Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...

Page created by Neil Lewis
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
                 Online engagement
                 February 2021

A Vision for
Town Centres                         Allies and Morrison
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Context for the vision
Why are we creating these vision                Economic performance and
documents?                                      strategic challenges
•   We want our town centres to evolve,         •   Hounslow has shown strong economic

    thrive and innovate in order to meet            performance in recent years and prior to
    current and future challenges, but we           the COVID-19 pandemic it was the third                                                 E

    must strive for more. A modern town             fastest growing London Borough.
    centre can play its part in mitigating                                                                                      LOW
                                                •   The longer term impact of the COVID-19                             U
    climate change, economic inequality

                                                    pandemic is still emerging, however
    and even social injustice. All the while,
                                                    the borough is expected to continue
    we must never lose sight of existing
                                                    to perform well and grow into the
    town centre communities and adapting
                                                    future. There are a number of strategic              HA
    to welcoming new ones. We want to                                                               LT
                                                    challenges that will shape future

    support grassroot community projects
                                                    economic growth across the town
    and strong public-private partnerships,
                                                    centres within the borough:
    attracting investment and funding.
                                                    • The future of air travel and Heathrow
•   By creating these documents for                   Airport
    Hounslow, Feltham, Brentford and                • The changing nature of retail
    Chiswick town centres, we can build             • The impact of COVID on leisure
    a plan, based on all the stakeholders’          • The evolving nature of workspace
    ambitions, and support the right kinds          • Demand for industrial and distribution
    of developments. By having a vision in            space
    place we will be better placed to attract       • The impact of Brexit
    investment and funding to make the              • Changes to the planning system
    plans happen.                                     including Permitted Development and
                                                      Use Classes.
•   This document sets out a set of draft
    themes to identify the future priorities
                                                •   These strategic challenges will have
    for each town centre - do you agree with
                                                    differing impacts on the four town
    these ideas?
                                                    centres across the borough.
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Borough-wide priorities
                                                                                                                                             Providing flexible town
Delivering the Climate                         Improving residents’                           Creating attractive and
                                                                                                                                             centres and economies
Emergency Action Plan                          health and well being                          well-designed centres
                                                                                                                                             that work for everyone

•   Establish our centres as part of the       •   Invest in our towns’ open spaces to give   •   Recognise the fantastic heritage of        •   Adjust our town centres to respond to
    ‘15-minute city’ with shops, jobs and          people decent access to nature, with           our town centres and celebrate this            changing shopping patterns, with a
    services accessible in 15 minutes on           a range of spaces including growing            by raising the profile and providing           greater mix of cultural, community, work
    foot, by bike or public transport.             space.                                         information on these.                          spaces and homes alongside shops.
•   Improve local walking and cycling routes   •   Incorporate activities for all ages in     •   Explore lighting opportunities for         •   Support local markets and explore pop-
    and infrastructure to support this.            centres and spaces such as play,               landmark buildings within our centres.         up shops in empty units. Establish
                                                   running routes, gyms and skate parks.                                                         click and collect facilities in centres and
•   Green our town centres to provide shade                                                   •   Ensure that new development responds
                                                                                                                                                 dedicated areas for takeaway drivers.
    and drainage and improve air quality       •   Improve access to waterways near the           to the character of our town centres,
    and biodiversity, making use of green          centres, and make these waterside              with planning applications looking         •   Invest in the public realm to make our
    roofs, walls and SUDs.                         routes safe and comfortable.                   beyond their site boundary at the wider        town centres places to meet and spend
                                                                                                  context.                                       time, aside from simply shopping.
•   Make new town centre homes highly          •   Improve access to and raise the profile
    energy efficient and factor in the             of community services in our centres.      •   Encourage creative reinterpretations of    •   Support small businesses through
    embodied carbon of existing buildings          Create sociable centres with gathering         our traditional Georgian, Victorian and        flexible and affordable space that can
    when considering redevelopment.                spaces - outdoor seating, pop-up spaces,       Art Deco buildings.                            encourage collaboration.
                                                   markets and open library areas.
•   Further develop our recycling schemes                                                     •   Explore opportunities for events that      •   Support connections between our local
    for town centre businesses, homes and      •   Support residents to walk and cycle for        celebrate the craft, making and historic       business and education establishments.
    in public spaces, to keep waste down           short journeys and invest in the public        industries of our town centres.
                                                                                                                                             •   Partner with creative and engineering
    and our town centres clean and tidy.           realm to make these trips more pleasant.
                                                                                              •   Make our town centres comfortable and          business in the borough to provide
•   Design new buildings to be adaptable       •   Work with the network of amazing               attractive places for people to walk and       internships and job opportunities for our
    over time so that they can respond to          community groups operating across our          spend time, with public spaces and             young people.
    changing habits and their embodied             town centres.                                  greenery.
    energy is not wasted.
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Big ideas for Brentford
1     A creative centre of
      production and
                                                 2       A balanced town
                                                         centre for all                           3       Celebrate
                                                                                                          historic character
                                                                                                                                                   “A well placed
                                                                                                                                                   museum would
                                                                                                                                                   be great, there
                                                                                                                                                   is such a rich
Explore opportunities to integrate the           Cater to existing and new residents              Raise the profile of Brentford’s                 history”
Creative Enterprise Zone and draw                with a good mix of daytime and                   Georgian, Victorian and industrial
on Brentford’s industrial heritage and           evening uses for all ages and provide            heritage and forge stronger
current creative energy                          opportunities to bring the community             connections with nearby landmarks
                                                 together                                                                                                            “Preserve the
Example projects might include:                                                                   Example projects might include:                                    remaining older
•   Providing a range of workspaces for SMEs
                                                 Example projects might include:                                                                                     buildings as
                                                                                                  •   Showcasing Brentford’s landmark                                commercial
    to support the Creative Enterprise Zone,     •   Supporting and expanding the market
                                                                                                      buildings such as old Town Hall                                space or
    including reusing existing buildings.            with a range of products for the whole
                                                                                                      and Carnegie Library with lighting.                            homes”
                                                     community and the proposed market
•   A town-wide museum trail raising                                                                  Improving links to Syon, Gunnersbury
                                                     beneath the M4 in Boston Manor.
    the profile of Gunnersbury Park                                                                   and Boston Manor House.
    Museum, Museum of Steam and Water,           •   Finding a new local home for the                                                              “Less flats
    Musical Museum, with marketing and               Waterman’s Art Centre, with a possible
                                                                                                  •   Retaining as many of Brentford’s historic    and more
                                                                                                      building as possible and adapting these      infrastructure
    collaboration opportunities.                     move to the old police station site.
                                                                                                      in future for new uses.                      to support
•   Better connections to/from businesses on     •   Cluster shops, cafes and community                                                            a growing
                                                                                                  •   Providing guidance on new development
    the Great West Corridor, so workers can          uses on the high street, with a potential                                                     community”
                                                                                                      and how this can provide a design
    use Brentford town centre in the evening.        new evening venue at refurbished St
                                                                                                      led, contemporary take on Brentford’s
                                                     Lawrence’s Church.
•   Building collaboration between CEZ                                                                historic typologies.
                                                                                                                                                   “Make it
    businesses, University of West London        •   Providing good walking and cycling
                                                                                                  •   Celebrating the history of craft, making,    personable
    and West Thames College and providing            links from neighbourhoods to shops and
                                                                                                      rivers and canals through a heritage trail   with small
    intern/job opportunities for young people.       services, with safe crossings.
                                                                                                      and/or a programme of events at local        shops, cafes,
•   Protecting existing maker and artist         •   Making sure the centre is comfortable,           venues, Market Place or Brentford North      green spaces”
    space at Johnson’s Island, Boston Manor          safe and appealing for all ages. Exploring       Piazza.
    House and the Lots Ait Boatyard.                 opportunities for community pop-ups in
                                                     Market Square and in empty buildings.
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Big ideas for Brentford
 4      A waterfront
        town centre                               5       Greening
                                                          Brentford                                6       Integrating
                                                                                                           Brentford                                 “Nice seating
                                                                                                                                                     areas with
                                                                                                                                                     plants etc,
                                                                                                                                                     cafes, bars
Reconnect Brentford with its waterfront           Establish a network of green and open            Improve links between the town centre
                                                                                                                                                     and shops”
identity, through better river front              spaces within the town and better links          and key destinations and between
paths, activity on the waterfront and             to large open spaces nearby. Reinforce           distinct neighbourhoods. Establish the
better public spaces                              Brentford’s distinctiveness through              town centre as a place rather than a
                                                  planting                                         through route                                                       “A strong link
Example projects might include:
                                                                                                                                                                       should be
                                                  Example projects might include:                  Example projects might include:
•   An attractive, safe and continuous                                                                                                                                 made between
    Thames River Path that connects to the        •   Investment in St Lawrence’s churchyard,                                                                          the high street
                                                                                                   •   Developing better walking and
    River Brent and canal. This could be part         Waterman’s Park, St Paul’s Recreation                                                                            and the river”
                                                                                                       cycling links between and through
    of a heritage trail.                              Ground as Brentford’s key green spaces.
                                                                                                       neighbourhoods, particularly north of the
•   Providing a mix of activity fronting the      •   Better walking and cycling links to              high street.
    water - traditional industries, canal boats       Boston Manor Park, Gunnersbury Park
                                                                                                   •   Establishing the high street as a town        “Riverside and
    and pubs; new cafes/bars; and parkland            and Syon Park, possibly with a new
    and wetland.                                      River Brent footbridge.
                                                                                                       centre, not a through route, through          gardens are run
                                                                                                       public realm investment and signage.          down, dirty and
•   Waterman’s Park as a priority project,        •   A new nature reserve at the former rail                                                        disconnected”
                                                                                                   •   Better links to key destinations such as
    to transform this river front space, with         line to the west of Commerce Road with
                                                                                                       the station and community hub, CEZ
    planting and community facilities.                learning and volunteering opportunities.
                                                                                                       and community stadium.
•   Better signage towards the waterfront,        •   A network of green spaces of different
                                                                                                   •   Better crossing facilities across the A4 to
    and investment in Brentford’s historic            sizes and character, including growing
                                                                                                       link to the CEZ and neighbourhoods to
    lanes and yards connecting the High               spaces and incidental plans.
                                                                                                       the north.
    Street and the water.
                                                  •   Bringing nature into the town centre,
    A programme of events celebrating                                                              •   Encouraging people onto bikes and on
                                                      with street tree planting, green roofs and
    Brentford’s role at the confluence of the                                                          foot by considering the parking strategy
                                                      walls, SUDs, and a toolkit for community
    Rivers Thames and Brent, with learning                                                             for the town centre.
                                                      groups to revive local spaces.
    and volunteering opportunities.
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Example projects

       Island Gardens, Isle of Dogs                      Peckham Levels /Hangar, Denmark                                  Ghent Light Festival

Island Gardens on the Isle of Dogs is a linear        Peckham Levels took an existing multi-storey           Ghent celebrates its significant built heritage every
Thameside park which has seen investment in           car park and retrofitted this with affordable co-      few years with a light festival that showcases
tree planting, benches, a cafe and public picnic      working and maker space; leisure and craft groups;     historic buildings and spaces and provides
tables and is well used by local residents. Similar   community space; and cafes and bars, making            interpretive information on the city’s rich history.
linear Thames parks exist at Victoria Embankment      use of rooftop city views. Brentford’s buildings       Brentford’s Georgian, Victorian and Art Deco
Gardens and Whitehall Gardens. Waterman’s Park        such as the former Wilson and Kyle factory could       buildings, along with its significant infrastructure
could be similarly transformed into a valuable        support similar uses. Alternatively, light structure   and Thames heritage could be celebrated in a
community space with planting, seating, play          workspaces could be established at empty sites         similar fashion, with input from local community
space and community space.                            and relocated as development takes place.              groups.

Relevant big ideas                                    Relevant big ideas                                     Relevant big ideas
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Your vision
The plan on this page summarises some
of the key spatial priorities for the town
centre. Over the next few weeks we will be
refining these plans and ideas using your

Please fill in the Citizenspace
questionnaire and let us know...
•   How supportive are you of each of the
    priorities for the town centre?
•   Which themes/priorities do you think
    are the most important for Brentford?
•   What do you think is the priority project
    for improving the town centre?
•   Can you think of any projects that would
    be quick or easy to deliver to improve
    the town centre in the short term?
•   Have we missed anything that should
    be emphasised in the vision?
Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ... Brentford - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
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