Page created by Tiffany Nelson


2022 CONVENTION                   NEW ORLEANS • LA
N O V E M B E R 1 8 TH – 2 0 TH   H Y A T T   R E G E N C Y
               TO EXHIBIT

                 Meet 500 attendees, including deans,

      1          directors and faculty of nursing programs,
                 many of whom directly impact the purchasing
                 of products for their nursing programs.

                 Exhibit at the only organization that represents

     2           associate degree nursing education, which
                 graduates more than 50 percent of the
                 nursing workforce in the country.

                 Demonstrate live and answer questions on

     3           demand about your products and services for
                 key academic leaders in attendance.

                 Develop strong relationships with

     4           attendees and colleagues through intimate
                 networking opportunities.

                 Benefit from 5 hours of dedicated exhibit

     5           time, including attendee meals and snacks
                 with exhibitors.


  Dear Industry Colleagues,
  We would like to extend an invitation to exhibit and sponsor at the 2022 OADN Convention, to be held
  November 18-20 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, LA.
  The convention theme this year, “Owning Your Influence,” will focus on the profound impact each nurse
  educator has on nursing innovation, leadership, professional development, health equity, quality care,
  advocacy, and the future nursing workforce. Nursing faculty and administrators are continuously
  navigating changing educational and practice environments to ensure that the nursing workforce can
  meet healthcare delivery needs.
  Associate degree programs continue to educate 50 percent of the nation’s nursing workforce. The OADN
  Convention is your opportunity to connect with the deans, directors, and nurse educators leading and
  teaching in these programs.
  OADN attendees are interested in new innovations in practice and education and would welcome viewing
  your products and services.
  As an exhibitor, you may elect additional opportunities that provide you with increased visibility including:
  Sponsorships | Advertising | Direct Communication Opportunities | Recognition at Events
  This Exhibitor Prospectus should answer many of your questions; however, should you need additional
  information about exhibiting or becoming a sponsor, contact the national office at bryan.hoffman@oadn.org.
  We look forward to collaborating with you and welcoming you to New Orleans in 2022!
  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

  Laura Schmidt DNP, FNP-BC                            Donna Meyer MSN, RN, ANEF, FAADN, FAAN
  President, OADN                                      Chief Executive Officer, OADN

A Special THANK YOU to all our 2021 Exhibitors
We are deeply grateful for your generous support during the pandemic.
Accreditation           Career Uniforms           Jones & Bartlett     Picmonic, Inc          TracPrac by Vestigo
Commission              CastleBranch              Learning             ProjectConcert         Health Solutions
for Education in        Chamberlain               Kaplan Nursing                              Trajecsys
Nursing (ACEN)                                                         Purdue University
                        University                LifeCareSim, LLC     Global                 Centralized Clinical
American College        ClinPrep                  Limbs & Things                              Recordkeeping™
of Education                                                           safeMedicate
                        Coursey Enterprises       MCG Health                                  Unbound Medicine
American Discount                                                      Sentinel U
                        Elsevier                  NEPIN                                       University of Phoenix
Uniform                                                                sim2grow, LLC
                        Graceland University      NurseAchieve
American Red Cross                                                                            UWorld Nursing
                        Herzing University, LTD   NurseThink®          Southern New
American Sentinel                                                      Hampshire University   Walden University
                        Hurst Review Services     Operative
ATI Nursing Education   Intellistem Writer        Experience, Inc.     Sylvia Rayfield &      WGU
Avkin, Inc              Corporation               Osmosis.org          Associates             Wolters Kluwer

  EXHIBITOR ELIGIBILITY                               EXHIBIT SPACE FEE
  Companies are strongly encouraged to                10’ x 10’ (100 SQ. FEET)                         $1,695
  participate in exhibiting all products and
  services that will aid in the educational           Tote Bag Insert                                   $800
  activities of nursing students, faculty             OADN staff will insert one brochure
  development and program advancement.                or flyer, 8.5” x 11” or smaller, in all
                                                      convention tote bags.
  OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR                                 Additional Representative Badges             $150
  Carolina Tradeshow Decorators (CTD) is              Two representative badges are included
  the official decorating contractor for the          with the 10’ x 10’ booth fee. Additional badges
  convention. A service desk will be available        can be purchased at the rate of $150 per badge.
  during the installation and dismantling of          Representative Badges provide access to the
  the exhibits. CTD will manage the following         Exhibit Hall only.
  services: exhibitor manual, decorator, booths,
  signs, electrical needs and shipping. An            WHAT’S INCLUDED
  exhibitor manual will be sent prior to the
  convention with complete instructions.              n 8’ High Back Wall & 33” High Divider Rails
  You may reach CTD at 704-366-9970 or                n Standard ID Sign
  help@carolinatd.com.                                n Exhibit Listing in Program Guide

  EXHIBITOR INSTALLATION                              n Final Participation List (delivered after convention)
  Exhibit installation will take place between        n On-Site Exhibit Contractor Service Desk
  noon and 5 p.m on Friday, November 18, 2022.
                                                      n Two Representatives Badges (Exhibit hall
  HOUSING                                             only. Includes two meals served in exhibit hall.
                                                      Additional badges are $150 each).
  Hyatt Regency New Orleans
  601 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA 70113
  (504) 561-1234                                      APPLY ONLINE
  Click here to book your room at the special rate.   Click here to reserve your exhibit space.

  Please reserve your room online by Oct. 21, 2022,
  to receive the group discounted rate of $239.
                                                        CANCELLATION OF BOOTH SPACE
                                                        AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES:
  SPACE ASSIGNMENT & FEES                               Cancellations and requests for refunds
  Premier booths are reserved for OADN                  must be received in writing 90 days prior
  sponsors. Other prime locations will be               to the opening date of the exhibits.
  assigned to those who act quickly. OADN will          If these requirements are met, 50 percent
  make every attempt to assign requested booth          of the exhibit fee will be refunded after
  space accommodating the specific needs and            the convention.
  compatibility of each exhibitor. OADN reserves
  the right to assign other than the requested          OADN reserves the right to accept or refuse
  space, to rearrange the floor plan, and/or            any requests for exhibits or sponsorship.
  relocate exhibits, if necessary.

                      & FLOOR PLAN

                                O A D N E XH I B I T S
     November 18-19, 2022 | Hyatt Regency New Orleans


  EXHIBIT HALL HOURS: (Subject to adjustment)
  FRIDAY, Nov. 18                    5:30pm – 7:30pm            LOAD IN:          Friday, Nov. 18, morning
  SATURDAY, Nov. 19                  8:20am – 9:50am            LOAD OUT:         Saturday, Nov. 19, 2:45pm
  SATURDAY, Nov. 19                  1:40pm – 2:40pm

  Full meal or snack with refreshments provided to attendees & exhibitors during all exhibit times.


n All exhibitors are eligible to participate in the Passport      n Attendees with completed Passport books
  Program free of charge, and are automatically enrolled in         are entered into a drawing for the donated
  the program.                                                      prizes. OADN collects the Passport books and
n Exhibitors provide an item as a prize for Passport                conducts the drawings. OADN does not collect
  Program winners.                                                  the raffle prizes. Winners collect the raffle
n At registration, attendees will receive a Passport card for       prizes directly from the vendors.
  the Exhibit Hall.                                               n Any exhibitor choosing NOT to participate
n Attendees travel throughout the Exhibit Hall, having their        should notify OADN@oadn.org
  Passport stamped at the booths of participating exhibitors.       by Sept. 1, 2022.

 DIAMOND SPONSOR                          SAPPHIRE SPONSOR                         EMERALD SPONSOR
 $10,000                                  $7,500                                   $5,000
 n 20’ x 10’ Prime Exhibit Booth          n 10’ x 10’ Best Available Exhibit       n 10’ x 10’ Exhibit Booth in the
   Space in the Convention Exhibit          Booth in the Convention Exhibit          Convention Exhibit Hall (Includes
   Hall (Includes two exhibit hall only     Hall (Includes two exhibit hall only     two exhibit hall only badges and
   badges and meals in exhibit hall)        badges and meals in exhibit hall)        meals in exhibit hall)
 n Sponsorship Acknowledgment by          n Sponsorship Acknowledgment by          n Sponsorship Acknowledgment by
   CEO at the Opening Ceremony              CEO at the Opening Ceremony              CEO at the Opening Ceremony
 n Sponsorship Recognition of one         n Full-Page Advertisement in the         n Full-Page Advertisement in the
   General Session at the OADN              Official Program Guide                   Official Program Guide
                                          n Logo Inclusion in Convention           n Logo Inclusion in Convention
 n Full-Page Color Advertisement in         Program Book Sponsor Page                Program Book Sponsor Page
   the Official Program Guide
                                          n Logo Inclusion and Link on             n Logo Inclusion and Link on
 n Logo Inclusion in Convention             Convention Sponsor Page                  Convention Sponsor Page
   Program Book Sponsor Page                Webpage at OADN.org Logo                 Webpage at OADN.org Logo
                                            Inclusion in Onsite Convention           Inclusion in Onsite Convention
 n Logo Inclusion and Link on
                                            Signage                                  Signage
   Convention Sponsor Page
   Webpage at OADN.org Logo               n One Complimentary Full                 n Convention Attendee Email
   Inclusion in Onsite Convention           Convention Registrations for             Contact (delivered before
   Signage                                  attendance to educational                convention)
                                            sessions, valued at up to $925
 n Two Complimentary Full
   Convention Registrations for           n Access to OADN Direct Mail list        ADDITIONAL
   attendance to educational                once annually.                         OPPORTUNITIES
   sessions, valued at up to $1,850
                                          n Convention Attendee Email              Official Program Advertisement
 n Access to OADN Direct Mail list          Contact (delivered before              (Subject to availability)
   once annually                            convention)                            $4,000
 n Convention Attendee Email              Opportunity to Craft Year-Long           Special Reception Opportunity
   Contact (delivered before              Agreement that Delivers Exclusive        $3,000
   convention)                            Benefits to OADN Members:                Tote Bag Advertisement
 Opportunity to Craft Year-Long           • Showcased on OADN webpage              $800
 Agreement that Delivers Exclusive          dedicated to Agreement (Banner,
                                                                                   Passport Program
 Benefits to OADN Members:                  Verbiage, and Links to be posted).
 • Showcased on OADN webpage              • Benefits Highlighted on OADN
   dedicated to Agreement (Banner,          Member Benefits Webpage
   Verbiage, and Links to be posted).                                               OADN is always willing to hear from
                                                                                    our partners about other creative
 • Benefits Highlighted on OADN                                                     sponsorship ideas and proposals!
   Member Benefits Webpage

                  & FAQ’S

  n HOSPITALITY AND ENTERTAINMENT                           applicable to exhibitors including, but not
    No entertainment or social functions may                limited to, any music performance agreements
    be scheduled by an exhibitor to conflict with           required by ASCAP or BMI.
    educational program hours, exhibit hours
    or social events held during the convention.          n INSURING EXHIBITS Exhibitors are encouraged
    Companies that are not exhibiting are prohibited        to insure their exhibits, merchandise, and display
    from hosting hospitality or social functions.           materials against theft, fire, etc., at their own
                                                            expense. It is recommended that the exhibitor
  n CONDUCT OF EXHIBITORS Interviews,                       contact its insurance broker to obtain all-risk
    demonstrations, and distribution of literature          insurance or a rider policy covering exhibit
    or samples must be made within the booth                property while absent from home premises for
    space assigned to the exhibitor. Canvassing or          exhibit purposes.
    distributing of advertising outside the exhibitor’s
    own booth is not permitted.                           n FIRE REGULATIONS AND HEALTH PRECAUTIONS
                                                            No exhibitor will be allowed to use any
  n GENERAL CONVENTION REGISTRATION                         flammable decorations in the exhibit area. Latex
    Any exhibitor wishing to register for and               materials are not allowed in the Exhibit Hall.
    attend the convention educational sessions
    is required to register through the normal            n SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Information on
    registration process used by OADN Convention            shipping exhibit materials will be included in
    participants. Exhibitors paying convention              the Exhibit Manual provided by CTD. Should you
    registration fees will be awarded contact hours         have additional questions, please contact the
    for educational sessions attended.                      CTD representative.
  n INDEMNIFICATION The exhibitor agrees                  n SELLING EXHIBIT SPACE The selling of any
    to abide by the terms of this contract, the             products and the related taxes for delivery during
    Terms and Conditions, and any applicable                the OADN Convention is the sole responsibility
    provisions under OADN’s agreement with                  of the exhibitor.
    the management of the Hyatt Regency New
    Orleans, all of which are made a part of this         n OTHER EXHIBIT CONTRACTORS Should an
    contract by reference and fully incorporated            exhibitor choose to use a contractor for booth
    herein. The exhibitor assumes the entire                setup and dismantling, the contractor must
    responsibility and liability for losses, damages,       comply with the requirements of the Hyatt
    and claims arising out of injury or damage              Regency. The exhibitor will provide OADN
    to exhibitor’s displays, equipment and other            with documentation that the contractor has
    property brought upon the premises of the               a Certificate of Insurance with a minimum
    Hyatt Regency New Orleans. The exhibitor                of $1 million liability coverage, including
    shall indemnify and hold harmless Hyatt                 property damage.
    Regency New Orleans, its agents, servants, and        n PAYMENT DATES No booth space is guaranteed
    employees, and OADN from any and all such               until payment in full is received by the OADN
    losses, damages, and claims.                            National Office.
  n AUDIO Audio devices used as part of an exhibit
                                                          n CANCELLATIONS Cancellations and requests
    that project sounds beyond the perimeter of the
                                                            for refunds must be received in writing 90 days
    exhibitor’s assigned space are not permitted.
                                                            prior to the opening date of the exhibits. If these
  n MUSIC LICENSING The exhibitor warrants that             requirements are met, 50 percent of the exhibit
    it will comply with all copyright restrictions          fee will be refunded after the convention.

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