Page created by Jane Soto

Resident Life Staff ......................................... 8
                                                                               Emergency Contacts ..................................... 9
                                                                               Medical Emergencies Policy ......................... 9
Letter from the president .................................... 1
                                                                               Room Standards and Checks ....................... 9
About the Student Handbook ............................. 1
                                                                               Nuisance Pest Policy ................................... 12
Purpose, Vision, Core Values, Mission, and
Objectives........................................................... 1        Room Guidelines ......................................... 13

   Purpose .......................................................... 1        Community Guidelines ................................ 15

   Vision ............................................................. 1   Student Life ...................................................... 17

   Core Values ................................................... 1           Campus Activities ........................................ 18

   Mission ........................................................... 1       Student Government ................................... 18

   Objectives/Learning Outcomes...................... 2                        Student Organizations ................................. 19

Articles of Faith .................................................. 3         Intramural Sports ......................................... 19

   Baptist Faith and Message 2000 ................... 3                        Job and Practicum Placement ..................... 19

Mission of Student Services ............................... 3                  Work Study Program ................................... 19

The Student Services Office .............................. 3                   Health & wellness ........................................ 19

NEBC Community .............................................. 3                Personal Counseling ................................... 19

   Community Covenant .................................... 3                   School Closings & Delays ........................... 19

   Student Rights and Responsibilities .............. 4                        Transportation ............................................. 20

   Student Standards of Conduct....................... 4                       Dress Code .................................................. 20

   Statement on Relationships ........................... 5                    Social Media ................................................ 21

   Campus.......................................................... 5          Food Service ............................................... 21

Academic Affairs ................................................ 5            Post Office Boxes ........................................ 21

   Accreditation .................................................. 5          Mail Procedures ........................................... 21

   Academic Programs ...................................... 6               Policies and Procedures .................................. 21

   Academic Integrity ......................................... 7              Fundraising policy ........................................ 21

   Attendance ..................................................... 7          Treatment Plan for Head Lice ..................... 22

   Populi ............................................................. 7      Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco ...................... 22

   Academic Catalog .......................................... 7               Amnesty Policy ............................................ 23

Spiritual Life ....................................................... 7       Sexual misconduct policy ............................ 23

   Shepherd Groups .......................................... 7                Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Assault
                                                                               policy............................................................ 23
   Chapel............................................................ 8
                                                                               Equal Opportunity ........................................ 28
   Ministry Practicum ......................................... 8
                                                                               Students with Disabilities ............................. 28
   Travel with a Purpose .................................... 8
                                                                               Hazing.......................................................... 28
Residence Life ................................................... 8
                                                                               Student Grievances ..................................... 29
   Room Assignment ......................................... 8
                                                                               Sex Offender Registry ................................. 29
Safety and Security ...................................... 29          Student Discipline ........................................ 33
    Emergency Action Plan (EAP) ..................... 30                   Judicial Procedures ..................................... 34
Discipline .......................................................... 33   Academic Calendar ………………………… 36
    Conflict Resolution Policy ............................ 33

Dear Student,

Welcome to NEBC! These are exciting days to be at NEBC. From its inception, through
the opening years, to today one thing is clear at this college. God is at work in and
through NEBC, its students, staff, and faculty. We want you to know that we are excited
you have joined us, as we join God at work in the Northeast! You are important to us!
We want to do everything we can to encourage, support, and help you succeed at

There will be days you are full of joy and gladness. There will also be days you are
overwhelmed with classes, work study assignment, ministry practicum, and all the
possible activities of college life. Through it all we want to walk with you, encourage
you, and help you. One of the great joys of being at NEBC is the support structure we
have placed around you. Each student is assigned to a Shepherd Group where you will
experience encouragement and support. Our Student Services Office will work hard to
encourage and support you. The faculty and staff here make time to listen, pray with,
and encourage you. When you rejoice, we want to rejoice with you. When you face
challenges we want help.

This encouragement continues in student housing. Your RAs are here for you. They will
support you through both formal meetings and informal opportunities. The Director of
Student Services is also here for you. He can help you through your college journey.
You can reach out to him anytime.

At Northeastern Baptist College our mission is to help you impact the Northeast by
training you to have The Mind of a Scholar, The Heart of a Shepherd, and the
Perseverance of a Soldier. Every aspect of life at NEBC serves to help you reach that
goal. While the Academic Office focuses primarily on the mind and the Students
Services Office focuses more on the heart and perseverance, we all work together to
help you have a well-rounded educational experience. Please know that every faculty
and staff member are here to encourage and support you.

Thank you for being a part of the NEBC Family!

Dr. Mark Ballard


This Student Handbook has been prepared to provide you with the information that you will need to
become familiar with the college atmosphere and to assist you as you progress throughout the year.
Please take some time to read it carefully as you will be responsible for all the content and instructions
herein. The policies and procedures in this handbook are intended to ensure a secure, healthy college
environment and to maximize your academic and spiritual growth.

The Student Handbook sets forth our ongoing policies and procedures for students at NEBC. The
student is responsible to follow all these policies. However, it should be noted that NEBC’s Return
to Campus Guidelines adds additional policies and procedures that take precedent until further

If you have any questions regarding this handbook or have any other inquiries, please stop by the
Student Services Office for assistance (3rd floor, room 304).
                                                          2. We value a vibrant, growing relationship with
                                                              Jesus and desire to live lives surrendered to
PURPOSE, VISION, CORE                                         His Lordship.
OBJECTIVES                                                 3. We value the Local Church as God’s primary
                                                              organization for carrying out the Great
                                                              Commission and desire to support and
                                                              encourage its work.
Northeastern Baptist College exists to impact
the United States and the world through                    4. We value the importance of Biblical
providing an academically sound, biblically                   Excellence through the application of
strong, and practically relevant, college                     consistent hermeneutical principles and will
education from our campus strategically located               be a college that maintains Biblical
in the Northeast.                                             Excellence as our foundation.

                                                           5. We value the importance of Academic
                                                              Excellence and will maintain high standards
We will be the premier Baptist college in the                 of academic work, exceeding the normal
Northeast, training ministerial and non-                      college expectations.
ministerial students both academically and
practically, while impacting the Northeast                 6. We value the strategic nature of New
throughout the training process.                              England to the United States and the World
                                                              and will use this strategic uniqueness to
CO R E VAL U E S                                              impact the future for the cause of Christ.

1. We value the Bible as the only inerrant,
   infallible, plenary inspired Word of God, and           MI S S IO N
   therefore submit to Its authority in all areas of       Our mission is to impact the Northeast, the
   life including the educational process.                 United States, and the world by training students
                                                           to have The Mind of a Scholar, The Heart of a

Shepherd, and The Perseverance of a Soldier          Demonstrate the right motivation and readiness
through the provision of a college education with    for disciple-making through necessary ministry
a biblical foundation and a distinctive blend of     skills and leadership in the church and culture.
academic excellence and practical mentoring.
                                                     Spiritual Formation
                                                     Demonstrate the knowledge and skills
                                                     necessary to pursue a maturing and developing
                                                     Christian life that reflects a trust, love, and
MIND OF A SCHOLAR                                    obedience to Christ.

Development of a Biblical Worldview                  Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
Demonstrate the ability to understand biblical
                                                     Demonstrate an academic and Biblical
truth and uphold the authority of Scripture in
                                                     understanding of the extant cultural diversity
relationship to the diverse beliefs, values, and
                                                     within the global community, exercising
practices within modern culture.
                                                     cognitive, affective, behavioral, and ministry
                                                     skills to interact with others in a respectful and
Biblical/Theological Application
                                                     Christ like manner.
Demonstrate the ability to comprehend and
apply Biblical truth to life and ministry.
                                                     PERSEVERANCE OF A SOLDIER
Critical Thinking and Communication
Demonstrate the ability to synthesize content,
                                                     Vocational Readiness
think critically, and communicate persuasively
                                                     Demonstrate academic competence and
and clearly.
                                                     professional skills, as well as educational and
                                                     marketplace readiness within a contemporary
Written Communication
                                                     workforce integrating principles and ethics from
Demonstrate the keen ability to relate to readers
                                                     a Christian worldview.
through the expression of academic and biblical/
theological ideas in writing through proficient
content development, utilization of appropriate
                                                     Demonstrate the value of individual contribution
supporting evidence, and proper grammar.
                                                     to a team effort while expressing appropriate
                                                     interpersonal skills and leadership
Oral Communication
                                                     characteristics to facilitate the achievement of
Demonstrate the ability to organize researched
                                                     team goals.
content and deliver presentations with
articulation to promote a change in the listener’s
                                                     Integrative Learning
beliefs, values, and behaviors.
                                                     Demonstrate the ability to connect academic
                                                     and Biblical knowledge with life experiences in
                                                     the community and ministry setting in order to
Demonstrate academic and skill-set
                                                     analyze complex issues and solve challenging
competencies by defining ministry and culturally
related problems, strategizing potential
solutions, and evaluating likely outcomes from
                                                     Civic Engagement
implemented solutions.
                                                     Demonstrate the value of community through
                                                     the integration of Biblical and academic
                                                     knowledge as well as ministry skills for
                                                     purposeful civic action that positively impacts
Passion and Preparation for Ministry

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                              2
ARTICLES OF FAITH                                                 Tony Levesque
                                                          DIRECTOR OF STUDENT SERVICES

Central to our educational process at NEBC is                     Ashley Coombs
our commitment to the Baptist Faith and                        RESIDENCE ASSISTANT
Message 2000, which clarifies important
doctrinal stances that we intend to uphold. Every                    Alex Olson
                                                               RESIDENCE ASSISTANT
student has signed the Statement of Faith prior
to their enrollment at NEBC. This signed                         Dean of Students*
                                                                CURRENTLY VACANT
document will be held in records along with all
other pertinent student documentation.               *Until the Dean of Students position is filled,
Therefore, each student is expected to uphold        President Ballard will be a member of this team.
their commitment to the BFM during their time at
                                                     NEBC COMMUNITY
BA PT I ST FA ITH A ND M E S SAG E 2 0 00            At Northeastern Baptist College, students and
The Baptist Faith and Message can be found           staff seek to develop a covenant community.
online at It can also be found      This is accomplished through building a
on the NEBC website. Additionally hard copies        community that emulates Christ. Students and
are available at the Office of Admissions and the    staff affirm the community covenant and the
Student Services Office.                             standards of conduct. For the purpose of
                                                     personal growth and accountability, students are
                                                     also placed into shepherd groups. For more
                                                     information about shepherd groups, please see
MISSION OF STUDENT                                   the section on spiritual life.
                                                     CO M M UN IT Y CO V EN ANT
The Student Services Office supports the
mission of Northeastern Baptist College by           Northeastern Baptist College is comprised of
promoting the wholistic care and development of      diversely talented individuals who are committed
students as they cultivate the The Mind of a         to the mission of the institution which is to
Scholar, The Heart of a Shepherd, and The            develop The Mind of a Scholar, The Heart of a
Perseverance of a Soldier.                           Shepherd, and The Perseverance of a Soldier.
                                                     We believe that this goal is best lived out and
                                                     practiced within a community of committed
THE STUDENT SERVICES                                 Christ followers. As men and women of Christian
OFFICE                                               integrity, we believe that to grow as true
                                                     Disciples of Christ we must:
The Student Services Office houses a
dedicated, Christ-centered group of leaders who          • Pursue godliness and holiness in our
endeavor to impact, assist, transform, and guide           personal lives,
each student to influence physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, and spiritual growth. Within       • Esteem others higher than self,
an environment of Christian community, the
leaders of the Student Services Office are               • Exercise restraint when our Christian
challenged to help students integrate their faith          liberty may be a stumbling block to other
into the world around them. Your student                   weaker believers,
services staff includes:

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                           3
• Yield to Biblical instruction and correction,   The NEBC student also has responsibilities
                                                      including, but not limited to:
    • Exercise confession and forgiveness,
                                                          • The responsibility to act in a manner
    • Accept responsibility for actions and                 consistent with the Values of NEBC and
      speech,                                               the Christian faith, while also obeying all
                                                            local, state, and federal laws.
    • And be teachable.
                                                          • The responsibility to treat others and the
We recognize that God’s call upon our lives                 property of others with respect.
means a daily, intentional abiding with Christ
and the active pursuit of being living sacrifices         • The responsibility to read and understand
before God, serving and reaching our world                  the Academic Catalog, the Student
around us with the gospel of Christ.                        Handbook, and any other relevant official
                                                            college document.

RE S PO N SI BI LIT I E S                             ST UD E NT S TA ND AR D S O F CO N D UCT
Once a student signs the Student Standards of         1. I understand and embrace the commitment of
Conduct and the appropriate enrollment                   NEBC to be a distinctively Christian
documents, the student is under contract with            institution, and I commit myself to seek to
Northeastern Baptist College. Joining the NEBC           know and obey Christ and His Word.
student community entails certain rights as well
as specific responsibilities with the goal of         2. I will prioritize my family over my studies; I
emulating Christ. The NEBC student has rights            will learn and follow the directions in God’s
including, but not limited to:                           Word concerning my conduct in my family.

    • The right to have access to, and know, the      3. I will maintain involvement in a local church,
      policies to which they are accountable.            regularly worshiping and studying God’s
                                                         Word with a body of believers.
    • The right to air student grievances, equal
      opportunity, due process, and appeal as         4. I will follow the policies of NEBC, and will
      detailed under the Policies and                    treat the people and property of this
      Procedures and the Student Discipline              community with respect and courtesy.
      sections of the Student Rights and
      Responsibilities, the Student Handbook,         5. I will tell the truth, and my academic work will
      and the Academic Catalog.                          be my own.

    • The right to confidentiality of student         6. Either on or off campus, I will not possess or
      records in accordance with the Family              use alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or illegal
      Educational Rights and Privacy Act of              drugs, I will not misuse prescription drugs,
      1974, as well as the right of the student to       and I will not use tobacco products.
      access these records as detailed under
      the Student Records section of the              7. I will be financially responsible, doing my best
      Academic Catalog.                                  to pay my bills and working to support myself
                                                         as necessary.

                                                      8. I will keep my mind and body pure, and free
                                                         from any form of sexual sin, including

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                              4
                                                    HEBREWS CAFE
9. I will do my best in my academic work to         The Hebrews Café is located in the Hogue
   please the Lord, so that I may be “a workman     Library and is opened 5pm-10pm, Monday -
   who does not need to be ashamed” (2              Friday.
   Timothy 2:15).
                                                    JEHOVAH JIREH HALL
10.     I will conduct myself as a witness of        NEBC’s student housing facility is located at
   Jesus, treating people with grace and            250 Main Street. JJ Hall provides housing during
   kindness.                                        the normal school year, including fall semester,
                                                    spring semester, January term, and during
                                                    summer term classes.
God wants the best for you. This is true in every   CHAPEL
aspect of your life, including your relationship    NEBC’s chapel is located on the 3rd floor of Main
with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Dating provides     Campus.
friendship and fun, but also presents challenges.
Today’s society makes remaining pure                STUDENT LOUNGE
challenging.                                        The Student Lounge is located on the 3rd floor of
                                                    Main Campus. To host a student event in the
NEBC has enjoyed many student marriages             student lounge space, please see the
over the years, and realizes these years in a       Administration office.
student’s life is significant when it comes to
courtship. However, the Bible strongly
admonishes all to “abstain from all appearance      ACADEMIC AFFAIRS
of evil.” 1Th 5:22 KJV. We challenge each
couple to discuss ways to support this truth and
                                                    AC CR E DIT ATI O N
remain pure in the years leading to marriage.
NEBC encourages its students as the Apostle         On September 16, 2014 The Vermont State
Paul encourages young Timothy, “Flee also           Board of Education, upon the recommendation
youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith,    of The Vermont Higher Education Council and
love, peace with those who call on the Lord out     The Vermont Agency of Education, voted
of a pure heart.” 2Ti 2:22 NKJV                     unanimously to Authorize NEBC as a Degree
                                                    Granting Institution.

CA M PU S                                           NEBC is taking steps necessary to build the
MAIN CAMPUS                                         program consistent with the standards of the
NEBC’s Main Campus building is located at 104       New England Association of Schools and
Kocher Drive on site with Grace Christian           Colleges, so that we will be well positioned to
School. The Main campus is open on Monday -         seek regional accreditation in the early years of
Friday from 8 am-9 pm. These hours are subject      operation.
to change.                                          "Accreditation is voluntary. It represents an
                                                    institution's willingness to abide by the
HOGUE LIBRARY                                       Standards and to open itself regularly to
NEBC’s library is located at 141 West Main          examination by outside evaluators familiar with
Street. Hours are Monday – Friday, 8am-9pm.         higher education. As such, accreditation is
Please note the Library closes during Chapel        recognized as a symbol of accountability to the
hours, 10:45 – 12:15, on Tuesdays and               public." (NEASC, FAQs)

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                            5
In compliance with federal law all credits earned     excel in Christian ministry. The successful
at any institution of higher learning are             student will have been trained in general
transferable at the discretion of the receiving       education, theology, and the multiple disciplines
school.                                               of Christian ministry in the classroom while
                                                      being mentored within a local church setting by
                                                      an experienced ministry leader.
Northeastern Baptist College offers Bachelor's        BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHRISTIAN
Degrees in Biblical Studies, Christian                COUNSELING
Counseling, Christian Education, and Business
                                                      Upon completion of this degree the student will
Administration. Two-year Associate’s Degrees
                                                      be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but
are also available, as well as a one-year
                                                      excel in social services, ministry, or public or
Diploma in Christian Ministry.
                                                      private industry. The successful student will be
                                                      trained in general education, Bible, psychology,
                                                      and counseling from a Christian worldview in the
                                                      classroom for preparation to serve in such fields
The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies student      as: administration, community relations, case
will choose one of four concentrations: Church        management, human and social services,
Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership, Pastoral         mental health services, ministry, or religious
Ministry, Christian Education, or Interdisciplinary   education. Students who complete a Bachelor’s
Studies.                                              degree in Christian Counseling will complete a
                                                      foundational goal before continuing their
Pastoral Ministries                                   education at the Master’s level in Human
Upon completion of this degree the student will       Services, Family and Marriage counseling, or
be thoroughly prepared not only to serve, but to      Professional Counseling.
excel in the pastorate. The successful student
will have been trained in general education,
                                                      BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS
theology, and pastoral ministry in the classroom
while being mentored within a local church
setting by an experienced pastor.                     Upon completion of this degree the student will
                                                      be prepared to enter the field of business. The
Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership            successful student will be trained in general
Upon completion of this degree the student will       education, Bible, accounting, business law, and
be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to       courses in management and leadership theory
excel as a church planter. The successful             and practice from a Christian worldview.
student will have been trained in general             Students can concentrate in fields such as
education, theology, church planting, and             Entrepreneurial Leadership, Nonprofit Business
entrepreneurial leadership in the classroom           Management, and Project Management. These
while being mentored by an experienced church         studies can lead them into fields such as:
planter and entrepreneurial leader. The student       general management, finance, consulting,
will be equipped to plant a church while              human resources, project management, social
providing for his material needs through              entrepreneurship, managing and developing a
entrepreneurial activities that enhance rather        startup, or not-for-profit business.
than detract from his ministry.
                                                      BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHRISTIAN
Interdisciplinary Studies                             EDUCATION
Upon completion of this degree the student will
                                                      Upon completion of this degree the student will
be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to
                                                      be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                            6
excel in the field of Christian education. The      will be reported to the Dean of Students and
successful student will have been trained in        Dean of Academics. The result will be a “zero”
general education, theology, and educational        grade for that particular assignment, which may
ministry in the classroom while being mentored      result in an “F” for the course (i.e. depending on
within the local church setting by an experienced   the normal weight of that particular assignment,
Christian education leader.                         as articulated on the syllabus, the student may
                                                    fail the course). It may also lead to expulsion
DIPLOMA IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY                       from the institution, or a revocation of a degree
                                                    already granted by NEBC.
The Diploma in Christian Ministry is a one-year
program designed for men and women who
desire more Biblical understanding and essential    ATT EN DA N CE
skills for ministry without seeking a degree.
                                                    Regular class attendance is expected and
Those interested in earning a Diploma in
                                                    students are responsible for completing all
Christian Ministry will take core Bible and
                                                    assignments. The individual instructor is
Ministry courses that will lay the foundation for
                                                    responsible for his or her attendance policy.
competent service within the local church. The
                                                    Instructors are at liberty to assign a failing grade
Diploma in Christian Ministry will best serve
                                                    to any student who is absent from 15% or more
those individuals who lead children and youth
                                                    of the scheduled class meetings regardless of
workers as well as Sunday school or small
                                                    assignment and/or examination grades.
group teachers.

                                                    PO P ULI
                                                    Northeastern Baptist College utilizes the online
Cheating is a type of deception that takes many
                                                    college management program Populi. Students
forms, such as copying from another person’s
                                                    are expected to actively use their Populi
quiz or exam; the use of unauthorized notes,
                                                    account. It will give access to ministry practicum
previous exams, books, or other materials; the
                                                    requirements, student & staff communications,
submission of another’s work to fulfill a course
                                                    class registration, and more. During orientation,
requirement; the unauthorized use of work
                                                    students will learn how to log in to their personal
completed for one course in another; or the
                                                    Populi account.
reporting of material as read that was not read.

Plagiarism is a serious offense that is illegal,    AC AD E MI C CA TALO G
unethical, and immoral. Plagiarism exists when
                                                    For more information related to academics,
one gives the impression another person’s
                                                    including how to add/drop a course, available
words or ideas (written or oral) are their own.
                                                    courses, and course descriptions, please visit
This can occur intentionally or unintentionally.
                                           for our current Academic
Examples include the use of quotations without
identification by quotation marks and citation or
paraphrasing the words or ideas of another
without giving credit (unless describing common     SPIRITUAL LIFE
knowledge). Plagiarism is not only poor
academic practice, but also demonstrates a
disregard for the work of others.                   SH E P H ER D G RO U PS
                                                    Shepherd Groups provide students with both
A student who breaks the standard of academic       mentorship and peer support for the purpose of
integrity by cheating or plagiarism will be         personal and spiritual development. NEBC
confronted by the faculty member involved and       faculty & staff members provide guidance to

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                           7
small groups of no more than 12 students,          experience, and sometimes receive class credit
mentoring them in spiritual growth, ministry       for their study and service.
experience, and personal development. Each
student’s Ministry Practicum is graded by the
student’s Shepherd Group leader. Shepherd          RESIDENCE LIFE
Groups meet once a week on Wednesdays
during the Chapel hour.                            RO O M A SS IG NM E NT
                                                   Student housing at Northeastern Baptist College
CH AP E L                                          is for single, full-time students aged 28 years or
NEBC holds two Chapel services a week with a       younger at the start of their first semester in
wide range of speakers, from international         residence. However, exceptions may be
missionaries to local pastors and faculty. The     considered based on housing availability and
student-led worship services provides students     individual circumstances through an appeal to
the opportunity to gain valuable experience. In    the Student Services Office. NEBC reserves the
addition, chapel services include our “251 Club”   sole right to assign rooms and roommates while
and is a vital part of each student’s spiritual    taking into account student requests.
growth and development.
                                                   Any student wishing to request a specific
Students are expected to attend both Chapel        roommate may fill out a Roommate Request
services each week. If a student is unable to      Form (see Director of Student Services). NEBC
attend a Chapel service, the student is required   also reserves the right to terminate a housing
to alert their RA, or if a commuter student, the   request or contract when in the benefit of the
Director of Student Services.                      housing community. Jehovah Jireh Hall is a
                                                   coed housing unit. Individual rooms are
                                                   assigned by gender. In addition, students are
MI NI ST R Y P RA CT IC U M                        not allowed to enter the room of another student
Every student will be involved in some aspect of   of the opposite sex.
ministry throughout their degree program.
Extensive partnerships with local churches and     In order to change rooms or roommates,
associations will afford hands-on experience in    students should see the Director of Student
church planting, business, pastoral ministries,    Services. As general policy, Student Life views
education, and music.                              the changing of rooms or roommates during the
                                                   middle of a semester as a disruption to the
For more information on Ministry Practicum,        housing community. Therefore, every effort will
please see the Academic Catalogue.                 be made by the Student Services Office to
                                                   resolve any issue existing before a request for
                                                   change is granted. The final approval for room
                                                   or roommate change rests with the Dean of
Missions, both at home and abroad, are at the      Students.
heart of Northeastern Baptist College. Each
year, the college provides students and faculty
                                                   RE S ID E NT LI FE ST AF F
the opportunity to experience international and
domestic missions first-hand. In addition, we      The Residence Assistants are responsible to
seek to provide opportunities for educational      oversee the well-being of campus housing.
trips.                                             Residence Assistants oversee up to 15 students
                                                   and are the first point of contact with any
Students are encouraged to participate in the      questions or concerns about housing. When
travel program, gain valuable on-the-field         appropriate, Residents Assistants will contact

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                         8
the Director of Student Services to resolve any      M ED IC AL E M E RG EN C IE S PO L IC Y
questions or concerns.
                                                     Students who have serious and repeated
                                                     emergency medical or psychiatric conditions will
E M ERG E NC Y CO NT A CT S                          be asked to provide written medical support that
                                                     they are under care and are supported to live in
For the safety of students living on campus,
                                                     residence life by their medical treatment team.
NEBC has staff available 24/7. In case of an
                                                     Such documentation should ensure that
emergency, students should first contact an RA.
                                                     treatments or conditions will not require
                                                     significant monitoring by the residence life team
This is not a replacement for calling 911.
                                                     or roommates and is required before continued
However, in any instance that 911 has been
contacted, and school officials are not already
on the scene, students should inform their RA.
                                                     RO O M ST AN DA RD S A ND C HE C KS
In the event that the RAs are not available,
                                                     NEBC housing residences must maintain a
contact the Director of Student Services. If the
                                                     standard of cleanliness—especially in common
he is unavailable, you will then be directed to
                                                     areas. Common areas are defined as areas
contact the Safety Officer/Facilities Director, Ed
                                                     shared by all residence members (i.e. the
Lucas. If he is unavailable, you are directed to
                                                     kitchen, dining room, bathroom, etc.). It is the
call President Ballard. Phone numbers for the
                                                     responsibility of students living in housing to
2019-2020 fall term are:
                                                     keep the common areas clean and to respect
                                                     the property of the school and their roommates.
     DIRECTOR OF                 603-306-5305
   STUDENT SERVICES                                  Therefore, upon move-in, each student is
                                                     responsible to sign a Residence Condition and
   ASHLEY COOMBS                                     Inventory Report. These documents ensure your
 RESIDENCE ASSISTANT                                 agreement to leave the room and all its
                                                     furnishings in the same condition at move-out as
                                 716-262-6333        it was at move-in. Furthermore, it signifies that
                                                     you agree with all housing guidelines. Upon
       ED LUCAS                                      leaving residences for semester breaks,
    SAFETY OFFICER/              603-504-4955        students are required to check-out with the
                                                     Residence Assistant or with the Director of
   DR. MARK BALLARD                                  Student Services to ensure rooms meet
       PRESIDENT                                     cleanliness standards and to document any
                                                     damages that have occurred. Failure to check
                                                     out may result in disciplinary actions or fees.
If the RA will be unavailable he/she will inform
their students during their weekly meeting, and
                                                     NEBC does not assume responsibility nor does
ensure each student is aware of who to call.
                                                     it provide insurance or any other financial
                                                     protection for the personal property of students
Appropriate times to contact could include (but
                                                     in housing. It is recommended that students
are not necessarily limited to) being locked out
                                                     secure their own personal insurance to protect
of one’s room, an interpersonal housing situation
                                                     against the loss, damage, or theft of their
that needs to be dealt with quickly, reporting an
                                                     personal property.
accident or incident, or a pressing maintenance
                                                     Non-compliance with room standards may result
                                                     in fines or disciplinary action. Please note that

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                            9
dorm rooms with hardwood floors cannot be           and the two Summer Terms. The following sets
traditionally mopped. A system that uses            forth the Policy for School Breaks.
minimal water, like a Swiffer brand mop, must be
used.                                               Thanksgiving Break
                                                    Students may choose to stay on campus during the
RESIDENCE CHECKS                                    Thanksgiving Break, but must notify The Student
At least once a month students will be              Life/Housing Office in accordance with Student
responsible to pass a room cleanliness              Handbook Guidelines, and must abide by the
inspection. Students will be informed of the date   School Break rules including all lock-up and
and time of residence check at least 48 hours in    cleaning rules.
advance. If the room is not up to residence
check standard, student(s) will have 24 hours to    Christmas Break
make the room in compliance with standard. If       Students may choose to stay on campus during the
the room remains out of compliance, student(s)      Christmas Break, but must notify The Student
will receive a written warning and have an
                                                    Life/Housing Office in accordance with Student
additional 24 hours to comply with standards. If
                                                    Handbook Guidelines and must abide by the School
room still remains out of compliance, a $50 fine
                                                    Break rules including all lock-up and cleaning rules.
will be issued to each student, and a final 24
hours given to comply with standards. If room
continues to be out of compliance, student will     Spring Break
meet with the Dean of Students. Please note         Students may choose to stay on campus during
that any student with three written warnings for    Spring Break, but must notify The Student
failed room checks in one semester will not be      Life/Housing Office in accordance with Student
eligible for student housing the following          Handbook Guidelines and must abide by the School
semester. For more information about standards      Break rules including all lock-up and cleaning rules.
for cleanliness, please contact your Residence
Assistant.                                          Summer Break
                                                    Student Housing is not normally available during
Outside of mandatory periodic residence             the summer months. Students should plan for their
checks, NEBC also reserves the right to have        own summer housing whether that means going
authorized personnel enter student housing for      home or finding temporary summer housing on
the purposes of inspections, repairs, or in cases
                                                    their own. In cases where the loss of summer
where there may be reason to believe that either
                                                    housing would present a hardship (loss of job,
the health or safety of students might be
                                                    ministry assignment, homelessness, etc.) the
compromised. A staff member of NEBC may
                                                    student may make an appeal by completing the
also search housing, while accompanied by a
staff member from Student Services, whenever        Summer Housing Appeal Form available in the
there is reasonable cause to believe that any       Student Services Office.
NEBC regulations are being violated. The
Student Services Team will also perform one         SUMMER HOUSING APPEAL
surprise room check per semester.
                                                    In the case of summer housing hardship,
                                                    students may make an appeal for summer
HOUSING OVER BREAKS                                 housing at JJ Hall.
NEBC is happy to provide Student Housing to our
students during the normal school year including    Students must complete a Summer Housing
                                                    Appeal form, found in the Student Services
Fall Semesters, January Terms, Spring Semesters,
                                                    office. The student must describe the hardship on

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                          10
the form, detail their unsuccessful efforts to find    In order to prevent further charges from accruing
alternate housing, and agree to Summer Housing         on your account after you vacate a unit, you
Rules to be provided by the Student Services           personally must check out with a Residence
Office.                                                Assistant. All students leaving for Summer
                                                       Break must complete a full check out
The form should be completed, signed by the            procedure and are required to move out during
                                                       scheduled spring move out days.
Student Services Director, the Dean of Students,
and must be approved by the Vice President of
                                                       To check out for summer break, rooms must be
Administration. If the appeal is granted, the
                                                       vacated and emptied before inspection. The
student must agree to pay the $600 Summer
                                                       following procedures MUST be followed:
Housing Fee, with 1/3 being paid on or before June
1st and the balance paid prior to the beginning of     1. Students must sign up for a check out
the Fall Semester.                                     time with their RA. RAs will post their check out
                                                       availability two weeks prior to the end of the
If an appeal is granted, the student should            semester.
recognize summer housing as a privilege that
carries with it extra responsibility. All normal       2. Rooms must be empty and clean to check
housing rules and all summer housing rules and         out. This includes:
responsibilities must be followed. Failure to follow
all housing rules and responsibilities may result in    o Removal of all decorations from walls,
an immediate loss of summer housing privileges            furnishings, bathroom items, etc.
and/or other disciplinary action.
                                                        o Empty, dust, and clean drawers.
The deadline to submit a Summer Housing Appeal
                                                        o Clean room and bathroom as required for
is April 30th. Appeals will not be considered if
                                                          room checks.
submitted after the deadline. Forms can be found
in the Office of Student Services.
                                                        o Removal off all personal property from the
                                                          rooms, including putting trash in designated
BREAKS                                                  3. Student must be ready at designated
Before Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and            check out time. Student will be expected to:
Spring break you will receive a room inspection
by your RA. These will be scheduled with your           o Have room in same condition as move-in, per
RA. During these times rooms will receive a               inventory report form.
Room Check, with particular attention given to          o Have room key to turn in to RA
perishable food, trash cans, etc. Vehicles left on      o Please note that RAs will not accept post
campus over Thanksgiving and Winter break                 office box keys. These must be turned into
must be parked at the library, and keys must be           the Administration Office or a fee will be
left in the student’s dorm room on their dresser.         assessed (see “Post Office Boxes” for more
Please note that food stored in the Common                information).
Area refrigerators should be removed for the
break.                                                 Failure to follow these steps and complete a
                                                       move out inspection with your RA during your
HOUSING CHECKOUT PROCEDURE-                            scheduled move out time may result in a $50
SUMMER                                                 fine, in addition to any other housing fines

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                           11
(damage, room key replacement, etc.) Please          laundry room, hallways, and Common areas, as
note NEBC does not provide summer storage.           well as the combination to the Yard, are not to
                                                     be shared.
Residents changing status to Leave of Absence
in the next Academic Semester or students who
                                                     NU IS AN C E P E ST PO L IC Y
withdraw from classes (at any time) must vacate
the Residence Hall by the following Sunday at 6      GENERAL
pm. Please note that this Checkout Procedure
only covers housing. Students intending to
                                                     If you suspect the presence of nuisance pests in
withdraw from enrollment or change status must
                                                     your dorm room, alert a member of Student
complete the procedures outlined in the
                                                     Services immediately. Nuisance Pests may
Academic Catalogue.
                                                     include mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, wildlife, or
                                                     excessive numbers of ants, bees, wasps, or
                                                     other insects.
Students are liable for any damage to NEBC
property. All students involved in the damage (or    Maintenance will inspect your room and may
students that share space with the damaged           also inspect rooms surrounding yours.
item, i.e. roommates) will incur liability for the   Depending on the nature of the pest, an outside
damage unless a particular student or students       pest control management professional may be
assume responsibility. Any damages that may          called in. Maintenance will determine whether
occur must be immediately reported (on a             pests are present and prescribe a course of
Maintenance Request form) and placed in the          action. Do not attempt to treat the problem
outgoing box in the common area. These forms         yourself. Do not relocate items to a different
can be found in the common areas.                    room. Food items may be properly bagged and
                                                     disposed into exterior trash barrels. Students are
Please note that the smoke alarms should never       required to fully comply with all pretreatments
be tampered with. If they require maintenance,       and posttreatments.
please notify your RA as soon as possible. It is
against Fire Marshall law for untrained
                                                     BED BUG PROCEDURE
individuals to tamper with fire and EMS
equipment. Tampering with this equipment can         Best Practices to Prevent Bed Bugs
result in disciplinary action and repair charges.       1. Students may not bring their own
                                                             mattress to the dorms. It is also
KEYS                                                         recommended to not bring other
                                                             upholstered furniture from outside of
Due to the safety of students and their property,
NEBC student housing is to remain locked at all
                                                        2. Students must keep their mattress
times. Outside doors are never to be propped
                                                             covered by the provided bed bug liner.
open. Therefore, students are required to keep
                                                             It is recommended that students
track of their keys at all times and are not
                                                             regularly inspect the liner for holes and
allowed to let anyone borrow or copy their keys.
                                                             rips and report any to Student Services.
If a student becomes locked out of their housing,
                                                        3. Students should launder their clothing
they must contact their Residence Assistant. If a
                                                             and bedding regularly.
student loses their key, they must request a new
                                                        4. Students should keep rooms picked up
one via forms located in the common areas.
                                                             and orderly and remove trash weekly.
This must be given to the VP of Administration,
Dave King. The cost for replacement keys is $30
                                                     If you think you have bed bugs…
for the first key needing to be replaced and $50
for each subsequent key. Key codes for the

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                        12
1. Contact Residence Life Staff                         bed bugs to all affected residences and
       Immediately.                                         treat with the treatment they determine
    2. Maintenance and Residence Life Staff                 is necessary.
       will contact local pest control                           a. Treatment may include but is
       professionals to inspect the situation.                         not limited to heat and/or
       Only pest control professionals can                             chemicals.
       determine whether bed bugs are                            b. NEBC is not liable for damage
       present.                                                        which occurs during the
            a. Students are encouraged, but                            treatment process.
                not required, to be at the               2. Every student with confirmed bed bugs
                inspection                                  in their living area is expected to comply
            b. Pest control will be                         fully with all pre-treatment and post-
                accompanied by a member of                  treatment instructions within 24 hours.
                Student Services and/or                  3. Depending on the severity of the case,
                Maintenance and will have                   follow up treatments may be necessary.
                complete access to your room             4. Students will not be reassigned rooms
                and belongings for the                      after a cleared treatment by pest control
                inspection to determine how                 professionals.
                extensive the problem is.
            c. Adjacent rooms may be                 WILDLIFE PROCEDURE
                inspected as well to determine
                                                     In the event of wildlife inside your room,
                how extensive the problem is.
                                                     immediately alert your RA, Director of Student
    3. Do not:
                                                     Services, Mr. Lucas, or President Ballard.
            a. Do not treat your room with
                                                     Wildlife includes, but is not limited to, squirrels,
                chemicals, sprays or any other
                                                     bats, or chipmunks. If possible, isolate the
                type of product to control or kill
                                                     creature in a contained area (shut bathroom
                bed bugs; this will hinder the
                                                     door, bedroom door, etc.) and remove yourself
                efforts of our professional
                                                     from that area. Maintenance will arrive shortly to
                                                     handle the problem. Do not attempt to remove
            b. Do not relocate any room
                                                     the animal on your own.
                belongings to another room
                unless specifically instructed to
                with a written notice by             RO O M G UI D ELI N E S
                Residence Life—this is essential
                to prevent the spreading of bed
                                                     Students are not allowed to make any holes in
                                                     their walls larger than the hole created by a
                                                     thumbtack. “Command-style” hooks are no
If bed bugs are not confirmed…
                                                     longer permitted-they have caused serious
                                                     damages to the walls. When in doubt of which
The room will not be treated for bed bugs, but
                                                     materials are appropriate, please ask the
pest control may continue monitoring the room
                                                     Director of Student Services.
with glue boards or other monitoring device. If a
student again suspects bed bugs, contact
Residence Life Staff immediately.
                                                     Each room is provided with two beds (often bunk
                                                     beds), one chest of drawers, two desks, and two
If bed bugs are confirmed…
                                                     chairs. Furniture and other furnishings must not
                                                     be dismantled, removed from housing, nor
    1. Pest control professionals will provide
                                                     moved from room to room within housing without
       detailed instructions for getting rid of

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                           13
permission and oversight from the Director of        units). Only one of each type of appliance is
Student Services. No oversized furniture (sofas,     allowed per room. No other appliances may be
futons, love seats, etc.) may be brought into the    used in in dorm rooms, although items can be
residence without approval from the Director of      used in common area kitchen (such as crock
Student Services. Small side tables, lounge          pots, rice cookers, hot plates, toasters, etc.)
chairs (bean bag chair, bungee chair, etc.),
bookcases, and other small storage furniture         Item Removal
may be brought in as space allows.                   NEBC reserves the right to remove any item that
                                                     is deemed in poor taste or in non-compliance
Decor                                                with NEBC community guidelines.
Decorations which are not consistent with the
spirit of NEBC guidelines or values may not be       Grill use
displayed. In accordance with the NEBC Code          Personal gas and charcoal grills (of any size)
of Conduct, alcoholic beverages, tobacco,            are not permitted in student housing.
marijuana, or illegal drugs are never allowed in
housing. Furthermore, housing cannot be              Firearms and Fireworks
decorated with any paraphernalia related to          Students are not permitted to bring firearms of
these items (i.e., smoking advertisements,           any kind in NEBC buildings. Fireworks and other
alcoholic beverage containers, etc.). In addition,   explosives are included in this prohibition.
decorations made from dried plant matter may         Certain firearms may be permitted in vehicles on
not be used (i.e. Christmas trees, evergreen         NEBC property with written approval from the
wreaths, etc.) due to their flammable nature. The    NEBC administration. For more information,
only type of candles allowed in housing are          students should contact Dave King, VP of
candles in their original glass containers.          Administration.

Flammable and Hazardous Materials                    Paper Goods
Use and storage of flammable materials/liquids       Please note that toilet paper is provided to
in and around residential facilities is strictly     students: see your RA to replenish your supply.
prohibited. Fire hazards such as newspaper
stacks, excessive trash, excessive amounts of
books, etc. are not permitted. Disposal of any
hazardous materials, including motor oil, is also    All waste is to be disposed of appropriately
prohibited.                                          (keeping in mind recyclables for Vermont State)
                                                     in designated containers. Trash containers are
Any furniture moved or rearranged in housing         located near the Maintenance Office near the
must not block any fire exit.                        common areas. Trash MUST be bagged
                                                     before placing in container. Dorm room trash
Hallways                                             is never to be disposed of in Common Area
Rooms with hallways must remain free of              trash cans.
personal belongings in case of fire (per fire
codes). Failure to comply may result in a failed     All food scraps must go into the compost bin
room inspection and fine. Hallway decorations        using biodegradable bags. No food items must
are allowed, but must not obstruct free passage      go into the trash. All compost items must be
through the hallway.                                 bagged before placing into compost can outside
                                                     the Commons.
The only kitchen appliances allowed in student       PETS
rooms are a mini-fridge, microwave, and coffee
maker/hot water kettle (including Keurig-type

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                          14
Pets of any kind are not allowed in NEBC               Additional kitchen appliances, such as
housing.                                               crockpots, rice cookers, etc., must be stored on
                                                       your individual storage shelf, not on countertops.
                                                       Prohibited kitchen appliances include any item
                                                       with an open flame or deep-fry pots. Other items
COMMON AREAS                                           may be included at the discretion of the Director
                                                       of Student Services.
NEBC has designated common areas at student
housing for student interaction. These areas
                                                       Food stored in the communal refrigerator must
include the community kitchen, lounge, and
                                                       be labeled with name and date of purchase. No
study room. Common areas are open from 7am-
                                                       item should be stored in this fridge longer than
11pm. These areas are accessed by a keypad
                                                       one week or freezer for longer than one month.
lock system and doors must be kept locked at all
                                                       Spoiled food left in the fridge will be disposed of
                                                       in its container.
                                                       Refrigerators are for all housing students. Up to
NEBC housing is designed to be productive for          32 students may be utilizing the refrigerators at
all members of housing’s needs: spiritual,             one time; please limit the amount of items stored
physical, and academic. Therefore, all students        in the communal fridges. Overutilization may
living in housing are expected to maintain             result in discipline action or fines.
appropriate standards for noise control while
living in housing. This includes in-room, common       While using the range or oven, please observe
areas, the laundry room, and outdoor areas.            the following guidelines:
Students will be asked to return to their rooms if          1. Turn on hood fan
noise is excessive in common and outdoor                    2. Stay in sight of the stove/oven while
areas. Students may receive disciplinary action                 cooking
as well.                                               Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result
                                                       in loss of common area use.
Students on NEBC property must be in their own
dorm room at 12 am (midnight). Students                LAUNDRY FACILITIES
returning to campus from work, movies, etc.
                                                       Residence students at Northeastern Baptist
after 11 pm must proceed to dorm rooms
                                                       College have access to laundry facilities at the
immediately after arriving on campus. There is
                                                       dorms. However, students are responsible to
to be no loitering on campus after 11 pm
                                                       provide their own biodegradable laundry
(including parking areas, the Laundry Room, or
                                                       detergent, bleach, fabric softener, etc., which
                                                       must be stored in the student’s room. The
                                                       provided washers & dryers are shared among all
                                                       living at the dorms and are a privilege.
Kitchen use is a privilege and students must           Therefore, you must follow the laundry
follow posted guidelines. All students must label      guidelines posted in the laundry room. Not
their own dishes. No dishes may be left in the         following the guidelines may lead to revocation
sink or drying rack. They must be washed, dried,       of laundry privileges. This service is provided
and put away. This is the student’s                    only for housing residents.
responsibility, and failure to comply will result in
written warnings and confiscation of dishes. All       Laundry facilities are accessed via a keypad
kitchen items must be stored on your individual        lock system. Hours for the Laundry room are 7
room storage shelf or in your dorm room.               am – 11 pm.

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                            15
THE YARD                                            approved overnight guest. Any visitor may be
                                                    asked to leave housing by NEBC staff whenever
Located in the rear of JJ Hall is a fenced-in
                                                    there is reasonable cause to believe that any
greenspace for student usage. There are places
                                                    NEBC regulations are being violated.
for hanging hammocks (not provided), a picnic
table, and room for recreation. This area is
                                                    Visitation hours in common areas are allowed
accessed through a locked gate. To reach this
                                                    whenever common areas are open.
gate, travel along the church parking lot to the
back of the building. When not in use, the gate
                                                    OVERNIGHT GUEST POLICY
is locked. While in the area, please hang lock on
the provided spot. When leaving, relock gate        Only guests of the same sex may stay overnight
unless other students are enjoying the area. An     in NEBC housing with approval by the Director
option is available to keep the gate locked for     of Student Services. The student requesting the
students enjoying the area alone.                   overnight guest must fill out an Overnight Guest
                                                    Form. This form must be given to the Director of
On days when classes are held, the Yard is          Student Services at least 24 hours in advance of
opened from 8 am until dusk. Weekends and           the visitor’s arrival.
breaks 11 am until dusk. Note these hours are
in effect only for warmer weather months and        Guests may stay overnight for 3 nights a month.
may be changed at any time.                         A $10 fee is charged per night, per guest, for
                                                    any night after the 3rd night, not to exceed 6
To use the yard outside of open hours or during     nights. Any overnight guest must be in
winter months, please see your Residence            compliance with all NEBC student guidelines.
Assistant. To host an event in this space, please   The guest’s host is responsible for the guest’s
see the Director of Student Services.               actions. Any guest may be asked to leave by
                                                    NEBC staff whenever there is reasonable cause
RESIDENCE MEETINGS                                  to believe that any NEBC regulations are being
                                                    violated or it is in the interest of the NEBC
Students living in housing will have once-a-week
mandatory meetings with their Residence
Assistant. These meetings will inform students      PARKING AT JJ HALL
about any necessary housing news and include
a time of Bible devotion and encouragement.         It is the goal to provide all housing students with
                                                    parking at Jehovah Jireh Hall, however there are
                                                    limited spaces available. NEBC will assign
VISITATION HOURS                                    preferred parking at JJ Hall in this manner:
The purpose of visitation hours is to foster
community. It is expected that during visitation     •   First assignments are to upperclassman
hours students will continue to conduct                  females
themselves in a manner honoring to God and           •   Second assignments are to lowerclassman
the NEBC community. NEBC students in                     females
housing are responsible for the actions of those     •   Third assignments are to upperclassman
they invite into NEBC housing.                           males
                                                     •   Fourth assignments are to lowerclassman
Members of the opposite sex are only allowed in          males
common areas of the residence, not in student
rooms. Furthermore, any excessive or offensive      Parking assignments begin in August. Failure to
displays of affection will not be acceptable. Any   return appropriate forms by date indicated on
visitor may not enter housing outside of            Parking Contract will move students to the end
designated visiting hours, unless they are an       of the assignment list. Additional parking spots

AUG 20, 2020                                                                                        16
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