Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021 - St Mary's Church ...

Page created by Monica Sanders
Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021 - St Mary's Church ...
Celebrate the Festival of Harvest with the first fruits
                            of the crops you sow in your field.

              Celebrate the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year,
                      when you gather in your crops from the field.
                                         Exodus 23:16

               Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021

                                   Services this week
                            Sunday 12th September - Trinity 15

10am Harvest CONNECT - St Mary's Saltford
11.15am Holy Communion - Holy Trinity NSL
4pm Benefice Telephone Service

Lord God, defend your Church from all false teaching and give to your people knowledge of your
truth, that we may enjoy eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

St Mary's - Genesis 45:4-7 Mark 4:26-32
Holy Trinity - Isaiah 50:4-9a Mark 8:27-end
Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021 - St Mary's Church ...
Services next week
                              Sunday 19th September - Trinity 16

  10am Holy Communion - St Mary's Saltford
  11.15am Harvest for Everyone - All Saints Corston
  4pm Benefice Telephone Service

  Lord of creation, whose glory is around and within us: open our eyes to your wonders, that we
  may serve you with reverence and know your peace at our lives' end, through Jesus Christ our
  Lord. Amen

  St Mary's - Jeremiah 11:18-20 Mark 9:30-37
  All Saints - Genesis 45:4-7 Mark 4:26-32

             Click here for the Zoom link for Sunday 26th September at 11.15am

                                       Telephone Service
                                    To join our telephone service

                                         Dial: 03330164757
                                     Room Number: 30497259#
                                       Room Number: 5856#

               Supporting the Mission and Ministry of St Mary's Church
If you would like to make an online donation to support the ongoing work of St Mary's please click
on the donate button . It will redirect you to our online giving page. You can also give in other ways
like standing order, through the contactless device in church, through our website or by cash. For
 more information about how to give please speak to Pam F our treasurer and she will be able to
                                              help you.

Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021 - St Mary's Church ...
Benefice Pattern of Worship from September 2021


                              Refreshments after Church

We are starting to serve refreshments after church at St Mary's from this Sunday (12th September)
               and would welcome you to join us for a long awaited coffee & chat.
 We would like to put together a rota of volunteers to help serve refreshments and are asking for
    your help. If you feel you could spare an hour after church once in a while, please contact
                            Denise -
                                  Liz -
Notice Sheet for 12th September 2021 - St Mary's Church ...
Shoe Box Appeal 2021 Operation Christmas Child

  The summer holidays are nearly over and my thoughts are turning to the next season and the
                                 Shoebox Appeal for this Autumn.

The shoe boxes we fill with toys and goodies are shipped all over the world and distributed by our
               OCC partner operations to children suffering difficult circumstances.

The boxes need to be ready in early November and it is amazing how quickly that will be upon us.

If you would like to help with this year’s appeal, please contact me. I would also be grateful if you
would mention Shoeboxes to your friends or any groups & societies you belong to in Saltford and
                                         surrounding area.

  Always a welcome addition to a box are homemade hats, scarves, mittens, puppets or cotton
                 bags or purses - we ask that they are made from new materials.

If you are able, please begin to collect items to go in a box - then the fun of filling shoeboxes will
                                  be easier in a few weeks time.

               Any queries - please get in touch with me or checkout the website.
                                     Best wishes Lynn Pickup

                            Tel 07771 598124,,


                            Harvest Services across the Benefice

                                     19th September at 11.15am
                                          All Saints Corston
                                 Refreshments served from 10.30am

                                     26th September at 11.15am
                                           Holy Trinity NSL
This year we would like to encourage people to give food direct to the Foodbank or send a financial gift to

                                              Christian Aid.

                                              Messy Play

 This Monday (13th September) we are planning our first Messy Play. The hope is that enough parents
will come and be willing to help run the mornings themselves. Would you be willing to help with providing
                                       If so, get in touch with Daile.

                                     Opportunities to Pray

                                               In Church
             St Mary's is open 10-4pm on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday
       All Saints is open 10-4pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
                                   Holy Trinity is open on Sunday

                                           Morning Prayer
                            Monday to Wednesday via Zoom at 8.30am

                                              Prayer @ 6
                               Monday to Thursday via Zoom at 6pm

                  Zoom Meeting Details for Morning Prayer and Prayer@6

                       Meeting ID: 850 1799 8147               Passcode: Prayer
If you have cause for concern regarding the safety of a child or vulnerable adult it is vital that you
                     contact our Benefice Safeguarding Officer or the Rector.
Benefice Safeguarding Officer
            Mrs Sue Dixon 01225 359014

                 Contact Us
             Liz Benden (Day off Friday)
Parish Office Opening Hours 9-1pm Tuesday - Thursday
                   01225 872275

         Revd Daile Wilshere (Day off Friday)
                Mobile: 07810551447

              Readers (Lay Ministers)
              Ken Plant 01225 874591
             Robin Dixon 01225 359014
            Teresa Austin 07763 208664

                  Church Wardens
           Norman (Saltford) 01225 874591
            Dave (Saltford) 01225 874699
           Debbie (Corston) 01225 873887
           David (Corston) 01225 873887
           Harvey (Newton) 01225 872832
          Matthew (Newton) 07469 377438

           Copyright © 2021 SCN Benefice

              Our mailing address is:
                   SCN Benefice
                   Queen Square
              Saltford, Bristol BS31 3EL
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