Headstart. Pre-University summer catch-up courses - Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics - University of Canterbury

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Headstart. Pre-University summer catch-up courses - Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics - University of Canterbury
Pre-University summer catch-up courses
Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics


Headstart. Pre-University summer catch-up courses - Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics - University of Canterbury
Starting out at university?

  Good preparation is a major
  factor in successful study
  Essential for all students are generic
  study skills, including researching,
  reading strategically, making notes and
  writing effective essays or lab reports.
  Mathematics and/or statistics are vital
  subjects for students intending to major
  in engineering, all sciences including
  health science, psychology, forestry
  and commerce.
  Physics and/or chemistry are key subjects
  for students majoring in the physical
  sciences, biochemistry and engineering.

Headstart courses at UC                               Headstart courses are four-week summer               Subjects offered
                                                      catch-up courses designed for newcomers to
                 University of Canterbury staff are   tertiary study who expect to qualify for entry to    This summer, courses will be offered in Academic
                 keen to see our students succeed     university but:                                      Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, and
                 in tertiary study. The best way to                                                        Physics. Details about course content are shown
                                                      • lack a good grounding in a specific subject, or
                 achieve this is to be prepared.                                                           later in this brochure.
                                                      • wish to gain confidence in the skills needed for
                 If you qualify for university           study at tertiary level.                          Note: Headstart courses do not contribute credit
                 entrance but lack a strong                                                                points towards a degree.
                                                      Courses run Monday to Friday, on campus, during
background in a particular subject, or if you have
been away from study for some time, then think
                                                      mid January to mid February, before the start of
                                                      the first university semester in February. If you
about our Headstart programme.                                                                             Headstart courses run during the 2017/18 summer
                                                      wish, you can book accommodation at one of our
The Headstart programme offers you the chance         halls of residence.                                  period, before the start of the first semester in
to undertake study prior to the academic year                                                              February 2018.
                                                      All Headstart courses are taught by well-qualified
that will boost your confidence and give you
                                                      and supportive tutors. Practical work in the
the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in
                                                      University’s well-appointed laboratories features    Classes
your first year. The courses are timed to run just
                                                      in the relevant courses.                             Classes are from 17 January to 13 February 2018.
prior to the start of the academic year, so you can
                                                      These are intensive courses and extra work will be   Monday – Thursday: 10.00 – 12.00am;
work or have a break all summer, then begin your
                                                      required outside class hours.                        1.00 – 3.00pm, Friday: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Headstart course just before commencing at the
University of Canterbury.                             Early enrolment is advised. If you are waiting        BRDG006-18SU1
The Headstart programme runs alongside our            for NCEA results to come out, you can enrol in        Academic Communication and Study Skills
other summer courses and the campus is alive          Headstart to ensure a place, then withdraw if you
with students involved in study, social, cultural     find you don’t need it.                               BRDG016-18SU1
and recreational activities. We have an attractive    If you have more time, the Certificate in             Mathematics Part One
campus that is the perfect place for you to           University Preparation (CUP) offers a more
develop or grow your career.                          thorough grounding in these subjects.                 BRDG023-18SU1
Christchurch is a city which welcomes a wide          See /www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started/                Chemistry
range of students and it is close to some of New      transition/certificate/
Zealand’s most beautiful countryside.
I look forward to welcoming you to UC.
                                                                                                            Special Topic [Statistics]

Liz Keneti, Director, Student Success

Whāia te iti kahurangi
Ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei
Pursue excellence – should you stumble,
let it be to a lofty mountain
Headstart. Pre-University summer catch-up courses - Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics - University of Canterbury
Course fee                                             Where do Headstart Courses lead?
A partial fee award may be available.                    Headstart course              Prepares you for...            Which can then lead to....
Please visit the Headstart website for details of
eligibility and estimate of costs.                      BRDG016-18SU1                                                 EMTH118, EMTH119 and other 100-level
www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started/transition/            Mathematics Part One                                          maths courses
                                                        BRDG023-18SU1                  CHEM114 or (if you achieve     further study in chemistry or
Frequently Asked Questions                              Chemistry                      a B grade) CHEM111             biochemistry if required

What is covered in Headstart courses?                   BRDG024-18SU1                  PHYS111 or (if you achieve a
                                                                                                                      further physics and astronomy courses
                                                        Physics                        B+ grade) PHYS101
Headstart maths and statistics cover essential
pre-university material generally equivalent to
the key concepts in the subjects at NCEA level 2,                                      STAT101                        further courses in statistics if required
                                                        Special Topic [Statistics]
or Cambridge AS level. Headstart chemistry and
physics cover key concepts at NCEA level 2/3.           BRDG006-18SU1
Academic Skills covers skills that are important        Academic Communication         Useful for all subject areas
for all degree courses and essential for education,     and Study Skills
law, commerce, the humanities and the arts.

Do I need Headstart?                                   I don’t have my NCEA results yet, so I don’t          Enrolling
If you have a strong, recent background in a           know whether to enrol in Headstart or not.
subject at NCEA level 3 or equivalent, you don’t                                                             Select one course only. You can enrol by calling
                                                       If you are waiting for NCEA results to come out,      the Contact Centre on +64 3 369 3999 or
need Headstart.                                        you can enrol in Headstart to ensure a place, then    Freephone: 0800 VARSITY (0800 827 748 – within
If you have good, recent results at NCEA level 2,      withdraw if you find you don’t need it.               New Zealand only) Qualification: COP PREP
contact us to discuss whether or not you need          Popular courses have limited entry, while any
Headstart.                                             course with low enrolments might be cancelled,        Accommodation
If you have NCEA level 1 in the relevant subject, or   so we strongly advise early enrolment.                UC Accommodation Student Village (UCA) can
some credits at level 2, Headstart is right for you.
                                                                                                             often provide accommodation for Headstart
If you have no background in your chosen               Are Headstart courses a suitable
                                                                                                             students. It’s a great way to meet students with
subject, you may find Headstart challenging.           preparation for study at other universities?
                                                                                                             the same interests, including other Headstart
You may need to do some preliminary study              Headstart courses are designed to mesh with           students, and get an early taste of hall life.
before attending the course. Contact us to find        UC 100-level courses, so while they are highly
                                                       likely to be helpful to students aiming for e.g.      Subject to availability, you may be able to get
out more.
                                                       health sciences or veterinary science at other        university accommodation.
                                                       universities, we cannot guarantee that they will      Contact UC Accommodation Student Village
                                                       be entirely suitable preparation.                     enquiries@ucastudentvillage.ac.nz and please
                                                                                                             reference Headstart in the subject line. For more
                                                                                                             information visit the UC Accommodation website
Headstart. Pre-University summer catch-up courses - Academic Skills, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Physics - University of Canterbury

                                                                                                           You will learn:
                                                                                                           • numerical and algebraic skills
                                                                                                           • sampling and what it means
                                                                                                           • graphing and summarising data
                                                                                                           • the basic concepts of probability
                                                                                                           • discrete and continuous random variables

                                                                                                           The physics course provides valuable preparation
                                                                                                           for students wishing to advance in Physics,
                                                                                                           Engineering or other science-based courses that
                                                                                                           require a basic knowledge of physics. Students
                                                                                                           who achieve a B+ grade in the course will meet
                                                                                                           the entry requirements for PHYS101. For others
                                                                                                           it is preparation for PHYS111. The course focuses
                                                                                                           mainly on mechanics and electromagnetism.
                                                                                                           You will learn:
All courses are very intensive.                     Mathematics                                            • Laboratory techniques and practical skills
A student may enrol in only one                     This course provides essential background for          • Classical mechanics: motion, momentum,
course. There will be 4 hours of                    students wishing to advance in Mathematics               forces, energy, motion
                                                    or who need Mathematics to support other               • Electromagnetism: electrostatics, circuits,
classes per day Monday to Thursday                  subject areas, for example, Engineering, Physics,        capacitance, magnetism, inductance
and 3 hours on Friday. Students                     Commerce, Computer Science or Chemistry.
must expect to put in extra work                    Mathematics is also becoming increasingly              Chemistry
each day outside of class.                          important for students majoring in Biology.
                                                                                                           This course is for students who wish to advance
                                                    You will gain confidence in the basic techniques       in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Engineering or
Academic Skills                                     of Mathematics and develop your skills in              Forestry. It is also useful for students intending
                                                    analysing and solving problems.                        to study Biological Science or Geology. Students
Headstart: Academic and Study Skills is for
anyone who qualifies for university entry           You will learn:                                        who achieve a B grade in the course will meet the
but wants to make sure they are ready for           • algebraic manipulation and equations                 entry requirement for CHEM111. For others it is
the transition to tertiary study; especially        • functions and their geometry                         preparation for CHEM114.
those aiming for the Arts, Humanities, Law or       • calculus (differentiation and integration)           You will learn:
Commerce. It will be particularly useful to those                                                          • The nature of matter; chemical bonding
who feel they lack a good background in essential   Statistics                                             • Chemical reactions
communication and study skills, or have been                                                               • Simple volumetric analysis
                                                    This course is for you if you intend to study
away from study for some time.
                                                    Statistics at University. Statistics is a compulsory   • Energetics of chemical and physical processes
Unless you have good, recent results in English     subject for all students studying towards a degree     • Inorganic and organic chemistry
or an English-rich subject at NCEA level 3, you     in commerce. It is also important for students
should consider taking Headstart: Academic and      studying Health Sciences, Sociology, Psychology,
Study Skills.                                       Forestry or Biological Sciences.
Contact our Liaison Team, liaison@canterbury.
ac.nz or call Freephone: 0800 VARSITY
(0800 827 748) if you wish to discuss your needs.     More information
You will learn transferable academic                  If you have any questions regarding                  enrolments or other unforeseen circumstances.
communication and study skills for successful         your enrolment contact Joanna Leahy,                 If a course is cancelled you will be advised as
university study, such as:                            phone (03) 369 3350.                                 soon as possible and your fee returned in full.
• Effective academic reading and writing              For general Headstart enquiries,
• Information gathering, academic conventions         contact phyllis.mowe@canterbury.ac.nz
                                                                                                           The last date to withdraw with full fee refund is
  and assignment preparation                          To be sent a copy of the University of               the first Friday after the official course start date.
• Confidence and independent study habits             Canterbury Undergraduate prospectus 2018
                                                      please phone 0800 VARSITY (0800 827 748).            Waitangi Day observance
                                                                                                           Waitangi Day is observed on Monday 6th
                                                      Cancellation policy                                  February so there will be no classes that day.
                                                      The University of Canterbury reserves the
                                                      right to cancel a course due to insufficient

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