OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot

Page created by Fernando Elliott
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot


          JUNE 26, 2022
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME           YEAR   C          2                                JUNE 26, 2022

                                                                   Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm (English)
                                                                             Sunday :
                                                                   7:00am (Creole/French/English)
                                                                          9:00am (French)
                                                                         11:00am (English)
                                                                   1:00pm (French/Haitian Creole)
                                                           Weekday: 9:00am Monday through Saturday
                                                            Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel:
                                                                   16th of each month at 7pm
                                                           Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment.
                                                              Confessions: Saturday at 5:00pm and
                                                                           Wednesday at 4:00pm
                                                        Marriage: Contact a priest or deacon at least six (6)
                                                                       months in advance

 OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL                                                   BAPTISMS
          PARISH                                                         Baptism for July 2022
    1540 Blue Hill Ave Mattapan, MA 02126                      Pou Batèm an kreyòl inskripsyon kòmanse
                                                                   Registration in English has started.
          Telephone: 617-298-0080                                             Instruction:
              Fax: 617-298-2388                                English: Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 2:00 pm
           Website: olmcboston.org                                Kreyòl: Samdi, 9 Jiyè, 2022 a 2:00pm
                                                                             Baptism Date:
                    STAFF                                        Kreyòl: Samdi, 23 Jiyè, 2022 a 2:00 pm
                                                                English: Saturday, July 30, 2022, 2:00pm
   Rev. Garcia Breneville, Pastor, 617-922-2049
    Marie-Célie Blanc, Administrative Assistant
        Marie Edwine Jérémie, CPA, MBA,
                                                                RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                Business Manager
                                                                Grades: K-8: Sunday: 8:30-10:00 am
    Bernadette Obas, Religious Ed. Coordinator                  High SchoolConfirmation Program
    Josette Beaubrun, Confirmation Coordinator                        Sunday: 9:00am-10:15am
     Evens Bontemps, Finance Council Chair                           For more information call:
                                                          Bernadette Obas (617) 361-2455 & (617) 842-6256
        Joyce Durst, Parish Council Chair                         Josette Beaubrun (617) 620-1277
         James M. Rickert, Music Director
         Jean Louis Daniel, Music Director                            PARISH BULLETIN
             OFFICE HOURS                                            SUBMISSIONS DUE: MONDAY
         Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm,
         closed for lunch 12:30 to 1pm.                       Marie Célie Blanc, celieb.olmc@gmail.com
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME             YEAR       C           3                                  JUNE 26, 2022

                                                                     FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK

Saturday, June 25th
                                                                            NOT BETTER THAN OTHERS
9:00am:Thanksgiving......En l’honneur de Notre
                                                               Welcome to our weekly Parish bulletin!
Dame du Perpetuel Secours, Emmeline Joseph
10:00am: Funeral mass......................Marie Chosson
                                                               We are still in awe as we call to mind the beautiful Cor-
4:00pm:Memorial.......Mr. Pierre William Jn-Baptiste,
                                              Elisa Stiven     pus Christi procession and celebration of last Sunday.
Sunday, June 26th                                              After so many adorations and benedictions of the
                                                               Blessed Sacrament performed inside our church, it was
7:00am: Thanksgiving.............Melanie Casseus, No-
mie                                                            so good to expose and adore Jesus the Sacrificial Victim
     Florestal, Denise Francois, Michaelle Lessage             outside the Church. This is what Corpus Christi proces-
                                                               sion is about. Once again, we express our gratitude to all
                                                               those who committed themselves to making that journey
9:00am: Memorial..............Raymond Guirant Montas
                                                               a tremendous success.
11:00am:Memorial.Ivan RamJhon, Paulina Saul and
                                                   Family      This weekend’s gospel shows us James and John, the
                                                               sons of Zebedee, being furious against the Samaritans
 1:00pm:Action de grace.................Joachin Pericles,
                                                               who refused to welcome Jesus. They intended to punish
                 Achemet Pericles, Antoinette Bruno
Monday, June 27th                                              them by having fire consume them. Jesus, however, re-
9:00am:thanksgiving....Yvrose Loiseau, Marie Andre             buked those disciples for their lack of tolerance and
                                                               openness. Wouldn’t we act sometimes in the same way?
                                                               How do we feel when we are not welcomed or accepted?
Tuesday, June 28th
9:00am: Thanksgiving.......Marie Mischna Gaspard et            How do we react when trying to reach out, people just
                                                 ses enfants   ignore us? It is easy to show love and kindness to those
Wednesday, June 29th                                           who accept us or those who love us. But, how much
                                                               harder could it be when we must do good to those who
9:00am: Thanksgiving........................Melissa Barosy,
                                                               despise us or do us harm? Even those who were so
                                    Marie Andre Antenor
                                                               close to Jesus could not make a difference. And as
Thursday, June 30th
                                                               Christ’s disciples today, we are in the same shoes. In-
9:00am:Memorial...Myotte Blanc, Leonel Emmanuel
                                                               deed, attending the Church so often does not mean that
                                                               we are better than others. We wish we could as we strive
Friday, July 1st
9:00am:Action de grace En l’honneur de St.Gabriel,             for perfection. But feeling weak, poor, and unworthy, we
                          St. Georges, Ste. Doloreste          like to head to such a place seeking help from the Lord
Saturday, July 2nd                                             our God. Pope Francis likes to portray the Church as a
                                                               hospital, where Jesus, the best Physician ever, is
9:00am: Pour tous les defunts de lafamille
Augustin et Oxame, Elisa Stiven                                pleased to heal us and save us completely mind, soul,
                                                               and body as he did for so many sick and so many sin-
4:00pm: Memorial..........Mme Elisma Glezil, Salnave
                                                               ners. Being touched and healed by Jesus, we can in our
                                                               turn become healers to so many on our way.

                                                               Have a good week!

                                                               Fr. Breneville
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME              YEAR     C         4                                   JUNE 26, 2022

                                   NOTRE-DAME DU PERPÉTUEL SECOURS

En ce temps-là, dans l’ile de Crête vivait un honnête marchand dont la principale occupation était d’acquérir des
documents de valeur spirituelle. Il professait une dévotion toute particulière envers la très sainte Vierge, et son
trésor le plus précieux était une image miraculeuse de Marie devant laquelle il avait coutume de prier. Craignant
une irruption des Turcs qui à cette époque s’,attaquaient à tout ce qui était chrétien, bon nombre de crétois réso-
lurent de quitter leur île. Le pieux marchand se joignit à eux en emportant l’image pour qu’elle ne soit pas expo-
sée à l’oubli ou à des sacrilèges. A peine eut-on levé l’ancre, le ciel se couvrit de nuages, la mer devint furieuse.
Après une lutte désespérée, l’équipage épuisé abandonna le navire à la merci des flots. Les passagers atten-
daient leur mort. A ce moment, le dévot voyageur se souvient de sa céleste protectrice. Il leur présente le tableau
de la Vierge et les exhorte à recourir à la protection de celle que l’église invoque comme l’étoile de la mer. Se
prosternant devant l’image, il se mit à prier. Alors, la mer se calma. Quelque temps après, le vaisseau, voguant
sur une mer tranquille entrait sans aucun dommage dans un port d’Italie (A suivre).

                 OFFERTORY                                             MASS ATTENDANCE

                Week of June 19,, 2022

                    — Thank You!                                        Weekend of June 19, 2022
At Church and by mail                  Actual    Goal
                                                              Mass Time                           # Offerto-
   Collections                        $3,397                                                   Peo        ry

                                                              Saturday, 4:00 pm                 19       $67

Online giving                         103.68
Total                              $3,500.68                  Sunday, 7:00 am                   66      $829

                                                              Sunday 9:00 am                    97      $591

                                                              Sunday 11:00 am                   99      $485

                                                              Sunday 1:00 pm & maildrop        240     $1425
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME        YEAR        C        5                                 JUNE 26, 2022

     ANNOUNCEMENTS: 06/26/22
                                                              PLEASE REGISTER AS A PARISH
             WEEKDAY MASSES                                            MEMBER
  Beginning Monday, November 8, the weekday                  That gives you the right to benefit from all the
 masses will take place in the chapel of the church.       widespread services in our parish. To do so, ask
                                                           one of the ushers for the registration form or for
                                                           the help to fill it out. You can also call the parish
novena of prayer is scheduled from Thursday July           EVERY WEDNESDAY, WE HAVE ADORATION fol-
7 to Friday July 15. On July 15 we will                    lowed by the Eucharist from 4 to 6pm. We also
have a candlelight procession right after the Vigil        have confessions on Wednesdays at 4 to 5pm. WE
mass, which will be held at 6pm. On                        HAVE CONFESSIONS 30 MINUTES BEFORE EACH
July 16, we will have mass at 7am, 9am, 11 am,             MASS ON WEEKENDS.
1pm, and 6pm. The procession on July
16 begins at 5pm.
                                                           THIS IS AN UPDATE OF THE CATHOLIC APPEAL:
                                                           This year we need to raise $
                                                           17,538. We have raised $ 10,550, which is 60% our
SAVE THESE DATES: Two major events will take
place in our parish during this summertime: our
Patron feast Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Saturday,            . . FEAST OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL
July 16 preceded by the novena that will begin              THE
Thursday July 7, and the Jericho Mission from               HELP is the patron feast of the Haitian
Sunday, August 21 to Saturday, August 27.                   community. On the occasion, there will be a great
                                                            Eucharistic celebration in Haitian
                                                            Creole on Monday June 27 beginning 7pm at the
                                                            Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
                                                            1545 Tremont St, Roxbury, MA.
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                YEAR          C          6                                     JUNE 26, 2022

                     LE SYNODE                                                            THE SYNOD
Au cours des prochaines années, l'Église du monde en er             Over the next several years, the Church around the
par cipera à un processus appelé le Synode sur la syn-              world will be participating in a process called the Synod
odalité. Le Saint-Père rencontrera des évêques du monde             on Synodality. The Holy Father will be meeting with Bish-
en er en 2023 pour discuter des moyens d'améliorer le               ops from across the globe in 2023 to discuss ways of im-
                                                                    proving the process by which the church on all levels is
processus par lequel l'église à tous les niveaux est ouverte
                                                                    open to hearing the voices of people from all walks of
à entendre les voix des personnes de tous les horizons.             life.
                                                                    That process will begin here in Boston now with asking as
Ce processus commencera maintenant ici à Boston en de-              many people as possible to take a simple survey. The link
mandant au plus grand nombre de personnes possible de               to the survey can be found here:
répondre à un simple sondage. Le lien vers l'enquête se             https://forms.office.com/r/aPadVsPFt9
trouve ici : h ps://forms.office.com/r/H66BRMdazD                     Please distribute this survey as broadly as possible. Send
                                                                    it, along with this note, to your various mailing lists in your
                                                                    parishes and other ministries.
Veuillez diffuser ce e enquête aussi largement que possi-
                                                                    This survey is the first step. Other upcoming steps will be:
ble. Envoyez-le, avec ce e note, à vos différentes listes de
diffusion dans vos paroisses et autres ministères.
                                                                    x An opening Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross,
                                                                         on Saturday, November 27, at 4:30PM. The Mass will
Ce e enquête est la première étape. Les autres étapes à                  be broadcast on CatholicTV, as well being a live
venir seront :                                                           event.
x Une messe d'ouverture à la cathédrale La Croix Saint, le          x   Discussions in the Presbyteral Council, Archdiocesan
samedi 27 novembre, à 5h30. La messe sera diffusée sur                    Pastoral Council, and Parish Pastoral Councils and
Catholic TV, en plus se sera un événement en direct.                     Parish Finance Councils, using a set of questions
x Discussions au sein du Conseil presbytéral, du Conseil                 which will be distributed soon.
pastoral archidiocésain, des Conseils paroissiaux de pasto-         x   Focus groups in various ministries, religious communi-
rale et des Conseils paroissiaux des finances, à l'aide d'une            ties, and demographic populations across the Arch-
série de ques ons qui seront distribuées prochainement.                  diocese.
x Rassemblement de pe ts groupes de personnes de di-                x   Five regional sessions that will be open to the public.
vers ministères, communautés religieuses et données dé-             x   The collection of all of the feedback, and its compi-
mographiques, y compris l'âge, le statut socio-économique,               lation into a ten-page document which will be sub-
la race, etc. à travers l'archidiocèse.                                  mitted to the United States Conference of Catholic
x Cinq sessions régionales qui seront ouvertes au public.                Bishops in April of 2022.
x La collecte de toutes les réponses et sa compila on dans          x   A closing liturgy at the Cathedral in late April of 2022.
un document de dix pages qui sera soumis à la Conférence
                                                                    In this process, we hope to be able to make some contri-
des évêques catholiques des États-Unis en avril 2022.               bution to the global conversation on synodality. More
x Une liturgie de clôture à la Cathédrale fin avril 2022.           importantly, we hope to improve the synodality of vari-
                                                                    ous local institutions here in the Archdiocese, as well as
Dans ce processus, nous espérons pouvoir apporter une               of the Archdiocese itself.
contribu on à la conversa on mondiale sur la synodalité.            Please feel free to address any questions about the pro-
Plus important encore, nous espérons améliorer la syn-              cess to psoper@rcab.org.
odalité de diverses ins tu ons locales ici dans l'archidio-         Thank you.
cèse, ainsi que de l'archidiocèse lui-même.

N'hésitez pas à adresser vos ques ons sur le processus
à psoper@rcab.org.

OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                                                       Pilot Bulletins                                         Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Dorchester, MA   4326
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
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                                                                                                                          Fr. Tom Nestor has served as pastor
                                                                                                                          at the Collaborative Parishes of
                                                                                                                          Resurrection and Saint Paul in
                                                                                                                          Hingham for the past ten years, and
                                                                                                                          previously served at St. Eulalia’s in
                                                                                                                          Winchester for 17 years. A Harvard
                       Helpline: 855.781.9898                                                                             graduate and native of West Roxbury,
                             Mon-Fri from 9am to 4pm                                                                      Fr. Nestor is known for fostering a
                                                                                                                          sense of community wherever he goes.
                   Videophone: 339.224.6831
                          (for Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
                                                                                                                                                            SCAN HERE for
                 Email: info@myombudsman.org                                                                                donate at                       Venmo, Google/
                                                                                                                         clergytrust.org                    Apple Pay, PayPal
                                                                                                                                                            via Givebutter.

For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                                         Pilot Bulletins                                               Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Dorchester, MA                              4326
OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH JUNE 26, 2022 - Www.olmcboston.org - The Boston Pilot
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