Page created by Joshua Sutton

  OMX 2021
2 | ORBEA                                             TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                    ORBEA | 3

INDEX                                       EN P.02 | ES P.56

01 IN T R ODU CTI ON                                       04            CHAINSTAYS AND BOTTOM BRACKET
Key to symbols
02 ORBEA WARRANTY                                           06            Base handlebar
                                                                          Bridge and extensions
03 M AINTENANC E                                            08           AERO BOTTLE AND TOOLBOX
Keep your bicycle clean
Keep your drivetrain lubricated                                          0 8 CABLE ROUTING                                   35
Inspect your bicycle before every ride                                   CABLE ROUTING. MECHANICAL ASSEMBLIES
Maintenance schedule                                                      Brake hoses
Replacement parts                                                         Gears
After a crash or an impact                                               CABLE ROUTING. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLIES
                                                                          Brake hoses
04 US E WARNI NGS                                            11           Shimano DI2 system
Maximum tyre width                                                        Blipbox junction (Sram Etap)
Seatpost and front post minimum insertion
Intended use                                                             0 9 A DJ UST M E NT O F F ITTIN G ELEM EN TS        42
                                                                         Front post height adjustment
OR D U OMX 2021                                             12           Extensions position adjustment
05 GEOMETRY AND SIZING                                      14           Saddle position and angle adjustment
                                                                         Bridge and extensions angle adjustment
06 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS                                 16           Bridge orientation adjustment
07 ASSEMBLY AND SPARES                                      19           Base handlebar height change

HEADSET AND STEM                                                         10 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY                        54
 Head tube measurements
 *GCFUGVURGEKƂECVKQPU                                                   11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                          55
 Headset and stem assembly and spares                                    ORDU OMX DEALER ASSEMBLY GUIDE (ES|EN|FR|DE)       110
 Headset adjustment
 Trainer compatibility
 Speed release axles use
4 | ORBEA                                                                       TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                   ORBEA | 5

                                                                                                   KEY TO SYMBOLS
This technical manual contains important information about your bicycle, its                       Throughout this technical manual, various symbols are used that indicate
use, maintenance and replacement parts. Please read it carefully.                                  instructions and warnings for use, maintenance and assembly. Pay attention
                                                                                                   to these symbols to avoid hazardous situations and ensure the correct use and
This document is a supplement to the General User’s Manual for Orbea bicycles                      assembly of all components.
and components, which describes in a more detailed manner their appropriate
use and the adjustment of the general components of the bicycles for safe                          The meaning of these symbols is explained below. In this manual, the symbol
riding and operation. You can see and download the User’s Manual and the rest                      may appear accompanied only by the relevant instruction for the component
of the technical manuals for Orbea products from our website:                                      described. Read the following information carefully in order to understand their

You can consult the information on the use, maintenance and characteristics                        SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                                            TOOLS AND TIGHTENING TORQUES
of the components of other manufacturers that are assembled on our bicycles,
such as wheels, handlebars, pedaling assistance systems, suspension forks,                                      DANGER: Immediately hazardous situation.                          SPANNER                             TORX KEY
etc, on the manufacturer’s website or through their dealer in your country.                                     If not avoided, serious injury or even death
                                                                                                                will occur.
                                                                                                                                                                                  ALLEN KEY                           PHILLIPS
                                                                                                                WARNING: Potentially hazardous situation.
                                                                                                                If not avoided, serious injury or even death                            The key number is indicated
                                                                                                                may occur.
                                                                                                                                                                     6                  inside the symbol.                       6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10 N.m
                                                                                                                CAUTION: Potentially hazardous situation.         TIGHTENING TORQUES: The corresponding tightening
                                                                                                                If notavoided, minor or moderate injury           torque (in Newtons/meter) is indicated beneath the sym-
                                                                                                                may occur.                                        bol of the tool to use for the element described.

                                                                                                                                                                  ASSEMBLY COMPOUNDS
                                                                                                                Not related to injury. Property situation
                                                                                                                hazard.                                                                 OIL: Light lubrication of elements like chains
                                                                                                                                                                                        and cables.

                                                                                                                                                                       GREASE           GREASE: High quality assembly grease to
                                                                                                                                                                                        avoid creaking and seizing.
                                                                                                   The symbols DANGER and WARNING inform about a dan-
                                                                                                   gerous situation that, if not avoided, may cause an acci-                            CARBON PASTE: %CTDQPƂDGTCUUGODN[
                                                                                                   dent. An accident while riding a bicycle always poses risk       FIBER CARBON GRIP
                                                                                                                                                                                        compound to increase friction between
                                                                                                   of serious injury or even death. In this manual, the risk of                         ECTDQPƂDGTEQORQPGPVU
                                                                                                   death may therefore not always be mentioned when these
                                                                                                   symbols appear, since the risk is explained here.                                    LOCTITE SERIES 600: Fixing cylindrical

                                                                                                                                                                                        LOCTITE SERIES 200: Threadlock. Medium

                                                                                                                                                                                        LOCTITE SERIES 400: Instant adhesive.
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Our continuous daily effort to provide maximum quality
of our bicycles allows us to offer the following warranty
                                                               This warranty extends the original period of coverage
                                                               against paint, varnish or corrosion defects on the frames
                                                                                                                                  02. REGISTER YOUR BARCODE
                                                                                                                                                                    WARRANTY C LAIM PROC ESS
and coverage conditions:                                       and rigid forks for one additional year after the end of the
                                                                                                                                                                    All warranty claims must be processed through an author-
                                                               legal warranty period.
                                                                                                                                                                    ized Orbea dealer, who will perform the initial diagnosis
LEGAL WARRANTY                                                 Orbea’s lifetime commercial warranty only covers frames
                                                                                                                                                                    and send Orbea all the necessary documentation for a
                                                                                                                                                                    complete diagnosis of the claim in question. The dealer
                                                               and rigid forks, but not OC components.
Orbea offers the original owner of the Orbea bicycle, rigid                                                                                                         will inform the owner about the status of the process and
fork or original component a legal warranty of 2 years from                                                                                                         the decision made on the warranty claim by Orbea.
                                                               For a full description of the warranty conditions for the
the date of purchase of the items, or the period stipulated    lifetime warranty, please visit:
as the legal warranty in the country of purchase.                                                                                                                   We recommend that you always visit the dealer where you
                                                                                                                                                                    purchased your bicycle to process a warranty claim, or the
This warranty covers all Orbea products against manufac-                                                                                                            dealer you chose during the process of purchasing a bicy-
turing defects and/or lack of compliance and guarantees                                                                                                             cle that was delivered directly to your home. If you cannot
the repair or replacement of the defective product at no       R E GI ST E R YOU R BICYCLE                                                                          visit the original dealer, you can check the list of author-
                                                                                                                                                                    ized dealers on our website or contact Orbea directly so
cost to the affected customer. Likewise, this warranty also
covers paint, varnish and corrosion defects on all frames      +P QTFGT VQ DGPGƂV HTQO VJG 1TDGC NKHGVKOG YCTTCPV[ GZ-   03. WHERE TO FIND YOUR BARCODEA   we can indicate the dealer you should visit.
and rigid forks assembled on our bicycles during the pe-       tension, you must register your bicycle within 30 days of
TKQFURGEKƂGFKPVJGRTGXKQWURCTCITCRJQHVJKUYCTTCPV[      its purchase at:                                                                                     www.orbea.com/es-es/distribuidores/?country

This warranty does not cover in any case damage derived        www.orbea.com/es-es/acceso-registro?from=register-plate/                                             www.orbea.com/us-en/contacto
from inappropriate use, falls or accidents or the lack of
maintenance, as well as the normal wear and tear of con-       01. REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNT
sumable parts, such as, by way of example, but without
limitation: seals, bearings, handlebar tape, spokes, tires,
saddles, etc.

For a full description of the coverage conditions and the
legal warranty, please visit:


As a supplement to the legal warranty, Orbea offers the
original buyer of the bicycle the Orbea lifetime commer-
cial warranty, as long as they have registered their product
on the Orbea website within 30 days of its purchase. This
lifetime warranty covers the frames and rigid forks that we
mount on our bicycles against manufacturing defects and
material conformity issues with no time limitation.
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Orbea products are carefully designed to be long-lasting,       INSPECT YOUR BICYCLE BEFORE EVERY RIDE                         BEARINGS: The bearings (bottom bracket, linkage pivot                      For components from other brands mount-
GHƂEKGPVCPFGCU[VQOCKPVCKP6JGECTDQPCPFCNWOKPWO                                                                        points, headset, wheels, etc.) are elements subject to wear                ed on Orbea bicycles, you can check the
frames and forks are extremely corrosion-resistant.             Do a quick check before each ride to make sure that your       that must be inspected on a regular basis to ensure that                   recommended or mandatory maintenance
                                                                bicycle is in optimal operating conditions. You might dis-     they operate correctly. Bearings in poor condition can                     periods on the manufacturer’s website or
However, your bicycle needs regular maintenance of its          cover small problems that could turn into major issues         damage the components in which they are installed. Ad-                     by contacting the distributor of that brand
components in order to ensure that it works properly and        during the ride.                                               verse weather conditions speed up bearing wear. Bearings                   in your country.
safely, and to ensure its longevity.                                                                                           that have excessive play or that do not turn smoothly must
                                                                FRAME: Inspect the frame and the fork, looking for cracks      be replaced immediately. In the case of any doubt, consult                 Damage to components as a result of failing
KEEP YOUR BICYCLE CLEAN                                         or other damage. No strange noises should be heard. In         your authorized dealer.                                                    to follow the recommended maintenance
                                                                the event of any damage to the frame, avoid using the                                                                                     periods could result in damage that is not
Clean your bicycle with mild soap and water on a regular        bicycle and contact your authorized dealer for inspection.                  Damage to components like the frame, bi-                      covered by the warranty conditions of Orbea
basis to keep it working like new, and check the condition                                                                                  cycle wheels, etc. associated with the lack                   or the component manufacturer.
of the frame and its components. Do not use pressurized         CHAIN: Ensure it’s clean and lubricated. The drivetrain                     of maintenance and the replacement of the
water, since it could damage components like bearings or        should not make any abnormal noises.                                        bearings are not covered by the warranty                      The failure to comply with maintenance
the tubes of the frame.                                                                                                                     conditions.                                                   periods could result in damage to the
                                                                BRAKES: Check that the brakes operate properly and                                                                                        components and lead to malfunctions and
Citrus-based degreasers are biodegradable and very effec-       in a safe manner. Check the tightening torques of the                       Failure to follow the recommendations out-                    accidents.
tive in removing grease from drivetrain components and          components.                                                                 lined in this manual and riding a bicycle that
the chain.                                                                                                                                  shows signs of the symptoms described above      HEADSET:
                                                                TIRES: Check for worn tires and look for cuts on the tread                  may cause accidents and serious injuries.        · Inspection of its operation before each ride.
             Accumulated dirt can complicate the visual         or sides. If you spot damage, replace the tire. Make sure                                                                    · Disassembly and manual inspection of the bearings once
             inspection of the components and hide dam-         that the tire pressure is adequate.                                         TIGHTENING TORQUES. Always check the               every 6 months of use.
             age that could potentially cause malfunctions                                                                                  tightening torques and install the compo-
                                                                                                                                                                                             BOTTOM BRACKET:
             or accidents.                                      WHEELS: Check that the wheels turn smoothly and show                        nents described in this manual according
                                                                                                                                                                                             · Inspection of its operation before each ride.
                                                                no signs of lateral deviations. Turn the wheel slightly from                VQVJGVKIJVGPKPIVQTSWGURGEKƂECVKQPU(QN-
                                                                                                                                                                                             · Disassembly and manual inspection of the bearings once
             Built-up dirt causes the premature wear            side to side to check that there is no lateral play in the                  NQYVJGVKIJVGPKPIVQTSWGURGEKƂECVKQPUHQT
                                                                                                                                                                                               every 6 months of use.
             of components and can even damage the              bearings. Make sure that there are no broken or loose                       components from other manufacturers in-
             bicycle frame in areas such as the bearing         spokes. Check that the axles or quick-release levers are                    stalled on your Orbea bicycle. The failure to    DRIVETRAIN:
             housings and moving parts. Damage due to           securely tightened with the correct tightening torque.                      HQNNQYVJGUGURGEKƂECVKQPUOC[NGCFVQVJG      · Inspection of its operation before each ride.
             the lack of cleaning and maintenance is not                                                                                    malfunction of the components, accidents         · Regular inspection of chain wear every 500 km. A chain
             covered by the warranty.                           HEADSET: Activate the front brake and move the front part                   and even death.                                    that is worn beyond the manufacturer’s recommenda-
                                                                of the bicycle back and forth, applying pressure on the                                                                        tions must be replaced to prevent damage to the rest
                                                                                                                                                                                               of the drivetrain components. The failure to observe the
                                                                                                                               MA IN TEN A N CE SC H EDULE
KEEP YOUR DRIVETRAIN LUBRICATED                                 handlebars with the rear wheel on the ground. Check for
                                                                strange noises or movement of the headset, which could                                                                         manufacturer’s recommendations in terms of wear could
Once you have cleaned your bicycle, lubricate the driv-         indicate that the bearings are worn or the headset has not                                                                     necessitate the replacement of the rest of the parts of
GVTCKP URGEKƂECNN[ VJG EJCKP 7UG VJG OKPKOWO COQWPV   been correctly tightened. Once the headset is correctly                                                                        the drivetrain.
necessary to lubricate the links, removing any excess           adjusted, check that it turns smoothly.                                     Maintenance periods for the components
amounts to prevent them from attracting dirt, causing the                                                                                   indicated below are general guidelines and
                                                                                                                                                                                             · Inspection of its operation before each ride.
drivetrain to not work properly and the premature wear of       LINKAGE PIVOT POINTS: On full suspension bicycles,                          largely depend on factors such as weather
                                                                                                                                                                                             · Disassembly and manual inspection of the bearings and
the components.                                                 check that all the linkage pivot points rotate smoothly and                 conditions in which your bicycle is ridden
                                                                                                                                                                                               all components once every 6 months.
                                                                show no signs of play in the bearings. Pull the linkages                    (adverse conditions considerably reduce the
              Avoid the use of aerosol lubricants to pre-       from side to side on the bicycle and pay attention to any                   life of the components and increase mainte-      SHOCKS AND SUSPENSION FORKS:
              vent them from adhering to the brake sur-         noise or play at the pivot points. If the linkages do not                   nance frequency), the cleanliness of your bi-    · Inspection of its operation before each ride.
              faces. Always check the brakes after lubri-       operate smoothly or show signs of play, it could be a sign                  cycle and its components (components with        · Inspection and full maintenance every 125 hours or once
              cating the drivetrain.                            that the tightening torques are incorrect or that the bear-                 accumulated dirt wear more quickly), and           C [GCT YJKEJGXGT QEEWTU ƂTUV  D[ VJG OCPWHCEVWTGToU
                                                                ings are worn or damaged.                                                   use (more demanding use of the bicycle will        authorized dealer.
                                                                                                                                            require more frequent maintenance periods).
10 | ORBEA                                                                                                TECHNICAL MANUAL       BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                           ORBEA | 11

                                                                                                                                                                                                      04 WARNINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OF USE
· Inspection of its operation before each ride.
                                                                R E P LAC EMEN T PA RTS                                                       The materials used on carbon frames and                 M AXIM UM TYRE W IDTH
· Inspection and full maintenance every 125 hours or once                                                                                     forks are rigid and strong, but if overloaded
                                                                Always use original Orbea replacement parts or those from                     QTKHVJG[UWHHGTCPKORCEVVJGƂDGTUFQPQV          6JKUVGEJPKECNOCPWCNURGEKƂGUVJGOCZKOWOUK\GQHVJG
                                                                the component manufacturer in question.                                       bend, and they will break. A strong enough              tyres that can be mounted on the frame. Always follow
  authorized dealer.
                                                                                                                                              impact to this material could cause damage              these guidelines when installing tyres on your bicycle.
PIVOT POINTS ON FULL SUSPENSION FRAMES:                                       The use of non-original replacement parts may                   VJCV YJKNG PQV XKUKDNG CV ƂTUV INCPEG EQWNF
· Inspection of its operation before each ride.                               cause damage that results in malfunctions                       cause the materials to fail in the future. In the       However, the real measurements of the tyre circumfer-
· Disassembly of the frame and the manual inspection of                       and accidents with serious consequences.                        case of any doubt about the consequences of             ence and width may change from one manufacturer to
  all the bearings every 125 hours of use or once a year                                                                                      a fall or accident, contact your Orbea dealer           another. When installing a tyre other than that originally
   YJKEJGXGTQEEWTUƂTUV 6JGUGVKOGUOC[DGUJQTVGTFG-                     The installation of some of the replacement                     for a correct diagnosis of the materials.               mounted on your Orbea bicycle, check that there is at
  pending on the conditions in which the bicycle is ridden.                   parts in this technical manual are beyond                                                                               least 3 mm between the top and the sides of the tyre and
  More demanding use of the bicycle or use in adverse                         the mechanical knowledge of most bicycle           Check the drivetrain and the wheels to make sure that the            any part of the frame.
  weather conditions or in mud requires the disassembly                       WUGTU+H[QWCTGPQVSWCNKƂGFVQKPUVCNNVJGUG   components operate correctly. If you discover any damage
  and inspection of the frame once every 75 hours of use                      replacement parts, always visit an Orbea           to the components, stop using the bicycle immediately.                            Damage to the frame or components due
  QTQPEGGXGT[OQPVJU YJKEJGXGTEQOGUƂTUV +HCDGCT-                   dealer for maintenance on your bicycle and                                                                                           to the use of a tyre that does not comply with
  ing does not turn smoothly or has excessive play, it must                   its components. The failure to properly install    Even if you do not observe any damage, pay close atten-                           these measurements is not covered by the
  be replaced immediately.                                                    replacement parts can result in malfunctions,      tion to the sound of your bicycle when you ride it again.                         warranty conditions.
                                                                              accidents and serious injuries.                    Damage and other problems can cause unusual noises.
· Inspection of its operation before each ride.
                                                                              The installation of non-original replacement
                                                                                                                                 If you notice any unusual noise, stop using your bicycle
                                                                                                                                 immediately and contact your Orbea dealer for a correct
                                                                                                                                                                                                      MINIMUM SEATPOST
· Replacement of gear cables every 6 months to 1 year
  depending on the conditions in which the bicycle is used.
                                                                              parts can damage your bicycle and is not           diagnosis of the problem.                                            AND FRONT POST INSERTION
                                                                              covered by the warranty conditions.
BRAKES:                                                                                                                                                                                                            #NYC[U HQNNQY VJG URGEKƂECVKQPU TGICTFKPI
· Inspection of the operation and wear of the brake pads or
  shoes before each ride.                                       AFTER A CRASH OR AN IMPACT                                       TAKE YOUR ORBEA BICYCLE TO AN AUTHORIZED                                          the minimum insertion depth of the seatpost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   or the frame on road bicycles with exclusi-
                                                                                                                                 DEALER FOR A PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION
· Check the wear on disc brakes and the cables or hydrau-                                                                                                                                                          ve Orbea seatposts.On Ordu, also observe
  lic lines every 6 months to 1 year depending on the con-      Falling off your bike is part of cycling. If you have an acci-
                                                                dent on your Orbea bicycle, be sure that you’re okay and         Some of the consequences of a fall or accident can only be                        the instructions for the minimum front post
  ditions in which the bicycle is used. Flush the hydraulic                                                                      detected by completely disassembling the bicycle to check                         insertion. The failure to follow these instruc-
  lines once a year.                                            seek medical care, if necessary. If you are uninjured, you
                                                                should check the condition of your bicycle before conti-         for the presence of damage or other signs of deterioration.                       tions can cause stresses on the materials
                                                                nuing to ride.                                                                                                                                     beyond the conditions for which they were
             Some of these checks and maintenance                                                                                             A collision or impact can cause serious da-                          designed and cause damage not covered by
             needs go beyond the mechanical knowledge                                                                                         mage to your bicycle and its components,                             the warranty conditions, as well as accidents
             of most bicycle users. If you are not quali-       INSPECT THE FRAME AND THE BICYCLE COMPO-
                                                                NENTS TO SEE IF THEY HAVE BEEN DAMAGED IN                                     causing them to malfunction or wear out                              that can result in serious injuries.
             ƂGFVQRGTHQTOVJGPGEGUUCT[OCKPVGPCPEG                                                                                       prematurely. Malfunctions can occur sud-
                                                                ANY WAY
             always visit an Orbea dealer for maintenance
             on your bicycle and its components. The
                                                                                                                                              denly and without notice, causing you to lose
                                                                                                                                              control of your bicycle and suffer serious in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      INTENDED USE
             failure to perform proper maintenance can          If you detect any problem, do not continue to ride the
                                                                bicycle.                                                                      juries, or even death.                                                          The intended use of all models is
             result in malfunctions and accidents with se-
             rious consequences.                                                                                                                                                                                              ASTM Condition 1, for use on a
                                                                POINTS TO CHECK                                                                                                                                               regular paved surface where the
             Maintenance performed incorrectly can dam-                                                                                                                                                                       tyres are intended to mantain
             age the components, which are not covered          Inspect the frame and the fork to identify whether either of                                                                                                  ground contact.
             by the warranty conditions.                        these components have been broken or bent. If you detect
                                                                any damage or cracks, you must stop using the bicycle im-                                                                                                     For information about all ASTM
                                                                mediately. On carbon frames, look for cracks or soft spots                                                                                                    categories, consult the General
                                                                in the carbon. If you detect any of these symptoms, you                                                                                                       User Manual.
                                                                must stop using the bicycle immediately.

                                                               OMX 2021
14 | ORBEA               TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                             ORBEA | 15

05 GEOMETRY AND SIZING                      SI ZE S                                                          XS         SM            ML             XL
       ORDU OMX                               1.- Head Tube Length                                            59         96            96            149
                                              2.- Chainstay Length (Actual)                                  405        405           405           405
                                              3.- BB Drop                                                     75         75            75            75
                                              4.- Wheel Base                                                 971        1007          1007          1048
                                              5.- Seat Angle (Virtual)                                      74-78º     74-78º        74-78º        74-78º
                                              6.- Standover Height                                           746        781           781            831
                                              7.- BB-Front Wheel Axle                                        578        613           613           654
                                              8.- Trail                                                       60         60            60            60
                                              9.- Width                                                      380        380           380           380
                                            10.- Stack
                                                 High Position                                               481        516           516           566
                                                 Low Position                                                451        486           486           536
                                            11.- Reach                                                       641        665           665           689
                                            12.- Stack MAX                                                   605        640           690            740
                                                 Frontpost Insertion MIN                                      40         40            40            40
                                                 Stack MIN (w/o FP TRIMMING)                                 588        595           645           696
                                                 Stack MIN (w/ FP TRIMMING)                                  515        550           550           600
                                            13.- Reach
                                                 MAX (Bridge Pos. 1)                                         481        505           505           529
                                                 MIN (Bridge Pos. 2)                                         361        385           385           409
                                            14.- Elbow rests min/max Width (c-c)                            105-195   105-195       105-195        105-195
                                                 Tilt                                                        0-15º     0-15º          0-15º         0-15º
                                            15.- Height MAX                                                  762        797           827            876
                                                 Seatpost Insertion MIN                                      100        100           110            110
                                                 Height MIN (RECOMMENDED)                                      -        724           754            775
                                                 Height MIN (w/o SP TRIMMING)                                683        674           714            764
                                                 Height MIN (w/ SP TRIMMING)                                 589        624           624            675
                                            16.- Setback Travel                                              100        100           100            100

                                                        HE I GHT (CM)                     HEIG HT (IN)                                S IZE*
                                                               185                             72.8”                                    XL

                                            * These sizing measurements are an approximate guide. The most effective method to choose the right size for
                                            you is to try the bicycle at one of our authorized dealers.
16 | ORBEA                                                                                       TECHNICAL MANUAL     BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                  ORBEA | 17


Material                                                                                                              Rear axle measurements                                                      12x165mm
  Frame                                                         ORBEA CARBON OMX                                      Rear axle thread pitch                                    DOUBLE LEAD “MAVIC SPEED RELEASE” 2P1.0
  Fork                                                          ORBEA CARBON OMX                                      Rear axle thread length                                                       15mm
  Seatpost / frontpost                                          ORBEA CARBON OMX                                                                                                       CARBON AERO. ORDU SPECIFIC
                                                                                                                      Seatpost                                                              XS-S/M: 330mm
Recommended use                                                    TRIATHLON/TT
                                                                                                                                                                                             M/L-XL: 370mm
                                                                 XS - S/M - M/L - XL
Available sizes                                                                                                       Seatpost wedge                                                    INTEGRATED. ORDU SPECIFIC
                                    (S/M and M/L sizes share frame and fork. Seatpost and frontpost length changes)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  XS: 100mm
Base handlebar                                          AERO. ORDU SPECIFIC. 2 POSITIONS                                                                                                         S/M: 100mm
                                                                                                                      Seatpost minimum insertion
                                                          (TQPVRQUV DTKFIG1TFWURGEKƂE                                                                                                      M/L: 110mm
                                                        Adjustable in height, length and angle                                                                                                    XL: 110mm
Compatible extensions diameter                                         22.2mm                                         Front post minimum insertion                                             40mm. All sizes
Front post adjustment range                                     SEE SIZING SECTION                                    Front derailleur                                          DOWNPULL. BRAZE-ON. REMOVABLE HANGER
                                                                   ORDU SPECIFIC                                      Front derailleur angle                                                         63º
Fork                                                             Integrated headtube                                                                                                    MINIMUM 40T - MAXIMUM 56T
                                                                  Hinge type headset                                  Chainring size (1X)
                                                                                                                                                                                             MAXIMUM OVAL 56T
Fork rake                                                               53mm
                                                                                                                                                                                 SHIMANO/CAMPAGNOLO: MIN 50T - MAX 56T
                                                                         XS                                                                     Big chainring                           SRAM: MIN 46T - MAX 56T
Fork sizes
                                                                       S/M-M/L                                                                                                      MAXIMUM BIG OVAL CHAINRING: 56T
 5K\GURGEKƂEKPVGITCVGFJGCFVWDG                                                                                     Chainring size (2X)
                                                                                                                                                                                            MAXIMUM 46T
Headset                                                 1" - 1-1/8" INTEGRATED. HINGE TYPE                                                      Small chainring
                                                                                                                                                                                   MAXIMUM SMALL OVAL CHAINRING: 46T
Headset                                                               UPPER: 1"
                                                                                                                      Cassette smallest sprocket size                                         FROM 10T TO 14T
bearings                                                            LOWER: 1-1/8"
                                                                                                                      Minimum Q-factor                                                             146mm
Wheel size
                                                                                                                      Maximum crank length                                                         175mm
  Maximum tyre width                                                  700C. 28”
                                                                                                                      Rear derailleur hanger                                           STANDARD AND DIRECT MOUNT
  UCI legal                                             700x28C (External diameter: 688mm)
                                                                                                                                                                        SHIMANO: ROAD 2x11 (Goupsets with TT brake and gear levers)
  Triathlon                                             700x30C (External diameter: 692mm)
                                                                                                                                                                    SRAM: ROAD 2x11, 2x12, 1x12 (Goupsets with TT brake and gear levers)
  Optimal aerodynamics                                                700x25C
                                                                                                                                                                            Blipbox juntion bracket (Etap) bolted to stem cover
Bottom bracket                                                  PRESS FIT. BB386EVO                                   Drivetrain compatibility
                                                                                                                      (Only disc brake groupsets)                        CAMPAGNOLO: Campagnolo TT disc brake levers not available
Bottom bracket shell width                                             86.5mm
Bottom bracket shell diameter                                           46mm                                                                                      TRP HD-T912 (brake only): It may be necessary to shorten the base handlebar
                                                                                                                                                                               ends until the desired lever position is achieved
Front dropouts standard                                              12x100mm
Front axle measurements                                              12x119mm
Front axle thread pitch                            DOUBLE LEAD “MAVIC SPEED RELEASE” 2P1.0
Front axle thread length                                                13mm
Rear dropouts standard                                               12x142mm
18 | ORBEA                                                                                                   TECHNICAL MANUAL    BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                 ORBEA | 19

                                                                                                                                 07 ASSEMBLY AND SPARES
                                                                                                                                 HEADSET AND STEM
                                                                 DI2 YES SEATPOST INTERNAL BATTERY ONLY
Di2 and EPS compatibility                                         EPS YES. (V3 AND V4 INTERNAL BATTERY)                          HEADTUBE MEASUREMENTS
                                                                   TT DISC BRAKE LEVERS NOT AVAILABLE

                                                                      INTERNAL (BRAKES AND GEARS)                                                                                        Ø 46.2
                                                   Through handlebar, extensions, bridge, frontpost, stem, headset and frame

Cable routing                                                                                                                                                                            Ø 38.2
                                                                                   Full sleeve
                                                                 Internal front brake routing through fork blade
Front brake                                                               DISC ONLY. FLAT MOUNT*

Front rotor diameter                                               MIN 140mm / MAX160mm (with adapter)
Rear brake                                                                DISC ONLY. FLAT MOUNT*
Rear rotor diameter                                                       MIN 140mm / MAX160mm

4GCTECNKRGTƃCVOQWPVƂZKPIDQNVNGPIVJ                                       Shimano = 33mm
(Chainstay height = 20mm)                                                       Sram = 27mm

                                                            1. AERO HOLDER AND BOTTLE (500ml) ORDU SPECIFIC
Bottle holder
                                                                    Standard holder and bottle compatible

                                                                            TOOLBOX IN DOWNTUBE
                                                         Capacity for: 1 inner tube, 2 CO2 cartridges and CO2 adapter

                                                              AFTERMARKET OPTIONS. BETWEEN EXTENSIONS
Hydration systems compatibility
                                                                        AND SADDLE RAILS***

Food storage compatibility                                   AFTERMARKET OPTIONS. BETWEEN EXTENSIONS***
Mudguards compatible                                                                  NO
Rack compatible                                                                       NO                                                                                                 Ø 41.2

Kickstand compatible                                                                  NO                                                                                                 Ø 46.2
Childseat compatible                                                                  NO
Trailer compatible                                                                    NO
                                                                                  SRM: YES                                       HEADSET SPECIFICATIONS
                                                                              POWER2MAX: YES
                                                                                 STAGES: YES                                                                                                      Compression ring/
Powermeter compatibility**                                                   ROTOR POWER: YES                                     Hinge type                                   Bearing                                  FSA             Bearing
                                                                                                                                                  TYPE         ID*     OD**                          crown race
                                                                               POWERBOX: YES                                      headset                                       angle                                  CODE           dimensions
                                                                                                                                                                                                    contact angle
                                                                                 QUARQ: YES
                                                                                SHIMANO: YES
                                                                                                                                                Integrated                                                                       Angular contact bearing
UCI legal                                                                             YES                                         TOP                        38.2mm   46.2mm     45º                    36º            TH-373
                                                                                                                                                    1”                                                                              38x27.2x6.5mm

                                                                                                                                                Integrated                                                                       Angular contact bearing
                                                                                                                                  BOTTOM                     41.2mm   46.2mm     45º                    36º            TH-873E
                                                                                                                                                  1-1/8”                                                                            41x30.2x6.5mm
* Not all calipers and rotors in the market are compatible with all frames.
  befores purchasing.
** For other powermeters, consult the compatibility and dimensions with the manufacturer.                                        * ID: Internal headtube diameter.
*** Consult the food and hydration systems characteristics with the manufacturer for their compatibility with Ordu OMX.          ** OD: External headtube diameter.
20 | ORBEA                                                                                                             TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                 ORBEA | 21

HEADSET AND STEM                                                                                                                          01 ORDU HEADSET BEARINGS KIT                                                       The headset axle and steering limiter block are
ASSEMBLY AND SPARES                                                                                                                       ART Nº: X1720000                                             QTY.                  UK\G URGEKƂE 4GCF VJG CTVKENG FGUETKRVKQP VQ
                                                                                                                                                             1.1 UPPER BEARING 1" INTERN. CABLING       1                    order the correct component for your frame.
                                                                                                                                                             1.2 LOWER BEARING 1-1/8"                   1

                                                                                         5.3/6.2    3         GREASE

                                                                     2 N.m                                                                02 HINGE HEADSET AXLE KIT ORDU XS                                   0 2 HINGE HEADSET AXLE KIT ORDU S/M-M/L
                                      2.1/6.1                                                      4 N.m                                       (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE                                                  (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE

                                                                                                                                          ART Nº: X1730300                                             QTY.   ART Nº: X1730500                                            QTY.
                                                                                                                                                             2.1 HEADSET PRELOAD BOLT M6x30                                      2.1 HEADSET PRELOAD BOLT M6x30
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                                                                  1
                                                                                                                                                                 COUNTERSUNK                                                         COUNTERSUNK
                                                                                                                                                             2.2 HINGE HEADSET AXLE 61mm                1                        2.2 HINGE HEADSET AXLE 61mm               1

               GREASE              4        5.2

                             6 N.m                                                                                                        02 HINGE HEADSET AXLE KIT ORDU XL                                   0 3 ST EERING L IM IT ER BLOCK ORDU XS
                                                                                                                                               (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE                                                  (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE

                                                                                                                                          ART Nº: X1730900                                             QTY.   ART Nº: X1740300                                            QTY.
                                                                                                                                                             2.1 HEADSET PRELOAD BOLT M6x30                                      3.1 STEERING LIMITER BLOCK ORDU XS         1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3.2 BOLT M4x12 COUNTERSUNK                 1
                                                     4                                                                                                       2.2 HINGE HEADSET AXLE 98mm                1

                          GREASE            1.1
                                                                                                                                          03 STE E R IN G LIMITER BLOCK ORDU S /M -M /L                       0 3 ST EERING L IM IT ER BLOCK ORDU XL
                                                                                                                                               (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE                                                  (TCOGUK\GURGEKƂE

                                                GREASE         1.2                                                                        ART Nº: X1740500                                             QTY.   ART Nº: X1740900                                            QTY.
                                                                                                                                                             3.1 STEERING LIMITER BLOCK ORDU S/M-M/L    1                        3.1 STEERING LIMITER BLOCK ORDU XL        1
                                                                                                                                                             3.2 BOLT M4x12 COUNTERSUNK                 1                        3.2 BOLT M4x12 COUNTERSUNK                1

                                                                                                                                          04 HEADSET PRELOAD RING ORDU. INT. CABLING                          0 5 ORDU OM X ST EM
                                                3        3.2                                                                              ART Nº: X1750000                                             QTY.   ART Nº: X1760000                                            QTY.
                                                                                                                                                             HEADSET PRELOAD RING ORDU. INT.                                     5.1 ORDU OMX STEM                         1
                                           4 N.m                                                                                                             CABLING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5.2 BOLT M5x15                            2
                                                                           3.1                                                                                                                                                   5.3 BOLT M5x30 COUNTERSUNK                2


                                                                                                                                          06 H AN DLE BAR / STEM BOLT KIT ORDU OM X
                                                                          GREASE   2.2
                                                                                                                       6                  ART Nº: X1770000                                             QTY.
                                                                                                                                                             6.1 H/SET PRELOAD BOLT M6x30
      Always follow the recommended                                                                                6 N.m                                         COUNTERSUNK
      torque settings.                                                                                                                                       6.2 BOLT M5X30 COUNTERSUNK                 4
                                                                                                                                                             6.3 HANDLEBAR M6 BOLT. W/ INTERNAL
                                                                                                                                                             6.4 BRIDGE FIXING BOLT M6x35               2
                                                                                                                                                             6.5 BOLT M2.5x10 STEM COVER                4
22 | ORBEA                                                                                      TECHNICAL MANUAL        BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                             ORBEA | 23

                                                                                                                                                                        0.5 N.m

                                           3      2      1       3
                                          2 N.m               4 N.m                                                                                      3

                             4        3
                          6 N.m

      Always follow the recommended                                                                                                     Always follow the recommended
      torque settings.                                                                                                                  torque settings.

                                                      HEADSET ADJUSTMENT.                                                                                                     REGULAR HEADSET ADJUSTMENT
                                                      AFTER FORK ASSEMBLY
                                                                                                                                                                              1. Remove the stem cover to access the headset adjust-
                                                       (KZVJGUVGOVQVJGHQTMYKVJVJGƂZKPIDQNVUVQUVQRVJG                                                            ment bolts.
                                                           stem from turning when adjusting the headset.
                                                      2. Adjust the headset preload bolt until there is no play in
                                                         the headset and it turns smoothly.                                                                                   3. Adjust the headset preload bolt until there is not play in
                                                                                                                                                                                 the headset and it turns smoothly.
                                                      3. Fix the stem to the preload ring.

                                                                                                                                                                              5. Install the stem bover.
24 | ORBEA                                                                TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                             ORBEA | 25

AXLES AND REAR DERAILLEUR                                                                                  Ordu OMX is only compatible with Mavic
                                                                                                           Speed Release standard thru-axles with a
                                                                                                                                                           0 7 THRU-AXLE ROAD 12x165mm LITE DOUBLE LEAD
                                                                                                                                                               THREAD PITCH 2P1.0x15mm
                                                                                                           double-lead 2P1.0 thread pitch for faster       ART Nº: X0510000                                               QTY.
                                                                                                           wheel changes. The use of axles with other                         7.1 AXLE ROAD 12x165x2P1.0x15mm LITE         1
                                                                                                           thread pitch will damage the frame.                                7.2 AXLE WASHER 12mm                         1

                                           7                                                 07 A MAVIC SPEED RELEASE AXLE 12x142mm                        0 8 REAR DERAILLEUR HANGER STANDARD ROAD 20 X12
                                                                                             ART Nº: X0520000                                       QTY.   ART Nº: X0470000                                               QTY.
                           10 N.m                                                                           MAVIC SPEED RELEASE AXLE 12x142mm        1                        8.1 DER. HANGER ROAD 20 STD X12
                                                                                                                                                                              8.2 BOLT M4x12

                                                                                                                                                                              The bolt is not used on Ordu OMX


                                                                                             09 REAR DERAILLEUR HANGER DIRECT MOUNT ROAD 20 X12            1 0 M18 DER. HANGER NUT X12 ROAD 20
             10 N.m
                                                                                             ART Nº: X0480000                                       QTY.   ART Nº: X0490000                                               QTY.
                                                                                                            9.1 DER. HANGER ROAD 20 DM X12           1                        M18 DER. HANGER NUT X12 ROAD 20              1
                                                                                                            9.2 BOLT M4x12
                                                                                                            The bolt is not used on Ordu OMX


                                                                     10    17                11 THRU-AXLE ROAD 12X119mm LITE DOUBLE LEAD                   1 1 A MAVIC SPEED RELEASE AXLE 12x100mm
                                                                                                THREAD 2P1.0x13mm
                                                                          8 N.m
                                                                                             ART Nº: X0540000                                       QTY.   ART Nº: X0550000                                               QTY.
                                                                                                            11.1 AXLE ROAD 12x119x2P1.0x13mm LITE    1                        MAVIC SPEED RELEASE AXLE 12x100mm            1
      Always follow the recommended
      torque settings.                                                                                      11.2 AXLE WASHER 12mm                    1

                                                                                             TRAINER AXLES
FRONT AXLE                                                                                   COMPATIBILITY                                                  10 N.m              GREASE


                                                                                                           To use your Ordu OMX on a trainer, a double-                                                    17
                                                                                                           lead 2Px1.0 thread pitch trainer axle must
                                                                                                           be used. Installing axles with a different                                                     8 N.m
                                                                                                           thread pitch will damage the frame.

                                                                                             12 TRAINER AXLE DOUBLE LEAD 2P1.0x35mm THREAD
                                                                                             ART Nº: X0560000                                       QTY.
        10 N.m                                                                                              12.1 TRAINER AXLE 12x183x2P1.0x35mm      1

                                                       11     6           GREASE
                                                                                                            12.2 TRAINER AXLE NUT 12mm               1

                                                            10 N.m                                                                                                 Always follow the recommended
                                                                                                                                                                   torque settings.
26 | ORBEA                                                                        TECHNICAL MANUAL    BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                         ORBEA | 27

SPEED REALEASE AXLES USE                                                                              CHAINSTAYS AND BOTTOM BRACKET

                                                                                                                                                                   3                                                     14.3     2           GREASE
                                                                                                                                                                  5 N.m                                                         3 N.m






                                                                                                                      Always follow the recommended
1. Turn the lever counter clock-wise.    2. Pull from the axle until it disengages from the left                      torque settings.
                                            dropout (from axle) or the right dropout (rear axle).                                                                                                                               13.5

                                                                                                       13 FRAME CABLEGUIDE/GROMMETS ORDU OMX                                        1 4 DOWNTUBE COVER KIT
                                                                                                       ART Nº: X1780000                                                   QTY.      ART Nº: X0590000                                           QTY.
                                                                                                                            13.1 BLIND GROMMET D8 REAR DER.                                        14.1 DI2 JUNCTION COVER DT                    1
                                                                                                                                 ETAP / FRONT DER. MECH-ETAP                                       14.2 TAPA TD ETAP/MECÁNICO                    1
                                                                                                                            13.2   RUBBER GROMMET DI2 D8 FRONT DER.        1                       14.3 BOLT M3x12                               2
                                                                                                                            13.3   GROMMET DI2 D8 FRONT DER.               1
                                                                                                                            13.4   ALLOY C/GUIDE REAR DER, MECHAN.         1
                                                                                                                            13.5   BB BOTTOM COVER                         1
                                                                                                                            13.6   CABLEGUIDE CLIP C/STAY                  1

                                                                                                       15 FR O N T DE R AILLE UR HANGER ORDU OM X
                                                                                                       ART Nº: X1790000                                                   QTY.
                                                                                                                            15.1 FRONT DER. HANGER ORDU OMX                1
                                                                                                                            15.2 BOLT M5x16 COUNTERSUNK                    2

3. Remove the wheel pulling downwards.
28 | ORBEA                                                                                                                                TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                 ORBEA | 29

                                                                                                                                                             16 DI2 BATTERY HOLDER OVAL SEATPOST                                1 7 RUBBER SEATPOST COLLAR ORDU OMX
                                                                                                                                                             ART Nº: X1800000                                            QTY.   ART Nº: X1810000                                              QTY.
                                                             6 N.m                                                                                                              DI2 BATTERY HOLDER OVAL SEATPOST          1                        RUBBER SEATPOST COLLAR ORDU OMX             1

                                                                                                    FIBER CARBON GRIP                                        18 SEATPOST WEDGE ORDU OMX                                         1 9 SEATPOST CB ORDU OMX 330mm (XS-S/M)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SADDLE CLAMP ASSEMBLY NOT INCLUDED
        Always follow the recommended
        torque settings.                                                                                                                                     ART Nº: X1820000                                            QTY.   ART Nº: X1833300                                              QTY.
                                                                                                                                                                                SEATPOST WEDGE ORDU OMX                   1                        SEATPOST CB ORDU OMX 330mm (XS-S/M)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SADDLE CLAMP ASSEMBLY NOT INCLUDED
                                                                                           Min. insert: 100mm

                               Min. insert: 110mm
                                                                                                   5                    GREASE

                                                                                                  8 N.m
                                                                                                                                                             20 SEATPOST CB ORDU OMX 370mm (M/L-XL)                             2 1 SADDLE CLAMP ASSEMBLY ORDU PRE-ASSEMBLED
                                                                                                                                                                  SADDLE CLAMP ASSEMBLY NOT INCLUDED
                                                                                                                                                             ART Nº: X1833700                                            QTY.   ART Nº: X1710000                                              QTY.
                                                                             17                             16                                                                  SEATPOST CB ORDU OMX 370mm (M/L-XL)                                21.1   SADDLE CLAMP HOUSING                 1
                                                                                                                                                                                SADDLE CLAMP ASSEMBLY NOT INCLUDED                                 21.2   BARREL NUT                           1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21.3   SADDLE TILT BOLT                     1
         O 4GCF VJG #FLWUVOGPV QH ƂVVKPI GNGOGPVU                                                                                                                                                                                            21.4   SADDLE TILT NUT                      2
                section of this manual to know about the                                                                                                                                                                                           21.5 BOLT M5x16 DIN912
                saddle and seatpost adjustment options on                                                                                                                                                                                               HOUSING-SEATPOST FIXING

                Ordu OMX.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Ordu OMX saddle clamp assembly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   requires to be assembled before shipping it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   at Orbea, and therefore it is served as a pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   assembled article. It is not possible to order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   its individual components.
                                                                          6 N.m
                                               22.2 / 23.2

                                                                                                                                                             22 SADDLE CLAMP KIT ORDU OMX ROUND RAILS (7mm)                     2 3 SADDLE CLAMP KIT ORDU OMX OVAL RAILS (7x9)
                                                                                    22.2 / 23.2
                                                                                                                          22                      23         ART Nº: X1850000                                            QTY.   ART Nº: X1860000                                              QTY.
         23.1                                                             21.1                                                                                                  22.1 SADDLE CLAMP ORDU OMX ROUND RAILS    1                        23.1 SADDLE CLAMP ORDU OMX OVAL RAILS       1
                                                                                         23.1                                                                                   22.2 BUSHING                              2                        23.2 BUSHING                                2
                 22.1                                                                                                                                                           22.3 BOLT M6x53                           1                        23.3 BOLT M6x53                             1

                            21.4                                                  22.1
                                                                                                                 22.3 / 23.3

                                                                                                               5                 GREASE

                                                                                                         8 N.m
30 | ORBEA                                                                                  TECHNICAL MANUAL           BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                            ORBEA | 31

                                  24.3                                                                                 24 STEM COVER ORDU OMX MECHANICAL & ETAP CABLING                  2 5 STEM COVER ORDU OMX DI2 CABLING
                                          1.5                                                                              (BLIPBOX ON STEM COVER)

         24.2                                                                                                          ART Nº: X1870000                                           QTY.   ART Nº: X1880000                                         QTY.
                                         0.5 N.m                                                                                          24.1   STEM COVER ORDU OMX MECH/ETAP     1                        25.1 STEM COVER ORDU OMX DI2            1
         24.1                                                               Always follow the recommended                                 24.2   RUBBER GROMMET STEM COVER         1                        25.2 BOLT M2.5x10 COUNTERSUNK           4
                                                                            torque settings.
                                                                                                                                          24.3   BOLT M2.5x10 COUNTERSUNK          4
         24.4                                                                                                                             24.4   BOLT M4x8 ETAP BLIPBOX BRACKET    1


                                                                                3             GREASE
                                                                                                                       06 H AN DLE BAR / STE M BOLT KIT ORDU OM X                        2 6 BASE HANBLEBAR GRIPS DI2 ASSEMBLIES
                                                                            4 N.m                                      ART Nº: X1770000                                           QTY.   ART Nº: X1890000                                         QTY.
                                                                                                                                           6.1 H/SET PRELOAD BOLT M6x30                                     BASE HANBLEBAR GRIPS
                                                                                                                                                                                   1                                                               1
                     3      6.2
                                                                                                                                               COUNTERSUNK                                                  DI2 ASSEMBLIES
                                                                                                                                           6.2 BOLT M5X30 COUNTERSUNK              4
                    4 N.m                                                                                                                  6.3 HANDLEBAR M6 BOLT. W/ INTERNAL
                                                                                                                                           6.4 BRIDGE FIXING BOLT M6x35            2
                                                                                                                                           6.5 BOLT M2.5x10 STEM COVER             4

                                                                                                                       27 ORDU OMX CARBON BASE HANDLEBAR                                 2 8 FRONT P OST CLAM P KIT ORDU OM X
                                                                                                                       ART Nº: X1900000                                           QTY.   ART Nº: X1910000                                         QTY.
                                                                                                                                                 ORDU OMX CARBON BASE HANDLEBAR    1                        28.1 FRONT POST CLAMP ORDU OMX         1
                                                                                                                                                                                                            28.2 BOLT M2x6                         1
                                                                                                                                                                                                            28.3 GRUBSCREW FRONT POST CLAMP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ORDU OMX                          2

                                                          27                                      26

                                                                                                                       29 HANDLEBAR FRONT COVER ORDU OMX
                                                                                                                       ART Nº: X1920000                                           QTY.
                                                                                                                                          HANDLEBAR FRONT COVER ORDU OMX           1

                                                   28.2                                       3
                                                                                           4 N.m


                                                                                     Always follow the recommended
                                                                                     torque settings.

                                                                               Use an Allen key as lever in the hole
                                                                               to unclip the cover.
32 | ORBEA                                                                                                  TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                                ORBEA | 33


                                                                                                         3                      30 FRONT POST CARBON ORDU OMX 200mm (M/L-XL)                                3 1 FRONT POST CARBON ORDU OMX 150mm (XS-S/M)
                                                                                                                                ART Nº: X1932000                                                    QTY.    ART Nº: X1931500                                                        QTY.
                                                                                                     5 N.m
                                                                          39                                                                       FRONT POST CARBON ORDU OMX 200mm                                            FRONT POST CARBON ORDU OMX 150mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                                                                            1
       Always follow the recommended                                                                                                               (M/L-XL)                                                                    (XS-S/M)
       torque settings.


                                                                                                                                32 B R IDGE FIX IN G BARREL NUT KIT ORDU OM X                               3 3 BRIDGE T ILT WEDGE KIT ORDU
                                          6 N.m
                                 32.2 / 6.4
                                                                                                                                ART Nº: X1940000                                                    QTY.    ART Nº: X1950000                                                        QTY.
                                                                                                                                                   32.1 FRONT POST BARREL NUT                           2                      BRIDGE TILT WEDGE ORDU                                3
                                                                                                                                                   32.2 BOLT M6x35 COUNTERSUNK                          2

                                                                                                                                34 EXTENSIONS BRIDGE 22.2 mm CARBON ORDU OMX
                                                                               3                    GREASE                                                                                                  3 5 EXTENSIONS CLAMPS KIT ORDU OMX
                                                                    35                                                              REVERSIBLE
                                                                          4 N.m                                                 ART Nº: X1960000                                                    QTY.    ART Nº: X1970000                                                        QTY.
                                                            34                                                                                     EXTENSIONS BRIDGE 22.2 mm CARBON                                            EXTENSION CLAMP ORDU OMX                              2
                                                                                                                                                   ORDU OMX REVERSIBLE

36                33                                                                                                            36 METRON TFA MECHANICAL & DI2 EXTENSIONS                                   3 7 BRIDGE BLIND PLUG KIT DI2/ETAP BLIPBOX
                                                                                FIBER CARBON GRIP                               ART Nº: X1980000                                                    QTY.    ART Nº: X1990000                                                        QTY.
                  32.1                                                                                             38                              CABLE GROMMET DI2/ETAP BLIPBOX VISION                                       BRIDGE BLIND PLUG DI2/ETAP BLIPBOX                    2
                                                                                                                                                   METRON TFA
                                                                                                                                                   Also available through FSA-vision distributor
                                                                                                                                                   Description: MS031 VISION HBTT TFA Rear PLUG
                                                                                                                                                   Nº ART.: 670-0282000110

                                                                                                                                38 VISION METRON CARBON TT EXTENSIONS AERO                                  3 9 VIS ION ARM RESTS AND PADS V4055-56
                                                                     Min. insert: 40mm

                                                                                                                                    J S- B E N D 3 8 5 mm
                                                                                                                                                   The metron JS-bend carbon extensions are available                          The metron arm rests, bolts and pads are available
                                                                               FIBER CARBON GRIP
         FIBER CARBON GRIP                                                                                                                         through an FSA-metron distributor                                           through an FSA-metron distributor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arm rests description: V4055 & V4056 Armrest
                                                                                                                                                   Description: V3108 AERO EXTENSION JS-BEND L & R                             Pad Plate L & R with bolts
                                                                                                                                                   Nº ART.: 670-0273000031                                                     Nº ART.: 670-0277000110
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pads description: MS032 Armrest Pad Left & Right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nº ART.: 670-0278000110
                   base handlebar adjustment options on Ordu OMX.
34 | ORBEA                                                                                                          TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021            ORBEA | 35

AERO BOTTLE AND TOOLBOX                                                                                                                08 CABLE ROUTING
                                                                                                                                       CABLE ROUTING. MECHANICAL ASSEMBLIES
                                                                                                                                       BRAKE HOSES

      Always follow the recommended
      torque settings.

                                       3       40.3
                                      6 N.m

                                                                                                          41.3    2.5

                                                                                                                 4 N.m

                                        2.5 41.3

                                       4 N.m

              Ordu is compatible with standard
              bottle cages.

4 0 AERO B OTTL E 50 0 ml +H O L D ER OR D U OM X K I T             41 TOOL B OX K IT O R DU O MX
ART Nº: X2000000                                          QTY.      ART Nº: X2010000                                           QTY.
               40.1 AERO BOTTLE 500ml                      1                           41.1 TOOL BOX BASE ORDU OMX              1
               40.2 BOTTLE HOLDER AERO ORDU OMX            1                           41.2 TOOL BOX COVER ORDU OMX             1
               40.3 BOLT M5x12 BOTTLE HOLDER               2                           41.3 BOLT M4x10                          3
36 | ORBEA   TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                       ORBEA | 37

                                BRAKE HOSES

                                                                  ST-R9180 L

38 | ORBEA                                                               TECHNICAL MANUAL         BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021            ORBEA | 39


GENERAL CABLING VIEW                                                                              BIFURCATED DI2 CABLE ROUTING THROUGH
                                                                                                  EXTENSIONS BRIDGE AND EXTENSIONS

                                                            ST-R9180 L







                                                                                                  BIFURCATED DI2 CABLE ROUTING
                                                                                                  THROUGH BRIDGE (2 POSITIONS)

40 | ORBEA                                                                            TECHNICAL MANUAL      BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                 ORBEA | 41
                                                                                                            BLIPBOX JUNCTION (SRAM ETAP).
USE OF THE BLIND BRIDGE PLUGS                                                                               INSTALLATION AND CABLE ROUTING

1PEGVJGƂPCNRQUKVKQPQHVJGGZVGPUKQPUQPVQVJGDTKFIG                                                    Ordu allows for the installation of the Sram Blipbox junc-
                                                            Always take your bicycle to a authorized
has been decided, it is possible to cut them and use the                                                    tion for the use of Sram Etap TT levers.
                                                            Orbea dealer for the cutting of carbon com-
blind rear bridge plugs for the cleanest possible look.
The blind bridge plugs are included with Ordu. Alternati-                                                   For the installation of Blipbox it is necesary the use of
vely, you can order them from Orbea. Consult the assem-                                                     the mechanical assemblies stem cover (consult the assem-
bly and spares sections of this manual to know the                                                          bly and spares sections of this manual to know the
                                                            tion of this manual for the details about the
article code.                                                                                               article code).
                                                            removal and installation of the front post,
                                                            bridge and extensions assembly.
The extensions must be cut so their rear edge is 20 mm                                                      The mechanical assemblies stem cover is prepared for the
away from the rear edge of the bridge to allow for the                                                      installation of the Blipbox mount bolt in two positions. Just
electronic gear cable to leave the bridge channels and                                                      drill the hole of the preferred Blipbox position onto the                           Drill

enter the extensions interior and the installation of the                                                   stem cover and use the central hole to route the cables
blind plug.                                                                                                 to the levers.

                                                                                                            BLIPBOX CABLE ROUTING TO THE BRAKE
                                                                                                            LEVERS AND THE EXTENSIONS SWITCHS


                                                                                                            To extensions

                                                                                                                                                                            To base handlebar
42 | ORBEA                                                                                                             TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                 ORBEA | 43

09 ADJUSTMENT OF FITTING                                                                                                                  EXTENSIONS POSITION
ELEMENTS                                                                                                                                  ADJUSTM ENT
Ordu OMX allows for the adjustment of several compo-                                                                                      To adjust the position of the extensions onto the bridge,
                                                                                       The incorrect installation of the bicycle com-
nents to achieve your perfect position on the bicycle. The                                                                                follow the method below:
                                                                                       ponents may be the cause of accidents and
adjustment method of these elements is described in
                                                                                       serious injuries, or even death.
this section.                                                                                                                             1. Use a 3mm Allen jey to loosen the bridge extensions
                                                                                       Damage to the bicycle and/or components               clamps.
             Some of the adjustment method described
                                                                                       due to incorrect installation are not covered
             in this section requires the removal and as-                                                                                 2. Move the extension back or forwards to the desired
                                                                                       by the warranty terms.
             sembly of several main components of the
             bicycle, as well as the removal and re-routing
                                                                                       Read the assembly and spares sections of
             of the gear cables and brake hoses, and may
                                                                                       this manual for the correct torque settings        3. Tighten the bridge extensions clamps to the recom-
             therefore be beyond the mechanical skills of
                                                                                       and assembly compounds to be used on all              mended torque settings.
             most users. Orbea always recommends to
             take your bicycle to an authorized dealer for
             the installation, adjustment and maintenance                                                                                                       If the extensions move inside the bridge
             of your bicycle and its components.                                                                                                                after applying the recommended torque
                                                                                                                                            FIBER CARBON GRIP
                                                                                                                                                                settings, apply a small amount of carbon
                                                                                                                                                                assembly compound onto the surface of
                                                                                                                                                                the extensions being clamped and re-install the
FRONT POST HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT                                                                                                                                    extensions.

Ordu allows to adjust the front post height within a range    4. Tighten the front post clamp bolts following the recom-
of 90mm in sizes XS and S/M and 140mm in sized M/L               mended torque settings.
and XL. To adjust the front post and extensions height,
follow the method below:                                                               If the front post slips after aplying the recom-
                                                                                       mended torque setting, apply a small amount
1. Use an Allen key on the hole on the bottom of the               FIBER CARBON GRIP   of carbon assembly paste on the front post
   handlebar front cover as a lever to unclip it from                                  and tighten the clamp back.
   the base handlebar.
                                                              5. Install the front cover.                                                                                                                         2
2. Use an 3mm Allen key to loosen the front post clamp.

3. Adjust the front post height to the desired position.
   Observe the 40mm front post minimum insertion.


                      Allen 3 mm.


                                                                                                           2     4
                                                                                                                                                                                                1    3     3
                                                                                                                3                                                                                        4 N.m
                                                                                                               4 N.m
44 | ORBEA                                                     TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                    ORBEA | 45

SADDLE POSITION                                                                   SADDLE ANGLE
ADJUSTMENT ONTO                                                                   ADJUSTM ENT
THE SEATPOST                                                                      Once the saddle is installed onto the desired position, its
                                                                                  angle can be adjusted as explained below:
Ordu OMX allows the saddle clamp assembly to be posi-
top of the seatpost head to reach the desired saddle offset.

The saddle rails clamp can also be positioned facing                                                                                                    1. Lossen the M6x53 bolt.
forward or backwards into the assembly for further



1. Three saddle positions. With
   backwards saddle clamp.                                                                                                                              2. Turn the bolt clockwise to rise the
                                                                                                                                                           saddle nose, and counter-clockwise
                                                                                                                                                           to lower it.

                                                                                                                +               -


2. Three saddle positions.                                                                                                                                                               -10°
   With forwards saddle clamp.

                                                                                                                                                 5      3. Finally, tighten the M6x53 bolt to
                                                                                                                                                           the recommended torque setting.
                                                                                                                                                8 N.m
46 | ORBEA                                                                                             TECHNICAL MANUAL      BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                             ORBEA | 47

Ordu allows the bridge and extensions angle to be adjusted within a 15º range by using angle                                 3. Remove the front post-extensions assembly from the    4. Remove the electronic switches from the extensions
setting wedges between the front post and the bridge. To install or remove wedges, follow the                                   bicycle and disconnect the extensions Di2 cable.         and disconnect them from their cable.
method below:
                                                                                                                                                                                            to the front post.

MECHANICAL GEARS ASSEMBLIES                                    ELECTRONIC GEARS ASSEMBLIES                                                                                            6. Loosen the bridge extensions clamps and remove the
                                                                                                                                                                                         extensions form the bridge.
To install or remove wedges on mechanical assemblies           To modify the bridge angle by removing or installing angle
(no Di2 or Etap), it is not necessary to remove the front      setting wedges and assemblies with electronic gears, it is                                                             7. Carefully remove the Di2 cable from the bridge and
post from the bicycle or the extensions from the bridge:       necessary to remove the bridge-axtensions assembly from                                                                   the front post through the bottom of the front post.
                                                               the bicycle and disassemble all the elements to extract the
 7UGCOO#NNGPMG[VQTGOQXGVJGDTKFIGƂZKPIDQNVU     electronic gears cable to the extensions switches, which                                                               8. Install or remove the necessary angle setting wedges
     to the front seat post.                                   will allow wedges to be added or removed.                                                                                 to achieve the desired angle. Do not install more than
                                                                                                                                                                                         3 wedges.
2. Remove or install the necessary angle setting wedges        1. Use an Allen key on the hole on the bottom of the han-
   to achieve the desired angle. Do not install more than         dlebar front cover as a lever to unclip it from the base                                                            9. Re-install the Di2 cable through the front post, the
   3 wedges.                                                      handlebar.                                                                                                             wedges, the bridge and the extensions.

3. Re-install the bridge onto the front post and tighten the                                                                                                                         10. Re-assemble all components following the recom-
   bolts to the recommended toque setting.                                                                                                                                               mended torque settings.
                                                                                Allen 3 mm.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Read the Cable routing section of this ma-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  nual for a more detailed description of the
      1      3       4                                                                                                                                                                            Di2 cable routing through the bridge.
                 6 N.m                                                      1                                                                         5       4
                                                                                                                                                           6 N.m

                                                               2. Use an 3mm Allen key to loosen the front post clamp.                                             15º

                                                                                                                                                          8              6


                                                                                         2      3
                                                                                              4 N.m

48 | ORBEA                                                                                          TECHNICAL MANUAL      BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                     ORBEA | 49

BRIDGE ORIENTATION ADJUSTMENT                                                                                             ELECTRONIC GEARS ASSEMBLIES

The extensions bridge on Ordu is reversible, allowing for a more precise adjustment of the                                To swap the bridge orientation on assemblies with elec-
position of the extensions of the armrests.                                                                               tronic gears, follow the method below:

                                                                                                                                      Allen 3 mm.

                                                                                                                              1                                                              3
                                                                                                                                                                                            4 N.m

                                                                                                                          1. Use an Allen key on the hole on the bottom of the han-          5. Remove the switches from the extensions and
                                                                                                                             dlebar front cover as a lever to unclip it from the base           disconnect their cables.
                                                                                                                                                                                             6. Loosen the bridge extensions clamps and remove the
                                                                                                                          2. Use an 3mm Allen key to loosen the front post clamp.               extensions from the bridge.
                                                                                                                          3. Remove the front post-extensions assembly from the              7. Use a 3mm Allen key to loosen the bolts and remove
                                                                                                                             bicycle and disconnect the extensions Di2 cable.                   the bridge from the front post.
                                                                                                                          4. Use a 3mm Allen key to remove the armrests from the             8. Carefully remove the Di2 cable from the bridge and
                                                             MECHANICAL GEARS ASSEMBLIES                                     bridge.                                                            the front post through the bottom of the front post.
                                                                                                                                                                                             9. Turn the bridge 180º.
                                                             To swap the bridge orientation on assemblies with me-                                                                          10. Re-install the Di2 cable through the front post, the
                                                             chanical gears, follow the method below:                                                                                           wedges, the bridge and the extensions.
                                                                                                                             3                4
   3              1                                          1 Use a 3mm Allen key to remove the armrests from the
                                                                                                                           5 N.m                                                                        Read the Cable routing section of this manu-
 5 N.m                                                         bridge.                                                                                                                                  al for a more detailed description of the Di2
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cable routing through the bridge.
                                                             2. Dettach gear cables from the front and rear derailleurs
                                                                and remove the cables pulling from the extensions le-
                                                                                                                                  7            4                                            11. Re-assemble all components following the recom-
                                                                vers end. Remove the levers from the extensions and
   4          4                                                                                                                                                                                 mended torque settings.
                                                                pull the gear housings from the rear of the extensions.                      6 N.m
             6 N.m                                                                                                                                                                      5
                                                             3. Loosen the bridge extensions clamps and remove the
                                                                extensions from the bridge.

                                                      2      4. Use a 3mm Allen key to loosen the bolts and remove               9                        6
                  5         3
                                                                the bridge from the front post.
                                                             5. Turn the bridge 180º.

                                                             6. Follow the reverse method to re-install all compo-
                                                                nents following the recommended torque settings.
                                                             It may be needed to install new gear cables and to adjust
                                                             the derailleurs.
50 | ORBEA                                                                               TECHNICAL MANUAL               BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                     ORBEA | 51

BASE HANDLEBAR                                                                                                          MECHANICAL GEARS ASSEMBLIES
HEIGHT CHANGE                                                                                                           To change the base handlebar height on assemblies with
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Allen 3mm
                                                                                                                        mechanical gears, follow the method below:

                                                                                                                        1. Use an Allen key on the hole on the bottom of the
                                                                                                                           handlebar front cover as a lever to unclip it from
                                                                                                                           the base handlebar.
                                                                                                                        2. Use an 3mm Allen key to loosen the front post clamp.                           1
                                                                                                                        3. Remove the front post-extensions assembly from the
                                                                                                                           bicycle. It is not necessary to disassemble the assem-
                                                                                                                           bly components or to disconnect the gear cables from
                                                                                                                           the extensions levers.
                                                                                                                        4. Remove the stem cover.
                                                                                                                        5. Remove the brake levers from the base handlebar and
                                                                                                                           disconnect the brake hoses from the levers. Cut the                                        2    3
                                                                                                                           brake hose section with an olive installed on it and re-

                                                                                                                           OQXGVJGJQUGUƂZKPIPWVVQVJGNGXGT                                                         4 N.m

                                                                                                                                       Only cut the minimum needed section of                 move the handlebar, pulling the brake hoses from the
                                                                                                                                       brake hose to remove the olive in order to             handlebar.
                                                                                                                                       leave enough hose lenght to re-install the
                                                                                                                                       levers onto the base handlebar after turning      7. Turn the habdlebar 180º to the desired position.
                                                                                                                                       it. If the brake hose lenght left is not enough   8. Guide the brake hoses back through the handlebar and
                                                                                                                                       to re-install the brake lever to the handlebar,      re-install all components following the recommended
                                                                                                                                       it will be needed to install new brake hoses.        torque settings.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Always install a new pin and olive on
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the brake hoses when connecting them to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     brake levers. If the brake hose lenght left is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     not enoughto attach the hoses to the levers,
                                                                                                                              1.5                                                                    it will be needed to install new brake hoses.
The base handlebar on Ordu OMX is reversible. It can be                                                                      0.5 N.m

installed in two positions with a 30mm difference between   Once the base handlebar has been installed,
positions to achieve the desired handlebar height.          later re-positioning requires to disconnect the
                                                            brake hoses from the levers and to cut the hose                                                                                           6        3
                                                            section with an olive installed on it. Bleeding of                                                                                                4 N.m
                                                            the brake lines is highly recommended to en-
                                                            sure the correct brake action.

                                                            Orbea always recommends to take your bicy-                                                                            5
                                                            cle to an authorized dealer to perform these                                                                                                                                7
                                                            changes on your bucycle.

52 | ORBEA                                                                                        TECHNICAL MANUAL      BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                ORBEA | 53


To change the base handlebar height on assemblies with    3. Remove the front post-extensions assembly from the
electronic gears, follow the method below:                   bicycle and disconnect the extensions Di2 cable.                     1.5
                                                          4. Remove the stem cover.                                              0.5 N.m
1. Use an Allen key on the hole on the bottom of the
   handlebar front cover as a lever to unclip it from     5. Remove the brake levers from the base handlebar and
   the base handlebar.                                       disconnect the brake hoses and the Di2 cables from
                                                             the levers. Remove the handlebar grips. Cut the brake
2. Use an 3mm Allen key to loosen the front post clamp.
                                                             hose section with an olive installed on it and remove
                                                             VJGJQUGUƂZKPIPWVVQVJGNGXGT                             4

                                                                      Only cut the minimum needed section of
                                                                      brake hose to remove the olive in order to                                                  5
                                                                      leave enough hose lenght to re-install the
                                                                      levers onto the base handlebar after turning                                            5
                                                                      it. If the brake hose lenght left is not enough
                                                                      to re-install the brake lever to the handlebar,
     Allen 3mm                                                        it will be needed to install new brake hoses.

                                                                                                                                                                       move the handlebar, pulling the brake hoses and the
                                                                                                                                                                       Di2 cables from the handlebar.
                                                                                                                                                                  7. Turn the habdlebar 180º to the desired position.

                                                                                                                                                                  8. Guide the brake hoses and the Di2 cables back through
                                                                                                                                                                     the handlebar and re-install all components following the
                                                                                                                                                                     recommended torque settings.

                                                                                                                                                                               Always install a new pin and olive on the
                                                                                                                                                                               brake hoses when connecting them to
                                                                                                                                                                               the brake levers. If the brake hose lenght left
                                                                                                                                                 6     3
                                                                                                                                                                               is not enoughto attach the hoses to the levers,
                                                                                                                                                      4 N.m                    it will be needed to install new brake hoses.

                               2     3                                                                                                                                 77

                                   4 N.m
54 | ORBEA        TECHNICAL MANUAL   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                ORBEA | 55

1 0 DECLARATION                      11 ADDITIONAL
OF CONFORMITY                        INFORMATION

                                     ORBEA participates actively on facebook and Twitter
                                     with our fantastic global community of riders. Looking to
                                     the answers:

                                     FACEBOOK                                                    ORBEA CONTENT
                                     www.facebook.com/OrbeaBicycles                              View and download photos, videos and documents.

                                     www.twitter.com/Orbea/                                      BLOG ORBEA

                                     YOU TU BE
                                     Visit our Orbea Channel on You Tube for a variety of        YOUR ORBEA DEALER
                                     helpful setup and tech videos:
                                                                                                 Our dealers are experts and should be able to assist you
                                     www.youtube.com/user/OrbeaBicycles                          with setting up and maintaining your Orbea bicycle. A
                                                                                                 com-plete listing of Orbea dealers and distributors can be
                                                                                                 located on our website:
                                     IN STAGRA M                                                 YYYQTDGCEQOWUGPFGCNGTU!EQWPVT[+06

                                                                                                 C ONTACT
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56 | ORBEA                                            MANUAL TÉCNICO   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                     ORBEA | 57


01 IN T R ODU C C I ÓN                                   58            VAINAS Y PEDALIER
Leyenda de símbolos
02 GARANTÍA ORBEA                                         60             Manillar base
                                                                         Puente y extensiones
03 M AN TENI MI ENTO                                      62           BIDÓN AERO Y PORTAHERRAMIENTAS
Mantén limpia tu bicicleta
Mantén lubricada tu transmisión                                        0 8 CABLEADO                                                          89
Inspecciona tu bicicleta antes de cada salida                          CABLEADO EN MONTAJES MECÁNICOS
Periodos de mantenimiento                                               Latiguillos de freno
Recambios                                                               Fundas de cambio
Después de un golpe o impacto                                          CABLEADO EN MONTAJES ELECTRÓNICOS
                                                                        Latiguillos de freno
04 ADV ERTENC I AS DE USO                                 65            Sistema shimano DI2
Tamaño máximo de cubierta                                               Centralita Blipbox (Sram Etap)
Inserción mínima de la tija de sillín y de manillar
Uso previsto                                                           0 9 AJ UST E D E ELEM EN TO S DE ERGO N O M ÍA                        96
                                                                       Ajuste de la altura de la tija de manillar
OR D U OMX 2021                                           66           Ajuste de la posición de las extensiones en el puente
05 GEOMETRÍA Y ERGONOMÍA                                  68           Ajuste de la posición del sillín en la tija
                                                                       Ajuste del ángulo del sillín
06 ESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICAS                              70           Ajuste del ángulo del puente y extensiones
07 DESPIECE Y MONTAJE                                     73           Ajuste de la orientación del puente
                                                                       Cambio de altura del manillar base
 Dimensiones de la pipa de dirección                                   1O DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD                                       108
 Despiece y montaje de la dirección y potencia                         11 INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL                                            109
 Ajuste de la dirección                                                GUÍA DE MONTAJE PARA DISTRIBUIDORES DE ORDU OMX (ES|EN|FR|DE)        110
 Compatibilidad con rodillos de entrenamiento
 Uso de ejes Speed Release
58 | ORBEA                                                                         MANUAL TÉCNICO   BLUE PAPER ORDU · O MX 2021                                                                                                   ORBEA | 59

                                                                                                    LEYENDA DE SÍMBOLOS
Este manual técnico contiene información importante de tu bicicleta sobre su                        A lo largo de este manual técnico, se utilizan varios símbolos que detallan
uso, mantenimiento y repuestos. Leelo con atención.                                                 instrucciones y advertencias de uso, mantenimiento y montaje. Presta atención
                                                                                                    a estos símbolos para evitar situaciones peligrosas y asegurar el uso y montaje
Este documento es un suplemento del Manual General de Usuario de bicicletas                         correcto de todos los componentes.
y componentes Orbea, que describe de forma más detallada el uso apropiado
y ajuste de los componentes generales de las bicicletas para una circulación y                      'N UKIPKƂECFQ FG GUVQU UÉODQNQU UG GZRNKEC C EQPVKPWCEKÏP 'P GUVG OCPWCN
operación seguras. Puedes ver y descargar el Manual de Usuario, así como el                         puede que el símbolo aparezca acompañado únicamente de la instrucción
resto de manuales técnicos de productos Orbea, de nuestra página web:                               relevante para el componente en que describe. Lee la siguiente información

Puedes consultar la información relevante de uso, mantenimiento y caracterís-                       INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD                                         HERRAMIENTAS Y PARES DE APRIETE
ticas de los componentes de otros fabricantes montados en nuestras bicicletas,
como ruedas, manillares, sistemas de asistencia al pedaleo, horquillas de sus-                                    PELIGRO: Situación peligrosa que, si no se                            LLAVE PLANA                       LLAVE TORX
pensión, etc, en la web del fabricante en cuestión o a través de su distribuidor                                  evita, provocará lesiones graves o incluso
en tu país.                                                                                                       la muerte.
                                                                                                                                                                                        LLAVE ALLEN                       DESTORNILLADOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TIPO PHILIPS
                                                                                                                  ADVERTENCIA: Situación peligrosa que, si
                                                                                                                                                                                              El número de llave a usar
                                                                                                                  no se evita, puede causar lesiones graves o
                                                                                                                  incluso la muerte.
                                                                                                                                                                           6                  se indica en el interior            6
                                                                                                                                                                                              del símbolo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10 N.m
                                                                                                                  ATENCIÓN: Situación peligrosa que, de no             PARES DE APRIETE: El par de apriete correspondiente
                                                                                                                  evitarse, podría provocar lesiones leves o           (en newton/metro) aparece indicado debajo del símbolo
                                                                                                                  moderadas.                                           de la herramienta a usar para el elemento que describe.

                                                                                                                                                                       TIPO DECOMPUESTO
                                                                                                     AVISO        Situación no relacionada con lesiones
                                                                                                                  físicas. Información relevante.                                             ACEITE: Lubricación ligera de elementos
                                                                                                                                                                                              como cadenas y cables.

                                                                                                                                                                             GREASE           GRASA: Grasa de montaje de calidad para
                                                                                                    Los símbolos PELIGRO y ADVERTENCIA siempre implican
                                                                                                    un riesgo de accidente si no se toman medidas para evitar                                 PASTA DE CARBONO: Compuesto de
                                                                                                    la situación que describen. Un accidente circulando con               FIBER CARBON GRIP
                                                                                                                                                                                              montaje para elementos de carbono para
                                                                                                    una bicicleta siempre puede conllevar riesgo de lesiones                                  aumentar fricción entre elementos.
                                                                                                    graves o incluso de muerte. En este manual no siempre
                                                                                                    se repetirá el riesgo de muerte cuando aparezcan estos                                    LOCTITE SERIE 600: Fijador de piezas
                                                                                                    símbolos, ya que el riesgo se detalla en este punto.                                      cilíndricas.

                                                                                                                                                                                              LOCTITE SERIE 200: Fijador o trabarroscas.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Resistencia media.

                                                                                                                                                                                              LOCTITE SERIE 400: Adhesivo instantáneo.
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