Page created by Elmer Rogers
MasterCard Media Monitoring & Analysis

MasterCard Retail Social Listening Study
Social Media Insights July 2014 – June 2015

Prepared for: MasterCard Europe
Date: September 2nd, 2015
Retail Social Listening Study | About the Study

Study summary
The MasterCard Retail Social Listening study uncovered more than 1.6 million social media posts from July 2014 to June 2015 on the subject of shopping and retail conversations, in
the context of MasterCard and its industry peers. The social media channels included within the study were Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Forums, Weibo (CN), Google+ and YouTube.
The study covers unique consumer opinion from 61 markets in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Rim. Using PRIME Research’s dynamic global insights
and engagement engine –the research firm identified trends on convenience, safety & security, acceptance and declines, and other aspects related to shopping and retail

What is social listening?
Social listening is a new type of study or report, based on real-life social media conversations. Publically available social media conversations are mined for information to provide
powerful insights on what topics are responsible for driving conversations.

How is the study conducted?
By using PRIME Research’s dynamic global insights and engagement engine –the research firm can identify trends a various type of topics. In this case, we looked into convenience,
safety & security, acceptance and declines, and other aspects related to shopping and retail conversations.

How do you filter out what is shopping and retail conversations?
PRIME Research and MasterCard continuously monitor and analyse content in the context of MasterCard and its industry peers. For this study, we pulled out shopping and retail
conversations/media posts from within the aforementioned pool of content by using key terminology associated with shopping and retail.

How to you define a media post?
A media post is a single piece of public content posted by a user of a social media network.

How can you tell from what geographic region posts are published?
PRIME Research collects geo-data from social media posts where this data is available. This means that we can identify where users are posting from, as long as they are sharing their
location when they post. Around 1/5 of the social conversations are geo-tagged.

How does this research differentiate from traditional survey data?
Using publically available social media conversations provides a unique and relatively new angle of analysis. Consumer opinion on social media tends to reflect more of an ‘in the
moment’ conversation, and additionally consumers are often speaking without filters. Whereas in a typical survey, they are answering a set list of questions, and are trying to
remember their experiences, or to form opinions based on questions that they are asked. So a social listening study allows analysis of consumer opinions that occur at the precise
Retail Social Listening Study | Topline findings

                                   Convenience                                           Rewards & Benefits                                                                            Acceptance

                                        2%           77% of all                                                         38% of all                                                                         21% of all
                                                                                                                        Shopping and                                                                       Shopping and
                      21%                            Convenience
                                                                                                                        Retail                                                                             Retail
                                                                                                                        Conversations                                                                      Conversations
                                                     were positive
                                                                                                                        were on the                                                                        were on the
                                                     in tone.                                  All                      topic of                                               All                         topic of
                                     Convenience                                          conversations                 Rewards &                                         conversations                    Acceptance,
                                                                                                                        Benefits, the                                                                      the second
                                                                                                                        most discussed                                                                     most discussed
                                                                                                                        topic of the                                                                       topic of the
                                                                                                                        study.                                                                             study.

Universe                                           Markets           Period                        Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations    Global            01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015       [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume | Sentiment
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Convenience Conversations

         Convenience through technology innovations: New payment innovations and launches into the payments market stirred up the most conversation, the study found. The
          emergence of new digital payments lead to the most positive conversations around convenience (77%) with the travel sector leading the way in terms of the highest share of
          coverage. Consumers specifically highlighted their preference for not necessarily needing to take their wallet on every trip and being able to use mobile payments when they


                                                                                                                                      77% of all
                                                                                             Convenience                              conversations were
                                                                                                                                      positive in tone.

                                16% of Travel                  12% of Food                                    11% of Consumer                                       9% of Entertainment                            7% of Fashion
                                conversations were             conversations were                             Tech conversations                                    conversations were                             conversations were
                                on the topic of                on the topic of                                were on the topic of                                  on the topic of                                on the topic of
                                Convenience.                   Convenience.                                   Convenience.                                          Convenience.                                   Convenience.

              Travel                                 Food                                        Consumer                                       Entertainment                                         Fashion

Universe                                             Markets           Period                               Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations      Global            01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015              [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume | Sentiment
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Rewards & Benefits Conversations

         Being rewarded: Rewards and benefits for the consumer was the most vociferously and positively discussed topic across social media when it came to shopping and retail (38%
          share of coverage of the six aspects measured). Entertainment was the sector leading the way, where rewards & benefits was most discussed. Consumers expressed eagerness for
          further acceptance of NFC payments allowing them to receive rewards for using them regularly, such as with MasterCard’s Fare Free Friday’s in London.

                                                                                                                                           38% of all Shopping
                                                                                                                                           and Retail
                                                                                                       All                                 Conversations were
                                                                                                                                           on the topic of
                                                                                                  conversations                            Rewards & Benefits.

                                                                        36% of Fashion                                                                                      26% of Travel                           25% of Consumer
                                     41% of Entertainment                                                             34% of Food
                                                                        conversations were                                                                                  conversations were                      Tech conversations
                                     conversations were on                                                            conversations were
                                                                        on the topic of                                                                                     on the topic of                         were on the topic of
                                     the topic of Rewards &                                                           on the topic of
                                                                        Rewards & Benefits.                                                                                 Rewards & Benefits.                     Rewards & Benefits.
                                     Benefits.                                                                        Rewards & Benefits.

            Entertainment                                     Fashion                                  Food                                                 Travel                                         Consumer

Universe                                                 Markets             Period                           Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations          Global              01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015          [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume | Sentiment
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Acceptance Conversations

         Demand for increased acceptance: After rewards and benefits, consumer discussion of which retailers do and do not accept newer forms of payment was the second most
          discussed topic according to the study (21% share of coverage of the six aspects measured). Consumers discussed extensively their desire for retailers to integrate new payment
          systems, with conversations about fashion being most prominent in terms of sector. Fashion focussed shoppers were the most keen to shout about retailers who accept new
          methods of payment, such as contactless acceptance and mobile payment capabilities.

                                                                                                                                                   21% of all Shopping and Retail
                                                                                                                                                   Conversations were on the topic of
                                                                                                                                                   Acceptance, the second highest
                                                                                                      All                                          aspect discussed.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7% of Travel
                                      37% of Fashion                       16% of                                     15% of Consumer                                      10% of Food
                                      conversations were                   Entertainment                              Tech conversations                                   conversations were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           were on the
                                      on the topic of                      conversations were                         were on the topic of                                 on the topic of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           topic of
                                      Acceptance.                          on the topic of                            Acceptance.                                          Acceptance.

                                                           Entertainment                               Consumer                                             Food                                             Travel

Universe                                                   Markets           Period                         Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations            Global            01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015        [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume | Sentiment
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Aspects Coverage by Region

         Rewards & Benefits aspect was responsible for 60% of Shopping & Retail conversation in MEA. Launch of MasterCard competition to win tickets to the Rugby World Cup generated
          sharing of content on social media. Other payment providers offers also widely shared in the region, such as Visa offering buy one get one free on cinema tickets. MEA consumers
          also keen for rollout of Apple Pay, and to use it to buy pins on Pinterest.

         In LAC, Acceptance & Declines took the highest share of any region, with 40% of coverage for the aspects included. Extensive consumer conversations on the news that Microsoft
          will accept Bitcoin for mobile, apps and Xbox shopping.

         Europe had the greatest share of Costs & Fees coverage compared to the other sectors, with 19% for the aspects included. Users discuss fees of using certain ATM’s to withdraw
          cash for shopping, of confusion over possible fees from overdrafts when shopping, and consumers frustrated with fees attached to gift cards, particularly with AmEx.

                                                  Convenience             Safety & Security           Customer Service         Acceptance & Declines          Costs & Fees        Rewards & Benefits

                                                         AP          9%             9%         4%                  28%                    9%                           40%

                                                        LAC          8%                       22%              8%                          40%                               7%         15%

                                                  N. America         8%        4%        11%                 19%               12%                                 47%

                                                     Europe              13%             6%           16%                     22%                      19%                        24%

                                                       MEA          5%       10%          7%           12%          7%                                       60%

                                                               0%                                                                   50%            Share of aspect coverage [volume]           100%

Universe                                                   Markets                                  Period                                     Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations            Global                                   01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015                    [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Favourable Tone by Sectors and Regions

         MEA had the equal highest favourable tone on the topic of travel. MasterCard MEA offer a chance to win cashback when using a card when travelling for retail use, causing
          sharing amongst consumers. Travel packages are available as Rewards & Benefits to consumers when shopping with various products, also causing consumer sharing on social

         AP had the highest favourable tone in three of five sectors measured. For food, consumers discuss and share available discounts when using new payment technology such as
          contactless. For Travel, consumers note how taking a credit card abroad makes shopping easier and more convenient.

         LAC had the highest favourable tone on Entertainment conversations, helped by theatre discounts from MasterCard in Colombia, Qkr! launch in Chile enabling consumers to buy
          food without leaving their seat, and consumers discussing various presales that are available from various different card issuers. LAC also has the highest favourable tone for the
          Consumer Technology sector, helped by Microsoft’s decision to accept Bitcoins for app payments and computer games.

                                                                              Travel                  Food       Entertainment                   Fashion                     Consumer

                                                     AP                       97%                    99%             96%                          99%                          92%

                                                     LAC                      93%                     96%            97%                          96%                          96%

                                                  N. America                  86%                     93%            94%                          96%                          90%

                                                   Europe                     86%                     94%            95%                          95%                          90%

                                                    MEA                       97%                     94%            92%                          95%                          94%

                                          *Values shown are favourable tone

Universe                                                           Markets             Period                    Media types                                                                               Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations                    Global              01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015   [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]   Volume | Sentiment
Retail Social Listening Study | Industry | Most Positive Aspects by Markets

                            Safety & Security Positive Conversations [%]                                                             Convenience Positive Conversations [%]

                          Spain                                                                                               Australia

                        Nigeria                                                                                                      USA

                           India                                                                                                  France

                     Australia                                                                                                Germany

                       Mexico                                                                                                          UK

                                   0%        10%   20%   30%       40%   50%      60%                                                        0%        10%         20%       30%        40%         50%        60%

                            Rewards & Benefits Positive Conversations [%]                                                            Acceptance & Declines Positive Conversations [%]

                            USA                                                                                                        Japan

                         Japan                                                                                                       Canada

                     Australia                                                                                                Netherlands

                     Germany                                                                                                            India

                             UK                                                                                                          USA

                                   0%        10%   20%   30%       40%   50%      60%                                                             0%         20%         40%         60%           80%       100%

Universe                                                 Markets               Period                    Media types                                                                                     Measurement
MasterCard, Competitor & Industry Conversations          Global                01.07.2014 – 30.06.2015   [Twitter | Facebook | Facebook Pages | YouTube | Instagram | Google+ | Weibo | Boards ]         Volume | Sentiment
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    Chi-Chi Millaway| Project Director | Global Operations   Dave Reynolds | Project Manager
    Phone: +1.212.981.1172                                   Phone: 01865 324 910
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