Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle

Page created by Regina Taylor
Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle
Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle
Page 14                                                                 The Northside Chronicle                                                                         June 2022
                                                                                                                        City of Pittsburgh Northside Farmers’ Market
                                                                                                                        Allegheny Commons Park, East Ohio St. & Cedar Ave. on
                                                                                                                        Fridays from 3-7PM
                                                                                                                        Farmers’ Markets opened May 20, 2022 and run through
                                                                                                                        November 18, 2022. All markets sell farm-fresh fruits,
                                                                                                                        vegetables, meats, cheese and baked goods, plus flowers,
                                                                                                                        small gifts and gardening items. For more information, call

                                                 Photo by Noah Manalo

                                                 The Brighton Heights Citizens Federation is
                                                 pleased to announce the Sixteenth Annual
                                                 House and Garden Tour on Saturday, July 30.
                                                 This is an opportunity to celebrate the
                                                 history and architecture of our unique
   Dive into a good book to prevent              neighborhood of Brighton Heights.                                      Photo by Lauren Stauffer

   the summer slide! This summer,                This year’s tour will include gardens, an artist
   we’re asking the community to                 market, and food trucks. The tour will                                 CitiParks Outdoor Pools
   band together to ensure that all              begin at 11:00 a.m. at Legion Memorial Park,                           Pools listed to open for the 2022 season include the Sue
   Pittsburgh youth read five.                   3601 Shadeland Avenue, the corner of                                   Murray Pool, 301 Cedar Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15212. 412-
                                                 Brighton Road and Davis Avenue. Tickets are                            323-7914. According to their website, due to low staffing
                                                                                                                        levels, CitiParks will be unable to provide normal Aquatic
   Summer Reading runs through                   $20. Two tickets can be purchased                                      Programs and have also indicated an ongoing effort to re-
                                                 before July 22 for $35. Tickets are available at                       cruit, train, and certify lifeguards to work towards opening
   August, 2022!                                 EventbriteTickets (                                     additional pools. The opening date will be announced on
                                                 Questions or comments can be directed to                               their website at:
                Scan or                          Phone contact: 412.301.3381
                Sign up today at

                                                                                                                        Photo by Lauren Stauffer

                                                                                                                        CitiParks Spray Parks & Playgrounds With
                                                 5 Points Merchants Group (5PM)                                         Spray Features - Now Open!
                                                 Embracing all Neighborhoods North                                      Spray park hours (weather permitting) 10 AM to 8 PM
                                                 412-628-2424 |                                    Daily
                                                                                   • Troy Hill Spray Park 1200 Goettman Street (15212)—
                                                 Hosting multiple Flea Markets this summer, first two: July             Spray Park is located next to the ballfield.
                                                 9 & 23, Parking lot at Perrysville & Mairdale Aves. Come               • Marmaduke Playground - Spray Feature 3915 Oswald St.
                                                 sell or buy and mingle with neighbors. Join us at Riverview            Pittsburgh, PA 15212
                                                 Park Valley Refuge Community Garden to grow your own                   • Spring Hill Playground - Spray Feature 1308 S Side Ave,
                                                 vegetables. Visit our website for details or call for a Flea           Pittsburgh, PA 15212
                                                 Market or Garden space, volunteer, donate, or participate
                                                 in our events.                                 Photo by Ashlee Green   Tennis & Pickleball Courts
                                                                                                                        Outdoor courts are open to the public for use at any time-
                                                                                                                        -free of charge provided no permitted group has a reserva-
                                                                                                                        tion. Private groups wishing to utilize the courts for season
                                                                                                                        use, tournaments, clinics, etc. must apply for a permit.
                                                                                                                        • Allegheny Commons (West Commons) Park - on West
                                                                                                                        Ohio St., next to Gus & Yiayia’s Ice Ball Stand. 3 tennis
                                                                                                                        courts are available.
                                                                                                                        • Manchester Park - at Columbus Ave. and Fulton St. with
                                                                                                                        2 tennis courts are available.
                                                                                                                        • Riverview Park - behind the Observatory, with 2 tennis
 presented by                                                                                                           courts available.
                            FREE TO THE PEOPLE                                                                          • Allegheny Commons (East Commons) Park - on N
Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle
June 2022                                                                                 The Northside Chronicle                                                                            Page 15
Commons Ave at the lower end of Richie                                                                 Senior Community Centers -                         home with you. Interested in collecting
McCabe Field. 2 pickleball courts available.                                                           Healthy Active Living (HAL)                        seeds on your own? Learn the times of the
• Fineview Park - at Lanark St. and                                                                    Hot Lunch is available Monday through              year best to collect in your community.
Fineview Ave. 2 pickleball courts are avail-                                                           Friday at our Healthy Active Living Senior
able.                                                                                                  Centers. Please be sure to register with our
                                                                                                       staff by Noon the day before. Additional
The Roving Art Cart                                                                                    schedule of activities, celebrations, excur-
Activities are best suited for children ages 5                                                         sions, plus more.
to 12. Though all children should be super-                                                            • Brighton Heights HAL Senior Center -
vised, children younger than 5 MUST have                                                               3515 McClure Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212
a caregiver present while they participate in    Photo courteousy of City of Pittsburgh                (412) 766-4656
activities. Tuesdays & Fridays 10 AM to 1                                                              • Northview Heights HAL Senior Center -
PM at the following Northside locations:         Stars at Riverview Jazz Series                        currently closed, re-opening information
June 28 - Allegheny Commons Park (WEst           SATURDAYS: June 11 - August 27, 2022                  coming soon.
Commons) Near National Aviary                    7:00 - 8:30 pm, Riverview Park                                                                            Photo by Pixabay

July 5 - Troy Hill Spray Park                    June 11 - Roger Barbour Music                                                                            Storytime: Family Fun
July 8 - Riverview Park at the Observatory       June 18 - Das/Lorence/Karsh Trio                                                                         July 12 @ 10:30 am - 11:00 am
Entrance                                         June 25 - Kea Michaels                                                                                   CLP – Allegheny
August 2 - Riverview Park at the Observa-        July 2 - Clare Ascani                                                                                    1230 Federal St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212
tory Entrance                                    July 9 - Lee Robinson & ISKA                                                                   
                                                 July 16 - Reggie Watkins Quartet                                                                         Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes.
                                                 July 23 - Ronni Weiss and Friends                                                                        Designed to engage children ages birth to
Cinema in the Park
                                                 July 30 - Rick Finkelstein Artistry                                                                      5 years, Family Fun storytimes provide an
Free movie seasons kicks off with a new
                                                 August 6 - Swingtet 8                                                                                    opportunity for a shared library experience
pop up schedule throughout June. Visit
                                                 August 13 - Bobby Short Band and Show                 Photo by Akil Mazumder                             for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and their for the pop
                                                 August 20 - R.E.D. Experience                         Summer Reading Kick-Off with                       grownups. During this 30 minute program,
up schedule
                                                 August 27 - Steel City Calypso                                                                           families will meet new friends and develop
Riverview Park - Observatory Hill sched-                                                               Tree Pittsburgh
ule starting Saturdays, July 2 – August 27.                                                            June 18 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm                        early literacy skills. For children ages birth
Movies begin at dusk:                            Citiparks’ Summer Food Service                        CLP – Allegheny                                    to five years and their caregivers.
July 2 - Space Jam: A New Legacy (PG);           Program                                               1230 Federal St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212
July 9 - Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (PG-13)       Available to children up to 18 years old,                               Summer Reading Kick-Off Party
July 16 - Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-13)        and those with intellectual disabilities up           Have you ever grown a flower or vegetable          June 18 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
July 23 - A Quiet Place Part II (PG-13)          to 21 years old.For additional information            from seed? How about a tree? Discover the          CLP – Woods Run
July 30 - Cyrano (PG-13)                         please contact Citiparks Food Programs                fascinating shapes, textures, and diversity        1201 Woods Run Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15212
August 6 - Snake Eyes (PG-13)                    Office at 412.571.3291. Begins on Wednes-             of tree seeds. Learn how to identify a tree
August 13 - No Time to Die (PG-13)               day, June 22, 2022 at Jefferson Rec Center:           simply by its seed, fruit, or nut. Receive a       Kick off the summer with CLP-Woods Run
August 20 - Stand and Deliver (PG)               605 Rednap St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212                  seed from a native Pennsylvania Kentucky           Library’s family friendly event celebrating
August 27 - Belfast (PG-13)                                                                            coffee tree, and prepare it to plant and take      the start of Summer Reading. Sign-up for

                                                                                                               Upcoming Events at Brighton Heights Lutheran Church

                                                                                                                                           Strawberry Festival
                                                                                                                                  Sunday, June 26th from 12:00-3:00 PM
                                                                                                                   Ticket prices: $8.00 per person and $4.00 per child 6 years and under.
                                                                                                                       Includes cake, strawberries, whipped cream, and a beverage.
                                                                                                                 Come enjoy a sweet afternoon to benefit local charities and our 50/50 raffle.
                                                                                                                                              All are welcome!

                                                                                                                                            Vacation Bible School
                                                                                                                                       July 11-15 from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM
                                                                                                                              Arts & Crafts, Games, Music, Bible Stories, and More!
                                                                                                                         For information or a registration form please call 412-761-8545
                                                                                                                              or email

                                                                                                                                       Brighton Heights Lutheran Church
                                                                                                                                        More than a Church, a Community.
                                                                                                                            3830 California Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 | (412) 761-8545
Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle
Page 16                                                                         The Northside Chronicle                                                                              June 2022
Summer Reading, pick up a book bag and                                                                                                             fern native to Central and South America
enjoy fun activities on the Woods Run                             Run wild by David                                    Return to nature : the      that has been used for centuries as a reme-
lawn. Children and teens can choose a free                        Covell, 2018                                         new science of how natu-    dy for skin-related conditions.
book, explore an art or craft activity while                                                                                                                 “Adding a daily supplement
enjoying a sweet treat. Recommended for
                                                                                                                       ral landscapes restore us   like Heliocare to your routine is a simple
children and families of all ages.                                                                                     by Emma Loewe, 2022         precaution you can take to help your body
                                                                                                                                                   protect itself from the damaging effects of
Storytime: Family Fun                                             Trees by Hickman,                                                                free radicals,” says New York-based derma-
June 4 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am                                      Pamela, 2019                                                                     tologist, Rachel Nazarian, MD. For more
CLP – Woods Run                                                                                                                                    information, visit
1201 Woods Run Ave. Pittsburgh, PA                                                                                                                           3. Protect your feet: Wearing
15212                                                                                                                                              properly-fitting, sports-specific footwear                                                                                                                            can help you avoid overuse injuries such as
Join us for stories, songs and action
                                                                  A new green day by                                                               plantar fasciitis and tendonitis. Over time
rhymes. Designed to engage children ages                          Antoinette Portis, 2020                                                          and mileage, athletic shoes lose their ability
birth to 5 years, Family Fun storytimes                                                                                                            to absorb shock and will need to be re-
provide an opportunity for a shared library                                                                                                        placed to help keep the muscles and joints
                                                                                                Photo by (c) lzf / iStock via Getty Images Plus
experience for babies, toddlers, preschool-                       Nature lover by Kelly                                                            in your feet and ankles protected. Headed
ers and their grownups. During this 30                                                                                                             for a swim? Always wear pool shoes or flip
                                                                  Starling Lyons, 2022
minute program, families will meet new                                                          Outdoor Living                                     flops in the locker room to prevent athlete’s
friends and develop early literacy skills. For                                                  Tips for Enjoying the Sunny Season Safely          foot and skin infections.
children ages birth to five years and their                                                                                                                  4. Protect your vision: UV light is
caregivers.                                                                                     (StatePoint) As the days grow long and             harmful to eye health and can put you at
                                                                                                the weather warms, you’re likely spending          greater risk for a number of conditions that
Book Club                                              Adult books:                             more time outdoors. Whether you’re taking          impact vision. Wearing sunglasses with UV
June 24 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am                                                                   a brisk walk around the neighborhood or            protection is a good idea. A hat with a brim
                                                                                                competing in a triathlon, keep these five          or cap with a visor can offer eyes additional
July 5 @ 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm                                       Last child in the woods :                                                        shade with the bonus of protecting your
CLP – Woods Run                                                                                 sunny season tips in mind:
                                                                  saving our children from                1. Replenish fluids: It’s easy to        scalp and face too. At the pool, keep chlo-
1201 Woods Run Ave. Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                  nature-deficit disorder       become dehydrated when you’re active.              rine and other disinfecting chemicals out
15212                                           by Richard Louv, 2008         Replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of        of your eyes by always using goggles. Some
Join us for a lively book discussion of The                                                     water and healthy beverages and by con-            pairs even offer UV protection.
Horsewoman by James Patterson (6/24)                                                            suming water-rich foods like fresh fruits                    5. Ward off bugs: There’s nothing
and The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah                                                           and vegetables. Because sweat contains             more calming than connecting with nature,
(7/5).                                                                                          electrolytes, you’ll also want to add foods        that is until biting and stinging bugs find
                                                                  Vitamin N : the essential                                                        their way to you. When going for walks in
                                                                                                that contain sodium, potassium, magne-
                                                                  guide to a nature-rich life   sium and calcium to your diet.                     the woods, wear long sleeves and use an
Northside ‘Outside in                                             by Richard Louv, 2016                   2. Protect skin: Sun exposure            EPA-approved insect repellent. When you
                                                                                                can contribute to the production of free           get home, do a quick inspection for ticks.
Nature’ Reading Lists                                                                           radicals. More free radicals in the body           You can also make your yard a safer, more
                                                                  Rewild yourself : mak-        means more damage can accumulate over              comfortable place to spend time by using
Books on the great outdoors are available at                                                    time, and this DNA damage can cause gene           a citronella candle or tiki torch to ward off
                                                                  ing nature more visible
the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh branch-                                                      mutations that can lead to skin cancer. This       mosquitoes.
es of Allegheny and Woods Run. View                               in our lives by Simon                                                                      Warm sunny weather is ideal for
                                                                                                is why a multi-layered approach to skin
the full library catalog online to request                        Barnes, 2019                  protection is vital.                               fun, active days spent outdoors. Just be sure
materials from other branches to be picked                                                                In addition to recommending              to take precautions to stay healthy and safe.
up  at courtesy
 Photos eitherofNorthside        branch. carnegieli-
                CLP library catalog                                                             daily use of topical broad-spectrum SPF,                                                        Finding ecohappiness :        a 2020 survey found that 87% of U.S. der-

                                                                  fun nature activities to      matologists recommend that their patients
Children books:                                                   help your kids feel hap-      take a daily dose of Heliocare Daily Use
                                                                                                Antioxidant Formula as a simple way to
                                                                  pier and calmer by Sandi      help protect the skin. This natural, dietary
                   Nature’s Day: discover                         Schwartz, 2022                supplement contains 240 milligrams of a
                   the world of wonder
                                                                                                powerful antioxidant formula derived from
                   on your doorstep, Kay                                                        the extract of Polypodium leucotomos
                   Maguire, 2016                                                                (PLE). Polypodium leucotomos is a tropical
Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle Northside Outside Guide 2022 - The Northside Chronicle
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