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PROGRAMME DETAILS PAGE 1 Programme Overview On 31 July 2021, Green Growth Asia Foundation successfully hosted the NYRE 2021: PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP virtually with participants consisting of teachers and students from Malaysia and other countries. The Photography workshop showcase the photography techniques using smartphone and DSLR camera to enhance the participant photography skills for the competition that they are participating. The aim of the workshop is to improve the participants photography skills while increase the awareness by using Sustainable Development Goals. The webinar also includes 4 Q&A session to allow the participants to ask questions regarding the workshop. This webinar is the first of its kind, and with that, a number of elements were taken into consideration in terms of its virtual implementation. This webinar was hosted by Johnhoward. (All of the feedback and suggestions have been received and will be taken into practice for the next online webinar sessions. The development of the second NYRE: Ask Me Anything webinar will be conducting in (English Language) will be following up. Project Name : NYRE 2021: Photography workshop Date : 31 July 2021 Duration : 1 hour Location : Zoom Platform Hosts : Jonhoward Ronen Lingai Number of Participants : 77 TOPICS DISCUSSED Chapter 1: Image Impact on our Environment The trainer presented a few photos captured by the trainer himself. The picture presented showcased a lot of Flora and Fauna species and the trainer shared the information and the impact of the picture. The location of the image is also taken into consideration to avoid unrelated object being capture into the image. The end of the chapter 1 question and answer session was held. Chapter 2: Theme In this chapter, the trainer shared some images related to the theme of the photography workshop which is Climate Change, Biodiversity and Pollution. From the photo presented, trainer was expressing the story of the photo and how could it bring the effect from the theme with the caption of the photo.
PROGRAMME DETAILS PAGE 2 Chapter 3: Creating compelling Images From the title of the chapter, it was related to the NYRE 2021: Photography Competition which is Single Photo Reportage, Single Photo Campaign, Photostory. It was a great sharing session that allows the participant to understand more about how to draft an image before taking a photo by identifying the subject of the image. Chapter 4: Photography Guideline In this chapter, the trainer shared several basic techniques to take a good photo. A good photo is able to attract an audience easily. The techniques are framing, the nose room and headroom where the object of the image should occupy the headroom to avoid empty space to loss the attractiveness. The rule of thirds is a grid function that is able to find in DSLR and smartphones. It is used to assist the photographer when photographing the landscape. Certain types of photos require the usage of leading lines to lead viewers to focus on the element in the images.
PROGRAMME DETAILS PAGE 3 RECEPTION OF PARTICIPANTS Thirty-Seven of institutions were registered included international and local institutional to participated in the webinar. However, the participant who participated in the webinar was not fully attending were there only 77 participants but in the registration, the list showed 176 participants registered. Overall of with their active participation in the photography workshop, we believe their journey will be a success. The newly launched NYRE website serves as a platform for the dissemination of NYRE related information. MOVING FORWARD This webinar provides invaluable insights to improve the quality of the webinar held by GGAF. Despite the success, Green Growth Asia Foundation will continue innovating ways to enhance our service delivery further. We have been looking into appointing teachers as trainers for the future programmes; more details will be made available once it has been finalized. The next activity, NYRE: Ask Me Anything 2.0. MEDIA REPOSITORY
LIVESTREAM ANALYTICS PAGE 4 Facebook Analytics The NYRE: Photography workshop was streamed on its Facebook Page. The recorded session can be viewed at stream was live for an hour and ten minutes, from 3:00 P.M. to 4.10 P.M. (GMT+8). The live stream analytics are divided into three separate categories; stream analysis will discuss how the live stream performs, audience engagement that outlines the public reaction, and the public and demographic profiles that identify audience profile. STREAM ANALYSIS In total, we have reached 198 people; the following is the breakdown; Live Session During the live stream, we have a total of 75 viewers that stay until the end. This is a significant number of viewers as the stream was a one hour-long session. Recorded Session After the live stream, the post remains available for viewing on the Young Reporters for Environment Malaysia Facebook Page, in which 121 people viewed the session for three seconds, with 38 people staying for 1-minute. Data as of August 3, 2021 On average, viewers who decided to stay spend almost 3:16 extracting information from the photography webinar. The growing number of viewers are attributed to the mass promotion by the participating teachers to their colleagues, friends and family. 68.2% of the total views came from recommendations, While 28.7% came from our existing followers, This indicates that our followers are updated with our events, and another 3.13% came from the 5 recorded shares. AUDIENCE ENGAGEMENT Overall, NYRE: Photography webinar was well received. A total of 88 audience engagements are recorded, with 74 reactions, 9 comments and 5 shares. The breakdown is as follow; 54 likes 2 excited 20 hearts 0 amazed 0 sad 0 disgruntled 2 Hug
LIVESTREAM ANALYTICS PAGE 5 This webinar provides an information related to the NYRE: 2021 photography competitions, touching on key to enhance the attractiveness of the photo and improve the skill of photograph. The primary target group for the virtual webinar was 10 to 24 years old group. Surprisingly, there are huge amount of participant were join throughout the webinar even though there are certain participants are not in the ages of the requirement. Most of the comments can be segmented into two main types of comments, questions and statement of opinion. Below are a few screenshots of the comment left by the audience. Question Statement of Opinions DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES NYRE is Is a program under YRE that includes workshops and various competitions which encourages young people to voice environmental issues as well as disseminate participants ’work and share ideas. Traditionally, some teachers and students would not be able to participate in our NYRE webinar due to financial and internet connection constraints. The breakdown of the demographic profiles are as follow; The majority of our participant are from Malaysia, and some of other country with people originated. It shows that the publicity successfully promote the Photography workshop to other country participants which 2 participant are from international which is Bhutan and Indonesia.
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