Statistical Training Institute (STI) Training Calendar 2019

Page created by Dave Joseph
Statistical Training Institute (STI) Training Calendar 2019
Statistical Training Institute (STI)
                           Training Calendar 2019

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                          1|Page
The 2019 STI Training Calendar has been designed to align with STI strategic objectives, using all available SCAD in-house resources.
As far as possible, the calendar has been compiled with due consideration to competency and capability needs, taking into account:

    SCAD 2018 Operational Plan - which provides the basis for critical core activities
    Human Capital Readiness (HCR) - which captures the gaps in the statistical and behavioral competence framework
    Training Needs Analysis - which supports the requirements of stakeholders across Abu Dhabi government entities
    Formal evaluations from previous STI training programmers
    Individual feedback from course participants

Importance of SCAD and regional context
Emphasis has been given to all courses must be specifically tailored to meet the needs of SCAD and Abu Dhabi government entities.
Wherever possible, SCAD data must be used in examples and exercises; and the context of the training must always be considered from
a regional perspective.

Timing of courses
Unless otherwise specified, each training day will be strictly six hours, starting at 9:00am and finishing at 3:00pm, comprises a variety of
training activities including presenting, group work, exercises, case studies, testing, questions, feedback and homework.

Each course shall be evaluated from four perspectives:

    Course evaluation will be completed by each trainee
    Trainer evaluation of trainees
    Training effectiveness (six-months later) conducted by line manager
    Pre-post tests at beginning and end of course to measure knowledge gained
    Comprehensive Test

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                                         2|Page
Course Code                        STI_S2bA
     Course Type                        STATISTICS
     Course Title                       STATISTICS FOR NON-STATISTICIANS
     Course Dates                       17-19 February 2019
     Instructor                         BADREYYA AL SHEHHI
     Delivery                           INTERNAL
     language                           ARABIC
     Level                              BASIC
     Certified                          NO
                                        An internally conducted basic level 3-day course in Arabic on statistics for non-
     Course definition
                                        The aim of the course is to speak about statistics and illustrate some statistical
                                        techniques to non-statisticians, persons in different types of positions but without a
     Learning objective                 specific mathematical background. Eventually the course can be the entrance gate
                                        to some formal training course in general statistical matters, depending on the
                                        trainee's background and daily duties.
     Target audience                    Local Employees in data and statistics fields
     Prerequisites                      Bachelor Degree
                                        Empirical approach: What we talk about when we talk about statistics? Do I see
                                        statistics in my day-to-day life? Why has statistics become so important in recent
                                        decades? The statistics universal mission: to produce information. Intuitive vision of
                                        certain topics: Is it true we may lie with statistics? Types of statistical variables. Bar
     Learning outcomes
                                        charts and histograms. Overview of graphical representations. Two main kinds of
                                        statistics: descriptive and inductive. Simple techniques illustration: The role of
                                        sampling and surveys in statistics. Standard tools of descriptive statistics. Index
                                        numbers. Concentration measures. Basic references on quality.
     Number of training days            3
     Number of training hours           24
     Venue                              STI
     Assessment required                Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:       MS Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                                 3|Page
Course Code                     STI_S12iA
      Course Type                     STATISTICS
      Course Title                    PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES
      Course Dates                    26-28 February 2019
      Instructor                      Abu Baker Al Gifri
      Delivery                        INTERNAL
      language                        ARABIC/ENGLISH
      Level                           INTERMEDIATE
      Certified                       NO
                                      The five steps of the project management professional content will be taught from
                                      the perspective of official statistics: initiating (assessing and contacting
                                      stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions); planning (developing of
                                      structure, schedule and human resource management plan; plan communication
                                      strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution (execute tasks as defined,
      Learning objective              manage resources, follow-up on implementation); monitoring and controlling
                                      (measure project performance, adapt project plan and risk management if
                                      necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project (obtain approval of
                                      deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review, measure customer
                                      satisfaction). There will be some examples from SCAD projects to understand how
                                      to apply these concepts cycle.
                                      An internally conducted intermediate level 3-day course in English on project
      Course definition
                                      management principles (statistical projects and surveys).
                                      Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
      Prerequisites/target audience
                                      statistical skills. The course is designed for project managers at SCAD.
      Primary competency              PROJECT MANAGEMENT / MS OFFICE
                                      Appreciation and application of the five steps of the project management
                                      professional approach from the perspective of official statistics; initiating
                                      (assessing and contacting stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions);
                                      planning (developing of structure, schedule and human resource management
                                      plan; plan communication strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution
      Learning outcomes
                                      (execute tasks as defined, manage resources, follow-up on implementation);
                                      monitoring and controlling (measure project performance, adapt project plan and
                                      risk management if necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project
                                      (obtain approval of deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review,
                                      measure customer satisfaction).
      Number of training days         3
      Number of training hours        24
      Venue                           STI
      Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
      Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                        4|Page
Course Code                        STI_S19bA
     Course Type                        STATISTICS
     Course Title                       STATISTICAL REPORT WRITING
     Course Dates                       10-12 March 2019
     Instructor                         ABU BAKER AL AMOUDI
     Delivery                           INTERNAL
     language                           ARABIC
     Level                              BASIC
     Certified                          NO
                                        An internally conducted basic level 3-day course in Arabic on stats skills in preparing
     Course definition
                                        managerial reports
                                        The aim of the course is to educate participants on the methods for creating
     Learning objective                 objective and informative statistical reports, tables and charts which meet SCAD
                                        and international guidelines.
     Target audience                    Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
                                        Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
                                        statistical skills.
     Primary / Secondary competencies   DISSEMINATION / KNOWLEDGE SHARING
                                        Participants will be able to prepare objective and informative statistical reports,
     Learning outcomes
                                        tables and charts which meet SCAD and international guidelines.
     Number of training days            3
     Number of training hours           24
     Venue                              STI
     Assessment required                Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:       MS Word/MS Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                              5|Page
Course Code                     STI_S61bA
      Course Type                     STATISTICS
      Course Title                    STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS (USING EXCEL)
      Course Dates                    17-19 March 2019
      Instructor                      YAZID AL OMARI
      Delivery                        INTERNAL
      language                        ARABIC
      Level                           BASIC
      Certified                       NO
                                      Learn about descriptive statistics and accurately summarize data, both graphically
                                      and numerically and understanding what the data reveals is.
      Learning objective               This course will apply statistics techniques using Excel to learn how to deal with
                                      data through creating data dictionary for the variables, creating drive variables,
                                      produce cross tabulation and suitable statistics.
                                      Statistics is about extracting meaning information from data. It provides
                                      techniques to collect, clarify, summarize, organize, analyze, and interpret
                                      numerical information. This course will introduce the subject of statistics,
      Course definition
                                      introduce the basic terms used in statistics and ways of collecting data and
                                      different data types. This course will apply statistics techniques using Microsoft
                                      Excel Commands and Functions.
      Prerequisites/target audience   This course does not require a previous knowledge in statistics
      Primary competency              Statistical Analysis
                                      Overview to statistics, Dataset and Data cleaning, Data Dictionary Data Validation,
      Learning outcomes
                                      Data investigation and analysis using Excel commands and functions
      Number of training days         3
      Number of training hours        24
      Venue                           STI
      Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
      Type of software to be used:    Microsoft Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                       6|Page
Course Code                     STI_S17biA
     Course Type                     STATISTICS
     Course Title                    PRINCIPALS OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS
     Course Dates                    24-26 March 2019
     Instructor                      AKRAM SHAWAWREH
     Delivery                        INTERNAL
     language                        ARABIC
     Level                           BASIC/INTERMEDIATE
     Certified                       NO
                                     An internally conducted basic/ intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on
     Course definition
                                     principles of national accounts.
                                     The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the practice of national
     Learning objective
     Target audience                 Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
                                     Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
     Prerequisites/target audience
                                     statistical skills.
     Primary/secondary competency    ECONOMIC STATISTICS
                                     Production: what it includes and excludes; the production account and goods and
                                     services account; generation and redistribution of income accounts; the household
     Learning outcomes               accounts; the general government accounts; the rest-of-the-world accounts; non-
                                     financial assets; financial assets and liabilities; the financial and balance sheet
     Number of training days         3
     Number of training hours        24
     Venue                           STI
     Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                        7|Page
Course Code                    STI_S16iE
     Course Type                    STATISTICS
     Course Dates                   14-16 April 2019
     Instructor                     ABU BAKER AL AMOUDI
     Delivery                       INTERNAL
     language                       ARABIC
     Level                          INTERMEDIATE
     Certified                      NO
     Course definition              An internally conducted intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on demographic
                                    estimation techniques
     Learning objective             The aim of the course is to train participants how to evaluate, adjust and analyze
                                    data on population structure, change and components of change using selected
                                    indirect methods and required software. After the course, participants should be
                                    capable of adjusting and analyzing inaccurate demographic data and producing
                                    reliable demographic indicators and future population projections.
     Target audience                Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
     Prerequisites                  Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
                                    statistical skills.
     Primary/secondary competency   Demographic Data and Measurement
     Learning outcomes              Ability to adjust and analyze inaccurate demographic data; and knowledge of how
                                    to produce reliable demographic indicators and future population projections.
     Number of training days        3
     Number of training hours       24
     Venue                          STI
     Assessment required            Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:   MS Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                      8|Page
Course Code                        STI_S2bA
     Course Type                        STATISTICS
     Course Title                       STATISTICS FOR NON-STATISTICIANS
     Course Dates                       21-23 April 2019
     Instructor                         BADREYYA AL SHEHHI
     Delivery                           INTERNAL
     language                           ARABIC
     Level                              BASIC
     Certified                          NO
                                        An internally conducted basic level 3-day course in Arabic on statistics for non-
     Course definition
                                        The aim of the course is to speak about statistics and illustrate some statistical
                                        techniques to non-statisticians, persons in different types of positions but without a
     Learning objective                 specific mathematical background. Eventually the course can be the entrance gate
                                        to some formal training course in general statistical matters, depending on the
                                        trainee's background and daily duties.
     Target audience                    Local Employees in data and statistics fields
     Prerequisites                      Bachelor Degree
                                        Empirical approach: What we talk about when we talk about statistics? Do I see
                                        statistics in my day-to-day life? Why has statistics become so important in recent
                                        decades? The statistics universal mission: to produce information. Intuitive vision of
                                        certain topics: Is it true we may lie with statistics? Types of statistical variables. Bar
     Learning outcomes
                                        charts and histograms. Overview of graphical representations. Two main kinds of
                                        statistics: descriptive and inductive. Simple techniques illustration: The role of
                                        sampling and surveys in statistics. Standard tools of descriptive statistics. Index
                                        numbers. Concentration measures. Basic references on quality.
     Number of training days            3
     Number of training hours           24
     Venue                              STI
     Assessment required                Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:       MS Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                                 9|Page
Course Code                     STI_S12iA
      Course Type                     STATISTICS
      Course Title                    PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES
      Course Dates                    30 April – 2 May 2019
      Instructor                      Abu Baker Al Gifri
      Delivery                        INTERNAL
      language                        ARABIC/ENGLISH
      Level                           INTERMEDIATE
      Certified                       NO
                                      The five steps of the project management professional content will be taught from
                                      the perspective of official statistics: initiating (assessing and contacting
                                      stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions); planning (developing of
                                      structure, schedule and human resource management plan; plan communication
                                      strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution (execute tasks as defined,
      Learning objective              manage resources, follow-up on implementation); monitoring and controlling
                                      (measure project performance, adapt project plan and risk management if
                                      necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project (obtain approval of
                                      deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review, measure customer
                                      satisfaction). There will be some examples from SCAD projects to understand how
                                      to apply these concepts cycle.
                                      An internally conducted intermediate level 3-day course in English on project
      Course definition
                                      management principles (statistical projects and surveys).
                                      Proficiency in English to IELTS level 5. Attended statistics for non-statisticians
      Prerequisites/target audience   course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic statistical skills. The course is designed for
                                      project managers at SCAD.
      Primary competency              PROJECT MANAGEMENT / MS OFFICE
                                      Appreciation and application of the five steps of the project management
                                      professional approach from the perspective of official statistics; initiating
                                      (assessing and contacting stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions);
                                      planning (developing of structure, schedule and human resource management
                                      plan; plan communication strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution
      Learning outcomes
                                      (execute tasks as defined, manage resources, follow-up on implementation);
                                      monitoring and controlling (measure project performance, adapt project plan and
                                      risk management if necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project
                                      (obtain approval of deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review,
                                      measure customer satisfaction).
      Number of training days         3
      Number of training hours        24
      Venue                           STI
      Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
      Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                      10 | P a g e
Course Code                     STI_S46biA
      Course Type                     STATISTICS
      Course Title                    ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS
      Course Dates                    17-19 September 2019
      Instructor                      SAMEH RAFAAT / RUBA AL SHAEER (ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR)
      Delivery                        INTERNAL
      language                        ARABIC
      Level                           BASIC/INTERMEDIATE
      Certified                       NO
                                      Provide knowledge and skills related to environmental performance indicators.
                                      Presenting and developing environmental statistics and surveys. Identifying the
      Learning objective
                                      major requirements for the implementation of environmental surveys, the quality
                                      of data needed to be collected and methods of collecting such data.
                                      An internally conducted basic-intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on
      Course definition
                                      environmental statistics.
                                      Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
      Prerequisites/target audience
                                      statistical skills.
      Primary/secondary competency    ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS
                                      Understanding the fundamental elements of environmental performance
                                      indicators; and identifying the major requirements for the implementation and
      Learning outcomes
                                      application of environmental performance indicators, the quality of data needed
                                      to be collected and methods of collecting such data.
      Number of training days         3
      Number of training hours        24
      Venue                           STI
      Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
      Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                    11 | P a g e
Course Code                        STI_S2bA
     Course Type                        STATISTICS
     Course Title                       STATISTICS FOR NON-STATISTICIANS
     Course Dates                       29 September – 1 October 2019
     Instructor                         BADREYYA AL SHEHHI
     Delivery                           INTERNAL
     language                           ARABIC
     Level                              BASIC
     Certified                          NO
                                        An internally conducted basic level 3-day course in Arabic on statistics for non-
     Course definition
                                        The aim of the course is to speak about statistics and illustrate some statistical
                                        techniques to non-statisticians, persons in different types of positions but without a
     Learning objective                 specific mathematical background. Eventually the course can be the entrance gate
                                        to some formal training course in general statistical matters, depending on the
                                        trainee's background and daily duties.
     Target audience                    Local Employees in data and statistics fields
     Prerequisites                      Bachelor Degree
                                        Empirical approach: What we talk about when we talk about statistics? Do I see
                                        statistics in my day-to-day life? Why has statistics become so important in recent
                                        decades? The statistics universal mission: to produce information. Intuitive vision of
                                        certain topics: Is it true we may lie with statistics? Types of statistical variables. Bar
     Learning outcomes
                                        charts and histograms. Overview of graphical representations. Two main kinds of
                                        statistics: descriptive and inductive. Simple techniques illustration: The role of
                                        sampling and surveys in statistics. Standard tools of descriptive statistics. Index
                                        numbers. Concentration measures. Basic references on quality.
     Number of training days            3
     Number of training hours           24
     Venue                              STI
     Assessment required                Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:       MS Excel

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                               12 | P a g e
Course Code                     STI_S26biA
      Course Type                     STATISTICS
      Course Title                    MICRO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS
      Course Dates                    6-8 October 2019
      Instructor                      OSAMA AL ZOUBI
      Delivery                        INTERNAL
      Course language                 ARABIC
      Level                           BASIC / INTERMEDIATE
      Certified                       NO
                                      An internally conducted basic / intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on
      Course definition
                                      micro-economic analysis.
                                      This course deals with the economic behavior of consumers and firms, covering
                                      analysis of demand and supply of goods, services and resources within an
      Learning objective              economy. The framework developed is used to examine and evaluate the
                                      operation of the market mechanism for various market structures and
                                      government policies.
      Target audience                 Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
                                      Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
      Prerequisites/target audience
                                      statistical skills.
      Primary/secondary competency    ECONOMIC STATISTICS
                                      Study of the allocation of scarce resources among competing end uses. Basic and
                                      Intermediate level analysis of the economic behavior of individual units, in
      Learning outcomes               particular consumers and firms. Although the focus is on perfectly competitive
                                      markets, attention is also given to other types of markets. Analysis also includes
                                      concepts of expected utility and uncertainty, and welfare economics.
      Number of training days         3
      Number of training hours        24
      Venue                           STI
      Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
      Type of software to be used:

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                          13 | P a g e
Course Code                        STI_S1biA
     Course Type                        STATISTICS
     Course Title                       SAMPLING METHODOLOGIES
     Course Dates                       22-23 October 2019
     Instructor                         MOHAMMED AL RIFAI
     Delivery                           INTERNAL
     language                           ARABIC
     Level                              BASIC / INTERMEDIATE
     Certified                          NO
                                        An internally conducted basic/ intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on
     Course definition
                                        statistical sample design.
                                        This course offers participants the opportunity to: understand the main steps and
                                        challenges for the implementation of statistical surveys; identify the main sources
                                        of error in statistical surveys and implement adequate measures for error
     Learning objective
                                        prevention and treatment; understand and develop the most adequate scales to
                                        collect statistical data; and be able to design a questionnaire to be applied in a
                                        statistical survey taking into consideration surveys goals and characteristics.
     Target audience                    Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
                                        Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
                                        statistical skills.
                                        Understand main steps and challenges for the implementation of statistical surveys;
                                        identify main sources of error in statistical surveys; implement adequate measures
     Learning outcomes                  for error detection and treatment; understand and develop to most appropriate
                                        scales to collect statistical data; and design a questionnaire to be applied in a
                                        statistical survey taking into account survey goals and characteristics.
     Number of training days            3
     Number of training hours           24
     Venue                              STI
     Assessment required                Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:       N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                         14 | P a g e
Course Code                    STI_S20bA
       Course Type                    STATISTICS
       Course Title                   OPINION POLL METHODOLOGIES
       Course Dates                   28-29 October 2019
       Instructor                     MOHAMMED AL RIFAE
       Delivery                       INTERNAL
       language                       ARABIC
       Level                          BASIC
       Certified                      NO
                                      An internally conducted basic level 3-day course in Arabic on opinion poll
       Course definition
                                      The purpose of this course is to train participants with a basic understanding of a
       Learning objective             range of practical and theoretical aspects of opinion polls measurement according
                                      to international standards.
       Target audience                Local Employees in Data and Statistics Fields
                                      Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
                                      statistical skills.
       Primary/secondary competency   STATISTICAL ANALYSIS/DATA PROCESSING
                                      After course completion, participants should be able to: design and conduct a basic
                                      poll, taking into account the methodological requirements; establish whether polls
       Learning outcomes              of other organizations satisfy methodological requirements; and handle basic
                                      aspects of a poll, like computing estimates and margins of error. They should also
                                      be able to correct poll outcomes for non-response.
       Number of training days        2
       Number of training hours       16
       Venue                          STI
       Assessment required            Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
       Type of software to be used:   N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                    15 | P a g e
Course Code                     STI_S12iA
     Course Type                     STATISTICS
     Course Title                    PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES
     Course Dates                    29-31 October 2019
     Instructor                      Abu Baker Al Gifri
     Delivery                        INTERNAL
     language                        ARABIC/ENGLISH
     Level                           INTERMEDIATE
     Certified                       NO
                                     The five steps of the project management professional content will be taught from
                                     the perspective of official statistics: initiating (assessing and contacting
                                     stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions); planning (developing of
                                     structure, schedule and human resource management plan; plan communication
                                     strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution (execute tasks as defined,
     Learning objective              manage resources, follow-up on implementation); monitoring and controlling
                                     (measure project performance, adapt project plan and risk management if
                                     necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project (obtain approval of
                                     deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review, measure customer
                                     satisfaction). There will be some examples from SCAD projects to understand how
                                     to apply these concepts cycle.
                                     An internally conducted intermediate level 3-day course in English on project
     Course definition
                                     management principles (statistical projects and surveys).
                                     Proficiency in English to IELTS level 5. Attended statistics for non-statisticians
     Prerequisites/target audience   course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic statistical skills. The course is designed for
                                     project managers at SCAD.
     Primary competency              PROJECT MANAGEMENT / MS OFFICE
                                     Appreciation and application of the five steps of the project management
                                     professional approach from the perspective of official statistics; initiating
                                     (assessing and contacting stakeholders, clarifying the economic conditions);
                                     planning (developing of structure, schedule and human resource management
                                     plan; plan communication strategy, risk management, kick-off meeting); execution
     Learning outcomes
                                     (execute tasks as defined, manage resources, follow-up on implementation);
                                     monitoring and controlling (measure project performance, adapt project plan and
                                     risk management if necessary, assess corrective actions); closing the project
                                     (obtain approval of deliveries, transfer ownership, obtain closure, project review,
                                     measure customer satisfaction).
     Number of training days         3
     Number of training hours        24
     Venue                           STI
     Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                      16 | P a g e
Course Code                     STI_S13biA
     Course Type                     STATISTICS
     Course Title                    DATA TREATMENT METHODOLOGIES
     Course Dates                    11-12 November 2019
     Instructor                      Dr. MOHAMMED AL RIFAE / DUNYA AL KHLAIFI (ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR)
     Delivery                        INTERNAL
     language                        ARABIC
     Level                           BASIC / INTERMEDIATE
     Certified                       NO
                                     This course is designed for professional and data users who deal with statistical
                                     data on the mechanisms and methods of data verification. In addition, to
     Learning objective
                                     identify the statistical methods of data processing in the pre-extraction stage
                                     An internally conducted basic / intermediate level 3-day course in Arabic on
     Course definition
                                     editing and processing statistical data
                                     Attended statistics for non-statisticians course STI_S2bA or equivalent basic
     Prerequisites/target audience
                                     statistical skills.
     Primary/secondary competency    DATA PROCESSING / DATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT
                                     The ability to deal with raw data files, in terms of conducting audits in
     Learning outcomes               accordance with the statistical rules, techniques of data processing and missing
     Number of training days         3
     Number of training hours        24
     Venue                           STI
     Assessment required             Pre-Post and Comprehensive Test
     Type of software to be used:    N/A

DRN: STI-CAL-2-2019                                                                                          17 | P a g e
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