New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs

Page created by Hazel Dean
New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD)
    Airline Update #3 – as at 16:00, 29 March 2022
    This update: Updated information to help travellers to New Zealand

New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
Important notice
       As at 11.59pm on Saturday 30 April 2022, the Nau Mai Rā (NMR) Travel Pass will no longer be legally accepted
                                            as a valid entry into New Zealand.

                                                                 As at 11:59pm Saturday 30 April 2022:
   The New Zealand Traveller Declaration is
                                                                 • The NMR Travel Pass will no longer be legally accepted as a valid entry
   mandated. This online declaration allows
                                                                    into New Zealand.
   travellers to upload their travel and COVID-19
                                                                 • Airlines must no longer accept NMR Travel Pass as valid entry into New
   documentation online.
                                                                    Zealand at check in.

                                                                 Airlines should instruct travellers to complete the NZTD online. In
   All travellers must complete the NZTD before                  instances where it may not be practical for them to do this online, they
   travelling to New Zealand and be issued a                     can use the manual paper form.
   New Zealand Traveller Pass. This includes                     • Download and print the paper form here.
   children and infants.                                         • The paper form must only be handed out to travellers that cannot
                                                                     access or complete the declaration, online.
                                                                 • Airlines must complete the “Airlines only” section on the paper form.
  For noting:
  • All travellers who have been issued NMR travel passes have been sent an individual email explaining that they need to declare their travel in the
      NZTD system
  • Travellers can start their online declaration up to 28 days before they fly to NZ
  • Once they get their pre-departure test result, travellers need to complete the online declaration by uploading the result onto the declaration
      immediately and submit it for processing.
New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
Reminders to air passengers travelling to NZ
                                                                                                                                   2. Traveller arrives at check-in with
                          1. Traveller arrives at check-in without NZTD Traveller Pass
                                                                                                                                        partially completed NZTD
 MANUAL PAPER FORM                                                                                                              CONDITIONAL TRAVELLER PASS

 Although travellers should be instructed to complete the declaration online, it may not be practical for them to do this. In   Where a traveller has only partially completed
 this situation, they can use the manual paper form.                                                                            their online NZTD, they may be issued a
                                                                                                                                ‘conditional’ Traveller Pass.
 The manual paper-based process is:
 • Check-in staff will provide the traveller with the form.                                                                     A conditional Traveller Pass is identical to other
 • The traveller will complete the paper declaration form prior to check-in.                                                    Traveller Passes, except that it will display the
 • Airline check-in staff will validate the traveller’s completed paper form and relevant health documents, and complete        pathway “Manual Assessment”.
   the “Airline only” section – the traveller will be boarded if compliant.
 • On arrival, Customs officers will also check the traveller’s paper form and relevant health documents.                       A conditional Traveller Pass may be issued in cases
 The paper form must be completed prior to the first international port of departure and presented with other COVID-19          • travellers have provided the required mandatory
 documentation required and valid for travel to New Zealand.                                                                       declaration information but have not been able
                                                                                                                                   to upload their health documents; and
 You can download the manual paper form here.                                                                                   • they confirm they have a negative PDT within
                                                                                                                                   the prescribed time before travel and meet
                                                                                                                                   required vaccine standards (and can provide
                                                                                                                                   evidence of meeting these requirements prior
                                                                                                                                   to boarding).
 Travellers on connecting flights on their way to New Zealand are either not completing an NZTD, or not doing one
 within the timeframe of the validity of their PDT result.
                                                                                                                                 For conditional Traveller Passes that indicate
                                                                                                                                “Manual Assessment”, airline staff must verify the
 • Airlines need to advise travellers on connecting flights to NZ that they need to do an NZTD within a timeframe that
                                                                                                                                traveller’s vaccination certificate and PDT (if
   ensures that their PDT is done 24-48 hours within the scheduled departure of their first international flight to New
                                                                                                                                applicable) are valid prior to boarding. Travel
                                                                                                                                should be denied if documents are not valid.

New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
3. Travellers need to be reminded about the following to ensure they are not infringed on arrival in NZ


   1. Travellers not realising they need a PDT to enter New           • Anyone over the age of 2 needs to have a PDT, unless exempted.

                                                                      • Travellers need to get their PDT done 24-48 hours within the scheduled
   2. Not meeting the required PDT timeframe.                           departure time of their first international flight to NZ.

                                                                      • A PDT must be completed within the required timeframe before they board
   3. Travellers that have previously contracted COVID and              their flight.
      have a medical certificate assume that this means               • If the PDT result is positive, the traveller will need to get a medical certificate
      they do not need to do a PDT and have a PDT                       stating that they have previously contracted COVID and that they do not have
      document to show at the NZ border.                                symptoms, and are no longer infectious with COVID-19 before they can board
                                                                        their flight.
                                                                      • These travellers will be issued with a valid NZTD travel pass and they must show
                                                                        the medical certificate and the PDT document when they arrive at the border.

                      Visit the latest NZ Ministry of Transport’s Carrier Guidance at .
                                                       Next update by close-of-business Friday 29 April 2022.

New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
        eGate integration with NZTD Traveller Pass at Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch international airports

Testing of eGate and NZTD Traveller Pass integration in April-May 2022

                                                                         As part of our tests, travellers arriving with NZTD
                                                                         Traveller Passes at Auckland, Wellington and
                                                                         Christchurch International Airports will be
                                                                         processed automatically through our eGates.
                                                                         Advantages to travellers holding E-passports:
                                                                         • Travellers issued with a NZ Traveller Pass that
                                                                           doesn’t need to be manually checked by a
                                                                           Customs Officer, can now enter NZ via the
                                                                           eGates – by just scanning their E-passport.

       Shortening the traveller processing times at the border           • Traveller processing time is expedited.
  As part of out commitment to continuous improvement in NZTD,
   travellers will no longer need to show their NZTD traveller pass
  because eGates automatically check NZTD status when passports
                              are scanned.

New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
                                         New translated resources now available for your travellers via
                                     New Zealand Traveller Declaration Toolkit for Partners (
We have translated two important and helpful resources – the
New Zealand Traveller Factsheet and the “Guide to submitting         From 2 May 2022, the NZ Traveller         From 30 April 2022, translated        From week commencing 23 May
your New Zealand Traveller Declaration” video. These are being       Factsheet will be available in both      subtitles and transcripts for this   2022, we will have the New Zealand
uploaded onto the NZTD website as they become available – see         English and 19 other languages.             video will be available.         Traveller Factsheet translated in five
below.                                                                                                                                                       alternate formats.
The following Traveller Factsheets    The following Traveller
                                                                                                                                                   For the blind
can be downloaded here.               Factsheets will be uploaded
                                                                                                                                                   • Braille
                                      shortly here.
1. Te Reo Māori
                                                                                                                                                   For people who have a learning
2. Cook Islands Māori                 1.   Spanish
                                                                                                                                                   disability, low literacy levels, English
3. Samoan                             2.   Portuguese
                                                                                                                                                   as a second language, elderly or
4. Tongan                             3.   Hindi
5. Tokelauan                          4.   Punjabi
6. Tuvaluan
                                                                                                                                                   •   Easy Read
7. Rotuman
                                                                                                                                                   •   Large Print
8. Bislama
                                                                                                                                                   •   Audio
9. Fijian
                                                                                                                                                   •   Sign Language
10. Niuean
11. Chinese (Simplified)
12. Chinese (Traditional)
13. Japanese
14. French
15. German
We are developing toolkits of resources specific to the Pacific, Asia and South American regions. You will receive an update when these toolkits are ready.
If you would like to provide us with feedback on what other resources might be useful for you to communicate about NZTD to your travellers or airline staff, email us at
New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD) - Airline Update #3 - as at 16:00, 29 March 2022 - NZ Customs
                                 International network partnering to raise awareness of NZTD in regions
In partnership with Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Customs International Posts, and the team in Immigration NZ, we are activating our international
networks in key regions to raise awareness of the New Zealand Traveller Declaration (NZTD), and ensure high compliance for travellers to NZ.

•   The NZ Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) have helped us translate communications tools into multiple languages.
•   We have established a collaborative approach to communicate changes to health and travel requirements quickly and in a format travellers can
•   We have developed regional-specific toolkits of resources in a number of languages to help our partners can use to communicate to travellers.
•   We have partnerships with Accessibility and Disability groups and they are helping us to deliver alternate formats for our Factsheet, e.g, sign
    language and easy reader versions.

We are activating our international networks in the following regions, based on partner feedback advising us where most support is required.

Campaign roll outs from week commencing 2 May 2022.

    Regions                   Pacific                      Asia                            South America                 UK
    Campaign roll out         Week commencing 2 May 2022   Week commencing 23 May 2022     Week commencing 6 June 2022   Week commencing 20 June 2022

                                                                             Regional Toolkits
Regional Toolkits are being developed in a number of languages to help you communicate with your travellers. These will them do the right thing before they travel to New
                               Pacific Region Toolkit              Asia Region Toolkit                   South America Region Toolkit        UK and Europe Regions Toolkits

   Languages                   1. Te Reo Māori                     1.   Chinese (Simplified)             1. Spanish                          1. French
                               2. Cook Islands Māori               2.   Chinese (Traditional)            2. Portuguese                       2. German
                               3. Samoan                           3.   Japanese
                               4. Tongan                           4.   Hindi
                               5. Tokelauan                        5.   Punjabi
                               6. Tuvaluan                         6.   Vietnamese
                               7. Rotuman
                               8. Bislama
                               9. Fijian
                               10. Niuean

   Resources                   •   Static Social Media Tiles       •    Static Social Media Tiles        •   Static Social Media Tiles       •   Static Social Media Tiles
                               •   Awareness Raising for NZTD      •    Awareness Raising for NZTD       •   Awareness Raising for NZTD      •   Awareness Raising for NZTD
                                   Poster                               Poster                               Poster                              Poster
                               •   Traveller Factsheet             •    Traveller Factsheet              •   Traveller Factsheet             •   Traveller Factsheet
                               •   “A Guide to Completing your     •    “A Guide to Completing your      •   “A Guide to Completing your     •   “A Guide to Completing your
                                   NZTD” Video                          NZTD” Video                          NZTD” Video                         NZTD” Video

   Alternate formats           Working with the Office of Disability Issues (Ministry of Social Development), we are developing five alternate formats – Braille, Easy Read,
                               Large Print, Audio and Sign Language.
      If you would like to provide us with feedback on what other resources might be useful for you to communicate about NZTD to your travellers or airline staff, email us at

Reminder : where to go for NZTD support and resources
                              For Airlines                                                                  For Travellers
                              NZTD PARTNER TOOLKIT                                                          Our New Zealand Traveller Declaration contact centre will be on call 24
                                                                                                            ours a day and 7 days a week.
                              To help you help travellers do the right thing, we have put together a
                              PartnerToolkit that has resources and tools you can use in your               •   0800 359 269 – toll-free calling from New Zealand
                              traveller/passenger communications.                                           •   1800 359 269 – toll-free calling from Australia
                                                                                                            •   +64 4 931 5799 – for international callers
                              This Toolkit includes digital marketing and print resources, a guide to the
                              NZTD video, copy pointers and a helpful NZ Traveller Factsheet.               IMPORTANT:
                                                                                                            The contact centre can assist travellers with their questions, but cannot
                              For the NZTD Partner Toolkit, click here.                                     complete their declaration for them.

                              OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION                                                      If travellers have trouble completing their declaration, they can ask
                              You can find more information about Covid-19 related information for          someone, such as a friend or family member, to complete their
                              travellers here:                                                              declaration for them.
                              When New Zealand's borders open | Unite against COVID-19

                              USEFUL CONTACT FOR AIRLINES

                              Airlines and carriers can get further support by contacting:
                              Ministry of Health:
                              Ministry of Transport:

Thank you from the NZTD Implementation team at

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