NPL Finals July 7-11, 2022 DICK'S Sporting Goods Park Commerce City, CO - US Club Soccer

Page created by Ron Ramsey
NPL Finals
July 7–11, 2022
DICK’S Sporting Goods Park
Commerce City, CO
Welcome to the NPL Finals, hosted by US Club Soccer! The
NPL postseason is the culmination of the National Premier
Leagues season, in which top league finishers compete for
titles. On the girls side, U-13 through U-19 teams are here
after qualifying through their local/regional leagues. And on
the boys side, U-14 through U-17 teams have arrived after
advancing through the NPL Boys East Playoffs and NPL Boys
West Playoffs. The U-19 boys age group plays a single-stage
postseason, competing here at the NPL Finals against fellow
qualifiers from NPLs across the country. Best of luck to all
competitors. Enjoy the moment, and be proud of all that
you have accomplished.
Digital Coverage
                 Tournament Web Page

      Schedule                   @usclubsoccernpl

  @nationalpremierleagues          @usclubsoccer

        Official Hashtag #NPLfinals
Facility Info
DICK’S Sporting Goods Park   Rule, check-in procedures and
6000 Victory Way             roster information are available
Commerce City, CO 80022      on the tournament web page.

          Field Map
Participating Leagues
Central States NPL // @nationalpremierleagues             NorCal Premier NPL // @norcalpresoccer

Florida Club League // @flclubleague                      Pennsylvania Regional Club League // @nationalpremierleagues

Great Lakes Alliance // @gla_soccer                       Red River NPL // @redrivernpl

Gulf States Premier League // @gulfstatespremierleague    South Atlantic Premier League // @southatlanticpremierleague

Midwest Developmental League // @nationalpremierleagues   NPL Southwest // @nationalpremierleagues

Minnesota NPL // @tcslsoccer                              SOCAL Discovery NPL // @socalsoccerleague

New England Impact // @impact_npl                         United Soccer Clubs // @nationalpremierleagues

New England Premiership // @nepremiership                 Washington Premier League // @wplsoccer

Northern Illinois Soccer League // @nislsoccer            Yellowstone Premier League // @yellowstonepremierleague
NPL Postseason Rules
Read all 2022 NPL Postseason rules here
                                                                     • In addition, once a tiebreaker is used to eliminate
Standings and tiebreakers                                               one team (i.e. head-to-head, goal differential,
a. Game Points: 3 points awarded for a win; 1 point for                 etc.), the next tiebreaker in line will be used to
   a tie; 0 points for a loss. A forfeit shall be recorded as           determine the winner or team that advances.
   a 1-0 win, with one goal being credited. Note: In the        c. Uneven number of games: If a tiebreaker calculation
   event a game is in progress and is forfeited during             between two or more teams would be based on a
   play for any reason, the team getting the forfeit win           different number of games, points, goal differential,
   will be credited with either the forfeit score or the           total goals and fewest goals allowed will be converted
   score at the time play concluded, whichever is in their         into a percentage per game.
b. Tiebreakers: For teams tied in points at the end of a        Sideline behavior policy
   round-robin or any other group stage competition,            US Club Soccer is enforcing a zero-tolerance policy on
   tiebreaker criteria shall be: 1) head-to-head                the sideline. Any spectators removed from one game
   competitions (but not in the case of a three-way tie);       are also prohibited from returning at any point during
   2) goal differential (max of five per game); 3) total        the event. At all times, coaches shall have complete
   goals (max of five per game); 4) fewest goals allowed;       responsibility and control for the conduct of their
   and 5) penalty kicks from the mark.                          players, bench area, parents, family and friends. Failure
    • In a case where three teams are tied in points, but       to do so may result in game stoppage.
       one team has defeated the other teams tied in
       points, the winner of the two games will advance.
Participating Clubs
1974 Newark FC | @1974newarkfc                            Southern Soccer Academy | @southernsocceracademy
Addison United SC | @ilelitesoccer                        Sporting Nebraska | @sportingnebraskafc
Albion SC Las Vegas | @albionsclasvegas                   Sporting San Diego | @sporting_sd
Blast FC | @blastfc_soccer                                Steel United CA | @steelunitedca
California Odyssey SC | @californiaodysseysoccerclub      Southern Soccer Academy | @ssa_cartersville
Challenge SC | @challengesoccer                           Tennessee United SC | @tusc_soccer
Cincinnati Elite FC | @cincinnatielitefc                  Total Futbol Academy | @tfa_sgv_06
Fever United | @fever_united_soccer_club                  Triangle United SA | @triangleunited
Lakeville SC | @lakeville_sc                              Utah Surf | @utahsurfsoccer
Manta United Soccer Club | @manta_soccer                  Wake FC | @wake_futbol_club
North Union United SC | @north_union_united_soccer_club   Washington East SC | @washingtoneastsoccerclub
Pateadores SC | @pateadores_                              Wenatchee FC | @wenatcheefc_youth
SoCal Elite FC | @socalelitefc                            West Pines United FC | @westpinesunitedfutbolclub
Sockers FC Chicago | @sockerschicago
Participating Clubs
Albion SC Idaho | @albionscidaho                     FC Stars | @fc_starsma                   Seattle Celtic | @seattleceltic
Ambassadors FC | @ambassadors.ohio                   FC Valencia | @futbolclubvalencia        SoCal Elite FC | @socalelitefc
Aztec Soccer | @aztecsoccerma                        Florida Premier FC | @floridapremierfc   Solar Soccer Club | @solarsoccerclub
Bayside FC | @baysidefcgirls                         Fury FC | @furyfcie                      South Shore Select | @ssselect
Beadling SC | @beadlingsc                            JB Marine SC | @jbmarinestl              Southern California Blues | @s.c.blues
Blue Knights SC | @blueknightssoccer                 LAFC | @lafc_socalyouth                  Spartans FC | @spartansfcsoccer
Cajun Rush | @cajun_rush                             Lagrange Celtics | @lagrangeceltics      Spirit of Liverpool | @spiritofliverpoolusa
Canton Akron United SC | @cantonakronunitedforcesc   Las Vegas Surf | @lvsurfsc               Sporting Columbus | @sporting_columbus
CDA Slammers | @cdaslammersofficial                  Legacy Soccer Club | @legacyscne         Sporting San Diego | @sporting_sd
Central Washington Sounders | @cwsounders            Los Angeles SC | @lasoccerclub           Sporting St. Louis | @sporting_stl
Chicago Rush | @chicagorushsoccer                    Lou Fusz | @loufuszsoccer                St. Croix SC | @stcroix_soccer
Coastal Rush | @coastalrushsoccer                    Louisiana Fire SC | @louisianafiresc     Stanislaus United SC | @susc_futsal
Colorado Elevation FC | @coelevationfc               Metasport FC | @metasportfc              Swan City SC | @swancitysc
Colorado Rush | @corushsoccer                        MN Thunder Academy | @mnthunderacademy   Tudela FC | @tudelafcla
East County Surf | @eastcountysurf                   North FC | @nationalpremierleagues       Washington East SC |
Elite SC | @elitesc98                                Palo Alto SC | @paloalto_sc              @washingtoneastsoccerclub

Erie Junior Commodores | @juniorcommodores           Puma FC | @fcpumasocceracademy
FC Dallas | @fcdallas                                Real Colorado | @realcolorado
FC Prime | @footballclubprime                        Renegades SC | @renegadessoccer
Healthy Reminders

            Eat Well


            Sun Protection



            Have Fun!
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