THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church

Page created by Raul Dean
THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church
A PRIL 6, 2022                                                                         V OL . 18, N O . 14

                                         THE MESSENGER
                              BREN TH AVEN CUMBE RLAN D PRES BYTE RIAN CHU RCH
                                 A welcoming community of Christian disciples seeking to love and serve God and neighbor
                                                 615- 373- 4826    enthaven.or g

                                 A TRADITION UNLIKE ANY OTHER
  Well, it finally happened. After two years of waiting, Jodi and I finally made it to Augusta,
GA to experience Augusta National Golf Club and the awe and pageantry of The Masters.
Granted, it was just a practice round, but hey, it’s The Masters! Many have shared their experi-
ences of being present and how amazing it is. I’ve heard about the beauty of the course: the
azaleas in bloom in bright pinks, red, and white; the manicured grass that doesn't even look
real it is so well maintained; the statuesque pine trees; the hills that do not look that steep on
television, but I’m out of breath just thinking about them; the daunting water holes; and of course, the immaculate
greens. And, it’s all true, I saw it with my own eyes.
  I’ve heard about the cheap concessions: the pimento and cheese sandwiches and egg salad sandwiches for $1.25
                   (they are now $2.00) and Crows’ Nest beer (a wheat ale that’s pretty darn good). I’ve heard about
                   the kind staff which was apparent when one of the security guys said how much he liked my red
                   wind shirt because my credential (which was inside my shirt) would be easily seen. In other words,
                   “Take it out so we can see it at all times.” I’ve heard about the fans being fun and playful with the
                   golfers during these practice rounds by having them skip the ball across the water at hole 16. The
                   golfers didn’t disappoint.
                       I’ve heard all of this and much more, and almost everything was spot on. It was
                   an amazing day that ended with a huge gift for fans like us. And the day was topped
                   off when we found a spot at the No. 2 green, sat down and watched first, Jordan
Spieth, and then in a group back, Tiger Woods, practice chipping and putting around the green. Af-
ter that, the day was complete. Memories made, pictures taken, bucket list checked, steps walked,
and now ready for the tournament and think “I was right there!” And in my head, I kept hearing Jim
Nantz saying, “A tradition unlike any other.”
  There are opportunities that happen throughout life. We had this one because Bob Dozier told me
a few years ago that I should sign up online for The Masters lottery. After a number of Dear Kip emails, one finally
came in that said I won. I worried, though, because The Masters always falls close to Easter, which may be fitting,
because Easter, too, is “a tradition unlike any other.” And, like Bob’s suggestion, sometimes it takes someone else
telling us about Easter before we ever really experience it for ourselves.
  The difference of course is that there is no lottery, and everyone is invited. Maybe one could say there are
“practice rounds,” like Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, that get us ready for the big event. And
we all know, many people turn out for Easter—they just don’t need a ticket. This Sunday, the day that someone
will once again receive a green jacket and be crowned a winner of The Masters, we will hear the crowds cheering for
Jesus as he rides in, palms waving, and clothes thrown down on the ground. But soon, the cheering will stop and
the jeering will begin. My hope is we will take every opportunity to experience every emotion during the next
week. The joys and sorrows, the cheers and jeers, but ultimately, we will all rejoice in victory! Holy Week is upon
us, so let’s go find our own Amen Corner and see for ourselves!
                                                       Grace and peace,

                                                HOLY WEEK SERVICES
              Sunday       April 10      10:45 am       Palm/Passion Sunday
              Thursday     April 14      6:30 pm        Maundy Thursday Service
              Friday       April 15      6:30 pm        Good Friday Tenebrae Service
              Sunday       April 17      10:45 am       Easter Service
THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church
BRENTHAVEN WOMEN’S MINISTRY                                        EASTER CANDY DONATIONS
                At our March meeting, Barbara Dial and             Easter Sunday is April 17,
             Jan Marshall not only laid out the “Dirt on           and the Easter Egg Hunt
             the WoRM (Workshop Rotation Model),” but              will follow after our service,
             they also shared how they have been adapting          around noon. All children
             this amazing Sunday School program for our            through 6th grade, including
              Brenthaven children for almost 22 years! The         visitors, are invited.
              blueprint for this program began in 1990 by            You can help us by donating
              Christian Educators in a Presbyterian Church         candy or special prizes that
              in Chicago. As part of the writing team, Bar-        can go into the Easter Treat
              bara and Jan, along with a few others, have          Bags. We also need empty plastic eggs. A collection bas-
              written all of the lessons to fit our children’s     ket will be outside the church office for your donations.
              Sunday School.                                       Monetary donations are welcome. Thanks!
   Our children learn about major stories from the Bible
in creative and fun ways: through drama, art, computer,
cooking, puppets, audio-visual, and even games! A teach-
er is free to sign up for as few as 3–5 Sundays and com-
municate the story through one of these formats. The
lesson is printed, and all supplies or elements needed to          BRIDGE GROUP RESERVATIONS
teach the lesson are provided. All the teacher needs to do            Our Bridge Group meets the second Tuesday of every
is read the Bible story, follow the lesson plan, and love          month. The next meeting is April 12 at 10:30 am in the
the children. A shepherd follows each age group every              Youth Classroom. If you are interested in coming, please
week throughout the year as the students’ constant com-            call Beverly Garrett (615-832-2378) to make reservations,
panion and assistant to the teacher.                               so we can make sure we have the right number of players.
   PRAY for our children, their families, Ms. Cheryl as            Also, we break for lunch, so bring a bagged lunch.
Director of Children’s Ministry, and for the Disciples
Ministry Team (DMT writing team). And PRAY to be                    BOOKEND BOOK CLUB
open to volunteer to teach a few Sundays now and then.
There is no ongoing commitment, but you will be blessed                The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave,
                                                                    is April’s selection for the BookEnd Book
in helping guide these little ones toward a life of love and
Jesus.                                                              Club, which meets Thursday, April 21 at
                                                                    9:30 am in the Adult Library. Please join us!

                                                                   END OF LIFE PLANNING
                                                                      Austin Funeral Services will be presenting a work-
                                                                    shop on end-of-life planning. This will be for anyone
  Our next CPWM meeting will be Tuesday, April 26.                  interested in attending and will hopefully answer ques-
We will be meeting at the church at 10:30 am and taking             tions you may have about being prepared.
the church bus for a trip to Thistle Farms for lunch.                 This workshop will be held Monday, April 11 at
Please call the church office to make your reservation.             10:30 am at Brenthaven.

                                 SPECIAL BLOOD DRIVE—FRIDAY, APRIL 8
  Brenthaven is hosting a special blood drive in Memory of Frank Corrigan, Friday,
April 8, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
  Celebrate life and make a difference by giving blood. Blood is needed for many kinds
of patients. It could be for a young child with a rare blood disorder, a family member
fighting cancer, or a friend involved in a car accident.
  Please schedule an appointment to donate by logging onto and enter sponsor code: Bren-
thaven19, or contact Julie Corrigan at
  Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by completing your pre-donation reading and
health history questions on the day of your appointment. Go to
                                      Can you give? Will you give? Please sign up to give!

                                                         P AGE 2
THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church
PRAYER CONCERNS                                                                We want to remind everyone to complete your prayer
Recent Additions                                                             chains and bring them to worship on Easter Sunday. If
 Lucille King (sister-in-law of Bart King)                                   you’re going to be out of town on Easter, please bring
                                                                             your chains to the church sometime that week (or on
Members                                                                      Palm Sunday) and we'll add it for you.
Phyllis Burkhalter, Lisa Cook, Corina Crowe, Ben Davis,
Kathy Dozier, Marilyn Ewen, Ollie Faircloth, Fred Ford,                       THANK YOU!
Sr., Barbara Gentry, Paul Gonzales, Madge Graves,                             Thanks for all the cards, phone calls, and love ex-
Tommy Hennesy, Johnny Johnson, Robert Lipe,                                   pressed during these last few weeks. I am gradually
Barbara Loyall, Walter McBee, Jack C. Phillips, Lorri                         getting better as my broken bones are healing and I am
Jean Pulley, Nanette Ricker, Jodi Rush, Cheryl & Don                          able to move around and do more things. Still not fully
Tabor, the Travis Family                                                      recovered, but I’m making progress.
                                                                                Thanks so much! Syble Mitchell
Family and Friends
 Enchanted Aura Adams (infant daughter of friend of Joan Bledsoe),
                                                                             WELL DONE, LEAH AND THANK YOU, BRENTHAVEN!
 Pat Allen (mother of Greg T. Allen), Drew Ammann (cousin of
 Amity Marsh), Matt Anglin (friend of Becky & Ronny Jones), Abby               Leah McCulley recently had the lead role of Belle in
 Bailey and Family (friend of Jane Dowden), Merritt Brakebill                Beauty and the Beast at Sunset Middle School’s spring musi-
 (brother-in-law of Joe Malloy), Michelle Burke (daughter of Joyce Burch),   cal. She appreciated having so many of her Brenthaven
 Betty Canupp (mother of Betsy Canupp), Betty Sue Cook (mother               family there to support her!
 of Lisa Cook), Bobby Crabbe (Bart King’s nephew), Harvey
 Crowe (mother of Charlie Crowe), Johnny Cunningham (friend of
 the Ford family), Christi Dale (friend of Jonelle Summitt), Melody
 Dobbins (daughter-in-law of Bill & Kathy Dobbins), Mary Dale
 Edwards (mother of John Edwards), Bill Garrett (son of Beverly
 Garrett), Butch Garrett (brother-in-law of Beverly Garrett), Ann
 Ghianni (sister-in-law of Tim Ghianni), Matt Gross (co-worker of            IMPORTANT YOUTH/KOK DATES
 Angie Johnson), Shirley Jansma, Rev. Greg Jones (CP Minister),
                                                                                Sun., April 17: Easter Service and Egg Hunt
 David Katz (brother of Dan MacDonald), Lanora Kuest (mother of
 Melinda Fleming), Charlie Litchy (friend of the Keiser & Morris                Sun., April 24: Children’s Service Sunday (All grades
 families), Cory Massey (Donna Kirby’s son-in-law), Ayden Orr                   of KOK participate)
 (friend of Ollie, Baird and Miah Faircloth), Michael Pack, George              Sun., May 1: High School Graduate Recognition
 Peay (father of Trent Johnson), Joan Peay (mother of Trent Johnson),
 Doug Phelps, Toni Prosser (mother of Cynthia Bowker),                       Summer Activities:
 Yvonne Reid (aunt of Liz Strickland), Rev. Bill Rolman (father of              June 5–10: Senior High Synodic Camp
 Deborah Rolman), Raymond Roman (friend of Amity Marsh),
 Darlene Rush (Pastor Kip’s mom), Bob Rutledge (father of Trent                 June 13–16: Vacation Bible School (Volunteer Now!)
 Rutledge), Harlan Scales (friend of Pastor Kip), Rev. Teresa Shauf             June 18–24: Youth Mission Trip
 (CP Minister), Rev. Blake Stevens (CP Minister), Jim Summitt
 (uncle of Blair Summitt), Will Terry (friend Barrett Strickland), Liv          June 26–July 1: CPYC, high school youth
 Townsend (friend of Linda Lipe), Bill Turner (brother-in-law of                July 3–8: Junior Camp, completed 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
 Cheryl Tabor), Jeff Whitt (friend of Pastor Kip), Mariah CP
 Church, areas in Tennessee & Kentucky hit by storms,                           July 10–15: Junior High Camp, completed 6th, 7th, 8th
 those serving our country, Ukraine and Russia                                  July 15–16: Children’s Fest at Bethel University, com-
                                                                                pleted K-6th grade

                                                                    P AGE 3
THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church
516 Franklin Road                                                                                         Stamp
Brentwood, TN 37027-5909



  PHONE: (615) 373-4826
   FAX: (615) 373-4869

 Apr. 7 10:00 AM (& 6:30 PM) Lenten Bible Study
                                                               LECTIONARY READINGS FOR APRIL 10
        11:00 AM Creative Crafts (Adult Library)
                                                                          Sixth Sunday in Lent (purple)
 Apr. 8 8:00 AM–2:00 PM Blood Drive (FH)
Apr. 10 9:30 AM Sunday School                                      Liturgy of the Palms: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29;
        10:45 AM Worship                                                 Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-16
Apr. 11 10:30 AM End-of-Life Workshop (WW)                    Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50:4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16;
        6:30 PM Lenten Bible Study (Adult Library)            Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 22:14-23:56; Luke 23:1-49
Apr. 12 10:30 AM Bridge (Youth Classroom)
        6:30 PM Session                                          STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR APRIL 3
Apr. 13 5:45 PM Wednesday Night Special                                               OPERATING & DEBT
        7:30 PM Choir Practice (Choir Room)                                          RETIREMENT BUDGET
Apr. 14 10:00 AM Lenten Bible Study (Adult Library)        Dedicated Giving                       $ 109.00
        11:00 AM Creative Crafts (Adult Library)           Donations towards Budgeted Expense    16,635.50
        6:30 PM Maundy Thursday Service                    Weekly Need                           10,222.00
Apr. 15 6:30 PM Good Friday Service                        Received Year-to-Date                156,864.69
Apr. 16 9:00 AM Choir Practice                             Actual Spend Year-to-Date            145,417.55
Apr. 17 9:30 AM Sunday School                              Difference                            11,447.14
        10:45 AM Worship
        12:00 PM Easter Egg Hunt

 Kip J. Rush, Pastor                                      Session - The Elders
 Sandra Shepherd, Assoc. Pastor of Christian Discipleship   Class of 2022        Class of 2023       Class of 2024
 Cheryl Morris, Children’s Ministry                         Rachel Campbell      Andy Blake          Ben Gross
 Ean Taylor, Assoc. Pastor for Youth/Young Adult Ministry   Frank Scott          Deborah Deaton      Bart King
 Linda Pulley, Director of Music                            Kathy Wood-Dobbins   Melinda Fleming     Julie Murphy
 Amity Marsh, Organist                                      Stan Wooten          Jay McCulley        Jonelle Summitt
 Karen Benefield, Office Admin (
THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church THE MESSENGER - Brenthaven Church
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