Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU

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Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU
Retail Arbitrage Academy

              By Kade Peterson

                Integrated Studies
                  Senior Thesis

Emphasis in Business Management and Communication

                 December 2020
Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU
Thesis Approval Page

In partial fulfillment for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Integrated Studies with Cinema
Studies and Psychology emphases, we hereby accept this Senior Thesis written by
Kade Peterson in 2020.

Thesis Mentor Signature ________________ Trevin Peterson

Thesis Mentor Signature ________________ Scott Abbott
Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU
Retail Arbitrage

       2020 has been a year that will never be forgotten. From beginning to end there

has been countless twists and turns that has affected every individual to at least some

degree. About 4 months into the year, I noticed the demand to earn extra cash by

millions of people due to the unpredictable economy of 2020. I realized that over the last

2 years I had developed a unique skillset that when performed correctly was a great

way to earn extra cash. I then decided I was going to dedicate the next 8 months to

expanding my knowledge even further and create a course teaching the masses this

unique skillset of mine.

       I began by focusing my first 4 months on expanding my knowledge and

brainstorming everything that I had in mind. I had tons of ideas going in and out of my

brain and it was difficult to keep it all organized, but I did a good job of writing everything

down and keeping what was valuable and forgetting about what wasn’t. I watched

courses, read articles, watched videos, etc. to assure that I was truly a master of the

subject I was going to teach. I was able to get a good picture, at the end of the 4

months, of what I had in mind for my course and how it was going to be the best course

on this subject in existence.

       This now brings me to what my course consists of. To explain in a brief manner,

it is a step-by-step process of how to perform what is called “retail arbitrage.” Retail

Arbitrage means to take advantage of a price difference between two competing

markets. In other words. Buy a product from one marketplace for cheap and resell it on
Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU
another for a higher price for profit. In my course I will teach the entire process of going

to stores to source products and then flip them on another marketplace for a higher


         Now, the concept may sound simple, but there is a lot to be learned in order to

perform this side hustle efficiently and effectively. Which is why I spent the 4 months

after my research phase creating 40+ valuable videos explaining everything that needs

to be understood. Even though I was the one teaching the content, it was an incredible

learning experience for me, and I really feel like learned so much in regard to this

concept. It’s one thing to learn something and another to teach it.

         Upon completion, I didn’t realize how time consuming it was going to be. I spent

more time focusing on creating this course than all of my other classes combined.

Combining my thoughts into a video that could be understood by anybody was a hard

process. Not to mention the countless times I made mistakes and had to refilm. And

above all that, the hours upon hours of editing the videos to assure they were high

quality and professional.

         Now, it wasn’t just creating a course and calling the project complete. But I also

spent a lot of time coming up with ways in which I was going to market and promote my

course. I discussed with my brother the marketing plan of how we could sell the course.

He sells a different course about E-Commerce and has been growing it over the past 2

years. He was an incredible mentor to me during the whole process as he has gone

through the exact same process with his own course. After all he has done, he has

created multiple different channels talking about the skillset that he teaches and has

access to around 100,000 followers, subscribers, etc. These people are a perfect target
Retail Arbitrage Academy - By Kade Peterson Integrated Studies Senior Thesis December 2020 - UVU
audience for my course. So, we created YouTube videos, Facebook/Instagram posts to

promote my course to assure we were going to be successful on launch day and be

sure everything was ready to go.

       The day before black Friday was launch day and we listed the course at 100$.

However, we ran a special 60% off holiday deal to the first 50 people who purchased

the course. I was more than content with the results as the first day consisted of 16

courses sold. We quickly sold out of the holiday deal and the price is back to normal. I

now average about 1 to 2 sales a day and am working on new ways to continue

promoting it and assuring the course’s content is high quality. Because my brother was

a major influence on the success of my course, he receives a 25% commission for

every course sold. However, because the subjects that he teaches is so similar to mine.

I included a video promoting his course where I will receive a 25% commission for every

course he sells through my platform. His course however is even more valuable and

sells for $600-1,000.

       On top of the course sales, I have about 7 different affiliate links in my course to

certain software tools that help with the process of doing retail arbitrage. Every time one

of my students signs up for these software tools, I will receive a commission anywhere

from 10-250$ depending on the software tool.

       I am incredibly grateful for this experience and for all the things that I learned. I

put so much time and effort into creating this project and it couldn’t have turned out

better. Even though the hard work is done, I am still going to continue updating and

creating new videos when necessary to assure that the course is really worth it’s value.
I am also going to find new ways to promote the course in order to drive more sales and

my course as one my main sources of income.

Inside view of what the student sees when he browses through the course curriculum.
Full screen view of the “how to prepare for shipment” video where I teach through
example how to ship your products.

View from the course platform with the video displaying on the right and the course
curriculum on the left. This video is a Screen recording of me walking through the steps
of how to use a software efficiently while I am depicted in the top right part of the

Home page view where you can read what the course consists of, watch my promo
video where I introduce myself, and ultimately persuade the customer that they want to
buy this course!
Here is the link that I use to take people directly to my course’s home page.


               Retail Arbitrage Academy by Amz
      50% OFF Holiday Sale for the First 50 Students (4/50 left)
                                                   Watch Promo

                                       Use Code "AMAZON50" for 50% OFF


       Learn How to Master Amazon FBA Retail
In this Retail Arbitrage Course, YOU will learn step by step how to
turn $20 into THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! We are going to help you master the
retail arbitrage business model.

The growth of E-Commerce is growing substantially every year and the money
that can potentially be made is endless. Retail Arbitrage is a great example of
ways people are making money buying and flipping products on amazon. It is low
risk and requires very little capital to start while the rewards are substantial!
Whether you are just looking for a side hustle/another source of income or you
wish to make it your full time job, this course is exactly what you need to learn
the start to finish process of doing retail arbitrage. There are 40+ videos that
    cover step by step everything you need to start making money today.

    The best part is the course is less than $50. This offer will not always be available
    as we know how much of an impact this will have on your Amazon FBA Business.
    Get signed up today for a limited 50% OFF with coupon code "AMAZON50"

    Course Curriculum
    Intro to Retail Arbitrage
    Welcome (1:12)
    My Retail Arbitrage Journey (1:16)
    What Is Retail Arbitrage? (2:36)
    Is it Profitable? (6:45)
    Module 1: Getting Starting
    Creating Amazon Seller Central Account (5:40)
    Amazon Seller Central App (3:04)
    How to Navigate Seller Central (7:24)
    FBA vs FBM (4:22)
    Module 2: Sourcing Your Products
    Where and How to Source? (11:19)
    How to Get Approved For Certain Categories & Brands (14:05)
    Understanding Sales Rank (10:04)
    Understanding How to Calculate Profit Margins (12:12)
    Dangerous and Hazmat Products (4:46)
    Products to AVOID (6:41)
    Resources to Save Money (7:56)
    Software tools to Eliminate the Guesswork (4:37)
    Time Management (3:14)

                                 Get started now!
                            LOCK IN 50% DISCOUNT with code "AMAZON50"

    Frequently Asked Questions
    When does the course start and finish?
    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course
    - you decide when you start and when you finish.
    How long do I have access to the course?
    How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to
    this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
    What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your
purchase, contact us in the first 14 days and we will give you a full refund. Note
The refund Applies Only If you Have Completed Less Than 25% of Course
Content and have not jumped around from module to module. What I mean by
this is you can't come into the course and immediately jump to the 4th module
watch it, go to other modules download the templates you need, and then bounce
once you get your information. The course is designed to start from the start and
then work your way through the program. Course Manipulation is not tolerated.
All Promotions/Discounted Purchases are Non-Refundable.
                              © Amz Champions 2021

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