth
gesting the interview, which was only shown in
                                                          “is relevant to the royal family, of course, be-
South Africa on Monday. But he said that,
                                                          cause it shows that they ruled so many places. I
more than anything, it sparked memories of
                                                          don’t know why we are still a part of it.”
“British colonial racism.”
“It comes out very clearly,” he said. that insti-
                                                          Meghan and Harry's complaints of racism show
tutions can be fixed.”
                                                          that it is time for her country to end its relation-
                                                          ship with the royal family, said a retired profes-
“The answer is not to suddenly toss out all the
                                                          sor in Kingston, Jamaica.
institutions and start over,” Trudeau said.
“I wish all the members of the royal family all
the best, but my focus is getting through this
pandemic. If people want to later talk about
constitutional change and shifting our system
of government that’s fine, and they can have
those conversations, but right now I’m not hav-
ing those conversations.”

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the opposition New
Democratic Party, said the monarchy "is in no
way beneficial to Canadians in terms of their
everyday life."

"And with the systematic racism that we’ve
seen, it seems to be in that institution as well,”
he said.

The interview was not shown on TV in India,
the Commonwealth’s most populous member
country with 1.3 billion people, but it still was
                                                              Source: www.loopjamaica.com/content/royals-
covered by the media and drew negative reac-                  comments-raise-race-issue-commonwealth-nations-2
tions from the public toward the royals.

Home & Family

The Underdog, The Pivot
In this time of the Pandemic, we are between               items on the path to healthy. These products are
rising numbers of people being diagnosed and               not overly processed, or even processed at all.
the cure. So, we have become more conscious
of our eating and what we use to make the                  Now you are saying to yourself “ you are talking
meals. Our choices have become more natural                healthy, how do you do that in baking ?” easy
or fresh instead of fast food and quick made               you Pivot, you find alternate items that will still
meals, stacked, and packed with preservatives              satisfy that sweet tooth without being too sweet.
we do not need. It is understandable that it has
been stressful, and the bad stuff always makes             In baking there is always some sort of sugar that
us feel good. But we must take care of our-                is apart of the recipe . Demerara sugar is an ex-
selves and each other. How and what we eat is              cellent way to pivot in baking. It is an excellent
great way to start.                                        alternative item that is healthier for you. Now
                                                           Demerara sugar is defined as:
Scratch cooking is a remedy to this. Not only
does it hone your skills in the kitchen, but it al-        A natural, unrefined can sugar, brown in color
lows you to share special moments with the                 less moisture that the normal brown sugar
ones you love. Making a cake or cookies togeth-            (which more of a molasses kick to it).
er created memories that can last a lifetime.              It is a rough /coarse sugar.

By using fresh produce, meat, dairy and Non-
GMO grains or Organic items are the right
When using it in a recipe it is 1 to 1 , mean-
ing 2 cups of granulated or brown sugar = 2
cups of Demerara Sugar . Please note that              Cheers to you … Enjoy!
the Demerara sugar will have to be ground
down to an almost super fine powder, due to
the fact that the coarse granules will not melt
like regular sugar.

You can have your cake or in this cake cook-
ies and eat them too!!!

          Sjana Venson, Executive Chef

Kidz Corner

5 Reasons HBCUs Are Still Relevant
       As college enrollment numbers rise, with      As a result, it’s been suggested that HBCUs are
Black college students at their highest enroll-      no longer relevant and their purpose is now out-
ment levels ever, the role of Historically Black     dated and unnecessary for the students who used
Colleges and Universities, or HBCUs, have            to depend on their offerings. With respect to the
come into question. Before 1964, and even as         many quality non-HBCU higher education insti-
recently as two decades ago, an increase in the      tutions, I’d argue that HBCUs are more relevant
number of Black young adults with college aspi-      than ever and are in many ways even MORE
rations would have been welcome news for             necessary than their counterparts. Here’s why:
                                                     HBCUs are still havens for the disadvan-
Today, more Black college students do not auto-      taged. The achievement gap in K-12 learning
matically translate into higher enrollment num-      may be narrowing, but it is still exists. Even mi-
bers at HBCUs because the college landscape          nority students who end up graduating from high
has changed so drastically since the golden days     school drop out of college at higher rates than
of these institutions. Diversity recruitment pro-    their white peers. While all types of colleges are
grams on traditional campuses, the ease of           picking up on this weakness and looking for
online degree programs, and the rising credibil-     ways to retain students, many HBCUs stand out
ity and offerings at community colleges have         as examples of how to succeed at having stu-
eclipsed the cornered market that was once en-       dents return after freshman year. A U.S. News
joyed by HBCUs when it comes to enrolling            ranking lists Spelman College (at 88 percent re-
Black and other minority students.                   tention), Morehouse College (82.5 percent),

Howard University (82.3 per-         HBCUs are also proving to be      top engineering schools among
cent), Florida A&M University        thought leaders when it comes     HBCUs – they are among the
(79.5 percent) and Winston-          to advancing rights for Lesbi-    best in the nation. Spelman Col-
Salem State University (78.3         an, Gay, Bisexual and             lege is the second largest school
percent) as the top five HBCUs       Transgender students, with        in the nation that sends Black
for having students return to        Morehouse College offering        undergraduates on to medical
campus after freshman year.          its first LGBT course this past   school. Jackson State Universi-
                                     spring.                           ty receives the highest amount
As a comparison point, the top                                         of HBCU federal research fund-
10 predominantly white institu-      HBCUs are blazing STEM            ing every year, at $68 million,
tions, or PWIs, had retention        trails. Many HBCUs are pow-       and is known for its “research
rates that ranged from 97.5 to 99    erhouses when it comes to of-     intensive” programs.
percent – BUT the retention          fering strong degree programs
numbers for minority students        in science, technology, engi-     Claflin University students
was lower. The campus culture        neering and math. HBCUs are       work alongside the South Caro-
and student-centric programs at      important hubs for developing     lina Center for Biotechnology
these PWIs are stellar but it also   the greatest STEM minds in        and receive hands-on industry
stands to reason that the stu-       the nation, with 65 percent of    training and connections in the
dents attending top PWIs, like       all Black physicians and half     field long before graduation.
Brown University and the Uni-        of all Black engineers gradu-     Xavier University of Louisiana
versity of Notre Dame, are pre-      ating from HBCUs. The             has a consistently top-ranked
disposed to staying in college       Tuskegee University College       pharmacy program and is a
anyway – while HBCUs have            of Engineering and Alabama        sought out school for those
many more obstacles to over-         A&M University of College         hoping to advance to medical
come when convincing and en-         Engineering, Technology and       school. Florida A&M Universi-
couraging their attendees to stay.   Physical Sciences are not just    ty consistently ranks at the top

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