Page created by Victoria Ramsey

Start your day
with the
Grab your copy of Times
Higher Education’s daily
magazine Wednesday
to Friday. Each edition
includes special features,
interviews and coverage
of the conference week.
Highlights 03
                                                                           TOP ACTIVITIES

                                              12                                  16
                      Campus Experiences                                  Plenaries
                   Explore Finnish higher education          On Wednesday and Friday

Forward-thinking and quirky, Helsinki is the ideal backdrop for the 31st Annual
EAIE Conference and Exhibition. In the current social and political climate,
integrating divergent viewpoints in policy and practice is more important than
ever. ‘Encompassing all voices’ is the Finnish education system in a nutshell: a
front-runner in providing inclusive and high-quality learning to all. The buzzing
capital, Helsinki, is a place where tradition and cutting-edge technologies live side
by side, a city of contrasts that invites us to be open-minded in all our endeavours.
The EAIE wishes you an inspiring week ahead.


                                     17                                          24
                 Networking events                                         Sessions
                       Connect with peers                     Engage with timely topics
                                          05   Schedule at a glance
                                               Plan your day

                                          07   Our sustainability journey
                                               Go green at the conference

                                          08   Conference roadmap
                                               Set yourself up for success
Copyright © 2019 by the EAIE.

ISSN 1389-0808                            09   Top tips for newcomers
                                               Make the most of your time
European Association for
International Education (EAIE)            10   Venue services & transportation
PO Box 11189, 1001 GD, Amsterdam, the
                                               Get around Helsinki
TEL +31-20-344 51 00
E-MAIL                      12   Campus Experiences                                   Explore Finnish higher education
                                          14   Workshops
PRINTED BY                                     Enhance your skills
Drukkerij Raddraaier, Amsterdam.
                                          16   Plenary sessions
All EAIE publications are printed on
                                               Encompassing all voices
chlorine-free paper.

PHOTOGRAPHY                               17   Networking events
Daniel Vegel, Shutterstock                     Connect with peers

                                          22   Expert Communities
WITH THANKS TO THE CONFERENCE                  Find your tribe
Katja Nieminen (Chair), University of
Sheffield, UK
                                          24   Sessions
                                               Engage with timely topics
Caspar de Bok, Utrecht University,
the Netherlands
                                          44   Poster sessions
Francisco de Borja Martin Garrido,
Loyola University Andalucía, Spain             Brush up on best practices
Anna Grönlund, University of Jyväskylä,
Finland                                   50   Exhibition
Simone Hackett, The Hague University           Meet the exhibitors
of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Dora Longoni, Politecnico di Milano,      66   Floor plans
Italy                                          Find your way in the venue
       06:00        07:00     08:00        09:00       10:00         11:00       12:00        13:00       14:00      15:00       16:00   17:00     18:00     19:00       20:00      21:00

                            Registration / Service Points


                                                            Campus Experiences*

                                                            Campfires (pod 01 only)

                                              Sessions                                                                                                          |Opening Reception

                            Registration / Service Points

                                        Exhibition / EAIE Member Lounge                                                                                    Expert Community Events*

                                              Campfires & Knowledge Exchange Hub

                                              Sessions                                                  Sessions              Sessions

                                                                        Opening Plenary Lunch                      Poster sessions

                                   Registration / Service Points

                    Morning Run*        Exhibition / EAIE Member Lounge
                 Yoga* }                            Campfires & Knowledge Exchange Hub

                                                    Sessions                  Sessions                       Sessions         Sessions      Expert Community Events*

                                                                   Poster sessions         Lunch                   Poster sessions                           EAIE Eurovision Tanssi* }

                                   Registration / Service Points

                                        Exhibition / EAIE Member Lounge (until 12:00)


                                              Sessions             Sessions           Closing Plenary   Luncheon

                                                                                                                                                            * Additional fees may apply
                    hot topics

 Learn from                                        Read practical
   peers &                                          & research-
highly-skilled                                       oriented
   trainers                                         publications

                                  in the field

        Join our vibrant community of
        international higher education
                 Become a member today

   Forge                            Nurture
partnerships                     global citizens
                                                        GO GREEN AT THE CONFERENCE

At the EAIE, we have been working towards making our conference
more sustainable. We want to encourage you to join us on our journey.
Together we can make a difference!

                                      Join the
                                movement and share
                                your positive action
                                  with your fellow

WHAT WE DO                                             WHAT CAN YOU DO
Plant 13,000 trees to                                       Say no to single use
offset CO2 emissions from                                   plastic! Please refill,
your flight                                                       reuse, recycle

Work with sustainable
                                                          Make use of your free
venues and suppliers
                                                           public transport card
Provide biodegradable,                                    during the conference
recycled and fair trade
                                                        Recycle your waste and
conference items
                                                              conference items
Support local charities
                                                          Help us print less and
such as the Finnish Red
                                                         save trees by using the
Cross (FRC)
                                                               EAIE Events App
Provide easy-to-find
                                                                       Save water
recycle bins for
                                                                     and keep to
waste and donations
                                                                    a five-minute
Offer sessions on                                                          shower
sustainability in the

                         1. Get your mental juices flowing
                         The Conference Conversation Starter is a book of essays
                         designed to provoke thought on this year’s conference
                         theme, ‘Encompassing all voices’. Thumb through the copy
                         in your conference bag and get clued up on this year’s key
                         topics and trends.

                        2. Build your agenda in the EAIE Events App
                       With so many great sessions to choose from, maximise your
                          time by scheduling in the events which are most relevant
                       for you. In the app, you can find all session descriptions and
                                 speaker information, plan meetings and participate
                                             in audience polls during some sessions.

                         3. Attend the Opening Reception
                         Kick off the week by attending the official Opening Re-
                         ception on Tuesday evening, 17:30–19:00 at Messukeskus
                         Conference Centre. Experience Finnish hospitality, enjoy
                         local delicacies and start making new connections on
                         day one. There will be drinks awaiting your arrival.

                                                    4. Tell us what you think!
                          Each year we use valuable feedback from participants
                               like you to make sure that next year’s conference
                            experience is even better than the last. Use the EAIE
                          Events App to let us know what worked well and what
                                             you think could be better next time.

                         5. Access the session presentations online
                         Following the conference, all session presentations
                         (where applicable) will be available online. To access
                         these, visit, and log in to
                         download the slides you would like to refresh your
                         memory on.
                                                                           MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR TIME

Is this your first EAIE Conference? If so, we’re thrilled to have you
with us! In addition to our general tips for all conference attendees,
we’ve put together some recommendations for how first-time
participants can ensure a successful experience. Make the most
out of your time by following these top tips for newcomers.

Swing by the Knowledge               Visit us at the                    Internationalisation for
Exchange Hub                         EAIE Stand (F21)                   newcomers
Eager to get to the bottom of        Speak to our staff, meet some      Attend the session ‘Back to ba-
an issue you are experiencing        of our leadership, check out       sics: internationalisation for new-
in your field? Create your own       our publications and learn         comers to the sector’ (S01.03)
discussion or choose one from        more about what the EAIE is        on Tuesday at 12:00 in Room
the board and dive into a topic of   doing to advance the field of      101AB, to learn from experienced
your choice. It’s the best way to    international higher education.    colleagues about the day-to-day
exchange ideas and network.                                             business of working in our field.

Get acquainted with                  Give your networking               Have some fun at the
the EAIE                             skills a refresher                 EAIE dance
Learn how you and your               Attend our Life skill session,     The EAIE Conference shouldn’t
institution can get the most out     ‘Speed networking your way         be all work and no play. The
of the conference by attending       to crucial contacts’ (S02.18) on   EAIE Eurovision Tanssi is the
the session ‘Maximise your           Wednesday at 09:00 in Room         perfect opportunity to let your
conference experience and            3A to tune up your networking      hair down and socialise with
discover the world of the EAIE’      skills and prepare yourself for    your new contacts. Tickets will
(S01.04) on Tuesday at 14:00 in      making connections at the          be available at the door on
Room 101AB.                          conference.                        Thursday.
10 Practical Info

  Messukeskus is outfitted with everything you may need during the confer-
  ence. Participants will also enjoy a free public transport card which can be
  used on train, bus and tram in Helsinki and its metropolitan area.

  SERVICE POINTS                                        CONFERENCE ASSISTANTS
  Service Points including Registration, City Infor-    University students will be circulating the confer-
  mation and Wi-Fi and App assistance are located       ence venue and are available to answer questions.
  in the entrance area of Messukeskus, Level 1. Staff   We thank the University of Exeter and Haaga-Helia
  at these various desks will be available to offer     University of Applied Sciences for their support.
  assistance and advice. Additional service points
                                                        FIRST AID
  are located at two of the entrances to the EAIE
  Exhibition Hall, Level 0, and one on Level 2.         If you require medical assistance, please contact
                                                        an EAIE staff member or one of the conference
  Other Service Points include the Cloakroom,           assistants. They will direct you to the Medical
  Nursing Room, Prayer Room and Speaker Preview         Centre, located on Level 0 next to Room 3D.
  Room. See the floor plan in the back of this book
  for locations.                                        FREE WI-FI ACCESS
                                                        Charging stations for your devices and free wireless
  Opening hours:
                                                        internet for light use are available throughout the
  Monday       15:00–18:00 (Badge pick-up only)
                                                        venue. Wi-Fi and App assistance is present in the
  Tuesday      07:30–19:00 (Speaker Preview
                                                        registration area.
               Room opens 10:00)
  Wednesday 07:30–18:00                                 Network name: FREE_EAIE_WIFI_2019
  Thursday     08:00–18:00                              Password: eaie2019 (case sensitive)
  Friday       08:00–15:00                              MEETING POINT
  EAIE MEMBER LOUNGE                                    The Meeting Point is located in the registration
                                                        area. See the floor plan for the exact location.
  Location: Main Entrance, Level 2
  Are you an EAIE member? Come enjoy a free             NAME BADGE AND SECURITY
  massage, extra work space for your meetings           Please wear your conference name badge at all
  and refreshments. The Member Lounge is open           times when inside the venue. Access will not be
  Wednesday 07:30–19:00, Thursday 08:00–18:00           granted without it. The networking events you have
  and Friday 08:00–12:00.                               registered for will be printed on your badge, and
                                                        without it you may be refused entrance. The securi-
                                                        ty staff might ask you for proof of identity.

   Download the EAIE mobile app!
   With the EAIE Events App you can plan the perfect conference,
   directly from your mobile device. You can access event information
   anytime, anywhere:
   • Explore the venue and interactive exhibition floor plans
   • Connect with other participants
   • Evaluate the sessions you attend

   Once downloaded, use the event code Helsinki2019 and don’t
   forget to enable notifications so we can keep you updated on any
   last-minute changes.

   The app is kindly sponsored by Ready, Study, Go! Poland
Practical Info 11
                                                                                 GET AROUND HELSINKI

                                                                                       Don’t fo
                                                                                                 rget to
                                                                                      pick up
                                                                                               your fre
                                                                                   public                e
                                                                                   at regis        rt card
                                                                                   ticket is          The
                                                                                             valid fr
                                                                                   23–27 S           om

                         GETTING TO AND FROM MESSUKESKUS

                                                                              Supported by

      FROM AIRPORT                      FROM CITY CENTRE               FROM AIRPORT TO CITY CENTRE

Train: I or P to Pasila Railway   Train: All local and long distance          Train: I and P on
Station, approx. 25 minutes.        trains (except Allegro trains)        the Ring Rail Line depart
Messukeskus is a 300-metre         stop at Pasila Railway Station,          every 10–20 minutes.
  walk from Pasila station.             approx. 5–10 minutes
                                                                         Bus: 415 operates at night
                                         Tram: 7 or 9 to                 from the airport to Central
                                    Messukeskus/Mässcentrum,              Railway Station and takes
                                     approx. 20–30 minutes.                   around one hour.
12 Campus experiences

   On the first day of the conference, take time to explore Finland’s
   high-quality and inclusive higher education system. Pre-registered
   participants will have the opportunity to visit local campuses, meet
   students and faculty, and network with colleagues from the field.

  Introduction to higher education in
  Finland (S01.01)
  The Finnish education system has an excellent reputation globally. Strong roots from
  kindergarten to universities and a focus on life-long learning have helped it develop
  into an innovation leader. Encompassing all voices through equity of access is one of
  the hallmarks of Finland’s educational success, where internationalisation of higher
  education is a key part of the policy landscape. Not signed up for a Campus Experience?
  This session is a great opportunity to explore this exciting higher education space. Open
  to all conference attendees.

      Tuesday 09:00–10:00
      Room 101AB, Level 1
      General interest

  Campus Experiences (C01–C08)
      Tuesday 10:00, following session ‘Introduction to higher education in Finland’
      (S01.01). All Campus Experience visits return to Messukeskus by 17:30.
      Meeting point: Room 101AB, Level 1
      Registration closed

   Thank you
   to our 2019
Campus experiences 13
                                                                              FINNISH HIGHER EDUCATION

                           C01                                   C02

                          C04                                    C05



                          C06                                    C07

                                                                        C01. University of Helsinki
                                                                        C02. 3AMK joint tour: three
C09 Finnish University Showcase                                              universities of applied sciences
Rectors and international office directors from The University of       C03. Hanken School of Economics
Oulu, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Karelia University        C04. Diaconia University of Applied
of Applied Sciences, The University of Eastern Finland, JAMK                 Sciences (Diak)
University of Applied Sciences and The University of Jyväskylä          C05. Aalto University
will share essential information about their international activities   C06. South-Eastern Finland
and campus facilities. Pre-registered participants are then                  University of Applied Sciences
invited to a networking brunch from 11:15–12:30 to meet with
                                                                        C07. Häme University of Applied
representatives from each institution.
   Tuesday 10:30–12:30                                                  C08. Tampere Universities
   Room Valo, Level 1, Messukeskus
   Registration closed
14 Workshops

  Our practical, interactive workshops are designed to help you develop
  your professional expertise. The solution-based approach of the work-
  shops will empower you to drive and implement effective practices at
  your home institution. Pre-registration is required.

    FULL DAY (09:00–17:00)

  An advanced approach to effective          How to write a competitive Erasmus+
  implementation and sustainability of       capacity building project proposal (W07)
  Joint Programmes (W01)                       Room 209, Level 2
     Room 102, Level 1
                                             Design thinking, agile methodology and
  Playing to win: games and simulations in   lean management: innovative tools for
  international higher education (W02)       the international office (W08)
     Room 103A, Level 1                        Room 3A, Level 0

  Leveraging the benefits of the             Secrets of marketing and recruitment
  international classroom: from experience   geeks: how to monitor and master online
  to expertise (W03)                         marketing (W09)
     Room 203A, Level 2                        Room 3B, Level 0

  Best practices in evaluating foreign       Influencing key stakeholders: designing a
  credentials (W05)                          compelling case for internationalisation
     Room 206, Level 2                       (W10)
                                               Room 3D, Level 0
  Credential evaluators’ toolbox: online
  verifications, information resources and   Drowning in data, starving for insights:
  non-verifiable documentation (W06)         using data strategically and translating it
     Room 207, Level 2                       into action for student recruitment (W11)
                                               Room 3E, Level 0
Workshops 15
                                                                       ENHANCE YOUR SKILLS

 MORNING (09:00–12:30)                        AFTERNOON (13:30–17:00)

Building the future of business education:   Balancing values and strategic objectives
using benchmarking as a strategic tool to    in international partnerships: risk assess-
manage internationalisation (W12)            ment and ethical considerations (W16)
  Room 103B, Level 1                           Room 103B, Level 1

Helping students develop self-               Building the university brand and reputa-
governance and cope with the fear            tion to compete for students, resources
of failure (W13)                             and influence (W17)
  Room 203B, Level 2                           Room 208, Level 2

Rethinking recruitment and agent             Designing and assessing learning out-
engagement (W14)                             comes for traineeships abroad (W18)
  Room 208, Level 2                            Room 204–205, Level 2

English Medium Instruction: strategies for
success (W15)
  Room 204–205, Level 2

16 Plenaries

  This year’s esteemed keynote speakers are the highlight of the
  opening and closing plenaries. Their thought-provoking, inspiring
  commentaries each offer a new perspective on the conference theme,
  ‘Encompassing all voices’.

            SIMON ANHOLT                                   AMINATA CAIRO
                Opening Plenary                                 Closing Plenary
              Wednesday 11:00–12:30                             Friday 12:00-13:30
              Location: Hall 1, Level 0                       Location: Hall 1, Level 0
      Simon Anholt – author, policy advisor and            Aminata Cairo will bring our 2019
      founder of the Good Country Index – has           conference to a close by exploring the
        helped heads of state and government         meaning of inclusion in our work. A staunch
         in more than 50 countries to engage          advocate for inclusive education who has
       more productively with the international       dedicated her life’s work to amplifying the
     community. In his talk, Simon will reflect on   voices of the traditionally unheard, Aminata
      the need to shift the worldwide culture of       will share her own lived experiences and
      governance from a competitive approach             ask us to reflect on how we can truly
           towards a more collaborative one.                     encompass all voices.
Networking events 17
                                                                           CONNECT WITH PEERS

The EAIE Conference is the perfect opportunity to interact with like-minded
colleagues and thought leaders in the field. Take advantage of your time in
Helsinki by attending our networking events and connect with peers from
around the world.


                                Opening Reception
                                  Hall 5, Level 2, Messukeskus
                                  Bring your conference badge for entry

                                Join fellow participants at the largest networking
                                event of the week. This year, we are bringing the
                                Finnish nature indoors for the official kick-off of the
                                31st Annual Conference and Exhibition. Don’t miss
                                this warm welcome to Finland.

                                This event is kindly sponsored by:

                                Netwalking: every litter bit helps
                                   Meeting point: Southern Entrance, Messukeskus
                                   (please note, the bus departs at 14:30)
                                   Registration closed
                                   Your ticket is printed on your badge. Bring it for entry.

                                Eco-minded volunteers will join Helsinki’s Park Pals for an
                                afternoon of beautifying a local forest.
18 Networking events


  Joint Programmes                                  Guidance and Counselling
  Reception                                         & Access and Diversity
    18:30–20:30                                     Reception
    Ravintola Presto, Eteläesplanadi 14              18:30–21:00
    Bring your invitation for entry                  Story - Old Market Hall, Vanha Kauppahalli,
                                                     Bring your invitation for entry
  Strategy and Management
                                                    Health and Welfare Education
     Allas Sea Pool, Katajanokanlaituri 2a          Dinner
     Registration closed                             18:30–22:00
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.           Café Ursula, Ehrenströmintie 3
     Bring it for entry.                             Registration closed
                                                     Your ticket is printed on your badge.
                                                     Bring it for entry.

  Business Education Dinner                         Cooperation for Development
    19:00–22:30                                     Dinner
     Kanava Hall, Ravintola Sipuli, Kanavaranta 7    19:00–23:00
     Registration closed                             Southpark, Sinebrychoffin puisto, Bulevardi 40
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.           Registration closed
     Bring it for entry.
                                                     Your ticket is printed on your badge.
     Kindly                                          Bring it for entry.
     sponsored by:
Networking events 19
                                                                           CONNECT WITH PEERS


                                               EAIE Morning Run
                                                Meeting point: in front of Kaivohuone,
                                                Kaivopuisto Park, Iso Puistotie 1
                                                Registration closed
                                                Your ticket is printed on your badge. Bring it
                                                or your Morning Run T-shirt for entry.
                                                sponsored by:

                                               Early-bird Yoga
                                                Esport Centre Bristol (city centre),
                                                Mikonkatu 8
                                                Registration closed
                                                Your ticket is printed on your badge.
                                                Bring it for entry.

Rainbow Reception                              Admission and Recognition
 17:00–18:30                                   Reception
 Säde, Level 1, Messukeskus,                    17:30–19:30
 Bring your invitation for entry                Southpark, Sinebrychoffin puisto, Bulevardi 40
                                                Bring your invitation for entry
Internationalisation at Home                    Kindly
Reception                                       sponsored by:

 Krog Roba Restaurant, Pieni Roobertinkatu 3
 Registration closed
 Your ticket is printed on your badge.
 Bring it for entry.                           Mobility Advising Reception
 Kindly                                         18:00–19:30
 sponsored by:                                  Kanava Hall, Ravintola Sipuli, Kanavaranta 7
                                                Bring your invitation for entry
20 Networking events


   Summer Schools Reception
     Banquet Hall, Ravintola Sipuli, Kanavaranta 7
     Registration closed
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.
     Bring it for entry.

   Language and Culture
     Bryggeri Helsinki, Sofiankatu 2
     Registration closed
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.
     Bring it for entry.

   Marketing and Recruitment
     On the Rocks, Mikonkatu 15
     Bring your invitation for entry

     sponsored by:

   Alumni Relations &                                EAIE Eurovision Tanssi
   Employability Reception                              21:30–02:30
     18:30–20:30                                        Kaivohuone, Iso Puistotie 1
     Story - Old Market Hall, Vanha Kauppahalli,        Tickets available at the door for €40
     Eteläranta                                         If you’ve already registered, your ticket is
     Registration closed                                printed on your badge, please bring it for
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.
     Bring it for entry.                             Are you a Finnish rock demon, a Swedish dancing
                                                     queen or the new Netta in the making? Then dust
                                                     off your dancing shoes for an unforgettable night
   European Programme                                of fun and festivities at the EAIE Tanssi (tanssi is

   Management Dinner                                 Finnish for ‘dance’). Join us at Kaivohuone, an old
                                                     spa-turned-nightclub popular with Russian high
     19:00–22:00                                     society at the time of the Tsars. The building ex-
     Holiday Bar, Kanavaranta 7                      udes old-time glamour and it’s the perfect setting
     Registration closed                             to sing for your country with some EAIE karaoke.
     Your ticket is printed on your badge.           You will receive two drink vouchers upon arrival.
     Bring it for entry.                             The fun lasts until 02:30 in the morning.
Networking events 21
                                                                                    CONNECT WITH PEERS


                                  Sing in the EAIE Choir
                                  Rehearsal 01: Thursday 12:45–13:45
                                  Rehearsal 02: Thursday 17:00–18:00
                                  Rehearsal 03: Friday 10:30–11:15
                                     Performance: 12:00–13:30, during the Closing Plenary
                                     Rehearsals and performance in Hall 1, Level 0, Messukeskus

                                  Closing Luncheon
                                     Galleria and Hall 3, Level 0, Messukeskus
                                     Bring your conference badge for entry
                                  Wrap up an eventful week and say farewell to the 31st Annual EAIE
                                  Conference and Exhibition. Enjoy the final moments of EAIE Hel-
                                  sinki 2019 with your peers over a spread of bite-sized finger foods.
                                  Make sure you stick around to see a sneak peek of what to expect
                                  at next year’s EAIE Conference in Barcelona.

                        2019 EAIE AWARD WINNERS
        Recognising excellence in our community and rewarding the individuals
       who work tirelessly to transform the field of international higher education

                     Award for Excellence in Internationalisation
                       Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic

                            Award for Vision and Leadership
                           Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe, France

                          Award for Outstanding Contribution
   Eveke de Louw, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), the Netherlands
                        Beer Schröder, Nuffic, the Netherlands

                                      President’s Award
           Systemic University Change Towards Internationalisation (SUCTI)

            For more information about the EAIE Awards, please visit
22 EAIE Expert communities


   The EAIE Expert Communities are groups that provide support,
   networking opportunities and resources for professionals working in
   specific areas of international higher education. They play a big part in
   the selection of conference sessions and identifying the most relevant
   and timely topics within their field of expertise. Each Expert Community
   will host its own Feature session on Wednesday 25 September. This is an
   opportunity to find your tribe, gain latest insights and connect with key
   experts in the EAIE community.

   Access and Diversity                Business Education                 European Programme
   Inclusion in the next Erasmus+      Social entrepreneurship and        Management
   programme: from policy to           inclusiveness: practical models    Erasmus 2021–2027:
   practice (S03.03)                   of engagements (S03.06)            making mobility a reality for all
     13:30–15:00                         13:30–15:00                      (S02.06)
     Room 103A, Level 1                  Room 101CD, Level 1                 09:00–10:30
     General interest                    General interest                    Room 3E, Level 0
   Admission and Recognition           Cooperation for
   Credential evaluation in a digit-   Development                        Guidance and Counselling
   ising society: exploring benefits   Collaborative design and           Digitalisation and future trends
   and challenges (S04.04)             management of development          in guidance and counselling:
     15:30–17:00                       projects (S04.03)                  what’s next? (S03.04)
     Room 3D, Level 0                    15:30–17:00                         13:30–15:00
     General interest                    Room 3B, Level 0                    Room 204–205, Level 2
                                         Intermediate                        Intermediate
   Alumni Relations
   The role of international educa-    Employability                      Health and Welfare
   tion: how alumni can advance        Employability for all: how are     Education
   your great ambitions (S02.05)       the voices of international stu-   European networks in the fields
     09:00–10:30                       dents heard in career services?    of health and welfare education
     Room 207, Level 2                 (S04.02)                           (S02.03)
     General interest                    15:30–17:00                         09:00–10:30
                                         Room 102, Level 1                   Room 103A, Level 1
                                         General interest                    General interest
EAIE Expert communities 23
                                                                                           MEET AND MINGLE

                                                           TIP: When browsing
                                                          the sessions, look for
                                                         this symbol to identify
                                                            the related Expert

Internationalisation at            Marketing and Recruitment
Home                               What’s on the horizon? Lessons
The future of IaH: imagining       from market leaders (S03.02)
new voices (S03.01)                  13:30–15:00
  13:30–15:00                        Room 3E, Level 0
                                     General interest
  Room 101AB, Level 1
  General interest
                                   Mobility Advising                        with us
Joint Programmes                   Erasmus without paper: digital
                                                                            Join us for one of the
Paths towards a European           monster or sustainable hero?
                                                                            EAIE Expert Community
degree: recognition, legislation   (S04.01)
                                                                            networking events in Hel-
and scaling up Joint Pro-            15:30–17:00
                                                                            sinki. Some EAIE Expert
grammes (S03.05)                     Room 101AB, Level 1
                                                                            Community events require
  13:30–15:00                        General interest
                                                                            pre-registration and ad-
  Room 208, Level 2
                                                                            ditional payment prior to
  General interest                 Strategy and Management                  the conference. If you’ve
                                   Moving beyond academia: ad-              already registered for one
Language and Culture               dressing societal problems via           of these events, your ticket
Developing internationalised       internationalisation (S02.04)            is printed on your badge,
curricula: language, culture and     09:00–10:30                            so make sure to bring it
learning (S02.01)                    Room 203, Level 2                      along for entry.
  09:00–10:30                        Intermediate
  Room 101AB, Level 1                                                       For other events, you can
                                                                            pick up your invitation at
  Intermediate                     Summer Schools
                                                                            the EAIE Stand (F21) or at
                                   Summer schools health clinic
                                                                            the Expert Community’s
                                                                            Feature session. But don’t
                                     09:00–10:30                            wait – most events are on
                                     Room 102, Level 1                      first-come, first-served
                                     Intermediate                           basis and fill up fast!
24 Sessions

   This year’s programme includes more than 160 sessions on some of the
   most thought-provoking and current topics in the field of international
   higher education. Browse the following pages for an overview of each
   day’s schedule and start planning your agenda.

                       INTERACTIVE SESSION FORMATS

             CAMPFIRE                             FISHBOWL                          WORLD CAFÉ
         Casual and interactive         A distinct chair setup consisting       Structured conversations
    discussions where participants          of a circle of participants,        on predetermined topics.
   sit around a ‘campfire’ to share     surrounding an inner ‘fishbowl’      Participants will move between
     stories, tips and experiences       of speakers. Participants listen         tables, where they are
     related to a specific topic. A     to discussions and can join the      encouraged to leave notes for
   facilitator introduces a topic for     fishbowl to share their own       the next person in order to build
   5–10 minutes, setting the mood            thoughts on the topic.               collective knowledge.
      for the rest of the session.

              IGNITE©                             LIFE SKILL                EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IN
      Fast-paced sessions where            Covering integral soft skills     INTERNATIONALISATION
   slides change every 15 seconds.      such as networking, negotiation      These interactive roundtable
     Participants get to ask ques-       and stress management, these       discussions, aimed specifically
      tions directly to presenters,       practical sessions are sure to    at Senior International Officers,
   keeping speakers on their toes        benefit everyone who attends.         address key issues related
    and the audience entertained.                                              to their role within higher
                                                                                 education institutions.
Sessions 25

                              TUESDAY | PROGRAMME OVERVIEW











          Registration / Service Points


                                    Campus Experiences

                                    Campfires (pod 01 only)


                                                                                         Opening Reception }

  Slot 01 (09:00–17:00)
  Introduction to higher education in Finland                         Share and learn: doctoral students in interna-
  (S01.01)                                                            tional higher education (pre-register) (S01.11)
        09:00–10:00                                                     13:30–17:00
        Room 101AB, Level 1                                             Room 203B, Level 2
        General interest                                                General interest
                                                                        Strategy and Management
     How can we build inclusive alliances on
  campus? (S01.02)                                                    Maximise your conference experience and
        10:00–11:00                                                   discover the world of the EAIE (S01.04)
        Campfire pod 01, Level 1                                        14:00–15:00
        General interest                                                Room 101AB, Level 1
        Access and Diversity, Internationalisation at Home              General interest
                                                                        Strategy and Management
  Back to basics: internationalisation for
  newcomers to the sector (S01.03)                                       Erasmus+ digitalisation: what does it mean
        12:00–13:00                                                   and what can we expect? (S01.07)
        Room 101AB, Level 1                                             14:00–15:00
        Beginner                                                        Campfire pod 01, Level 1
        Strategy and Management                                         General interest
                                                                        European Programme Management
     How international is your institution?
  (S01.05)                                                               Collaboration for healthier life: tobacco-
        12:00–13:00                                                   free campuses (S01.08)
        Campfire pod 01, Level 1                                        15:00–16:00
        General interest                                                Campfire pod 01, Level 1
        Strategy and Management                                         General interest
                                                                        Guidance and Counselling
     What more can be done to support disad-
  vantaged students to study abroad? (S01.06)                            How to use storytelling techniques to bring
        13:00–14:00                                                   alumni success to life (S01.09)
        Campfire pod 01, Level 1                                        16:00–17:00
        General interest                                                Campfire pod 01, Level 1
        Mobility Advising                                               General interest
                                                                        Alumni Relations
26 Sessions

                             WEDNESDAY | PROGRAMME OVERVIEW










            Registration / Service Points

                       Exhibition / EAIE Member Lounge

                             Campfires & Knowledge Exhange Hub

              Sessions } Slot 02                                      Slot 03             Slot 04

                           Opening Plenary }



   Slot 02 (09:00–13:30)
   Language and Culture presents: Developing                Alumni Relations presents: The role of
   internationalised curricula: language, culture           international education: how alumni can
   and learning (S02.01)                                    advance your great ambitions (S02.05)
         09:00–10:30                                          09:00–10:30
         Room 101AB, Level 1                                  Room 207, Level 2
         Intermediate                                         General interest
         Language and Culture                                 Alumni Relations, Employability

   Summer Schools presents: Summer schools                  European Programme Management presents:
   health clinic (S02.02)                                   Erasmus 2021–2027: making mobility a reality
         09:00–10:30                                        for all (S02.06)
         Room 102, Level 1                                    09:00–10:30
         Intermediate                                         Room 3E, Level 0
         Summer Schools                                       Intermediate
                                                              European Programme Management
   Health and Welfare Education presents:
   European networks in the fields of health and               Academics and the EAIE: what’s in it for
   welfare education (S02.03)                               them? (S02.07)
         09:00–10:30                                          09:00–10:00
         Room 103A, Level 1                                   Campfire pod 01, Level 1
         General interest                                     General interest
         Health and Welfare Education                         Strategy and Management

   Strategy and Management presents: Moving                     “Parting is such sweet sorrow”: supporting
   beyond academia: addressing societal                     international students to leave and return
   problems via internationalisation (S02.04)               (S02.08)
     09:00–10:30                                              09:00–10:00
     Room 203, Level 2                                        Room 101CD, Level 1
     Intermediate                                             Intermediate
     Internationalisation at Home, Strategy and               Mobility Advising, Guidance and Counselling
Sessions 27

Slot 02 (09:00–13:30)
Inviting reality in: external advice on Global   Encompassing multiple voices: a comparison
South collaborations (S02.09)                    of study abroad trends and practices across
  09:00–10:00                                    Australia, Europe and Japan (S02.15)
  Room 103B, Level 1                               09:00–10:00
  Intermediate                                     Room 3B, Level 0
  Cooperation for Development                      General interest
                                                   Mobility Advising, Internationalisation at Home
    The greening of comprehensive
internationalisation (S02.10)                    Strategies towards equality, diversity and
  09:00–10:00                                    inclusion at universities (S02.16)
  Room 201, Level 2                                09:00–10:00
  General interest                                 Room 3D, Level 0
  Strategy and Management                          Intermediate
                                                   Access and Diversity
Joint or double degree programmes: added
value for students and universities (S02.11)       What are the biggest international
  09:00–10:00                                    mobility barriers for STEM students? (S02.17)
  Room 204–205, Level 2                            09:00–10:00
  Intermediate                                     Campfire pod 02, Level 0
  Joint Programmes                                 General interest
                                                   Mobility Advising
Mental health difficulties and psychological
wellbeing: connecting minds (S02.12)                Life skill: speed networking your way to
  09:00–10:00                                    crucial contacts (S02.18)
  Room 206, Level 2                                09:00–10:00
  General interest                                 Room 3A, Level 0
  Access and Diversity                             Beginner
                                                   Strategy and Management, Marketing and
Managing upwards: selling the need to sell at    Recruitment
a personal level (S02.13)
  09:00–10:00                                    EAIE membership: what’s new? (S02.19)
  Room 208, Level 2                                13:00–13:30
  General interest                                 Room 206, Level 2
  Marketing and Recruitment                        General interest
                                                   Strategy and Management
Exploring new global competency
frameworks: Council of Europe, UNESCO,
OECD (S02.14)
   09:00–10:00                                        View all session
   Room 209, Level 2
   General interest                                 descriptions in the
   Strategy and Management,                          EAIE Events App
Internationalisation at Home
                                                    Code: Helsinki2019
Develop the practical skills
  you need to succeed
   Register by 08 Oct to save
Sessions 29

Slot 03 (13:30–15:00)
Internationalisation at Home presents: The      Quality issues in summer schools: meeting the
future of IaH: imagining new voices (S03.01)    demand (S03.07)
  13:30–15:00                                     13:30–14:30
  Room 101AB, Level 1                             Room 102, Level 1
  General interest                                Intermediate
  Internationalisation at Home                    Summer Schools, Strategy and Management

Marketing and Recruitment presents: What’s         Building an internet of trust to streamline
on the horizon? Lessons from market leaders     academic recognition and enhance the
(S03.02)                                        employability of graduates (S03.08)
  13:30–15:00                                     13:30–14:30
  Room 3E, Level 0                                Room 103B, Level 1
  General interest                                Intermediate
  Marketing and Recruitment                       Admission and Recognition

Access and Diversity presents: Inclusion in        Erasmus+ from the outside – igniting
the next Erasmus+ programme: from policy to     successful International Credit Mobility
practice (S03.03)                               partnerships (S03.09)
  13:30–15:00                                     13:30–14:30
  Room 103A, Level 1                              Room 201, Level 2
  General interest                                General interest
  Access and Diversity, Mobility Advising         European Programme Management

Guidance and Counselling presents:              A discussion on academic freedom (S03.10)
Digitalisation and future trends in guidance      13:30–14:30
and counselling: what’s next? (S03.04)            Room 203, Level 2
                                                  General interest
                                                  Strategy and Management, Cooperation for
  Room 204–205, Level 2
  Guidance and Counselling
                                                Higher education diplomacy: joining forces to
Joint Programmes presents: Paths towards a      tackle global challenges (S03.11)
European degree: recognition, legislation and     13:30–14:30
scaling up Joint Programmes (S03.05)              Room 207, Level 2
                                                  Strategy and Management, Cooperation for
  Room 208, Level 2
  General interest
  Summer Schools, European Programme
Management                                      Providing tools for refugees in international
                                                education (S03.12)
Business Education presents: Social               13:30–14:30
entrepreneurship and inclusiveness: practical     Room 209, Level 2
models of engagements (S03.06)
                                                  Admission and Recognition, Cooperation for
  13:30–15:00                                   Development
  Room 101CD, Level 1
  General interest
  Business Education
30 Sessions

  Slot 03 (13:30–15:00)                            Slot 04 (15:30–17:00)
  Easing the pain of external evaluation:             Mobility Advising presents: Erasmus
  everything you need to know (S03.13)             without paper: digital monster or sustainable
    13:30–14:30                                    hero? (S04.01)
    Room 3B, Level 0                                 15:30–17:00
    Intermediate                                     Room 101AB, Level 1
    European Programme Management                    General interest
                                                     Mobility Advising, European Programme
  Teaching an international classroom:             Management
  challenge accepted! (S03.14)
    13:30–14:30                                    Employability presents: Employability for all:
    Room 3D, Level 0                               how are the voices of international students
    General interest                               heard in career services? (S04.02)
    Language and Culture
                                                     Room 102, Level 1
      Life skill: the science of human               General interest
  relationships and critical decision making         Employability, Mobility Advising
    13:30–14:30                                    Cooperation for Development presents:
    Room 3A, Level 0                               Collaborative design and management of
    General interest                               development projects (S04.03)
    Strategy and Management
                                                     Room 3B, Level 0
     Key elements for a successful institutional     Intermediate
  language policy in times of nationalism            Cooperation for Development
    13:30–14:30                                    Admission and Recognition presents:
    Campfire pod 02, Level 0                       Credential evaluation in a digitising society:
    General interest                               exploring benefits and challenges (S04.04)
    Strategy and Management
                                                     Room 3D, Level 0
                                                     General interest
                                                     Admission and Recognition

                                                       How sustainably do your students and
                                                   international officers travel? (S04.05)
                                                     Campfire pod 01, Level 1
                                                     General interest
                                                     Mobility Advising, Cooperation for Development

                                                       Juggling parenthood and your career in
                                                   international education (S04.06)
                                                     Campfire pod 02, Level 0
                                                     General interest
                                                     Strategy and Management
Sessions 31

Leading internationalisation: what                 Erasmus+ and the internationalisation of PhD
international educators need to know               studies (S04.13)
(S04.07)                                             15:30–16:30
  15:30–16:30                                        Room 206, Level 2
  Room 101CD, Level 1                                Intermediate
  Intermediate                                       European Programme Management, Mobility
  Strategy and Management                          Advising

   Effective leadership in internationalisation:   Technologies with the potential to transform
building spheres of influence (S04.08)             business and business education: what are
  15:30–16:45                                      they and why do they matter? (S04.14)
  Room 103A, Level 1                                 15:30–16:30
  General interest                                   Room 207, Level 2
  Strategy and Management                            General interest
                                                     Business Education
Unpacking intercultural competence: ways to
assess (S04.09)                                    The impact of Joint Programmes on HEIs
  15:30–16:30                                      and their graduates: a comparative analysis
  Room 103B, Level 1                               (S04.15)
  Beginner                                           15:30–16:30
  Internationalisation at Home, Language and         Room 208, Level 2
Culture                                              General interest
                                                     Joint Programmes
    Answering the biggest questions in
international higher education (S04.10)                ‘From bearing witness to breaking
  15:30–16:30                                      silence’: sharing practices on sexual violence
  Room 201, Level 2                                prevention and response (S04.16)
  General interest
  Strategy and Management
                                                     Room 209, Level 2
English taught programmes: benefits and              Guidance and Counselling
challenges (S04.11)
  15:30–16:30                                      The human factors influencing international
  Room 203, Level 2                                study choice: parents, reviews and
  Beginner                                         testimonials (S04.17)
  Language and Culture
                                                     Room 3E, Level 0
Inclusive strategic enrolment management: a          General interest
game changer (S04.12)                                Marketing and Recruitment
  Room 204–205, Level 2                              Life skill: negotiation and persuasive
  General interest                                 communications (S04.18)
  Marketing and Recruitment, Admission and
                                                     Room 3A, Level 0
                                                     General interest
                                                     Strategy and Management
32 Sessions

                                   THURSDAY | PROGRAMME OVERVIEW










                   Registration / Service Points

                        Exhibition / EAIE Member Lounge

                                    Campfires & Knowledge Exchange Hub

                       Sessions } Slot 05               Slot 06                   Slot 07           Slot 08

                                              Posters                                  Posters


   Slot 05 (09:30–10:45)
   Higher education in 2040: changing concepts                         The impact of buddy programmes on the
   (S05.01)                                                        integration of local and international students
         09:30–10:45                                               (S05.06)
         Room 101AB, Level 1                                          09:30–10:30
         General interest                                             Room 103A, Level 1
         Strategy and Management                                      Intermediate
                                                                      Internationalisation at Home, Mobility Advising
   A real game changer: European Universities
   paving the way towards a European Education                        Summer schools: a space for creative
   Area (S05.02)                                                   education (S05.07)
     09:30–10:30                                                      09:30–10:30
     Room 101CD, Level 1                                              Room 103B, Level 1
     Advanced                                                         Intermediate
     European Programme Management, Strategy and                      Summer Schools

                                                                   What’s in it for me? How learning outcomes
      Audience of one: developing strategic                        from student exchange enhance employability
   support from university leadership (S05.03)                     (S05.08)
         09:30–10:30                                                  09:30–10:30
         Campfire pod 01, Level 1                                     Room 201, Level 2
         General interest                                             Intermediate
         Alumni Relations, Strategy and Management                    Employability, Mobility Advising

   Destination unknown: how can we educate                         The digital future: electronic credentials
   and equip the global citizens of the future?                    and online document authentication for
   (S05.05)                                                        international admissions (S05.09)
         09:30–10:30                                                 09:30–10:30
         Room 102, Level 1                                           Room 203, Level 2
         General interest                                            Intermediate
         Employability, Internationalisation at Home                 Admission and Recognition, Marketing and
Sessions 33

Slot 05 (09:30–10:45)
Ethical internationalisation: balancing insti-       Transnational education: whose
tutional, national and global responsibilities    programme is it anyway? (S05.15)
(S05.10)                                            09:30–10:30
  09:30–10:30                                       Room 3B, Level 0
  Room 204–205, Level 2                             Intermediate
  Intermediate                                      Admission and Recognition
  Strategy and Management, Cooperation for
Development                                       Turning a successful grant application into a
                                                  successful project: lessons learned from the
Will you be my partner? The power of the          CASO project (S05.16)
network in business education (S05.11)              09:30–10:30
  09:30–10:30                                       Room 3D, Level 0
  Room 206, Level 2                                 General interest
  General interest                                  Health and Welfare Education, European
  Business Education, Strategy and Management     Programme Management

The Inclusive Mobility Alliance: everything you   Maximising your brand and reputation in
need to know (S05.12)                             international education (S05.17)
  09:30–10:30                                       09:30–10:30
  Room 207, Level 2                                 Room 3E, Level 0
  Beginner                                          Intermediate
  Access and Diversity, Mobility Advising           Marketing and Recruitment, Strategy and
Developing integrated regional strategies in
internationalisation (S05.13)                        Life skill: 21 ways to get and keep your
  09:30–10:30                                     inbox at zero (S05.18)
  Room 208, Level 2                                 09:30–10:30
  Intermediate                                      Room 3A, Level 0
  Strategy and Management, Mobility Advising        General interest
                                                    Strategy and Management
   Recognition of online learning: integrating
refugees into HEIs (S05.14)                          Bringing the Conference Conversation
  09:30–10:30                                     Starter to life (S05.19)
  Room 209, Level 2                                 09:30–10:30
  Intermediate                                      Campfire pod 02, Level 0
  Admission and Recognition                         General interest
                                                    Mobility Advising
34 Sessions

  Slot 06 (11:30–13:30)
  How to develop your international strategy:           Is the neighbours’ grass always greener?
  top-down or bottom-up? (S06.01)                    Credit recognition after mobility abroad
    11:30–12:30                                      (S06.05)
    Room 101AB, Level 1                                11:30–12:30
    Beginner                                           Room 103B, Level 1
    Strategy and Management                            Intermediate
                                                       Admission and Recognition
  Supporting more students to go abroad
  during their degree: a three country                  Cosmopolitanism and international higher
  perspective (S06.02)                               education: concordant voices (S6.06)
    11:30–12:30                                        11:30–12:30
    Room 101CD, Level 1                                Campfire pod 01, Level 1
    Intermediate                                       General interest
    Mobility Advising                                  Language and Culture

     Blended and online education in                    Study abroad for students with special
  collaborative programmes: Asian perspectives       needs (S06.07)
  (S06.03)                                             11:30–12:30
    11:30–12:30                                        Campfire pod 02, Level 0
    Room 102, Level 1                                  General interest
    Intermediate                                       Access and Diversity
    Cooperation for Development
                                                     Alternative routes: study abroad done
     Effective leadership in internationalisation:   differently (S06.08)
  leveraging data for strategic advantage              11:30–12:30
  (S06.04)                                             Room 201, Level 2
    11:30–12:45                                        Intermediate
    Room 103A, Level 1                                 Employability, Mobility Advising
    General interest
    Strategy and Management
Sessions 35

Slot 06 (11:30–13:30)
What’s in it for me? Introducing two student       Beyond the road blocks: three
ambassador programmes from student              perspectives on internationalisation of the
ambassadors’ point of view (S06.09)             curriculum (S06.15)
  11:30–12:30                                     11:30–12:30
  Room 203, Level 2                               Room 3B, Level 0
  Intermediate                                    Intermediate
  Marketing and Recruitment                       Internationalisation at Home, Strategy and
Mythbusting in STEM mobility: three success
stories (S06.10)                                   The engaged university: cities as
  11:30–12:30                                   laboratories for an inclusive society (S06.16)
  Room 204–205, Level 2                           11:30–12:30
  Intermediate                                    Room 3D, Level 0
  Mobility Advising, Strategy and Management      Advanced
                                                  Strategy and Management
The potential of sustainable partnerships
through localisation: perspectives from South   Facebook is dead: long live YouTube (S06.17)
Africa and Mozambique (S06.11)                    11:30–12:30
  11:30–12:30                                     Room 3E, Level 0
  Room 206, Level 2                               Intermediate
  General interest                                Marketing and Recruitment
  Cooperation for Development
                                                   Life skill: how to be more resilient and
Why alumni relations is integral to             assertive (S06.18)
internationalisation: the University of           11:30–12:30
Edinburgh case study (S06.12)                     Room 3A, Level 0
                                                  General interest
                                                  Strategy and Management
  Room 207, Level 2
  General interest
  Alumni Relations, Strategy and Management        Top tips to become an EAIE speaker
Setting the stage for implementation of           13:00–13:30
virtual exchange: lessons from EVOLVE and         Campfire pod 02, Level 0
                                                  General interest
Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange (S06.13)
                                                  Strategy and Management
  Room 208, Level 2
  Language and Culture, European Programme

Developing effective intercultural
competency: everything you need to know
  Room 209, Level 2
  Language and Culture, Business Education
36 Sessions

  Slot 07 (14:00–15:15)
  Assessing core student learning outcomes in        All in it together: collaborating for
  higher education: the current state and global     intercultural learning (S07.05)
  trends (S07.01)                                      14:00–15:00
    14:00–15:00                                        Room 103B, Level 1
    Room 203, Level 2                                  Intermediate
    Intermediate                                       Internationalisation at Home, Strategy and
    Language and Culture, Internationalisation at    Management
                                                         A student perspective on
     New recruitment realities: how to               internationalisation (S07.06)
  use augmented reality and virtual reality            14:00–15:00
  throughout the student journey (S07.02)              Campfire pod 01, Level 1
                                                       General interest
                                                       Internationalisation at Home
    Room 101CD, Level 1
    Marketing and Recruitment                           Finnish life skills: it’s ok to be quiet!
  How to meet Sustainable Development                  14:00–15:00
  Goals to promote global citizenship and              Campfire pod 02, Level 0
  appreciation of cultural diversity (S07.03)          General interest
                                                       Language and Culture
    Room 102, Level 1
    Intermediate                                     Creating a safer environment in the EMI
    Health and Welfare Education, Language and       classroom: the role of students’ and lecturers’
  Culture                                            anxiety (S07.08)
     Effective leadership in internationalisation:     Room 201, Level 2
  you are what you read – smart research and           Intermediate
  media ‘diets’ (S07.04)                               Language and Culture, Internationalisation at
    Room 103A, Level 1
    General interest
    Strategy and Management
Sessions 37

Slot 07 (14:00–15:15)
Putting recognition on top of the mobility       From serendipity to strategic: how to build a
agenda (S07.09)                                  distinctive university partnership (S07.14)
  14:00–15:00                                      14:00–15:00
  Room 204–205, Level 2                            Room 3A, Level 0
  Intermediate                                     Advanced
  Admission and Recognition                        Strategy and Management

Reimagining education across continents          Chaos when the call comes? A guide for
(S07.10)                                         organised project planning (S07.15)
  14:00–15:00                                      14:00–15:00
  Room 206, Level 2                                Room 3B, Level 0
  General interest                                 General interest
  Employability, Strategy and Management           European Programme Management

Integrating Syrian refugees into higher              Beyond the classic international
education systems: a success story (S07.11)      office: how to organise comprehensive
  14:00–15:00                                    internationalisation (S07.16)
  Room 207, Level 2                                14:00–15:00
  General interest                                 Room 3D, Level 0
  Admission and Recognition, Cooperation for       Advanced
Development                                        Strategy and Management

Paperless Erasmus: digitalising your student     Implementing the European Student Card
mobility workflow by 2021 (S07.12)               (S07.17)
  14:00–15:00                                      14:00–15:00
  Room 208, Level 2                                Room 3E, Level 0
  Intermediate                                     Intermediate
  European Programme Management                    European Programme Management, Mobility
Using social innovation challenges to increase
the engagement and diversity of students in      The EAIE Barometer: ‘Signposts of success’
entrepreneurship education (S07.13)              and ‘Money matters’ (S07.19)
  14:00–15:00                                      14:00–15:00
  Room 209, Level 2                                Room 101AB, Level 1
  Beginner                                         General interest
  Employability, Business Education                Strategy and Management

                                                  Download your free copy
                                                  of the EAIE Barometer
                                                  ‘Money matters’
38 Sessions

  Slot 08 (15:30–16:45)
  The EAIE debate: The ‘Macron’ initiative - the        Does the employability of your alumni
  right step towards a European Champions             matter to you? (S08.07)
  League? (S08.01)                                      15:30–16:30
    15:30–16:45                                         Campfire pod 02, Level 0
    Room 101CD, Level 1                                 General interest
    Intermediate                                        Alumni Relations, Employability
    European Programme Management, Strategy and
  Management                                          How to enable international students to profit
                                                      from collaboration with local initiatives and
  Enabling staff competencies to support high-        stakeholders? (S08.08)
  quality Erasmus student mobility (S08.02)             15:30–16:30
    15:30–16:30                                         Room 201, Level 2
    Room 101AB, Level 1                                 Beginner
    Intermediate                                        Internationalisation at Home, Mobility Advising
    European Programme Management
                                                      So you have experienced bad sales people,
  Getting inspiration from South-South                but are you a good buyer? (S08.09)
  cooperation to reshape education                      15:30–16:30
  partnerships (S08.03)                                 Room 203, Level 2
    15:30–16:30                                         Beginner
    Room 102, Level 1                                   Marketing and Recruitment, Strategy and
    General interest                                  Management
    Cooperation for Development
                                                      Using mindfulness-based interventions
     Giving students a voice: threshold               for promoting well-being and intercultural
  concepts in internationalisation (S08.04)           adjustment (S08.10)
    15:30–16:30                                         15:30–16:30
    Room 103A, Level 1                                  Room 204–205, Level 2
    Intermediate                                        Intermediate
    Mobility Advising, Internationalisation at Home     Guidance and Counselling, Access and Diversity

      EU-Russia higher education cooperation in       Getting the message through: how to engage
  a time of selective engagement (S08.05)             with your students in the 21st century?
    15:30–16:30                                       (S08.11)
    Room 103B, Level 1                                  15:30–16:30
    Intermediate                                        Room 208, Level 2
    Strategy and Management                             General interest
                                                        Language and Culture
     Rainbow reflections on inclusivity (S08.06)
    15:30–16:30                                         Refugees in the classroom and beyond:
    Campfire pod 01, Level 1                          what’s the difference? (S08.12)
    Access and Diversity, Guidance and Counselling
                                                        Room 209, Level 2
                                                        Cooperation for Development, Admission and
Sessions 39

Slot 08 (15:30–16:45)
Internationalisation of higher education in the    Strategic plans and the everyday reality:
world today: the state of play via three major     theory versus practice (S08.16)
surveys (S08.13)                                     15:30–16:30
  15:30–16:30                                        Room 3E, Level 0
  Room 3A, Level 0                                   General interest
  General interest                                   Strategy and Management
  Strategy and Management
                                                   How to shape and sharpen your partnership
Recognition of soft and extracurricular            portfolio (S08.17)
skills: digital Open Badges to support               15:30–16:30
internationalisation and employability               Room 207, Level 2
(S08.14)                                             Intermediate
                                                     Strategy and Management
  Room 3B, Level 0
  Beginner                                         Bracing for Brexit: updates and uncertainties
  Admission and Recognition, Employability         (S08.18)
   Internationalisation at home: strategies for      Hall 1, Level 0
building global, international and intercultural     General interest
                                                     Mobility Advising, Strategy and Management
competencies (S08.15)
  Room 3D, Level 0                                 Excellence in internationalisation: the 2019
  General interest                                 EAIE Institutional Award finalists (S08.19)
  Internationalisation at Home, Strategy and         15:30–16:30
Management                                           Room 206, Level 2
                                                     General interest
                                                     Strategy and Management

   Knowledge                                          Polish up
   Exchange Hub                                       your skills
   This small-scale platform for discussion is        Are you looking to fine-tune your
   ideal to get to the bottom of a challenge          negotiation, critical thinking or planning
   or issue in the field of international higher      skills? Do you want to become more
   education. Would you like to have an               assertive and resilient? If you’re due
   in-depth chat with your peers interested           for a refresher on these and other skills
   in the same topic in an informal setting?          for being a happier human and more
   Swing by the Knowledge Exchange Hub to             productive professional, then be sure to
   browse suggested topics or add your own            add some of our ‘Life skills’ sessions to
   to the board. Open all day on Wednesday            your schedule.
   and Thursday, Hall 3.
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