Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

Page created by Seth Bowen
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College
                     OFFICI A L JOUR N A L

2 0 2 0 E DI T ION           PE R T H COLLEGE OLD GIR L S ' A S S OCI AT I ON

                                                     WITH FEATURES FROM

                                        Esther Gauntlett (2006)
                                         Pauline Kuriata (1988)
                                             Katie Basso (2017)

                                                               COVER STORY

                               (2017) releases her first single
                                                        PHOTOGRAPHER: ANNIE HARVEY

                                                   FONDLY REMEMBERING

                                      Betty (Ellis) Ahern (1934)
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

                                                                                                                                           Old Girls' Association 2020 Commitee
Staying                                                                                                                                     PRESIDENT                                                        COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE

                                                                                                                                           STEPHANIE (JENNINGS) FULLARTON (1979)                           JANE SCOTT (1975)

                                                                                                                                            VICE PRESIDENT                                                   FOUNDATION REPRESENTATIVE

                                                                                                                                           LINDA (MEYERS) HYLAND (1968)                                    ANGEL CHEN (2008)

                                                                                                                                            SECRETARY                                                        MYALLA EDITOR
I’m sure all of us are breathing a sigh of relief with              Hang on to your PC hats… the first story is from 2006 Leaver
coronavirus restrictions finally lifting. Australia, particularly   Esther Gauntlett. She’s safely back in Perth, but not before           KATRINA (PORT) HARRISON (1988)                                  MIGNON (HENNE) STEWART (1988)
the lucky West, appears to have controlled the virus for now,       a heart breaking ordeal to get the hell out of her home,
but while things return to some kind of normalcy, I still fear      New York City where more than 20,000 people have                        TREASURER                                                        COMMITTEE
we won’t ever go back to our pre-pandemic past. Oh those            perished with the virus.                                               ELIZA JAMIESON (2008)                                           MEGHAN (PEPPER) FRANZINELLI (2006)
were the days my friend!                                                                                                                                                                                   MALINDA BLAIR (1996)
                                                                    On a much brighter note, it was a pleasure to interview fellow
Surely our lives have irrevocably changed and how can we            1988 Leaver Pauline Kuriata. Unlike many, she didn’t enjoy              BURSARY TRUSTEES                                               LESLEY (DUNSTAN) KEEN (1958)
really rest until there’s a vaccine for the virus? Also, we’re      boarding school, and that’s OK! Now, as a Police Officer, she’s                                                                        DENISE (JONES) HALL (1979)
                                                                                                                                           PRESIDENT, TREASURER
still indefinitely separated from loved ones interstate and         found her ‘family’. Speaking of women in uniform, I had a
                                                                                                                                           AND FOUNDATION REPRESENTATIVE
overseas… some who are in countries that continue to be             terrific talk with Old Girl Katie Basso (2017). Watch this space,
ravaged by the pandemic. I’m in one of those.                       she’s on her way to fly straight through the aviation glass ceiling!

I’m writing this from my home in Washington D.C. where              In this issue we also shine a light on the athletes amongst us,
I moved three years ago with my husband, the U.S.
Correspondent for The Australian newspaper. We’ve loved
                                                                    those with fabulous artistic endeavours, the academics and
                                                                    so many more.
                                                                                                                                           Young Old Girls' Advisory                                         COMMITTEE

the posting… doing the expat thing of making fast and
fabulous friends and going on grand adventures. Now
                                                                    Sadly we say farewell to one of our oldest Old Girls. What an          (YOGA) Sub Committee                                            ELLY ZOUNIS (2013)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           STEPH MUNRO (2012)
                                                                    incredible life 1934 Leaver Betty (Ellis) Ahern had.                                                                                   CAITLIN DI STEFANO (2012)
however, with our son, we’re under a strict ‘stay home and
shelter’ order, only daring to leave our house to walk our          Is it just me, or do beautiful photos of young brides make                                                                             GRACE HUXTABLE (2010)
                                                                                                                                            COORDINATOR                                                    TANYA MOON (2011)
beloved labrador.                                                   you feel happy and hopeful. We also have other photos that’ll
                                                                    make you smile, check out the beaming faces from the 2020              JADE GUERRINI (2016)                                            BRIANNA DI STEFANO (2013)
What’s impressed upon me most though is our need,                                                                                                                                                          CHARLOTTE ETHELL (2010)
                                                                    Vintage reunion. They really are beautiful.
the world’s need, to stay connected. Thank goodness for                                                                                                                                                    CHLOE SMOLENSKI (2016)
technology (and the odd gin and tonic!)                             Unfortunately many events were cancelled or postponed
                                                                                                                                                                                                           TAYLOR BLOTT (2009)
                                                                    in the past few months due to the virus, but the Old Girls’
We went into lock-down in March, on Friday the 13th as                                                                                                                                                     HEATHER GROTH (2012)
                                                                    Association hasn’t skipped a beat. The ladies have been busy
luck would have it! Since then I’ve communicated with loved                                                                                                                                                ANGEL CHEN (2008)
                                                                    contacting our older Old Girls, creating online webinars and
ones more than before the pandemic! I’ve ‘Zoomed’ with                                                                                                                                                     MELISSA SETTINERI (2009)
                                                                    organising a full calendar of events that’ll go ahead as soon
friends across the globe, I’ve Face-Timed with cousins, I’ve
                                                                    as it’s safe, so stay tuned.
encouraged (OK, ordered) my son to email and write to his
grandparents, I’ve ‘Instagrammed’ buddies… I’m even being           In the meantime, a special acknowledgement to all the
generous with my random ‘likes’ on social media! As trivial as      Old Girls who have been working on the frontline during
that sounds, it’s all a way of ‘reaching out’ and it feels good.    this extraordinary time.                                               COVID ANNOUNCEMENT
Actually, it feels essential.                                       Thank you so very much.
                                                                                                                                           As 2020 has been a unique year, we have created this stunning 2020 Edition of Myalla to stay connected to our
So, as the new Editor of the Myalla, I’m keen to keep
                                                                    1988 LEAVER MIGNON STEWART (NEE HENNE)                                 OGA community. This will be the only Myalla for 2020, however we will endeavour to stay in touch and to invite
that communication momentum strong, and I’m rapt to
                                                                                                                                           our OGA community to upcoming events as COVID-19 restrictions ease in Perth.
introduce a new section, ‘The Kangaroo Route’, exploring
the lives of Old Girls overseas... a broad abroad if you like!                                                                             Term 3 will see the return of some OGA events and reunions, which will proceed with caution and potentially run
After all, the PC community is not confined by the Mount                                                                                   a little differently to ensure the safety of our Old Girls.
Lawley postcode. I think the timing is perfect because as an
                                                                                                                                           Invitations will be sent out once details are confirmed. However, to enable more effective communications, we would
expat, I’ve never felt so far away. I feel very ‘stuck’ with the
                                                                                                                                           love all Old Girls to provide a phone and email contact if possible, as it will enable us to update you all more regularly.
Australian border closed and flights grounded, and I know
I’m not alone.                                                                                                                             Please update us via phone +61 (8) 9471 2100, or email

               OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                    2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                             3
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

If you think it’s been hard handling the coronavirus from the
comfort of Australia, spare a thought for 2006 Leaver Esther
Gauntlett who found herself in the middle of the crisis in her
beloved home of New York City (NYC).

Esther Gauntlett
Esther moved to the Big Apple in 2013 after winning a green card in the lottery. She arrived
with nothing, but fast forward seven years, and she had to leave everything… scrambling to get
the very last QANTAS flight out of the city teeming with the virus. So far, it’s claimed more than
20,000 lives in New York City alone.
Esther had been thriving in her new homeland, even finding time outside her successful fashion
business to get involved in the US Election campaign. But now, the 30 year old has had to move
back in with Mum and Dad, and has too much time to reflect on all she’s left behind… her work,                                                                              ABOVE: ESTHER’S LAST FASHION SHOW IN NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 2019
                                                                                                                                                                            LEFT: ESTHER AND HER BOYFRIEND ARRIVING IN PERTH IN APRIL 2020
her home, even her cat, Flipper!

When did you attend PC                      fashion. Initially I didn’t have much of a   it’s all a little up in the air now though.   I clearly remember the day it all started    for him and a night spent at the airport    Are there any positives to
                                            plan. I had very limited savings and no      I’d also spent the first part of 2020         becoming real – Wednesday 11 March.          hotel before we got on the last QANTAS
and did you enjoy school?                                                                                                                                                                                                       come from this experience?
                                            job lined up, but I was committed to stay    working with the campaign of (the then        I was watching a basketball game at my       flight out of NYC, and no real idea when
I was at PC Years 8 to 12, graduating in                                                                                                                                                                                        Being forced to slow down is a positive.
                                            at least a year.                             Democrat presidential candidate) Bernie       home in Brooklyn and they called it off      we’d be coming back.
2006. I had a great time at school. I had                                                                                                                                                                                       The pace of life in NYC can be very
                                                                                         Sanders and had travelled around the          right before it was about to start and
lots of teachers I loved dearly and an
                                            How was NYC when you                         States canvassing for him. That really        sent the whole crowd home. Everything        What did you leave behind                   overwhelming and you don’t really
amazing group of friends who I am still                                                                                                                                                                                         realise until you have a moment away.
close with today. A favourite memory
                                            arrived - were you enjoying it?              opened my eyes to a part of America           seemed really panicked and it felt           in New York?
                                                                                         I hadn’t been exposed to - and the            surreal to see it play-out on live TV. By                                                I’m grateful to be able to spend time
is being a ‘house mascot’ for Bedford       I was pretty naive going in and it was                                                                                                  So much! My apartment, my cat,
                                                                                         conversations I had with people In New        Friday everyone I knew was working                                                       with my family and old friends after not
with my friend Liz Walker (2006) for the    certainly hard but I loved it from                                                                                                      ALL my winter clothes, my amazing
                                                                                         Hampshire and South Carolina gave me          remotely. I did a big shop and I didn’t                                                  having lived in Perth for 10 years.
Athletics Carnival (we were leprechauns!)   day one. I got an internship with the                                                                                                   friends, my whole business. I have
                                                                                         so much hope for the year ahead.              really leave my apartment again. We
                                            American fashion brand Eckhaus Latta                                                                                                    someone staying there and looking
                                                                                                                                       know now the virus had been spreading                                                    Did your time at PC arm you
What further study did                      and through that I met an incredible
                                                                                         When did you first hear                       in NYC much earlier than that, so I feel
                                                                                                                                                                                    after everything, but I miss New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                with anything that helped
you do after school?                        creative community, and amazing                                                                                                         and everything there so much.
                                            friends. I worked with them for a year,      about the Coronavirus?                        very lucky to be healthy. Some friends                                                   you get through this ordeal?
I initially went to UWA to study Arts /                                                                                                have had mild versions of it.
                                            freelanced a little and then started         I was actually following it pretty closely                                                 How is it going in Perth now?               My friendship group of girls are my
Law but ended up in Melbourne at RMIT
                                            my own brand with friends, ‘Gauntlett        as I had tickets to come to Perth for a       I already had plans to come home with        It’s interesting! We’re staying with my     absolute support system! I feel like my
where I completed a Bachelor of Design
                                            Cheng’. I moved to New York City with        holiday in late March, via Korea. I was       my boyfriend but my original flights         parents which is an adjustment but          time at school gave a me a confidence
with Honours so I could pursue fashion
                                            my then boyfriend, but have been with        watching numbers change and thinking          were cancelled, so we began looking for      very much enjoying the beach and the        to go over and give it a shot, and I’m very
design. I entered the green card lottery
                                            my new boyfriend who’s from Chicago          about my travel plans, but I had no idea      other ways to get to Perth - we thought      space - two weeks inside in NYC made        proud of what I built there. My parents
in my final year of uni and found out
                                            for around five years now.                   how much everything would change and          it would be a nicer environment than         me realize how lucky we are here in         hate this, but I really can’t wait to get back.
I had won just a few months before I
                                                                                         how quickly.                                  our apartment to spend a few weeks           WA. Hopefully we will try and get back
finished my degree. I was on a plane to
                                            What goals were you                                                                        inside. The reality of us staying in Perth   to America in the next six months, but
NYC before graduation!
                                            pursuing in New York                         How long until you took                       for much longer didn’t seem to hit           it feels very up in the air. I also don’t
When and why did you                        and were you on track?                       the virus seriously and                       until the travel ban came into effect        really know what New York will be like       We think Esther’s come a long
                                                                                         ultimately, make the                          two days before we were meant to fly         when we do get back. Will my favorite
move to New York?                           I’d had my label for six years and was                                                                                                                                               way from being a leprechaun
                                                                                                                                       out, meaning that my boyfriend wasn’t
                                            really enjoying it. The last season we       decision to leave New York?                                                                restaurants still exist? Will my business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  house mascot! All the best
I moved at the end of 2013, and I was                                                                                                  allowed entry into Australia. There was a    still exist? Will everyone I know be ok?
                                            did was by far our most successful and                                                                                                                                                Esther and thank you for
hoping to find some sort of work in                                                                                                    huge rush to get an emergency visa
                                            I felt really excited about our future -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    sharing your story. xx.

               OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                   2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                                   5
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

Pauline Kuriata didn’t take the conventional path either at
school or after school. This farm girl had a spring in her step
and a different journey ahead before she settled into what she
fondly calls ‘the blue family’.

Pauline Kuriata's
rewarding career
in uniform
                                                                                                                                                                                           SENIOR CONSTABLE 'POPS' IN UNIFORM
‘Pops’ as everyone calls her, was raised with her two big brothers on the family farm in Hyden
(famous for the impressive ‘Wave Rock’). She loved the country life and was not ready to be
separated from her folks or the farm when it came time to attend secondary school in the city.
It’s fair to say, this 1988 Leaver didn’t like boarding school one bit!
It was a hard start for the shy country girl, but with family support and a good dollop of                                                 domestic violence or children from             and drug overdoses to name a few           OK, one for the curiosity
determination on her part, Pops joined the WA Police Academy at the age of 32 and is now a                                                 neglect and abuse.                             and then dealing with the distraught
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in all of us… have you ever
Senior Constable.                                                                                                                                                                         families can be extremely emotional and
                                                                                                                                            elping people when they’re in the
                                                                                                                                           H                                                                                         fired your gun?
                                                                                                                                                                                          draining. But as Police, we need to show
                                                                                                                                           depths of despair, and seeing the
What were your first                          I met my best friend at school though          Is it harder for women                                                                       compassion, empathy and support to         I have never fired my gun, only at re-
                                              so it wasn’t all bad! I also loved Mrs C’s                                                   desperation and helplessness in their
impressions when you                                                                         to be in the Force?                           eyes, and the relief when they see you,
                                                                                                                                                                                          help guide the families through the        qualification each year. I’ve had to pull it
                                              cheesy bread from the canteen.                                                                                                                                                         out a couple of times and my heart was
walked into the Boarding                                                                     I think it was harder for women in the        is very satisfying. I also find it rewarding
                                                                                                                                                                                          Coronial process.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     racing. I think it’d be every coppers worst
House for the first time?                     When did you start thinking                    past but it’s definitely improving and        to see people turn their lives around.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Would you recommend the                    nightmare to actually have to use it.
Very daunting, as a 12 year old girl,         about becoming a Police                        since 2009 when I re-joined, the Force
                                                                                             has become a lot more contemporary.           How tough can it get…                          job to other women?
fresh off the farm and very naive, I was      Officer?
nervous. Seeing the dorm and the                                                             It is still very male orientated, but women   physically and emotionally?                    I would definitely recommend it to
                                              Probably around the age of 27, five years      are getting better opportunities and                                                         women, no matter what age you are.
beds all in a row and a little room at                                                                                                     It can get tough physically, mentally
                                              before I actually joined. I wasn’t enjoying    there are more women in higher ranks.                                                        I was 32 when I entered the Academy
the end of your bed with a curtain! The                                                                                                    and emotionally. I did three years at the                                                    Here’s hoping you never do
                                              the sales work I’d been doing since                                                                                                         and I had a 52 year old in my squad!
furniture was old and I know my Mum                                                          There are around 6000 Police Officers         Organised Crime Squad (Drug Squad)
                                              school and wanted a more rewarding                                                                                                          Looking back, I wish I had joined in my       have to use your gun Pops.
was putting on a brave face. Funny what                                                      in WA and women make up about                 and doing long days, wearing your rig
                                              career where I could help people and                                                                                                        twenties. There are so many different
you remember, but I recall Mum pulling
                                              hopefully do some good! The diversity
                                                                                             25%. I’d love to see a female Police          and executing search warrants, often                                                       Thank you for being open and
                                                                                                                                                                                          aspects and roles in the job, and you
out her hanky to dust down the dressing
                                              of policing also appealed to me. I first
                                                                                             Commissioner here one day!                    a number of them in the same day, can                                                     honest with us and we wish you
table as it was really dusty. Dad wasn’t                                                                                                                                                  can travel the State. Women are also
                                              joined in 2003 and was in the Force            What are the best bits
                                                                                                                                           be tiring. Always being on high alert
                                                                                                                                                                                          being encouraged to climb the ranks.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            all the very best.
allowed up to the Boarding House. I                                                                                                        when you barge through a drug dealers
                                              for two years. But my ex-husband
really struggled with homesickness                                                           about your job?                               door and not knowing what you will find
                                                                                                                                                                                          There have been so many moments in
                                              wasn’t overly supportive of me being a                                                                                                      my career where I’ve thought, ‘Wow! Not
and back then you couldn’t contact                                                           There are too many to mention! I am           on the other side. The most emotional
                                              copper so I resigned, had twins and got                                                                                                     everyone gets to do this!’
your parents, except by letter, for the                                                      currently working in family violence. I       position I have undertaken would be
                                              divorced all in a four year period. I really
first six weeks. I struggled to settle into                                                  love working with families/children and       the two years I spent at the Coronial          One of the biggest positives however is
                                              missed being an Officer though and I
boarding school and I ended up leaving                                                       the elderly in crisis and helping them,       Investigation Unit. Going to all types         the camaraderie that the blue family has
                                              re-joined the Force in 2009.
and becoming a day girl and living with                                                      whether it be assisting women to flee         of scenes from infant deaths, suicides         and you make friends for life.
my Grandma in Floreat.

               OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                       2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                                 7
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College
WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING                                                                                                            COVER STORY

                                                                                                                                 Music Captain
                                                                                                                                 Siobhan Cotchin
                                                                                                                                 releases her
                                                                                                                                 first single
                                                                 OLIVIA (2ND FROM LEFT) AND AMY (2ND FROM RIGHT)

                                                                PC Foundation Scholarship Fund
 GIORGIA PATTEN (LEFT) WITH HARRIET HUDSON                      Donor Breakfast
                                                                What an inspiring morning! Over breakfast, donors to the
2020 Olympics Australian Rowing team
                                                                Perth College Foundation’s Scholarship Fund saw first
Congratulations to 2016 Leaver and Lawley House                 hand the impact of their donations when our enthusiastic
Vice-Captain, Giorgia Patten who together with Harriet          group of scholarship recipients shared their stories and the
Hudson, won silver in the U23 Women’s Double Sculls at          difference the scholarships had made to their lives. Old Girls
the World Rowing U23 Championships in Florida last July.        Olivia Smith (2016) and Amy Colgan (2017) shared how
Giorgia was also selected for the 2020 Australian Rowing        their Perth College education has provided them with the
team and was looking forward to competing at the 2020           opportunities to achieve their goals beyond graduation and
World Rowing Cup as well as the Final Olympic Qualification     how grateful they are for being awarded their scholarships.
Regatta later this year, but sadly the events were cancelled
                                                                John Palermo, Secretary to the Board of Governors of
due to the coronavirus.
                                                                the Feilman Foundation (a generous benefactor to Perth
                                                                College) also spoke about the value of giving and the
                                                                culture of philanthropy.
                                                                                                                                 “Do yourself
                                                                                                                                   a favour
                                                                                                                                   and check
                                                                                                                                   them out!”
                                                                 CONCERT POSTER
                                                                                                                                 A big congratulations to Siobhan Cotchin
                                                                Perth Orchestra Project (POP) concert                            (2017) on her 2020 WAM Song of the Year
 SUNRISE WEATHER SEGMENT FEATURING KATHERINE                                                                                     nomination for her first single 'Tear Myself
                                                                2013 Leaver and Music Captain Kate Milligan was
                                                                                                                                 Apart' which was released in February.
                                                                commissioned to compose a piece for the Perth Orchestra
Sydney Science Festival featured on                                                                                              The single is a finalist in both the Rock and
                                                                Project (POP) concert at UWA last November. The concert
Channel Seven’s ‘Sunrise’                                       Destinations featured a programme of American music from
                                                                                                                                 Country categories with winners announced
                                                                                                                                 on Wednesday 29 July 2020.
2006 Leaver Katherine O’Sullivan featured on Channel            the 20th century and Kate’s new composition. A review
Seven’s ‘Sunrise’ programme last August promoting the           from Seesaw magazine said: “The clatter of vintage early         The West Australian Academy of Performing
Sydney Science Festival. Katherine is a team member of          20th century trains were replaced by the calm hiss of            Arts (WAAPA) graduate also released another
Fizzics Education, a Sydney based company that makes            pneumatic doors in Kate Milligan’s Migrations. Her recordings    track entitled 'Do You Know What I Mean?'
science fun for kids. A self-confessed ‘total science nerd’     of the Paris metro underpin her new work, in a stylistic         in May and will release her next single 'Just
and a theatre kid, Katherine says she gets a kick from seeing   nod to Reich. The flutes returned to the stage and their         The Way It Is' in July 2020.
students engage with new ideas – especially when there’s        rushing air and spitting sounds together with the slowly         We think her new songs are fabulous and
slime, liquid nitrogen or explosions involved! After studying   accelerating string rhythms took the audience on a distinctly    as Molly Meldrum would say, ‘Do yourself a
Nanotechnology, Chemistry and Science Communication             more modern journey. Milligan’s field recordings included        favour and check them out!’
at UWA, Katherine ventured to the east coast to complete        snippets of buskers (the melody taken up briefly by the
her Masters at ANU in 2015.                                     instrumentalists) and the chatter of people at a station”.

                                                                                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHER: ANNIE HARVEY

              OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                2020 EDITION                                                                                          9
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Budding Artist
                                                                                                                                                                                                     What a thrill it must have been for 2016 Leaver and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Art Captain Melissa Clements to hold her first
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Art Exhibition Fracture at Plume Estate Vineyard in
                                                                                                                                                                                                     September 2019. The exhibition was described as
                                                                                                                                                                                                     an intimate show of artwork exploring the notion
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of fragmented identity, ego and the relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                                     between body and spirit.

                                                                                                                                   HEIDI GAN                                                         Melissa was a talented artist at school, so we’re not
                                                                                RINA’S ARTWORK AND THE C&M T-SHIRT                                                                                   surprised her recent exhibition was a big success
                                                                SIOBHAN SPEAKING WITH YEAR 10 STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and we’re sure she has a bright artistic future.
                                                                                                                                  Junior Lawyer of the Year
                                                               Lunch with Siobhan Hammond                                         Congratulations to 2005 Leaver and SRC President Heidi
                                                                                                                                  Gan who was named Junior Lawyer of the Year in March at
                                                               Year 10 students with an interest in studying accounting
                                                                                                                                  the Women’s Lawyers of Western Australia (Inc) honours
                                                               or commerce were lucky to pick the brains of 2007 Leaver
                                                                                                                                  dinner for International Women’s Day.
                                                               Siobhan Hammond over lunch in November. Siobhan was
                                                               visiting from London where she works as an accountant for          Heidi adds this achievement to her incredible
                                                               the International Accounting Standards Board. The Board            swimming career, which includes being a two
                                                               writes the accounting standards for more than 100 countries
                                                                                                                                  time Olympian (representing Malaysia), a three-
                                                               and Siobhan shared with the girls her journey from Perth
                                                               College to the Board, how Australia endorses the Standards
                                                                                                                                  time South East Asian Games gold medallist
                                                               and what the Board actually does.                                  and Asian Games gold medallist.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   TORI WITH CLASSMATE & PC TEACHER, HAYLIE PEPPER (2003)
                                                                                                                                    NOW                                                            AND JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Raising Awareness of Cycling Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Years 7 & 9 to 12 students heard 2003 Head Girl Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                                                  'Tori' Dolan’s story of courage and determination at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  School’s International Women’s Day Assembly in March.
                                                                                                                                                                                   THEN           Tori was seriously injured in a cycling accident and wants to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  prevent what happened to her from happening to others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  She believes using the roads means drivers and riders
                                                                                                                                   LEFT: ELIZA, LYN AND MACKENZIE. RIGHT: LYN (CORNISH)           both have responsibilities, and we should be forming a
                                                                KIKI AND JILL                                                      PURSER, 1945 PERTH COLLEGE JUNIOR SWIMMING CHAMPION.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  relationship between both parties, ensuring everyone
                                                                                                                                                                                                  arrives safely at their destination.
                                                               A Passion for Design                                               Once a PC girl, always a PC girl!
                     RINA’S ARTWORK AND THE C&M T-SHIRT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Her story inspired some special activities amongst our Junior
                                                               One of the many things we love about being an Old Girl             How gorgeous is this photo!? We don’t think 1947 Leaver
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Senior School students to further raise awareness of
                                                               is the chance to give back, so it was a thrill to welcome          and former Lawley House Captain, Lyn (Cornish) Purser
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bicycle safety. Tori had been training to tackle the 19.7km
                                                               renowned artist, Jill Yelland (1965) to Perth College in           could look any prouder of her old team. Here she is beaming
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Channel 7 Port to Pub swim in March in a team of six to raise
Designed for a Good Cause                                      March to present an award named in her honour. Jill is a           and congratulating Year 9 students Eliza and Mackenzie
                                                                                                                                                                                                  awareness of the partnership between cars and bicycles on the
SRC President and 2006 Leaver Rina Freiberg is a Perth-        glass designer and screen printer and has worked in design,        following their win at the Perth College House Rowing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  road however the event had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.
based artist whose work featured on a limited-edition          advertising and publishing all over the world.                     Regatta 2020.
Camilla and Marc T-shirt designed to raise awareness and
                                                               Year 12 student Kiki was elated to win the inaugural Jill
funds for Ovarian Cancer research. To learn more, visit www.
                                                               Yelland Art and Design Award. Jill developed the award in or to view Rina’s other works
                                                               consultation with the School’s Art Department to encourage            Congratulations
                                                               young women in to the design field. Kiki receives a grant
                                                               to assist with her 2020 project and the opportunity to                SRC Executive Paris McNeil (2017) is an undergraduate law student studying at Curtin University. Paris has a
                                                               undertake a mentorship or internship with the design                  keen interest in criminal law and aspires to become a State Prosecutor upon completion of her degree.
                                                               professional of her choice. Thank you to Jill for her generosity      Paris also thoroughly enjoys studying the law of tort, and in 2019, was awarded the prize for Best Student in
                                                               and passion for the next generation of designers.                     Introduction to Tort Law.

              OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION               2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                        11
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

   A Mutual Connection                                                                                                                                                                        Two Decades of Work
   Sara Amir-Ansari (1996) is the Chief Financial                                                                                                                                             Honoured
   Officer of Amana Living, a provider of aged care
   services, and recently visited the Karrinyup                                                                                                                                               Dux of Science, Dr Debbie (Clapin) Smith (1982)
   residential care facility and met Old Girl Patricia                                                                                                                                        was inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame for
   (Leavy) Guest (1964). Over lunch, Patricia shared                                                                                                                                          International Women’s Day 2020 at Government
   her collection of Myalla’s and fond memories of PC.                                                                                                                                        House on 8 March 2020.

   Sara was delighted to connect with her and share                                                                                                                                           She was recognised for her outstanding
   their mutual attachment to their School.                                                                                                                                                   medical and forensic work as a doctor at
                                                                                                                             KERRYN (MCMULLEN) TOMAZIN, BELINDA (SALMON) POWELL,              the Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC)
                                                                                                                             KELLY (SMOKER) ANDERSON, TANYA (MOYES) DEAN, ALICE
                                                                                                                             PEARCE AND LINDA (WHEATLEY) FIRTH.                               in Perth for over two decades.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Debbie is a key SARC researcher and has published
                                                                                                                            Friends for more than 20-Years                                    work on early forensic evidence kits, injury in sexual
                                                                                                                                                                                              assault and the first Australian study on prevalence
                                                                                                                            Here’s a tradition worth holding onto. Six 1993 Leavers
                                                                                                                                                                                              of non-fatal strangulation in sexual assault.
                                                                                                                            celebrate their friendship at their annual Christmas
                                                                                                                            get-together. This is really special ladies!                      Debbie has worked to improve understanding
                                                             MILLIE (CENTRE) WITH HEAD OF BOARDING, JILL MILLER (LEFT)
                                                             AND 1984 LEAVER AND AUNT, CHITTIMAS KETVORAVIT (RIGHT)                                                                           about non-fatal strangulation in the health, legal,
                                                                                                                                                                                              police and community sectors, thereby supporting
                                                            Off to the Big Apple                                               Another Medal for Brianna                                      legislative responses to non-fatal strangulation in
                                                                                                                                                                                              WA. The non-fatal strangulation Bill was passed in
                                                            Millie Ketvoravit (2019) applied to a number of overseas                                                                          WA in December 2019.
                                                                                                                               Congratulations to 2013 Leaver Brianna Throssell
                                                            and Australian universities before graduation and was lucky
                                                                                                                               who is the 2020 Lyn McClements Swimmer of the
                                                            enough to receive offers to the University of San Francisco
                                                                                                                               Year Medal winner! It’s the Olympian swimmer's
                                                            with the Presidential Scholarship Award and University
                                                                                                                               fourth time winning the Medal, a feat that puts her
 RISHELLE HUME                                              of Massachusetts Amherst with a Chancellor’s Award. In
                                                                                                                               ahead of Eamon Sullivan as the most successful
                                                            addition, Millie was also accepted to study at The University
                                                                                                                               Western Australian swimmer of all time.
                                                            of Western Australia, University of New South Wales,
                                                            Australian National University, The University of Melbourne
Adding to her many achievements, 1992 Leaver, Dr Rishelle   and The University of Sydney. But, she has decided to attend
Hume AM won this year’s 2020 WA Chamber of Minerals and     New York University (NYU) to the School of Professional
Energy Outstanding Woman in the Resource Industry award.    Studies majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management
                                                            (Bachelor of Science).
Rishelle was the 2016 Western Australian of
the Year – Aboriginal category winner for her               NYU is ranked 39th best university worldwide
inspirational leadership and dedication to the              and this year, class of 2024, is the most selective
advancement of Aboriginal people.                           class in the history of NYU with an acceptance
                                                            rate of 15% from around 85,000 applicants.                                                                                      THE TEAM IS FROM LEFT: BARBARA (WATSON) WILCOX (1954), GAYE
                                                                                                                                                                                            (DUTTON) HAYES (1966), DANA (COLE) SLATER (1982), LORRAINE
                                                                                                                                                                                            (COLLINS) MEULEMAN (1968), SUSANNA ‘SUZII’ SHEN (2007), SUE

   She’s an Ironman!
                                                                                                                                                                                            (BUCKLEY) GOOD (1964), KERRIE (RUSSELL) MOORE (1975), SUE-
                                                                                                                                                                                            ELLEN (SULLIVAN) MCKAY (1969), JAN (CARTER) DUNKLEY (1966),

   Dr Claire Badenhorst (2007) blitzed her competition
                                                               Sharing her love of writing                                   FRONT: COURTNEY, NATASHA & CHLOE. BACK: JOHN & MELISSA
                                                                                                                                                                                            TRACEY JOHNSTON (1974), & HONOR METCALF (1968).

   at this years ‘Ironman NZ’ finishing first in her           Author Meg Caddy (2009) was full of enthusiasm                                                                              Combined Independent Girls’ School
   age group (25 - 29), 3rd overall age groupers. She                                                                       HASS Conversations
                                                               and tips when she spoke at UWA’s Family Day in                                                                              Golf Day
   also qualified for Kona (World Championships of             February. The passionate storyteller shared her              The Humanities and Social Sciences department (HASS) held
   Ironman) however the event was postponed due                                                                                                                                            Congratulations to the Old Girls’ Association golf team on
                                                               humour and knowledge in the Young Adult Writers              a lunchtime event in August 2019 for Years 9 to 12 students.
   to the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                                                                                                               taking out second place (after PLC) at last September’s
                                                               Session as part of the Perth Festival. Meg started           Old Girls’ Courtney Solly (2006), Melissa Settineri (2009),
                                                                                                                                                                                           combined Independent Girls’ School Golf Day.
   Claire is a triathlete and a researcher at Massey           writing her debut novel ‘Waer’ when she was just             Natasha Mohiuddin (2011) and Chloe Smolenski (2016)
   University, Auckland New Zealand where she’s                14 years old and says her time at PC, as a student           along with past parent/former State MP, John Day shared        The 2020 Golf Day will be held at Karrinyup Golf Club on
   looking at exercise induced iron deficiency in              and later as a House Mother in the Boarding House,           their study and career pathways linked to the Humanities       Monday 21 September.
   endurance athletes.                                         influenced her writing.                                      and Social Sciences.                                           Any Old Girl with a golf handicap is welcome to join the team.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Please contact Alumni and Foundation Assistant, Caroline
                                                                                                                                                                                           Risah for details.

              OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION            2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                     13
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

Old Girls'                                                                                                                                          2020 Vintage
Association                                                                                                                                           Reunion
Reunions                                                                                                           20-YEAR REUNION (1999 LEAVERS)
                                                                                                                                                             1959 LEAVERS AND EARLIER

and Events                                               5-YEAR REUNION (2014 LEAVERS) ASHLEY CHANDRA, ALEXANDRA
                                                         MOORE, JASMINE WARD AND CHRISTINA THOMPSON

While we have been keeping our distance and staying
at home, we can reflect on times when large gatherings
were permitted, and we enjoyed each others company
in person. The OGA calendar of events ramped up from
August 2019 with seven reunions. We also enjoyed
                                                                                                                   30-YEAR REUNION (1989 LEAVERS)
the Vintage Reunion at the commencement of 2020
                                                                                                                                                    RUTH (OLIVER) GLENISTER (1952), BETH (RIDLEY) FRANZ OAM
before restrictions came into place.
                                                                                                                                                    (1952) AND BERWYN (ALLEN) GRIEVE (1950)
                                                         5-YEAR REUNION (2014 LEAVERS) HANNAH THAMBIPILLAI,
                                                         STEPHANIE TRAN AND CLAIRE O'DONOHUE

                                                                                                                   40-YEAR REUNION (1979 LEAVERS)

                                                                                                                                                    BETTY (LYALL) MERRYWEATHER (1947), JACQUELINE (FURPHEY)
                                                                                                                                                    DRAKE-BROCKMAN (1948) AND LYN (CORNISH) PURSER (1947)

                                                                                                                   50-YEAR REUNION (1969 LEAVERS)

 10-YEAR REUNION (2009 LEAVERS)                                                                                    60-YEAR REUNION (1959 LEAVERS)   VAL MAYGER (1957) AND DELYS (BROOKMAN) HARROLD (1951)

             OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION        2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                15
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

                                                                                                                                   OGA PRESIDENT STEPHANIE (JENNINGS) FULLARTON (1979),       THREE GENERATIONS- KATE (MAGILL) EDGAR (1987), JUDITH
                                                                                                                                   ELISSA BURTON (1990) AND PRINCIPAL HELEN AGUIAR            (BARRETT-LENNARD) MAGILL (1957) AND JOANNA YEAR 12

                                                                                                                                                                                             Following in their Footsteps Assembly
                                                                                                                                                                                             In October 2019 the inaugural OGA Following in their
                                                                                                                                                                                             Footsteps assembly was held with Leavers from 1944
                                                                                                                                                                                             to 2017 attending. The incoming Year 12 students were
                                                                                                                                                                                             presented with their Seniors badges and our guest speaker,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Dr Elissa Burton (1990) gave an interesting address about
                                                                                                                                                                                             her life after PC. Elissa revealed some important insights
                                                                                                                                                                                             into how there’s no single predictable pathway to following
                                                                    2018 LEAVERS AMY LUCKETT, JASMINE SEYMOUR AND
                                                                                                                                                                                             your dreams and achieving success, and she stressed the
                                                                    MACKENZIE HAYWOOD
                                                                                                                                                                                             importance of being true to yourself. Too true Elissa!
 (2013), ANGEL CHEN (2008) AND JESSICA STOUT (2013)                Perth College Leadership Camp
                                                                   Ten young Old Girls returned to Perth College in January 2020
                                                                   as Mentors at the Perth College Leadership Camp for Years 11
2019 Perth College Flourish Conference                             and 12 students. The Mentors support the members of their
After the successful Young Old Girls’ Advisory (YOGA) sub-         ‘tribes’ and lead activities throughout the camp.
committee launch last year (for Old Girls aged 18 to 30)
there were many suggestions from the younger Old Girls for
professional development events. They asked, and the Perth                                                                         SECOND GENERATION STUDENTS, PIPER AND AMELIE,
                                                                                                                                   WITH THEIR MOTHER KATRINA (PORT) HARRISON (1988)
College Foundation delivered by providing financial support
for YOGA members to attend the one-day PC Flourish
Conference in October 2019.

The day was a big success with Keynote speakers including
                                                                                                                                                                                              BURSARY RECIPIENTS WITH OGA COMMITTEE MEMBERS
Dr Suzy Green from The Positivity Institute, Julian Pace from
Happiness Co. and Gihan Perera from 'Fit for the Future’. They,
along with others, all had very relevant tips; from the value                                                                                                                                Bursary Recipients Lunch 2019
of being positive, how to keep anxiety at bay and how best to                                                                                                                                At the annual OGA Bursary Recipients Lunch our students
become fit for the future, professionally and personally.                                                                                                                                    enjoyed sharing their Perth College experiences with
YOGA have continued to provide opportunities for their                                                                                                                                       the OGA Committee members. It was great to hear our
                                                                    2019 LEAVERS NOA AND MONIQUE
members, despite the COVID-19 restrictions and launched a                                                                                                                                    recipients continue to thrive at PC and contribute positively
virtual Career Networking Series in 2020. These virtual events                                                                                                                               across school life.
will take place over multiple sessions and give participants the
                                                                   Year 12 Leavers’ Breakfast
                                                                                                                                                                                             We were incredibly proud of our most senior bursary
chance to gain first-hand knowledge and practical advice on        It was time for the baton to change hands for the 2019                                                                    holder, Jasmine Schupelius (2019) who was awarded Dux
different career paths including commerce, law, engineering,       Leavers... from school girl to Old Girl! The enthusiastic                                                                 of Perth College. She also received an academic excellence
science and healthcare. The first session on commerce was          newcomers were formally welcomed into the Old Girls’                                                                      award, prizes for French and Mathematics Specialist and
held in June, with 16 participants.                                Association at their Leavers’ Breakfast in December 2019.                                                                 academic colours. Furthermore, we are proud to announce
                                                                                                                                                                                             that Jasmine received a Schools Curriculum and Standards
                                                                                                                                   KAYE (MURPHY) VERBOON (1971), MERLE (GIESE) BEST (1944)   Authority WACE award: Certificate of Distinction and has a
                                                                                                                                   AND JILL YELLAND (1965)
                                                                                                                                                                                             direct path into a Doctor of Dental Medicine at UWA.

               OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                  2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                               17
Siobhan Cotchin Esther Gauntlett (2006) Pauline Kuriata (1988) Katie Basso (2017) - Perth College

                                                                                                                                                                                 Melbourne Meet and Greet
                                                                                                                                                                                 As part of keeping Old Girls connected from far and
                                                                                                                                                                                 wide, Principal Helen Aguiar and Alumni and Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                 Coordinator Natalie Swannell enjoyed an evening in November
                                                                                                                                                                                 2019 catching-up with some of our Old Girls in Melbourne.
                                                                                                                                                                                 It was a terrific evening with many of the ladies taking the
                                                                                                                                                                                 opportunity to meet the new Principal for the first time.

 (1998) AND BRONWYN (WILLIAMS) FOX (1995)                       SARAH JAMESON (1988) AND SUSAN RIGG (1966)

                                                                                                                      L TO R: REBECCA (SCOTT) FREEMAN (1983), LYDIA (MERRALLS)
Ladies’ Long Lunch                                                                                                    GOODEY (1987), SAMANTHA (LUTEY) DEVEREUX (1987) AND
                                                                                                                      SHARLENE (GETHIN) MATTINGLY (1987)
It was set to be a sizzling hot day and sizzle they did. With
the mercury hitting 40.4 degrees, Perth recorded its hottest
November day since 1897… not ideal, but it didn’t deter 80
Old Girls keen to catch up.
                                                                                                                                                                                  SARAH FERN (1986), LAUREN MILES (2000), EMILY
The annual OGA Country Lunch was reintroduced after a
                                                                                                                                                                                  BEAVERSTOCK (2008) AND PRINCIPAL HELEN AGUIAR
one-year hiatus and returned as the aptly renamed ‘Ladies’
Long Lunch’. Long tables at the Oakover Winery in the Swan
Valley were perfect for generations to come together with
girls ranging from 1945 Leavers to 2013 Leavers, which is
what the OGA is all about.                                      1988 LEAVERS AMANDA-JANE (CONRAD) REED, NICOLA
                                                                (RODWAY) FERRARI & LINDA (STONEY) JOHNSTON
They talked, they melted and they tried to cool down in front
of giant fans… the best spot to make new connections and                                                              HAYLIE PEPPER (2003) AND OGA PRESIDENT STEPHANIE
                                                                                                                      (JENNINGS) FULLARTON (1979)
talk with lots of ladies you might not otherwise meet.

                                                                                                                                                                                  FRANCES (RUSSELL) NICHOLLS (1936), SUZANNE (ADAMS)
                                                                                                                                                                                  LITCHFIELD (1960), VICKI (GOMM) BRADFORD (1984), MARGARET
                                                                                                                                                                                  (PETERKIN) MASTERS (1954) AND JOAN (LOVEGROVE) LEFROY (1959)

                                                                2013 LEAVERS ASHLEIGH HADDON,
                                                                DIMITY HALL AND ASHLEIGH YUKICH

                                                                                                                      JANA PRATICO (2001), WENDY (HINE) MICHETTI (1989)
                                                                                                                      AND NARELLE (GETHIN) DUCKETT (1986)

                                                                                                                     Old Girl Parent and Staff Breakfast
                                                                                                                     Did you know that 126 Old Girls are either Perth College
                                                                                                                     parents or staff?

                                                                                                                     The School and OGA wanted to recognise their loyalty and
It was such a lovely day with all the money
                                                                                                                     love for the School and acknowledged their involvement at
raised through ticket sales and a silent auction                                                                     an inaugural Old Girl Parent and Staff breakfast in
going towards the Emma and Bessie Cotton                        1958 LEAVERS WENDY (GROAT) SCUDDER, KAREN BESSELL-   February 2020.                                               WHITNEY GERRANS (2016), CHRISTOPHER ELLIS
                                                                BROWNE (KLEM) AND BEV (ROCHE) BUTTERS                                                                             (PAST PRINCIPAL) AND GEORGIA KING (2016)
Memorial Bursary.

              OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION              2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                        19

As the old adage goes, you cannot be what you cannot see.                                            Katie grew up in Kalgoorlie and               I have an uncle who is a captain for
                                                                                                                                                   Cathay Pacific and he’s been very
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you enjoy school?
                                                                                                     enjoyed three years boarding                                                                 I enjoyed all of my time at Perth College
So, while interested in flying from a very young age, Katie Basso                                    at PC before leaving in 2015
                                                                                                                                                   supportive of my current progression
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and was very sad to leave, but I wished
                                                                                                                                                   through the aviation industry and has
thought she’d be an airline stewardess as she’d never seen a                                         to return home and start her                  given me sound advice to help me
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to pursue my flying career which meant
                                                                                                                                                                                                  I could no longer be a boarder. I have
                                                                                                     flight training at the Goldfields
female pilot. But her parents and Perth College put Katie                                            Air Services Flight School.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  some great memories from school…
                                                                                                                                                                                                  like playing, umpiring and coaching
straight and encouraged her to reach for the stars, don the                                          At just 20, Katie is now a
                                                                                                                                                   When did you do your                           netball. Winning the Schools conflict
                                                                                                                                                   first solo flight and how
epaulets and take the controls.                                                                      flight instructor in New South
                                                                                                                                                   did that feel?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  resolution and mediation (SCRAM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  grand final in 2015. I was also lucky
                                                                                                     Wales… keen to stretch her
                                                                                                                                                   My first solo flight was in April 2016.        enough to go to Vietnam at the end of
                                                                                                     wings to one day fly for the                                                                 Year Ten as part of the ‘Antipodeans
                                                                                                                                                   As any Pilot will tell you, it’s an
                                                                                                     Royal Flying Doctor Service                   indescribable feeling. When the person         abroad’ trip. I also remember going to
                                                                                                     of Australia (RFDS).

Katie Basso takes
                                                                                                                                                   next to you gets out and says ‘you’re          Adventure World for the first time for
                                                                                                                                                   ready to go solo’ your mind races with         the borders’ annual trip.
                                                                                                     I understand you recently                     both happiness and anxiety. Having to
                                                                                                     moved to Wagga Wagga                          take-off is the easy part, but what goes       What do you hope to achieve
                                                                                                     for work?                                                                                    in the aviation industry?

the controls
                                                                                                                                                   up must come down! After successfully
                                                                                                     Yes, I'm a flight instructor at the           landing for the first time, by myself, I       I want to be one of the many women
                                                                                                     Australian Airline Pilot Academy (AAPA)       definitely knew I was never going to           that help younger generations see that
                                                                                                     in Wagga Wagga. It’s a subsidiary of the      work in any other industry. I’ve flown         the aviation industry doesn’t have to be
                                                                                                     Regional Express (REX) Group. It’s an         just over 500 hours now.                       male dominated and it’s not limited to a
                                                                                                     extremely good opportunity; not only                                                         seat in an aircraft. My aim is to progress
“Just remember, flying has                                                                          do they have well maintained aircraft         Is the aviation industry
                                                                                                                                                   harder for women?
                                                                                                                                                                                                  as an instructor and enhance my own
                                                                                                     and state-of-the-art facilities, they also                                                   skills as a pilot (as they say, if you want
  never been safer”                                                                                  train airline cadets. I had an in-person      I don't think it's as hard for women           to be good at something, teach it). Once
                                                                                                     interview last September and by the           as people believe.                             I am experienced enough, I want to work
                                                                                                     time I got back to WA I had a job offer                                                      for a corporate charter company and
                                                                                                                                                   Yes, aviation is a male dominated
                                                                                                     that I couldn’t say no to. There are 20                                                      experience the diversity and quick-
                                                                                                                                                   industry but many women have already
                                                                                                     instructors, four are females. As a flight                                                   thinking side of aviation.
                                                                                                                                                   paved the way for the rest of us. There is
                                                                                                     instructor my responsibilities include
                                                                                                                                                   still the old fashioned, moderately sexist     After that I might consider an airline job,
                                                                                                     briefing students prior to flight, training
                                                                                                                                                   individual out there, but they don't get far   but my ultimate goal is to work for an
                                                                                                     cadets to fly to a set of standards that
                                                                                                                                                   in the industry with that kind of attitude.    air-ambulance service, such as the Royal
                                                                                                     will allow them to fly solo and eventually
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Flying Doctor Service (RFDS).
                                                                                                     gain their Private Pilot’s Licence. I also
                                                                                                     teach theory for some of the exams the
                                                                                                                                                   Did a particular teacher
                                                                                                                                                   inspire or encourage you                       What would you say to those
                                                                                                     students are required to pass.
                                                                                                                                                   to fly?                                        who have a fear of flying?
                                                                                                     When did your interest                        No-one specifically encouraged me to           Just remember, flying has never
                                                                                                                                                                                                  been safer.
                                                                                                     in flying take off... pun                     fly as I wasn’t excessively open about my
                                                                                                     intended!                                     future goals. Throughout high school
                                                                                                                                                   though, I had this belief that pilots had
                                                                                                     As a child I flew on many planes and
                                                                                                                                                   to be really good at maths, physics,
                                                                                                     always loved it. I loved going to the
                                                                                                     airport, seeing all the people, the planes,
                                                                                                                                                   and chemistry. I fondly remember                 Great tip Katie and what an
                                                                                                                                                   Mrs Pateman who taught me Year 10
                                                                                                     and especially the air hostesses and                                                           achievement. Thank you for
                                                                                                                                                   Extended Maths. I had worked hard
                                                                                                     pilots. Originally, I wanted to become an
                                                                                                                                                   the previous year to allow me to study
                                                                                                                                                                                                    sharing your story. Fly safe.
                                                                                                     air hostess as I had never seen a female
                                                                                                                                                   extended maths and Mrs Pateman was
                                                                                                     pilot and didn’t think women could be
KATIE AT WORK IN WAGGA WAGGA                                                                                                                       very supportive and encouraging in
                                                                                                     pilots. But both my parents and Perth
                                                                                                                                                   helping me achieve good grades.
                                                                                                     College quickly changed my mind about
                                                                                                     that. Dad has always had a love for
She wasted no time and started pilot training just days after her 16th birthday… getting a licence   planes too, but was never able to invest
to fly solo before she could even legally drive a car! Now that’s impressive!                        in such a career.

            OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION   2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                  21

                                                                                                 Congratulations to OGA Treasurer Eliza
                                                                                                 Jamieson (2008 Leaver) who got engaged on
                                                                                                 Friday 11 October 2019 at Cottesloe Beach.

                                                                                                                                                            HUGO HYLAND                                                       TEDYE MCDIVEN

                                                                                                                                                           Grandparents again                                                Happy Birthday Tedye
 B R I D E S M A I D ’ S A N D G U E S T S I N C LU D E D FE L LOW 2 0 0 8
 L E AV E R S: A N N I E L E I ( B R I DA L PA R T Y ) , J E N N I FE R K A N ( B R I DA L                                                                 Linda (Meyers) Hyland (OGA Committee member                       Congratulations to Old Girl Tedye (Elkington) McDiven
 PA R T Y ) , T E M I LY B A K E R ( B R I DA L PA R T Y ) , LU C I N DA B O OT H BY,
                                                                                                                                                           and 1968 Leaver) and her husband Richard are proud                (1943) who celebrated her 95th birthday in May. Natalie
 E M M A ( H E R R I M A N ) S OAC TA R , E L L E N G O U G O U L I S , M E L I N DA
 ( WO N G ) YA N G , VA N E S S A C H I A , T E R E S S A ( T H A I ) T H A I -                                                                            grandparents again. Their son and daughter-in-law                 Swannell our Alumni and Foundation Coordinator joined
 N G U Y E N A N D J E S S I C A ( N G O) VO.                                                                                                              welcomed their first child, Hugo into the world in March 2020.    the party and snapped this lovely photo.
                                                                                              ILARIA CORBETT’S WEDDING

                                                                                                                                                           Over 90's
Angel Chen's Winter Wedding
                                                                                             Perth College Chapel Wedding                                                                                                    Happy Birthday to our Old Girls who are
Old Girls’ Association Foundation representative and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             celebrating a 90+ birthday between April

                                                                                                                                                           Birthday Club
2008 Leaver, Angel Chen married Jeffrey Effendi (Old                                         2008 Leaver Ilaria Corbett married Robert Bell at the
Haleian and 2007 Leaver) at St Georges Cathedral on                                          Perth College Chapel on 11 January 2020. Ilaria’s sister,                                                                       and October 2020.
Saturday 15 June 2019.                                                                       2013 Leaver Isabella Corbett was bridesmaid and close
                                                                                             friends and fellow 2008 Leavers Justine Conway, Liz
                                                                                             O'Brien, Prudence Hepple, Clare (Ward) Ward-Noonan            Rae Anderson (1944)                        Natalie (Skinner) Harvey (1946)          Dawn (Dobson) Pilgrim (1943)
                                                                                             and Keely Liddle attended as guests.                          Audrey (Hunt) Atwell (1944)                Pamela (Mawby) Hesling (1942)            Jacquie (Campbell) Ramshaw (1947)
      PC Pitter Patter                                                                                                                                     Pat (Lackman) Baunton (1939)               Audrey (Mearing) Hornby (1935)           Ann (de Burgh) Riches (1945)
                                                                                                                                                           Lesley (Scott) Blight (1945)               Joan (Pocklington) Howard (1939)         Rachel (Carey) Rosenthal (1942)
      Congratulations to Alumni and Foundation
                                                                                                                                                           Bobbie (Devenish) Bower (1944)             Mary (Maund) Hunter (1944)               Yvonne (McLay) Sims (1946)
      Coordinator Natalie Swannell who is expecting
                                                                                                                                                           Margaret (Broadhurst) Brinsden (1944)      Vivienne (Johnston) Jackson (1942)       Patricia (Hockin) Sims (1939)
      her first child with husband Mathew in August
                                                                                                                                                           Barbara (Paterson) Broun (1948)            Beryl Kay (1944)                         Miriam (Latham) Smith (1945)
      2020. Natalie commences 12 months parental
      leave in July 2020 and the OGA are pleased to                                                                                                        Gladys (Combs) Clark (1944)                Pat (Winning) Keech (1942)               Donalda (Campbell) Spencer (1948)
      have Alumni and Foundation Assistant, Caroline                                                                                                       Mulvie (Budge) Corke (1946)                Olive (Hardie) Liddelow (1946)           Betty Spooner (1948)
      Risah supporting them in Natalie’s absence.                                                                                                          May (Stiles) Crossing (1947)               Mabs (Biggs) MacDougall (1948)           Loris (Fowler) Stewart (1948)
                                                                                                                                                           Sheila (Wilding) Curlewis (1937)           Laurel (Davies) March (1947)             Barbara (Mann) Stoneman (1946)
                                                                                                                                                           Frances (Anderson) Dodds (1942)            Dorothy (Hardwick) Martin (1941)         Minna (Craven) Terry (1946)
                                                                                                                                                           Dawn (Claughton) Dunn (1948)               June (Richards) McCallum (1944)          Pamela (Phillips) Uittenbroek (1946)
Broadwater Farm Wedding                                                                       HANNAH AND JACKSON’S WEDDING
                                                                                                                                                           Judith Fox (1946)                          Valma (Burges) McCreery (1947)           Beverley (Belton) van der Moezel (1945)
Natasha Serrell-Cox (2008) married Tom Roach on 31                                                                                                         Joan Gooch (1949)                          Tedye (Elkington) McDiven (1943)         Joan (Harrison) van Oosteron (1939)
January 2020. The pair met at a Petroleum Club of WA event,                                  Denmark Winery Wedding                                        Dorothy (Tonkinson) Goulden (1946)         June (Carey) McDowell (1942)             Alison (Rollings) Walker (1947)
where Natasha was on the Young Professionals Committee.                                      2004 Leaver Hannah Ruprecht married Jackson Wheeler           Rosemary (Klug) Grant (1948)               Mary (Morrell) Melot (1941)              Barbara (Sinclair) Wheeler (1944)
Their wedding was held at the Old Broadwater Farm in                                         on a beautiful November day at Denmark winery, Forest         Lesley (Wall) Greagg (1943)                Geraldine (Jarrott) Milner (1948)        Mary (Sherlock) Wilding (1943)
Busselton and attended by 70 guests. Since graduating                                        Hill, with their old dog Jedda attending the ceremony on 16
                                                                                                                                                           Nan (Meagher) Grey (1938)                  Geraldine (Brownell) Nainby (1943)       Shirley (Wright) Willcock (1939)
Perth College, Natasha completed a Law/Arts degree at UWA                                    November 2019. The romantic event of 60 family and friends
                                                                                                                                                           Patricia (Stoneman) Gunzburg (1946)        Judy (Stenberg) Nielsen (1945)           Shirley (Lloyd-Jones) Withers (1946)
and worked at Woodside Energy. Natasha and her husband                                       included Hannah's sisters Elizabeth Ruprecht (2007)
                                                                                                                                                           Shirley (Weaver) Hamblin (1947)            Patricia (Rodgers) Nottle (1942)         Dawn (Oldfield) Woolley (1945)
are now living in Houston, USA. .                                                            and Nicola Ruprecht (2010) with mum Sandra (Dufall)
                                                                                                                                                           Jean (Lockyer) Hankey (1942)               June (Illingworth) Outhwaite (1943)      Suzanne (Hockin) Wright (1942)
                                                                                             Ruprecht (1978).
                                                                                                                                                           Bobbie (Flight-Smith) Hardie (1938)        Gladys (Williams) Parsons (1947)         Joan (Hull) Wroth (1945)

                     OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION                                     2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                    23
CONNECT                                                                                                                        TRIBUTE

                                                                                                                               CENTENERIAN / 1934 LEAVER

The OGA is Online                                               Myalla is now
                                                                available digitally                                            Farewell
                                                                                                                               Betty Ahern
Connect with the Old Girls’ Association and Perth College
through your favourite social media. Send information and
updates, keep up-to-date with events and news, ‘like’ photos,   Myalla is now available to be received electronically via
and share articles.                                             email. Those without an email or who prefer to receive their
                                                                magazine in the post can still receive a printed edition.

                                                                Manage how you would like to receive your Myalla magazine
                                                                                                                               “I’ve always been inspired by the Queen
                                                                                                                                 and her loyalty, Mother Theresa for her
                                                                                                                                 work in India and all she did for the poor,
                                                                                                                                 and my three daughters, Anne,
                                                                                                                                 Elizabeth and Mary.”

Do you know a
                                                                There are 38 pre-1960 leavers who are not contactable
                                                                by post, email or phone. If you know someone

'lost' Old Girl?
                                                                listed below encourage them to contact the OGA
                                                                via or call 9471 2196 as we
                                                                would be delighted to re-connect with them.

 PERTH COLLEGE LEAVER                        YEAR LEFT           PERTH COLLEGE LEAVER                         YEAR LEFT

 Rosemary Avery                                 1948             Margaret McLeod                                1952
 Valerie Browning                               1956             Norma Mercer Kennedy                           1958
 Wendy Cane                                     1950             Patricia Merryweather                          1955
 Ronda Cobain                                   1956             Yvonne Natrass Fode                            1957
 Joy Cornell                                    1956             James Paice                                    1948           INTERVIEW AND QUOTE COURTESY OF STM MAGAZINE

 Christopher Cornish                            1948             Michael Pearce                                                PHOTOGRAPHER: STEF KING PHOTOGRAPHY

 Geoffrey Cowden                                1948             Pamela Richards Prior                          1957
 Jennifer Craddock                              1949             Pamela Seymour                                 1958
 Carolyn Dawe Walker                            1959             Margaret Sugar                                 1950
 Shirley Ewen                                   1956             Robin Thompson                                 1954           Muriel 'Betty' (Ellis) Ahern, 1917 - 2020                    Betty grew up in South Perth, near the Zoo and started at PC
                                                                                                                                                                                            around age 10. She’d catch the ferry across to Perth then a
 Robert Halvorsen                               1948             Merilyn Tranter                                1948                                                                        tram to the School and while Betty said it would take a long
 Robin Hall                                     1958             Elizabeth Vivian                               1957           We are very sad to report one of our                         time, lots of fun was had on the way.

 Judith Hampshire                               1954             Janice Wade                                    1957           oldest Old Girls, Betty (Ellis) Ahern (1934)                 Two years ago Betty was featured in the Sunday Times

 Noeleen Iviney                                                  Wanda Wallingford-Earle                        1953           has passed away at the age of 102.                           magazine for International Women’s Day as a centenarian. In
                                                                                                                                                                                            the article, she recalled a celebratory trip to England for her
 Jan Johnson                                    1948             Janette Watson McKinlay                        1957                                                                        21st. However, it was 1939 and they endured a terrible trip
                                                                                                                               Betty graduated from Perth College 85 years ago, having
 Jill Kinsella                                  1956             Ann Wheeler                                    1949           attended from 1929 to 1934. Alumni and Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                            home on a ship as Great Britain was on the brink of war with
                                                                                                                                                                                            Germany. When asked by STM which women inspired her,
 Kay Kreiling                                   1948             Helen Wilson                                   1956           Coordinator Natalie Swannell popped by to wish her a happy
                                                                                                                                                                                            Betty said “the Queen for her loyalty and Mother Theresa for
                                                                                                                               102nd birthday in October 2019 where Betty said she had
 Judith Laurent                                 1958             Carolyn Eddy Hunter                            1958                                                                        her work with the poor”… and she attributed her longevity to
                                                                                                                               fond memories of her PC days. She remembered the pool
 Diane Masel                                    1953             Lisbeth Skipsey Berridge                       1960           being filled in 1931 and was lucky enough to be one of
                                                                                                                                                                                            regular exercise.

                                                                                                                               the first to swim in it! Betty also remembers being caught   Betty had six children and several grandchildren,
                                                                                                                               smoking by Sister Joanna and getting 100 lines. Um agh!      and passed away peacefully on March 25 2020.

                 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION             2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                 25

Fondly Remembering
Doris (Clinch) Hodgkinson                                     Barbara Mary Viveash                                            Fay (Abe) Lipscombe                                           Patricia ‘Trish’ McKenzie (nee Partridge)
Doris (Clinch) Hodgkinson (1949) attended Perth College       Condolences to the family and peers of 1948 Leaver              Condolences to 1970 Leaver Kathy (Abe) Crow on the            1954 Leaver Patricia ‘Trish’ McKenzie (nee Partridge)
from 1945-1947 and passed away 10 October 2018. Beloved       Barbara Mary Viveash who passed away 10 July 2019.              death of her sister 1963 Leaver Fay (Abe) Lipscombe who       passed away from Motor Neurone Disease on 24 February
mother of David and Linda Hodgkinson (1983). Mrs Louise       Barbara was famously the first woman woolclasser in             was a boarder in 1960 and 1961. Fay passed away on 7          2020 aged 83 years old. Trish’s grand-daugher Alice is in Year
Russell-Smith (Perth College’s previous Headmistress) in      Australia. May she rest in peace. Barbara’s sister Rosie        October 2019.                                                 9 at Perth College and is the third generation to attend PC.
a testimonial for Doris wrote that she had “a high sense of   (Viveash) Thunder (1958) and two nieces Deborah Viveash
honour”. So true. True grit.                                  (1976) and Jennie (Viveash) Bond (1979) also attended PC.       Faith Ursula Rigg                                             Helen Ceriani (nee Smith)
                                                                                                                              Condolences to the Rigg family Susan (1966), Jennifer         We acknowledge the passing of 1952 Leaver Helen Ceriani
Vena (Stooke) Robinson                                        Barbara (Livie) Zusman                                          (1967), Robyn (1970), Kathy and Libby on the passing          (nee Smith). Date of death unknown.
1960 Leaver Vena (Stooke) Robinson died 28 October 2018.      1960 Leaver Barbara (Livie) Zusman died peacefully on           of their mother, Faith Ursula Rigg, who passed away 15
Thoughts are extended to Vena’s loved ones on their loss.     26 July 2019. Our thoughts are with her family.                 October 2019.                                                 Grace (Edgar) Barrington
                                                                                                                                                                                            Grace (Edgar) Barrington (1943) passed away 20 March
Joan (Martin) Britten                                         Lorraine (Layman) Sheridan                                      Geraldine (Smith) Harkness                                    2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with Grace’s family
1939 Leaver Joan (Martin) Britten died 23 March 2019          Condolences to the family and peers of Lorraine (Layman)        One of our oldest Old Girls, Geraldine (Smith) Harkness       including sister Suzanne (Edgar) Crabbe (1949).
aged 97.                                                      Sheridan (1960) who passed away on 28 July 2019.                (1935) passed away aged 101 on 15 November 2019.
                                                                                                                              Geraldine’s long-standing family connection to PC begins in   Betty (Glendinning) O’Reilly
Diana (Pocklington) Williams                                  Barry Wheatley                                                  1902 when her mother, Eva (Piesse) Smith (1904) enrolled      Betty (Glendinning) O’Reilly (1947) passed away 26 March
Diana (Pocklington) Williams (1947) passed away 13            Our thoughts and prayers are with 1960 Leaver Julie             at PC in it’s opening year. Many generations and relatives    2020. Betty was a generous soul and fondly remembered
April 2019. Our sincere condolences to Diana’s sister Joan    (Fullerton) Wheatley and her family on the sudden passing       have continued to attend PC over the years including          her time as a Perth College girl. She was proud that her
(Pocklington) Howard (1939), their family and friends.        of Julie’s husband Barry on 3 August 2019. Barry was also a     Geraldine’s great-granddaughter Amelia who is currently       granddaughter Cathryn Edwards (2004) also attended
                                                              grandfather to Cassidy Bevis (2011).                            in Year 8.                                                    the School.
Eve (Shilbury) Cohen
                                                              Georgia Lewis                                                   Susan (Layman) Gardiner                                       Janette (Bourne) Byers
Eve (Shilbury) Cohen (1947) passed away 4 May 2019.
Condolences to her family and peers.                          We send our love and support to the family and classmates       1942 Leaver Susan (Layman) Gardiner died 15 November          1962 Leaver Janette (Bourne) Byers passed away 7 May
                                                              of 2008 Leaver Georgia Lewis who passed away 12 August          2019. Susan was a well-respected journalist with the ABC      2020. Condolences to her daughter Susie Byers (1999) and
Mildred ‘Min’ Plunkett (nee Ferguson)                         2019. Our sincerest condolences to you all.                     for more than 20-years. We send our thoughts to her family    sister Roberta (Bourne) Holland (1954), extended family
                                                                                                                              including cousin Lenore Layman (1956), Niece Sally-Anne       and loved ones.
1950 Leaver Mildred ‘Min’ Plunkett (nee Ferguson)
passed away on 8 June 2019. Our thoughts are with her         Marion (Williams) Johnston                                      Layman (1990) and granddaughter Kym-Renee (Gardiner)

family including daughter Katharine Plunkett (1981) and       Marion (Williams) Johnston (1951) passed away 18 August
                                                                                                                              Lanyon-Cook (1993).                                           Ava Durward
granddaughter Hayley Plunkett (2017).                         2019. Condolences to her sister Beth (Williams) Perks                                                                         Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved
                                                              (1962) and sister-in-law Liz (Johnston) Teede (1950).
                                                                                                                              Peta (Hayes) Horton
                                                                                                                                                                                            ones of 2016 Leaver Ave Durward who passed away
Wendy (Burges) Davis                                                                                                          Peta (Hayes) Horton (1945) passed away 20 December            8 February 2020.
1939 Leaver Wendy (Burges) Davis died 23 June 2019 aged       Patricia ‘Pip’ Higham (nee Klug)                                2019 aged 91. May she rest in peace.

97. Wendy was active all her life until the end and was a     1949 Leaver Patricia ‘Pip’ Higham (nee Klug) passed away
passionate member of the Fremantle Sailing Club.
                                                                                                                              Judith Craig
                                                              on 17 July 2019 and has been buried in her hometown of
                                                              Williams. Pip was a Perth College boarder from 1940 to 1947     Judith Craig (1960) died on 5 January 2020 aged 75.
                                                              commencing at just nine years of age.                           Condolences to Judith’s family and those closest to her.

                                                              The family connection to Perth College includes Pip’s Sisters
                                                                                                                              Jennifer ‘Jenny’ Jacob (nee Blake)
                                                              Rosemary (Klug) Grant (1948) and Wendy (Klug) Wood
                                                                                                                              1953 Leaver and Lawley House Captain Jennifer 'Jenny'
                                                              (1955), granddaughters Kathryn Stone (1994), Sophie
                                                                                                                              Jacob (nee Blake) passed away on 26 January 2020. We send
                                                              (Metcalf) Norman (1997) and Claire (Knight) Morrisby
                                                                                                                              our sympathies to her peers and loved ones.
                                                              (2002), and sisters-in-law Margaret (Higham) Hancy (1955)
                                                              and Judith (Higham) Rowan (1948).

              OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION              2020 EDITION                                                                                                                                                                  27
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