Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval

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Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
Discover the flavours of Laval
                                         Page 18

       SUMMER 2014

  Municipal News / Culture and Leisure
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
Laval is growing
                   A new fire station in Chomedey
                   Laval’s Station 2, which is among the ten busiest fire stations in Canada, will be relocated to a new building, which is currently
                   under construction at 3000 boulevard du Souvenir, east of City Hall. The decision to relocate the station was motivated by the
                   fact that the current location was no longer able to receive new vehicles and equipment to serve the citizens and businesses
                   of the constantly growing sector.
                   The objective for this new construction is to obtain the LEED Silver certification, which certifies that a building is more energy
                   efficient and environmentally friendly. It will be the first municipal building to obtain such certification.
                   The new premises will be able to receive the necessary resources based on the sector’s current and future operational
                   requirements. The new station will include five truck bays and will accommodate up to 14 firefighters and officers per work crew.

                   Summer Road Work                                                    Laval is at the dawn
                   The return of summer also means the return of construction on       of a major development phase
                   our roads. In order to ensure the sustainability of its road and
                   underground infrastructures, this year Ville de Laval will invest
                   $64 M to perform repair work on Saint-Martin, de Blois, de la
                   Concorde, Saint-Elzéar, Curé-Labelle and Dagenais boulevards.
                   The duration of the work will depend on the needs identified
                   during inspections. In some cases, the work will simply involve
                   restoring the foundations, asphalt or curbs, while, in other
                   cases, replacing subsurface ducts could prove necessary. The
                   residents affected will be informed of the nature of the work
                   performed in their street

                   Four new schools by 2018

                                                                                                                                                          © Sylvain Majeau
                                                                                                                                    Métro Montmorency

                                                                                       During the Strategic Forum on Greater Montréal and its major
                                                                                       projects of the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, Ville
                                                                                       de Laval announced some of its upcoming projects. Among
                                                                                       others, let’s mention the enhancement of the agricultural
                                                                                       zone, the densification of the downtown area, the efforts put
© Vincent Girard

                                                                                       in place to promote commuting and active transportation,
                                                                                       the regeneration and construction of 1,750 social and private
                                                                                       housing units, and the construction of the Place Bell. This will
                                                         École Notre-Dame-du-Sourire   be one of the most important development phases in the
                                                                                       history of Laval.
                   Ville de Laval and the Commission scolaire de Laval (CSDL)
                                                                                       Serge Lamontagne, Laval’s City Manager, also pointed out
                   entered into an agreement to exchange lands in order to allow
                                                                                       that the City has authorized a major residential project in
                   the construction of four elementary schools and the expansion
                                                                                       the Concorde intermodal station area for up to 1,500 new
                   of two others by 2018. The new facilities will be located in
                                                                                       housing units. With the opening of the three metro stations
                   Fabreville, Vimont-Auteuil, Duvernay-Est and Chomedey-Nord,
                                                                                       and the development of the Cité du Savoir—which includes
                   while the L’Orée-des-Bois (Fabreville) and Notre-Dame-du-
                                                                                       the campuses of Université de Montréal and UQAM, as well as
                   Sourire (Duvernay-Est) schools will be expanded.
                                                                                       Montmorency and Letendre colleges—this downtown sector
                   A second agreement, effective as of July 1, 2014, will simplify     has potential for extraordinary residential and commercial
                   how buildings are managed, and, in addition, allow both             development. “Keep in mind that one-third of active workers
                   partners to use facilities such as the Centre de la nature,         live in Laval and that Laval’s economic activity helps maintain
                   arenas, artificial soccer and football fields, swimming pools       our employment rate among the best in Québec,” specified
                   and gymnasiums.                                                     Mr. Lamontagne.

                   2    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
                                                                 Municipal News Section                                          ................................................     3
                                                                    Economic Development                                               ...........................................    4
                                                                    Laval in Action                   . . .........................................................................   6
                                                                    Family Life         . . .......................................................................................   9
                                                                    Living Safely in Laval                                  ................................................      10
                                                                    Green Scene               .. ............................................................................     12
The Mayor’s Message                                                 Municipal Services:                               ......................................................      14
                                                                    A Tribute to Volunteer                                      .. ...........................................    16
Dear fellow Citizens,
                                                                    Spotlight On               . . ...........................................................................    18
Summer has finally arrived, and the warm season marks
the start of stimulating projects, including an important
step toward helping Ville de Laval adopt a strategic vision
                                                                 Culture and Leisure Section                                                   . . ............................   19
statement; a vision we wish to define with you. That is why
we are currently conducting surveys and holding focus            Your City Council                       ...................................................................      34
groups to hear your thoughts on Laval and its future as
a large municipality. In addition, public consultations          Handy Phone Numbers .. ............................................. 35
will be held this fall on the subject. Together, we will do
everything in order to enable our City to keep pace with         Three Ways to Reach My City                                                       ..........................     36
the 21 st century.
By browsing through this edition of Vivre à Laval, you will
notice that many festivals and sporting events will be
held throughout Laval this summer, in addition to day
camps and various activities offered in swimming pools
and municipal parks. Take time to enjoy the summer
with your family, to be active, to attend performances
by artists and to participate in activities put together by
volunteers from Laval organizations striving to make your
summer unforgettable. These events include the not-to-
miss Mondial Loto-Québec, Festi’Week-ends at Centre de
la nature and neighbourhood festivities. Also take the
time to discover the flavours of Laval through a range of
excellent produce offered by local farmers.
Moreover, I would like to sincerely congratulate all the
nominees and the winners of a Hosia award, presented
last May during a tribute gala hosted by Ville de Laval. A
list of all the winners for 2014 is found later in this issue.
I am extremely proud and deeply touched by the work of
all these participants who give generously of their time
and their talent for the well-being of the community. Many
thanks to all the volunteers!
I wish you all an excellent summer. Happy reading!

Marc Demers
Mayor of Laval

                                                                                     Vivre à Laval — Municipal News                                                                       3
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
Economic Development

                                                 A dyad: Sylvie Beaucage, mentoree, and Maxime Blanchette, Head Mentor.

A beneficial feedback
Mentors are businesspeople with a proven track record who are on a mission to help new entrepreneurs do
better... business. Business mentoring addresses several key aspects of a company’s development, such as
planning, establishing good contacts, adding an associate, legal aspects, and financing. Ultimately, the purpose
is to help newcomers succeed better and quicker. Mentors provide feedback that is often beneficial to some

What is business mentoring?                                   Mentoring leads to everything... even to Africa
Business mentoring is first and foremost a coaching           Céline Juteau Marroni has been an entrepreneur for more
relationship. Entrepreneurs are faced with inevitable         than 30 years. She is the co-founder of a pan-Canadian high-
doubts and obstacles during the creation of their business    technology company and a pioneer in mentoring women
as they have the difficult impression of being alone on       in Canada. Early on, this Laval resident was able to assess
board—particularly during the development stage —             the importance of mentoring: “From the age of 17, and
namely regarding the financing and legal aspects. The         during each stage of my professional life, people I hardly
mentoring is a rewarding experience for both mentors          knew made me look at things from a different prospective;
and mentorees; the former feel they have “paid it forward”,   these people also pointed out my skills and my potential,”
while the latter feel they have found a guardian angel.       said Juteau Marroni, who, in 1990, was part of the first
However, guardian angels don’t make decisions. They           Canadian mentorship program for women.
simply guide you.
                                                              Céline Juteau Marroni is also among the founders of the
                                                              mentorship program of the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship

      “     Ultimately, the purpose
             is to help newcomers
          succeed better and quicker.
                                                               Once upon a time...

                                                               The term mentoring has its roots in Greek mythology:
                                                               Mentor was an educator who served as adviser to
                                                               the son of King Odysseus. It is only during the 1900s
                                                               that the word began to be used to designate a guide
                                                               or an adviser. In Québec, business mentoring took off
                                                               at the turn of the new millennium.

4    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
du Québec, in addition to participating in the creation of
Mentorat Québec, of which she was the first president. She
                                                                                           A dyad
is also the co-founder of the mentorship program of the                                    No, a dyad is not an esoteric rite. According to the Petit
African Business Network, which is recognized both locally                                 Robert, a dyad is “the combination of two principles that
and in Africa; she was its first Head Mentor.                                              complement each other”, which is exactly how the mentor-
                                                                                           mentoree relationship is characterized.
In 2001, Céline Juteau Marroni met a Senegalese merchant
and became her mentor. The latter challenged her to support                                In 2011, Sylvie Beaucage launched her business, La
African businesswomen in launching and developing                                          Boîte carrée—a gourmet boutique on wheels—which
their businesses. Willing to meet the challenge, the Laval                                 makes custom gift boxes for businesses. “Two years after
resident was invited to Africa by the Canadian Embassy in                                  launching my business, I was under the impression of
Guinea, located in Conakry, with 3A Enterprises. She was                                   facing challenges alone. I needed to talk to someone
then invited by the United Nations at a symposium on the                                   with experience, someone completely detached from my
United Nations Development Programme for West Africa. It                                   line of work,” confided Ms. Beaucage, who added that she
marked the beginning of a great adventure, which earned                                    was thrilled to have the chance to work with her mentor,
Ms. Juteau Marroni the 2010 Mentoring Tribute Award,                                       Maxime Blanchette. “We meet once a month, for one hour,
awarded by the African Business Network. Since then, she                                   and we take stock of the situation. I am finally under the
has been to Africa four times.                                                             impression that I’m no longer alone in these difficult times.”

Céline Juteau Marroni doesn’t hide her enthusiasm when it
                                                                                                    A mentor will focus primarily

comes to business mentoring. “Since 1991, I have mentored
all kinds of people, including architects, naturopaths,
signmakers, nutritionists, and even a singer and a magician.                                         on self-management skills.
Whether I am mentoring young people from here, Africans,
or South Americans, each occasion is a rewarding experience                                Maxime Blanchette is 35 years old, and Head of Groupe
for both myself and the mentoree. Mentoring brings true                                    Dijon, a company specializing in disaster recovery. Having
added value to those who are open to self-discovery,                                       been mentored himself, Maxime recalled the guiding
who wish to overcome obstacles and dare, dare to think                                     principle of mentoring: “A mentor will focus primarily
differently,” said the entrepreneur. Oser penser autrement                                 on self-management skills. Mentors lead mentorees to
(dare to think differently) is the title of the book she wrote                             develop analysis mechanisms and advanced ideas.” Today,
on the subject. For her, mentoring is not a fad: it is essential                           Maxime Blanchette is Head Mentor for the Laval Chapter
to a company’s growth.                                                                     of the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship. According to
                                                                                           him, mentorees usually own the solution in the face of
                                                                                           adversity, which solution is often buried deep in their
 Two useful addresses                                                                      unconscious mind. By verbalizing every aspect of the
                                                                                           obstacle, mentorees are generally able to come up with the
 Academos                                                                                  hidden solution. Mr. Blanchette noted that mentorees often                                                               ask questions in relation to innovation and the attitude
 Mentorat Québec                                                                           toward competition. “As a mentor, sometimes I have to                                                                    bring mentorees to rethink their products or services, to
                                                                                           stand out, and to find new ideas,” he said in conclusion.

        As of June 20, the XTRA pass will be available on your OPUS card for $59.50.
        The pass will give you access to the entire STL network for July and and August.

        Customer Contact Centre: 450 688-6520

    stl-0126S_Pub7.5x3.66_V3.indd 1                                                                           Vivre à Laval — Municipal   News
                                                                                                                                    2014-04-01 3:49 PM 5
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
Laval in Action
© Francesco Bellomo

                      Moving towards a new land                                        Our Facebook page has reached
                      use planning                                                     more than 10,000 likes. Thank you!
                      In March, the regional county municipality of Laval              Social media is a complement to our website, and a good
                      undertook to revise its development plan to reflect the          way of staying well informed on activities offered by Ville
                      guidelines set out in the Metropolitan Land Use and              de Laval or our major partners and official community
                      Development Plan of the Montreal Urban Community. The            organizations. In addition to relevant and updated news,
                      revised Land Use Planning and Development Plan should            Ville de Laval’s social media include contests, job offers
                      be tabled at the end of December 2016. This document             and a wealth of useful information.
                      encompasses environmental, transport, and social and
                                                                                       You prefer e-mail to social media? Just do like close to
                      economic development issues in community and urban
                                                                                       7,000 people did and register to Cyberbulletin, the French
                      settings. It also proposes actions for a wiser land use
                                                                                       weekly newsletter that informs you of the events and
                      planning and development.
                                                                                       activities taking place in Laval.
                      The steps leading to the adoption of the Plan include
                                                                                       Be among those who subscribe to our various social
                      presenting the project to the Minister—who will issue his
                                                                                       media platforms and do not hesitate to like, share and
                      opinion on the draft—and holding public consultations,
                                                                                       comment our posts. We want to interact with you. Thank
                      which will take place shortly.
                                                                                       you for following us!

                      Rethinking Laval!                                                      Like us on Facebook
                      Like any other large city, Ville de Laval faces several
                      challenges as far as its development is concerned.                     Follow us on Twitter
                      Population growth, global warming, aging infrastructure      , @laval311
                      and mobility are only a few of the challenges it is already
                                                                                             View our videos on YouTube
                      facing. In order to continue evolving as a 21 st century city,
                      and to offer an enviable living environment to its citizens, 
                      Ville de Laval initiated a strategic thinking process, which
                                                                                             Follow us on LinkedIn
                      it named Repensons Laval ! (rethinking Laval!)
                      From May to November, the City will conduct several surveys
                      and hold focus groups in order to consult the population.              Subscribe to the Cyberbulletin
                      The whole will end with a public consultation in October.              available on our home page at
                      Stay up-to-date and send us your ideas by regularly
                      checking our website. Information will be published on           Also on social media: Police de Laval, Bibliothèques de
                      the website during each step of the project, including           Laval, Maison des arts de Laval and Centre de la nature
                      ongoing surveys and how to participate.                          de Laval.
                 — 311

                      6    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
What’s new at the STL?                                           Vegetation preservation zone
                                                                                                   Have you seen the panels?
                                                                                                                                                 The Service de l’environnement
                                                                                                                                                 installed panels in some parks
                                                                                                      Zone de préservation                       and natural environments in
                                                                                                        de la végétation                         order to identify environmental
© Société de transport de Laval

                                                                                                                                                 compensation areas, in which
                                                                                                                                                 vegetation was planted.
                                                                                                                             Environmental compensation
                                                                                                                             is a measure aiming to coun-
                                                                                                                             teract the negative effects of
                                                                                                                             a construction project on the
                                  As of May 1, Laval residents aged 65 years and over can                                    environment. A site displaying
                                  use STL buses for free. To take advantage of this offer,                                   this panel is protected under
                                  all you need to do is add the Horizon 65+ fare on your                                     the Environment Quality Act of
                                                                                                            311 •

                                  personalized OPUS card at the ticket office of the Cartier                                 the ministère du Développe-
                                  or Montmorency metro stations. Seniors who do not have           ment durable, de l’Environnement, et de la Lutte contre
                                  a personalized OPUS card can get one at a cost of $15.           les changements climatiques. As such, it is forbidden to
                                                                                                   degrade its vegetation, whether by cutting it or by leaving
                                  The Xtra fare allows people benefiting from the reduced          any kind of residue.
                                  fare to travel on the entire STL network during the months
                                  of July and August, at a cost of $59.60. The card is available   In addition to enriching our landscape, natural environ-
                                  as of June 20.                                                   ments are crucial to the environment. Its many native
                                                                                                   plants filter runoff waters and create wildlife habitats.
                                  With CycloBus, bikes can be attached to the rack at the          Thank you for helping us keep them clean and healthy.
                                  front of the bus; the service is available from May 1 to
                                  October 31. It is an effective way to travel quicker in Laval
                                  during the summer months.
                                  Finally, keep an eye on smog alerts between June 1 and
                                  Labor Day: when Environment Canada issues a poor air
                                  quality alert, the STL offers discounted fares for $1 in order

                                                                                                                    n T                   0 CASH
                                  to encourage people to leave their car at home.

                                                                                                     RECEIV                   EU P T

                             — 450 688-6520

                                  Emerald Ash Borer:                                                    E E
                                                                                                      GR ograms
                                  declare its presence
                                  The Emerald Ash Borer is an insect that attacks all species
                                  of ash trees. To slow the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer,
                                                                                                        pr                                                    ? 311w.lAVAl.CA

                                  Laval citizens must:

                                   • Have a certified contractor confirm its presence;
                                   • Dial 311 to declare any suspected case or
                                     infected tree;
                                   • Postpone any pruning or cutting of ash trees
                                     until October;
                                   • Dispose of wood residues according to the rules set
                                     out by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
                                  Indicators are used to detect the presence of this metallic
                                  green insect with white larvae. These include: clarification
                                  of the tree crown, thinning of the foliage, and the presence
                                  of D-shaped holes in the bark.
                                                                                                                 Rd                                               TER
                                            BACKyAOSTER                                      RAInwA El
                                      emerald-ash-borer/                                                   COmP                                             BARR

                                                                                                                                          Vivre à Laval — Municipal News      7
Discover the flavours of laval - SUMMER 2014 Municipal News / Culture and Leisure - Ville de Laval
Laval in Action

Interview with marc demers
Mayor of Laval
                                              Q: You have been in office for eight months now, how would you assess
                                              your work so far?
                                              A: Well, first we proceeded to restructure the municipal administration
                                              by bringing back some experts, which is a winning situation for all the
                                              citizens of Laval.
                                              Second, we were able to restore some pride and install confidence among
                                              employees, in order to build team spirit and create a synergy to better
                                              serve the citizens. We established clear rules for ourselves in order to
                                              restore confidence in the municipal administration.
                                              As far as restructuring is concerned, we worked with the Ombudsman to
                                              help her obtain the tools to protect the citizens of Laval; we did the same
                                              with the Auditor General. We have a new city manager, a new police chief,
                                              a new director for the litigation department, and we have renewed the
                                              clerk’s office. The near-total overhaul of our municipal administration is
                                              necessary because reshaping Laval will require an effort from all those
                                              involved: civil servants, elected officials and citizens alike. Not just a
                                              few people.
Q: What are your main values as administrator, manager, and mayor of Laval?
A: Obviously, integrity is fundamental; that and sound management. Our goal is to make decisions in the best
interests of the citizens. In order to achieve this goal, and since we don’t have a monopoly on truth and we don’t
have knowledge in all areas, we have to consult our experts, namely our employees and our citizens, whether it is
for matters of security, leisure, economic development, or simply for matters of administration in general.

Q: You worked on several important issues since your election. Can you elaborate on that?
A: There was the case of unsanitary affordable housing units at Immeubles Val-Martin. We also worked with the
Commission scolaire de Laval because they had no space to build schools. We worked on the issue of flood risk
areas; then there is the case of the Place Bell, which, although it was poorly structured, remains a real need for the
citizens of Laval

Q: Speaking of the Place Bell, it is a major investment. Can you tell us how the citizens will benefit from that?
A: From a cultural standpoint, it will provide 140 days of programming, featuring both national and international
artists. Therefore, from a cultural standpoint, this is huge. However, it is also an attractive economic lever. And I am
confident that, one day, Laval will have a professional hockey team! Place Bell should help create about 500 jobs;
this would be a tremendous asset for the Laval area.

Q: Can you elaborate on the 50 th anniversary of Ville de Laval? What can citizens expect during this year of celebrations?
A: The 50 th anniversary of Ville de Laval will be marked in 2015, namely 50 years after the municipal mergers.
Unfortunately, Laval has recently made the headlines for the wrong reasons. However, there are many wonderful
stories to tell about Laval and a lot of talent to promote. We will use our 50 th anniversary as a means to promote our
heritage, our talent, our citizens and the wonderful stories that have shaped Laval over the decades, and we will take
this opportunity to restore pride in being a resident of Laval and in working in Laval. We will be actively busy, and
I have no doubt that Laval citizens will be grateful for this successful event.

                         Watch the full version of the interview at:

8    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
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Family Life
                                                                                          Better access for persons
                                                                                          with disabilities
© Depositphotos

                                                                                                                                                          © Vincent Girard
                  SFM partners committee:                                                 The Comité consultatif conjoint sur l’accessibilité ( joint
                                                                                          accessibility advisory committee) (CCCA), created by Ville
                  concrete actions                                                        de Laval, recently reported on its achievements. In 2013,
                                                                                          accessibility to buildings and public places was improved
                  Now that Ville de Laval has been certified a “Senior-Friendly           with the installation of adapted toilets and door-opening
                  Municipality” (SFM), the City has taken a substantial step              mechanisms. A new hydraulic pool chair lift was also
                  toward creating a fulfilling and safe living environment                installed at the swimming pool of a community centre.
                  for seniors. The partners committee participated in the                 New parking spaces on reserved streets for persons with
                  development of the action plan, and is now working on                   disabilities were installed, as well as pedestrian countdown
                  implementing 70 targeted methods to rethink the city,                   signals and audible traffic signals at busy intersections. In
                  its services and infrastructure according to the needs of               addition, a page dedicated to persons with disabilities was
                  seniors. Among the SFM measures already implemented, a                  created during the revamping of Ville de Laval’s website.
                  first regional consultation meeting between the partners                Through the CCCA, the City is implementing a three-year
                  working with seniors in Laval took place in February. In                plan that will extend until 2016.
                  addition, since May 1, public transit is free for seniors
                  aged 65 and over.                                                 , under People with disabilities

                      Consult the Plan d’action MADA 2014-2017 and the Portrait
                      des services et des besoins des aînés sur le territoire lavallois

                  Confide in a dolphin
                                                      The Maison des enfants Le
                                                      Dauphin provides children                                                                           © DIRA-Laval
                                                      from 23 elementary schools
                                                      with confidential mailboxes:
                                                      a unique space where child-
                                                      ren can express themselves
                                                      freely about their joy, their
                                                                                          DIRA-Laval: denounce, refer, assist
                                                      sorrow, their problems or           DIRA-Laval is a non-profit organization whose mandate
                                                      their concerns.                     is to inform, refer and assist seniors over the age of 50
© Le Dauphin

                                                                                          who are victims of abuse, neglect, financial exploitation
                                                Over 140 volunteers work
                                                                                          or violence. All services are free and confidential. Its
                                                hard to provide a persona-
                                                                                          assistance aspect is what makes the organization so
                                                lized reply to each letter.
                                                                                          unique. When necessary, a worker will go meet with the
                  These volunteers are dedicated to provide tips and advice,
                                                                                          person requiring assistance in order to respond more
                  in addition to offering words of encouragement to the
                                                                                          quickly and accurately to the situation. DIRA-Laval also
                  young people who need it. Join our team!
                                                                                          offers mediation and free lectures, in addition to providing
                  Last year, 10,247 letters were processed as part of the                 information on government programs, housing, mandates
                  “Confidences à un dauphin” program.                                     in case of incapacity, and wills.
             — 450 978-2664                      — 450 681-8813

                                                                                                            Vivre à Laval — Municipal News           9
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Living Safely

                                                                                                                                                 © Pépé
                   An accident scene to raise awareness about the consequences of speeding
                   In the beginning of June, police officers, firefighters, Urgences-santé paramedics and representatives of Pensez
                   d’abord joined forces in order to promote good behaviour among drivers with respect to speed.
                   For the occasion, they reconstructed the scene of an accident on the corner of boulevard des Laurentides and boulevard
                   Saint-Martin, one of the most accident-prone intersections in Laval. Drivers who were intercepted by photo radar
                   were brought to the scene, where a police officer, a firefighter, a paramedic or a victim of a road accident explained
                   the importance of observing traffic signs, and explained the likely consequences of an accident due to speed. This
                   marked the first time in Québec that these stakeholders have teamed up on an anti-speeding campaign.

                   Accompanying children on their way to school
                                                                               In Laval, more than 80 crossing guards ensure the security
                                                                               of elementary students in the morning, the afternoon,
                                                                               and after school, on a daily basis. In addition, reserve
                                                                               crossing guards are available as remplacements on the
                                                                               short, medium and long term throughout the school year.
                                                                               If you wish to help keep our children safe, join the school
                                                                               brigade. The Service de Police regularly hires reserve
                                                                               crossing guards (part-time and on-call positions, must
                                                                               own a vehicle).
                                                                               If you are interested, please fill out the form found on the
                                                                               City’s website. The form can be submitted by e-mail at
                                                                     , or by regular mail, or in person to
                                                                               the school brigade manager, Chantal Filion at the police
                                                                               station (3225 boulevard Saint-Martin Est).
                                                                         , under Administration/Job Opportunities
© Sylvain Majeau

                                                                                   and Internships — 450 978-6888, extension 4271

                                                     Follow the Service de police on social medias:
                                                               News, events, and prevention

                                    , @policelaval

                   10    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Be careful on bodies of water
                   Laval is surrounded by the magnificient Des Prairies and Des Mille Îles rivers, which attract many recreational boaters.
                   Throughout the summer, and particularly during the National Drowning Prevention Week, from July 20-26, the Service
                   de police de Laval will increase surveillance of the rivers to provide prevention tips and to enforce boating regulations.
                   Here are the rules to follow for safe navigation

                    • Any person driving a pleasure craft fitted with a motor      • In order to be alert and ready at all times, alcohol
                      must have proof of competency in his possession.               should never be consumed before navigation.
                                                                                     Drinking and driving is illegal both on water and on
                    • The craft must carry enough life jackets or personal
                                                                                     the road. The consequences are the same.
                      flotation devices (PFD)—in good condition—of
                      appropriate size for each person on board.           

                   Road safety...for bicycles, too!
                                                                                 A growing number of Laval residents ride their bikes to
                                                                                 work or to school, whether for exercise or simply for fun.
                                                                                 Unfortunately, each year, an average of 79 injury crashes
                                                                                 in Laval involves cyclists. The police are asking motorists
                                                                                 and cyclists for their cooperation in order to share the
                                                                                 road safely and responsibly.
                                                                                 During the summer, the police will carry out several actions.
                                                                                 Last May, the Service de Police met elementary students,
                                                                                 during which time an educational bicycle path was set up
                                                                                 to teach young cyclists good cycling habits by improving
                                                                                 their knowledge of traffic signs. The police will be meeting
                                                                                 cyclists on major roads and bicycle paths to raise awareness
                                                                                 until fall. During this campaign, they will remind cyclists
© Sylvain Majeau

                                                                                 that helmets are important since, nine out of ten times,
                                                                                 they help prevent head trauma and even death.

                                                                                                   Vivre à Laval — Municipal News         11
Green Scene

                                                                                                                                © Vincent Girard
Tips and tricks for an eco-friendly summer
With the arrival of the hot season, here are a few tips to fully enjoy summer while reducing your environmental footprint.

In transport                                                   In your plate
Are you planning a long road trip? Check your tire pressure    From June to September, agricultural lands throughout
before you leave, as it is essential to a safe drive, and it   Laval will transform into a giant pantry and offer an array of
saves fuel and prolongs the life of your tires. To cool the    fruits and vegetables. Take advantage of this opportunity
interior of your vehicle, drive with the windows down          to turn this u-pick operation into a pleasant family activity.
instead of using the A/C: this is a more energy efficient      Otherwise, locate the nearest vegetable grower to find
way of fighting the heat. If you choose to turn on the A/C,    fresher products and to encourage the local economy. To
make sure the windows are closed properly.                     find the nearest merchants, consult the Saveurs de Laval
                                                               directory at
For shorter distances, take out your bikes and in-line
skates, or put on your walking shoes. Your children play
a team sport? Choose active transportation to get to the       In your backyard
park, or suggest carpooling to other parents.                  Do you have a swimming pool? Cover it with a solar
Between June 1 and Labour Day, the Société de transport        cover. This will save you from heating it, and limit water
de Laval (STL) will offer discounted fares of $1 on Smog       evaporation.
Days. Keep an eye on smog alerts and enjoy this preferential   Before watering your plants and your lawn, make sure you
rate while doing your share to improve air quality.            comply with the bylaws in force, which allow watering
                                                               every second day based on your address and the system
                                                               you use. Better yet, get a rainwater barrel, this way you’ll
                                                               have untreated water to irrigate your plants. Ville de Laval
                                                               offers a grant of up to $70 for this type of purchase.

        BYLAW              PRESERVE
     MATOY 15              DRINKING
     SEPT 15               WATER

      Lawn • Pool • Outside maintenance

12   Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
© Wikimédia

              Plants demanding little water                                              Waterfronts: unique places
              Summer often goes hand in hand with gardening, but also                    to discover
              with drought. Opt for plants that don’t require much water
              in order to prevent them from suffering from extreme                       You don’t need to travel far to enjoy nature during the
              heat. Not only do these plants require little maintenance,                 summer months. There are several magnificent waterfronts
              but they are also an eco-friendly choice that allows you                   on the territory of Laval, often unknown gems.
              to save water. You will have more time to enjoy summer!                    For example, the Olivier-Charbonneau embankment,
              A few suggestions:                                                         located at the eastern end of the island, has a picnic area
              Ground Cover (low plants                  Shrubs:                          with a panoramic view of the two surrounding rivers. It is
              of less than 50 cm):                                                       a location of choice for cyclists who wish to take a break
                                                             • Rose bush                 and contemplate the landscape. The du Garrot bank, in
               • Thyme                                                                   Sainte-Rose, also has an equipped picnic area to spend
                                                             • Blue Spirea
               • Tickseed                                                                quality time with family or among friends. And while you’re
                                                             • Sea buckthorn             at it, why not try kayaking?
               • Stonecrop (sedum)
                                                        Trees:                           For sportfishing enthusiasts, the l’Alose embankment is a
               • Houseleek                                                               sanctuary filled with fish. Located in Saint-Vincent-de-Paul,
                                                             • Acer x freemanii
               • Crownvetch                                                              the park is particularly valued from late May to mid-June,
                                                             • Common hackberry          when shad comes to spawn.
              Bushy plants (50 cm and
                                                             • Ginkgo biloba             Are you rather looking for a quiet retreat? Go to l’Harmonie
                                                                                         park, in Duvernay, where you will be able to enjoy great
                                                             • English oak
               • Hydrangea                                                               tranquility. If you wish to enjoy a long soothing walk at
                                                             • Siberian elm              sunset, head toward Quatre-Vents bank, in Laval-Ouest.
               • White Bellflower
               • Yarrow                                                                  Preserve the nature
               • Physostegia virginiana                                                  You will surely notice the high grass embellishing these
               • False Spirea                                                            landscapes. The purpose of such vegetation is to prevent
                                                                                         erosion and to create habitats for shoreline wildlife. That
                                                                                         is why it is forbidden to modify the vegetation cover on
                                                                                         the shore and the coastline (Bylaw L-2000, section 23.4). To
                                                                                         ensure its preservation, each year, Ville de Laval performs
                                                                                         an aerial survey of the area and produces a high-definition
                                                                                         film document and photo gallery detailing the state of
© Wikimédia

                                               © Wikimédia

                                                                                         riparian strips and the coastline.

                                False Spirea                         Stonecrop (sedum)
              To see an example of an ecological design adapted to a
              dry environment, go to the demonstration area of the
              Centre de la nature, near the Halte environnementale.

                                                                                                           Vivre à Laval — Municipal News         13
Municipal Services
                   Construction and renovation: frequently asked questions
                   Many Laval residents undertake construction or renovation work on their property during the summer. Adding a
                   swimming pool, a fence, a shed or an outdoor fireplace are a few examples of work that is subject to municipal
                   bylaws, some of which require a permit.
                   The box below provides an overview of frequently asked questions by citizens to the Service de l’urbanisme.

                     Shed                                                       Useful information
                                                    • Permit required
                                                    • One shed per proprety
                                                                                 • No permit required
                                                    • Maximum height
                                                      at the roof peak:          • Materials allowed: ornamental metal, wood, wire
© Vincent Girard

                                                      3.05 m (10 ft)               mesh, PVC, and enamelled steel

                                                    • Maximum area:              • Maximum height:
                                                      13.94 m 2 (150 ft 2)         – – Front yard: 0.91 m (3 ft)
                                                                                   – – Side yard and back yard: 1.83 m (6 ft)
                     Swimming pool
                                                                                 • Required clearance:
                        • Permit required
                                                                                   – – 1.5 m (5 ft) from the sidewalk and from
                        • Mandatory enclosure (fence or guardrail)                     a fire hydrant
                        • In-ground swimming pool: enclosure must be set           – – 3.05 m (10 ft) from the curb and from the paving
                          back at a minimum of 1.2 m (4 ft) from the inner
                          edge of the pool                                      Fireplaces and open fires
                        • Aboveground swimming pool: enclosure must be           • No permit required
                          set back at a minimum of 61 cm (2 ft) from             • Authorized in the back yard only, and at least
                          the inner edge of the pool                               3.05 m (10 ft) away from any property limit.
                     Solarium                                                   Civic number (address)
                        • Permit required                                        • It is mandatory that the civic number, or the
                        • If the solarium is attached to the residence, it         address of the residence, be installed on the wall
                          is considered an integral part of the latter and         of the building.
                          it is subject to the same building standards. If
                          the solarium is detached from the residence and       Gutters
                          installed in the backyard, its area and height         • Rainwater from the gutters must absolutely drip on
                          are subject to the bylaws concerning accessory           a permeable surface, such as grass or gravel. Water
                          buildings.                                               from the gutter must not leak directly to the street
                                                                                   or on the neighbour’s property. In addition, it is
                     Trees (cutting and planting)                                  forbidden to connect a gutter directly to a French
                        • A permit is required to cut down a tree of at least      drain.
                          2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. For new constructions, — 450 680-5555
                          it is mandatory to plant a tree of at least 2.5 cm
                          (1 inch) in diameter within 6 months of installing
                          the exterior walls, or 6 months following the start
                          of the occupancy date, whichever comes first.

                     Driveway, paving and lawn
                        • Permit required
                        • Expanding an existing driveway is authorized. In
                          the end, however, it must not exceed 5.5 m (18 ft).
                          Paving and sodding must be carried out within the
                          time limits set out in the bylaws.

                   14    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
© Vincent Girard
Municipal Agenda
Annual Flushing of the Water
                                                              Schedule of municipal services
Supply System                                                 for National Day and
                                                              Canada Day celebrations
From April to October

Regulated Watering Period
From May 15 to September 15

Outdoor Pools Schedule
From May 9 to September 1
(See page 29)                                                 311                  Libraries              Maison des arts
                                                              Telephone            Closed June 24         Closed June 23-24
City Council Regular Meetings                                 calls only,          and July 1             and June 30-July 1
Mondays July 14 and August 4, at 7 p.m.                       9 a.m. - 5 p.m.,
                                                              June 23-24 and       Bureau de              Garbage and
Getting Rid of Ragweed                                        June 30-July 1       l’urgence sociale      recycling
Before August 1                                                                    Closed June 23-24      collections
                                                              Multiservice         and June 30-July 1     No change
Sporting Equipment Collection                                 Counter
From August 1 to September 15                                 Closed June 23-24    Bureaux                Neighbourhood
                                                              and June 30-July 1   municipaux             Police Stations
                                                                                   Closed June 23-24      Open as usual:
                                                              Construction         and June 30-July 1     8:30 a.m. -
                                                              and demolition                              11:45 a.m. and
                                                              debris sites         Municipal Court        1 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
 The next Collecte de sang des Lavallois                      1527 rue Cunard      Closed June 23-24
 ( L av a l B l o o d D r i ve ) i s s c h e d u l e d fo r   4026 boulevard       and June 30-July 1
                                                              Dagenais Ouest
 September 5, at the Centre sportif Bois-
 de -Boulogne and at the Globule Blood                        Closed June 24       Municipal pound
                                                              and July 1           Closed June 23-24
 Donors Centre of Centre Laval.
                                                                                   and June 30-July 1
 Give blood, if you can!

  Become part                            Maude
  OF THE CHANGE                      NEIGHBOURHOOD
                                     LIFE FACILITATOR
                                            SINCE 2011

                                                                                             MANY JOBS
                                                                                             FIND THEM ALL AT WWW.EMPLOIS.LAVAL.CA
                                                                                             AND FOLLOW VILLE DE LAVAL ON LINKEDIN

                                                                                       Vivre à Laval — Municipal News                15
A Tribute to Volunteers
Prix Hosia
Congratulations to volunteers and organizations!
Ville de Laval would like to congratulate all the volunteers                           The Université de Montréal contributed to the event for a
and organizations who were nominated at the 30 th Hosia                                fourth year, by offering two iPad tablets to the winners of
Awards, the volunteers tribute gala, which was held on                                 the category “Young Volunteer” (under 18 as of March 1,
May 13 at Salle André-Mathieu. The evening was organized                               2014). The Corporation de la Salle André-Mathieu, faithful
by Ville de Laval, together with the Caisses Desjardins                                partner of the gala, awarded a $500-grant to Harmonie
Laval, and publicly recognized the priceless contribution                              Laval, winner in the “Judges Special Award – Organization”
of those who dedicated their time in 2013-2014.                                        category. It should also be noted that the Symposium de
                                                                                       peinture de Sainte-Rose (Sainte-Rose painting symposium)
This wonderful evening took place under the honorary
                                                                                       was the winner of the Judges’ Special Award in the “Event”
p re s i d e n c y o f M a rc D e m e r s, M ayo r o f L av a l, a n d
JacquesThibault, President of the Caisse populaire St-
Martin de Laval. Among the 99 volunteers, six organizations                            Emotionally filled, both for the audience and for the
and six events nominated, 29 winners were chosen.                                      volunteers in nomination, the evening was brilliantly
The selection panel was made up of nine people from                                    hosted by Guy Mongrain, who was acting as master of
various Laval organization and municipal services. Étienne                             ceremonies for the seventh consecutive year. Singer
Rousseau, General Manager of the Caisse Desjardins de                                  Bruno Pelletier, for his part, delighted the crowd with a
Vimont-Auteuil, was chairman of the panel. Each winner                                 generous performance.
received a Hosia award, handmade in clay by Laval artists
                                                                                       See the photos of all the nominees and winners of the
Serge Roy and Gregory Schlybeurt.
                                                                                       evening on Flickr at

The 2014 winners
Recognition (25 years of volunteering)

      Secteurs 1 et 2          Secteurs 3 et 4             Secteurs 5 et 6                   Activité physique                Arts et culture             Vie communautaire
Yves Lemay               Claudette Blais             Christian Bélair                  Dominique Rescat                Danielle Cloutier Brunet       Yvon Hamel
Chevaliers de colomb     Association des résidents   Association sportive Monteuil     Association régionale           Le groupe vocal les Baladins   Table régionale de
conseil 6035 – Fabre     du boisé Notre-Dame                                           de volleyball de Laval          de Laval                       concertation des aînés de Laval

Category                                                                             Category
Arts and culture (regional)                                                          Community life (regional)

Monique Gamelin          Suzanne Lavoie                                              Agathe Boisvert Carignan       Francine Côté Demers              Raymond Rochette
Opéra Bouffe du Québec   Harmonie Laval                                              Association de Laval pour la   Dira-Laval                        Association lavalloise de
                                                                                     déficience intellectuelle                                        parents et amis pour le
                                                                                                                                                      bien-être mental

16       Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Neighbourhood life

          Secteur 1                       Secteur 1                       Secteur 2                              Secteur 2
Suzanne Bélanger                Paul St-Jacques Jr.             Rania Abboud                           Jean Marius Mottet
Association pour aînés          Scouts 211e groupe Duvernay     Corps de cadet 2567                    Centre de pédiatrie sociale
résidant à Laval                                                Dunkerque                              Laval

          Secteur 3                        Secteur 3                      Secteur 4                              Secteur 4
Odette Delisle                  Cécile Quérin Saumon            Benoit Brabant                         Murielle Gosselin
Maison des enfants le Dauphin   Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul   Comité des sports Delta                Comité des citoyens
de Laval                        / Conférence Saint-Martin       de Laval                               de Laval-Ouest

          Secteur 5                       Secteur 5                       Secteur 6                              Secteur 6
Marc Huard                      Johanne Bergeron                Micheline Beauchamp                    Denise Courville
Club de football les Vikings    Scouts de Montréal              Service d’entraide                     Service des loisirs
de Laval-Nord                   Métropolitain – 64e groupe      de Sainte-Béatrice                     Sainte-Béatrice

Category                                                        Category
Young volunteer (under 18 years old)                            Physical activity (regional)

Pascale Blain                   Jacob Lapointe                  Josée Lazure                           Sylvain Pigeon
Association régionale de        Service des loisirs             Club de patinage artistique            Association régionale de patinage
                                                                                                                                                © Jacques Gratton

baseball amateur de Laval       Sainte-Béatrice                 de Laval                               de vitesse de Laval

                                                                                              Vivre à Laval — Municipal News               17
Spotlight On

                     Discover produce from Laval
                     This summer, many agriculture producers and food                   To fully enjoy the benefits of buying locally, join the
                     processors from Laval invite you to come and discover              loyalty program offered by Saveurs de Laval. You will find
                     their know-how. Hit the road and go visit them. Agriculture        all the program details on their website, a map of all their
                     producers offer a warm welcome and a wide variety of               members, and an availability timeframe for these produce.
                     quality produce, not to mention that they are located
                     near you.

                     Here are some of the most relevant farms in Laval
                     Four generations of vegetable growers                              Give me flowers
© Laval Technopole

                                                                                                                                                              © Laval Technopole
                                              Ferme Marineau is among the deans of                                    For the Cléroux family, horticulture
                                                     agricultural producers in Laval.                                                         is a passion.

                     Ferme Marineau is among the deans of agricultural                  Les Serres Sylvain Cléroux is the leading producer of flowers
                     producers in Laval. It has been in business since 1921             in Québec. Its greenhouses and garden centre offer a large
                     and is currently managed by the fourth generation of               selection of trees, shrubs, perennials, and tropical plants,
                     Marineaus. The farm grows an impressive quantity of small          as well as a wide range of decoration accessories. The
                     fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries,         establishment, managed by the third generation of Cléroux,
                     as well as vegetables. Located in Sainte-Dorothée, and a           is an horticultural institution. Today, their greenhouse has
                     member of the Coopérative Paniers-Saveurs, it also bakes           grown to more than 1 million square feet, and has made
                     homemade products such as donuts and pies. Visitors can            the cover of specialized publications such as Green House
                     pick their own fruits.                                             Canada and Québec Vert.
                     Ferme Marineau is located at 1270 rue Principale, in               Les Serres Sylvain Cléroux is located at 1570 rue Principale,
                     Sainte-Drothée.                                                    in Sainte-Dorothée.
                 — 450 689-9792                     — 450 627-2471

                       Did You Know
                       Close to 30% of Laval’s territory belongs to the agricultural zone. There are 121 farms. In addition,
                       Laval’s territory accounts for 18.4% of Québec’s total greenhouse area. With its 62 horticultural
                       producers, generating $60 million in annual economic spinoffs, Ville de Laval is known as Québec’s
                       horticultural capital.

                     18    Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
Culture and Leisure
                                                                                                                   © Richmond Lam (Louis-Jean Cormier), © Vincent Girard (Ma tente à lire), © Sophie Poliquin (tennis)
Culture and Leisure Section                                                . . ............................   19
  Libraries   ...........................................................................................     20
  Arts and culture                      .................................................................     22
  Sports and Leisure Activities                                                    ......................     29
  Outdoors      ........................................................................................      32

  Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities                                                                   19

                  Wellness in the summer
                                                                                                                         In the summer, I enjoy
                                                                                                                         barbecuing every day,
© Thinkstock

                                                                                                                        from Monday to Sunday.

                                                                                                                                 So it has
                                                                                                                            to be super easy!
                  Summer is the best season to relax, to treat yourself, to get back into shape... and to
                  read! The annual topic of wellness continues to be explored in Laval libraries through                      – Antoine Sicotte,
                  the end of August. Here are a few reading suggestions.
                                                                                                                           Le Cuisinier rebelle en feu

               Librarian’s favourites, by Catherine Lorrain
               Où et quand partir?                               Le Cuisinier rebelle en feu
               Choisissez votre prochain voyage                  by Antoine Sicotte
               by Jean-Noël Darde                                Cardinal, 2014
               Hachette, 2014                                                          Antoine Sicotte, aka the
                                        Are you wondering
                                                                                       Rebel Cook, is back with             Summer schedule
                                        where to plan your
                                                                                       this hot summer book.                (until September 1)
                                                                                       Filled with great ideas,
                                        next trip? Here are a
                                                                                       all designed for propane             Monday to Thursday:
                                        few travel ideas and
                                                                                       BBQ, this third volume
                                        beautiful photos to
                                                                                       is colour ful, beautifully
                                                                                                                             10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
                                        help you choose your
                                                                                       illustrated and, most of            Friday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                        next destination,
                                                                                       all, easy to use.
                                        whether you’re in the
                                        mood for sunshine,                                                              Saturday: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
               cultural discoveries or open spaces. This book
               also offers the most beautiful rendez-vous
                                                                                                                                   Sunday: closed
               with nature to learn everything about the         Zéro déchet.
               dance of humpback whales, aurora borealis
               or large migrations.
                                                                 L’histoire incroyable d’une famille
                                                                 qui a réussi à limiter ses déchets                           Holiday loans
               Jardin vintage : un art de vivre.                 à moins de 1 kg par an                                Take advantage of the holiday
               Conseils et bonnes idées pour                     by Béa Johnson                                        loan available to everyone, for
               aménager votre jardin                             Transcontinental, 2014                                 a period of 4 weeks, during
               by Sally Coulthard                                                       Big house, 4 X 4, lavish         the whole summer period.
                                                                                        parties: Béa Johnson,
               Éditions du Chêne, 2013                                                  born in France, married
                                      How to design your                                a n d a m o t h e r o f t wo
                                      garden and give it                                boys, has been living the
                                      tremendous charm                                  American Dream to the              Summer program
                                      with vintage objec ts,                            fullest for seven years.
                                      recycled materials, old                           One day, she and her
                                      tools, furniture rescued                          small family decided to
                                      from oblivion, and other                          change their lives. No more
                                      treasures found in flea                           hyperconsumption. From                PROGRAMME CULTUREL

                                                                                                                              Été 2014

                                      markets. These are the     now on, she would declutter her existence.
               kind of tips you will find in this book.          She cut down on everything: her home, her                    « Je me suis dit que tant qu’il y aurait des livres, le bonheur m’était garanti. »
                                                                                                                                                                    — Simone de Beauvoir, Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée

                                                                 lifestyle, and, also, her waste. This experience
                                                                 has captivated Americans. In this revealing
                                                                 book, the author relates her story and provides
                                                                 hundreds of tips to help each of us, as best as
                                                                                                                        Get the brochure containing
                                                                 possible, to make our lives easier and to improve      all the activities offered this
                                                                 the environment while saving money.                       summer at your library.

               20   Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
© Vincent Girard
Ma tente à lire
Ma tente à lire is back again this year in neighbourhood parks, July 2 - August 15. The activity is intended for children under
the age of 5. There are books to be read, discovered, looked at and borrowed, in the company of friends, parents, educators
and a friendly host. Get ready for seven weeks of adventures in words and images!

Bibliomobile                                                     Calling robot
Batman has his Batmobile, and we have our Bibliomobile!          Since February, Laval libraries are equipped with a calling robot,
This vehicle will allow libraries to reach out to the citizens   whose mission is to announce the arrival of your reservations.
of Pont-Viau, Chomedey, Place Saint-Martin, Saint-François,      The robot informs you that your document is available and
and Laval-Ouest and provide animation and library loans as       where to pick it up. For any question, contact your local library.
of this summer. This project is made possible thanks to the
participation of the Conférence régionale des élus de Laval,
and Ville de Laval. Keep an eye on the Bibliomobile!

                                               The Club des aventuriers du livre
                                               Bring your investigation!
                                               This summer, children between the ages of 6 and 12 will discover the intriguing
                                               world of detectives, secret agents and police officers with the Club des aventuriers
                                               du livre. Be prepared to solve puzzles! On the menu: several contests, activities
                                               and shows. Registration is required at your local library.

                                                                         For more information on the libraries, please refer to
                                                                         the handy phone numbers directory on page 35,
                                                                         visit, or call 311.

                                                                         Follow us:
                                                                              Bibliothèques de Laval — official page

                                                                        Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities            21
Arts and Culture
                                                                      Summertime Comedy

                      Julie Favreau, Un bandeau sur les yeux, 2012,
                         installation, Musée régional de Rimouski

Exhibition at Salle Alfred-Pellan
Jacynthe Carrier, Julie Favreau and Vicky Sabourin
Re: Faire comme si…
Curator: Anne-Marie St-Jean Aubre
The principles of imitation, narration, acting and Tableau vivant,
in connection with performativity, have fuelled the practices

                                                                                                                                 © Sylvain Larocque (Madibou), Valérie Blais (Carl Lessard)
of these three artists who initially joined forces in 2012 at the
Musée régional de Rimouski. At the time, they explored the world
of fairytale, Québec landscapes and a character possessed with
troubled emotions. This second exhibition, held at Salle Alfred-
Pellan, continues to reflect on the issues raised in their work.
Until July 13

Lobby exhibition
Louis Bouvier
On m’a enduit en erreur
These images quickly consumed, quickly mixed and quickly              Guy Nantel                      Valérie Blais breaking-in
digested have left a mark on their times. They remain etched in       July 3-4                        July 30-31
our minds, and they shape the landscape. In this exhibition, the      Salle André-Mathieu             Maison des arts
author’s work leads the audience to question their environment.
                                                                      Rachid Badouri                  Cathy Gauthier breaking-in
Until August 25                                                       July 9-13                       August 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 21,
                                                                      Salle André-Mathieu             22, 23, 28, 29 and 30
Salle Alfred-Pellan opening hours:                                                                    Maison des arts
                                                                      Sylvain Larocque breaking-in
Tuesday to Sunday: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.                                   July 16 and 17                  Louis-José Houde
On nights when shows are performed, the room will be                  Maison des arts                 August 8, 9, 10, 15, 16,
open until 8 p.m.                                                                                     22 and 23
                                                                      Stéphane Fallu breaking-in
Admission is free.                                                                                    Salle André-Mathieu
                                                                      July 18, 19, 25 and 26,
                                                                      and August 1-2                  François Bellefeuille
                  Maison des arts de Laval                            Maison des arts                 August 12, 13, 19, and 20
                                                                                                      Salle André-Mathieu
                  1395 boulevard de la Concorde Ouest                 Philippe Bond breaking-in
                     Montmorency                                      July 24-26                      François Massicotte
                                                                      Salle André-Mathieu             August 15, 16, 22, and 23
                  Information: 450 662-4440
                                                                                                      Théâtre Marcellin-
                  Tickets: 450 667-2040                                                               Champagnat
                                                                          Tickets: — 450 667-2040
                      Maison des arts de Laval                            All shows start at 8 p.m.

22   Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
The Mondial is turning 10!
                                                                      514 312-1770. The passport offers certain privileges such as
                                                                      access to the STL’s shuttle service to and from the Centre de la
                                                                      nature. Schedule and information regarding pick-up locations
                                                                      available at
                                                                      A “passport zone” located in front of the stage is also reserved
                                                                      for passport holders on June 24. First come, first served: spaces
                                                                      are limited.

                                                                      Maroon 5
                                                                      American band Maroon 5 was selected as this year’s international
                                                                      act. The band will take the Loto-Québec stage on June 21.
                                                                      Maroon 5, who climbed to the top of the song charts, is
                                                                      promising a colourful performance. Tickets for this outdoor
                                                                      show are on sale at Spaces are reserved at
                                                                      the front of the stage for passport holders (“passport zone”)
The Mondial Loto - Québec is preparing to celebrate its               for this paying concert. First come, first served.
10 th anniversary, from June 20-30 at Centre de la nature.
Gregory Charles and his team, the sponsors and partners, and
Ville de Laval invite all music lovers to come celebrate this first
                                                                      Chœur en ville Tour
decade of success. This year, the Mondial will be held under          The Choeur en ville Tour is back again this year. Choeur en
the themes of diversity and accessibility. This year’s lineup is      ville will give a choral performance every night from Friday
once again rich in vocals and melodies.                               to Sunday for the duration of the Mondial. As was the case
                                                                      in previous years, these free concerts for the whole family
National Day                                                          will be presented in churches and chapels across Laval. For
                                                                      information on schedule and venues, visit
Éric Lapointe will be hosting the National Day celebrations on
June 24 on the big Loto-Québec stage at Centre de la nature.
Admission is free for everyone.
                                                                      Ma mère chantait toujours
                                                                      The Mondial is presenting a new series of shows, Ma mère
This summer, the Mondial has prepared a week of festivities
                                                                      chantait toujours at Salle André-Mathieu, on June 24, 25
around National Day. Marc Dupré will kick things off on Sunday,
                                                                      and 26. Tickets for these three shows featuring Gregory
June 22, followed by Marie-Mai on June 23, Isabelle Boulay
                                                                      Charles on the piano are on sale at the cost of $10, at
on June 25, and Louis-Jean Cormier on June 26.
                                                             or at 450 667-2040.
The passport                                                          Have a great festival everyone!

To attend these four concerts, festival goers must purchase a   
festival passport at a cost of $10, at or by calling

                                                                            Vivre à Laval — Culture and Leisure Activities         23
Arts and Culture

                                                                                                                                                                © Annie Poirier
                                          Les Virées patrimoniales: discover your city differently!
                                          Whether you just moved to Laval, or you have been living here for several years, the Virées patrimoniales
                                          are a wonderful occasion to discover Laval’s historic neighbourhoods, in the company of experienced
                                          guides from Réseau ArtHist. Three new tours are offered this summer::

                                          • Saint-Martin, une ville à la croisée des
                                            chemins (historical tour that takes 		      Vieux-Saint-Vincent-de-Paul
                                            you in the streets of the fourth parish      • Les recoins à Césaire Germain (theatrical tour)
                                            established on Île Jésus, in 1774);
                                          • L’Abord-à-Plouffe: un coin de rivière 		    Vieux-Sainte-Rose
                                            accueillant! (historical tour);              • Avoir pignon sur rue à l’île Jésus (historical guided tour)
                                          • Un p’tit brin de jasette avec un torrieux    • À chacun son histoire (theatrical tour)
                                            de bon cageux! (animated tour);
© Vincent Girard

                                                                                         • Tour of Sainte-Rose-de-Lima church
                                          The tours in Vieux-Sainte -Rose and
                                          Vieux-Saint-Vincent-de-Paul are back           • À la rencontre de Ti-Jos Connaissant (for children aged 6 to 12)
                                          this year, as of July.                   — 450 681-1611

                   Call for projects to celebrate
                   Laval’s 50th anniversary
                                     The Corporation des célébrations 2015 à Laval      The Corporation wishes to emphasize the history of Laval
                                     was created in order to manage, organize,          without neglecting the individual or collective stories of Laval
                                     conduct and promote the festivities marking        residents of all ages, and thus enabling the promotion of events
                                     the 50 th anniversary of Laval. The celebrations   that bring people together, and to which everyone can relate.
                                     will be organized around the theme of “Laval.
                                                                                        The events proposed will have to meet the objectives of the
                                     L’autre histoire” (the other story of Laval),
                                                                                        celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary, in addition to meeting
                   and will include different types of events, including so-called
                                                                                        the selection criteria, namely: originality, feasibility, innovation,
                   “citizen” projects. In this regard, the Corporation has issued an
                                                                                        partnerships, and quality of the financial packages. All the
                   invitation to tender on projects for which financial assistance
                                                                                        required documents must be submitted to the Corporation
                   of up to $30,000 is available.
                                                                                        no later than August 15, 2014 at noon.
                   Any Laval citizen, artist, group or organization can submit
                                                                                   — 450 978-3606
                   a unifying and mobilizing event that will make 2015 an
                   unforgettable year for everyone.

                   24   Vivre à Laval — Summer 2014
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