STUDENT HANDBOOK 2017 2018 - Cheyenne High School
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Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS After School Events 6 Activities 6 Assemblies 6 Athletic Eligibility 7 Attendance Procedures 5 Bell Schedule 2 Bicycle Area 6 Bullying/Cyberbullying 4 Bus Transportation 6 Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy 3 Citizenship 4 Closed Campus 6 Closed Parking lot 6 Clubs and Organizations 9 Counseling & Guidance 7 Denial of Participation in Activities 7 Dress Code 3 Dropping Classes 8 Drug Education Program 5 Family Rights and Privacy Act 6 Fight Song 9 Fire Drills 7 Graduation Requirements & Regulations 8 Habitual Discipline Problem – NRS 392 4 Hall Passes 5 Harassment/Intimidation 4 Health Office/Nurse & FASA 5 Insurance 7 Library 5 Make-up Work 8 Map 10 Non-Discrimination Statement 5 Parent-School Communication 5 Parking 6 PE Uniforms and Lockers 6 Phone Messages/Use of Phone 6 Progress Reports & Report Cards 9 Prohibited Items 5 Request for Early Exams 8 Schedule Changes 8 School Bank 6 School-Wide Discipline Plan 4 Shelter-In-Place Drills 7 Student Fines 6 Tardy Policy 5 Technology 3 Textbooks 6 Transcript Requests 8 Truancy Procedures 5 Valuables/Jewelry 6 Visitor Pass 6 Withdrawal 8 2 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook TECHNOLOGY DRESS AND APPEARANCE Students use of personal technology and communication The Clark County School District reserves the right to devices such as cell phones, laptops, tablet computers, or insist that the dress and grooming of students is within the other similar electronic devices is permitted during limits of generally accepted community standards and that scheduled nutrition or lunch periods, and school-sponsored students shall be required to show proper attention to activities at all District school campuses and while on personal cleanliness. Fashions and fads, which become a District buses. During the instructional day, students may health or safety hazard to one or others, will not be allowed. only use these devices with the approval of the principal or Students’ dress, personal appearance, and conduct are his or her designee. Use that violates state or federal law, required to be of such character as not to disrupt or detract any District policies or regulations, or the Clark County from the educational environment of the school. Any style, School District Acceptable Use Policy is prohibited. which tends to diminish instructional effectiveness or Students must access the Internet using the Clark County discipline by teachers is not acceptable. School District network. Network filters will be applied to The school administration shall have the right to designate, access the Internet and may not be circumvented which types of dress or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program. CELL PHONE/ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY Students are expected to wear the appropriate clothing to With the breathtaking pace of technology comes school-sponsored dances. Failure to wear attire appropriate unanticipated consequences that can negatively affect the to the occasion will result in the student being refused learning environment. Examples of this include the potential admittance and forfeiture of ticket refund. inappropriate use of cell phones and other electronics such CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULATION as, portable music players, video game devices, and cameras. 1. Require the wearing of shoes with soles. House slippers Inappropriate use of cell phones and other electronic devices and shoes with wheels are not permitted. may include: 2. All clothing must be sufficient to conceal all 1. Cheating on tests and class work with texting and undergarments. No skin will show between bottom of cameras; shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts at any time. All 2. Circulation of inappropriate photos taken in restrooms sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches and locker rooms; wide. Prohibited tops include, but are not limited to, crop 3. Video game/music distractions; tops, tank tops, strapless, low-cut clothing, clothing with 4. Ringing/texting during instructional time; slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage. 5. Signaling for leaving class/ditching; 3. All shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers/dresses must be at 6. Loss of instructional time to address cell phone and fingertip length. other electronic device distractions; 4. All jeans, pants, and trousers must be secured at waist 7. Setting up fights; level. Sagging is prohibited. Jeans, pants, and trousers are 8. Making drug deals; not to have rips or tears that expose undergarments and/or 9. Impeding emergency efforts; are located mid-thigh or higher. 10. Time spent investigating the theft of cell phones and 5. Headgear (hats, hoods, caps, bandanas, hair grooming electronic devices rather than focusing on instructional aids, etc.) is not permitted on campus, except for time. designated school approved uniforms, special events, authorized athletic practices, documented medical Due to these concerns, Cheyenne High School prohibits the conditions, bona fide religious reasons, or CCSD/school use of cell phones and other electronic devices during the sanctioned activities. instructional day; unless the use of such device has been 6. Slogans or advertising on clothing, jewelry, buttons, specifically authorized by the teacher and supervising and/or accessories which by their controversial, administrator for a specific education purpose related to the discriminatory, profane, and/or obscene nature disrupt the lesson. District Regulation 5136 states that students are educational setting are prohibited. allowed to use cell phones before school, during lunch, and after school. Phones should be turned off, not placed on 7. Any clothing, jewelry, buttons, and/or accessories that vibrate, and should be stored in a non-visible location promote illegal or violent conduct, or affiliation with during the remainder of the instructional day, including groups that promote illegal or violent conduct such as, but passing periods. As a condition of possessing a device on not limited to, the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, campus, the student agrees to a search of the device’s alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that content if reasonable suspicion of violating the cell contains threats are prohibited. phone/electronic device policy exists 8. Spiked or studded clothing, jewelry, and/or accessories The following are the consequences for violating the policy: are prohibited. 1st – Confiscation/Phone Parent/Return to student at the 9. Outerwear such as coats, mittens, and scarves must be end of the day removed upon entering the classrooms/buildings. 2nd – Confiscation/Phone Parent/Item returned only to Administrators, teachers, and staff may use their 3rd-- Confiscation/RPC/Item & returned only to parent discretion as appropriate based on the temperature in the 4th- Progressive Suspension 3/5/7 days facility. *Further violations of this policy will result in multiple day Students violating these rules will not be allowed to suspensions. attend class until the inappropriateness of their dress is corrected. If a student is sent home and misses class due to inappropriate attire, the student will be considered absent. 3 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook Alternative Education Program, referral to CCSD Drug The principal shall retain the authority to grant exceptions to Program and/or expulsion (as appropriate) for the following the dress code for special occasions and/or special infractions: conditions. 1. Fighting. The following are the consequences for violating the policy: 2. Verbal confrontations. 1st-Warning, change clothes, and phone parent(failure to 3. Assault or physical abuse on any person. change RPC) 4. Theft, extortion, vandalism, destruction of school 2nd-Lunch Detention property; gang writing, tagging on building or 3rd-RPC instructional materials, i.e.; tests, assignments, 4th-Progressive Suspension 3/5/7 days textbooks or student notebooks. *Further violations of this policy will result in multiple day 5. Use and/or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol. suspensions. 6. Possession of a weapon or arson. 7. Use of obscene, vulgar, profane, or disrespectful language. BULLYING/CYBER-BULLYING, 8. Disruptive classroom behavior. HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION 9. Forging corridor passes, admission slips, absence notes, and/or providing any false information on school Examples of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment and forms. intimidation include, but are not limited to, behaviors that 10. Failure to identify oneself upon request and/or failure to ridicule, degrade, or harass a person because of that person’s report to the deans’ office when directed to do so by actual or perceived race, color, national origin, age, sex any school personnel. (including nonconformity to gender stereotypes), sexual 11. Leaving class without a corridor pass from the teacher. orientation, disability, and/or religious preferences such as: 12. Smoking on campus, use of smokeless tobacco or vapor Unwelcome comments, ethnic, racial, or anti-gay slurs or pens. Vapor pens will be checked for the presence of jokes, and/or threats; illegal substances. Cartoons, graffiti, posters, visuals, etc., with offensive 13. Tardiness, class cutting, truancy. connotations though nothing shall prohibit use of such 14. Littering. materials for genuine academic, educational, or 15. Gambling/card playing instructional purposes; Sabotage, criticism, unreasonable 16. Excessive demonstration of affection. monitoring of student’s work, etc., and or Hitting, 17. Wearing gang-related clothing, displaying gang signals intentionally blocking the path of, body, hand, or facial or being involved in gang activity. gestures. 18. Defacing school property. CCSD Regulation 5141.1 Discipline: Harassment and CCSD 19. Harassment and/or verbal abuse including any sexually Policy 5137 Safe and Respectful Learning Environment or racially derogatory statements. provide further detail regarding the district’s policy against 20. Immoral conduct. harassment. 21. Violation of law. SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN UNSATISFACTORY CITIZENSHIP At Cheyenne High School, we expect all students to behave A “U” may be given on a progress report or report card appropriately while at school and during extracurricular for the commission of one or more of the above infractions. activities. In order to guarantee an excellent learning environment for all students, the following school-wide discipline plan has been formulated. It is based on the following expectations: NRS 392—HABITUAL DISCIPLINE PROBLEM 1. Students will at no time interfere with teachers Nevada law (NRS392) states that a student shall be instruction. deemed a habitual disciplinary problem if the school at 2. Students will not interfere with other students` ability to which the student is enrolled has evidence which documents learn. that in one school year: 3. Students will not engage in any type of behavior that is A student has threatened or extorted, or attempted not in his/her best interest or in the best interest of to threaten or extort, another student, teacher, or others. other personnel employed by the school. 4. Students found in the possession of a weapon, selling a A student has been suspended for initiating two controlled substance, committing battery, assault, or fights on school property, a school bus or, if the arson shall be expelled and prosecuted to the fullest fight occurs within 1 hour of the beginning or end extent of the law. of a school day, on the pupil’s way to or from Expulsion shall mean the termination of enrollment as the school. result of behavior so serious that future attendance in the A student has a record of five suspensions from school district is not contemplated. school for any reason When students engage in inappropriate behaviors, they will be dealt with fairly and consistently using progressive If a student is deemed a Habitual Disciplinary Problem, the discipline. law requires that the student must be suspended or expelled from school for a period equal to at least one semester (18 Students may be subjected to a required parent conference weeks). (RPC), out-of-school suspension, arrest, referral to an 4 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook STUDENT SEARCHES or did not secure prior permission for the absence, the Students are subject to search when they enter campus absence is deemed unapproved or unexcused, and the after the beginning of the school day. This includes, but is student is declared to be a habitual truant. The following not limited to, unauthorized returns. This notice does not procedures are to be used for enforcing school truancy exclude personnel, however, from searching a student at any regulations. time should there be reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. First Declared Truancy- A truancy letter and a copy of the PROHIBITED ITEMS NRS excerpts on school attendance are sent to the parent Items that are disruptive to the educational environment, declaring the pupil truant. Parent contact will be initiated by skateboards, roller skates, rollerblade-type in line skates, the school. water pistols, bandannas, do-rags, chains (including wallet Second Declared Truancy- A truancy letter will be sent to chains), or toys are not permitted on campus. School staff the parent declaring the pupil is truant. will confiscate these items and they will be returned only to Third Declared Truancy- A truancy letter will be sent to parents. Since these items should not be on campus, the the parent declaring the pupil as a habitual truant. A parent school will not be held responsible if they are lost or stolen. conference must be scheduled and interventions implemented prior to referral as a habitual truant. DRUG EDUCATION PROGRAM Citation- A police citation is issued for any truancy after the The Clark County School District, in conjunction with third. If the student refuses to sign the citation, or is Juvenile Court Services, sponsors a student-parent drug unavailable to be cited, thereby making it impossible to education program. When a student is under the influence or notify the student, the school administrator will prepare a in possession of a controlled substance on school grounds or declaration that the documentation is true and correct and at school activities, participation in the program is give it to School Police for delivery to the appropriate court mandatory. of jurisdiction. HALL PASSES TARDY POLICY In order for a student to leave the classroom, the student must present their colored hall pass or mobile pass via their All student’s tardies are recorded both in Infinite Campus cell phone. The practice of leaving the classroom for other and on each individual teachers tardy log. than emergencies is discouraged. 1st - Student Conference/Warning & Phone Parent Students found outside of class without a proper pass will 2nd - RPC-b/Contact Parents be returned immediately to that teacher’s classroom or the 3rd - Why Try Lesson with Counselor or Social Worker Deans’ Office. Students wondering campus without a pass 4th & Subsequent - Dean’s Detention are truant, progressive discipline will be followed. TARDY LOCK OUT HEALTH OFFICE, NURSE & FASA Tardy lock-outs occur throughout the day on any given A full-time FASA is on duty each day from 6:30 a.m. – period. If students are not in his or her classroom by 2:00 p.m. in the health office, located on the first floor of the administration office. Students who become ill must obtain the last bell, they are to report to the designated area. a pass from their teacher BEFORE reporting to the health 1st- Warning & student sent back to class office. 2nd- Student received two tardies in a row--RPC-b & If medication (prescription or non-prescription) is needed sent back to class during school hours, the student is to obtain a Medication 3rd- Three tardy lock-outs in a week---RPC-b Legal Release Form from the health office. This form is to be completed by the parent and returned along with the PARENT-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION medication to the health office. The Health Office does not During the 2015-16 school year, the Clark County School stock or dispense any form of medication. District implemented Infinite Campus, a web based system A certified school nurse is on duty periodically in the to effectively monitor the academic progress of your child. health office. Should you need to see the school nurse, This system provides detailed, real-time information, check with the FASA for the nurse’s schedule. including: Demographics, Schedules, Assignments, Assessment Scores, Calendars, Grades, Attendance, LIBRARY Graduation Progress, Academic Planner, To Do Lists, Students may visit the library during class time with a Reports, District and School Notices. If you do not have pass from their instructor. The library is open for use by your activation key, please contact the school office. students without passes 30 minutes before and after school hours and during the students’ lunch. STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION The Clark County School District does not knowingly ATTENDANCE & TRUANCY PROCEDURES discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, Student attendance is vital to the educational experience creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, or of students. Whenever a student is absent, the school must disability in admission or access to, or treatment or determine the reason for the absence. When a student is participation in its programs and activities. Under section absent, a written explanation by the parent, legal guardian, or 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, appropriate public physician stating the reason the student was absent must be education, including reasonable accommodations and equal presented to the attendance office, not later than three days opportunity to participate in school programs and activities after the student returns to school. will be provided to disabled students. When a student is absent from school without a valid excuse 5 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook VISTOR PASSES The Cheyenne High School bank is located on the first Visitor passes will not be issued to students, sibling, local floor of the administrative building. The bank is open for friends or out-or-town guests. We cannot assume the student business 30 minutes before and after school hours liability for any visitors. Small children will not be allowed and during lunch. The bank takes care of all school fees, on campus during school hours. Cheyenne High School has fines, and student funds. All lost textbooks must be paid for an open-door policy for parents. However, parents must at the school bank. Only cash or money orders will be check in at the Main Office, with the proper identification, accepted at the school bank- personal checks will not be and they must be on student’s 703 form as a legal guardian accepted. before entering the classroom. Twenty-four hour notice is required prior to classroom visits. STUDENT FINES All student fines must be paid prior to fall registration or PHONE MESSAGES/USE OF PHONE graduation (if a senior). Students failing to take care of their Phone messages will not be taken for students or financial obligations will experience delays in registration. guardian. If an emergency situation arises, parents may Seniors who owe fines will not be issued caps and gowns. feel free to come to the school to request to see their child. Parents or guardians will be required to show identification. PE UNIFORMS AND LOCKERS No deliveries for students will be accepted. Physical Education students are required to purchase and wear the standardized PE uniform. Lockers will be BUS TRANSPORTATION furnished to each student. Students are not allowed to share Bus service is available to all zoned and magnet students lockers. Each student will be charged a $ 5.00 fee to rent a who live two or more miles from Cheyenne High School. lock, which will help to prevent theft of personal property. All information regarding routes, time schedules, and regulations can be acquired at registration or at the Deans’ AFTER-SCHOOL EVENTS Office, or you can contact CCSD Transportation at 799- All students must leave Cheyenne High School campus 8350. Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner within 30 minutes after any event. at all times. Drivers will issue citations for minor violations. Students who do not cooperate with drivers will be denied TEXTBOOKS the privilege of riding the bus. Since textbooks are only one of many resources used to teach standards, students will use assigned textbooks during PARKING AREA class. Students may check out books from their teachers for Student parking is available in the front of the school near personal use at home at the request of their parent (s). Alexander Road. Students parking in the faculty areas or in Textbooks are the property of the Clark County School any areas otherwise reserved, will have their cars towed District, and are checked out with the understanding that away at their own expense. Handicapped parking is located students are responsible for the care and protection of books. near the theater and music building in the Alexander Road Students will be charged for lost or damaged books. parking lot. Any unauthorized car parked in a handicapped Additionally, any lost or stolen book must be paid for before space will be towed. The school will not be responsible for another book is checked out. damage or vandalism done to cars in the student parking lot. If a vehicle is damaged, vandalized, or stolen, a police report CLOSED CAMPUS & PARKING LOT may be filled out. CCSD police and Cheyenne High School Cheyenne High School operates under a closed campus security will assist whenever possible. policy. After arriving at school, the student is not to leave school either during a period or between periods without a BICYCLE AREA parent signing them out for the day. Pre-Arranged absences Cheyenne High School provides a bike rack to for an appointment, illness, or any justifiable reason may be accommodate students riding their bicycles or mopeds to obtained with parental permission at the Attendance Office. school. Students are required to bring their own locks to Students are not permitted in the student parking lot during secure their bicycles. The school is in no way responsible school hours. During lunch breaks, students must remain for theft of a bicycle, moped, or other personal items stored within the school gates. Students who violate this policy in the bike rack area. may be subject to disciplinary action. FAMILY RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT ASSEMBLIES The Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1994, provides Assemblies are scheduled throughout the school year. A confidentiality of student records without written permission special bell schedule will be in effect on assembly days, and of the parent or legal guardian. assemblies will be held during the last period of the day. All students are encouraged to attend assemblies. No student VALUABLES/JEWELRY will be allowed admittance to the assembly once it has begun Student valuables or large amounts of money are not to and no student will be allowed to leave before the assembly be brought to school. The school assumes no responsibility is concluded. Appropriate student behavior is expected at all for the loss or theft of such valuables or jewelry. If a student assemblies. brings a nuisance item that is confiscated, such as a cell phone, PSP, MP3 player, toys, etc., the school is in no way ACTIVITIES responsible, as the student should not have items out in the The Student Activities Program at Cheyenne High classroom. School is designed to provide a variety of experiences for SCHOOL BANK those students deserving to participate. Students are 6 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook encouraged to “get involved” in their school and to pursue exit route maps are posted in each classroom. Students activities for which they are particularly interested. should consult these maps when entering classes. When the fire alarm sounds, students need to follow these routes All clubs and activities are under the guidance of a qualified quickly and quietly, taking purses and valuables, but leaving adult advisor, and the organization must provide a books. Everyone must exit the school and remain at least 30 constitution to the administrator that supervises Student feet away from the building until the all clear-flags are Government. Any student taking part in a school activity waved. Students who do not immediately return to class which competes with other schools, or which puts his/her after a fire drill will be marked absent. name before public, represents Cheyenne. Needless to say, we want leaders we can be proud of at all times. Their SHELTER-IN-PLACE DRILLS conduct should be above reproach. Shelter-in-place is an alternative method used to protect students and staff during an emergency which involves an FIELD TRIP POLICY area-wide release of toxic gas, when a timely means of In order to participate in a field trip all student must evacuation is not possible. This drill is monitored by the complete (Including teacher signature) a teacher progress NLV Fire Department at various times during the school report (a student will not be permitted to attend a field trip year. if he/she has a failing grade (F) during the time the field trip is scheduled). All students shall obtain an attendance COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE check (students will not participate if he/she has ten or Counselors are available to help in many different ways. more unexcused absences). All Academic Palooza’s are They provide assistance with the proper selection of your exempt from the above-mentioned rules. classes and monitor your academic performance. Throughout the school year, counselors disseminate DENIAL OF PARTICIPATION IN ACTIVITIES information about colleges, vocational and business schools, Students found in possession of alcohol or other drugs, or the armed services, scholarships, financial aid, and testing. who commit serious or chronic misbehavior may be denied Counselors provide personal /social counseling by working participation in school activities including sports, field trips, with students, parents, school personnel and community band/orchestra/mariachi trips, shows, graduation agencies. ceremonies, or other school activities. Students are assigned to counselors by an alphabetical breakdown. To see a counselor, a student must stop by the ATHLETIC ELIGIBLITY counseling counter before or after school, or during lunch to (Ref: CCSD Reg. 5135FB) make an appointment. Emergency situations do not require This regulation shall apply to all students who represent an appointment. the school by participation in interscholastic athletics. High School Graduation Testing Requirements Students in grades 9-12 must have a grade point average In addition to the requirements listed for each specific (GPA) of 2.0 and earned two credits during the immediate diploma option, the following testing requirements must be preceding semester. A student earning less than a 2.0 GPA fulfilled for a student to be eligible for a diploma. and/or less than two credits will be ineligible for The cohort year indicates the year that a student will participation for the ensuing nine-weeks grading period. If graduate based on the year the student enters Grade 9. If a at the end of the nine-week grading period a student regains student does not graduate within 4 years, the testing a 2.0 GPA, he/she will be eligible for the ensuing grading requirements for that cohort will still apply. The “College period. Semester GPA deficiency may be used as it best and Career Plus Writing Assessment” currently used by the benefits the student in the previous or current semester. District is the American College Testing (ACT) assessment. Grades may only be used one time for this purpose. Cohorts 2017 and 2018 Students in grades 9-12 who are working on regular The student must: diplomas will be required to enroll in full class loads. A o Take each of the End of Course Exams and pass student may also be declared ineligible for any or all the aligned courses activities at any time as determined by the principal. o Participate in the College and Career Readiness It should be noted that participants in interscholastic Plus Writing Assessment during the junior year athletics must also meet NIAA requirements, including Only if student is enrolled in a Nevada school having no “F’s” at three-week grade checks. Cheyenne High School students interested in participating in Grade 11 during the administration of the in athletics may purchase an athletic packet from the school College and Career Readiness Assessment banker. Students enrolled after the Grade 11 College and Career Assessment administration are PUPIL INSURANCE exempted from assessment participation Accident insurance is made available to students and all Students who are not exempted and do not are encouraged to participate. The school can`t assume responsibility for accidental injury. All athletes must have participate must take the College and Career school insurance or a waiver signed by parents. Readiness Plus Writing Assessment in Grade 11 or 12 FIRE DRILLS Fire drills are conducted on a monthly basis. Fire drill Cohort 2019 and Beyond 7 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook The student must: computer literacy course offered in Grades 6, o Pass four End of Course Exams 7, or 8 will meet the requirement for the 21st Cohort 2019: ELA I, ELA II, Math I, and Century Learning. Math II Cohort 2020 and beyond: ELA, Math I, Math SCHEDULE CHANGES II, and Science Since advance planning and guidance are provided for o Participate in the College and Career Readiness each student prior to registration, only limited changes may Plus Writing Assessment during the junior year occur after formal registration. No changes will be allowed after the third week of school. Personal preference for a Only if student is enrolled in a Nevada school particular instructor is not considered to be a valid reason for in Grade 11 during the administration of the schedule changes. College and Career Readiness Assessment Students enrolled after the Grade 11 College DROPPING CLASSES and Career Assessment administration are Once a student is enrolled in a class, the grade achieved exempted from assessment participation and attendance will determine credit or lack of credit. Students who want to drop a class will need administrative Students who are not exempted and do not approval. If the request to drop a class is approved and participate must take the College and Career occurs after 18 days of instruction, the student will receive Readiness Plus Writing Assessment in Grade an “F” on the semester transcript. 11 or 12 REDUCED SCHEDULES GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS AND Seniors in need of a reduced schedule (fewer than 8 REGULATIONS classes), must fill out a request with their counselor. Classes Participation in the graduation ceremony is a privilege, will be dropped only after the “Request for Reduced Class not a right. When assigned to classes, even if credits are not Load” application has been approved. Students on a reduced needed, students will be required to attend or they will waive schedule must leave campus after their last class, unless they the right to participate in the graduation ceremony. To are under the direct supervision of a teacher in a school- receive a standard high school diploma, each student granted related capacity. Students who fail to do so will be assigned an exception to the 21st Century Course of Study must a full schedule. All schedules must be continuous. complete 22½ units of approved course work and pass or participate in the required state assessment, based on the WITHDRAWAL & TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS cohort assignment. Withdrawals or transfers from Cheyenne are completed Areas of Study Credit(s) by the parent or guardian in the attendance office. All textbooks must be returned to school, fines paid, and P.E. English 4 locker cleared out before grades and records can be U.S. Government 1 transferred to another school. Transcripts can be requested Mathematics 3* online at: Physical Education 2 REQUEST FOR EARLY EXAMS Science 2 . Semester and final examinations will not be given early. If Health Education ½ a student or parent insists on withdrawing a student prior to World History / Geography 1** completing the examination, the final grade will be 21st Century Learning ½*** determined by weighing the examination and grades for each day missed as a zero. U.S. History 1 Electives 7½ MAKE UP WORK _____________________________________ After any absence, a student shall be required to initiate Total 22½ contact with school instructors to obtain appropriate makeup work within three (3) school days directly following the * Students in the 2017 Cohort and 2018 absence. Once contact has been made with the instructor(s), Cohort must include Algebra I or Principles of specific make-up work and the time interval allowed for Algebra, and Geometry or Principles of homework completion will be determined by the Geometry. Students in the 2019 Cohort and instructor(s). beyond must include Algebra I or higher. JAG ** World History or Geography is required JAG stands for Jobs for America`s Graduate in Nevada. JAG for all Clark County School District students. is currently for sophomore, junior and senior students who World History or Geography taken in the want to try new things and explore options for future Clark County School District fulfills the learning. The goal is to provide a program for students with Arts/Humanities or Career and Technical academic and personal support, guidance, as well as assist students with their individual goals. We also provide Education state requirement. numerous resources which enhance the learning experience. *** Satisfactory completion of a semester PROGRESS REPORTS & REPORT CARDS 8 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook Progress reports are available on a weekly basis. Contact CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS: the counselors’ secretary for information. Report cards are issued to students every nine weeks. Progress reports are Advanced Placement Key Club issued to students during the fifth week of each nine-week Art National Honor period. Best Buddies Society Bible Outdoor Adventure BSU Club Chess Ping Pong Grading Progress Report Report Cards Sent Period Sent Home Home Dance Club Robotics FBLA ROTC 1st Quarter: FCA SAVE Aug 14, 2017 - Oct. 12, 2017 Sept. 13, 2015 Oct. 26, 2017 FCCLA Skills USA (44 days) Game Club Hispanic SOL GSA Step Team 2nd Quarter: Jazz Club Student Council Oct. 16, 2017 – Dec. 22, 2017 Nov. 9, 2017 Jan. 19, 2018 Journalism Varsity Quiz (46 days) 3rd Quarter: Jan. 08, 2018 - March 14, 2018 Jan. 31, 2018 Apr. 5, 2018 (44 days) 4th Quarter: March 15, 2018 – May 24, 2018 April 16, 2018 June 20, 2018 (46 days) Shields Mission Statement Fight Song Cheyenne High School prepares students academically and socially, enabling Stand up for Cheyenne! them to be well-equipped to pursue their goals Proudly hear us sing! and become successful members of our diverse and changing technological society. Together raise the war cry. And forever let it ring! (in Triumph!) Blazing with glory , 702-799-4830 United through and QUICK REFERENCE DIRECTORY through, OF PHONE EXTENSIONS We can’t be stopped, we’ll Operator……………………………………. 4000 earn it, Activities Office ………….………………... 4204 For the honor of the gold Athletics & Facilities………….………….… 4200 Attendance………………… ………………. 4505 and blue! Cafeteria…………………………………..... 4012 Counseling Office………………………….. 4301 Curriculum & Testing Office………………. 4202 Dean’s Office………………………………. 4500 Health Office………………………………. 4022 Registrar……………………………………. 4065 School Police Office………………………… 4700 9 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
Cheyenne High School 2017-2018 Student Handbook Cheyenne High Cheyenne High School School Second Floor Plan First Floor Plan 10 Updated 9/29/17 Mathis
2017 - 2018 Mapa 10 MANUAL ESTUDIANTIL Declaración de no discriminación 5 Eventos después de la escuela 6 Comunicación entre padres y escuela 5 Actividades 6 Estacionamiento 6 Ensambles 6 Uniformes y taquillas PE 6 Elegibilidad para los deportes 7 Mensajes telefónicos / Uso del teléfono 6 asistencia 5 Informes de progreso y boletas de calificaciones 9 Horario de clases 2 Artículos prohibidos 5 Locación de bicicletas 6 Solicitud de exámenes iniciales 8 Bullying / Cyberbullying 4 Cambios de horario 8 Transporte de autobús 6 Banco de la escuela 6 Policía de teléfonos celulares / Los electrónicos 3 Plan de Disciplina para Toda la Escuela 4 Ciudadanía 4 Simulacros de refugio en el lugar 7 Escuela cerrada 6 Multas de estudiante 6 Aparcamiento cerrado 6 Política de tardanza 5 Clubes y organizaciones 9 Tecnología 3 Asesoramiento y orientación 7 Libros de texto 6 Participación de actividades 7 Transcripción Solicitudes 8 Código de vestuarío 3 Procedimientos de ausentismo escolar 5 Cambío de clases 8 Objetos de valor / joyería 6 Programa de educación sobre drogas 5 Pase de visitante 6 Ley de Privacidad y Derechos Familiares 6 Retiro 8 Canción Escolar 9 Simulacros de incendio 7 Requisitos y regulaciones de graduación 8 Problema de Disciplina - NRS 392 4 Permiso de salir de clases 5 Acoso / Intimidación 4 Oficina de Salud / Enfermera y FASA 5 Seguro 7 Biblioteca 5 Trabajo de recuperación 8
Día del escudo: todos los períodos (lunes) Período 2 7:00 a.m. 8:25 a.m. Primer almuerzo: 200, 400, 800 y JROTC Período 4 8:29 a.m. 9:54 a.m. Segundo almuerzo: 300, 500, 900 y gimnasio 1º almuerzo 9:57 a.m. 10:27 a.m. El almuerzo se basa en su clase del quinto Período 6 10:31 a.m. 11:56 a.m. Período. 2º almuerzo 11:26 a.m. 11:56 a.m. Periodo 1 Período 6 9:58 a.m. 11:23 a.m. 7 A.M Período 8 12:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 7:41 a.m. Período 3 8:30 a.m. 9:11 a.m. Período 4 9:15 a.m. 9:56 a.m. 1º almuerzo 9:56 a.m. 10:26 a.m. Período 5 10:00 a.m. 10:41 a.m. 2º almuerzo 10:41 a.m. 11:11 a.m. Período 5 10:30 AM 11:11 a.m. Período 6 11:15 a.m. 12:41 p.m. Período 7 12:00 p.m. 12:41 p.m. Período 8 12:44 p.m. 1:25 p.m. Día azul: períodos impares (martes y jueves) Primer almuerzo: 200, 400, 800 y JROTC Segundo almuerzo: 300, 500, 900 y gimnasio El almuerzo se basa en su clase del 5to Período Período 1 7: 077: 00 AM 8:25 AM Período 3 8:29 a.m. 9:54 a.m. 1º almuerzo 9:57 a.m. 10:27 a.m. Período 5 10:31 a.m. 11:56 a.m. 2º almuerzo 11:26 a.m. 11:56 a.m. Período 5 9:58 AM 11:23 a.m. Período 7 12:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. Día de oro: incluso periodos (miércoles y viernes) Primer almuerzo: 200, 400, 800 y JROTC Segundo almuerzo: 300, 500, 900 y gimnasio El almuerzo se basa en su clase del 6º Período
TECNOLOGÍA 7. Establecer peleas; Se permite el uso de tecnología personal y 8. Hacer negocios de drogas; dispositivos de comunicación tales como 9. Impedir los esfuerzos de emergencia; teléfonos celulares, laptops, tabletas u otros dispositivos electrónicos similares durante los 10. Tiempo dedicado a investigar el robo de períodos programados de nutrición o almuerzo, y teléfonos celulares y dispositivos electrónicos en las actividades patrocinadas por la escuela en lugar de enfocarse en el tiempo de instrucción. todos los planteles escolares del Distrito y en los autobuses del Distrito. Durante el día de instrucción, los estudiantes solo pueden usar Debido a estas preocupaciones, Cheyenne High estos dispositivos con la aprobación del director o School prohíbe el uso de teléfonos celulares y su designado. El uso que viola la ley estatal o otros dispositivos electrónicos durante el día de federal, cualquier política o reglamento del instrucción; a menos que el uso de tal dispositivo Distrito, o la Política de Uso Aceptable del Distrito haya sido específicamente autorizado por el Escolar del Condado de Clark está prohibido. Los maestro y el administrador supervisor para un estudiantes deben acceder a Internet usando la propósito educativo específico relacionado con la red del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark. Los lección. La Regulación del Distrito 5136 establece filtros de red se aplicarán para acceder a Internet que los estudiantes pueden usar teléfonos y no se podrán eludir celulares antes de la escuela, durante el almuerzo y después de la escuela. Los teléfonos deben estar apagados, no colocados en vibración, y deben POLÍTICA DE TELÉFONOS CELULARES / almacenarse en un lugar no visible durante el DISPOSITIVOS ELECTRÓNICOS resto del día escolar, incluidos los períodos de transición. Como condición para poseer un Con el ritmo vertiginoso de la tecnología, surgen dispositivo en el campus, el alumno acepta buscar consecuencias imprevistas que pueden afectar en el contenido del dispositivo si existe una negativamente el entorno de aprendizaje. sospecha razonable de que se ha violado la Ejemplos de esto incluyen el uso inadecuado política del teléfono celular / dispositivo potencial de teléfonos celulares y otros electrónico. dispositivos electrónicos, como reproductores portátiles de música, dispositivos de videojuegos Las siguientes son las consecuencias por violar la y cámaras. El uso inapropiado de teléfonos política: 1 ° - Confiscación / Teléfono padre / celulares y otros dispositivos electrónicos puede Regresar al estudiante al final del día incluir: 2º - Confiscación / teléfono padre / artículo 1. Hacer trampa en las pruebas y el trabajo en devuelto solo a clase con mensajes de texto y cámaras; 3rd-- Confiscation / RPC / Item & devuelto solo a 2. Circulación de fotos inapropiadas tomadas en los padres los baños y vestuarios; 4º - Suspensión progresiva 3/5/7 días 3. Videojuego / distracciones musicales; * Otras violaciones de esta política resultarán en 4. Timbre / mensajes de texto durante el tiempo suspensiones de días múltiples. de instrucción; 5. Señalización para abandonar la clase / abandono; VESTIDO Y APARIENCIA 6. Pérdida de tiempo de instrucción para abordar El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark se el teléfono celular y otras distracciones de reserva el derecho de insistir en que la vestimenta dispositivos electrónicos; y el arreglo personal de los estudiantes se
encuentre dentro de los límites de los estándares 5. No se permite el uso de sombreros (gorros, de la comunidad generalmente aceptados y que capuchas, gorras, pañuelos, aparatos para los estudiantes deberán mostrar la atención arreglar el cabello, etc.) en el campus, excepto adecuada a la limpieza personal. Las modas y las uniformes designados aprobados por la escuela, modas, que se convierten en un peligro para la eventos especiales, prácticas atléticas salud o la seguridad de uno u otros, no serán autorizadas, condiciones médicas documentadas, permitidas. Se requiere que la vestimenta, la motivos religiosos de buena fe o CCSD /colegio apariencia personal y la conducta de los actividades sancionadas. estudiantes sean de tal índole que no 6. Se prohíben los lemas o anuncios en la ropa, interrumpan o menoscaben el entorno educativo joyas, botones y / o accesorios que por su de la escuela. Cualquier estilo que tienda a naturaleza controvertida, discriminatoria, profana disminuir la efectividad de la instrucción o la y obscena interrumpan el entorno educativo. disciplina de los maestros no es aceptable. Cualquier vestimenta, joyas, botones y / o La administración de la escuela tendrá el derecho accesorios que promuevan una conducta ilegal o de designar qué tipos de vestimenta o apariencia violenta, o afiliación con grupos que promueven interrumpen o desvirtúan el programa educativo. conductas ilegales o violentas, como, entre otros, el uso ilegal de armas, drogas, alcohol, tabaco o Se espera que los estudiantes usen la ropa drogas. la parafernalia o la ropa que contiene apropiada para bailes patrocinados por la escuela. amenazas están prohibidas.8. Ropa, joyas y / o Si no se usa el atuendo apropiado para la ocasión, accesorios claveteados o tachonados están se le negará la admisión al estudiante y perderá el prohibidos. Las prendas de abrigo como abrigos, reembolso del boleto. manoplas y bufandas se deben quitar al entrar a REGLAMENTO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DEL las aulas / edificios. Los administradores, CONDADO DE CLARK maestros y el personal pueden usar su discreción según corresponda en función de la temperatura 1. Requiere el uso de zapatos con suela. No se en las instalaciones. Los estudiantes que violen permiten pantuflas ni zapatos con ruedas. estas reglas no podrán asistir a clase hasta que se 2. Toda la ropa debe ser suficiente para ocultar corrija la inadecuación de su vestimenta. Si un toda la ropa interior. No se mostrará ninguna piel estudiante es enviado a su casa y falta a clase entre la parte inferior de la camisa / blusa y la debido a una vestimenta inapropiada, el parte superior de los pantalones o faldas en estudiante será considerado ausente. ningún momento. Todas las camisas sin mangas deben tener correas de al menos tres pulgadas de ancho. Las tapas prohibidas incluyen, pero no se limitan a, tops de cultivos, camisetas sin mangas, ropa sin tirantes, escotada, prendas con aberturas o prendas que proporcionan una cobertura mínima. 3. Todos los shorts, skorts, faldas y jumpers / vestidos deben estar al alcance de la mano. 4. Todos los jeans, pantalones y pantalones deben estar asegurados al nivel de la cintura. La flacidez está prohibida. Los pantalones vaqueros, pantalones y pantalones no deben tener rasgaduras o rasgaduras que expongan la ropa interior y / o que se encuentren a la mitad del muslo o más arriba.
El director conservará la autoridad para otorgar PLAN DE DISCIPLINA ESCOLAR excepciones al código de vestimenta para En Cheyenne High School, esperamos que todos ocasiones especiales y / o condiciones especiales. los estudiantes se comporten de manera Las siguientes son las consecuencias por violar la apropiada mientras están en la escuela y durante política: las actividades extracurriculares. Para garantizar un excelente ambiente de aprendizaje para todos 1st-Warning, cambiarse de ropa y llamar al padre los estudiantes, se ha formulado el siguiente plan (no se puede cambiar el RPC) de disciplina para toda la escuela. Se basa en las Detención en el segundo almuerzo siguientes expectativas: 3rd-RPC 1. Los estudiantes en ningún momento interferirán con la instrucción de los maestros. Suspensión 4ª progresiva 3/5/7 días 2. Los estudiantes no interferirán con la capacidad * Otras violaciones de esta política resultarán en de otros estudiantes para aprender. suspensiones de días múltiples. 3. Los estudiantes no participarán en ningún tipo de comportamiento que no sea lo mejor para él o INTIMIDACIÓN / INCIDENCIA CIBERNÉTICA, en el mejor interés de los demás. ACOSO / INTIMIDACIÓN 4. Los estudiantes que se encuentren en posesión Los ejemplos de intimidación, acoso cibernético, de un arma, vendiendo una sustancia controlada, acoso e intimidación incluyen, pero no se limitan cometiendo agresión, asalto o incendio a, conductas que ridiculizan, degradan o acosan a intencional serán expulsados y enjuiciados con una persona debido a la raza, color, nacionalidad, todo el rigor de la ley. edad, sexo real o percibido de esa persona La expulsión significará la terminación de la (incluida la disconformidad con estereotipos de inscripción como resultado de un género), orientación sexual, discapacidad y / o comportamiento tan serio que no se contempla la preferencias religiosas tales como: asistencia futura al distrito escolar. Comentarios no deseados, insultos, bromas Cuando los estudiantes se involucran en étnicas, raciales o anti-homosexuales, y / o comportamientos inapropiados, serán tratados de amenazas; manera justa y consistente mediante el uso de la Caricaturas, graffiti, carteles, imágenes, etc., con disciplina progresiva. connotaciones ofensivas, aunque nada prohibirá el uso de dichos materiales con fines académicos, educativos o educativos genuinos; Sabotaje, Los estudiantes pueden ser sometidos a una crítica, control irracional del trabajo del conferencia de padres requerida (RPC), estudiante, etc., y / o Golpear, bloqueando suspensión fuera de la escuela, arresto, referencia intencionalmente el camino de los gestos del a un Programa de Educación Alternativa, cuerpo, la mano o el rostro. referencia al Programa de Drogas de CCSD y / o expulsión (según corresponda) por las siguientes Regulación de CCSD 5141.1 Disciplina: Acoso y infracciones: Política de CCSD 5137 Entorno de aprendizaje seguro y respetuoso proporciona más detalles 1. Luchando. sobre la política del distrito contra el acoso. 2. Confrontaciones verbales. 3. Asalto o abuso físico a cualquier persona. 4. Robo, extorsión, vandalismo, destrucción de propiedad escolar; escritura de pandillas,
etiquetado en materiales de construcción o de comisión de una o más de las infracciones instrucción, es decir; exámenes, tareas, libros de anteriores. texto o cuadernos para estudiantes. 5. Uso y / o posesión de drogas ilegales o alcohol. 6. Posesión de un arma o incendio premeditado. NRS 392-PROBLEMA DE DISCIPLINA HABITUAL 7. Uso de lenguaje obsceno, vulgar, profano o La ley de Nevada (NRS392) establece que un irrespetuoso. estudiante se considerará un problema 8. Comportamiento disruptivo en el aula. disciplinario habitual si la escuela en la que está matriculado tiene pruebas que documentan que 9. Forjar pases de pasillo, recibos de admisión, en un año escolar: notas de ausencia y / o proporcionar información falsa en los formularios de la escuela. • Un estudiante ha amenazado o extorsionado, o ha intentado amenazar o extorsionar, a otro 10. Falta de identificarse a sí mismo a petición y / estudiante, maestro u otro personal empleado o no informar a la oficina de decanos cuando se lo por la escuela. indique el personal de la escuela. • Un estudiante ha sido suspendido por iniciar 11. Salir de clase sin un pase de pasillo del dos peleas en la propiedad de la escuela, un maestro. autobús escolar o, si la pelea ocurre dentro de 1 12. Fumar en el campus, uso de tabaco sin humo hora del comienzo o final de un día escolar, en el o plumas de vapor. Las plumas de vapor serán camino del alumno hacia o desde la escuela. revisadas para detectar la presencia de sustancias • Un estudiante tiene un registro de cinco ilegales. suspensiones de la escuela por cualquier razón 13. Tardanza, corte de clase, ausentismo escolar. Si se considera que un alumno es un problema 14. Tirar basura. disciplinario habitual, la ley exige que el alumno sea suspendido o expulsado de la escuela por un 15. Juegos de azar / juego de cartas período equivalente, como mínimo, a un 16. Demostración excesiva de afecto. semestre (18 semanas). 17. Usar ropa relacionada con pandillas, mostrar señales de pandillas o estar involucrado en actividades de pandillas. 18. Desfigurar la propiedad de la escuela. 19. Hostigamiento y / o abuso verbal incluyendo cualquier declaración derogatoria sexual o racialmente. 20. Conducta inmoral. 21. Violación de la ley. CIUDADANÍA INSATISFACTORIA Se puede dar una "U" en un informe de progreso o boleta de calificaciones por la
BÚSQUEDA DE ESTUDIANTES OFICINA DE SALUD, ENFERMERÍA Y FASA Los estudiantes están sujetos a búsqueda Un FASA a tiempo completo está de servicio cuando entran al campus después del comienzo todos los días de 6:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. en la del día escolar. Esto incluye, pero no se limita a, oficina de salud, ubicada en el primer piso de la devoluciones no autorizadas. Sin embargo, este oficina de administración. Los estudiantes que se aviso no excluye al personal de buscar a un enferman deben obtener un pase de su maestro estudiante en cualquier momento si existe una ANTES de informar a la oficina de salud. sospecha razonable de irregularidades. Si se necesitan medicamentos (recetados o no) durante el horario escolar, el estudiante debe obtener un Formulario de Autorización de ARTÍCULOS PROHIBIDOS Medicamentos de la oficina de salud. Este No se permiten artículos en el plantel que sean formulario debe ser completado por el padre y perjudiciales para el entorno educativo, patinetas, devuelto junto con el medicamento a la oficina de patines, patines en línea, pistolas de agua, salud. La Oficina de Salud no almacena ni pañuelos, trapos dorados, cadenas (incluidas las dispensa ningún tipo de medicamento. cadenas de billeteras) o juguetes. El personal de la Una enfermera escolar certificada está de escuela confiscará estos artículos y serán servicio periódicamente en la oficina de salud. Si devueltos solo a los padres. Dado que estos necesita ver a la enfermera de la escuela, artículos no deben estar en el campus, la escuela verifique con la FASA el horario de la enfermera. no será responsable si se pierden o son robados. BIBLIOTECA PROGRAMA DE EDUCACIÓN DE DROGAS Los estudiantes pueden visitar la biblioteca El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark, junto durante el tiempo de clase con un pase de su con los Servicios de la Corte Juvenil, patrocina un instructor. La biblioteca está abierta para que los programa de educación sobre drogas entre estudiantes la usen sin pases 30 minutos antes y padres y alumnos. Cuando un estudiante está después del horario escolar y durante el almuerzo bajo la influencia o en posesión de una sustancia de los estudiantes. controlada en los terrenos de la escuela o en actividades escolares, la participación en el programa es obligatoria. PROCEDIMIENTOS DE ASISTENCIA Y PASES DE PASILLO AUSENTISIMO Para que un estudiante salga del aula, el La asistencia de los estudiantes es vital para la estudiante debe presentar su pase de salón de experiencia educativa de los estudiantes. Cada color o pase móvil a través de su teléfono celular. vez que un estudiante está ausente, la escuela Se desaconseja la práctica de dejar el aula para debe determinar el motivo de la ausencia. otras situaciones que no sean emergencias. Cuando un estudiante está ausente, se debe presentar a la oficina de asistencia una Los estudiantes que se encuentren fuera de clase explicación por escrito del padre, tutor legal o sin un pase apropiado serán devueltos médico que indique la razón por la cual el inmediatamente a la clase de ese maestro o a la estudiante estuvo ausente, a más tardar tres días Oficina de Decanos. Los estudiantes que se después de que el estudiante regrese a la escuela. preguntan si el campus sin un pase es ausente, se seguirá una disciplina progresiva. Cuando un estudiante está ausente de la escuela sin una excusa válida o no obtuvo un permiso previo para la ausencia, la ausencia se considera no autorizada o injustificada, y se declara que el
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