NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning
Easily Balance Demand and Supply
Throughout Your Supply Chain

NetSuite Supply and
Demand Planning

NetSuite Demand Planning supports both
demand and supply planning capabilities.
                                                   Key Benefits
NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning helps
                                                   • Increase forecast accuracy.
balance supply and demand in a way that
provides businesses the right combination of       • Eliminate obsolete inventory.
cost control, accurate lead times and service      • Ensure product availability.
level. Using inventory management and demand       • Minimize inventory carrying costs.
planning techniques combined with a robust
                                                   • Eliminate delays in production due to lack of
scheduling engine and predictive analytics,          availability of materials.
NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning helps
                                                   • Optimize ordering with planning rules and
businesses to make informed decisions which
                                                     order pegging.
ensure product availability while keeping excess
inventory to a minimum.

NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning
The Demand Planning Process

         Calculate                  Generate     Calculate          Generate
         Demand                   Demand Plans    Supply           Supply Plans

Demand Planning                                       • Item Setup
NetSuite Demand Planning predicts future                One of the most critical areas to the planning
inventory needs based on historical demand,             process is defining the parameters that affect
seasonality, open opportunities and/or sales            each item. This defines the item as being
forecasts. The demand planning process includes         available to demand planning, establishes an
calculating demand, generating demand plans,            alternate source item (if you are trying to plan a
calculating supply, generating supply plans, and        new item with no sales history), and establishes
finally executing purchase orders, transfer orders      which distribution network and category it might
and work orders. By pinpointing when to reorder         belong to if you are using the DRP (distribution
items and in what quantities, you can optimize          resource planning) functionality so that you can
stock levels, improve forecast accuracy, and            transfer inventory between locations. You can
enhance supply chain planning. NetSuite Demand          also set additional planning parameters that
Planning ensures you have the right amount              affect either how demand is evaluated or how
of stock on hand to fill orders without having          the planned orders are generated.
overstock sitting idle on warehouse shelves.

                 Item Setup

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NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning
• Forecasting                                        • Multi-Location Inventory
  With the demand planning process, demand             Easily define multiple inventory locations with
  can be evaluated and presented in a number of        real-time visibility. Locations can be organized
  different ways including:                            hierarchically—for global businesses the country
 ◦ Linear Regression – Use previous demand             can be defined. During the planning process,
   to project future inventory based on the            the system can be set up to automatically create
   ordinary/least-square regression method.            transfer orders between locations as necessary.

 ◦ Moving Average – Use the moving average           • Allocation Exceptions Management
   of historical demand to calculate the overall       To respond to supply shortages and VIP
   average stock level needed and then project         customers, you can review all sources of
   future stock levels using that overall average.     supply and order allocations to ensure that
                                                       high priority sales orders ship complete and on
 ◦ Seasonal Average – Use previous demand to           time. To minimize the effect on all orders, the
   examine the seasonal trend of inventory flow        system provides intelligent supply reallocations
   and then project a similar seasonal trend for       recommendations designed to take the
   future stock levels.                                resources from multiple unallocated orders and
 ◦ Sales Forecast – When using NetSuite                fulfill priority orders first. It can also generate
   for your sales operations, this option uses         alternate recommendations, reducing the
   forward looking sales forecast data (such           time to find, review and execute reallocations
   as opportunities, estimates, etc.) to project       and automatically re-aligns the supplies to the
   inventory demand.                                   affected orders.

    Multi-Location Inventory

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NetSuite Supply and Demand Planning
Supply Planning                                      Reorder Points
NetSuite Supply Planning determines how to           Using Reorder Points, NetSuite generates a
best fulfill demand plan requirements to balance     purchase order, work order or transfer order to
supply and demand and fulfill customer orders as     restore inventory to the preferred stock level when
promised. The objective is to balance supply and     it falls below the minimum threshold, referred to
demand to achieve your organization’s financial      as the reorder point. When set to auto calculate,
and service objectives. Supply plans generate        NetSuite will consider historical data values such
a recommended schedule for purchasing or             as item demand from sales, lead time from the
manufacturing items and list the recommended         suppliers, and company-defined safety stock to
purchase orders and work orders based on lead        define the reorder point.
times and expected demand. This all ensures          Timed-Phased Planning
products are available to fulfill customer orders.   NetSuite Time-Phased Planning is used to plan
NetSuite Supply Planning takes demand plans          demand when the repurchasing cycle is known.
and generates them into purchase, work and           If a supplier always delivers on a particular day of
transfer orders to ensure product is available to    the week, it makes sense to plan for this material
fulfill customer orders using three                  based on the cycle in which it is delivered. In this
planning methodologies:                              case, NetSuite can calculate all supply needed to
                                                     cover demand in the current cycle and it can be
                                                     ordered and delivered together. You will not be
                                                     able to reorder until the following delivery date.

                    Supply Plans

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Material Requirements Planning                           scenarios and identify if it’s possible to speed
NetSuite Material Requirements Planning,                 up delivery by, for example, making changes
commonly referred to as MRP, gives businesses            to where goods ship from and when. With
visibility into inventory requirements needed to         NetSuite MRP, you can set supply planning
meet demand, helping your business optimize              criteria, including the planning horizon, included
inventory levels and production schedules. One           items, locations and planning rules at the plan
of the standard methods for balancing supply and         level vs. the item level. This allows businesses to
demand, NetSuite MRP accelerates the production          build multiple hypothetical plans and run what-if
process by determining what raw materials,               scenarios to understand how changes will affect
components and subassemblies are needed,                 inventory levels and their ability to meet demand.
and when, to assemble finished goods based on           • Planners Workbench
demand and bill of materials (BOM).                       The Planners Workbench helps users highlight
NetSuite MRP increases supply planning insight and        situations that require attention, allowing them
efficiency, enabling businesses to efficiently manage     to prevent both shortages and excess supplies,
inventory, schedule production, and deliver the right     and provides what-if analysis capabilities for
product—on time and at optimal cost.                      simulating multiple plans. By focusing on
                                                          actions, exceptions, aggregation and execution,
• What-If Scenario Planning
                                                          planners can monitor, firm up or release orders
  What-if analysis gives you the tools to understand
                                                          for approval and aggregation; review and accept
  how to best use your inventory. Using scenario
                                                          action/exception messages individually or in bulk;
  planning, businesses can mock-up multiple

    Planning Workbench

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and gain visibility into the allocation of demand to                                                              • Allocation Exceptions Management
   supply. The analysis is delivered in a logical layout                                                               To respond to supply shortages and VIP customers,
   that supports the decision-making process.                                                                          sources of supply and order allocations can be
   NetSuite MRP offers full pegging support, so                                                                        reviewed to ensure highest priority sales are
   planners are also able to drill into supply and                                                                     fulfilled first. To minimize the effect on all orders,
   demand across locations for an item.                                                                                the system provides intelligent supply reallocation
• Supply Allocation                                                                                                    recommendations, designed to take the resources
  As a part of the supply allocation functionality,                                                                    from multiple unallocated orders and fulfill priority
  you’re able to allocate inventory that has already                                                                   orders first.
  been received, and also inventory that you                                                                             System generated reallocation recommendations
  anticipate receiving, whether that’s on a work                                                                         reduce the time to find, review and execute
  order, transfer order or purchase order. You’re                                                                        reallocations. After you accept a recommendation,
  also able to allocate inventory that’s coming in                                                                       the system automatically re-aligns the supplies to
  on an inbound shipment, which is basically a                                                                           the affected orders. However, if the generated
  collection of purchase orders that are managed                                                                         recommendations are not suitable, you can
  on an individual shipment basis. This allows                                                                           generate a new set of allocation recommendations.
  customer service reps validate supply and                                                                              You can then review reallocation scenarios until
  identify the earliest date an order can be filled.                                                                     you define a solution. After you approve an
                                                                                                                         allocation, the system returns you to the order.

                    Order Execution

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