BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising

BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising

  “COSMOPOLITAN inspires a new
 generation of young women, starting
 conversations and pressing the issues
           that matter to her.
 Curating her wardrobe, championing
great sex and encouraging her to shop,
     laugh, think, love and dream,
COSMOPOLITAN propels her into the
 future as the best version of herself”.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
 COSMOPOLITAN is the biggest magazine brand in the world, with 46 editions,
 in 79 countries. COSMO is the world’s largest young women’s media brand,
 with more than 111 million brand touch points across print, digital & social platforms.


 An alignment with COSMO can enrich awareness, extend knowledge, & help
 brands be understood. COSMO tells rich, engaging stories across multiple
 platforms helping consumers visualise experiences & interactions with brands.

 COSMO can endorse & normalise brands by creating relevance & brand acceptance
 to drive desire & excitement. COSMO directly fosters advocates & embeds
 brands into the mindsets of millennials.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
 KESHNEE KEMP                         LEISA MAAIT                          SHARI NEMENTZIK                      CASSIDY LOANE                          CHARLOTTA BACKLUND                   ALEXIS TEASDALE
 EDITOR                               CREATIVE DIRECTOR                    FEATURES DIRECTOR                    BEAUTY WRITER                          FASHION DIRECTOR                     BEAUTY & LIFESTYLE
 Keshnee has an innate                With 13 years of design and          South-African born Shari spent       Cassidy grew up with a passion         Charlotta has worked in              DIRECTOR
 understanding of the millennial      publishing experience, Leisa         her teenage years in Singapore,      for all things magazines and found     magazines as a stylist for over a    Alexis first stepped through the
 woman and the issues that matter     worked as a graphic designer         Malaysia and Thailand and that’s     her way into the glossy world of       decade. Starting out as a fashion    COSMO doors in 2004 on a
 to her today. With over 10 years’    across teen titles before joining    where her love affair with COSMO     beauty after studying psychology       assistant, she has worked her way    week’s work experience, and
 experience in the media industry,    COSMOPOLITAN. She has                began. She studied journalism at     at the University of Sydney. She       up to be at the helm of fashion at   landed a job! Since then she’s
 she has a wealth of multi-platform   managed creative teams for most      university in England before         has worked on titles like ELLE,        Cosmopolitan. With such extensive    worked for some of the biggest
 experience across print, digital,    of her career and has worked         completing a master’s degree in      OK! and NW before finding her          experience behind her belt, she      magazine brands in the country
 television and video production      closely with editors to deliver      Sydney, where she landed her first   way to her dream role at               knows how to interpret trends        including DOLLY, InStyle and
 and takes the editor’s chair at      innovative and relevant redesigns.   job in magazines as an               COSMOPOLITAN where you can             and style for the Australian         SHOP Til You Drop, and has
 COSMOPOLITAN after a period of       Leisa is extremely passionate        entertainment writer. Fast forward   find her lost in the latest launches   woman, making fashion easy           appeared as an expert on TV
 consulting with various publishers   about this iconic brand - the        five years and her dream of          as Beauty & Lifestyle Editor. To       yet aspirational. Her experience     shows such as The Today Show,
 and advertisers, on digital and      magazine, the website, the events,   working for COSMO came true.         Cassidy, beauty is more than just      ranges from domestic and             A Current Affair, Mornings and
 audience strategies. Prior to that   the socials, the podcast and         Heading up the features              playing with makeup, it’s a way for    international editorial shoots       more. In 2013 Alexis came full
 she was editor of Famous and has     executing creative concepts that     department, she’s passionate         women to feel confident and            to celebrity styling, advertising    circle, back to where it all began.
 held senior roles at Channel Nine    can help drive sales.                about women’s issues and is the      powerful, while having fun with        campaigns and catwalk shows.         Her 14 years’ writing, styling and
 including chief of staff of live                                          best contact for stories on          their look. She aims to inspire        She also teaches styling to          editing has given her a unique
 television program Mornings.                                              relationships, careers, health/      women to be their best selves,         students in her spare time to        understanding of women’s lifestyle
                                                                           fitness and celebrities.             whether that’s thanks to the           encourage them to enter the          magazines, especially the global
 Keshnee is commercially focused
                                                                                                                newest lipstick shade, a life          industry she herself loves.          powerhouse that is COSMO.
 and passionate about creating
                                                                                                                changing skincare ingredient or a
 content that connects and
                                                                                                                dry shampoo that gets you
 engages with women across
                                                                                                                out the door in five seconds flat.
 all channels.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
  JESSICA, 28                                                                                        I’M OBSESSED WITH MY HAIR Like, really
  FROM NEWCASTLE, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CEO.                                                        obsessed. Lara Bingle, Robyn Lawley, Miranda Kerr,
  Jessica, is smart, professional, sociable, stylish, strong and                                     Khloe Kardashian... Hair goals for days.
  sexy, in short, she’s a young modern Australian woman.

                                                                                                                   MY LIFE The minute I wake up, it goes something like this:
                                                                                                                   6:30am: Check Instagram stories and then scroll my feed.
                  I’M MEANT TO BE LISTENING
                                                                                                                   Watch hilarious videos my best friend sent late last night,
     TO INSPIRING PODCASTS about how to be the
                                                                                                                   who it would appear carried on after I left her at the bar and
    boss, instead, I’ve got Drake’s new album on repeat
                                                                                                                   proceeded to have one hell of a Sunday session.
       and I’m planning my next TV binge session after
                polishing off the OA (for a second time).                                                          6:32am Check Facebook & Snapcha. Eight Notications.
                                                                                                                   Post two ‘happy birthday’ messages, Like an adorable
                                                                                                                   pitcure of my baby niece, read about whether Kim’s Paris
                                                   THIS BAG! I may still be                                        heist WAS or WASN’T faked on Cosmo AU, share feature
                                               paying it off on my credit card
                                                                                                                   from New Yorker, ‘Why Stranger Things is actually based
                                                          but it’s my first love.
                                                                                                                   on reality’, tagging in two workmates who share my Netflix
                                                                                                                   obsession, read article on a family living on opposite sides
                                                                                                                   of the world because of Trump’s new anti-refugee policy
                                                                                                                   and share in disgust!
                             A COPY OF COSMO FOR MY                                                                6:40am: check back in on Instagram.
               40 MINUTES COMMUTE TO WORK It’s my little
             indulgence and nice to take time out instead of being                                                 Like posts from @kayla_itsines, @kyliejenner, @lozcurtis
           glued to my phone. I love flicking through, planning my                                                 and regram @Hotdudeswithdogs tagging in my newly single
                next shopping trip, getting lost in an inspiring story                                             mate #yourwelcome.
               about a girl who made a million from a business she                         GYM FAIL
                                                                                     Totally meant to go to        Finally, speak actual human words to my new BFand start
               started in her garage, getting up to speed on what’s
                                                                                         a 7am F45 class,          hoping my housemate won’t hear we’re about to do....
              happening in the world, earmarking a beauty look for
           dinner with the girls and, although i don’t always admit                   but overslept (read:
            it, I love reading about threesomes and affairs. I don’t                      morning quickie
                trust anyone but Cosmo to tell me that kind of stuff.                    with my new man
                                                                                     I’ll hit up a class after
                                                   A LITTLE SATURDAY TREAT
                                                                                           work instead.
                                                       Under $60 in the Zara sale.
                                                             AKA practically free.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
 COSMOPOLITAN takes a look at the readers life using everyone from REAL WOMEN to experts and celebs in our stories.

 ONLY IN COSM0 news, trends and opinions       COSMO WORK Tips and tricks to get         COSMO BODY It’s about feeling good and
                                               you ahead in your career and work life.   celebrating who you are! Not about losing
 BEAUTY & STYLE EDIT Fast, bite                                                          weight or crazy diets, we talk about loving
 sized bits of fashion & beauty. Accessible    LOVE & LUST A no-nonsense                 your body: being healthy and toned.
 price points. How to’s on the latest beauty   guide to romance
 and fashion.                                                                            LIFESTYLIST A number of ways to make
                                                                                         your life cooler. We edit your life, travel ,
 FEATURES We talk to our readers in a                                                    movies, music, gadgets, books, homewares
 friendly, engaging and fun tone                                                         and DIY.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
COSMO OWNS THE CONVO                                                              COSMO
               COSMO WORK                                                       INFLUENCER
        Forget starting a family or getting married,                            TAKEOVERS
      the Cosmo readers number one goal is to be
financially secure. Her 9-to-5 is a huge priority for her.
                                                                   Cosmo has hand-selected collaborators from
                                                                    a new breed of influencers, the social media
                                                                                                                                    COSMO TRAVEL
   But she’s not after pie-in-the-sky ‘one day’ dreams,                                                                       Our audience are always on the hunt for
                                                                     stars, who have parlayed their social feeds
 this woman wants advice, tips and expert insight that                                                                       the next best travel experience. By pairing
                                                                       into new media empires. These female
she can use now. That will actually make a difference.                                                                    inspiration from their favourite influencers with
                                                                   entrepreneurs are smart, confident, ambitious
 And this is where the Cosmo Work section is unique.                                                                      the COSMOPOLITAN voice that they trust, we
                                                                    and SO Cosmo. They live and breathe their
  It gets her and her work life. Cosmo delivers tips on                                                                    will create the ultimate go to travel guide that
                                                                     own goals. Like Cosmo, they influence the
how to deal with difficult bosses, advice on what to do                                                                         helps our audiences find the unique,
                                                                         #goals generation & for this special
 if she doesn’t have her dream job, how to stick up for                                                                  Instagram-worthy destinations that they desire.
                                                                            issue, they guest edit sections
  herself in meetings, what’s keeping her from making                                                                           Each month in partnership with a new
                                                                                    relevant to them.
     more money, how to win at the LinkedIn game.                                                                          influencer, COSMOPOLITAN will find off-the-
     Real, smart, clever expert advice she can only                                                                             beaten track spots, inspiring readers
         get in the pages of Cosmo. And she can                                                                                through top lists and snackable pieces

                  put into action tomorrow                                                                                      of information that arm them with the
                           at 9am.                                                                                                     confidence to book their
                                                                                        OWNS SUMMER                                      next memorable trip.
                                                                                 Previously Cleo had a long history of being
                                                                                the go-to brand for Australian beach culture.
                              COSMO BODY                                   With Cleo no longer in market, Cosmo can dominate
                                                                           summer. In-mag we’re planning a four-part summer
                    As the fitness and “healthspo” obsession
                                                                          beauty series covering tanning, makeup, hair and skin
                      continues to boom in Australia, in 2018
                                                                            to run over Nov-Feb issues and will offer huge new
                  Cosmopolitan will be placing more emphasis
                                                                           advertising environments and sponsorship potential.
                 on its health and body content and properties.
                                                                            Further establishing our stamp on summer, Cosmo
                     In-mag, the section will be given greater
                                                                             will launch the biggest magazine swimsuit guide
                 prominence towards the front of the book with
                                                                           featuring bikinis for women of every shape and size
                     an increased page count. Following the
                                                                              along with the brands, tips and places to shop.
                 success of the Cosmo Body bonus magazine
                                                                               Cosmo will be known as the go-to for summer
                   in 2015, Cosmo will look to publish another
                                                                                    swimwear. Opportunity to extend this
                      Cosmo Body edition in the second half
                                                                                          to an event. E.g. Longest
                       of 2018, offering a practical “real life”
                                                                                                swim catwalk.
                            guide to food and fitness for
                                    busy women.
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
                                                                                        2018 marks the 12th year Cosmo has run its annual
                                                                                   search for the most successful, inspiring, thought-provoking
                                                                                women in Australia. Completely reader-nominated, this is a stand-
                                                                                 out event that not only celebrates women in the public eye (from
                                In 2018, COSMO has taken the reins                social media stars to actresses) but also the everyday women
                            of this iconic Australian property and make        achieving incredible things, from trail-blazing entrepreneurs to game-
                               it our own. With over a 30-year history                                changing campaigners.
                                in Australia, Bachelor of the Year is a
                                                                                2016’s event saw Australia’s first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard,
                               household name and one that Cosmo
                                                                                  inducted into the Cosmo FFF Hall of Fame – her attendance and
                                      can take to the next level.
                                                                                 keynote speech were live streamed across
                                                                                 and garnered publicity for the event across print, TV and radio. In
                                                                                    2017 we inducted much loved Australian TV personality Kerri-
                                                                                     Anne Kennerley into the Hall of Fame after a huge year for
                                                                                         her as she faced one of the most difficult personal
                                                                                          tragedies of all time, showing young Australian
                                                                                               women the true meaning of resilience.
    Here at COSMO HQ we truly believe
  every human being has the right to make
  their OWN choices in love and in life. Off
 the back of the 2017 inaugural pride issue,              COSMO launches a nationwide
 COSMOPOLITAN is proud to be doing it all                search for the face of the COSMO
  again in 2018 as an official media partner              Curve Collective.More than just
    of The Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi                      a beautiful face, we’re looking
     Gras! COSMO will have a COSMO                         for the ultimate COSMO girl–
     Quickie tent at Fair Day in Victoria                        unashamedly bold
       Park, dishing out lots of freebies                          & body proud.
           and happy glittery vibes!
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
                      JAN                      FEB                    MAR                     APR                     MAY                  JUN                JUL            AUG                       SEP                   OCT                 NOV               DEC
 ON SALE             4/12/18                  1/01/18                  5/02/18                 5/03/18                 2/04/18             7/05/18           4/06/18          2/07/18                  6/08/18                3/09/18            1/10/18            5/10/18
                                                                                                                       THE ME                                                                     EVERYTHING                 BACK TO
 ISSUE THEME    FRESH STARTS                    LOVE                    PRIDE                 POWER
                                                                                                                                             SEX             TRAVEL      INFLUENCERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNDER $100                  BASICS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SWIM               BODY

                  WOTY Wrap up                                                                                                            Reader Sex         WOTY 2018
                                           COSMO explores         LGBTQI readers and         Power looks             When I took                                         Influencers take over    Fashion, Beauty and      Fashion, Beauty      Equal Pay         Bach Top 30
                                                                                                                                        Survey revealed       Launch
                                          love in all its forms    celebs share their      across fashion &        charge of my own                                       our Fashion, Beauty    lifestyle all under $10   and Lifestyle all                      Announced
               TOP 30 Bachelor shoot                                                                                                                                                                                                             Initiative
                                                                        stories            beauty + Power             life feature                                         and Travel pages                                  under $100
                                          Fragrance Celebs                                   moves to get                                 Sex position         Travel                                Budget Beauty                                              All shoots across
               Pia Fox travel takeover                                                                                                      awards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Feel a lump in
                                               LOVE                 Rainbow beauty          ahead in your              Bachelor                                                                    Awards - COSMO                                                fashion, beauty,
                 Portugal - COSMO                                                                                                                                                                                                               every issue -
                                                                        special                 career                 round up                                                                     reviews the best                                             body will be with
                       Travel               Celebs tell us                                                                              Winter wardrobe                                            of the best beauty                          Breast cancer       models of all
                                          what they LOVE in          LGBTQI friendly          The Power              Retreat travel       special - 500                                            products available                            awareness      shapes, sizes and
                Hair Special - Fresh       their wardrobe                                  List - The who’s          special - Treat    pieces that won’t                                        in supermarkets and                              initiative       skin colours
                                                                   travel destinations
               cuts for the new year.                                                        who that are            Yo Self & feel      break the bank                                                pharmacies
               Dramatic changes and         Steph Claire                                    #killingitatlife          empowered                                                                                                                                 COSMO explores
                                                                   Love is love main
                funny commentary.           Smith takes                                                                                    Lingerie to                                           Bachelor of the Year                                             8 of the best
                                                                     fashion shoot
                                                                                                                                        outwear - how to                                            2019 Launch
                                           over Morocco -                                 My Mentor Special         The accessories                                                                                                                                beaches in
               Drug special - Cosmo        COSMO Travel                                    + Win a Mentor               special             sex it up!                                                                                                              Australia
 CONTENT        talks about the drug
                problem in Australia,                                                                                                     Luxe travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Spring Racing
                                            Georgia Love                                    Cosmo Curve            Selfie man fashion                                                            Fashion and Beauty                                                Christmas
               featuring women who                                                         Collective Finalist            shoot            escapes -                                                                                                              Gift Guide +
                                           Beauty Takeover                                                                                                                                             Looks
               have turned their lives                                                                                                  Maldives & celeb
                                                                                                 shoot               (me, me, me)                                                                                                                               entertaining story
               around after addiction                                                                                                      getaways

                 Crime series - Young                                                                                                    Eye and Brow
                Writer Search across 3                                                                                                     Feature
                issues, COSMO prints
               three exclusive extracts
               from an up-and-coming
               Author to ultimately win
                   a book deal with
                     sponsor TBC

                                           VINO COSMO                COSMO
                                                                   BACHELOR &
 EVENTS                                    MARDI GRAS             COSMO CURVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WOMAN OF
                                            FAIR DAY                                                                                                                                                                                           THE YEAR
                                              AWARDS                                                                                                                                                                         RACING +            SPRING            PARTY
                                             SEASON +
 DIGITAL       AWARDS SEASON                                      PRIDE CONTENT
                                                                                                                   BACHELOR OF          SEX SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                                                         MONEY SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPRING SKIN               SUMMER              RACING           SEASON +
 CALENDAR                                   DAY GIFT
                                                                                          WOMEN’S DAY
                                                                                                                     THE YEAR
                                                                                                                                                             CONTENT                                 SPECIAL               BODY SPECIAL          + PARTY          XMAS GIFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             + COSMO             SEASON            GUIDES

                                                                                                                     YEAR-ROUND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

                                                                                                                                                            COSMO BODY     INFLUENCER              COCKTAILS
                                                              COSMO TRAVEL             SEE, WATCH, DO            BEAUTY HOW-TO          COSMO SWIM           TAKEOVERS     GUEST EDITS            WITH COSMO
BRAND OVERVIEW 2018 - Bauer Media Advertising
 NAME              POSITION                                 PHONE NUMBER     EMAIL
 Paul Gardiner     Commercial Director                      (02) 9282 8676

 Karen Holmes      Head of Key Accounts                     (02) 9282 8733

 Will Jamison      Head of Direct Sales, VIC                (03) 9823 6301

 Judy Taylor       Head of Sales, QLD                       (07) 3101 6636

 Jaclyn Clements   Sales Director, VIC                      (03) 9823 6341

 Ben Wiles         SA Sales Manager                         (03) 9823 6387

 Nicky Simpson     Sales Manager, WA                        0414 298 725

 Peter Manten      Digital Strategy & Commercial Director   (02) 9282 8470
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