NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice

Page created by Judy Webb
NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice

Malcolm was born and raised in          Kathryn continues; “We did not feel       Kathryn will dedicate a light to
Batley, West Yorkshire. Husband to      able to leave Dad as we wanted            her beloved Dad this year, and
Mavis, father to Michael and Kathryn,   to be with him at the end. It was         encourages others to support the
and grandfather to Jude. Following a    lovely that we were able to stay in a     Hospice too. She explains; “Dad’s
move to Castleford, Malcolm became      room along the corridor and could         stay at the Hospice was completely
a huge fan of Castleford Tigers. As     spend time with him and see that          free, although we did read that it
a retired driving examiner, he also     he was comfortable. We never felt         costs around £3,000 per week to
loved to watch his grandson play        in the way, and the staff were very       stay there. The fact that we did not
rugby. Malcolm was a real family        patient with us. As I am a consultant     have to pay anything is incredible.
man and loved nothing more than         surgeon myself, it can be difficult not   Hospices are struggling at the
spending time with them.                to interfere. They told me that I no      moment and there will always be
                                        longer needed to be a consultant, I       people needing beds there. The
Sadly, Malcolm was diagnosed
                                        should be a daughter, and they would      Hospice gave my Dad his dignity
with prostate cancer and following
                                        look after my Dad. And that’s exactly     and self respect back, and that was
a deterioration in his health, was
                                        what they did.                            priceless.”
admitted to hospital in September
2019. Just two weeks before             When the time came to say our
Christmas, Malcolm was then             final goodbyes, Dad was at peace
admitted to The Prince of Wales         and not in any pain at all. We were
Hospice Incare ward.                    totally thankful for this, and those
                                        final few days were both invaluable
His daughter Kathryn explains; “I had
                                        and memorable. Many people do not
not had any experience of Hospice
                                        get this experience and we were so
care before, but it was such a relief
                                        grateful to the Hospice for everything
for us to have Dad there. The staff
                                        they did for us all.”
were amazing and took a lot of worry
and stress away from us. The care       This Christmas will be very different
and compassion from everyone            for Kathryn and her family as they
really made a difference to us as a     look back to the events of last year.
family.                                 When they arrived at the Hospice
                                        last December, the annual Light
Malcolm stayed in the Hospice over
                                        up a Life service had taken place
the Christmas period, until he sadly
                                        the previous evening, and Kathryn
died on December 27th. The family
                                        remembered seeing the lanterns,
were able to stay overnight with him,
                                        dedicated to loved ones, out on
and they also enjoyed what was to be
their last Christmas dinner with him.
NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice

                                                                                        We’ve had this
                                                                                      letter from Santa
                                                                                       delivered to the

      Anne Giblin                              Sarah Lowden                       Tracy & Katy Carr
      nominated by Sharon                      nominated by Sam                   nominated by Jill
      Batty                                    Calvert                            Kirkham
                                                                               Tracy and her daughter Katy
                                                                               volunteered at the Drive In Movie on
      Anne dropped what she was doing           For all Sarah’s help with      Saturday night. Even though she was
      to help me with a sudden deadline.        depop. She is always happy     wet through we managed to have a little
      She took it all in her stride and just    to parcel things up and send   dance and a giggle at the end. Tracy
      got on with the task with no fuss         them out. She will go and      very kindly volunteered to stay until
      whatsoever. She saved my bacon!           measure items and check        Motorpoint was fully locked and deliver
                                                sizes, etc. She is a star.     the keys back to the branch when it
      Thanks, Anne.                                                            opened on Sunday. She actually came
                                                                               away with lots of car keys and was never

     Unsung Heroes
                                                                               tempted! She certainly went above and
                                                                               beyond on the night to let those who had
                                                                               a journey home get away at decent hour.
                                                                               The feedback from Motorpoint was
                                                                               WOW what a lady and I certainly agree.

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice
Recipe of
                                                                                          the month

                                                                      Home-made Yorkshire parkin recipe
                                                                      •   1 lb oz self raising flour
                                                                      •   1 lb of oats (quaker oats or supermarket
                                                                          own brand)
                                                                      •   ½ lb of caster sugar
                                                                      •   4 heaped tea spoons of ground ginger
                                                                      •   1 lb of soft margarine

                                   David                              •   2 lb of syrup

                                                                      •   2 eggs and 1 and a ¼ pints of milk beaten
                                                                      •   Greased and lined baking tin or large
                                                                          square roasting tin (mixture should be an
                                                                          inch deep)
     David our Chief Executive sent in the article below for          Oven temp: Electric 150 for 50 to 1 hour or gas
     this month’s edition. I never knew he was a softy at             mark 3 to 4.

     ‘I hope that you had a splendid Halloween of some sorts          Method
     on Saturday.                                                     •   In a large bowl, add the flour, sugar ginger,
                                                                          oats and mix together.
     It always seems to me appropriate that Halloween
     happens just as the days start to get shorter and the            •   Rub in the margarine.
     trees turn their vivid autumnal colours and are often            •   Add the syrup and egg mixture.
     shrouded in ethereal mists as they shed their leaves until
     spring next year when there will be - inevitably - new life      •   Mix thoroughly, until you get a consistency
     in dappled sunshine.                                                 which is quite runny.
                                                                      •   Pour into baking tin and place in middle
     It appears likely that Covid-19 will be with us at least until       shelf of oven.
     there is new growth on the trees and the daffodils and
     tulips re-emerge from their currently dormant tubers.            •   Bake until the mixture is firm to the touch.
     Living with Covid-19 and through the next few months             •   When cold, still leaving the baking paper on,
     will be tough on us all, especially as there has been little         wrap in tin foil, so the Parkin can go sticky
     respite since the first wave. But get through it we shall            over night.
     as we assist and care for each other.
                                                                      Serving suggestions
     And you can rest assured that we shall continue to do            •   On its own
     everything we can to ensure that the Hospice remains
                                                                      •   With custard
     a safe environment in which to work and that we shall
     continue to support you whenever we can. We shall also           •   Top with icing sugar, mixed with lemon juice
r    try to bring some fun into our working lives, especially in          instead of water and smooth over the top of
     the run up to Christmas.                                             the parkin, grate lemon rind into to icing mix
d                                                                         to make a zingy topping.
r.   Please take care of you and yours and stay safe.’

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice
TOTAL                                                     A
                                                              Festive                                                   f
                                                              Quiz!                                                     B
                                                              We are very excited to let you know that we
                                                              will launching a festive quiz with our corporate
                                                              supporter TOTAL as they celebrate 50 years of

                                                              We will be broadcasting LIVE from the Haven at
                                                              the Hospice on Thursday 3rd December from 7pm
    Take to the skies, fly high and help the Hospice
                                                              where we will be joined by our fabulous patrons
    soar by leaping into action with our skydiving
                                                              from ITV Calendar News; Gaynor Barnes, Christine
                                                              Talbot and Duncan Wood. They will appear along
                                                              with some of Castleford Tigers first team players
    Taking place on Sunday 18th April 2021 at
                                                              who have all very kindly pre- recorded a video with
    Hibaldstow Airfield, we dare you to board the plane
                                                              quiz questions to be played on the night.
    and free fall from it at a whopping 15,000 ft!
                                                              We will also have a very special surprise visit from
    So whether you’re a thrill seeker, in search of trying
                                                              the most important man in the North Pole. Yes, he
    something new or you’re just hoping to conquer a
                                                              really is travelling all the way from the North Pole
    fear, we guarantee you will create a memory which
                                                              to present our fantastic festive quiz. Keep an eye
    will last a lifetime.
                                                              on all of our socials for more information about this
    After a year of being isolated in our homes, what         unmissable event as it unfolds!

    better way to get away from all your problems than
    being 15,000ft away from them?

    Early bird registration is £40pp, valid until
    December 24th, with a minimum fundraising
    pledge of £450pp.

    We are also offering an exclusive staff discount on
    registration, of only £35!                                After a physically and mentally demanding week, a
                                                              long assessment spent in the Welsh mountains in
    For more information and to sign up email Michael         September, I’m over the moon to have qualified as a
    in Fundraising at                       Mountain Leader. This means I can lead individuals
                                                              or groups in the hills, mountains and moorlands of

    Flu jabs                                                  Britain and Ireland. In the 2 years prior to assessment
                                                              I’ve visited over 120 hills and mountains in the UK
                                                              and abroad (prior to lockdown of course!) in order to
    Last week the lovely pharmacist from Glasshoughton        gain the required skills, knowledge and competence.
    Asda came to the Hospice to give our staff their
    much needed flu vaccinations. In all 45 staff received    I have also attended and passed the Duke of
    the vaccination, we even had an unexpected visit          Edinburgh Expedition Assessor Accreditation
    from one of Father Christmas’s little helpers. The        Scheme enabling me to assess Bronze, Silver and
    big man in red is very wise and knows just how            Gold expeditions in the UK.
    important it is that we are all protected from seasonal
    flu this year.                                            Finally, I managed to escape to Portugal for a week!

    If you have not had a flu vaccination this year contact   Kevin Hogarth, Retail Operations Manager
    your GP or go along to a community pharmacy and
    tell them you work at the Hospice.

    Jo Schofield, Head of Clinical Services

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice
An update
from October’s
Board meeting
There were a number of meetings       Hospice’s wider leadership team.            very commendable and much
of the Hospice’s trustees on 22       The main topic of debate was                appreciated [by Trustees].
October.                              how the Hospice could obtain the
                                      average NHS grant funding of our
The evening started with their
                                      costs. That funding is, in England,     •   comfort had been obtained
annual meeting, at which they
                                      about 33%, whereas we receive               from the auditors’ report,
accepted the ‘Trustees’ Report
                                      23%. It was agreed that, in the first       although there was some
and Financial Statements Year
                                      instance, the Hospice should meet           concern about cash handling
ended 31 March 2020’ (or audited
                                      senior officers of the Wakefield            [which is being addressed];
accounts) before going on to
                                      clinical commissioning group to
re-appointing Garbutt and Elliott                                             •   it had been heartening to learn
                                      determine how ‘levelling up’ could
as auditors for this financial year                                               that the income generation
                                      be acieved from 2021/20.
(2020/21). The Report will be                                                     team remained cautiously
posted on the Hospice’s website       The Chairs of the three Board sub-          optimistic.
in the next couple of weeks but       committees fed back the key points
                                                                              And thence to the last meeting, the
perhaps the most significant          from their respective meetings:
                                                                              second meeting of the Board of
highlight was that we returned a
                                      clinical governance                     Trustees at which the recruitment
surplus of £27,817 which was down
                                                                              of new trustees was discussed,
on the year before, but more than a   •   they had a useful engagement
                                                                              along with the recent round of
credible performance.                     meeting with the CQC;
                                                                              trustee appraisals. Trustees also
Trustees went on to re-appoint        •   the Hospice’s Statement of          reflected on the evening’s previous
Messrs Parkes and Wearing                 Purpose had been brought up-        meetings and all were encouraged
as trustees but Dom Hayes                 to-date and made more reader        that patient care continued
informed the meeting that he              friendly; and                       throughout the pandemic; that
was not standing for re-adoption.                                             the overall impression was one of
                                      •   the lymphoedema clinic and
Dom was thanked for his many                                                  positivity and of a ‘can do’ attitude;
                                          complementary therapy
years of service to the Hospice,                                              and that, despite the trials of the
                                          service had restarted.
and accepted the accolade of                                                  every day, work was still continuing
becoming an honorary life member.     corporate governance and risk:          on taking forward the Hospice’s
                                                                              strategic ambitions.
That meeting was followed by          •   the COVID risk register
the first meeting of the Board            had been updated to show            The meeting concluded with the
of Trustees, at which Gordon              a level of awareness and            Trustees asking me to pass on
Tollefson and Ruth Roche were             actions taken to ensure a safe      to all of you their heartfelt thanks
re-appointed as Chair and Deputy          environment for staff, patients     for keeping the show on the road
Chair respectively. Trustees were         and visitors in the Hospice;        during the pandemic through the
appointed to the three Board sub-                                             provision of excellent specialist
                                      •   positive work has been
committees of clinical governance,                                            palliative care, the services
                                          undertaken through the
corporate governance and risk                                                 essential to the provision of that
                                          auditing of both Donorflex and
and resources. There will be an                                               care, and the continuing generation
                                          Receipt books; and
explanatory article on each of                                                of income needed to provide our
those committees in future editions   •   thanks were extended for the        care through fundraising activities
of Pow Wow, when the trustee              hard work in ensuring the           and the Hospice’s shops.
membership will be given.                 Hospice is running efficiently
                                                                              David Stewart, Chief Executive
                                          and systems are in place for
Trustees then went on to meet             the benefit of everyone despite
with senior managers as the               the COVID pandemic which is

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice

    Trick or treat!                                    Covid survey
This Halloween our Outreach patients have been
having all treats and no tricks. Thanks to a very
generous grant, the Outreach team have been
really busy all week out delivering in all weathers.
                                                       Thank you to everyone who completed one of our
The patients have been treated to some fresh           Covid surveys a few weeks ago. We asked employees
soup, a selection of sandwiches and some parkin        and volunteers to complete the survey, we have now
all made in our own Hospice kitchen.                   collated the results and want to share some highlights
                                                       with you.
In addition they have had a goodie bag which
contained: a word search, a recipe card, an
activity pack to make a rag wreath (for the ones       From employee responses:
that like crafting) and a book which retail kindly     •   It was clear that the majority of people working
supplied. They also received some yummy biscuits           from home had done so successfully with 57%
that Asda kindly donated.                                  reporting an increase in productivity

They have been thrilled with the packs which were      •   97% reported that they had continued to receive
a surprise and they are all very grateful of the           good support/contact from their line manager and
support from all at the Hospice.                           team
                                                       •   95% trusted that the SMT had made decisions to
Jo Lister, Activities Co-ordinator                         protect them
                                                       •   95% felt that the SMT and Board had been
                                                           available during this period
                                                       •   In terms of communications, 97% felt supported by
                                                           the zoom meetings, pow wow/bow wow, wellbeing
                                                       •   92% felt that the Hospice cared about their

                                                       From volunteer responses:
                                                       •   100% understood why it hadn’t been possible for
                                                           them to volunteer during Covid
                                                       •   93% reported that communication with their
                                                           line manager had been effective and the same
      Pet’s                                                percentage felt they had been kept informed about
                                                           developments within the Hospice
     corner?                                           •   Only 2% hadn’t trusted that the SMT had made
                                                           decisions to protect them and the same felt that the
                                                           SMT hadn’t been available during this period
                                                       •   In terms of communications, 98% felt supported by
Tracey Watson wrote in to tell us about an univited        the zoom meetings, pow wow/bow wow, wellbeing
visitor she has had. She said; ‘Pets corner? Ratty         support.
MC tat tried to join our household two nights ago.
He came in through the cat flap and ran up behind      •   98% felt that the Hospice cared about their
the dresser. He jumped off the top and past my             wellbeing.
shoulder before we caught him!’ Tracey included
a photo of the dead rat, which made me squeal!
Here is a cartoon, which is more reader friendly!      We do appreciate that this has been a difficult period of
                                                       time, and continues to be. Getting your feedback has
                                                       been useful in identifying the things which have gone
                                                       well and the areas we could improve. Thank you once
                                                       again to everyone who completed a survey.
                                                       If anyone would like a copy of the full survey results
                                                       please let me know.

                                                       Senior Management Team

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice

    A huge thank you to everyone who got involved
    with ‘Go Yellow’ last month! I loved receiving your
    Here’s a roundup of just some of them. Sharon
    Batty was announced as the winner as she donned
    not just one, but two outfits. Well done Sharon!

NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice
Make your
                                          mental health
                                          a priority
                                          Remember Anne and Susanne are
                                          available for confidential chats in the
                                          workplace. Their contact details are:
                                          Anne 01977 781488 / agiblin@pwh.
                                          Susanne 01977 781461 / syoung@

Don’t forget to make sure everyone in your team gets a
chance to read PoW WoW.
And be sure to let us know your ideas for articles - or you
could even write one! Send any ideas or articles by email to
The deadline for the September issue is Friday 27 November.
                                Little Kingdom
                                Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am-4pm

                                Monday to Saturday 9am-4pm

                                South Elmsall
                                Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am-3.30pm
NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice NOVEMBER 2020 - The Prince of Wales Hospice
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