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Contents Foreword 3 Letter from the Vice-President 4 EVENTS 5 Artists’ activities 6 PERSONAL 9 New Full Members 10 New Associate Members 12 New Scholarship Holders 13 The significance of painting 16 We mourn for 18 VDMFK personalities 22 SERVICE 23 Information from the office 24 Presentation of painting techniques 25 Health and care 28 History of the VDMFK 30 PUBLISHING HOUSES 31 Publishers’ activities 32 Credits Published by: Vereinigung der mund- und fussmalenden Künstler in aller Welt - e.V. (VDMFK) Im Rietle 25, FL-9494 Schaan, Principality of Liechtenstein, Phone +423 232 11 76, Fax +423 232 75 41 e-mail: vdmfk@vdmfk.li, Internet: www.vdmfk.com Edited by: Mario Famlonga, Managing Director VDMFK Printed by: BVD Druck + Verlag AG, Schaan Print run:1000 copies, biannual 2
Foreword VDMFK President Serge Maudet from France. Dear artists, Unfortunately, we will still not have the I wish you all the very best on the occa- Dear ladies and gentlemen, opportunity to meet in person at exhi- sion of the celebrations and festivities bitions, painting seminars or other held around the world at the end of events over the coming months. year, and I deeply hope that the virus I hope with all my heart that everyone will end in 2021. Please take good care is in good health at this time. of yourselves and your loved ones! Nevertheless, we owe it to ourselves to keep our contacts with each other alive The year 2020 is now drawing to a clo- and to keep together more than ever. In artistic solidarity with you all, se. It has been a year that we will al- ways remember. Serge Maudet The Board and the Director of the As- President of the VDMFK sociation as well as his team and I will Each day, I firmly believe that the cohe- be doing whatever it takes to ensure sion of our Association resides in the that all our future meetings will be solidarity that exists among artists. Is completely safe. this down to a ‘COVID-19 effect’ and a need to support each other? Or a lon- ging to move things forward differently I eagerly look forward to seeing you with other people who share the same again soon and would like to share passion? I just cannot say. some souvenir photos of the moments we have spent together. 3
Letter from the Vice-President We received the following letter from VDMFK Board member and Vice-President Mr Thomas Kahlau. Given that it is addressed to mouth and foot painters across the world, we are happy to publish the text in full. Dear readers, As I watch the rain trickle down my windowpane, I think to myself: What a miserable day! My gaze penetrates through the curtain of millions of rain- drops into my garden. The leaves on the shrubs and trees still gleam in yel- low and red despite the overall impres- sion of melancholy caused by the drea- ry weather. Gradually, a tangible fee- ling of warmth spreads inside me, brin- ging a smile to my face. I’m in the mood for painting – for painting in pungent reds and yellows. So today I shall be painting my world in bright colours, no matter how hard the rain pounds away on my windows. In truth, I'm grateful that I am able to do so. VDMFK Board member Thomas Kahlau, mouth painter from Germany. Perhaps, dear artists all over the world, you may feel exactly the same way. blinks – hang on, is she mocking me?! purchase our motifs during this period. The world around us seems so depres- – and disappears from sight through Dear employees in our publishing hou- sing and bleak because of the new the garden fence. Again, I have to ses, we thank you for your tireless situation we face due to the pandemic. smile. work. Dear families and masked and Public life is being locked down in so disinfected helpers at home, we thank many countries. 'Stay at home!' they I roll my wheelchair over to my easel. you for what you do for us day in, day say, ‘Don’t gather in groups!’ That’s The palette is ready, the brush finds its out. In no way do we take for granted not so easy, especially when everything way into my mouth as if by magic and what you do on our behalf. seems so bleak outside. Against this the white canvas starts to fill with sha- background, all the little things that pes and colours – obviously, yellows A new year lies ahead of us. Somehow, bring us joy become that much more and reds set the tone. I'm so glad that that gives me hope. I am confident important. In my case, for example, I WE are able to do this. Come on, let’s that we will be able to get through this have discovered the world of audio- inspire and encourage each other with pandemic together and once more books. I can close my tired eyes – irrita- our colours and shapes! Tell us how recover the feeling of happiness in our ted from painting and staring at you’re getting on through your pictu- lives. Well, perhaps not quite yet, but screens – and surrender to the author's res, photos and words! After all, kee- certainly at some point! imagination. Here I find a wonderful ping in touch with each other is a escape from all my cares and worries, great way to get through this time The VDMFK Board and Executive at least for a while. Who knows, I together. Our pictures have the power Committee shall meet again in the might even pick up the phone and call and magic to encourage others to take course of a video conference that will a few people I haven't seen for a long an interest in us. That is hardly surpri- be held in December. We are always while. sing. The fact is we bring joy and some here for you. Stay safe, and for those degree of assurance into their living of you suffering from illness, we wish As I write this, my neighbour's cat is rooms. you all the best for a swift recovery! nonchalantly strolling through the gar- den, as if to say: ‘Sod the weather!’. A difficult year is drawing to a close. Thomas Kahlau Soaked and bedraggled, she looks at Dear loyal customers, we are grateful Board Member and Vice-President me out of her big, dark eyes. She to you for supporting us when you of the VDMFK 4
EVENTS Krzysztof Kosowski (Full Member / Poland), ‘Santa Claus on Reindeer’, mixed technique, 40x30 cm. 5
Artists’ activities towards gender or disability in different ARGENTINA BRAZIL societies. Before the meeting, the parti- cipants were asked to try to paint a pic- Moya, Maria Celeste Chagas, Maria Goret ture with their mouths. Afterwards, the (Scholarship Holder) (Associate Member) finished works of art were shown. - Maria Celeste Moya exhibited some of - Maria Goret Chagas scored a remarka- her works at a centre for children and ble success. In a competition featuring ICELAND young people in Buenos Aires over the the participation of over 300 people summer of 2020. Her show attracted from different countries with more than many visitors, including the local mayor 700 works on display, she won the top Karlsson, Brandur Bjarnason and the centre’s director. prize for painting. The award ceremony (Scholarship Holder) and accompanying exhibition took - Brandur Bjarnason Karlsson exhibited place at Szołayski House – part of the his works at Reykjavik City Hall from 23 Polish National Museum in Kraków – October to 11 November 2020 as part from 21 September to 13 December of the List án landamæra (Art without 2020. borders) art festival. Brandur explored the set theme of the ‘visible, near and far’, and examined how visibility can GREAT BRITAIN bring things closer. Trent, Robert (Associate Member) - Robert Trent held an online presenta- tion for the Netherlands-based 1st Hague Scout Group (part of British Scouting Overseas) on 9 November 2020. The aim of the event was to explore common beliefs and attitudes CHINA Gui, Xiao Feng (Scholarship Holder) - In November 2020, Xiao Feng Gui conducted a one-month solo exhibition at the Simply Noble Art Gallery in Shanghai, arousing both great interest among visitors and the media. The mouth painter gave various painting demonstrations in the course of the exhibition. 6
Artists’ activities INDONESIA Subadri, Sabar (Associate Member) - On 5 September 2020, Sabar Subadri celebrated with the disabled of Rumah di Semarang (Semarang House) to mark international VDMFK Day. He held a painting demonstration. Onlookers fol- lowed his example and painted their own pictures with their feet. This event was covered by a number of media out- lets. In addition, Sabar gave an inter- view on the ‘Selamat Pagi Indonesia’ programme which was broadcast by a national television station on 9 September 2020. The interview addres- sed the issue of working under restric- Each of Associate Member Sabar Subadri’s painting demonstrations is ted conditions and was conducted via a met with great interest. Skype teleconference. - Sabar also delivered a further three successful painting demonstrations. The first was held at the Warung Joglo Bu Rini restaurant in Salatiga. Restaurant- goers were captivated and amazed by his skill and abilities. The second took place at the Grand Maerakaca recrea- tional retreat in Semarang City. Sabar not only drew the attention of visitors, but also the resort director, who liked the painting so much that she spontan- eously decided to buy it. The third event consisted of two consecutive demon- strations held at Difabel House, a com- munity of disabled people. There, Subar painted portraits of Tommy Y Said, the former head of the social welfare office of Semarang City, and Kukrit Associate Member Sabar Subadri during his painting demonstration in Wicaksono, CEO of the Suara Merdeka Semarang. daily newspaper. This event received extensive coverage in the Indonesian extended until 17 October 2020. It was mass media. INDONESIA called ‘Empathy from the Isolation Room’. In addition, 2020 marked the Rusdi, Faisal publication of a book called 'The (Scholarship Holder) Eighteen Point Five', which recounts the - The pandemic also had a significant story of 25 people with disabilities in impact on Faisal Rusdi. Even so, he par- Adelaide, South Australia. Faisal featu- ticipated in two highly successful res in this book. In it he describes his life events. On the one hand, he conducted story, including his close bonds with art an online exhibition which had been and the VDMFK. The link to the book is organised by the municipal authority of at https://eighteenpointfive.com.au. Kota Baru Parahyangan, a city near Badung. The exhibition lasted from 9 September to 9 October 2020 and was 7
Artists’ activities the Adria Tour on 13 June 2020. Dejana ITALY has painted several portraits of the ten- SWITZERLAND nis player up to now. Portelli, Santina - The ‘1st Artists’ Workshop Web (Full Member) Seminar’ entitled Dann und wann ein - The exhibition ‘Internazionale Italia bisschen Mut (‘A bit of courage now Arte 2020’ opened in Turin on 23 and then’) was held in Switzerland on October 2020. Selected works by inter- 10 November 2020. Led by the artist nationally renowned Italian and foreign Edith Tarantino, the workshop was artists were shown at the festival. They attended by Scholarship Holders included mouth painter Santina Portelli Antoine Leisi from Switzerland, Lea Otter from Austria and Bracha Fischel from Israel as well as Full Member Lars Höllerer from Ger- many. These participants were asked to develop a landscape motif and recogni- se difficulties and issues in their perso- nal approach to completing this task. Edith Tarantino used a template to illu- strate the process of painting a picture throughout the development phases, including organisational and material SINGAPORE theory, the choice of paints / colour ran- ges, perspectives and drawing, as well Yeo Kwok Chian, Aaron as the classification of each painting (pictured here with Scholarship Holder (Scholarship Holder) step. The guiding principle ‘A bit of cou- Francesco Canale on the right). Due to - Aaron Yeo Kwok Chian was accorded rage now and then’ formed the thema- Corona spacing restrictions and the a great honour: The 'Streets of Hope' tic framework of the workshop. high number of visitors, it was decided project of the National Arts Council in to extend this exhibition until 7 Singapore hung banners of selected art- TUNISIA November 2020, which meant that the works along the streets of Singapore. works of Santina Portelli could also be Aaron was very lucky to have his art- seen over a longer period of time. work ‘Flowers’ exhibited on Orchard Radhia, Houda Ben Road, one of the main streets in (Scholarship Holder) Singapore's shopping district. - Houda Ben Radhia took part in a large PHILIPPINES exhibition centred on the theme of colour for people with disabilities at the Tongco, Julius A. international festival held in Qatar on (Scholarship Holder) 10 and 11 July 2020. Her painting de- - As part of the celebrations surroun- picted two birds. Fellow painter Karim ding Museums and Galleries Month in Tabit helped secure her participation. October 2020, the National Commis- sion for Culture and Art selected pain- tings by Julius Tongco for display at the MGM ARTarp Banner exhibition. They will also be exhibited in some of the main streets in the city of Manila. SERBIA Backo, Dejana (Scholarship Holder) - Dejana Backo had the great honour of meeting tennis star Novak Djokovic in Belgrade at a tennis tournament during 8
PERSONAL Kyriacos Kyriacou (Full Member / Cyprus), ‘Bouquet with bell & blue spheres’, oils, 30x23 cm. 9
New Full Members everyday tasks. His love for painting support him as a Scholarship Holder. His FRANCE developed when he was able to hold a love for painting would not relinquish crayon in his mouth and began to trace its hold and in 2019 he attained the sta- Dubarre, Arnaud comic strip characters. After the third tus of Associate Member of the year of secondary school he joined a so- VDMFK. Painting allows him to explore Date of birth: 6 June 1981 called ‘cycle adapté’ class, in which he many horizons. On this front, flowers Place of birth: Fontenay-le-Comte carried out practical exercises accompa- are one of his favoured motifs. This is Mouth painter nied by educational support. This inclu- thanks to the magic of forms and Associate Member since: 2019 ded painting on wood, glass, fabric, colours with which one can imbue them leather and other materials. In 1999, when one is guided by the brush and Arnaud Dubarre was born in Fontenay- through family connections, he became one’s thoughts, as he says himself. Yet le-Comte on 6 June 1981. He has suffe- acquainted with VDMFK President his works also include animal motifs red since birth from multiple ankylosis, Serge Maudet, who introduced him to and landscapes. His prefers to paint rendering his arms and legs immobile. his work and to the VDMFK. Just two watercolours or use pastels and oils. He learned early on to use his mouth for years later, the Association decided to POLAND Siejtbatalow, Walery Date of birth: 8 June 1965 Place of birth: Denisovka (KAZ) Mouth painter Associate Member since: 2018 Walery Siejtbatałow was born in De- nisovka / Kazakhstan on 8 June 1965. When diving one day from high ground into a river, he suffered an injury to his cervical spine and has since been confi- ned to a wheelchair. To escape from his inability to move, he initially started by writing with a pen in his mouth. Later, he came up with the idea of painting and drawing in this way. This means he Arnaud Dubarre from France shall become a Full Member of the VDMFK taught himself to paint by mouth. The next year. VDMFK granted him Scholarship Holder status in 2012. Inspired by a 10
New Full Members GREAT BRITAIN Trent, Robert Date of birth: 21 April 1959 Place of birth: Weymouth / Dorset Mouth painter Associate Member since: 2013 Robert Trent was born in Weymouth (Dorset) on 21 April 1959. He has suffe- red from arthrogryposis since birth, an illness characterised by multiple stiffe- ning of the joints and muscle defects. After attending Chailey Heritage School and Hereward College he eventually graduated with a diploma in Communi- cation and Information Systems. In 1985 he started working as a computer scientist at Southampton General Hospital. Later, he became an IT analyst with the Ordnance Survey in South- ampton and was promoted to senior systems analyst in 1994. Robert took up mouth painting in his search for a re- Robert Trent shall be accorded the status of Full Member of the VDMFK. warding life-work balance. Mouth pain- ting became his greatest hobby, one oils. His favourite motifs include typical public. His artistic work has been crow- which the VDMFK has awarded with a English landscapes, boats and Christ- ned by numerous reviews in the media. scholarship since 1998. In 2013 Robert mas themes. He has frequently held became an Associate Member of the solo exhibitions in the UK where he has VDMFK. He paints in watercolours and presented his works to the general colourful illustrated Bible for children, Walery began drawing motifs of Christ and other biblical scenes. In the follo- wing years, he expanded his technique to include stained glass windows and portrait drawings of his friends. He later began using oil paints in his pictures. His first painting to use this technique was of an icon. Further award-winning icons followed. In recognition of his work, the artist had the privilege of receiving a visit from Antoni, Archbis- hop of Ural and Guryevsk, in the course of which a high ecclesiastical honour was bestowed on him. Walery has held numerous exhibitions which have been highly appreciated by the public. Walery Siejtbatałow from Poland shall become a Full Member of the VDMFK. 11
New Associate Members SOUTH KOREA SOUTH AFRICA USA Hwang, Jung Eon Swartz, Brenton Nicholas Parsons, Sara Jane Date of birth: 14 May 1965 Date of birth: 30 October 1978 Date of birth: 4 January 1964 Place of birth: Seoul Place of birth: Cape Town Place of birth: Redwood City, CA Mouth painter Mouth painter Mouth painter Scholarship Holder since: 2003 Scholarship Holder since: 2009 Scholarship Holder since: 2009 Sara Jane Parsons from the USA shall become a VDMFK Associate Member. Jung Eon Hwang shall become an Brenton Nicolas Swartz shall be Sara Jane Parsons was born in Redwood Associate Member of the VDMFK accorded the status of a VDMFK City on 4 January 1964. At the age of starting 1 March 2021. Associate Member next year. 20, Sara Jane was involved in a traffic accident which left her tetraplegic and Jung Eon Hwang was born in Seoul on consequently no longer able to dye, knit 14 May 1965. Trained as a mechanical Brenton Nicholas Swartz was born in or sew – her way of giving expression to engineer, Jung suffered serious injuries Cape Town on 30 October 1978. Bren- her creativity. She began studying at a in a traffic accident in 1993 that left him ton has been paralysed from the neck law faculty in California. In addition to quadriplegic. In April 1995 he decided down ever since he was involved in a her studies, nothing pleased her more to have a go at mouth painting and shooting accident. He spent eight than painting as a distraction. After pas- immediately became hooked. Subse- months in hospital and was diagnosed a sing her bar exam she travelled to quently he took lessons under Jung C4-C5 tetraplegic. Brenton attended a Uruguay and painted the house where Soon Lee, a well-known art teacher. He school for people with disabilities. In she was staying. Sara Jane enrolled in a enjoys painting landscapes and flower 1998 he completed twelfth grade and painting course and discovered a pas- motifs in oils and watercolours. Jung went to live in a home for tetraplegic sion for drawing life figures and models. has successfully participated in several people. Then, in 1999, he enrolled at After the course was over, she contac- group exhibitions and held one solo college and studied computer-aided ted painting groups with the aim of exhibition. drawing. In December 2006 he obtai- painting figures among fellow artists. ned a national diploma as an architec- Besides drawing figures, Sara Jane likes tural draughtsman. Brenton was fortu- to draw organic forms such as the ones nate enough to be able to work at an found in seashells (especially broken architect's office for 18 months and ones). She predominantly uses waterco- gain a lot of experience. One of his lours and graphite, but also enjoys the painter friends asked him whether he effects created by gouache and Indian would like to give mouth painting a go. ink. In 2001, Brenton started taking art les- sons. His aim is to lead an independent, normal and happy life. 12
New Scholarship Holders New Scholarship Holders her mother had taken thalidomide during pregnancy, Patricia was born CANADA The following mouth and foot without arms. As a result, her lungs and painters will be supported by the heart were also severely affected. Jones, Annae Association as Scholarship Holders During her childhood she spent a lot of from 1 March 2021. time in hospitals and underwent multi- Date of birth: 12 December 1979 ple heart surgery. It was not until she Place of birth: Lethbridge was 12 years old, after more heart sur- Foot painter AFGHANISTAN gery, that she had enough strength and energy to learn to walk. Patricia atten- Annae Jones was born without arms on Mohammadi, Robaba ded school until 12th grade. Today, 12 December 1979. She learned to do Patricia is married, has children and most things with her feet as a child. She Date of birth: 30 September 2000 leads a very active life. Her hobbies also tried wearing prosthetic arms but Place of birth: Malistan include fishing, swimming and photo- found it easier to use her feet. After Mouth painter graphy as well as painting since 2015. high school, she moved from home and She visits schools and other institutions attended college to study communica- Robaba Mohammadi was born in across the country to tell her story. Her tion. Annae met her future husband Malistan, Afghanistan, on 30 Septem- aim is to ensure that people of all ages during her final year. They now have a ber 2000. Shortly after her birth, her are open to others who are different daughter and a son. For the past 16 parents noticed that she was unable to and that bullying and discrimination no years, she has been a housewife and move her arms or legs. In 2003, her ent- longer have a place in society. mother, but she has always written, and ire family travelled to Kabul in the hope published two texts in a Canadian that Robaba might receive treatment magazine for parents. Between 2013 BRAZIL from doctors and hospitals. Unfortuna- and 2015, she wrote monthly for a blog tely, their hopes were dashed. After a for disabled persons. Annae discovered serious fall, Robaba did not leave the Monteiro de Freitas, her love of painting when her friend house for a long time. She spent many Severino invited her to a painting evening in early years alone at home and watched how 2016. She found the experience rela- her siblings greatly enjoyed going to Date of birth: 3 May 1966 xing and liberating, especially when she school. With the help of her younger Place of birth: João Pessoa, Paraíba put the paintbrush aside and squeezed sister, she learned the alphabet, put a Mouth painter paint out between her toes so as to pen in her mouth and began to write. blend it with the canvas. Over the next She decided to take up painting in mid- Severino Monteiro de Freitas was born few years, she took part in several pain- 2015. Robaba began painting without in João Pessoa, Paraíba, in the northeast ting evenings and began to organize guidance or a teacher and devoted of Brazil, on 3 May 1966. He was alrea- painting evenings in her own home, many hours to her drawings. But it took dy an avid painter and artist as a child where everyone created their own uni- her about a year and a half to find and his works were displayed at school que work of art. For Annae, painting is friends and followers in the virtual exhibitions. At the age of 19, he moved both a creative and a therapeutic outlet. world and for her career and paintings to São Paulo. He married and became Self-taught, Annae loves to discover to appear in many national and interna- the father of three children. The couple new painting techniques and methods, tional media outlets. Robaba wants to divorced in 2016 and he lost contact and enjoys going on the journey it takes set up a support group to help Afghan with his children. On 31 March 2017, to turn a blank canvas into a work of women with physical disabilities and he was shot while working as a security art. She is looking forward to develo- promote their talent. guard. The bullet injured his neck. He ping her talent and painting all the spent 40 days in hospital and fell ill with beautiful things she sees in nature. pneumonia. Despite a very poor pro- Annae, her husband and their children AUSTRALIA gnosis, he survived and began a course currently live in Lethbridge, Alberta. She of occupational therapy in which he loves to bake, travel, camp in a caravan, Jackson, Patricia tried to paint with his mouth. hike and explore nature. Date of birth: 23 August 1962 Place of birth: Townsville Foot painter Patricia Jackson was born in Townsville, Australia, on 23 August 1962. Because Continued on page 14 13
New Scholarship Holders processing plant for 12 years. During COLOMBIA ITALY this time he married and became a fat- her of two children. He took care of the Gonzales Linares, Boerci, Laura children and the house while taking Zuleida Janeth painting classes and learning different Date of birth: 14 April 1969 techniques. Jesús likes painting animals Date of birth: 21 August 1976 Place of birth: Milan and nature. His goal in life is to continue Place of birth: Cali Mouth painter taking painting lessons until he fully Mouth painter masters a range of techniques. He Laura Boerci was born in Milan, wants to live from painting in order to Zuleida Janeth Gonzales Linares was Lombardy, on 14 April 1969. Laura has be able to support his family and other born in Cali, Colombia, on 21 August suffered from spinal muscular atrophy people. 1976. At the age of 22, she became a and cannot move her arms or legs since quadriplegic when she was hit by a bul- birth. Even so, she has always pursued NEW ZEALAND let. The bullet hit her in the neck, in the and realized her dreams. In 1996 she C4 area. Since this serious accident, graduated in political science and set Zuleida has been dependent on a venti- out on a career as a playwright and Raikes, Leuka lator and 24/7 care. After four months director. She wrote and directed 23 in a hospital, she spent the next 15 comedies for the Legamani amateur Date of birth: 20 October 2000 years in a home. During this time, she theatre company and donated all the Place of birth: Whanganui had no interests. Therapists and friends proceeds to charities. Laura has also Mouth painter encouraged her to use the computer published two books and a fairy tale. with a rod. Her mother was a special From 2008 to 2018, Laura was the Leuka Raikes was born in Whanganui, source of motivation and after 15 years municipal councillor responsible for New Zealand, on 20 October 2000. in the home Zuleida moved to her accessibility, libraries and general affairs. Leuka grew up with his mother in mother’s house. There, she continued to She is very involved in the cultural life of Whanganui, on the North Island of New learn and managed to paint ceramics her homeland and is the founder of a Zealand, after his parents divorced. He with a pencil and paint. When she cultural group. Laura became a corre- attended school there, met his friends in paints, she feels calm and inspired. spondent at a television station, opened his spare time, played hockey and rugby Painting gives her the opportunity to an agency and manages an artists’ café. and boxed. He spent the holidays with view life in a different way. She has been painting with her mouth his brother at his father’s home in since 2007. Laura started out with Christchurch. When he visited his father Salinas Vivas, Rubiel watercolours, then switched to water- again in the autumn of 2016, he broke based oils. She paints small paintings his 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae while Date of birth: 4 August 1982 because she only has restricted use of trampolining. During his stay in hospi- Place of birth: Anzoétegui, Tolima her neck. tal, Leuka met the mouth painter Pat Mouth painter Edmunds. He was inspired by him and after a year at home, Leuka began his MEXICO Rubiel Salinas Vivas was born in the first attempts at painting. He wishes to municipality of Anzoétegui, Tolima, on improve and grow as a painter. 4 August 1982. He grew up there with Garcia Zapata, Jesús his brothers at his parents’ home. Due SPAIN to his family’s impoverished circumstan- Date of birth: 25 December 1975 ces, Rubiel began working in a sugar Place of birth: Mexico City factory at the age of 12. One day was Mouth painter Berrocal Rodrigo, Víctor riding home on a horse which he had borrowed. The horse became startled Jesús Garcia Zapata was born in Mexico Date of birth: 23 September 1973 and threw Rubiel to the ground, cau- City on 25 December 1975. At the age Place of birth: Zamora sing him to suffer a head injury as well of 15, he suffered a serious accident Mouth painter as an injury to the cervical spine at levels when he touched a high-voltage cable C6 and C7. Yeimar Marroquin Bonilla with some piping. Due to the severe Víctor Berrocal Rodrigo was born in Za- told him about the Association. Rubiel burns, the doctors had to amputate mora on 23 September 1973. He atten- has taken painting lessons for over a both his arms and toes. He then spent a ded school in Salamanca. He began his year. year in rehab. After rehab, he studied studies of fine arts at the Faculty of Fine computer science and graphic arts. Arts of Salamanca. In his third year he Jesús worked as a manager in a wood was involved in an accident on a bicycle, 14
New Scholarship Holders as a result of which he was left tetra- plegic at the level of the fourth cervical THAILAND vertebra. As a result, Víctor lost the mo- vement of his legs, torso and hands. Ditthee, Sutuchd Despite this loss of mobility, he resumed his studies and completed them in 2000 Date of birth: 13 August 1976 by graduating with a bachelor’s degree Place of birth: Saraburi in fine arts. He then studied graphic Mouth painter design, web design and English at the official language school of Zamora. In Sutuchd Ditthee was born in Saraburi his free time, he studied music and har- Province, Thailand, on 13 August 1976. mony theory. During all these years lived He left school after 12th grade. While with his parents and dedicated himself working as a stuntman, he injured his to painting and music. He paints mainly cervical vertebrae and has been paraly- with oils and acrylics. In general, he zed and confined to bed ever since. paints various themes in a very direct Sutuchd used a pencil for the first time expressionist and impressionist style to draw with his mouth in 2011. He which is sometimes schematic. Víctor learned with the help of online videos has held exhibitions in Zamora, Madrid, and two teachers who taught him at Benavente and Catalonia. home. Sutuchd participated in exhibi- tions in 2013 and 2018. SWEDEN USA Östling, Ingeborg Laufer, Matthew Date of birth: 13 August 1968 Place of birth: Ånge, Medelpad Date of birth: 5 November 1979 Mouth painter Place of birth: Bridgeport Mouth painter Ingeborg Östling was born in Ange Medelpad on 13 August 1968. She had Matthew Laufer was born in Bridge- already shown great interest in painting port, Connecticut, on 5 November at the age of five. She took part in her 1979. Matthew injured his spinal cord first exhibition when she was seven in a car accident in 2003 and remained years old. Ingeborg spent a lot of time paralyzed from the chest and shoulders painting in oils at home until she obtai- down. While Matt was physically para- ned a place at an art school when she lyzed due to his severe spinal cord inju- turned 18. The course lasted three ry, he also found himself mentally inca- years. In 1993 Ingeborg moved to pacitated at the age of 23. The severe Gothenburg, where she gave birth to a trauma of being crushed by a tractor- son in 1997. She was not discouraged trailer left many psychological scars. A when she was diagnosed with multiple long hospital stay and several near- sclerosis in 1998 and continued to paint death experiences in 2017 forced him watercolours. When she could no lon- to confront his own mortality. Matt ger use her right hand, she learned to finds his painting work cathartic. He paint with her left hand at the age of uses this medium to convey what would 40. It was only when the disease robbed otherwise have remained silent. The her of movement in her left hand that urge to create became so great that he she stopped painting. A few years later, found a new way to produce his art, she could no longer hold back her crea- because he could no longer use his tivity. With great determination she hands. Determination and practice have learned to paint with her mouth. Her led Matt to where he is today, namely to goal is to hold an exhibition with her his first art exhibition. Matt is an auto- pictures. didact who paints wildlife, nature and abstract art. 15
The significance of painting The significance of painting as seen by mouth painter Kiichiro Mizumura, Full Member from Japan. What painting means to me F or me, painting is nothing less than life itself: if you ask me, to paint is to live life. I live my life through the medium of painting in the same way that I love, suffer, dream and hope. In fact, I’d go even further and say that I paint pictures to offer proof that I’m actually alive. I always wanted to be a painter even before I went to school – meaning, before I lost my arms. The truth is that I loved painting right from an early age because of the immense pleasure it gave me. But when I was in second grade at elementary school, I lost the use of both my arms due to a serious accident involving a powerful electric shock. I spent five months in hospital. When I got back to school, I found it easy to paint pictures with a brush in my mouth. “I can paint with my mouth!” I realised. My goodness. I felt Kiichiro Mizumura, Full Member from Japan. indescribably happy. I experimented with oil paints for the first time after I turned 16. The expe- rience moved me deeply. It was around this time that I began thinking about what it actually means to live – not just for a moment, but for an entire lifeti- me. I wondered about how I should best spend my early years and then continue with the rest of my life. With these thoughts going round and round in my mind, I eventually decided to dedicate my whole life and all my pas- sion to oil painting. I submitted one of my works to a competition for the very first time when I was 17 and was delighted when the judges immediately ranked it among the best entries. Shortly afterwards I found out about the VDMFK and became a Scholarship Holder. This was a great help because it meant that I could go on to develop my artistic skills even further. Kiichiro Mizumura (Full Member / Japan), ‘Autumn’, mixed tech- nique, 20x25 cm. W hen it comes to landscape pain- ting, I often choose motifs from 16
The significance of painting Kiichiro Mizumura (Full Member / Japan), ‘Sunflowers’, waterco- lour, 24x32 cm. my childhood surroundings, such as paintings. Ultimately, I think, factories, chimneys or canals. And for this also means capturing and portraits, I mainly like to paint old peo- holding down my own life in ple with long and deeply personal bio- the process. graphies. That said, a dilapidated, Kiichiro Mizumura rusting ship can easily interest me, too. Full Member / Japan Perhaps that’s because such views or landscapes offer proof that each and every last one of us lives or has lived Kiichiro Mizumura with love, sympathy and affection. I (Full Member / Ja- would like to depict this unique proof pan), ‘Winter lands- of life – or simply life itself – in my cape’, acrylic, 23x28. Mizumura, Kiichiro with a well-known Japanese artist. The use other techniques: oil and tempera award of a VDMFK scholarship in 1965 paintings as well as mixed media are Date of birth: 17 July 1946 enabled him to focus all his attention on present in his large repertoire. After fol- Place of birth: Tokyo painting. He became a Full Member of lowing the path of ancient Japanese Full Member of the VDMFK since: 1973 the Association in 1973. traditions, Kiichiro has discovered his Mouth painter own idiosyncratic style. His paintings Kiichiro uses an exquisitely refined dot have also been exhibited at a govern- Kiichiro Mizumura lost both his arms in and stroke technique to create his enig- ment-funded art exhibition held in the an accident when he was ten years old. matic urban landscapes in a highly pic- Tokyo Museum of Art. What’s more, A short time later, he began drawing turesque way. His favourite motifs inclu- Kiichiro has participated in numerous and painting with his mouth. In order to de canals and bridges as well as boat exhibitions all over the world. progress, he attended a painting course locks and marinas. Yet he also likes to 17
We mourn for While Anja mainly depicted landscapes FINLAND of her native country, her range of motifs also included floral arrange- Hämäläinen-Numminen, ments, people and mythical creatures. Anja Her pictures always reveal the generous artistic vision behind her works and are Date of birth: 8 November 1936 very self-confident in their execution. Passed away on: 19 November 2020 Anja was able to present them to the Mouth painter public at numerous exhibitions in Finland and around the world. Apart Anja Hämäläinen-Numminen contrac- from painting, Anja had many hobbies ted polio in 1954. The disease left her and interests, including literature, art arms and hands paralysed. Anja had events, acting in plays put on by organi- always enjoyed embroidering, knitting sations for disabled people and travel. and drawing patterns, but it took her three or four years before she began to paint and draw with a brush or pen in her mouth. She decided to take lessons in different painting styles from various qualified teachers. The Association first granted her a scho- larship in 1965. This enabled Anja to dedicate her life to painting. She beca- me a Full Member of the VDMFK in Full Member Anja Hämäläinen- 1980. Numminen passed away on 19 November 2020. on display at many international exhibi- ITALY tions held by the Association. In addi- tion, Bruno organised numerous solo Carati, Bruno exhibitions, which were highly success- ful. His works were also exhibited to the Date of birth: 18 November 1941 general public in Varese, Piacenza, Passed away on: 26 September 2020 Gallarate and Busto Arsizio as well as at Mouth painter other venues. Bruno was a painter, sculptor and cera- Bruno Carati had suffered from spastic micist. He also created and painted paralysis since birth. Despite his disabili- glass surfaces, came up with ideas for ty, Bruno completed his secondary edu- clothes and fabric patterns, and desi- cation at a school for children with spe- gned aids for the disabled. The develop- cial needs. He began painting at the age ment and implementation of proposals of 13. Bruno gained his painting skills that might be of use for disabled people through private lessons in painting and like him gradually became his hobby. art history. Soon after, the most impor- For example, the driver’s side of a car tant Italian and foreign daily newspa- was adapted under his guidance to his pers became aware of him. RAI, the needs, enabling him to drive the car by Italian state-owned broadcaster, was using his mouth. Bruno Carati passed also drawn to him and dedicated an away on 26 September 2020. episode of the show Anche oggi è Domenica (Today is also Sunday) to Bruno. The Association first granted him Bruno Carati passed away on 26 a scholarship in 1956. In 1961, he was September 2020. He had been a admitted as a Full Member of the Full Member of the VDMFK since VDMFK. From then on, his works were 1961. 18
We mourn for mouth, I would paint with my forehead. USA You see, art is all about realising your ideas,” he once tried to explain. Over Thome, Robert the course of twenty years, Robert stea- dily improved his technique and partici- Date of birth: 21 February 1954 pated in over 200 exhibitions. He was a Passed away on: 30 June 2020 founding member of the Artability Mouth painter Artist Association in San Diego, a group of disabled artists who teach and advise At the age of 15, Robert Thome suffe- other people with disabilities at the San red a serious injury while playing Diego Rehabilitation Center. Robert was American football. He collided with a also involved in the care of young peo- player from the opposing team, fell to ple and adults in schools, universities the ground and broke two vertebrae. As and community organisations. He recei- a result, he remained paralyzed from ved numerous honours and awards for the neck down. He taught himself to his work. Among other things, he was paint. “When you're a tetraplegic, you- awarded the Governor's Trophy, the 're trapped in a cage, and there's no highest honour that can be bestowed way out,” he said. In 1980 he met upon a Californian with a disability. Kathy, the woman who was later to Robert had been a Full Member of the become his wife. She made his life VDMFK since 2001. He left us forever worth living again. Thanks to her sup- on 30 June 2020. port, he turned art into his vocation and came to regard it as the fulfilment of his life. “Art is a wonderful means of expression. I paint with my mouth, but Robert Thome left us forever on 30 if something were to happen with my June 2020. Deceased Scholarship Holders son met people with similar and even BRAZIL worse symptoms, and learned a lot from them. His access to a computer AUSTRALIA do Nascimento Lopez, enabled him to broaden his social con- Denyson tacts. He also met and felt deeply Ha, Vinh impressed by a mouth painter. Denyson Date of birth: 27 March 1987 regarded the VDMFK as a marvellous Date of birth: 12 April 1954 Passed away on: 25 August 2020 opportunity and chance for him to Passed away on: 26 September 2020 Mouth painter achieve the professional independence Mouth painter he so longed for. The VDMFK first awar- Denyson do Nascimento Lopez was ded Denyson a scholarship in 2010. Vinh Ha was born in Saigon (Vietnam) born in Rio de Janeiro on 27 March Denyson passed away on 25 August on 12 April 1954. After studying econo- 1987. Denyson went to school and did 2020. mics in Saigon, he and his family came a lot of sport in his spare time. On 16 to Australia in 1979. He worked for August 2002, he was suddenly gunned General Motors Holden in Melbourne. down by his neighbour in the course of Vinh was involved in a car accident in what was a banal, trivial dispute, lea- 1980 and had been paralyzed from that ving him paralysed in all four limbs. time. After being discharged from Denyson was treated in a public hospi- hospital, he lived for some time in a tal for three months. After being centre for quadriplegics, where he discharged from the hospital, his mot- began painting with his mouth. Vinh her had to give up her job because no- taught himself how to paint. He lived one else was prepared to take care of together with his family in Ringwood, a him: the psychological burden involved suburb of Melbourne. Among his cho- would be too great, some people said, sen motifs, Vinh especially loved to while others cited financial reasons. paint Australian landscapes. During his multiple treatments, Deny- Continued on page 20 19
We mourn for CZECH REPUBLIC GREAT BRITAIN IRELAND Jezkova, Zdena Hulme, Ann Elizabeth Ryan, Mai Date of birth: 23 February 1972 Date of birth: 5 December 1946 Date of birth: 12 May 1950 Passed away on: 1 October 2020 Passed away on: 19 June 2020 Passed away on: 7 September 2020 Mouth painter Mouth painter Mouth painter Zdena Ježková was born in Prachatice Ann Elizabeth Hulme was born in Mai Ryan was born in Tipperary on 12 on 23 February 1972. From early child- Birmingham, UK, on 5 December 1946. May 1950. In 1976, Mai was involved in hood she was mentally and physically Ann was diagnosed with multiple scle- a traffic accident and suffered a fractu- handicapped (with severe hypotrophy rosis in 1991 and needed to use a re of the C4/5 vertebrae, resulting in on her legs and hands), causing her to wheelchair from 1996 onwards. In quadriplegia. She had always been live in a nursing home. At the age of 2009, as she gradually lost the use of interested in art, drawing and painting. seven, Zdena began to paint with her her arms, she decided to turn to the In 1990, when she moved to Dublin and mouth. Zdena wanted to develop her VDMFK for help in order to learn how had the opportunity to attend art and artistic talents, so she regularly attended to paint with her mouth. Ann met computer courses, she laid her first art school and took lessons in sculpture. Board Member Tom Yendell during a milestone for mouth painting. Mai The VDMFK first awarded Zdena a scho- Mobility Road Show event. He gave her attended evening classes, where she larship in 1996. Zdena passed away on a brush holder which she would subse- learned to paint with watercolours and 1 October 2020. quently use to paint by mouth. Ann pre- oils by using a brush in her mouth. In ferred to paint wild animals and lands- 1998, she was able to successfully com- capes in tempera. The VDMFK first plete a two-year art diploma course. FRANCE awarded Ann a scholarship in 2011. The VDMFK first awarded Mai a scho- Ann passed away on 19 June 2020. larship in 2001. Mai passed away on 7 Majoulet, Roland September 2020. IRAN Date of birth: 26 May 1946 MEXICO Passed away on: 7 October 2020 Mouth painter Shokravi, Maasoumeh León Ramirez, Alicia Roland Majoulet was born in Naucelle Date of birth: 1 July 1978 on 26 May 1946. Six months after his Passed away on: 21 May 2020 Date of birth: 4 December 1964 birth, he suffered an illness that left him Foot painter Passed away on: 4 August 2020 unable to move any of his limbs. At the Mouth painter age of fourteen, he began to paint with Maasoumeh Shokravi was born without a goose quill which he dipped in wine arms in the city of Mashhad in 1978. Alicia León Ramirez was born in or coffee. Over time, he became extre- She began to take an interest in dra- Guamúchil, Sinaloa, on 4 December mely good at drawing and painting wing and painting at the age of seven. 1964. She obtained her degree from a with his mouth. Roland mainly painted With gritty determination, Maasoumeh, faculty of law in 1987. Shortly after- landscapes, animals and flowers. He who painted with her right foot, steadi- wards, she married and gave birth to a also participated in artists’ meetings and ly improved her skills. She took painting daughter. Alicia took a job at a law firm exhibitions. The VDMFK first awarded lessons with a recognized art professor in September 1989. However, she was Roland a scholarship in 2010. Roland in order to perfect her painting techni- only there for two months because she passed away on 7 October 2020. que. Maasoumeh preferred to paint felt pains all over her body, making it typical landscape motifs from her ho- impossible for her to continue working. meland as well as flowers. The VDMFK In 1990, she was diagnosed with rheu- first awarded Maasoumeh a scholarship matoid arthritis after several examina- in 1998. Maasoumeh passed away on tions and visits to the doctor. Alicia was 21 May 2020. unable to walk for two months because of the severe pain in her elbows and knee joints. As the disease progressed, she became all but incapable of using her hands and legs. Consequently, she was unable to carry out any routine 20
We mourn for activities for years and always needed a to paint still lifes in bright colours and walking aid at her side. Thanks to USA accentuated textures. Bold, powerful Dennis, a friend who accompanied and sweeping brushstrokes became his Alicia to her rehab sessions, she became Condon, Michael Dennis trademark. The VDMFK first awarded involved with the painting group there. Richard a scholarship in 2015. Richard In July 2007, she attended a mouth Date of birth: 18 October 1949 passed away on 26 October 2020. painters’ event and was highly impres- Passed away on: 1 October 2019 sed by the beautiful pictures she saw. Mouth painter She began painting lessons in Septem- ber of the same year. Scholarship Holder Michael Dennis Condon was born in Lidia Cháidez encouraged and taught Pasadena, California, on 18 October her to paint with her mouth using acry- 1949. In 1971, a diving accident caused lics and oils. The VDMFK first awarded him to sustain a complete C3/4 quadri- Alicia a scholarship in 2009. Alicia pas- plegia. From that time onward, he was sed away on 4 August 2020. no longer able to use his upper and lower limbs. After his rehabilitation at Zavala Botello, Rodolfo the VA hospital in Long Beach he began studying law. To fill his schedule, he Date of birth: 1 April 1963 opted for the optional subjects of pain- Passed away on: 11 July 2020 ting and drawing. Consequently, he had Mouth painter already established a basis for mouth painting by 1971. Because he had liked Rodolfo Zavala Botello was born in art from early childhood – an interest Mexico City in 1963. He was the second which he nurtured right through until of seven brothers. As an infant, he was the start of college – he changed his taken to the Children’s Hospital of major to art. After his AA degree at the Mexico where he was treated for seve- college he moved on to the San Diego ral weeks because his arms were cold State University (SDSU) and did his BA and immobile. At the same hospital, at and MA there in local painting classes the age of six, he was taught how to (1993). Michael painted, drew and write with his feet using a typewriter. At sculpted all the time; he also managed the age of seven, he went to primary to take part in numerous exhibitions school and completed his education and organise his own private exhibi- there with the aid of his teacher. While tions. The VDMFK first awarded Michael continuing his medical treatments at a scholarship in 2015. Michael passed the Mexico City Medical Center, he away on 1 October 2019. would accompany his father to work in the afternoon. He was familiar with Masters, Richard Scott several museums and would often visit art exhibitions. Later, he worked with Date of birth: 25 September 1989 his brother Francisco at a printing plant, Passed away on: 26 October 2020 where he administered order informa- Mouth painter tion and passed on pricing details to customers. Before becoming aware of Richard Scott Masters was born in the VDMFK, he had already created a Rochester, New York, on 25 September number of pencil drawings with his 1989. He was seriously injured in a car mouth. On 25 April 2016, he met the accident at the age of five in 1994. mouth painter Miguel Angel Lopez From that time onward he was paraly- Tinoco who invited him to take painting zed from the neck down and depen- courses under Professor Alejandro dent on a ventilator. Richard had alrea- Valentin. Rodolfo participated in an dy begun to take an interest in painting exhibition for which his work and com- in fourth grade and, on the initiative of mitment was duly recognised. The his then teacher, to paint and draw with VDMFK first awarded Rodolfo a scho- his mouth. Later, he took private art and larship in 2019. Rodolfo passed away painting lessons under the professional on 11 July 2020. artist Deborah Sapienza. Richard liked 21
VDMFK personalities In this section we are honoured to learned to paint his mouth during the introduce you to mouth and foot last months of the war and was able to painters who have rendered out- resume work as an illustrator for his old standing services to the VDMFK magazine in 1948. He became particu- over the course of its history. This larly well known for his comics about time around we present the Oskar the cat, which were printed in the mouth-painting cartoonist Carl Frankfurter Illustrierte from 1952 to Ernst Fischer (Cefischer) from 1962 and also appeared in book form Germany. from 1954. The first of these was Oskar, der Familienvater (‘Oskar the family fat- Carl Ernst Fischer was born in Frankfurt her’). Arnulf Erich Stegmann became am Main on 7 March 1900. He was a aware of the mouth painter through the German editor, draughtsman, illustrator press. Stegmann was impressed by and poster artist. He became known Cefischer’s paintings and drawings. The under his pseudonym, ‘Cefischer’. After mouth painter immediately became a attending the School of Applied Arts, member of the Association. This made Cefischer one of the founding members of the Association. For his work as co- founder of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, he was awar- ded the Federal Cross of Merit First Class in 1965. Cefischer passed away Carl Ernst Fischer – alias Cefischer – on 29 April1974. was not only a cartoonist but also a painter. Cefischer was both a cartoonist and the inventor of ‘Oskar the cat’, whom he brought to life in picture stories. Fischer worked in various commercial professions during the first half of the 1920s. From the mid-1920s onwards, he published drawings and picture sto- ries in customer booklets and children’s magazines such as Blaubandwoche and Hans Kunterbunt. He first used the pseudonym ‘Cefischer’ in 1935. From 1937 onwards he worked for the Illustriertes Blatt, which later became the Frankfurter Illustrierte. In 1944, in the Second World War, he lost both his arms on a train journey during an air The picture stories about ‘Oskar the cat’ were also published raid on Fulda station. As a result, he as books. 22
SERVICE Kerrin Tilley (Associate Member / New Zealand), ‘Yellow watering can in flowery meadow’, oils, 60x45 cm. 23
Information from the office Submission of originals All your correspondence etc. should Dear Artists, be addressed solely to the: The office of the Association kindly asks In case you missed it, The VDMFK all artists to read and take note of the VDMFK ‘Official Facebook Page’: following information. Im Rietle 25 @artbymouthandfootpainters P.O. Box 818 www.facebook.com/artbymouthand- All consignments of originals sent in to FL-9494 Schaan footpainters was launched in June the VDMFK are subject to inspection by Principality of Liechtenstein 2020. the Swiss Customs Administration Email: vdmfk@vdmfk.li (Liechtenstein is Swiss Customs Territory With so many of you on Facebook, the and part of the Swiss Currency and Return of originals Board decided it is the ideal place to Economic Area). Import levy is imposed share your amazing artwork, communi- on all originals, which will be paid by Due to lack of storage we have to cate association information to a wider the VDMFK. return the originals to our artists from audience, keep in touch with you all As artists constantly send their originals time to time. We send back those origi- and build a larger overall following. We to the VDMFK we have commissioned nals that have already been reproduced also aim to drive sales, direct traffic to the forwarding agency DHL Logistics or motifs that are not needed for other all the VDMFK/MFPA separate country AG, Switzerland, to handle this difficult purposes any more. The VDMFK does websites and secure new customers. matter. not need these paintings any more, so please do not submit the returned origi- If you would like to feature on the new We therefore request you to send nals again. You can use your works for Facebook page, please ‘Direct Mes- all your parcels containing originals your exhibitions or sell them. However, sage’ your photos to the @artbymout- to the following address: please take into account that the pur- handfootpainters Facebook page, ide- chaser does not acquire the right to ally with a title and details of the art- DHL Logistics (Schweiz) AG reproduce the original. work. We would love to share your art DHL Freight Division For private sales please use the form of pieces and we will tag you to hopeful- Attn. Mr. Kurt Schäpper (VDMFK) the VDMFK, which has to be signed by ly improve your following also! Heldaustrasse 66 the respective purchaser. CH-9471 Buchs If you aren’t aware, we are also on SWITZERLAND Instagram @artbymouthandfootpain- ters www.instagram.com/artbymout- Please keep in mind the following handfootpainters/ If you are there too, points when you send in your paintings: follow us and tag us in your photos. -no framed paintings We will add them to our daily stories. -no passe-partouts Thank you to all who are already doing -no eye bolts or other hanging devices this. -no oil paintings that are not dry On both Facebook and Instagram, we Please write the following information are using the hashtag #artbymout- on the reverse of your original: handfootpainters. Use it on your posts - name too! - country - original title We appreciate your continued support - technique and wish you safe at this time. - on sale or not on sale VDMFK Board With your cooperation you save us additional correspondence and consi- derably facilitate the work of the VDMFK. Please send only originals to DHL but no correspondence, reports, photographs, catalogues, biographies, etc. 24
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