English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj

Page created by Ruby Buchanan
English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                   Class VII

Q.1 Imagine yourself playing in the park one
day. Just as you were about to leave, there
was a flash above with a whirring sound.
When you looked up, you saw something
like the given picture.
 Taking the help of the following hints along
with your own ideas, write a story on the
UFO sighting in about 150-175 words. Give
the story a suitable title.

   • strange light in the sky
   • alien creatures
   • strange features
   • suspicious movements
   • your reaction

Q.2. You believe: ‘Reading is dreaming with open eyes.’

However, reading just does not interest your cousin.

In your own words, write a review of an interesting book that you have read recently.
Remember to include important details of the story. Make your review interesting so as
to ignite the interest of your cousin into reading this book.

Q.3. ‘Nothing compares to a beautiful conversation with a beautiful
On a cold day in December, two birds are sitting on a branch and
talking about the coming winter. Write their imaginary conversation
in 06 sets of dialogues.

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                            Class VII

                                                         ह िं दी
          ख़ुशबू बनकर धरती पर तू, चार ों ओर बबखरता जा।
          लाख म़ुश्किलें आएँ गी, तू सच की राह पर चलता जा।।

                                लहर कों ी धारा तेज़ बढी, बतनके कब तक बिक पाएँ गे।
                                मज़बूत इरादा है बजनका, वे नदी पार कर जाएँ गे।।

          बकया बकसी ने ब़ुरा अगर, तू बिर भी भलाई करता जा।
          लाख म़ुश्किलें आएँ गी, तू सच की राह पर चलता जा।।

                               तू चल अकेला बिर क्या है , तेरी बहम्मत द़ु बनया दे खेगी।
                               तू आज है मोंबज़ल ढू ँ ढ रहा, कल त़ुझक मोंबज़ल ढू ँ ढेगी।।

          काँि ों से भरी है अगर राह, तू हँसकर आगे बढता जा।
          लाख म़ुश्किलें आएँ गी, तू सच की राह पर चलता जा।।

    (क)        कबव कैसी राह पर चलने क कह रहे हैं ?
    (ख)        लहर ों की धारा कैसी है?
    (ग)        नदी कौन पार कर पाएगा और कौन नहीों?
    (घ)        सच की राह कैसी है ?


शब्द-य़ुग्म अर्ाात शब्द ों का ज ड़ा। जब बकसी पोंश्कि में द शब्द एक सार् आएँ , उनके बीच य जक बचह्न लगा
ह ,उन्हें शब्द-य़ुग्म कहते हैं ।उदाहरण: बार-बार, हँसना-र ना,साध़ु-सोंत।

प्रश्न -2- इसी प्रकार पाँच अन्य उदाहरण बलश्कखए।

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                         Class VII

(क)    लोंका में हऩुमान ने बवराि एवों…………………………. रूप धारण बकया।
(ख)    बशक्षा एवों सोंस्कार असभ्य व्यश्कि क …………………………... बनाते हैं।
(ग)     सदी और …………………. के मौसम में भ जन का बवशेष ध्यान रखना चाबहए।
(घ)     मैंने चन्द्रमा का …………………………… भी दे खा है और बढना भी।
(ड•)    ……………और प़ुण्य एक ही बसक्के के द रूप हैं।


(प्रारूप बदया जा रहा है, आप बवषय का बवस्तार करें ):

पता :
इों दौर(म.प्र.)
सोंब धन:
बवषय का बवस्तार

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                  Class VII


Topic: Fractions and Decimals

General Instructions:
  I) Do not copy the questions.
  II) Write proper steps and reasons wherever necessary.

Fraction – It is a number representing part of a whole.

Equivalent fraction – Two fractions are said to be equivalent if they have the same

                                             1 2 3 4
                                     Here,    = = =
                                             2 4 6 8

Comparison of fractions –
• For Like fractions – Fraction with larger numerator is larger.
• For Unlike fractions – First change them to like fractions and then compare the
    Note: For the comparison of two fractions we can use cross multiplication

Addition and Subtraction of fractions –
• For Like fractions – Add or subtract the numerators
  and put the answer over the same denominator.
• For Unlike fractions – First change them into like
  fractions by taking LCM of the denominators and then
  add or subtract.

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                          Class VII
Q.1 For the following figures:

        a)                          b)

        Write down:
   i) the number of equal parts
   ii) the number of shaded parts
   iii) the fraction of shaded parts
   iv) the fraction of unshaded parts

Q.2 What fraction of large square is UNSHADED?

Q.3 Which of the following fractions is/are same as        ?
              5       45     15
              6       48     18
             (i)     (ii)   (iii)

Q.4 Compare the fractions and put correct signs >, < or =
      7   5                9    11
   a)                  b)
      6   9               20    14

                   5 7 11      17
Q.5 Arrange         ,  ,   and    in ascending order.
                   8 12 24     36

Q.6 Find the following:
       1    3                            1    5
   a) 3 + 4                          b) 8 − 2
       2    5                            4    6

        5   3   3                        5   3     7
   c)     +2 +3                      d) 7 − 4 − 2
        2   4   5                        6   8    12

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                   Class VII

Q.7 Reena painted     of the wall and her brother painted
  of the wall. Who painted larger part of the wall?

Q.8 Aunt Thelma planted a herb garden. She planted
              3                                        1
rosemary in     of the garden. She planted parsley in    of
              5                                       15
the garden. She planted chives in the remaining part of the
garden. What fraction of the garden did she plant with

Decimal - Fraction – We can represent fraction
with denominators 10, 100, 1000 etc. as a
                    3            2395
decimal. Examples:    = 0.3 and       = 2.395
                   10           1000

Change Decimal to Fraction –
             23                         1037
  a) 0.23 =          b) 1.037 =
            100                         1000

Change Fraction to Decimal –
Example: Convert into decimal.
Method 1: Converting fraction into decimal -

               7 7  125 875
                =       =     = 0.875
               8 8  125 1000

English Home Assignment - May 09, 2020 Class VII - Shishukunj
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                      Class VII
   Method 2: By long division

               8 7.000
                 -6 4
                  0 60
                    -4 0
               Answer:        = 0.875

To compare, add and subtract decimal numbers write decimal numbers as like

Q.9 Fill in the blanks:
   a) If 1 cm is     of a metre. We write 2 cm = ______ m.
   b) If 1 km is 1000 m then 5 km 30 m = ________km.
   c) If 1 g =1000 mg then 8.08 g = ____________ mg.

Q.10 Arrange 18.345, 18.453, 18.34, 8.34, 18.5 in descending order.

Q.11 Simplify the following:
   a) 18.03+146.3 + 0.89 + 5.324           b)108.032 – 86.8
   c) 36.54 – 15.79 + 85.2 – 57.615        d) 78.067 + 5.347 – 63.001

Q.12 Express the following fractions as decimals:
      3                    16                         1
   a)                   b)                      c) 25
      5                    25                         8

Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                  Class VII

Q.13 Write each of the following decimals as a fraction in lowest term:
   a) 0.342              b) 8.28                 c) 6.125

Q.14 Shown here is the bill that Ravi got.

What is the balance amount that Ravi received if he gave   100 to the shopkeeper?

Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                      Class VII

Solve the problems and write your answers in the across and down positions. Decimal
should be shown in the small box drawn inside the big box at correct position. The
number you record in the highlighted box shows where the letter should go in the
code boxes at the bottom to solve the
riddle.                                               2


1.         57.61 – 48.07
4.         59.01 – 6.40
6.         862.391 – 47.555
8.         392.11 – 47.09                          8

10.        4.307 – 3.1


                DOWN                               10
2.         76.344 – 34.726
3.         267.841 – 79.009
5.         6.339 – 2.176
7.         184.37 – 49.66
9.         647.82 – 73.09

What fire – breathing insect was never slain by a knight?

       1           2        3   4    5       6      7       8   9       0

Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                              Class VII


      Example          Representation in Puzzle

       6.32               6 .3 2
                          1 2 .8 9
               H   E       L     P
               4   6       5     9

                                                    10 | P a g e
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                   Class VII

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience

Mentioned below are some of the activities in
which you are engaged every day at home.

    Self-Study                    Playing                       Sleeping

      Reading                  Screen time                Extra co-curricular

For the parameters mentioned above:
   i) Identify the time spent by you in hours for a day.
   ii) Express the time spent as a fraction of the whole day.
   iii) Convert each fraction into decimals.

                                                                                11 | P a g e
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                     Class VII

                                 Science (Biology)
Topic: Nutrition in Plants

 •       Organisms living on the earth are of two types based on their mode of

     •    Autotrophic organisms perform the process of photosynthesis as they have
          green pigment known as chlorophyll filled in chloroplasts in their cells.


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Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                    Class VII

                                        Fig 1.1
Q. 1
   (a) Complete the following word equation representing photosynthesis:

    Carbon dioxide + Water---------→ _________________+______________

   (b) What is the importance of the process to the living world?

Q.2 Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll and a few other raw materials. Add the
missing raw materials to the list given below;

Water, minerals, (a) ___________________________, (b) _____________________________

Q.3 Which of the following statements is/are correct?
    (i) All green plants can prepare their own food.
    (ii) Most animals are autotrophs.
    (iii) Carbon dioxide is not required for photosynthesis.
    (iv) Oxygen is liberated during photosynthesis.
    Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
    (a) (i) and (iv)
    (b) (ii) only
    (c) (ii) and (iii)
    (d) (i) and (ii)

                                                                              13 | P a g e
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                    Class VII

Q.4 Potato and ginger are both underground parts of plant that store food. Where is
the food prepared in these plants? How does this food get transported to these places
within the plant body?

Q.5 Fill in the blanks of the paragraph given below with the words provided.
Chlorophyll, energy, food, carbon dioxide, water, photosynthesis:

Note: A word can be used more than once

Leaves have a green pigment called (a) ________________ which captures (b)____________
from sunlight. This (c) _______________ is used in the process of (d) ______________ and
along with other raw materials like (e) ________________ and (f) __________________
synthesize (g) __________________.

•   Few plants on the earth perform some special modes of nutrition ( other than
    being autotrophic) based on their requirements of nutrients with or without
    some structural modifications in them.

Q.6 Match the organisms given in Column I with their mode of nutrition given in
Column II.

•   The flow of energy in a food chain is always from green plants i.e. from
    producers to the animals i.e. the consumers.

                                                                               14 | P a g e
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                  Class VII

Q.7 Wild animals like tiger, wolf, lion and leopard do not eat plants. Does this mean
that they can survive without plants? Give a suitable explanation.


Q.8 Name the following and mention the type of heterotrophic mode of nutrition
exhibited by each.

          a.                                     b.

          c.                                     d.

                                                                              15 | P a g e
Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                   Class VII

                                        Social Science
Topic :Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years

Q.1 A Historical source is an original source that contains important historical
information. Here is a list of different examples of sources which help historians to
find about the past. Classify the following as Archaeological or Literary sources:

   •   Inscriptions
   •   Beads
   •   Drawings found on Pillars
   •   Jewellery
   •   Writings on walls of Caves
   •   Ancient Ruins
   •   Monuments
   •   Coins
   •   Travelogues
   •   Tools and Pottery
   •   Holy Texts
   •   Chronicles Of Rulers
   •   Letters
   •   Teachings of Saints
   •   Manuscripts

Q2 Answer the following in one word:

   a. A person who draws or produces maps.
   b. A place where documents and manuscripts
      are stored.
   c. A person who copies manuscripts.
   d. This refers to the environment of a region
      and the social and economic lifestyle of its
   e. An influential, wealthy individual who
      supports another person-an artiste, a
      craftsperson, a learned man or a noble.

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Home Assignment – May 09, 2020
                                  Class VII

Q.3 Read the given paragraph and answer the questions that follow:

One group of people who became important in this period was the Rajputs, a name
derived from “Rajaputra”, the son of a ruler. Between the eighth and fourteenth
centuries the term was applied more generally to a group of warriors who claimed the
Kshatriya caste status-not just rulers and chieftains but also soldiers and
commanders who served in the armies of different monarchs all over the subcontinent.
A chivalric code of conduct – extreme valor and a great sense of loyalty – were the
qualities attributed to Rajputs by their poets and bards.

  a. What is the literal meaning of the word ‘Rajput’?
  b. What are the characteristics associated with the Rajput clan?
  c. How did the Rajput clan serve in the Indian subcontinent?

Q.4 Historical records, languages, and the meaning of words change with the time.
Historians have to check the meanings of the terms and words they use, as they
change from time to time. Find out about the usage of the term ‘Hindustan’ by
different rulers and chroniclers in different contexts.

Q.5 Here are some pictures of the monuments constructed during the medieval
period. Research on the basis of the points given below:

  a)   Name of the monument
  b)   Location
  c)   Names of the rulers who constructed it
  d)   Type of architecture
  e)   Material used
  f)   One important feature associated with it

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