Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...

Page created by Jared Anderson
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...

                                                                                    MARCH 2021

                                                           Connect, Grow, Equip
                                                                                          PAGES 4-6

                                                                   From our Bishop
                                                                                          PAGES 6-9

                                                                Lewisburg District
                                                                   DS Installation
                                                                                            PAGE 10

                                                       Around the Conference
                                                                                         PAGES 14-17

                                               Spiritual Growth Resources
                                                                                            PAGE 19

                                                                                        PAGES 20-22

I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me will live,
even though they die.
John 11:25 CEB

                                                               grow        equip       connect

Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
SUSQUEHANNA                                                                          FIND US ON
                                          CONFERENCE CENTER
                                            PHONE NUMBERS
                                         CONNECTING MINISTRIES
                                         Phone: 717-766-7441 Fax: 717-766-5976
                                                                                                       CHECK OUT THE VIDEO RESOURCES PRODUCED BY SUSUMC AT
        QuikLINK is an e-mail             Amy Wynn������������������������������������������3600
     broadcast service for clergy
        and lay persons of the
                                          Doug Hoy��������������������������������������������3402
                                          Janelle Walker������������������������������������3613
      Susquehanna Conference              Kevin Witt�������������������������������������������3603
         highlighting breaking
                                          Kim Shockley��������������������������������������3604
      conference-related news,
      events, job and classified          Michelle Schwartzman������������������������3105                                      FIND US ON
         postings, and more.              Patricia Frye���������������������������������������3602
      To subscribe to this FREE           Sandii Peiffer��������������������������������������3612
     service or post a message,           Stacy Eckert���������������������������������������3609
     email            Victoria Rebeck����������������������������������3601

                                         DISCOVERY PLACE
        VOLUME 11                        Phone: 717-766-7968                                                
                                          Joni Robison���������������������������������������3400
        NUMBER 2
         MARCH 2021                      EQUIPPING VITAL CONGREGATIONS
                                         Phone: 717-545-0525
                                          Cindy Weaver������������������������������������� 3111
                                          Gary Shockley������������������������������������3112
      is published bi-monthly by                                                                           The deadline for the MAY issue of
        Connecting Ministries,
                                         EPISCOPAL OFFICES
     Susquehanna Conference of
                                         Phone: 717-766-7871 Fax: 717-766-3210
                                                                                                            Susquehanna LINK is APRIL 10.
                                                                                                         Send your stories to
     The United Methodist Church
          303 Mulberry Drive              Bishop Jeremiah Park������������������������3100
      Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
                                          Christy Mackey�����������������������������������3100
         Phone 717-766-7441
       E-mail             Greg Myers�����������������������������������������3103
                                          Sarah Filizzi����������������������������������������3104
      SUBSCRIBE TODAY!                    Tom Salsgiver�������������������������������������3300
    Please send your email address
    to with “LINK
    Subscription” in the subject line.   FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION
                                         Phone: 717-766-5275 Fax: 717-766-5976
  Unsubscribe by sending your             Ann Watts�������������������������������������������3501
        email address to with                 Darlene Eisenhuth������������������������������3504           Susquehanna Annual Conference
“Unsubscribe” in the subject line.        Jason Mackey�������������������������������������4104                   2017 - 2020
                                          Mark Knecht���������������������������������������3503          This phrase reflects what a connectional church such as ours is all about.
                                          Mollye Inners��������������������������������������3000      It affirms and celebrates the stronger and bigger mission and ministry we can
Bishop - Harrisburg Episcopal Area                                                                           accomplish as a connectional church. It also points to the mandate of
        Jeremiah J. Park                 SEEDLING FINANCIAL MINISTRY                                            unity for Christian witness as it sums up the spirit and the focus of
                                         Phone: 717-591-4099                                           Jesus’ prayer for the oneness of his disciples. In the Gospel of John chapter 17,
    Director of Connecting Ministries                                                                      Jesus repeats these words of prayer: “They may be one as we are one.”
         Rev. Victoria Rebeck
                                          Christine Sims������������������������������������3500
                                          Lauren Hokamp����������������������������������3502               Prayer connects the people of faith to God’s way and God’s future.
             Director of                                                                               Prayer is an unequivocal expression of faith that, no matter what we go through,
        Communications Ministry                                                                           we put our trust in God and we know that God is in charge. As we face the
                                         HARRISBURG DISTRICT
           Janelle Walker                                                                              unprecedented challenge of the unity of our church, we are to rely on God for a
                                         Phone: 717-766-8124 Fax: 717-766-3887
       Communications Specialist                                                                           breakthrough by the gift and power of prayer more than anything else.
                                          Barry Robison�������������������������������������3202
           Web/Graphics                                                                                            In sync with the ardent prayer of Jesus for oneness,
           Stacy Eckert
                                          Kaiti Gallaher Lucente������������������������3200
                                                                                                        each year we will lift up a prayer that we offer at the Lord’s Table as a theme:
                                          Karen Atanasoff����������������������������������3201
       Communications Specialist                                                                                      2017-18 - “Better Together: Make Us One”
                                         INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                                     2018-19 - “Better Together: One with Christ”
            Sandii Peiffer
                                          Larry McCleaf�������������������������������������3106               2019-20 - “Better Together: One with Each Other”
                                          Nate Smith������������������������������������������3107          2020-21 - “Better Together: One in Ministry to All the World”
                                                Find e-mail addresses at                                I believe that God has plans to give our church hope and a future. I excitingly
                                                                anticipate what God has in store for the Susquehanna Annual Conference.
           COVER PHOTO:                                                                                   May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in God,
                                                                                                           so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
                                                                                                                                           (Romans 15:13)
2                                                                                                                      With You in Christ’s Ministry, Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
Connecting Ministries
                     Future Trends That Will Shape Church Ministry
REV. VICTORIA REBECK                      While knowledge is information (and        Further, don’t use music primarily
Director of Connecting Ministries         that is necessary), wisdom entails         as a tool to energize worshipers or
                                          deeper virtues of gratitude, wonder,       otherwise influence a group mood.

I f we’ve learned anything over the
  past year, it’s that the world can
change in what seems like an instant.
                                          humility, forgiveness, and more. It’s
                                          obtained through life experience and
                                          transmitted through media such as
                                                                                     Rather, incorporate art and music to
                                                                                     illuminate who God is and how God
                                                                                     acts in the world.
And the fact that the pandemic            art, music, drama, and story.              This is also true when inviting people
continues even after a year proves        In some ways this also speaks to           to explore Scripture or engage in
that we cannot simply hunker down         “customization.” Story communicates        compassion ministries together.
and wait until we can go back to what     on many angles. The hearer brings          “People don’t just want to know
we were doing. We could do that—          to her listening her own experiences       what’s true; they want to know what’s
but if our aim is to invite, form, and
                                          and concerns. The gathered group           real,” Nieuwhof says. “And what’s real
send disciples to help transform the
                                          listens to the same story, but each        is deeper than just an idea—it’s an
world into the realm of God, our old
                                          person may walk away having                experience.”
familiar ways won’t get us there.
                                          learned something different, based on      This suits us as Methodists. After
We also learned last year how difficult   God’s leading.                             all, Charles and John Wesley, the
it is to predict the future. But we can
                                          Furthermore, each person has their         founders of Methodism, both had
observe trends that could help us
                                          own stories from their own lives.          “heart-warming” experiences of
invite and welcome new people into
                                          When given a safe place in which           assurance from God and considered
a relationship with God and God’s
                                          to tell others of these experiences,       such experiences important. Why not
                                          people learn from each other.              reclaim this?
Here are a few trends I’ve learned        Relationships are strengthened             Mission
from a variety of sources and some        among people and with God.
possible implications for churches.                                                  Nieuwhof reminds us that our task
                                          Moments                                    is to invite people not only to attend
Story and experience
                                          Churches habitually turn to events         worship, but to take part in the
Virtual reality—computer-generated        and gatherings to teach or otherwise       church’s mission. Many people,
simulation of a three-dimensional         communicate. In his “6 Disruptive          especially young adults, are not
environment that allows people to         Church Trends that Will Rule 2020,”        looking for ways to fill their calendars
interact with it in a way that seems      pastor and author Carey Nieuwhof           with activities and committee
physically real—will continue to grow,    observes people today have different       meetings. However, they do want
writes Prasenjit Roy in “Marketing in     expectations for gatherings. These         to make a positive difference in the
2025: Five key trends that will drive     still have value; we simply need to use    world. The church calls this mission,
the future.”                              them for different purposes, he says.      and this passion among young adults
I’m not suggesting we abandon             Information is much more easily            is a gift from God that the church can
reality in favor of virtual reality.      obtained in the age of the internet,       embrace and harness.
But we can adapt two aspects of           so that need not be a significant          How is your church making God’s
this technology: storytelling and         part of a gathering. People do not         realm a reality in your community?
customized experiences. The church        have to be in the same room to             Providing groceries for school
has something real to offer the world.    obtain information, and they are less      children to bring home to their
If virtual reality orients our culture    likely to come to an event—even            families who would not otherwise
toward story and custom experiences,      weekly worship—for that purpose.           have enough? Organizing visits to
the church can offer these through        However, people will still gather          legislators to call for public policy
engagement with real people.              for “movements, moments, and               that would honor God’s good
Story is something that should            missions,” as Nieuwhof calls them.         creation or confront discriminatory
come naturally to the church. After       Worship and sacraments have long           housing practices? There are people,
all, Jesus frequently taught by           been the church’s way to connect           including young people, who are
using stories. Story, unlike simple       people with God and each other. Avoid      eager to take part in this.
instruction or direction, draws people    letting Intentional, reverent, creative,   Movements
into being full participants in their     and thoughtfully planned worship get
spiritual growth.                                                                    Don’t assume that your church
                                          bogged down by information-sharing
Story also communicates wisdom.           or announcements.                                              CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3                                      provide meaningful community that           for people to encounter God and find
                                                               introduces others to the unconditional      a home with God’s people.
    has to invent these opportunities.
                                                               and life-changing love of God.              Our mission is the same as it has
    It is likely other organizations in
    your community are addressing                              People are finding out about events         been for 2,000 years. Regardless of
    them. Demonstrate your church’s                            largely online, and particularly            what the future holds for The United
    commitment to the wellbeing of the                         through social media, Edgehill told         Methodist Church or the world around
    wider community by collaborating                           me. This winter, I helped welcome           us, our mission remains. Over the
    with these efforts, recommends Dr.                         visitors to Mount Asbury’s Christmas        centuries, the church has adapted to
    Penny Edgell, a prominent sociologist                      lights display. When we asked our           change in order to stay faithful to its
    of religion. (These are what Nieuwhof                      guests how they found about the             mission. This is the church’s task in
    calls “movements.”)                                        event, many said they saw it on             all times. When we have a missionary
                                                               a community Facebook page or                passion to bring God’s love and grace
    These are opportunities not only to
                                                               received a friend’s recommendation.         to their neighbors, though words and
    follow the prophets’ instructions to
                                                               Be sure to use these ways (among            actions, we will learn new cultural
    love our neighbors, but also provide
                                                               others) to invite others.                   languages to tell the “old, old story” of
    us a chance to build relationships
                                                               Ultimately, we hope to help people          God’s love.
    with our neighbors. Make sure to
    meet those who are attending,                              experience the power of God’s grace
    particularly those who are not part of                     that transforms lives. Moments,
    your church. Listen to their interests                     movements, and mission cannot
    and concerns. This information                             manufacture life transformation, but
    will help your church know how to                          they can set a hospitable environment

                       Growing Spiritual Transformational Leaders
                         Courageous Conversations are Possible!
    KIM SHOCKLEY                                               Conference are partnering with              The course is organized in four
    Coordinator for Pathways of Spiritual Leadership           Discipleship Ministries to present          sessions which include a video
                                                               Courageous Conversations, a four-           teaching from Scott, additional

    O     ne of my blessings during this
          pandemic and the resulting
    consequences of working from home,
                                                               session online course that will help
                                                               us to gain confidence in how we have
                                                               hard conversations. The instructor
                                                                                                           articles to read, and an opportunity
                                                                                                           to answer questions in a format
                                                                                                           that will allow you to interact with
    lots of Zoom meetings, and some                            (and creator) of Courageous                 Scott and others taking the course.
    opportunities for introspection has                        Conversations is Rev. Scott Hughes.         There is a downloadable booklet
    come through a new focus on the                            Scott is the Director of Adult              that accompanies the course. This
    last statement of Micah 6:8 “...walk                       Discipleship and Executive Director of      material embodies the Fruit of the
    humbly with God”. The Courageous                           Congregational Vitality & Intentional       Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience,
    Conversations course became an                             Discipleship for Discipleship               kindness, gentleness, goodness,
    avenue in which I learned more                             Ministries, an agency of the United         faithfulness, and self-control in order
    about how walking humbly is tied                           Methodist Church. Our partnership           to have Courageous Conversations!
    to listening to understand and even                        with Discipleship Ministries will           Against such things there is no law!
    picking up the adage that, ‘I could be                     allow participants to use the course        (Gal 5:22-23)
    wrong.’ The humble statement about                         – a special edition that will be only
    being wrong allows me to be more                           available to the Susquehanna
    present with people as I learn from                        Conference – and offer CEU credits
    them and expand my understanding.                          for taking it.
    Even if we disagree, we are able to                        Registration for the course is
    preserve our relationship because                          now open at:
    we understand each other, without                          wp-content/uploads/2021/01/
    having to convince the other person                        Courageous-Conversation-flyer.pdf.
    that I am right.                                           Be sure to use the special code that
    The Grow, Equip, and Connect                               allows 100 participants to take the
    ministry areas of the Susquehanna                          course without cost.

4                                                      Connect with the Susquehanna Conference at
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
Equipping Vital Congregations
                       Becoming a Vital and Thriving Post-Pandemic Church
  REV. GARY ALAN SHOCKLEY                     than being informed about Jesus. We       presence will ensure that we stay
  Director of Equipping Vital Congregations   already know more about Jesus than        connected with those whom we have
                                              we need to do be about his WHY            met online (maybe God has sent us)

  T    here’s quite a bit of speculation
       going on right now about what
  the church should look like post-
                                              for us! What are you doing, or will
                                              you do, to help your people become
                                              formed in the image and likeness of
                                                                                        during this pandemic. How will we
                                                                                        continue to connect with people we
                                                                                        may never see in person and disciple
  pandemic. For sure, it will look            Jesus?                                    them in the ways of Jesus? Think
  different. The idea of going back to        #3 Recapture a sense of being a           Both/And when planning worship
  normal is a fantasy because “normal”        neighborhood church. Your church          with a mixture of in-person and virtual
  has changed.                                exists in the community for a reason.     experiences.
  Like many of you, I’ve been reading         Do you know what that is? When we         #5 Learn how to pivot more quickly
  blogs of popular authors and church         begin to see our community as part        as the world around us changes at
  experts and have read books seeking         of our church parish (and vice versa)     a dizzying pace. They will learn how
  to describe what a post-pandemic            we will begin to treat those who live     to abandon the things that no longer
  church might look like. This is my          around us as though they already          work in fulfilling their mission. They
  attempt to summarize.                       belong to us. We will learn their         will practice simplicity by letting go of
                                              names. We will hear their stories. We     those things that drain away energy
  My goal here is to give you the broad
                                              will feel their pain. We will recognize   and limited resources and may not
  categories and encourage you to
                                              their needs. And we will become their     serve the mission (the WHY). They
  have conversation, in your own
                                              friends. Together, we will be on the      will encourage families who have
  context, about what this means for
                                              journey as God’s beloved people           found opportunities to spend more
  the future of your church. Please
                                              transforming the neighborhood and         time together during the pandemic to
  know that the offices of Grow,
                                              the wider community for good. Is          continue doing so rather than creating
  Equip and Connect are available to
                                              your church neighborhood friendly?        new ministries and programs that will
  resource, coach and consult your
                                              Well, how thick is your policy manual     try to pull them back into business.
  congregation in this time of transition.
                                              designed to protect your building         #6 Take seriously a call to prayer.
  Churches that will thrive                   from outsiders? Do your policies          May I ask you directly? When was the
  post-pandemic…                              make it easier for the people of your     last time you prayed for your church?
  #1 Get clear about and stay                 community to use your facilities?         Your pastor and staff? Your leaders?
  focused on WHY. “Why do we                  Do you understand your buildings          Your community? Your people and
  exist?” This doesn’t require a lengthy      as God’s gifts intended for your          your newcomers by name? Now,
  process a developing a finely crafted       community?                                when was the last time you sat and
  mission or vision statement but             #4 Move more fully into the digital       listened for response from God? I’d
  simply to go back to the beginning of       world. In person worship will continue    like to add a simple prayer for your
  what Jesus intended the church to           post-pandemic but will likely be          use especially as you move back to
  BE and Do. I would invite you to read       smaller in attendance for some time.      in-person gatherings: “Lord, what do
  the following scriptures, preferably        Online worship, online small groups,      you want to do through ME (or US
  with a group, and then write in             virtual community engagement, are         in a corporate setting) to fulfill your
  your own words a Why Statement              not just temporary things we do until     WHY for my/our church?” Simple.
  of less than 15 words that begins           the pandemic is over. Our digital         Powerful. Revitalizing. Take time to sit
  with, “Our church exists so that…”          presence will become one of the most      and listen. “To be a Christian without
  Once you have agreement on the              essential evangelism tools we have        prayer is no more possible than to be
  WHY, everything (and I do mean              to fulfill our mission. Much like God
  EVERYTHING) your church does                                                                              CONTINUED ON PAGE 9
                                              used the persecution of the early
  should align with that WHY. (Matthew        church to move it out of its comfort
  22:34-40; Matthew 25:31-46 and              zone (Jerusalem) God is using this
  Matthew 28:16-20)                           pandemic to move us out of our
  #2 Focus on formation rather than           comfort zones to meet people where
  information. Discipleship is less           they are…online! How wonderful
  about knowing who Jesus is and              that many of our congregations have
  more about doing the things that            experienced a growth in worship
  Jesus did. Being formed in the image        attendance through digital means.
  of Jesus is vastly more important           Maintaining and growing our digital

Find tools and training to equip your church at
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
Dear Beloved Sisters and Brothers of the Susquehanna Conference,
    Grace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of our brokenness, and Hope of the World!

                                                                     for you. I hope that you will find ways to share this letter
    2020 Apportionments Paid at 100%                                 with your congregation.
    January 29, 2021                                                 As we move together into this new year, I stand with you,

    It is with immense humility and profound thanksgiving that       strong in our faith and the sure and certain knowledge
     I write this letter to you. Our Susquehanna Conference          that our God is able and God is in charge. God is with us
    honored the apportioned commitments to the General               and God’s love for us is steadfast. So together we move
    Church again in 2020 as it has done so for the last seven        forward toward God’s plans for us, plans to give us hope
    years. It is a compelling testimony to the faithfulness of our   and a future.
    people in any year, particularly in 2020.
    I know only too well how challenging and tough most              Cabinet Position Extended
    of 2020 has been for our churches and members. The
    COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc with lives, with             February 11, 2021
    health, and with the economic realities of our churches
    and our people. In keeping our people safe, most of our
    churches have paused in-person worship. This has caused
                                                                     O    ne of the important responsibilities of the Office of
                                                                          Bishop is found in the 2016 Book of Discipline in
                                                                     paragraphs 417 and 418. These paragraphs specify
    financial hardships for local churches.                          that a Bishop is to appoint elders to serve as district
                                                                     superintendents. While the normal tenure of District
    Yet, despite these difficulties, the people of the
                                                                     Superintendents is up to six years, their term may be
    Susquehanna Conference have been generous beyond
                                                                     extended. This extension is at the discretion of the Bishop,
    measure. You continue many ministries; you find ways
                                                                     in consultation with the Cabinet and the District Committee
    to reach out to church families and your communities;
                                                                     on Superintendency.
    and you have been truly faithful and generous in working
    toward honoring your connectional covenant of Shares of          With joy, I share with you the continued appointment of
    Ministries. Under the severe hardship, you demonstrated          Rev. Barry Robison for his seventh year as the Harrisburg
    that Shares of Ministry is about touching and serving lives      District Superintendent. He is greatly appreciated for his
    with the love of God. You are living witnesses of ways that      outstanding leadership by the people and congregations
    God works miraculously even in the most trying times as          he serves. The continued appointment of Rev. Robison
    you excel in the grace of giving.                                was also strongly affirmed by both the Cabinet and the
                                                                     Harrisburg District Committee on Superintendency.
    I know that Conference Council of Finance and
    Administrations (CFA) and the Cabinet join me in saying          We are in the midst of significant transition and uncertainty
    THANK YOU for your abundant generosity. You continually          in the United Methodist Church. We are facing many
    give testimony to your faith and your commitment to              serious challenges. There is no more demanding
    the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the          appointment than to serve as a district superintendent in
    transformation of the world. How can we thank our God            our church for such a time as this.
    enough for you!                                                  Barry continues to be a steady and calm presence amid
    Together, with other faithful United Methodists of the           these unsettling times. His spiritual maturity, effective
    global connection we give credence to the fact that indeed       leadership, faithful discipleship, and commitment to
    “the world is our parish.” By paying 100% of our General         Christ and Christ’s Church are a gift to our church.
    Church apportionments we have been able to reach God’s           Our Susquehanna Conference is truly blessed by his
    people in our communities and throughout the entire world.       outstanding ministry of Superintendency among us.
    We have been able to connect with least, the lost, and the       I am also happy to announce that Barry will continue to
    lonely and have made a difference and have transformed           serve as Dean of the Cabinet for the 2021-2022 year.
    lives locally, nationally, and globally                          Continuity and steady leadership are critical in these times.
    Please know that as your Bishop, I am eternally grateful         I know that you, the clergy and laity of the Annual
Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
Conference will join me in praying for Barry, Joni, and their   Please read the attached recommendations carefully
family as well as for all members of the Extended Cabinet.      because they provide important elaboration on these
They work tirelessly on behalf of Jesus Christ so that          points. We recommend that a team of laypeople along with
disciples are made for the transformation of the world.         your clergyperson/pastoral leader work together on the
I give thanks to God for the Cabinet of the Susquehanna         discernment, decision, and planning for your faithful next
Conference. I also give thanks to you, the faithful sisters     steps in returning to in-person gatherings.
and brothers of this Annual Conference. It is indeed my joy     We have learned that ionization systems installed in air
and privilege to serve our beloved church with all of these     handling systems (HVACs) can, when used in addition
remarkably gifted, grace-filled, committed and dedicated        to face coverings and social distancing, decrease the
servants of God.                                                amount of the virus in the air. Ionizers emit ions (charged
                                                                particles) that may capture some of the contaminants
                                                                that otherwise would be too small to filter out. The
Reopening Guidelines                                            Susquehanna Conference is willing to offer churches a
February 2, 2021                                                $500 rebate toward the cost of ionizers installed in their
                                                                air handlers. Installations made since March 2020 are

Y    ou have been waiting patiently through the pandemic
     for the day when you can reopen your church buildings
for in-person worship. In the meantime, you have initiated
                                                                eligible. To receive this rebate, please email proof of
                                                                purchase/installation from the vendor to Darlene Eisenhuth
                                                                at and copy your district
some creative ways to offer worship, compassionate              administrative assistant.
ministry, and faith-formation ministries. Though COVID-19
may be limiting our physical movements, it does not at all      Pastors, please consider the health of you and your
restrict the Holy Spirit. God is working in this world and we   family as you think about returning to in-person worship.
are still part of it. Thanks be to God!                         If health issues put you and/or your family at high risk,
                                                                please continue to keep your Staff/Pastor Parish Relations
I am pleased that many of our churches put together             Committee and district superintendent informed about your
discernment groups that have been keeping up with               concerns. You and your leadership may want to continue
COVID developments in their areas and have prayerfully          to lead worship in alternative ways rather than in-person.
listened for God’s guidance in how to respond. These
groups have helped maintain the spiritual center of their       Clergy are in the 1B category for receiving the vaccine in
churches’ pandemic response. I am grateful for all who          Pennsylvania. I urge you to get the vaccine as soon as you
have committed their time, hearts, minds, and prayers to        can, not only for your wellbeing but that of others. If you
this ministry.                                                  need verification of your status and you cannot locate your
                                                                credentials or something from the church (like a pay stub)
Recently, I alerted you that the Cabinet would gather           please email and proof of status
information and discuss in prayerful discernment how            will be sent to you.
to advise our churches as they consider opening their
buildings for in-person worship. We gathered information        Remembering that Jesus told us to love our neighbors, I
from many sources, some of it from our pastors. We also         continue to implore you to uphold high standards of safety
convened a meeting with medical researchers who are on          protocols to prevent the spread of this terrible virus. In all
top of the developments in COVID-19 and its emerging            of your considerations, I strongly encourage you to put this
variants (and who are faithful members of our churches).        commitment first. You may find it wise, in your church’s
We used what we learned to develop guidelines.                  situation, to exceed the guidelines we are suggesting here.

We know that every church has its particular mix of             Our conference disaster response coordinator, Doug Hoy,
congregation size; the average age of worshipers; the           and our medical advisory group members are available to
location, age, and condition of church buildings; and other     consult with you should you want additional assistance in
factors. These guidelines are adaptable to these various        your COVID safety planning.
contexts.                                                       May God continue to bless your faithfulness and your
I wish to highlight these points:                               perseverance.

•   The most important factor is to be sure that the room       In Ministry with you,
    you use for worship has excellent air exchange. We          Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
    are told by experts in the field that COVID is spread
    primarily through airborne particles and can stay
    suspended in the air for 13 hours.
•   Emerging variants of the virus are even more
    contagious and will be spreading to Pennsylvania. Be
    sure to factor this into your decision.
•   If and when your church decides to open the building for
    worship, wearing face coverings and maintaining social
    distancing are still essential and required practices.

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Lent and Easter - God With Us
    My beloved Sisters and Brothers,                               Psalm 22 talks about how forsaken we sometimes feel,
    Grace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace,     especially in the face of death. The very next Psalm,
    Healer of our Brokenness, and Hope of the World!               however, Psalm 23, is one of solace and assurance. Our
                                                                   God is like a shepherd who safely and securely cares for
    We have lived in the midst of the COVID pandemic for           us. This God, even in the midst of COVID, leads us to the
    at least a year. With tears in our eyes and with a heavy       calm waters where our souls can be comforted, rested,
    heart we have learned that over 500,000 people in the          and refreshed. Eugene Peterson says in The Message,
    United States have died because of COVID. Two and a            “Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I’m not
    half million lives have been lost from COVID worldwide.        afraid when you walk at my side. Your trusty shepherd’s
    The number of deaths is staggering and so difficult to         crook makes me feel secure.” He finishes that familiar
    comprehend.                                                    Psalm with the words, “I’m back home in the house of God
    While we cannot grasp the enormity of that number, it is       for the rest of my life.”
    far more than just a statistic. Each one counted in those      What I know, what I have experienced, and what I believe
    numbers represents a mother, a father, a grandparent, a        with all my being is that even in the darkest times our God
    child, a husband, a wife, a sibling, a beloved child of God.   is with us. Those dark times may linger, but the dawn will
    To each of us, they are the faces of our loved ones—our        surely break through. Just as a rainbow appears after the
    family, our neighbors, our friends, and members of our         storm, the light of hope and healing will ultimately pierce
    churches. They are the people who mentored, nurtured,          the darkness and shine bright.
    cared for, and loved us. They are the ones whom we
    cherish in our hearts and minds and memories. They are         In these weeks of Lent, we walk with Christ in the final
    greatly missed.                                                weeks and days of his life. When Lent is over, we will
                                                                   welcome in the new dawn of Easter. Joyfully we will join
    Our hearts are filled with sorrow as our tears flow and at     Christians all over the world as we proclaim: “Christ is
    times the nights are long and painful. The sun does not        risen! He is risen indeed!” This Easter, even with tears and
    seem to shine as brightly as it once did. For some of us,      sadness our hearts will sing our alleluia:
    our grief is almost unbearable.
                                                                      Lives again our glorious King,
    We are living in a time that none of us has ever                  Where, O death, is now thy sting?
    experienced. At times it feels as though all is dark and
    hopeless. Like the Psalmist we cry, “My God, my God, why          Once he died our souls to save,
    have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping             Where’s thy victory, boasting grave?
    me, from the words of my groaning?” (Psalm 22:1). We              Soar we now where Christ has led,
    hear “great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children”            Following our exalted Head,
    (Matthew 2:18) echoing in our ears. We hear our friends           Made like him, like him we rise,
    and family mourn those who have lost their lives and we           Ours the cross, the grave, the skies.
    weep for those we know in our own churches who have
    been lost.                                                        (“Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” by Charles Wesley; United
                                                                      Methodist Hymnal, 302)
    We cannot explain why COVID has happened. We have
    no words or phrases that will suddenly make our grief go       May God continue in these times to keep you and your
    away. What we can do is give witness to a God who cares        loved ones safe, strong, and hope-filled. May you know
    for us far more than we can ever know or comprehend,           more fully the love of our God who loves us more than we
    even for such a time as this. In the midst of our deepest      ever deserve or can imagine. May you be comforted and
    valley, we know we are not alone. The God who knows            assured that God’s love will never ever let us go.
    the depth of our pain is with us. The God we worship and       In God’s Comfort and Care,
    serve is a tender, caring, and nurturing God who wipes our
                                                                   Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
    tears away, comforts us in our sorrows, and surrounds us
    with loving arms.

Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
General and Jurisdictional Conferences
March 1, 2021                                                   •   Announcing episcopal coverage of areas for the
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great                 Jurisdiction
cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders    •   Determining if and how many bishops will be elected
and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with           following the postponed General Conference to be
perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our             held in 2022
eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who       It is expected that a regular Jurisdictional Conference will
for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its      also be held, possibly in the fall of 2022. This will occur
shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of          after the postponed General Conference in 2022.
God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
                                                                I know that for many of our people and congregations,
By now you probably have heard that the Commission              the waiting in these days of uncertainty can be difficult. I
on the General Conference has again postponed the               am grateful for your patience in this liminal time. We must
2020 General Conference. This difficult decision to             continue to hold steady until the General Conference can
postpone was not made lightly, but only after much              meet in person to prayerfully discern God’s future for our
prayer, conversation, and study. (Click here to read the        beloved church. We must trust in the leading of God. God
Commission’s press release)                                     will lead God’s people forward according to God’s plan in
Many factors led the Commission to make this decision.          God’s time.
Some of those factors include:                                  There are many significant issues that we must consider
•   The COVID situation continues to be a serious threat        as we look to the future of our beloved denomination.
    to safety worldwide                                         Please continue to pray for our denominational leaders
•   A vaccine is not expected to be widely available this       in this uncertain time. Also, please lift the Susquehanna
    year in many countries                                      Conference Delegates whom you have elected to serve
                                                                at the General and Jurisdictional Conferences. (Click the
•   International travel is extremely difficult                 links to see the list of General Conference Delegates
•   Report of the Technology Study Team, whose job was          and Jurisdictional Conference Delegates) May they be
    to explore many options including utilizing technology      encouraged and supported by God’s leading and our
    and online voting. (Click here to read the Study            prayers.
    Committee’s report)                                         As we continue together on our Lenten journey, let us walk
The new postponed dates of the General Conference will          with perseverance in faith and commitment. May we cling
be August 29 - September 6, 2022. It is hoped that by           ever closer to Jesus the Christ for His strength, patience,
August 2022 General Conference delegates will be able to        grace and peace for such a time as this.
travel and meet in person.                                      Blessings in this Lenten Season,
In consultation and collaboration with the Commission, the      Bishop Jeremiah J. Park
Council of Bishops has called a Special Called Session of
General Conference. It will be held virtually on May 8, 2021.
The call is very specific. The purpose is to suspend the
rules of General Conference so that all delegates shall
use paper ballots to consider only 12 pieces of legislation.
(Click here to see the 12 pieces of legislation to be
                                                                Equipping Vital Congregations
considered) These 12 pieces of legislation that require
votes were determined to be critical to being able to move      CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5
forward until General Conference can meet in person.            alive without breathing.” (Martin Luther)
According to the Constitution of The United Methodist           Many more books and blogs will likely be written with
Church, the delegates elected to the postponed 2020             better lists than mine. But this is enough, I believe, to
General Conference will be the delegates for these two          get us started. I encourage you to print this and use it for
sessions.                                                       conversation with your leadership team.
The Council of Bishops also has called for a Special            These are the things we in the church should have been
Session of the US Jurisdictional Conferences. The date          doing all along. We lost our focus (our WHY) became
will be in July 2021. These Conferences will be held            distracted by our own needs and desires and forget to stay
virtually and will occur at the same time.                      focused outward where God is working in the world.
The call for the Special Session of Jurisdictional              Isn’t it wonderful how God is using this present crisis to
Conference is very specific. The only items that will be        bring us back to center? How exciting to contemplate the
considered are:                                                 marvelous works of God ahead of us and to know that we
•   Retiring bishops in the Jurisdiction                        are still invited to be partners in it!

Connect, Grow, Equip From our Bishop Lewisburg District DS Installation Around the Conference Spiritual Growth Resources Events - Susquehanna ...
God is Doing
     a New Thing
     On Sunday, October 18, 2020, the third of four services
     celebrating the appointment of our four new district
     superintendents was streamed from Watsontown
     UMC. (View here: This service
     celebrated the appointment of Rev. Dr. Gary D.
     Weaver as the new Lewisburg District Superintendent.
     Following is an edited version of his installation

     Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19, Psalm 100,                         District Superintendent in the Lewisburg District?!
     Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16
                                                                    I will be brazen enough to say that not so long ago, none
     Rev. Dr. Gary D. Weaver                                        of us imagined…and yet God knew and our God continues
     Good and Gracious God, may only your word be spoken            to know.
     and may only your word be heard. AMEN.                         The chosen scriptures takes us into the Old Testament and

       n the scripture from Ephesians, the Apostle Paul does        into the present day movement of God. These words tell
       not ask us to lead a life worthy of the call, he does not    us—remind us—that our God declares, that our God saves
       encourage us to lead a life worthy of the call and he        and that our God proclaims; that our God makes a way
     does not challenge us to lead a life worthy of the call, he    in the sea, a path in the waters; that our God does and is
     begs us to lead a life worthy of the call. (v.1)               doing a new thing! A new thing!

     I don’t know if you have ever begged anyone for anything.      Now a bit of self-disclosure. Interestingly enough, I am not
     If you have you know it was a desperate time. You were         a car guy. Our oldest son, Isaac, is a car dealer in Arizona.
     in a situation, a place, a season when you really needed       I appreciate cars and I am thankful for my car and all that
     things to change or you desperately needed things to           it provides me, but I am not a car guy. I married into a car
     remain the same.                                               family though, when families were strongly brand-and-
                                                                    maker-loyal—remember those days? There was only one
     I must admit, I am not sure if the Apostle Paul needs us to    car in Cindy’s family and that was Ford. I am absolutely
     change our practices of humility and gentleness, but he        sure that my father-in-law, if he were alive today, would roll
     begs us to practice them, in what seems to many to be a        his eyes to the fact that I drive a Mini Cooper!
     world gone off track, with greater patience, bearing with
     one another in love as we make every attempt to maintain       But I do, like most of us, love the smell of a new car, the
     a unity of the Spirit as we are called to.                     freshness of a new car. That smell and freshness offer
                                                                    possibility. Maybe it’s because people associate the smell
     On this Laity Sunday (October 18, 2020), where we              with the luxury of having purchased a new set of wheels,
     celebrate the role of laity in the church – which needs to     or for me the idea that a Mini Cooper makes me look cool
     be a year-round celebration – the appeal is to join and knit   — the smell of a new car offers possibility.
     together as we promote the building up of the church, but
     more importantly the building up of the Kingdom of God as      That is what, I would say, the scripture offers us today.
     we know it.                                                    Possibility.

     Although Installation Services focus on the District           I would like to zero down on Isaiah 43:18-19.
     Superintendent being installed, what is worthy of              “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things
     celebration today is the cooperative mission and ministry      of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth,
     of lay folk and clergy together, as we humbly attempt to be    do you not perceive it?”
     a part of God’s vision for God’s people.                       I hope we can get behind that today. We can get behind
     Little could any of us predict where we are today. Who         the idea—we might even say, “amen!” to the idea—that
     could have imagined us sewing masks, wearing masks,            God is doing a new thing. We might even enjoy what
     fighting over masks? Who could have imagined this              God is doing. Today, we gather in the Lewisburg District
     awkward season of opportunity that we call Covid? And on       where new things are happening, where new things are
     a personal note, who could have imagined me serving as a       springing forth.
And so just like the freshness of a new car, the possibilities   Remember, Isaiah’s writing is to the children of Israel at
that lay before when we embrace that God is doing a new          a bleak period of their history: They are in captivity. They
thing call out for an “amen.”                                    have lost everything they thought they would keep forever.
I love a good amen—I believe we all love a good amen             They were homesick for the land and the blessing God
whether we proclaim it out loud or sing it silently. Amens       had promised them.
are living testimony that our God is doing a new thing even      And the words, “do not remember the former things” really
now. Even now.                                                   say, “change your focus.” Quit looking behind, start looking
In the Lewisburg District we are saying, “Amen!”:                ahead to a new thing. You see, if you are continually
                                                                 looking behind you can’t see where you are going and
  “Amen!” to local church hospitality that feels very            more importantly you can’t see where God is. If you are
  different in this Covid season, yet is spiritually radical.    ever going to move on to new things in Jesus Christ, you
  “Amen!” to churches where pastors and leaders are              must learn that you cannot depend on your past victories
  creating discipleship pathways while we are all trying to      to sustain you.
  simply find our way.                                           The children of Israel had many victories in their past:
  “Amen!” to a communion table where all are invited and         leaving Egypt, conquering the land of Canaan, fighting
  welcomed, even when done uniquely.                             prospective conquerors, and surviving a split in their
  “Amen!” to a cluster that is planning to celebrate
  Christmas at a drive-in theatre.                               But, now they are in captivity. All their previous victories
                                                                 were doing nothing to set them free. They needed a new
  “Amen!” to the local church that brought in 14 new
                                                                 work, a new miracle, a new victory, a new thing.
  members in the Covid season.
                                                                 The question isn’t ‘What has God done?’, the question for
  “Amen!” to an offering plate that is more full of sacrifice
                                                                 you, for our church, and for the Lewisburg District must be
  than full of money.
                                                                 ‘What is God doing right now – what is the new thing that
  “Amen!” to virtual nativities offered to the community this    God is doing?’
  Advent Season.
                                                                 Just like we cannot lie in the past successes, we also
  “Amen!” to a full back pew of those who can’t hear yet         cannot allow your past failures to possess us. Do not dwell
  are present each Sunday.                                       on the past.
Dr. Todd Allen of Messiah University shared during               The children of Israel had failed God miserably. Every time
a “Dismantling Racism” conversation the idea that                God blessed them with good things, they returned to God
conversations that end with “amen” are needed but                evil things:
conversations that end with “ouch” are needed as well.
                                                                   1. God gave them the Temple: They gave God idol
Not many of us love a good “ouch.”                                    worship.
It has been said that “When it hurts, don’t be afraid to say       2. God gave them truth: They lived and proclaimed a lie.
ouch!” (Mary Buchanon)
                                                                   3. God gave them commands: They lived like they were
As a church, as those who sit in the pews, as those who               suggestions.
stand behind the pulpits, as those who lead outside the
                                                                   4. God gave them wealth: They used it to abuse the
local church, and as the man who stands before you, we
need to be able to say, “ouch” to where the church has
been, “ouch” to where the church is, and maybe even              Like us today, the children of Israel did not deserve to
“ouch“ to where the church may go.                               receive anything from God. Yet our God still loved them
                                                                 and still loves us.
As a people of faith and as faithful people we live between
the “amens” and the “ouches.”                                    As we hear today, being told not to remember the former
                                                                 things does not fully entail a criticism of them. What these
We can embrace that God is doing a new thing—”Amen!”
                                                                 words say to us is that we need to let go of the former
When Isaiah spoke to the people of the day, the new thing        things in a way that allows God to be praised; to let go of
that God was about to do signaled the freshness of God’s         the former things that continue to separate us from the
ways and the continual possibility of a sudden, unexpected       fullness of knowing our God.
turn of fortune.
                                                                 Isaiah’s word is to encourage us. Make no mistake, God
Throughout scripture the amen idea that God is doing a           truly is doing a new thing even in this Covid season. Do
new thing appears frequently enough that we ought to be          you not see it? And the scripture asks, “do you not see it?”
sure we understand it. It is fundamental to how our God
                                                                 I want to take you to a place where many of you have
works over time, as much now as in Isaiah’s time.
                                                                 been professionally and personally—to a bedside.
Yet, being told to not remember the former things may
                                                                 This happens to be the bedside of my mother. Now there
seem a bit ouchy.
                                                                 are a few things you need to know about my mother and
I like to remember the former things; recall the days gone       my growing up. I had a childhood that was best described
by. I like to look back and act like there was a better time.
God is Doing a New Thing
                                                                  sacredness of the moment. Many of you have been in that
                                                                  place as you anticipate a life-well-lived ending.

     CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11                                       None of us are sure how, but somehow the three of us
                                                                  found ourselves in the communal kitchen across from my
     as eclectic. You know when I first jotted that word down I   mother’s room—my mother was alone. We were not there
     started to wonder what would eclectic means in reference     but a moment when a nurse came to us and said, “You
     to a family?                                                 will want to come back in, your mother’s breathing has
     In the world of design, eclectic is about harmony and the    changed.” Your mother’s breathing has changed. What a
     coming together of different styles, juxtaposing textures,   gentle way to tell us that the life-well-lived was over.
     and contrasting colors to create a cohesive beauty.          The church, as we know it, is in the midst of its breath
     That just might be my family: different, juxtaposing and     changing. Some of us stepped out of the room even for
     contrasting and coming together to create beauty.            a moment and the church changed and to be honest
     My father died when I was young and in that time I           because I believe we can be honest, parts of the church
     became aware, in a new way, of my mother’s sister, Aunt      need to change.
     June, and Uncle Manny and my cousins. My mother and          Now, let me make myself clear, I am not painting a picture
     her sister had a very close relationship and so when my      of a dying church. I am painting a picture of a church that
     Uncle Manny died after my father died, my mother and         just might, like my mother, find a new life in the release of
     aunt made a covenant that they would never leave each        heaven.
     other. Throughout the years, that played out in many ways
     as they lived out their lives as widowed sisters.            I can not bring my mother back, and we can not bring the
                                                                  pre-Covid church or the church as we idealize to have
     But let me take you back to my mother’s bedside.             been years ago, but we can forget the former things and
     My mother lived her last several weeks in an in-house        we can stop considering the things of old as we see the
     hospice in Lancaster County. In those weeks my sister        new things that God is doing in our midst.
     was that amazing family member who was by our                God, through Isaiah’s voice, is calling us to release heaven
     mother’s side constantly. My Aunt was there often and        to the people around us as God makes a way in the
     not being able to be there always she needed to know         wilderness and as God makes rivers in the desert.
     that someone would be there. Simply, she did not want
     my mother to ever be alone.                                  The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, Episcopal Diocese of
                                                                  Atlanta, Ga., once said, “You and I have been called to
     In that time I was serving in the then Wellsboro District,   release heaven wherever we are. And you and I have
     appointed to Calvary Church, Lawrenceville on the            been given the capacity to release heaven wherever we
     Pennsylvania-New York border, so I would visit when I        find ourselves. And the more heaven gets released every
     could.                                                       day, you and I press on with Jesus.”
     One day, my sister, my aunt and myself were gathered         So today, together, we must keep our spirits open to the
     around my mother’s bed and were silently counting            new things that God is already doing. And to that I say,
     her breaths, wondering, feeling lost, but valuing the        “ouch” and “amen.”

UMCOR                                    MARCH 14, 2021
    S U N D AY

 “Our faith in Jesus allows us to look beyond ourselves
 and help others. We connect with those who are in the
 midst of a disaster, and our response is to support
 them in any way possible. It’s not just recovery. It’s
 also meeting emotional, spiritual and basic needs.
 - Esmeralda “Missy” Gordillo, UMCOR Case Manager

     Due to the global COVID pandemic, Susquehanna Conference Volunteers in Mission held a virtual mission trip to McCurdy Ministries
     Community Center in New Mexico this year. Page 7: photos from prior in-person trips to McCurdy Ministries in New Mexico.

     VIM Journeys to McCurdy Ministries Community Center
     By Linda Gilgore, York, PA                                        but the purpose of each project is the same. Having the

        t has been 14 years since my first of many trips to            opportunity to lend a hand to the important ministries of
        McCurdy Ministries Community Center in the beautiful           McCurdy to their community has been and continues to be
        Española Valley of Northern New Mexico. At the time,           incredibly challenging, as well as incredibly rewarding and
     I was a senior high youth leader at a United Methodist            often life-changing. When realizing that cleaning, stripping,
     church in York, PA.                                               cleaning, and waxing floors in a building will make an
                                                                       impact on the school year for the kids, it makes the task so
     That first trip turned out to be much more than I expected.       much more relevant and enjoyable.
     It took very little time for me to decide that McCurdy would
     always be in my heart and that the staff at McCurdy were          Not being able to go to McCurdy in 2020 for our annual trip
     the best examples I had ever seen of walking in faith,            was disappointing for us but even more disappointing for
     being Christ-like humble servants, and truly being a light        McCurdy, who were left with a lot of projects to complete
     in a community. It was both heartbreaking and refreshing.         during a pandemic without the much-needed help that
     Their struggle was real and their commitment to making            comes from VIM teams. As a result, we decided to lead
     their corner of the world a better place was inspiring.           a Zoom virtual mission trip to McCurdy. By participating
                                                                       in a virtual mission trip, we were able to promote VIM
     Each summer we return to McCurdy for a one-week trip.             trips in general and McCurdy specifically. We have been
     We love the relationships we have built with the staff at         able to share our love for McCurdy and the importance
     McCurdy, we love the variety of projects that we work on,         of connecting as a team for a common purpose and to
     we love the gratitude shown us for literally the smallest of      connect with some of the beloved McCurdy staff.
     tasks completed, and we love the traditions and history of
     Northern New Mexico. Each night at devotions we would             Each year at the end of our week at McCurdy it is
     hear from the team members about their experience.                bittersweet. We have laughed and cried, worked hard, and
     We love to have youth on our trips because it is a rare           enjoyed the beauty and majesty of Northern New Mexico
     opportunity to see how other youth live and how they              with some side trips. And we are always reminded that
     can survive and even thrive with very little “stuff”. I would     there are “McCurdy’s” in every community. Even though
     venture to say that most nights on most trips there are           we will keep returning to McCurdy, we can also find ways
     tears of being overwhelm at the magnitude of the struggles        in our own communities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
     in the area and tears of joy being the hands and feet of          The same underlying issues are in lots of communities
     Jesus for a moment in time.                                       such as, poverty, mental illness, addiction, etc.
     Every year the dynamics of the team going to McCurdy              Over 100 years ago, one person made one decision that
     are different, but the mission of each team is the same.          changed the trajectory of Española, New Mexico. You, too,
     The variety of the projects needing completion is different,      can choose to be the light in your valley.

Pictures from prior years’ trips to McCurdy Ministries

                                                         Together with God, we are transforming the world!
                                                           The Building the Beloved Community Fund
                                                           will help Susquehanna United Methodists:
                                                               • Resist racism
                                                               • Promote diversity
                                                               • Connect churches to their neighbors
                                                               • Support cross-racial appointments
                                                               • Build strong race relations

                                                           Projects by churches and conference organizations
                                                           will benefit from these funds.

                                                           Please contribute to this Conference fund by giving through
                                                           your church. Designate your offering to “BBCF (9300).”

                                                                                To learn more go to:


     Wandering Through a Pandemic
     By Douglas Hoy, Disaster Response Coordinator                               Commandments and covenanted with the people.

            s we approach the one year mark since the                            Of course, there is much more that occurred during the
            pandemic forced us all to change the way we go                       Israelite’s trip to the “promised land,” a trip that eventually
            about daily living, I am reminded of the challenges                  lasted 40 years. But, each step of the way, God met them
     faced by the Israelites in Egypt. While enslaved there,                     where they were. He provided for them in his own time.
     God protected them and provided for their needs. He sent                    And, He did not keep them in the desert forever. It wasn’t
     Moses to demand their release. Each time, when Pharaoh                      easy. But, in the end, it was worth it.
     refused, God inflicted plagues on Egypt. He turned the
                                                                                 As we continue to face the challenges presented by the
     Nile into blood, covered the land with frogs, turned dust to
                                                                                 pandemic, consider looking back over the last year. Think
     gnats, brought flies into the houses of Pharaoh, and sent
                                                                                 about the trials you faced? Did God meet you there? If
     disease and disaster to kill Egyptian livestock and people
                                                                                 you are like me, you certainly had questions. Did you take
     and destroy crops. Exodus 12 reveals to us that God then
                                                                                 them to Him? And, did He provide you with answers? What
     brought about plague to kill all firstborn Egyptian males.
                                                                                 miracles have you experienced during the pandemic?
     Before doing so, He instructed Moses to tell the Hebrew
     people to cover their door in the blood of a lamb, leaving                  I pray we do not have to wander through this pandemic for
     a sign of protection for their families. After spending more                40 years. The days and months ahead may be difficult at
     than 400 years suffering in slavery, God, through Moses,                    times. And, we will become frustrated and have questions.
     led them to freedom.                                                        But, we must rejoice in difficult times “…knowing that
                                                                                 suffering produces endurance and endurance produces
     As they made their way to the “land of milk and honey,” the
                                                                                 character, and character produces hope” (Romans 5:3–4).
     people began to question if they would survive or die in
                                                                                 Remember your covenant and find hope and reassurance
     the desert. Their fear grew as the armies of Egypt pursued
                                                                                 that God is with you, just as He was with Moses. He
     them. God provided a miracle by allowing Moses to part
                                                                                 promised “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you
     the Red Sea. After crossing the sea to safety, the people
                                                                                 rest” (Exodus 33:14). Commit to trusting Him every day.
     praised God but soon began to question their supply of
                                                                                 He will answer your prayers, provide for your needs, and
     food and water. Again, God provided, sending manna
                                                                                 give you rest. It will be worth it.
     from heaven. The Israelites faced war during the exodus,
     and God provided them with victory. For months, God                         ***
     provided safe passage, eventually bringing them to Mount                    Contact Doug at Check out the Disaster
     Sinai. And, during this time, God gave Moses the Ten                        Response Weekly updates at

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