Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!

Page created by Dale Frazier
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!

            Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
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The Townhouse in Portrush
A homely hostel in the surf friendly seaside town
Located in the heart of              When you look around The           it’s something a bit special too.
Portrush, within salt air sniffing   Townhouse it’s easy to see
distance of the sea, The             the guests point of view. The      ‘Lots of people say they don’t
Townhouse is a hostel like any       rooms are clean, white, and        think it’s like other hostel,’
other.                               spacious, full of colourful art    Frankie says. ‘To me it’s just
                                     and bedspreads. They look          like the hostels that Andy and I
Or, at least, that’s what            like more like something you’d     used to stay in.’
proprietor, and local artist,        see as aspirational decor in
Frankie Hill, whose husband          a lifestyle magazine than a        Those hostels, in fact, are
Andy runs the Troggs Surf            ‘as seen on TV’ hostel. The        why The Townhouse exists.
Shop opposite, claims. Her           Townhouse is also the first        Frankie and Andy travelled
guests usually disagree.             hostel in Ireland to get a 5*      the world - following the surf
                                     rating - so they obviously think   for him, finding new things to
                                                                        sketch and use in her artistic
                                                                        practice for her - and always
                                                                        stayed in hostels. They wanted
                                                                        to provide a similar quality of
                                                                        hospitality on the North Coast.

                                                                        The Townhouse was the
                                                                        perfect site for it: in the middle
                                                                        of Portrush, near the sea,
                                                                        and they already owned the
                                                                        building. It had been the Hill’s
                                                                        home, back before they’d had
                                                                        kids and moved to the country.
                                                                        Then it did duty as Frankie’s
                                                                        studio and gallery. When they
                                                                        decided to open the hostel, it
                                                                        changed roles yet again.

                                                                        ‘We’d not lived there for
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
TRAVEL                                     | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

eight years by then,’ Frankie                                          passion for the region makes
says. ‘So there wasn’t that con-   The Townhouse provides spa-         her a great tour guide as well.
nection anymore. The most dif-     cious accommodation, with a
ficult part was dealing with all   variety of different rooms avail-   ‘I love showing off our country,’
the red tape with the planning     able for different rooms. There     she says. ‘I help a lot of people
and the architecture.’             are dorm rooms, family rooms,       plan out their trips here. And
                                   and studio apartments.              I’ve kept in touch with a lot of
That was all nearly four years                                         our guests as well over the
ago now, with The Town-            ‘We have a lot of local families    years.’
house’s anniversary coming         who are regular customers,’
up in April. Since then The        Frankie says. ‘They come here       So, there’s something special
Townhouse has played host          to get away.’                       The Townhouse - although
to people from all around the                                          whether it’s the accommoda-
world - as can be seen from the    Guests at The Townhouse             tions or the charming host is up
map hung up in the hall.           don’t just get access to some       to the guests to decide.
                                   beautiful accommodations,
‘We tend to have trends in na-                                          http://portrushtownhouseac-
tionalities,’ Frankie says. ‘One   Frankie is also an active,                commodation.com/
year we get mostly Americans,      engaging hostess. She enjoys
another Canadians. In 2015, we     meeting all the different guests
mostly had visitors.’              from different country, and her
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
TRAVEL                                      | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

It’s the Titanic Wee Tram
Explore the Titanic in style with Chris Bennett
It has to be said, the Titanic     the Quarter from Titanic Belfast    worth, and help with getting the
Quarter is a bit...titanic - it    to Samson and Goliath.              Dock Market started too.
is the world’s largest urban-
waterfront regeneration. The       All thanks to Reverend Chris        All of which you’d think would
thought of walking around it       ‘I’m a Titanorak’ Bennett.          keep him busy enough. Thing
on your own - or even driving                                          is...’Being down here, I just
- can be a bit daunting. What      Chris came to the Quarter five      got more and more into the
if you walk into the wrong         years ago, when the Church          Titanic,’ Chris explains. ‘It just
building? Or park somewhere        made him the Titanic Quarter’s      gets under your skin.’
that you’re not meant to?          Chaplin and tasked him with
                                   fostering a community in the        So when he noticed that a lot
Thankfully, visitors don’t have    area. His commitment to that        of visitors to the Quarter only
to worry about that anymore,       has seen him found The Dock,        got as far as Titanic Belfast,
at least not on weekends. They     a popular, eclectically furnished   Chris wanted to do something
can just hop onto the ‘Wee         honesty coffee shop where you       to encourage them to venture
Tram’ and take a guided tour of    pay what you think the coffee is    further into the Quarter. An old
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
TRAVEL                                     | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

picture of the area from May       the famous ships were first        mouth to let people know
1911 gave him an idea.             launched into the water.           that it is there, Chris has had
                                                                      passengers from all over the
‘You can see the Titanic and       ‘Everything is marked on the       world. He’s got his fingers
SS Nomadic in the picture,’ he     ground, and it’s really clever,’   crossed that 2016 will see that
explains. ‘And a tram rattling     Chris says. ‘But it’s hard to      popularity continue.
down the middle of the road.       appreciate without some

That’s what was missing here,      explanation.’                      So if you’re heading down to
a tram.’                                                              the Titanic Quarter, why not
                                   Another popular location,          travel the way that the workers
The ‘Wee Tram’ is a hop            although not a stop, are           did and grab a seat on the Wee
on and off tour - although         Belfast’s famous cranes,           Tram?
Chris notes that about ¾ of        Samson and Goliath. The ‘Wee
his customers just enjoy the       Tram’ passes by the feet of the    http://www.theweetram.com/
full ride - that takes visitors    iconic landmarks, and it gives
on a figure-8 route around         passengers a great photo-
the Titanic Quarter. With AV       opportunity.
screens in each carriage and a
live guide, the tour takes in SS   ‘If we’re lucky, we’ll even see
Nomadic, Harland and Wolff         them move!’
Drawing Offices, T13, and          The ‘Wee Tram’ started last
more.                              year, and so far it has proved
Chris’s own favourite stop
is at the Slipways, where          Even with mostly word of
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
TRAVEL                                      | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Food         and Fun at Folktown Market
Belfast’s Thursday Market gets Ready for 2016

‘There’s nothing like a market       Although, Sophie’s version      the community development
to bring people to an area,’         of panic involved less          group and volunteered to
Sophie Rasmussen, the                running in circles, screaming   be part of the pilot scheme
organiser behind Belfast’s           and shouting, and more          for the Department for
nearly a year old Folktown           organising a concerted and      Social Development (DSD)
Market, says. She cracks a grin.     effective to revitalise the     regeneration scheme.
‘And I love markets.’                area. They helped to form

Along with her husband, Joby
Fox, Sophie has been front
and centre in the effort to
regenerate the Folktown area
since it started back in 2008.

They had opened an
independent arts venue in the
area ten years earlier, King
Street Arts, and fell in love with
it. The only thing is, that not
a lot of people know about or
know that Bank Square - where
the market is held - was even

‘It’s such an authentic Belfast
place,’ she says. ‘There are lots
of small indie shops and arts
studios. So when we heard talk
about knocking things down a
few years ago, we panicked.’
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
TRAVEL                                      | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Of course, the support from the     potato bread on site using an        The market has also helped
DSD was only for a limited time.    antique griddle, and a butcher’s     to connect Bank Square back
The market is a key part of their   stall selling venison and goat       to the City Centre. Before the
plans to continue to support        burgers among other things.          regeneration, Sophie notes, a
Folktown for the future.                                                 lot of people - even ones who’d
                                    ‘I’m vegetarian so I can’t say       been coming to Belfast all their
So far, things are looking good.    myself, but people tell me           lives - didn’t even know Bank
The market is one of only a         the goat burgers are divine,’        Square was there. They would
few weekly markets in Belfast       Sophie says. ‘That’s something       certainly never have dreamed
and its combination of fresh,       I’d love for the future, more        of going down the alleys.
local produce, artisan food, and    veggie foods on offer.’
crafts is drawing a new stream      Other stalls that come and go        Now, at least on market day,
of visitors to the Folktown area.   at the market have included the      they do. The result has been
                                    Blackbird homemade jewellery,        to give the neighbourhood a
Some of the regular stall-          the Belfast Soap Company,            whole new buzz, as well as
holders that you are likely         and - for one week - a book          generating good feedback from
to see at the market include        stall. (Looking at the pictures, I   the local shops and restaurants.
Paul Vickery serving coffee         will be keeping my eye out for
out of his vintage Citroen van,     some of that blackberry syrup!)      The market has been closed
the Krazi Baker who cooks                                                over Christmas, but is
                                                                         reopening in March and Sophie
                                                                         is already making plans for
                                                                         2016. In addition to running
                                                                         markets every week, she is
                                                                         hoping to do more night-time
                                                                         and season events.

                                                                         ‘Sometimes I feel like it’s
                                                                         always Thursday,’ Sophie
                                                                         admits with a laugh. ‘But all the
                                                                         hard work is worth it.’

Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
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The LegenDerry Food Festival
Taste triumphs in Londonderry
For two days in March - from
Saturday 19 - Sunday 20 - it
will all-food all-the-time in
Londonderry, as the aptly
named Legenderry Festival
kicks off at the Guildhall
Square and Festival Marquee.
There will be mussel tastings,
cookery demonstrations, and
lots of chances to sample the
various local produce and
products on offer.

The idea for the Legenderry
Festival came about during
the popular Flavours of the
Foyle festival, when Mary
Blake of Derry City and
Strabane Council and the other
organisers thought they should
celebrate more than just the
area’s seafood. They wanted to
celebrate all of the local food
and produce, from chocolate
to beef, poultry to bread.
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
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                                                                     Brian McDermott from RTE
                                                                     Food, and nutritionist Jane
                                                                     McClelland, along with dozens
                                                                     of other producers, chefs and

                                                                     There will be stalls selling
                                                                     fudge, Tamnagh cheeses
                                                                     and relishes, home-made
                                                                     butter, and a chance to try the
                                                                     Donegal Prime Fish’s new oak-
                                                                     dusted salmon - which Mary
                                                                     says is well worth your while.

                                                                     With everything that’s
                                                                     happening in the city, as well
                                                                     Legenderry Hall hosting over
                                                                     40 food stalls and chefs,
                                                                     there’s definitely something for
                                                                     every palate.

So a celebration of food that    on, ‘Local talent, not just big     2016 is the Year of Food
started with six bbqs and six    names,’ Mary says, pointing         and Drink. So why not try
chefs, the festival now has      out that Londonderry was            something new?
chefs doing demonstrations       runner up ‘Foodie Town’
across the city, hands-on        Ireland 2015. ‘Londonderry is
workshops, and brings in         a foodie destination of note in
36,000+ visitors                                 it’s own right.
to Londonderry.                                  We have chefs
All free of                                      winning awards
charge.                                          left, right , and
                                                 centre. Food
‘Everything is                                   tourism in Derry
local,’ Mary                                     makes sense.’
says. ‘There’s
lots of signage                                 The 2016
everywhere,                                     Legenderry
telling people                                  Food Festival
where                                           will have 22-40
everything                                      chefs cooking
comes from.                                     across the city
We want to                                      for two days,
change people’s                                 encouraging
shopping habits, to encourage    people to try new dishes and
them to go to farmer’s markets   find out about food. Emmett
and foodie markets.’             McCourt, author of acclaimed
                                 regional cookbook Feast or
The festival also concentrates   Famine, will be there, as will
Feb/March - Cover photo from Scarlet Louloubelle - SCENE!
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Coffee Corner
bob+berts give Starbucks a run for their money
Coffee lovers might have            customers can always have         one of their most iconic posts
seen a new challenger pop           their say too, whether in the     to date - ‘bob’s had a bash’ -
up among the familiar coffee        one of the cafes or on bob        recounts when a bloke broke
logos in town. bob & berts is       & berts thriving social media     in back in September to spend
a quirky, home-grown coffee         accounts.                         the night sleeping in the cafe.
shop from the North Coast,                                            Asked about bob & berts
providing strong coffee, good       ‘We’ve got...over 25,000          amazing success Leeann looks
food, and homemade desserts.        followers on Facebook,’           around. ‘I think it’s just a bit
From a single shop on Main          Leeann notes. The facebook        different,’ she says. ‘We’re a
Street in Portrush, opened in       is as quirky as the cafes, with   coffee shop that serves fresh
2013, bob & berts now boasts
ten locations across Northern
Ireland - with more to come.

Leeann Dallas, Operations
Manager of bob & berts,
credits her brother Colm with
the brand’s success.

‘Our family already had three
other coffee shops in town,’
she explains. ‘Then Colm
decided to open bob & berts
and it’s been mad since it

Most recently they opened
new locations in Bangor
and Lisburn, with four more
opening in early 2016. There’s
a waiting list of hopeful
franchisees who’d like to add
more locations to their list, but
bob & berts is careful about
who they add to their roster.

‘We could have a franchise
opening every day,’ Leeann
says. ‘But they have to be right
for us, for bob & berts.’
To make sure everyone stays
on the same page there
are weekly meetings, and
managers and staff get to voice
their ideas and feedback. The
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food, buns, and a great cooked     To date the success of bob          now we’ve decided it would be
breakfast. It’s always packed      & berts hasn’t impacted             best to stick close to home.’
in here, and there’s a great       negatively on the rest of the
atmosphere.’                       family businesses, with bob            http://bobandberts.com
                                   & berts attracting a different
All the food served in bob &       clientele to their other shops.
berts is cooked fresh, and the     In fact, so far the only brake on
traybakes and cakes - which        bob & berts success is that you
look delicious - are all ordered   can only visit one if you’re in
from the same local bakery         Northern Ireland. That, though,
to make sure there’s no slip       is a considered decision by the
in tastiness from one shop to      company.
                                   Leeann chuckles when asked
‘I go through wee phases with      about Colm’s plans for bob &
the food,’ Leeann laughs when      berts future expansion.
asked about her favourite. ‘At
the minute I love the French       ‘Oh, I think Colm wants to
Burger and Sweet Potato Fries.     take over the world,’ she
As for dessert, the red velvet     jokes. ‘Actually we have been
cake is gorgeous!’                 approached about opening
                                   branches in the UK, but for
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Belfast Baking Company
Best Bread in the Titanic Quarter
The Belfast Baking Company         How did you get into the           The Belfast Baking Company
has only been open a few           restaurant business?               is so well placed given the
months, but the restaurant -                                          passion people have for food
with its Belfast themed, classy-   I have always been passionate      and baking. We want to get
kitsch decor and unassailably      about food, from I was very        peoples baking juices flowing
good food - has already made       young. I spent eight years         with our amazing menus and
its mark on the Titanic Quarter.   working with Jonny Taylor who      gorgeous freshly made breads
With fresh baked bread, drool-     owns Flour Power, working in       and craft cakes.
worthy sweet treats, and a         the deli. We mainly focused on
bottomless well of enthusiasm      corporate clients across Belfast   The Bakery is open every day
from proprietors Paul and          and the wider area, and I was      from 8am so the smell of fresh
Sharon McDonald, the Belfast       always involved in the creative    bread baking permeates our
Baking Company is well on          side of menus and the actual       stunning premises overlooking
its way to being a must-stop       delivery. My husband owns          the marina.
bread shop for locals and          IES, so it’s hard not to have
visitors alike.                    the desire it create something     So how did the Belfast Baking
                                   amazing, which for me is the       Company turn from an idea into
Earlier this month NI Scene        Belfast Baking Company. It         a reality?
caught up with Sharon              epitomises everything I love
McDonald - co-owner and            about Belfast and good locally     We have been bubbling this
provider of the restaurant’s       sourced food.                      idea for over a year, and
unique culinary style.                                                working up the vision for
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baking brilliance. The site        excellent. They are creative,      Chef.
at the Arc, Titanic Quarter,       talented and really passionate
is perfect for us, as it is an     about baking and food. The         We are really keen to engage
excellent business and social      skills the students are bringing   with local food, so our menus
location, beside SSE Arena         to the bakery, and developing      have a seasonal feel and we
and the Titanic. So many           working with our head baker,       source from the best local
businesses like Citi Group,        John Halliday, are wonderful.      suppliers as much as possible.
and the local college Belfast      John has over 4 decades of
Metropolitan are here too, so      baking expertise and he is a       So far our clients are loving
we are in great company.           great master baker for us and      what we do – the restaurant,
                                   for the students.                  the bakery and the deli
The idea was to create a                                              sandwiches are all doing
bakery, deli and restaurant,       We really encourage the            very well. We are actually
bringing together wonderful        students to bring their            developing a Belfast Baking
talent, decades of baking          creativity to work, and we are     Company App to help make
experience with great food.        experimenting continuously         customer ordering easier,
We have handpicked a               with new products and ideas        as we understand how busy
passionate, experienced team,      for the baking company.            people are.
and work closely with Neil
Graham, Executive Chef, who        Did you enjoy creating the menu    How would you describe your
has years of food expertise.       for the Belfast Baking Company?    food?

Didn’t you hire on some students   We had so much fun creating        Our food is excellent, locally
straight from the Belfast Met?     the menu, as it’s a reflection     sourced from the best
                                   of the foods that we are           suppliers. Our menus are
This has been one our best         passionate about, and it was       well balanced, sandwiches sit
decisions yet. The students        excellent developing the           beside fresh soups and healthy
from Belfast Metropolitan are      menus with Neil, our Executive     lunches. We also create daily
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specials. Without sounding         We are neighbours and
cliché we have something for       business partners within a          NI Scene also had a chance
every taste.                       big Titanic Quarter family,         to have a quick chat with Paul
Working with Neil and John, we     and so we really just want to       McDonald while we were at
have decades of professional       settle and have an excellent        The Belfast Baking Company.
experience guiding our menu,       business here. We are already       Although Paul doesn’t share
and adding to this the students,   developing some exciting            Sharon’s background in the
we have a menu that is fresh       ideas about where we can take       baking trade, his enthusiasm
and exciting.                      the Belfast Baking Company          for the restaurant is boundless
                                   business and brand even             and irresistible.
Unique to the Belfast Baking       further, and we hope the
Company is that you can see        residents, businesses and           ‘I’m loving it,’ he says. ‘I want
our bakers at work, crafting       people around us will enjoy         the Belfast Baking Company to
superb bespoke cakes to            our food, location and lovely       become a tourist destination in
order, making fresh breads         atmosphere created in a live        its own right.’
and tasty treats every day, as     working bakery environment.
you while away some time in                                            Like Sharon he is also
the bakery. It’s actually quite    Make us mere food mortals           unstinting in his praise for the
therapeutic!                       feel better. Ever had a culinary    Belfast Met students who - as
                                   mishap in the kitchen?              we chat - are baking up a batch
What’s the one dish you’d                                              of macaroons in the kitchen.
recommend to anyone?               Every day! Like Michelangelo,
                                   I am always learning. I once        ‘If we had a bigger kitchen,
Without doubt an Ulster Fry        forgot to serve the Brussel         we’d hire more,’ he says. ‘They
as it is unique to here. The       sprouts with Christmas dinner,      have an unbelievable work-
combination of our own Belfast     and finding them later that         ethic and nothing is a hassle.’
Baking Company freshly baked       evening in another oven was
traditional potato bread and       pretty bad. Brussel sprouts         The blend of experienced
soda bread, sat beside free        have their unique sensory           bakers and young, enthusiastic
range eggs is amazing. Add to      experience, so a few hours to       students is also, Paul believes,
this locally produced Northern     rest didn’t help the aroma at       something that contributes to
Ireland pork sausages and          Christmas!                          the Belfast Baking Company’s
bacon bursting with flavour.                                           unique ethos and charm.
Alongside I would recommend        For purely selfish reasons, any
a mug of Suki Tea, which is        plans to add gluten-free or other   ‘It’s a blend of the traditional
also a local product, or our       -free items to the menu?            and the modern,’ he says.
very own Belfast Balking
Company blend of coffee            We are very conscious of food       Just like the Belfast Baking
created working in partnership     allergies with our team when        Company.
with Bewleys. A great start to     we are baking and creating
any occasion!                      menus. We cater for all
                                   major food intolerances here,
What do you have planned for the   just make sure and tell us
Belfast Bakery in 2016?            when you arrive so we can
                                   accommodate your needs.
For us it is very much about
being part of the Belfast          http://www.belfastbaking.com/
business and food landscape.
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Have a Crafty One
Hilden Brewery keeps on brewing on

Owen Hilden has hops in          interested in opening their own    their family home, they couldn’t
his blood. His family own        business, opening their own        just walk away if the business
and operate Hilden Brewery       craft brewery seemed to be the     failed.
in Lisburn, and have done        obvious choice. They were the
for over 30 years now. That      first in a new movement of craft   It wasn’t until the mid-90s that
doesn’t just make Hilden the     breweries that opened across       other breweries started to
oldest brewery in Northern       Northern Ireland at the time,      open again, and it was only in
Ireland, it makes it the first   although you’d be lucky to find    the last 6 or 7 years that craft
brewery in the area.             a bottle from any of those
                                 other breweries now.
When Owen was young, he
knew there was a degree in       ‘That was the first wave
brewing before he really knew    of breweries in Northern
what a degree was.               Ireland, and it almost
                                 entirely died out,’ Owen
‘My parents had been living      says. ‘Hilden was the only
in Kent and they’d developed     one who survived.’
a taste for traditional craft
beer,’ Owen explains, sitting    Owen attributes Hilden’s
in the modern, airy Tap Room     continued existence to
bar and restaurant attached      athe fact they employed
to the brewery. ‘When they       a different business
came back here they found        strategy. They were never
there wasn’t the same choice.    heavily indebted to banks,
Northern Ireland just had the    but they were committed
big breweries.’                  to the success of their
                                 business. The brewery
With his parents already         was based in the back of
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                                                 concerned, the
                                                 more interest        ‘I never know how to answer
                                                 there is in craft    that. Every beer’s the same.
                                                 beers, the more      It’s all made with hops, yeast,
                                                 their sales go up    barley, and water,’ Owen says.
                                                 and the more it      ‘The only unique thing is
                                                 drives product       in how the ingredients are
                                                 development.         treated. The unique thing isn’t
                                                                      the beer, it’s us. We have a
                                                  In fact, Owen       story to tell about the 30 odd
                                                  is hoping to        years we’ve been here.’
                                                  start working on
                                                  developing some     http://www.hildenbrewery.com/
                                                  new Hilden beers
                                                  soon. They’ve
beers in Northern Ireland really
                                   recently invested in a new
took off again.
                                   building for the brewery, with
                                   a new bottling line that will be
‘There’s 80 breweries in
                                   up and running by the end of
Northern Ireland now,’ Owen
says. ‘If you’d told me that
would happen two years ago, I
                                   The increase in production will
wouldn’t have believed you.’
                                   give him more time to work
                                   on new beers and develop
Of course, that means more
                                   the site. Although he baulks at
competition for Hilden, but
                                   saying why Hilden beers are
Owen doesn’t seem too ruffled
about that. As far as he is
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Shop Local, Eat Well
From burgers to French Rack, Baronscourt has
the game for you

Baronscourt Estate is located      When did Baron-
near Newtownstewart in the         scourt start selling
foothills of the beautiful Sper-   game?
rins in Co. Tyrone. The Estate                                    to Europe. In 2012 we con-
is a progressive and vibrant ru-   Baronscourt has been selling   ducted extensive research and
ral business that is involved in   game for many years mainly     created a business plan to en-
farming, forestry, food produc-    wholesale to game dealers      able us to sell game ourselves
tion, tourism and field sports.    who normally export the game   to our own clients. This started
                                                                  in earnest in 2013 and our
                                                                  products proved very popular
                                                                  with good quality restaurants
                                                                  and hotels in Northern Ireland.
                                                                  The rationale behind this was
                                                                  to develop our own relationship
                                                                  with customers and to provide
                                                                  these customers with what
                                                                  they wanted which is very high
                                                                  quality fine butchered game.
                                                                  In time we want to build on our
                                                                  food brand with other interest-
                                                                  ing and delicious products.

                                                                  What do you think are the
                                                                  reasons behind the rise in
                                                                  popularity of game?

                                                                  Game is a wonderful tasting
                                                                  and versatile seasonal food.
                                                                  The increase in popularity
                                                                  has been greatly assisted by
                                                                  television chefs such as Hugh
                                                                  Fearnely-Whittingstall and
                                                                  Jamie Oliver, who have been
                                                                  able to show us how easy and
                                                                  tasty it is to cook. Cooking
                                                                  game is actually really very
                                                                  easy, especially when you
                                                                  have been showed how and
                                                                  the simple key is not to over
                                                                  cook it!
Food                                       | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Another significant reason for
game’s rise in popularity is that
people want to eat locally pro-
duced and sourced food that
is also nutritious. Baronscourt
Estates game ticks all these

You have sika deer in the
estate, how are they different
from other deer?

Japanese sika deer differ from
red deer in terms of their size,
basically they have fairly small
frames. During the rut the sika
stags whistle rather than roar
like a red deer. Unlike red
deer, sika are not farmed so
their meat is only available from
a limited number of places.

With concerns rising about
the environmental impact
of high intensity farming, is
game a more sustainable
source of protein for people?

This is a very interesting ques-
tion and its arguments could
run into many pages. Game
is a very sustainable source
of protein but is highly limited
in terms of its production and
therefore limited in its scope to   year we count the number
feed great numbers of people.       of deer in order to create a       Has the recent weather
Game was an important source        cull target. If there are too      caused you any problems?
in our diet when we were            many deer they will browse
hunter gathers and it is wonder-    and damage the forestry and        The recent wet weather has
ful that we can still enjoy it.     damage farmers pasture land        made it harder to manage the
                                    this creates lasting economic      population but weather is a fact
How do you manage the               problems. What we strive for is    of life and something that we
population of deer on the           a balance with just enough deer    have to work with! The weather
Estate?                             to be carried on the available     will never be perfect so we just
                                    land for a healthy population of   have to adapt and work with
The wild deer on the Estate         deer.                              what we given.
do have to be managed. Each
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Of all the game products,
what is your favorite?

My favourite product is the
French Rack, as it looks beau-
tiful on the plate and tastes
sensational. My children love
the venison sausages and
burgers that are wonderfully
easy to cook and are also
eaten with relish.

To find out more go to http://

                                                       Photos and video thanks to
                                                       the Guild of Fine Food.
Food                                   | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Orchardacre Farm
Eat Healthy, Eat Happy
                                                                Unlike the fasting observed by
                                                                other societies
                                                                during their festive times, most
                                                                of us wait until the festivities
                                                                die down before we consider
                                                                fasting, detoxing or otherwise
                                                                applying a healthier lifestyle
                                                                once again.

                                                                So here we are in 2016 with an
                                                                urgent need to detox, shed a
                                                                few pounds, and generally get
                                                                a bit healthier again.

                                                                The Orchard Acre Farm
                                                                approach to healthy and
                                                                happy eating is to keep it
                                                                simple. For many, our lives are
                                                                anything but straight forward
                                                                thus making it harder to bring
                                                                about positive lifestyle change.

                                                                Here are a few simple foodie
                                                                things to get you closer to good

                                                                The key to long term success
                                                                is to integrate new food
                                                                changes (and exercise) into
                                                                your lifestyle. include the whole
                                                                family if you can.

                                                                The changes should only be
                                                                as big as you can cope with
                                                                and avoid complete overhaul
                                                                new diets (unless medically
                                                                prescribed). These reform type
                                                                diets are often doomed to fail
                                                                from the beginning and in my
                                                                opinion best avoided.

In these Northern regions      and eat and drink a little too   Here are some simple
of Europe winter drives us     much. It all seems to reach      approaches to a new and
indoors, where we have a       a climax over the Christmas      healthy you, with recipes to
tendency to do less exercise   period.
Food                                    | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

                                                                     chips or pizza AND chips.
                                                                     •   Serve peas including
                                                                         frozen; high in vitamins
                                                                         energy and fibre
                                                                     •   Add cooked or grated
                                                                         raw carrot to the plate
                                                                         alongside potato mash
                                                                     •   Reward yourself and
                                                                         others for eating new or
                                                                         additional veg with NON
                                                                         food rewards

                                                                     4. Put plain ordinary drinking
                                                                     water from the tap on the table.
                                                                     We all need to drink water, if
                                                                     your regular diet does not have
                                                                     5 or more portions of colourful
                                                                     fruit and vegetables daily,
                                                                     drinking water becomes even
                                                                     more important to ease food
                                                                     through the system.

                                                                     •   Avoid drinking juices with
                                                                         main meals, it’s just extra
help guide you.                   every meal. Humans have                unnecessary sugar
                                  always consumed vegetables,        •   Avoid juices made from
1. Add a detoxing juice to        fruits and nuts. So it stands to       concentrates
your breakfast time routine.      reason that this group of foods    •   If you enjoy alcohol with
Use fresh, local and seasonal     are really good for us. This is        meals , avoid consumption
ingredients; as they will have    easier that it sounds; even in a       for 2 days every week
maximum nutritional values.       modern world of ready-made.
                                                                     5. Choose potatoes over pasta
•   Green juices made             •   Serve raw carrot or red        (and that’s not just the farmer in
    from any member of                pepper sticks with dinner      me!). Potatoes
    the cabbage family are        •   Serve sliced apple or pear
    detoxing                          with breakfast                 are just excellent food. Not
•                                 •   Serve a small salad with       only do they give you energy,
•   If time is short in the           lunch (and please not          but one portion of spuds can
    morning, why not make             those covered in mayo!)        provide you with ½ of you daily
    juice the night before and    •   Consider using lentil based    needs of vitamin C along with a
    heaven and just store             or lentil enhanced dishes      host of other beneficial minerals
    in the fridge. It retains         more often.                    and vitamins that will boost
    incredible health benefits,                                      your immune system.
    which none off the shelf      3. Introduce several colours
    juice can ever match.         onto every dinner plate. Avoid     •   Cut potatoes up smaller to
                                  plates of tan coloured foods           get them to cook faster
2. Introduce a raw food into      such as chicken goujons AND        •   Steam rather than boil
Food                                  | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

•   Bake rather than fry.             intake to 7 portions per
•   Eat the skin!                     day
                                  •   Change to brown rice and
6. Consider adding these              brown breads to increase
detoxing foods and making             fibre
small changes daily and           •   Snack on raw veg or fruit;
weekly.                               (bring a snack bag with
                                      you when doing long
•   Spinach (baby spinach has         journeys)
    a more delicate flavour)      •   Avoid snacking on biscuits,
•   Eat spuds rather than rice,       cakes and confectionary.
    pasta or bread.                   Eat fruit or vegetables. The
•   Enjoy a breakfast with            sugary high in your blood
    “carbs” or at least munch         from sweet foods lasts for
    on some fresh fruit.              15 mins and then drops
•   Use raw beetroot in salads        lower than before making
    and juices.                       you crave even more
•   Include oily fish into the        sugar.
    menu to boost omega oils
    (salmon and mackerel
•   Increase your fruit and veg                                      www.orchardacrefarm.co.uk
Food                                     | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Groovy Green Detox Juice            Serve in a small glass with a       make flavoursome additions
Loving your liver                   sprig of mint and rind of lime to   to other juice drinks, soups,
                                    the side.                           sauces and gravies!
May green detoxing juices are
purported to be good for your       Best consumed within 3 days         Remove pips, pith, cores and
liver that may be true.             and kept in the fridge. Or freeze   woody stems from fruit and veg
                                                                        before juicing. The left over
But their taste and aroma           Teresa’s Tip                        pulp can be added to breads
are about as appealing as                                               and cakes for extra natural
sniffing the inside of my son’s     Consider freezing small             fibre.
rugby bag! My clever green          quantities of left over juice in
combination catches almost          an ice cube tray. A few cubes
everything beneficial that
these kings of green fruit and
veg can give for your liver
without compromising on
taste OR aroma. The celery
and mint bring additional layers
of flavour against the strong
greens and the lime juice
cleanses the palette, whilst
administering an extra dose of


•   4 savoy cabbage leaves
    remove the tough core or
    use Kale (it has a stronger
•   2 celery sticks (these
    should be a pale emerald
    colour NOT yellowy which
    has a sour flavour)
•   2 sharp tasting green
•   ¼ broccoli spear
•   ½ fresh lime (remove pips
    and peel off slithers of rind
    to decorate glass)
•   1 small handful of fresh


Blitz through a juice extractor
Food                                      | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Beetroot Salad                     Ingredients                      20 years old. I’m from Larne
Serves 2-4                                                          and have a condition called
                                   •   2 medium raw beetroot        Dystonia. It means that I have
This is one of my favourite            peeled.                      abnormal muscle tone causing
winter salads. Not only is it an   •   2 medium carrots peeled      muscle spasm and abnormal
amazing colour, it is simply       •   2 russet or cox apples       posturing.
packed with antioxidants,          •   Juice from 1 orange
vitamins, minerals, energy and     •   A splash of oil (any good    2. I haven’t been confirmed
fibre. The mix of fruit and            quality)                     yet, my team (BC1/2 team)
vegetables means you get a         •   A little seasoning salt,     and I recently won gold at the
balance of flavours between            pepper, nutmeg               European Championship which
earthy beetroot, sweet             •   1 table spoon of Sesame      confirmed our slot in Rio. The
carrot, and the sharp acidity of       seeds                        individuals who make up the
the apple with a hint of orange                                     team aren’t confirmed until
juice; guaranteed to set your      Method                           May.
tastes buds alive.
                                   Grate all the vegetables 1. My   3. Boccia is a sport designed
                                   name is claire taggart and I’m   for athletes with severe
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Kute Kouture
University of Ulster student Jose Varandas talks representing Ulster at Junk Kouture
As the 2016 Bank of Ireland
Junk Kouture competition
gets into gear - entries
closed at the end of January
and the judges are poring
over the designs now - NI
Scene caught up with one
of the North’s previous
representatives for recycled

In 2012 Jose Varandas’ Lord
of the Ring’s inspired designs
made from coca-cola cans
won the Ulster heat of the
Junk Kouture competition,
and earned a respectable
second runner-up spot in the
all-Ireland final. Even more
impressively, that was Jose’s
first foray into the world of
fashion. It was only the year
before that sixth former Jose,
who’d been planning a career       got the drink, I got the cans,     great opportunity for young
in catering, heard about Junk      and I made a profit.’              designers.’
Kouture from his tutor.
                                   Don’t worry, Jose put his          Four years on, Jose is still in
These days, Jose has hung          gains to good use - buying         touch with the people running
up his catering cloque and         accessories to use for detailing   Junk Kouture, although these
is studying fashion at the         on his designs.                    days he’s working in more
University of Ulster. He also                                         traditional fabrics.
credits the competition with       In the end, Jose used over
fostering his...entrepreneurial    1000 cans of coke to create        ‘I wanted to get into fabrics at
streak.                            his fantastical gowns and          University. I’d never used them
                                   suit - using the 6-pack plastic    and I wanted to understand
‘Yeah, that’s a funny story,’ he   wrappers to create trousers        how to,’ he explains. ‘However,
grins over coffee, remembering     and the tab-tops for details. He   I do look at designers like
how he sourced the materials       even up-cycled old shoes for       Gareth Pugh who made a
for his designs. ‘Our school       the design.                        collection out of black bin
was a healthy school, so there                                        bags and think about recycled
were no fizzy or sugary drinks     ‘It was Junk Kouture that got      materials. I still have a passion
allowed. So I’d buy cans and       me into fashion,’ Jose says        for it.’
packets of coke in Poundland       firmly. ‘Without it I’d have
and Spar, then sell them to        never found my talent. It’s a      www.junkkouture.com
students in the art room. They
Fashion                                   | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

Hand-made, Home-made, Belfast-made
Go ape over Scarlet Louloubelle’s Rockabilly Fashions for kids
A year ago Belfast mum -
also artist and advertising
professional, but the mum part
is relevant to this story - went
looking for little-girl-appropriate
rockabilly clothes for a
photoshoot she was doing with
her daughters and couldn’t find
any. Instead she had to buy a
Hell Bunny dress and tailor it
for the shoot - along with some
cute body-paint tattoos for her

‘The adult market for
Rockabilly fashion is huge,’
Kevina, who’s tall, elegant, and
fashionable herself, says. ‘Yet
there was nothing for kids. It
was a gap in the market.’

A gap that Kevina promptly
filled with a cute-as-a-bunny
summer range of Rockabilly
(rockakiddy?) dresses
designed for little girls.

‘They went down a storm.
The response has been
amazing. People in England
want dresses, there’s a huge
demand from Australia, and
there’s a shop in New York that
has taken some samples they’ll
be bringing out in the Spring.’

Kevina finds inspiration for her
designs in old movies from
the 40s and 50s, putting her
own PG spin on the fashions.
Katherine Hepburn and Audrey
Hepburn films are among
her favourites, and the movie
Summer Holiday is another
great source for ideas.
Fashion                                     | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

‘It’s great to have an excuse to    around and play and generally      t-shirts so she’s looking for
watch all those old films again,’   just be children in them. So       good fabrics for them.
Kevina laughs. ‘It also gives       the clothes have to be durable,
you a chance to see how the         functional and - for her winter    ‘I have two girls,’ she says.
fabric should move and how to       range - warm.                      ‘I think if I had boys it would
adapt it for children.’                                                easier to tune into their styles.
                                    ‘I want them to look pretty,       But I’m going to have some
That’s because it’s just            but not for anyone to freeze,’     this year as well as the little
as important for Scarlet            Kevina says.                       girl’s range.’
Louloubelle designs to be
functional as it for them to be     Scarlet Louloubelle isn’t just     Parents don’t need to feel
fashionable. Kevina doesn’t         for little girls, either. Kevina   left out either. In addition
just want to dress children up      is also working on a range         to the children’s range of
for photoshoots, she wants          for little boys. Mostly, she       dresses, Kevina is working on
them to be able to move             explains, these are shirts and     an adult line that tie in with
Fashion                                     | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

the children’s outfits. So a        that put the dress together       incorporating local landmarks
family could all have matching      - and will also offer bespoke     and icons.
designs.                            tailoring for Belfast-based
                                    customers. ‘But I am learning,’   ‘I haven’t slept in a while,’
‘I’m launching that in the          Kevina says with a smile.         Kevina admits wryly. It’ll be
spring,’ she says. ‘It’s a little                                     worth it though, with Scarlet
more classic Hollywood than         She plans to keep Scarlet         Louloubelle ready to make an
the children’s line.’               Louloubelle a local brand, even   even bigger splash in 2016. So
                                    when it looks set to go global,   get hip to the scene, and get
Kevina is responsible for           with the clothes designed and     yourself some cool threads.
designs while seamstress Irina      made here. She even hopes to
Bergite has the ‘magic fingers’     start making her own fabrics      https://twitter.com/scarletloulou
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Northern Ireland Paralympians
The ABCs of Boccia with Claire Taggart Surf’s Up at Trogg’s Surf School
My name is Claire Taggart and       ly and was more passionate          or play games.
I'm 20 years old. I'm from Larne    about as it was competitive. As
and have a condition called         my condition has progressed it      Do you play any other
Dystonia. It means that I have      has meant that I can no longer      sports?
abnormal muscle tone causing        play rugby but have the ability
muscle spasm and abnormal           to play Boccia and love it as       As previously mentioned I
posturing.                          much as I loved rugby.              used to play rugby, which was
                                                                        a blast, but now I put all of my
Will you be heading to Rio for      What are your other team-           focus and energy into Boccia.
the Olympics?                       mates like?
                                                                        I train or do something Boccia
I haven't been confirmed yet,       My team mates are like family,      related almost everyday. I'm on
my team (BC1/2 team) and            we spend so much time to-           court throwing for 12-15 hours
I recently won gold at the          gether it's impossible not to all   per week plus physio, gym and
European Championship which         get on. We all hang out at night    hydrotherapy. It's a full time
confirmed our slot in Rio. The      after training and watch movies     job!
individuals who make up the
team aren't confirmed until

You play Boccia, can you tell
us a bit about the sport?

Boccia is a sport designed for
athletes with severe impair-
ments and has no Olympic
equivalent. It is a target ball
sport similar in principle to
bowls but is played indoors
with soft leather balls. (Quote -
GB Boccia)

I started playing Boccia in the
winter of 2013 at a local club
that had been set up.

Have you always wanted to
play Boccia competatively?

At the beginning no, I was un-
sure whether i would fit into the
classification guidelines. At the
time I was still playing wheel-
chair rugby which I loved dear-
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Have you faced any obstacles         What’s the stupidest thing
as a Paralympian?                    that anyone’s ever said to      Talent Coach Development Week
                                     you?                                         2016
A lot of people are surprised
that I am young and don't go         Often I am told that it is,
to uni or college, when the fact     'nice to see me get out of
is that I don't have time! And       the house' or asked 'where's
as my sport is basically never       your driving licence for that
heard of no one knows what           thing?'. My pet peeve is
it is.                               when people speak to my
                                     assistant or friend instead
What’s the best and worst            of me, asking them what I
things about (maybe) going           would like to eat or drink,
to Rio?                              completely ignoring me!

I was in Rio in November for a       If you’re ever on Graham
test event and the only thing        Norton, who’d you like to
that was bad was the insect          be on the show with you?
bites! Apart from that it was a
great trip and we brought home       I'm a massive Snow Patrol       Sport Northern Ireland will host
a silver medal!                      fan, so Gary Lightbody          the third annual NI Talent Coach
                                     and Nathan Connolly. But        Development Event on Sunday
I think the best thing will be the   I also love Biffy Clyro so      21 February 2016 and Monday 22
atmosphere, my teammates             that would be good also. I      February.
who have been to Paralympics         wouldn't be sad if Benedict
say that the atmosphere is elec-     Cumberbatch was there or        This year’s events are being hosted
tric from the opening ceremony       Tom Felton.                     and delivered in partnership with
to the closing ceremony.                                             Ulster University and sports coach
                                                                     UK, with both events taking place
                                                                     on Ulster Universities Jordanstown

                                                                     The events are free of charge to
                                                                     attend and will feature leading
                                                                     speakers including David Nucifora
                                                                     (Performance Director, IRFU),
                                                                     Tom Crick (Director of Coaching
                                                                     and Athletic Development,
                                                                     Athletics NI), sports coach UK
                                                                     Talent and Performance Coaching
                                                                     staff, Cricket Ireland and Irish
                                                                     Football Association Performance
                                                                     Development and Coaching
                                                                     Development Staff, and Sport
                                                                     Northern Ireland Sports Institute
                                                                     Athlete Service Leads.

                                                                     View the full programme or book
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Surf’s Up at Trogg’s Surf School
Catch some waves with instructor Carl Russell

‘You should give it a go                                                   it, a second hand shortboard.’.
sometime,’ Carl Russell, owner       Carl is made of sterner stuff. It’s   Funnily enough the board
and manager of The Quiksilver        11am and he’s planning to head        actually came from Troggs
Troggs Surf School in Portrush,      out to sea soon. Of course, he’s      Surf Shop in Portrush, bought
says, nodding out to sea.            been doing this for a while now.      from Andy Hill who’s now Carl’s
                                                                           partner in the Surf School.
It’s a beautiful view - The          ‘Forever,’ he says with a grin        Surfing is a small world, and it
Quiksilver Troggs Surf School,       when asked how long he’s been         was even smaller back then.
which is the only Quiksilver         into surfing. ‘My dad had this
approved surf school in Northern     old board in the garage, an           ‘Back then there were no schools
Ireland, is based on East Strand     old-fashioned one, and I was          or anything, I had to teach myself
with a view across the sand and      fascinated by it. When I was 10,      to surf right here,’ he says. ‘These
over the sea to the horizon - but    he took me surfing in Donegal         days there are a lot more options.’
December is a bit late in the        and that was it. I was hooked.’
year to go swimming for me. I’ve                                           Some of which, of course, are
got a hat, a parka, and a pair of    It was two years later, at            provided by Carl himself through
gloves for the specific purpose of   Christmas, that he got his first      The Quiksilver Troggs Surf
keeping dry.                         board of his own,‘I still remember    School. In addition to surf classes
Sport                                             | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

and lessons, Troggs also runs an         passionate about it, spending         go surfing in Nicaragua or New
afterschool program for local            years travelling the world to         Guinea - ‘Somewhere new, that
primary schools, teaching them           try out the surfing in different      not everyone knows about’ - but
ocean safety and getting them            countries from Indonesia to           there’s world class waves to be
out on surf boards. Don’t worry,         Australia, but it wasn’t until        had on the North Coast.
Troggs isn’t just accredited by          he decided to qualify as an
Quiksilver, all their coaches are        instructor that he realised he        ‘This is my favourite beach,’ he
also ASI (Academy of Surfing             could also make a career out of it.   says, nodding out to the choppy
Instructors) qualified and the                                                 grey waters. ‘On a good day,
school is audited yearly to make         People from all over come to          with good surf, I wouldn’t be
sure that it is up to scratch. They      The Quiksilver Troggs School          anywhere else.’
know what they’re doing.                 of Surfing to experience the
                                         Portrush surf. Mostly from UK         www.troggssurfschool.com/
‘I love instructing,’ Carl says. ‘It’s   and Ireland, but Carl gets his
the best part of my job, although        share of tourists as well.
with managing this place I don’t
get to do it as much as I’d like         ‘There was even a guy from
these days.’                             Australia, who’d never surfed
                                         before,’ Carl says, shaking his
Not that he’d ever planned to            head. ‘I’d have thought he’d try it
run a surf school. Surfing had           there first!’
always been the thing Carl, who
also competed internationally            Still, Portrush is a good place
in athletics as a teenager and           to learn. Carl spent a year in
young adult, did for fun. He was         Australia, and hopes to one day
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Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Rowing Ireland Talent Development Coach John Armstrong on what it takes to row
For 40 years John               He’s just in off the river,      Development Coach, and
Armstrong has been              and outside the occasional       is currently on the hunt for
working up and down the         canoe skims past along           new women rowers.
river. That makes him           the water. ‘I was in eight
sound like ye olde canal        World Championships, one         2016 was the first time
boat captain, but actually      Commonwealth Games,              Ireland qualified to send a
he’s in charge of finding,      and I won a World Medal in       women’s rowing team to
and putting the polish on,      1997. Then in 2014/2015 I        the Olympics, and they’re
Northern Ireland’s rowing       started coaching.’               eager to keep that up for
hopefuls for the 2020                                            2020. To that end they
Olympics in Tokyo. The          John worked with athletes        held open applications in
2016 rowers are already         heading to Beijing in            January, looking to find
down in Cork practicing.        2008, and post-Beijing he        some talented new women
                                was hired to work as the         rowers.
‘I was a competitive rower      rowing coach for Ireland’s
for...too many years,’ John     Paralympic rowing team.          ‘We’re looking for people
laughs, sitting on a sofa in    In 2013 he was hired as          who seem to have some
the Belfast Boat Club.          Rowing Ireland’s Talent          talent for rowing,’ John
Sport                                 | WWW.NISCENE.CO.UK

                                                              As for what John’s looking
                                                              for in his new crop of

                                                              Ability to row, strength and
                                                              discipline, and availability
                                                              to be involved in the sport
                                                              are all among the things
                                                              John’s looking for. Part of
                                                              the application process
                                                              is talking to John about
                                                              their lifestyle and ability to
                                                              balance work/education, 10-
                                                              14 hours training, eat, sleep,
                                                              and ‘have some sort of life’.

                                                              ‘And you need a good
                                                              sense of humour,’ John
                                                              says. ‘It’s challenging out
                                                              there when it’s cold, and
                                                              you are going to get wet.’


says. ‘Either they’re in the   says. ‘Athletes coming
sport already and are ready    from other sports have the
to move to the competitive     advantage of already having
level, or athletes who are     a background in training.’
transferring sports.’
                               The disadvantage they
That’s something that he       have, on the other hand, is
and the other Sports NI        that they have developed
coaches discuss fairly         the wrong approach to risk.
frequently, if they have       John points out this son -
athletes who they think have   who’s too young to be afraid
the transferrable skills to    of anything - can go out on
excel in different sports.     the water and not end up IN
                               the water once. A 30 year
‘We have already an            old athlete, on the other
ex-cyclist who took up         hand, can go swimming
rowing instead,’ John          three times in an hour.
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Project 24
Papercraft in the Pod with Paula Batt

Papercraft artist Paula Batt is a   creations - most cut from a         interest that she made more
resident of Project 24’s Yellow     single sheet of paper, like         for people.
Pod on Bangor Seafront.             a mobius labyrinth - you
                                    abandon that idea.                  Then she found out that
The colour is an appropriate                                            she’d not received at place at
choice, there is something          ‘I actually studied bio-science,’   Queen’s to study nursing, and
oddly, intrinsically joyful about   Paula says, perched on a stool      her family obligations meant
Paula’s art.                        in her pod on an uncommonly         that she couldn’t move to take
                                    bright day. ‘I wanted to be         a place at another university.
Maybe it’s the memory of            a nurse, although art was           So, that September, instead of
childhood scissors and cut          something I’d always done as        starting on her nursing course
out shapes - although there’s       a hobby.’                           she applied for a pod instead.
certainly nothing juvenile
about the work itself - but the     Her first papercraft project,       ‘At least I still get to use a
intricate, 2-D creations she        however, was a gift for a           scalpel,’ Paula points out with
carves from sheets of paper         friend’s baby shower. Not           a laugh.
just make you want to smile.        wanting to do the obvious and
                                    give the mother another baby-       That was over three years
At first sight, they also make      gro, instead Paula created a        ago, making Paula one of the
you think ‘I could do that’.        hand-cut and framed project         longest running residents of
Once you see some of Paula’s        for her. The finished piece         the Project 24 pods. Her art
more complex, interlocking          generated enough praise and         has grown in complexity and
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popularity in that time, with the   cut by Paula and her scalpel,        she underestimated the amount
relatively simple (I couldn’t do    so she can’t take on too many        of time it would take.
it) cutout poem art being joined    commissions.
by more and more complex                                                 ‘I thought that four months
creations.                          ‘I like that connection,’ Paula      would be loads of time,’ she
                                    says, pulling a piece of black       said. It turned out it wasn’t,
She added objects and people        paper over the desk to give me       especially since Paula couldn’t
to her art - creating clever,       a demonstration of how she           stop taking commissions in
elegant ombres chinoises that       works. ‘People come in with          order to concentrate on the
seem frozen mid-performance -       things that move them, with          exhibition pieces.
and experimented with layering      their favourite poems or their
in colour like stained glass        wedding vows.’                       This time she’s scheduled out
panels. Lately she’s also started                                        her time, so everything will be
work on 3D models, still using      Paula also receives                  in place.
paper and influenced by art         commissions for memorial
from the 50s and 60s.               pieces, which is something that      If you can’t wait for the
                                    surprised her the first time it      exhibition, you can pop in to
Paula’s work has fans around        happened.                            see Paula at the Pod or check
the world, with buyers                                                   her work out on facebook.
commissioning pieces from           ‘It sounds a bit dark,’ she says.    Running the Mill also has
Scandanavia, the Far East           ‘It’s really quite lovely though.’   t-shirts with screen-printed
and America. She notes that                                              images of Paula’s work for sale
it’s nice to think that there are   Paula is also getting ready for      - although she admits that she
‘things I made, in places that I    her first solo exhibition this       always wonders who bought
will never go’.                     year. It was something that          them.
                                    she actually planned to do two
However, every piece is hand        years ago, but she admits that
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Project 24
Art from the heart with Elaine McCully

Elaine McCully is an artist who    of Ulster.                         work out their purpose if you
is learning how not to make                                           just five minutes to fiddle
art. Or, rather, how to find the   ‘I’ve actually got a bit of a      with them. That’s part of their
middle ground between art and      background in textiles,’ Elaine    intent, to encourage people
selling out.                       says. ‘But once I got into the     to question function and
                                   clayroom, they just couldn’t get   form, as well as consider the
The resident of Project 24’s       me out.’                           sort of skills we’ve lost in an
Purple Pod on Bangor seafront,                                        increasingly industrialised,
Elaine used to own an arts and     Elaine uses clay, turned wood,     specialised society. Could you
crafts shop. What she wanted       and found objects to create        make your own shoes? Could
to do, however, was make her       ‘tools of ambiguous nature’ -      you make the tools you needed
own instead of selling other       evoking both neolithic history     to make your own shoes?
people’s. So she sold up and       and your grandfather’s shed.
went back to school, studying      The tools she creates look         The pieces in the pod are ugly
Art and Design at the University   almost real, as if you could       in the way functional objects
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