Bishop Walsh Catholic Sixth Form Prospectus 2018 - "2017 A level value added was +0.24 higher than any other local school" - "For the seventh ...
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BISHOP WALSH CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM “2017 A level value added was +0.24 higher than any other local school” Bishop Walsh Catholic Sixth Form Prospectus 2018 “For the seventh consecutive year half of all grades at A Level have been A*, A or B”
BISHOP WALSH CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM P.P.F. Stands for Patientia, Perseverantia, Fides. This is the motto of the sixth form Patience, Perseverance, Belief. Attainment for students on academic and vocational courses is higher than the national average. For example, in 2015 students on academic courses achieved on average one third of a grade higher for each qualification they achieved compared to all students nationally. The Assistant Headteacher in charge of post-16 provision sets high expectations for attendance, conduct and work for students in the sixth form. This leadership has a positive impact on teaching and outcomes. Sixth form leaders ensure a wide range of academic qualifications and an increasing number of vocational courses are available for students. A wide range of suitable non-qualification activities allow positive development of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. The school’s sixth form meets the 16 to 19 study programme requirements. Students in the sixth form model excellent behaviour and conduct for younger pupils in the school. Students speak very positively about the opportunities they have to extend and enhance the skills they need to help them to be successful in the future. For example, opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities, mentoring younger pupils and the chance to participate in useful and relevant work experience. Clear and helpful careers advice and guidance has successfully supported many students to gain places in university with the vast majority securing their first choice institution. Well-established links with local employers provide opportunities for other students to secure high-quality apprenticeships after they leave the sixth form. As a result, the successful destinations of Bishop Walsh Catholic School sixth formers greatly exceed the national average and continue to increase. Ofsted Report 2016 ”
Bishop Walsh Sixth Form Prospectus 2018 Contents Mission Statement 3 AS/A Level English Language and Literature 29 Introduction from The Headteacher 4-5 AS/A Level English Literature 30 Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form 6-7 AS/A Level French 31 Additional Opportunities 8-9 AS/A Level Further Mathematics 32 The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme 10 AS/A Level Geography 33 Dress Code - Uniform 11-12 AS/A Level Government and Politics 34 Admissions Criteria and Pathways BTEC Health and Social Care 35 September 2018 13-14 AS/A Level History 36 Summary of Past Performance 15 AS/A Level Mathematics 37 Our Courses 16 AS/A Level Media Studies 38 Courses and Curriculum AS/A Level Music 39 AS/A Level Art and Design 17 AS/A Level Music Technology 40 AS/A Level Art and Design: Textile Design 18 BTEC Certificate in Music (Performing) 41 BTEC Applied Science 19 Cambridge Technical in Sport & Physical Activity 42 AS/A Level Biology 20 AS/A Level Physical Education 43 AS/A Level Business Studies 21 AS/A Level Physics 44 BTEC Level 3 Business Studies 22 AS/A Level Psychology 45 AS/A Level Chemistry 23 AS/A Level Religious Studies 46 AS/A Level Computer Science 24 AS/A Level Spanish 47 Core Maths 25 GCSE Re-Sit English 49 AS/A Level Dance 26 GCSE Re-Sit Mathematics 50 AS/A Level Drama and Theatre Studies 27 AS/A Level Economics 28 1
“ Mission Statement Academic Excellence, Spiritual Development and Social Awareness BISHOP WALSH aims to be a secure and happy Catholic school where we try to follow the example of Christ, enjoy learning and do our best. We believe in excellence and in developing our talents in a variety of ways. We respect and care for others and ourselves and are committed to justice in our school, parishes and world wide community. This means that the aims of our school are: • To know and live out the Mission Statement. • To have a positive self-image and value every member of our school community. • To respond to God the Father’s love expressed in the life of Christ and sustained by the Spirit. • To provide a range of opportunities for spiritual, academic, social and physical development. • To provide a broad, balanced, differentiated curriculum, inclusive of all abilities. • To encourage excellent work, success for all and celebrate achievement. • To provide stimulating and enjoyable teaching and learning experiences. • To equip pupils with skills for a continually changing world. • To re-commit ourselves to justice, care and service in the new millennium. “I know that I can always go to my 3 teachers for help if I need it” Lucy Smith Year 13
Introduction From The Headteacher Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for your interest in Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form. Please find below information which I hope is helpful to you. History Ethos of the School Bishop Walsh is a mixed Voluntary Aided 11 – 18 Catholic My vision for the school is about academic excellence, social Comprehensive situated on a single open site in Sutton Coldfield on awareness and spiritual development. We aim to develop the whole the north-east fringe of Birmingham. person – academically, morally and physically. A principal aim of The school was fifty years old in 2016! Bishop Walsh comprises the school is the spiritual growth of each pupil not simply growth excellent accommodation adjacent to its own extensive playing fields. in their faith but in their awareness of the world as a place where Currently there are nine Science laboratories, networked ICT rooms, their witness to the Gospel values of Love, Truth, Peace, Justice and Sports Hall, Gymnasium, well equipped Learning Resource Centre and Forgiveness is called for. The religious life of the school permeates a host of specialist rooms for Music, Technology and Art. At the front all aspects of the curriculum and determines staff and pupils’ positive of the building is the Chapel, the focal point of the school. There is a approach to school life. Our school chaplain is Fr. Allen Morris, fit for purpose series of buildings called The Cardinal Newman Centre who is also parish priest at St. Nicholas in Boldmere. was built to accommodate our growing Sixth Form. Every member of our school community is valued and we endeavour The present roll is 1050 with considerable over-subscription including to fulfil the potential of all who attend here. The emphasis on the at post -16. There is a large Sixth Form of 250 students. Since equal worth of each student stems from the belief that each has January 2014 Bishop Walsh Catholic School has been part of the St. individual and unique God-given talents and opportunities must John Paul II Multi-Academy Company be provided for their growth and development. Emphasis is put on academic excellence and high standards of pupil behaviour. Certain traditional characteristics underpin our whole approach principally the expectation of good behaviour, regular homework and compulsory Catholic Identity school dress. Bishop Walsh continually seeks to enhance its Bishop Walsh Catholic School is first of all a Catholic faith community. reputation for the highest social and academic standards. We welcome applications to our sixth form from young people with other faiths and none who add so much to community cohesion and understanding of each other. It is therefore not necessary to be a Catholic to apply. In September 2016, the section 48 OfSTED Team judged Bishop Walsh to be an outstanding Catholic School. 4
Introduction From The Headteacher Levels of Achievement Extra Curricular Activities The examination results in recent years have been excellent. Mindful The school has a strong tradition of Performing Arts and Sport. Our of school policy of entering all pupils for GCSE, irrespective of ability, last nine school musicals (Jesus Christ Superstar! (1st), Footloose pupils at the school obtain excellent exam grades. In 2017 it was the (1st), We Will Rock You, Guys and Dolls, High School Musical , Our seventh year in succession that grades at A Level were over 50% A*, A House, West Side Story, Annie (1st) and Back to the 80s (1st)) came or B (indeed they were nearly 60% A*, A or B. Ofsted’s Level 3 Value in the top three for the best school musical in Birmingham and four Added Analysis for our 20167A Level results and demonstrated that from this list won the accolade of the best school production in on average all grades were above predictions based on GCSE results. Birmingham. The main sports are swimming, soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, athletics, cross-country and tennis. Squash, badminton and Organisation and Pastoral Care golf are also played. There is a school band and orchestra and pupils are encouraged to learn a musical instrument. Tuition is provided in Pupils are placed in House Groups under the care of a House Tutor brass, woodwind, strings and guitar who, together with the Year Head, is responsible for monitoring the welfare and progress of each pupil. Regular meetings are held to Other activities include The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Public allow parents and teachers to consult and parents are always wel- Speaking and Business competitions, Art Club, Gymnastics Club and a come to visit the school. The school behaviour policy is based on the Drama Club. Community Service is undertaken by Sixth Form pupils, recognition of positive achievement. Emphasis is put on respect for and several train as Diocesan Youth Workers each year. There are oneself and others and on the links between school and home. There trips abroad including skiing visits, history, geography, performing arts is a regular newsletter. a nd other overseas trips as well as residential visits in the UK. Ofsted Inspection Parental Support The school had two excellent Ofsted Inspection Reports in April and Parental support is key to a student’s success. Our policy is to involve October 2016. Ofsted praised the quality of relationships at Bishop parents as much as possible in the progress of their children The Walsh and summed up the success of the school. The report states Bishop Walsh Association provides opportunities for parents to meet that Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is out- socially and to support the school in practical ways. standing. The school very successfully promotes tolerance, respect Over the last ten years students have gained entry to Oxbridge and and fairness, ensuring that pupils develop into well-rounded young the top universities. people. Thank you for considering Bishop Walsh Catholic School for your child’s post-16 education. Sixth Form Courses Sixth Form courses to Advanced Level (Level 3) are available in many Yours sincerely subjects. We have a consortium arrangement with other local schools to extend the range of subjects offered. This is arranged Mr J B Farrell Headteacher through approaching the Sixth Form Leadership Team. Careers Guidance and Teaching The school employs its own Careers Officer - Mrs Sarah Forsyth, to assist senior pupils with information and advice. There is a regular programme of careers films, talks and visits. Homework Homework is seen as an essential part of every pupil’s study programme. A homework timetable and student planner for the year provides the link between parents and school. Religious and Moral Education The school is a voluntary aided school under the auspices of the Ro- man Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham. There is a School Chapel 5 where Mass is celebrated weekly by the School Chaplain. There are special celebrations at other times in the Church’s year e.g. Gospel values form an integral part of the school ethos. All sixth formers will have a Christian Life Course for one hour a week.
Welcome from The Head of Sixth Form We would like to wish you all a very warm welcome to Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form. We are delighted that you are considering joining us and we most certainly hope that you choose our Sixth Form in which to embark upon your Post-16 educational journey. We aim to give you the best Sixth Form experience possible. We set You are about to embark upon an exciting but challenging two years of high standards in terms of pupil conduct and effort and expect our study where we as your teachers aim to support you in using your God- pupils to be the best that they can be in all areas. given talents and abilities in order to achieve your aspirations. We believe that the staff at Bishop Walsh Catholic School are highly Whilst we recognise the importance of academic excellence, we are also dedicated and committed professionals. We offer a supportive and committed to developing each of our Sixth Form students as a whole friendly environment which we strongly feel helps to inspire and individual person. We aim to ensure that young adults leaving our sixth motivate you to succeed and reach your goals. form ready for the next chapter in their lives are well-rounded, hard- In our Sixth Form you can expect to receive both high quality teaching working and responsible citizens and members of the community. We and pastoral care as well as a range of enrichment and extra-curricular aim for our sixth form students to leave us with not only high academic opportunities such as Duke of Edinburgh and The Extended Project prowess and well-developed transferable skills, but also with the correct Qualification. Your academic success and progress is a priority to us attitudes and attributes for the future. and we want the best for each and every student thus ensuring that your personal profile is a rich and vibrant one. Your commitment to us and our Christian Identity and Catholic Life commitment to you You have now reached a vitally important crossroad in your academic As a Catholic Sixth Form, our commitment to our faith is central to career. This level of study requires you to be more self-disciplined and each decision that we make and everything that we do. We believe independent in your learning by making use of your time effectively and that our sixth form students play a fundamental role in building conducting wider reading and research to enrich your understanding. and sustaining our Catholic ethos as ambassadors of our school and You must be fully-focused and self-motivated to play an active part in local community. Our Christian identity is important to us and we your own learning. You must remember that it is you who has chosen demonstrate this in many ways such as form group and whole-school to be a Sixth Form student here at Bishop Walsh Catholic School and liturgy, weekly assemblies, daily reflections and prayers in form time, the embark upon the subjects that you have selected and so we expect full annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes and the many charity and fund- commitment and dedication from you. We aim to support you each raising events that we take part in as a sixth form. and every step of the way in this journey but it is you who has to want Each sixth former is obliged to carry out a minimum of ten hours of success in this chapter in your life. Christian Duty throughout an academic year. This can be achieved We encourage you to work hard, enjoy the next two years and make the through a number of opportunities such as becoming a Sixth form most of every opportunity available to you at Bishop Walsh Catholic prefect, Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy or Deputy Head Girl in School Sixth Form. Year 13, volunteering to help with the Fair Trade initiative, leading the Sixth Form with charity and fund-raising initiatives, chairing our lower Ambassadors of the school school Career Forums, or conducting paired literacy and numeracy work We believe that each sixth former is an ambassador of our school. or mentoring with lower school pupils. Some Sixth Form pupils take You are role models for younger pupils who see you as a source of part in the highly rewarding St. John Paul II Award which enables young inspiration and hopefully aspire to one day be a sixth former here adults to become more actively involved in the life of their parish and themselves. We hope that you are proud to say that you are Bishop community. Walsh Sixth Form students. The next step in your academic There are many opportunities available to you as a sixth former here at journey 6 Bishop Walsh. Being elected as a prefect with the responsibilities that this role entails is an important role that many of our students assume. When considering your subjects, you should choose those in which you In Year 13 you may wish to run for Head Boy or Head Girl. You may wish have achieved well and are genuinely interested in and have enthusiasm to set up pupil committees or forums. for. Post-16 education is not easy and is most certainly a significant We value your opinions in order to make our Sixth Form, and your ’step-up’ from GCSE. Be under no illusions, there will be difficult experience of it, even better. ‘Pupil voice’ and ‘Sixth Formers’ voice are moments in your Sixth Form life but work hard, persist in your positive integral parts of our school, enabling us to make changes for the better attitude, act upon the advice of your teachers and do not give up if you that will ultimately impact positively on your school career with us and want to reach your full potential. so increase your life chances. We have a school council which meets
Welcome from The Head of Sixth Form regularly to provide a platform for sharing ideas and improvements both our school’s career advisor, who can offer impartial guidance on in and out of the classroom. UCAS and prospective Universities as well as other Higher Education Our own specific Sixth Form uniform ensures that pupils look smart establishments, apprenticeships and employment opportunities. and are ready to learn in each lesson they attend. The purpose-built There is a full and comprehensive programme of preparation for the Cardinal Newman Centre with its Sixth form kitchen area, canteen and University application system through UCAS. We offer extensive computers, ensures that we have a distinct identity, whilst making it guidance when students are writing their personal statements and as easier for all students, existing or new to the school, to work hard and staff we pride ourselves on the high quality of our academic references mix with one another. to support your application to University or other Higher Education establishments. We undertake a number of University visits to allow Existing pupils and pupils who are pupils to experience life as an undergraduate. We take our sixth formers new to our school to the annual Higher Education Conference in the summer term of Year The unique feature that we have to offer our current Year 11 pupils is 12 as well as taking the year group away on a University residential the continuity and personal knowledge that is provided by staff with where pupils attend sample lectures and gain a valuable insight into whom you have already enjoyed success. You will be able to continue University life. We also offer interview preparation should a pupil gain to develop friendships formed over many years. an interview for University. If you are looking for a new school, Bishop Walsh is for you! It is a In the last week of the summer term, Year 12 pupils participate in an fairly small school with a friendly and caring atmosphere combined appropriate work experience placement that they themselves have had with a rigorous academic work ethic. It is a Catholic school and so we the responsibility of arranging. The aim is for students to broaden their place a great emphasis on spiritual development as well as academic insight into their chosen future career and provide them with valuable success. All of our students are expected to take part in activities which awareness of this preferred path. promote this spiritual development and to attend religious celebrations. Finally, we do hope that you will join us for your Post-16 educational We care about the transition period from Year 11 to Year 12 and we journey. We encourage you to work hard, enjoy the next two years and aim to allow all pupils, whether they have been with us from Year 7 make the most of every opportunity available to you in the Sixth Form or have just joined us in year 12, to integrate fully. We work hard to of Bishop Walsh Catholic School. ensure that students who are new to our school are fully supported Yours sincerely both academically and pastorally thus enabling them to reach their full potential and to forge new friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime. Mr T. Killworth Acting Head of Sixth Form Pastoral Support Years 12 and 13 are divided into six Form Groups named after Saints. Pupils have a weekly PSHE programme of study where topics are Meet the Sixth Form Leadership Team discussed and debated as a form group. The themes of the PSHE programme are age-appropriate to cater for the requirements of our students as young adults. Our afternoon registration sessions also include a weekly inter-house quiz to encourage a sense of competition amongst our students. Our Heads of Year have an active and vital role in the care of our sixth formers as well as monitoring students’ daily attendance and punctuality by using information processed by our attendance officer. They are also responsible for checking on our students’ academic progress and Mr Foley - presently Head of Year 12 Miss McManus - presently Head of Year 13 attitude to learning. Students will be enrolled onto the Positive Progress Programme if we feel that they require additional help with their studies. Students are expected to make the most of their study periods when not in lessons and to work on areas such as independently completing work, conducting extra research and undertaking wider reading. Our Key Stage 5 Learning Mentor, Mrs Hayes, provides invaluable support and guidance to our students. Students can self-refer to Mrs Hayes or may be referred through their form tutor or Head of Year. Mrs Hayes - Key Stage 5 Learning Mentor Mrs Woosnam - Key Stage 5 Administrator Guidance for the future and life beyond Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form 7 We are committed to your academic journey here at Bishop Walsh Catholic School. We are also passionate about preparing you for life beyond our school and Sixth Form. We believe that this is an essential part of Sixth Form life and we have a wide range of initiatives in place to help support you in your post-18 life. As well as gaining information from the Sixth Form Leadership Team, Sixth Form Heads of Year, form Mrs Marston-Smith Head of Sixth form - tutors and subject teachers, advice can be sought from Mrs Forsyth, on maternity leave
Additional Opportunities The Extended Project Qualification The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a qualification that requires students to plan, research and write a dissertation on any topic they wish. It provides opportunities for the development of critical, reflective, problem-solving and independent learning skills through the planning, research and evaluation of a self- selected project. It is a flexible qualification which can be incorporated within many different programmes of study, including modules from the students AS subjects or an area of interest. Universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham, Manchester and many other Russell Group universities appreciate the hard work that goes into completing the project and encourage students to undertake the project. The qualification is worth up to 70 UCAS points (50% of an A-level) and even though it cannot be used against a grade offer (such as AAA), some universities may offer an alternative for candidates studying the Extended Project (such as ABB instead of AAB, provided that you get an A in your Extended Project qualification). Course Tutors Miss Twist Miss Doyle 8 Mrs Kyriacou
Additional Opportunities The Pope John Paul II Award We are delighted that we can offer pupils the chance to complete the Pope John Paul II award. This award was established in thanksgiving for the life of Saint John Paul II, who was such a keen supporter of and believer in young people, and of the gifts and talents that they bring to their parish communities. Over recent years many gold, silver and bronze awards have been earned by our sixth formers which makes Bishop Walsh pupils some of the most active in the diocese. Through this award, young people take an active part in the life of their Church, in the life of the community and society, and also become more aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world. Many pupils have also completed the award paired with the school’s annual Lourdes Pilgrimage. For more information see Miss Service or Mrs Keane. 9
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Duke of Edinburgh’s Award The Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award has been running at Bishop Walsh School since 2009. In the past few years we have run successful expeditions in the Peak District, using the White Peak area, Snowdonia and the Lake District. The DofE Award is a very popular Award and the number of students participating has increased each year. In 2012 Bishop Walsh first facilitated the running of the Gold Award and since, many students from Bishop Walsh have completed their Awards and have collected their certificates from Prince Phillip at Buckingham Palace. This year, students completing their Gold Award will be completing expeditions in Snowdonia. Students can complete the Gold Award regardless of whether they have completed the Bronze or Silver levels of the DofE Award. The Award is advertised to students in October and they must apply to Miss Twist by the deadline set. The DofE Award is an excellent opportunity for students to Average ratings in Rank order of importance complete a prestigious award and have the opportunity to plan and 1 The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (‘DofE’) 1.96 complete two expeditions in rural areas - an activity that many of 2 Work experience 2.00 our pupils have not done before. 3 Community activities 2.04 As well as the personal achievements gained by completing the 4 World Challenge 2.16 DofE, Businesses and Universities look very favourably on students 5 Young Enterprise 2.20 who have completed one of the Awards. The table on the right 6 Team sporting activities 2.28 is research taken from 100 of the largest companies in Britain 7 Youth awards 2.28 that were asked to list the experiences/qualities that enhance an application. The DofE Award came out first! 8 Public speaking/debating 2.32 9 County/National team sports 2.36 The DofE Award is advertised at the beginning of every academic 10 Interview skills 2.44 year, with expeditions taking place between March - July, and Gold 11 School Council 2.48 expeditions taking place in August. 12 School Prefect 2.48 For more information 13 Individual sporting achievements 2.48 see Miss Twist 14 Financial awareness courses 2.52 15 Work shadowing 2.60 16 Industry days 2.60 17 School newspapers 2.64 18 Plays/drama 2.68 19 Investment clubs 2.68 20 Outside speakers 2.76 21 School radio 2.76 22 The house/prefect system 2.76 10 23 Solo musical ability 2.84 24 Orchestral participation 2.84 25 Artistic skills 2.88 26 British Schools Exploring Society 3.00 27 School trips 3.08 28 Take your daughter to work 3.28
Sixth Form Dress Code 2018 The official black Sixth Form jacket with Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form crest. Tailored black trousers or plain tailored knee length skirt. Tights may be worn under skirts, however leggings are not allowed. Tights must be plain black or nude in colour. A plain white shirt. This may be short or long sleeved. It must be buttoned at the front and have a collar. Gents must wear a smart tie, of their choice. Ladies may wish to wear a tie of their choice. If students wish to wear a jumper this must be the official Sixth Form black jumper with coloured collar bands and the Sixth Form crest. Black, smart leather shoes. A maximum of two simple stud-like earrings can be worn in the lower lobe of each ear. No piercings are permitted in the tragus or helix of the ear. No tongue, facial or visible body piercings are permitted. Other jewellery may be worn but this must be discreet. A smart hairstyle is compulsory. Male students are permitted to have long hair but this must be tied back. Only natural highlights are permitted. Red, purple, lilac or orange highlights are not permitted or any other colour that is not natural. The Sixth Form Leadership Team have the right to decide whether a highlight is natural and whether a hairstyle is smart. Material- no denim, corduroy, leather, lycra, chinos or canvas. No trousers which in any way resemble jeans in black denim. The sixth Form Leadership Team reserve the right to decide whether a pair of trousers look like jeans or not. No tight trousers or shirts. Footwear- no trainers, no canvas shoes, no boots, no Doc Martin-style boots laced outside trousers, no flip flops, no van shoes, no wellington boots or sandals. The Sixth Form Leadership Team reserve the right to send a student home if they feel that he is wearing clothes that contravene the code. A smart, business-like presentation must be maintained at all times. Jackets may be taken off in the CN centre and in class with the permission of the teacher. Please note for 2018-2019 the following items should be purchased from our recommended uniform suppliers to maintain consistency: blazer, jumper, skirt. “It is important to get your work done during your study periods… this way 11 there is more time to do the things you want to after school” Roisin Nash Year 13
Sixth Form Dress Code 2018 UNIFORM 12
Admissions Criteria and Pathways September 2018 There are three levels of entry into our Sixth Form. Pathways 1, 2 and 3. The admissions process is part of the Birmingham LA co-ordinated scheme. The Admission Policy of the Governors of Bishop Walsh Catholic School is as follows: The school was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. The school is conducted by its Governing Body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its Trust Deed and Instrument of Government and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus. We ask all parents applying for a place here to respect this ethos and its importance to the school community. This does not affect the right of parents who are not of the faith of this school to apply for and be considered for a place here. Christian Life It is important that students continue their Religious Education in the Sixth Form. Students will attend an ASDAN Wider Skill Level 3 Religious Education course for an hour each week in both Years 12 and 13. The course helps students to develop their presentation and debating skills. The course has the equivalency of up to 40 UCAS points and is recognised by many universities. Pathway 1 Students will study four AS courses. They will take these examinations in the summer of Year 12 and then discontinue one course. They will then take the full A Level examinations in the summer of Year 13. A minimum of six GCSE grades 4-9 including English and Mathematics (at grade 5 or above) and meeting the subject-specific entry requirements detailed on each page of the prospectus is needed for entry to this pathway. Pathway 2 Students will study a mixture of four AS and BTEC Level 3 vocational courses. They will take these examinations in the summer of Year 12 and then discontinue one course. They will then take the full A Level examinations in the summer of Year 13. A minimum of five GCSE grades 4-9 including English and Mathematics (at grade 5 or above) and meeting the subject-specific entry requirements detailed on each page of the prospectus is needed for entry to this pathway. Pathway 3 Students will study three BTEC Level 3 vocational courses. Students will take these examinations in the summer of Year 12 and then discontinue one course. They will then take the full A Level examinations in the summer of Year 13. 13 A minimum of five GCSE grades 4-9 including English and Mathematics (at grade 4 or above) and meeting the subject-specific entry requirements detailed on each page of the prospectus is needed for entry to this pathway. Please note that up to two BTEC/OCR National qualifications at Level 2 Merit can be used to gain entry to the sixth form, each BTEC/OCR National will count as one of the five or six GCSE grades required. Students will have five hours of teaching time per course each week in Year 12 and six hours of teaching time per course each week in Year 13.
Admissions Criteria and Pathways September 2018 Core Maths A minimum of a grade 4 in GCSE mathematics is required for take this course. Students will have the opportunity to opt for this ‘stand-alone’ qualification. Core Maths is a fairly new course for those who want to keep up their valuable maths skills but are not taking A Level mathematics. At the end of the course students will gain a Level 3 qualification with equivalence to AS Level in terms of UCAS points. Further details on External Applicants academic life Where there are spare places the Board of Directors will consider external applicants. The minimum number of external candidates We will endeavour to ensure that each student is able to enrol likely to be admitted for Year 12 in September 2018 will upon his or her preferred choices. In the past, over 98% of students approximately be 20 students. have been able to study their first choices on meeting the entry requirements. Timetable constraints and a course being cancelled due External applicants are required to complete a Board of Directors’ to a lack of interest have unfortunately prevented a small number of Application form for a sixth form place. In addition, if more students from being able to study the options of their choice. Bishop applications are received than there are places available the Board of Walsh Catholic School reserves the right to cancel a course due to lack Directors will allocate places in the following order: of interest or staffing issues. Baptised Catholic students who are in the care of a local authority A Level Reforms (looked-after children) or provided with accommodation by them (e.g. - What does this mean? children with foster parents) (Section 22 of the Children Act 1989). As of September 2018 all subjects on offer in our school will be • Baptised Catholic students with brothers or sisters already in the school reformed. This is where students who take the AS examination in the summer of Year 12 will have to take another AS paper in the summer • Baptised Catholic students already attending 11 - 16 Catholic of Year 13 when they take their A2 papers in order to secure the full A Secondary schools Level qualification. • Baptised Catholic students already attending 11 - 18 Catholic As our students are taking the AS examinations in the summer of Year Secondary schools 12, they will be examined twice on AS content. We strongly believe • Baptised Catholic students attending non - Catholic Secondary that this increases academic expectations and rigour. It also ensures schools that students will have the certificated stand-alone AS qualifications should they wish to use them in future applications. The AS grades • Non - Catholic students with brothers or sisters already in the school also provide the basis for reliable UCAS predicted grades and • Non - Catholic students attending other Catholic schools employment and apprenticeship applications. • Non - Catholic students How do I apply to Bishop These priorities having been applied, in the event of over-subscription, applications will be admitted in an order of priority within the Walsh Catholic School appropriate category, based upon the proximity of their domicile to the front door of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Sutton Coldfield, Sixth Form? measured in a straight line. If you wish to apply to Bishop Walsh Catholic School Sixth Form The Board of Directors have adopted Birmingham LA’s definition of please complete the application form with your chosen options and residency. return this to the Head of Sixth Form c/o Mrs Bethell, Sixth Form Applications Co-ordinator, at Bishop Walsh Catholic School. Application forms can be collected at the Open Evening on Tuesday 27th February 2018. Alternatively, the electronic version of the application form can be found, downloaded and printed from the Sixth Form area of the school website after the Opening Evening. 14 The deadline for the submission of all application forms is by 4.00pm on Wednesday 14th March 2018.
Summary of Past Performance A Level and Vocational Qualification Results 2017 A Level Subject Total A* A B C D E % Entry Entries A*-E Art 5 0 0 3 1 1 0 100 Biology 21 0 1 5 7 6 1 95 Business Studies 18 1 2 10 3 1 1 100 Chemistry 17 2 4 2 6 3 0 100 Computer Science 4 0 1 2 0 1 0 100 Dance 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 100 Economics 6 0 1 4 1 0 0 100 English Language and Literature 9 0 2 1 4 2 0 100 English Literature 8 1 0 5 1 1 0 100 Fashion 4 0 0 1 2 1 0 100 French 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 100 Further Maths 13 4 2 6 1 0 0 100 Geography 19 0 2 5 6 4 2 100 Health and Social Care 15 1 1 2 7 3 1 100 History 20 1 1 13 4 0 1 100 Mathematics 43 12 7 7 12 3 1 98 Media 5 0 1 2 1 1 0 100 Music 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 100 Music Technology 4 0 0 0 2 1 1 100 Physical Education 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 100 Physics 11 1 3 1 3 3 0 100 Polish 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 100 Politics 9 0 2 4 3 0 0 100 Psychology 34 3 7 10 7 6 1 100 Religious Education 10 0 1 3 2 2 2 100 EPQ 8 3 1 1 3 0 0 100 Vocational BTEC Level 3 Subject Total Di* Di Me Pa U % Entry Entries Di*-Me General RE ASDAN Level 3 Science Btec Level 3 7 4 3 0 0 0 0 100 15 Business Studies Btec Level 3 5 3 1 1 0 0 0 100
Our Courses The proportion of sixth formers successfully moving on to further education, employment or training after leaving Bishop Walsh Catholic School sixth form is much higher than the national average and is increasing. Ofsted Report 2016 A Level & 16 Level 3 Courses
AS/A Level Art and Design Course Entry Requirements: Prospective A level students should have gained at least a Grade 4 at GCSE level Plus the following: Students who have not studied Art and demonstrate a personal interest in the subject will be considered on an individual basis. UNITS - AS and A level Art and Design are stand- alone qualifications. Component 2- Externally Set task (40% of total A level). AS Art and Design Students will select one starting point from an early release question During term one, art students will produce a number of pieces of paper. There will be time for students to plan and prepare their work. work. The focus of this work is to build on the knowledge, skills and There will be a 15 hour controlled time period for realising ideas into understanding of the students and to begin to understand what an outcome or outcomes. is required of them at full A level. This will involve exploration of materials and techniques, research and acquisition of skills and General Course Description techniques The aims of the course are to encourage candidates to develop: Externally Set Task 100% of AS Level Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive powers. The AS level qualification will be marked and assessed on an Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and externally set task. This makes up 100% of the qualification. Students expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement. will select one starting point from an early release question paper. The experience of working with a broad range of media, including There will be time for students to plan and prepare their work. traditional and new media and technologies. Students will then be given 10 hours of controlled time to realise their outcomes.. Knowledge, understanding and application of art, craft, design, media (traditional and new) and technologies in contemporary and past THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT TO SUBMIT COURSEWORK FOR societies and cultures. MARKING AT AS LEVEL. A Level Art and Design Component 1- Personal Investigation (60% of total A level). Board: OCR This component comprises two discrete but linked elements. This unit of work will begin at the end of Year 12. Students will Career Pathways submit a portfolio of practical work showing their personal response The course is good preparation for a range of art and design degree to a starting point from a selection outlined by the school or from and diploma courses; leading to a career in art and design, media, film one arrived at through discussion with teaching staff. The focus of the and television, ICT, advertising or teaching. work should show a high level of exploration, research, acquisition of 17 techniques and skills. Course Tutors Included in Component 1 is a related study. This is a separate piece of work that relates to the practical work of Component 1. It is an Mr L Taylor extended piece of research in response to the chosen starting point and has a written requirement of at least 1000 words. Learners Mrs Hornby-Walsh may produce the related study in an appropriate form of which Mrs A Tack the following are some examples: an illustrated essay, digital presentation/ blog, illustrated study sheets or written report.
AS/A Level Art and Design: Textile Design Course Entry Requirements: The course is open to all students who have GCSE Art & Design: Textile Design, Design and Technology: Textiles or an Art related subject at Grade 4 or above. Students who have not studied Fashion and demonstrate a personal interest in the subject will be considered on an individual basis. AS Level General Course Description There is only one component to the AS Level qualification; which is an The course aims to encourage the enjoyment and appreciation of the externally set task and makes up 100% of the qualification. diversity of Textile Design and Construction which can incorporates a Component – Set Task: wide variety of disciplines, both traditional and modern. Students select one starting point from an early release question paper in January, structured around the skills, knowledge and understanding Areas of Study can include: Fashion/Garment Construction, Accessories developed throughout the course. There will be time for students to or Soft Furnishing. plan and prepare their work. Students will then be given 10 hours of • Fashion - Garment construction, fashion drawing, accessories, controlled time to realise their ideas into a final outcome. costume design N.B. THERE IS NO COURSEWORK TO SUBMIT FOR MARKING AT AS • Surface Pattern Decoration - Visual and tactile surface decoration LEVEL to include pattern and colour. The focus of the course during the first term will be to develop high levels of skills, knowledge and understanding in the subject and to • Printing and Dying - Transferring images using traditional methods; block printing, batik, screen printing, stencilling or Hi Tec printing. develop the student’s capacity to work independently. A Level • Constructed - Knitting, weaving, felt, embroidery and appliqué. For A Level, there are two components: a Personal Investigation with a Board: OCR related study (60%), and an Externally set task question paper (40%) Component 1 – the Personal Investigation - 60% of Total marks Career Pathways This unit of work will begin at the end of Y12, and comprises of two discretely linked elements. The Textile Course at Bishop Walsh is good preparation to do a range For the Personal Investigation students will produce a practical of Textile and Design related degree or diploma courses, and then into portfolio of work developed from a starting point, topics, or theme a career in textiles, design, media, film and television, ICT, advertising determined by the student and through discussion with the teaching or teaching. After completing A Levels, Foundation Degrees are staff. The focus of the work should show a high level of exploration, designed as the principal gateway into a higher education in Art and research, acquisition of techniques and skills. Design. However, some Universities will accept students directly after The Personal Investigation also includes a Related Study; this is a A Levels, but we always recommend that students’ progress onto a separate piece of work related to the practical portfolio and is an Foundation Degree Course. extended piece of research which should be produced in an appropriate Course Tutors 18 form, with a written requirement to establish the students’ knowledge and understanding of the subject. Component 2 - Externally Set task - 40% of Total marks Mrs I Hornby-Walsh For the Externally Set task students select one starting point from an early release question paper in February; structured around the skills, knowledge and understanding developed throughout the course. There will be time for students to plan and prepare their work. They will then be given 15 hours of controlled time to realise their ideas into a final outcome or outcomes.
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science Course Entry Requirements:Students will need to have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at level 4 or above (or equivalent) including Science, English and Maths. UNITS Year 12 Units: • Unit 1 is assessed in the form of a 1.5 hour examination which is set and marked by Pearson, pupils will cover all content required in • 1 - Principles and Applications of Science I (Externally assessed) lessons. • 2 - Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques (Internally • Unit 3 is a practical investigation and written submission which assessed) is set and marked by Pearson, the task will take 4.5 hours and will be split over 2 sessions. In preparation for this pupils will have Year 13 Units: completed a range of practical activities and the associated • 3 - Science Investigation Skills (Externally assessed) write-ups during lesson time and the task will cover one of these. • 8 - Physiology of Human Body Systems (Internally assessed) Students are allowed one resit attempt at external assessments. • Unit’s 2 and 8 are internally assessed. This is in the format of General Course Description assignments. Students will be continually assessed and so have This two year course, which is equivalent to one A-level, is designed the benefit of knowing exactly what level they are working at to give students who are particularly interested in the sciences a throughout the two year course. qualification and range of vocational experience suitable as a stepping The BTEC course will be completed with a minimum 2 units, over one stone into scientific careers. For examples roles such as: year, which will hold the equivalence of one AS-level and a maximum of 4 units, over two years, which will hold the equivalence of one • Medical and scientific technicians A-level. The level at which the students complete the course (Pass, • Research scientists Merit, Distinction or Distinction*) is based on their progress over the • Forensic scientists two years • Pharmacists • Nurses • Science journalists Board: Pearson Over the two year course students will look at a variety of practical techniques and will understand the scientific processes that occur. As well as developing practical skills, students will gain in depth Career Pathways The credits gained from this course are recognised by Higher knowledge of some aspects of science. Units 1, 2 and 3 all contain Education Institutes and Universities. Students may like to embark aspects of chemistry, biology and physics. Unit 8 is purely biology on vocational based courses leading to becoming science or medical based. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop transferable skills technicians or indeed study courses such as Biomedical Science, Animal such as: the ability to learn independently; research actively and Biology, Forensic Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Nursing or Dental methodically; give presentations and be active group members. Technology. 19 The course will have structured teaching time of six hours a week over two years, with a requirement for students to put in additional hours Course Tutors independently in order to complete work to the best of their ability and submit assignments within clearly defined deadlines. Mrs Qamar The assessment of the course is split equally between internal and Mr Prior external assessment. Miss Roche
AS/A Level Biology Course Entry Requirements: Students will need to have a minimum of a grade 6 in GCSE Biology or a 6/6 in Double Award GCSE Science and a grade 6 at GCSE Mathematics In order to be successful, students must have a genuine interest in Board: OCR the subject but this alone is not sufficient. Many students do not fully appreciate the more demanding nature of A level Biology compared to that of GCSE Biology. The ability to write good, clear English, to be Career Pathways competent at basic mathematics and a determination and willingness A biological background provides employment opportunities in the to work alone outside lesson time are essential. Food, Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Industries, Government services such as the Department of environment and Scientific Civil General Course Description Service, in Nursing and in Teaching. Biology provides a suitable and often preferred background for entry into further education to Units - Biology A Level explores the fundamental processes of life. study Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Biology and other The course delves into the intricate workings of the cell and also science related degree courses. Science degrees are also looked the systems that enable the survival and reproduction of the whole upon favourable when applying for many types of analytical careers organism. Pupils appreciate how dynamic ecosystems can be studied including accountancy. as well as gain an insight into breakthrough biotechnologies that are shaping our future. To complete the full A Level pupils will complete 3 exams at the end of year 13 which assess pupils on the 2 years of Course Tutors study. These include: Mr Killworth 1. Biological processes: worth 37% of the A Level. 2. Biological diversity: worth 37% of the A Level. Mrs Marston-Smith 3. Unified biology: worth 26% of the A Level. Miss Twist Pupils are also required to complete a minimum of 12 skill tasks Miss Lee throughout the A Level course to enhance their practical skills. Pupils will receive a ‘Practical Endorsement’ although this work will not Mr Prior contribute to the student’s final grade. Other related or suitable subjects Biology goes well with a range of subjects such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Geography. You may wish to take Biology as your 20 only science and combine it with subjects such as History, English, Psychology or a foreign language. Whilst these subjects may not provide direct support to your study of Biology you may enjoy the diversity such combinations bring.
A-Level (AS option also available) Business Studies Course Entry Requirements: A minimum of a grade 5 in GCSE Mathematics AND grade 5 in GCSE English Language Units (full A Level) - 3 papers are taken at the end of A-Level “Think carefully about Business each 2 hours long and covering a range of business topics from Accounting, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources as well as your choices – it is really Managing Change and External Influences in a business. important that you get General Course Description them right… think beyond This course is an excellent introduction to the world of Business to the next 2 years” those students who are interested in future in industry. Students learn about the functional areas of business, such as marketing and Nathan Shapter Year 13 human resources while also studying the ways in which businesses must respond to change and use relevant news case studies to analyse business decisions and strategies. Course Tutors Mr M O’Rourke Board: AQA Mr S Barlow Career Pathways Note – It is advisable to avoid the combination of Business and This is a valuable course that can lead towards further related degrees; Economics. The University of Warwick advises ‘breadth of subjects such as Business, Accountancy, Management, Marketing, Politics, etc. It is valued by our selectors and therefore subjects with significantly is well suited to complement the sciences but also humanities subjects overlapping curricula should be avoided where possible, for example and enhances essay writing, analytical skills as well as logic and maths economics and business studies’ And the London School of Economics skills. and Political Science states ‘the combination of business studies and economics as two separate A-levels is best avoided.’ 21
BTEC Level 3 (A-Level Equivalence) Business Studies Course Entry Requirements: Students will need to have a minimum of 5 GCSEs at level 4 or above (or equivalent) to be accepted onto this course. General Course Description Career Pathways The purpose of the course is to equip pupils with a broad This is a valuable course that can lead towards apprenticeships in understanding of the business world that surrounds them in this fields such as Accountancy, Marketing, Human Resource Management, modern day and age. It is a vocational course that should provide Operations Management, etc. This course could also be followed by students with business skills to be used when leaving education. The further vocational courses at college or progression to University. The students learn through project based coursework completed over the course would complement other practical subjects or vocational courses two years in school. This will include hands on experience of dealing at Bishop Walsh. This is also a practical guide for people who wish to with outside businesses, organising meetings and collecting in revenues begin their own business one day. from events that students will have to run. Course Tutors Board: Edexcel Mr M O’Rourke Mr S Barlow “Pick subjects that you both enjoy and excel in” Kayleigh Murray Year 13 22
AS/A Level Chemistry Course Entry Requirements: 6 in GCSE Chemistry and a 6 in GCSE Maths. UNITS: Career Pathways AS Unit 1 - Inorganic and Physical chemistry There are many careers which can be pursued with an A-Level in AS Unit 2 - Organic and Physical chemistry chemistry, there are many courses at university that traditionally Relevant practical skills will be assessed in both unit 1 and 2 require an A-Level in chemistry such as medicine, veterinary science, examinations. dentistry on a compulsory basis. Other degrees that can be undertaken include pharmacy, chemical engineering, chemistry, pharmaceutical A-Level Unit 1 - Inorganic and Physical chemistry. science, medicinal science, tropical medicine, immunology and A-Level Unit 2 - Organic and Physical chemistry. biotechnology. Many degrees in healthcare fields see an A-Level in A-Level Unit 3 - All content and relevant practical skills. chemistry as an advantage including nursing, midwifery, healthcare Relevant practical skills will be assessed in both units of the A-Level science and radiography. Degrees in environmental science, cyber security, aerospace engineering, artificial intelligence and nuclear General Course Description science will all find an a-level in chemistry advantageous. There are also other non-science courses that an A-Level in chemistry are useful The AS level course builds on fundamental concepts in chemistry for; these include law, accountancy and teaching. such as atomic structure and bonding. The AS level course will now differentiate into the three main branches of chemistry: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry; each will be explored in depth. Topics studied are as follows: in physical chemistry: Course Tutors calculating amounts of substances, energetics, redox and equilibria, Miss McMahon in inorganic chemistry: periodicity, group 2, group 7 and in organic chemistry, reactions of alkanes, haloalkanes, alkenes, alcohols, and Mrs Qamar spectroscopy. Studying chemistry at AS level will enable you to develop and enhance your practical skills, as well as your mathematical Dr Pickavance and analytical skills. The A-Level chemistry course follows the same structure as the AS, but in greater detail. In the physical topics we cover; thermodynamics, acids and bases, electrochemistry and equilibria. In the inorganic “Chemistry is a section we study transition metals and period 3 elements. In the challenging a-level but 23 organic section we study carbonyl compounds, amines, chemical synthesis and analysis. As well as a wide range of practicals to help it is very rewarding.” develop the practical skills needed to undertake a science related degree at university level. Jodie Bentley Year 13 Board: AQA
AS/A Level Computer Science Course Entry Requirements: A minimum of a grade 6 in GCSE Mathematics and subject to an interview with the Head of Department who will make a judgement on the strength of the point score and the suitability of the candidate for A level Computer Science. AS Level Units: Technology is still a growth sector that changes year-on-year. This Paper 1: 1.15 hour written exam, Computer Systems course will enable you to stay ahead of this change and understand (50% of AS-level) the role technology could play in many walks of life. You will not Paper 2: 1.15 hour written exam, Algorithms and Programming be limited to a Computer Science career rather you will realise the (50% of AS-level) advantages technology brings to any future career! A Level Units: Paper 1: 2.5 hour written exam, Computer Systems (40% of A-level) Board: OCR Paper 2: 2.5 hour written exam, Algorithms and Programming (40% of A-level) Career Pathways NEA 3: Project (20% of A-level) Computing qualifies for UCAS points so it could allow you to study for a degree or BTEC higher diploma in related subjects such as Computer General Course Description Science or Information Systems. You could also go on to work-based This course is an excellent introduction for students interested in training. following a career in: Computer Programming; Systems Analysis; Many Science, Engineering and Maths courses at University now Network Engineering or any other Computer Science related career include programming modules for which this course is an ideal path. preparation. The emphasis of this course is on computational thinking. You will learn not only the tools a computer professional uses, but will develop the ability to determine what can be computed and how to compute Course Tutors it. You will learn how computer systems work on both the hardware Mr M Lewis and software levels and you will apply these principles to the solution of problems, learning how to create your own computer systems that Mrs H Clancy others can use. 24
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