Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition

Page created by Donald Stone
Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition
Special Olympics Illinois
                            Region I News
                                    Summer 2021 Edition

                     Athletes Try Something New at Spring Games!
   Inside This
                    Saturday, May 15th, Special Olympics
                    Illinois Region I hosted the Spring
     Edition        Games at the Mattoon High School,
                    where Special Olympics Athletes could
● Athletes Return   get back into the “Spirit of the Games”
  to Sport at       and try new sports, including jumping
  Spring Games      events, throwing events, track events,
                    and Soccer Skills!!
● Virtual Summer    Following Opening Ceremony, Athletes
  Games Thanks      were divided into groups to rotate to
  You!              the various sections of sports events.
                    Never seen at EIU Spring Games,
● Region I          soccer skills were introduced to the
  Bowling           Region I Athletes, and most all of the
  Competition       athletes in attendance tried the 3 skills
                    including ball dribbling, soccer goal
● FREE MedFest      kick, and soccer ball passing. Be on the lookout for Region I teams
                    getting into Soccer skills competition in 2022!
● Special
  Olympics Family                        2021 Virtual Summer Games is a Hit!!
  Festival Update                       Thank you to everyone who participated in the
                                        Special Olympics Illinois Virtual Summer Games
● New Med App                           and LETR Virtual Torch Run! We hope you tuned
  Forms!                                in to our many virtual activities. From an exciting
                                        Opening Ceremony to daily
● Upcoming                              Move it Minutes, goal-scoring
  Region I                              e-sports tournaments,
  Fundraisers                           informative Family and
                                        Athlete Leadership sessions,
● Happy 4th of                          AND the new Athlete Craft
  July              Night, we hope you had fun!
                    Did you miss an event? You can revisit the daily
                    events and Closing Ceremony at https://
Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition
Our first Region I Competition will be the Bowling tourna-
                            ment on Saturday, August 28th and Sunday, August 29th at
                            the Western Avenue Bowl and Arrowhead Lanes in Cham-
                            paign, IL. Special Olympics Illinois Team bowling registra-
                            tions are due to Jackie Mendoza, jmendoza@soill.org, by
                            Monday, August 2nd. As a reminder, only Singles Bowlers
                            and Ramp Bowlers competition will be provided, BUT all
                            GOLD medal winners in these 2 events will advance to the
                            State Competition on December 4th in Peoria. The State
                            Bowling Competition forms are due November 1st. Don’t
                            forget, Special Olympics Illinois Region I is hosting a FREE
                            MedFest so that Athletes can get their new Medical Forms
                            completed for FREE on July 8th or 9th. Contact Joanie
                            Keyes, jkeyes@soill.org, to schedule your appointment now!

The health and safety of Special Olympics Illinois athletes is our
#1 priority at the Special Olympics Family Festival (SOFF). After
much thought and discussion, we have decided to host a virtual
SOFF event again this year on Saturday, September 18th.
SOFF is always a much anticipated event, and we did not take this
important decision lightly. We simply cannot risk bringing more
than 1,800 people together, potentially putting the athletes,
volunteers, coaches and family members at risk.
We are disappointed we won’t be able to meet in person again
this year; however, we’re excited to build on last year’s successful
virtual event with some new features. Planning is underway now
and we hope to bring the fun and games to our athletes in a safe
way this year.
The Special Olympics Family Festival Registration paperwork is
only 2 forms the coach must provide, but as a reminder all
Athletes need a valid medical application and the new Consent Form.
More information about the Virtual SOFF event will be shared soon. Please like or follow
our Facebook Page, Twitter @mySOFFtweets and Instagram @mySOFFsnaps to stay
connected with SOFF. For registration forms and support, contact Vanessa Duncan at
Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition
Starting August 1st, 2021, there is a new medical form for Athletes! In order to be
eligible for participation in Special Olympics, every athlete must have a valid Medical Form
(previously called a Med App) on file with Special Olympics Illinois prior to the start of
training. Special Olympics Illinois only accepts its own form, forms from other states are
not accepted.
The Medical Form is valid for 3 years from the date of the examination regardless of the
parent/guardian/entrant signature date. The Medical Form cannot be altered in any way
(information crossed out, wording added that alters any of the waivers, etc.). The English
version of the new medical form can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/
d/1w1xRuR6dm2zrEzYT187wEMdRLi-MA9Ut/view, but Spanish versions are also available.
For questions, contact Jackie Mendoza at jmendoza@soill.org.

                         Ride For Respect (All Vehicles can Ride) on Saturday, July 17 th,
                         from Coziahr Harley-Davidson (Forsyth) to Andrae’s Harley-
                         Davidson (Urbana). To get registered for the Region I Ride for Re-
                         spect visit: https://soill.donordrive.com/index.cfm?

                         Region I Golf Outing, Friday, August 6th, 2021 at the University
                         of Illinois Orange Golf Course. Registration/Check-in at 11:00
                         with lunch from Chick-Fil-A. Shotgun Start at 12:00. Light appe-
                         tizers and awards at 4:30pm. Visit the Region I Golf Outing Regis-
                         tration site for more info. & registration: https://

Special Olympics Illinois Region I Staff wishes everyone a
safe and fun Independence Day! Enjoy your weekend and
remember those who have fought for your freedom.
From your Director, Joanie Keyes, and Assistant Directors,
Jackie Mendoza and Vanessa Duncan, Happy 4th of July!
  To Contact Special Olympics Illinois Region I:
     Region I Director, Joanie Keyes, jkeyes@soill.org
     Region I Asst. Director– Sports, Jackie Mendoza, jmendoza@soill.org
     Region I Asst. Director– Development, Vanessa Duncan, vduncan@soill.org
Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition Special Olympics Illinois Region I News - Summer 2021 Edition
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