

JULY 5-10, 2022
     Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota

    0 19

       Matt Bickell
  1400 Registered Targets • 20 Traps
Out of State & Novice Shooters Welcome
Fellow Shooters –

Welcome to the 111th Minnesota State Trapshooting Tournament. We
hope you enjoy our shoot, and we are thankful that you chose to attend.
Thankfully we were able to hold our shoot last year after having to can-
cel the 2020 shoot. This year we hope you can attend but realize with
the rising costs of everything and the lack of shells, (STILL!!) that some
of you may not be able to. Last year in the Singles Championship we had
three shooters that ran the 200. Ben Dietz (this seems to be the usual),
Hunter Brown (first 200 for him!) and the first resident woman to ever
run the 200, Laure Zumbusch. If I remember right Laure almost had the
boys beat early but dropped a target to tie for that round. In the end,
Hunter Brown outlasted Ben and Laure to win with needing to use shells from the crowd. Congratula-
tions also to; Ross Larson for winning the Handicap Championship, “Old Timer” Scott Gens winning the
doubles, John Kelly winning the HAA (finally after placing as runner up for a while) and Peter Walker
for winning the HOA.
Please take note of the following items for this year:
1. This year, because of rising costs, we are changing the format of the HOF Induction/Shooter
   Recognition Ceremony. It will still be held on Friday after the days shooting is over. We will incorpo
    rate our sponsored Brat feed and the ceremony will be open to all, no charge.
2. There will be no Live Auction this year since Federal is no longer donating shells. All items will be
    put on the Silent Auction.
3 . At the Annual Meeting on Sunday at 8:00 AM you will be required to show your paper average card
     to receive a paper ballot if one is required for election of officers. Also, those in attendance inside
     the room will be the only ones allowed to cast a ballot.
The MTA would like to thank the following sponsors:
        Alexandria Power and Equipment Grand Rapids Gun Club                   Kelly Concrete
        Alexandria Shooting Park             Bob & Annie Munson                Recob’s Target Shop
        Anonymous Source                     Randy Jones                       Shamrock Leathers
        Becker Co. Sportsmen’s Club          Midwest Garage Doors              Wille Transport
        Bob Schulz Target Shotguns           Minneapolis Gun Club              White Flyer
        Buffalo Gun Club                     Monticello Sportsmen’s Club Winona Sportsmen’s Club
        Del Tone Shooting Range              Owatonna Gun Club
If you have an item for the Silent Auction, please contact any MTA board member or Mark and Sally
Stevens. Proceeds from the auction benefit the Minnesota Youth Shooting Program and your support
is greatly appreciated.
Sunday’s Annual Business meeting will begin promptly at 8:00 AM. New officers and directors will be
elected and any new business that needs attention will be openly addressed. Should you have some-
thing you want to discuss at the annual meeting, please submit your proposal to the BOD at least 10
days prior to the meeting. Plan on attending to show your support and have your voice heard. Minutes
from last year’s annual meeting will be posted around the clubhouse for you to view and will not be
read, just approved. Minutes are also on our website.
Lastly, a few parting notes. First, two food trucks will be on hand this year and one will be serving
breakfast. Second, do not expect Alexandria Shooting Park to have shells for you to buy. Third, the
cost of the computer software program to run the shoot has increased significantly. This year the MTA
will absorb those costs but in the future we may have to extend them to the shooters. If and when you
see our event sponsors and advertisers, be sure to say “Thank You” for their continued support and
dedication to the MTA and our State Shoot. Have yourself a great shoot!


Matt Bickell
   MTA President

        1926         W. H. Fawcett               Breezy Point                             1975         Al Kamrath                 St. Paul
        1937         Louis Mica                  Hibbing                                  1976         Al Kamrath                 St. Paul
        1928         James Guthrie               St. Paul                                 1977         Tom Zelmer                 Mankato
        1929         Tom Stevens                 Minneapolis                              1978         John Beuning               St. Cloud
        1930         Tom Stevens                 Minneapolis                              1979         Lynn Mattis                Champlin
        1931         Tom Stevens                 Minneapolis                              1980         Roger Lorenzen             Grand Meadow
        1932         W. H. Fawcett               Breezy Point                             1981         Roger Bohm                 Princeton
        1933         Jake Reigel                 Deer River                               1982         Ralph Weber                White Bear Lake
        1934         H. W. Maginnis              Minneapolis                              1983         J. Schwichtenberg          Lester Prairie
        1935         William Harrington          Minneapolis                              1984         Bruce Mathisen             Duluth
        1937         Matt Youngman               Sleepy Eye                               1985         Ralph Weber                White Bear Lake
        1938         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1986         Keith Hewlett              Rochester
        1939         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1987         J.Schwichtenberg           Lester Prairie
        1940         Harry Maginnis              Minneapolis                              1988         J. Schwichtenberg          Lester Prairie
        1941         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1989         Lou Ann Munson             Howard Lake
        1942         Roger Dell                  Fergus Falls                             1990         Dennis Steinhaus           Annandale
        1943         Roger Dell                  Fergus Falls                             1991         Dick Sturk                 Bovey
        1944         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1992         Keith Hewlett              Rochester
        1945         John Frochlicher            St. Paul                                 1993         John Bolich                Fridley
        1946         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1994         Dick Sturk                 Bovey
        1947         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         1995         John Bolich                Fridley
        1948         Ward Ellis                  Austin                                   1996         Pat Reysack                Morristown
        1949         E. R. Maetolzold            Minneapolis                              1997         Bob Wiltse                 Minneapolis
        1950         Ward Ellis                  Austin                                   1998         Kathy Lahti                Lexington
        1951         Ward Ellis                  Austin                                   1999         Dennis Vlasak              Maple Grove
        1952         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         2000         Ron Noren                   St. James
        1953         Arnold Souba                Graceville                               2001         Bill Wuori                 Elk River
        1954         Arnold Souba                Graceville                               2002         Peter Falk III             Madison Lake
        1955         Clair Lantz                 St. Cloud                                2003         S.Splettstoeszer           Delano
        1956         Clair Lantz                 St. Cloud                                2004         John Bacon                 Maple Grove
        1957         C. V. Jones                 Austin                                   2005         Ron Baker                  Coon Rapids
        1958         C. V. Jones                 Austin                                   2006         Mark Zauhar                Lakeville
        1959         Horace Aldritt              Excelsior                                2007         Mark Zauhar                Lakeville
        1960         Ray Zweiner                 Blooming Prairie                         2008         Mark Zauhar                Lakeville
        1961         C. V. Jones                 Austin                                   2009         Mark Zauhar                Lakeville
        1962         Art Holm                    Minneapolis                              2010         Mark Zauhar                Lakeville
        1963         Art Finney                  St. Paul                                 2011         G. Lonneman                Worthington
        1964         Arlos Kegley                LeCenter                                 2012         G. Lonneman                Worthington
        1965         Allen Degner                Owatonna                                 2013         G. Lonneman                Worthington
        1966         Andy Neutzling              St. Cloud                                2014         G. Lonneman                Worthington
        1967         Glenn Dennis                Blooming Prairie                         2015         Scott Steffen              Carver
        1968         Bob Putnam                  St. Paul                                 2016         Scott Steffen              Carver
        1969         D. J. Kaplan                Owatonna                                 2017         Scott Messenger            Winona
        1970         Ken Cater                   St. Cloud                                2018         Scott Messenger            Winona
        1971         Stan Wilson, Jr.            Thief River Falls                        2019         Matt Bickell               Waseca
        1972         Paul Robey                  Wayzata                                  2020         Matt Bickell               Waseca
        1973         Paul Robey                  Wayzata                                  2021         Matt Bickell               Waseca
        1974         Tom McKay                   Delano                                   2022         Matt Bickell               Waseca
Copyright © 2022 CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAMS. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced or transmitted, in any form by any
means; electronic, digital, or mechanical, including; printing, photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, including the
Internet, without the expressed permission of the publisher. For advertising information, inquire at: 574-210-5465 / on_target100@comcast.net

111th ANNUAL
                                               MINNESOTA STATE
                                                TRAPSHOOTING TOURNAMENT
                                                    July 5 - 10, 2022

                     GENERAL INFORMATION
  1. Official Decision. Every person entering the competition agrees to accept all offi-
      cials’ decisions and to abide by the ATA rules.
   2. The State Board of Directors will have complete charge of this shoot. Their deci-
      sions in all matters will be final. In event of a dispute over interpretation of any part
      of this program, the decision of the directors shall govern.
  3. To enter the tournament, first have your ATA card ready with averages completed.
      Second, report to the Handicap and Classification Committee for classification and
      squadding. Third, pay entry at the cashiers. Any shooters who do not COMPLETE
      THEIR ENTRY BY CASHIERING will be resquadded after the last squad. Check your
      entry card BEFORE leaving the cashier window, it is final.
  4. All shooters are eligible to play purses and options, except those who elect to
      waive penalty classification and/or yardage.
  5. During rush periods it may be necessary to take entries for that day only.
  6. AGE CLASSIFICATION FOR CATEGORY - see current rule book and see page 13 in this
      book and posting on the bulletin board at the State Shoot for more info.
 7. All information needed to:
        1. Award trophies
        2. Award added money
        3. Make report for the ATA
      is taken from the scoreboard sheets so be sure all information is correct. This is the
      shooter’s responsibility.
  8. No entry refunded once event has started. Entry refunded if an event is cancelled.
  9. The scorer’s decision as to whether a target is dead or lost is final; it is subject to
      review only by the shoot committee or other such governing body before shooting
      the next five bird event.
10. The scorer must call upon a judge to settle any controversy regarding a score, or
      when he has made an error by being ahead or behind in his scoring.
1 1. The Board of Directors reserves the right to call off or to change any portion of the
      program due to bad weather or other just causes.
12. Reloads will be permitted for any of the program. They must adhere to ATA rules.
13. MTA 100 or 200 Straight Pins - Shooters breaking one hundred or two hundred
      straight without carryover will be awarded a 100 or 200 straight pin. Only one such
      pin of each type will ever be awarded to any one shooter.
14. There will be no payoffs in added monies, purses or options for amounts less than
      $2.00. One payout check will be at the conclusion of the tournament. Checks will
      be mailed to individuals

15. Winning scores and all ties will be moved up one class for all singles and doubles,
    Wednesday - Saturday. No class advancement on Tuesday Warm-Up Day events.
16. No alcoholic beverage or illegal drugs allowed to be consumed before shooting is
    completed for the day, including regular events, shoot-offs and practice. ATA offi-
    cial rules to govern. The MTA will go above and beyond the ATA rules and will have
    a zero tolerance policy. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or
    alcohol will not be allowed to shoot for the remainder of the day.
17. Tues, Wed & Thurs 16yd and Doubles ties will carry over to the following type event.
18. All bank assignments for the entire week will be determined at the beginning of
    the week and printed on the shooters receipts. Management reserves the right to
    move bank assignments as needed.
19. HOA starts on Wednesday, July 6, 2022.
20. Definition of novice shooter: A novice is a shooter that has had no registered tar-
    gets prior to the current target year. Once a novice has earned a trophy in any
    event, they will no longer be considered novice.

                     It is the shooter’s responsibility
               to ensure they have been classified properly.

                                      SHOOT OFF
All ties for championships and championship trophies shall be shot off at the conclu-
sion of the day’s program or at a time designated by the management. After 100 shoot
off targets, management may elect to continue the following day, except Sunday. Con-
testants who fail to report after called for the shoot-offs shall forfeit their right to such
championships or trophies.

All ties in the Diamond Badge will be determined by using subsequent 25’s from Fri-
day’s Memorial Handicap and Saturday’s Championship singles.

              The MTA does NOT accept credit or debit cards.
                         Only cash and checks!
                    Thank you for your cooperation.

                 Every attempt has been made to ensure the
                     accuracy of this State Shoot Program.
                 In the event of any discrepancy, the decision
                  of the MTA Board of Directors will be final.
                        We regret any errors or omissions

             Matt Bickell

         Vice President
             Eric Munson

            Glenn Linden

             Shawn King

    Northern Zone Directors
            Jason Vlasak
            Perry Nodsle
            Randy Cook

    Central Zone Directors
             Kari Potter
            Donald Stock
              Ed Dietz

    Southern Zone Directors
              Rich Wolf
            Bryan Boltjes
            Nick Kubasch

  ATA Delegate and Alternates
        Delegate Randy Jones
      1st Alternate Peter Walker
        2nd Alternate Paul Cyr

  1. All shooters participating in any part of the program must show their current ATA
     average card or yellow ATA payment slip to prove payment for 2022 ATA dues. If
    neither can be presented the shooter will be required to pay ATA annual dues be-
     fore participating in any events.
 2. Have all scores posted and averages figured on ATA Card before presenting it to
     the Classification Committee.
 3. BE SURE - Once entry is made, it is final. No additions nor withdrawals will be al-
     lowed after the event has started.
  4. Watch the boards and be ready to compete when your squad is called to the firing
     line. There will be no waiting for a tardy shooter.
  5. If you do miss your squad, you may make up to 50 targets on the practice trap,
     otherwise report to the office and you will be re-squadded in the last squad if time
  6. No scores will be recorded if they are shot in any squad other than the one assigned
     to you by the office.
 7. Check score after each post shot and be sure that they are scored correctly before
     firing at a target at the next post. Any corrections must be marked “dead” or “lost.”
  8. Only errors in addition can be corrected after a score sheet leaves the trap.
  9. Conduct yourself in accordance with ATA rules at all times.
10. Double check your entry cards. Be sure your Class, Yardage and all other infor-
     mation is correct and legible. It is the responsibility of Lady I, Lady II, Sub-Juniors,
     ­Juniors, Junior Gold, Sub-Veterans, Veterans, Senior Veterans, Chairshooters, Nov-
      ice and MN Lady B to see that they are classified correctly. Report omissions or
      errors to the MTA Directors at the Classification station immediately.
1 1. If you win yardage, report to classification and have your average card updated.
      Class advancements will be automatically bumped by the computer system. Class
      advancements and earned yardage will be posted on the score board. Be sure to
      check; it is the shooter’s responsibility to be in the correct class and to shoot at the
      correct yardage. Class advancements start Wednesday.
12. All category shooters must declare their special category at the time of classifica-
      tion in any registered tournament if they wish to compete as a category shooter.
      Without such declaration, the contestant will not be allowed to compete for the
      applicable category trophy for the duration of the tournament. No contestant will
      be allowed to declare or change a special declaration after firing his/her first shot.
      The only exception to this rule will be to correct an ATA classification error. (See
      Rule IV, J.) The MTA will be solely responsible for reviewing and correcting any
      classification error.

                                    OPEN OR OUT
           All guns must be unloaded with the action open at all times
           except on the firing line or in the gun rack.
           Violators subject themselves to immediate disqualification,
           without recourse, and dismissal from the grounds.
                       Thank you for keeping our shoot safe

• Keep your card up-to-date and accurate to be properly classified. We will accept
  scores on the Shoot Station app.
• The Classification Committee consists of the ATA Delegate, ATA Alternate Dele-
  gates and the State Directors.
• The Classification Committee reserves the right to change a shooter’s classification
  at any time.
• Classification will be based on known ability with particular attention paid to the
  most recent 1000 targets.
• Registration and Classification will open at 8 a.m. each day, and will close at 3 p.m.

                       16 YARD CLASSIFICATION
                                 (Plus Known Ability)
			                            CLASS AAA – 98% and over
			                            CLASS AA – 96.25% and under 98%
			                            CLASS A – 94.75% and under 96.25%
			                            CLASS B – 93% and under 94.75%
			                            CLASS C – 90% and under 93%
			                            CLASS D – Under 90%

                      DOUBLES CLASSIFICATION
                                 (Plus Known Ability)
			                            CLASS AAA – 96% and over
			                            CLASS AA – 92% and under 96%
			                            CLASS A – 89% and under 92%
			                            CLASS B – 86% and under 89%
			                            CLASS C – 82% and under 86%
			                            CLASS D – Under 82%

        Target requirements may be fulfilled using targets from the day after
        the 2021 State Shoot through Warm-up day of the 2022 Minnesota State
                                       16 YARDS
        Unless you have 500 16 yard targets, all shooters will be advanced one
        class for penalty classification. Minimum of B class.

        Unless you have 500 handicap targets, all shooters will be advanced 2
        yards from their current yardage. Maximum of 25 yards.

        Unless you have 500 doubles targets, all shooters will be advanced one
        class for penalty classification. Minimum of B class.

           The following categories are exempt from penalty classification and
             yardage: Sr. Vet. This applies for singles, handicap and doubles.

             2022 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE

          Charles "Chuck" Eckstein
               Supporting Member
Born in 1936, Chuck was the only boy of four siblings.
His father passed away when he was 8 years old. He
spent many of his childhood years growing up on his
grandparent's farm in Hamel, Mn. His early education
was through Holy Name, a two room school. After
WWII he moved to Minneapolis with his mother and
sisters. He later attended Vocational High School
where he learned his lifelong skills as a jeweler and
diamond setter. He married his wife, Judy, in 1958.
They had one daughter, Kim.
   He and two friends decided to try hand trap in the
early 1960’s, leading to registered skeet shooting
shortly after. By 1970 they found that trapshooting
had a larger community and more competition in the
sport. That first year Chuck shot his first registered
targets in handicap with a 78% average. In 1971 he held a 90.75% average in 16 yd. He shot his
first 100 doubles at Owatanna Gun Club. It seemed as if he found his niche.
   Reflecting back on his 50+ years in the sport, he has won numerous prizes, awards, tro-
phies, and the respect of the trapshooting community. He has traveled around the country,
participating in a myriad of other state shoots, including Iowa, where he competed for 25
   Some of his most memorable accomplishments include:
                      •Receiving two belt buckles for his first 100 in 16yd.
                          and first 100 in Doubles at Owatonna Gun Club.
               •Achieving the 27 yard line in Handicap at Forest Lake Gun Club.
                    •Participating in three shooting leagues each summer.
                              •Making the 1980 Central Zone team.
                 •1999 Wisconsin State Shoot Boxhorn’s Handicap Champion.
   •Scoring 199/200 16yd. while competing at the 100th Grand American in Vandalia, Ohio.
             •Making the Minnesota All State Trap team 15 times in Men’s, Vet’s,
          and Sr. Vets (‘88, ‘89, ‘96, ‘01, ‘02, ‘04, ‘05, ‘06, ‘07, ‘08, ‘09, ‘10, ‘13, ‘14, ‘17).
               •Winning Minnesota State Shoot Zone Championships 10 times.
    •Was Minnesota State Shoot Champion of Champions 5 times (‘05, ‘07, ‘08, ‘09, “17).
                              •Awarded his Quarter Million Club pin.
                                  -•Lifetime member of the ATA.
Chuck will be 85 years of age at the time of his induction, and still active in the sport. To date
he has 260,505 registered targets. With over 100,000 in 16yd. His goal in finishing out his trap-
shooting career is to achieve 60,000 targets in doubles, and 100,000 in handicap. Anyone
who knows him is sure he will reach his objective.
   When asked what was his biggest take away from all these years in trapshooting, he said
he is most grateful for the lifelong friendships he has made.

          2022 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE
                   Randy Cook
                Shooting Member
I am extremely honored to join the list of great peo-
ple in the Minnesota Trapshooting Hall of Fame. I’ve
seen the pictures on the wall of inductees and only
hoped I could be good enough to have my picture
up with them. But then later I was told my pic would
have to hang in the men’s room, because there
wasn’t room for me.
  Growing up in the northwoods of the Chippewa Na-
tional Forest, hunting, fishing and shooting were al-
ways the most important areas of interest in my life.
I grew up in a family of hunters and good fishermen.
My parents operated a bait business year round and
so the duck and deer hunting fit right in. Growing up
in the 50’s and 60’s, our family never knew what beef
tasted like. I have two sisters, Gail and Gloria and a
brother, Scott. The girls had dolls and Scott & I had guns. Life was good.
    I was very fortunate to be introduced to trapshooting at an early age by my dad (Phil
Cook) and my uncle (Bill Cook). The Grand Rapids Gun Club became my “home away from
home”. At a young age of 12 my brother and I were allowed to shoot five shots at the club
when we went there. At 14 we loaded all the shells that were needed for shooting and the
loader was in our bedroom, along with the powder and primers. In today’s world we would
be considered terrorists.
   In 1965 I shot at the Minnesota State Shoot and won the title of Sub-Jr. Champion. That
silver belt buckle I earned became my most treasured possession. The next year (1966) my
brother Scott and I were the first brothers to win the titles of Sub-Jr. and Junior Champions
at the Minnesota State Shoot. I won the Junior title again in 1967 and 1968. Winning cham-
pionships at the state shoot gave me a lot of confidence in my early life. I know what it does
for young people to succeed in life and gain confidence in themselves no matter what the
sport may be for them.
   Life forced me to step away from trapshooting from 1969-1982. Those years were spent
working hard, getting married, having children and buying a trucking company. My wife
Diane and I have 3 children and we are very proud of their accomplishments in life. They all
hunt and fish, imagine that! We will celebrate our 50th anniversary in September 2022. The
trucking company has taken a lot of our time in life, but it was worth it.
    I started shooting registered targets again in 1987 and became an ATA Life Member in
1989. I was able to team up with a good friend and shooting mentor from Cass Lake, Dennis
Swearingen. Dennis and I attended many shoots together. Since shooting registered, I’ve
made state teams for 10 years and All-American team for 5 years.
   Frank Redfield and I first attended The Grand in 2014 for the first time. We’ve been to every
Grand since. In 2016 I won the 16 yard Winchester AA Sub-Vet Singles Championship and the
Sub-Vet National 16 yard Championship.
   One highlight that stands out to me was in 2019 at The Grand. Fifty-two shooters all had
200 straight and got in a very long shoot-off. After 543 rounds it was down to just me and
one other guy. He ended up winning the national title, but I was very happy that night to go
the distance and be the last one out. I did get the Veteran National Championship that night,
and again in 2021.
   Going to the different shoots all around the country has been so enjoyable. The camarade-
rie and friendships made over the years are priceless. Trap shooters have become my “band
of brothers” and I look forward to shooting as long as I am able. I enjoy very much seeing my
friends at the clubs every year. Now with the youth shooting there are new friends to talk
to. It doesn’t get any better than that.
   Thank you for this honor. I will do my utmost to live up to it, and keep our sport alive.
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                          SPECIAL ATA CATEGORIES
                     (from the 2021 ATA Rulebook, Section IV, Paragraph K)
All Ladies, Sub-Juniors, Juniors, Junior-Golds, Sub-Vets, Veterans, Senior-Vets, and Chair Shoot-
ers must declare their special category at the time of classification in any registered tournament
if they wish to compete as a category shooter. Without such declaration, the contestant will
not be allowed to compete for the applicable category trophy. No contestant will be allowed
to declare or change a special declaration after firing his/her first shot. If a classification error
is discovered BEFORE the close of an event, the error shall be corrected for that event and all
subsequent events. If an error is discovered AFTER an event is closed, all corrections shall be
made for subsequent events only. In either case, all previous events the shooter shot in will be
in the “Open Category”. Either case may or may not affect the shooters eligibility for the HOA
and HAA, depending on when the error was corrected.
1.  A female shooter, who has not reached her 55th Birthday, may declare Lady I
2.  A female shooter, who has reached her 55th Birthday, may declare Lady II
3.  A shooter who has not reached his/her 15th birthday may declare Sub-Junior.
4.  A shooter who is 15 but has not reached his/her 18th birthday may declare as Junior.
5.  A shooter who is 18 but has not reached his/her 23rd birthday may declare as Junior
 6. A shooter who is 55 but not reached his/her 65th birthday may declare as a
    Sub Veteran.
 7. A shooter who is 65 but not reached his/her 70th birthday may declare as a Veteran.
 8. A shooter who is 70 years of age and older may declare as a Senior Veteran.
    This rule does not supersede paragraph 10.
 9. Age based categories are established on the birthday of the shooter. For
     purposes of determining age category for HOA and HAA awards the category
     declared by the participant on the first day he/she shoots shall be used.
10. Shooters who become eligible for new age based categories during the
     target year may elect to continue to compete in the previous category for
     the remainder of that target year. (For example a shooter reaching age 70
     may elect to continue to shoot as a Veteran for the remainder of the current
     target year.) However, once a shooter has elected to 18 move to
     the new category that decision is irrevocable and he/she may not again
     declare eligibility for the previous category. Junior shooters reaching
     the age of 18 may continue to declare Junior category for the remainder
     of the current target year.
Note: Age based special category shooters that are in contention for or desire to achieve
All-American Team recognition should review the All-American Team policy on page 57 prior
to declaring a new special category.
When there is no Sub-Junior trophy, Sub-Juniors will be included in the Junior category.
Senior-Veterans will be included in the Veteran category when there is no Senior-Veteran
Where there is no Junior-Gold or Sub-Veteran Trophy, these shooters will be Included in the
Open Class. Where there is no Lady II trophy, these shooters will be included in the Lady I
Only shooters that have a permanent disability or condition that requires them to shoot
from other than a standing position shall qualify for the Chair Category.
1. The Chair category designation will be assigned only by the Central Handicap
    Committeor Zone CHC representative upon request by each individual shooter and a new
    average card will be issued with the Chair Designation.
2. Shooters with a temporary condition that requires a scooter or other type of device are
    not qualified for Chair Category.
This rule does not in any way prohibit any shooter from shooting from a chair, stool, scooter
or any other seating device.

                     MN LADY B (Previously known as Lady II) applies to female
                     shooters whose Singles Category is Class C or D.
                     NOVICE CATEGORY applies to shooters with no registered
                     targets prior to the current ATA target year.

 *Russ Barber           St. Paul          1968   *Mary Churchill        Maple Lake      1994
 *Earl Donahue          Minneapolis 1968         *Peter Souba           Brainard        1994
 *Dave Fauskee          Worthington 1968          Richard Berger        St. Cloud       1994
 *Mrs. E. L. King       Winona            1968   *Robert Redfield       Cloquet         1994
 *Jack Krink            Worthington 1968          Ed L Mylnar           Lester Prairie 1996
 *Capt. B. Fawcett      Minneapolis 1968          *Loren Hentges        Blaine          1997
 *Jim Dickey            Minneapolis 1968          *Roger Bohm           Princeton       1997
 *Geroge Jewett         Anoka             1968    Jeff Deschepper.      Marshall        1998
 *Harry Maginnis        Minneapolis 1968          Dennis Steinhaus      Annandale       1998
 *Art Holm		            Minneapolis 1968          Pat Laib		            Spicer          1999
 *Ray Zweiner           Blooming Prairie 1969     *Keith Hewlett        Rochester       1999
 *Ernie Maetzold        Minneapolis 1969         *John Bolich           Fridley         2000
 *Horace Aldritt        Excelsior         1969    Ray Steffenson        Dassel          2000
 *Herman Hirschy        Minneapolis 1969         * Neil Winston         St. Paul        2001
 *Arnold Souba          Graceville        1970    Dean Neumann.         Dakota          2003
 *Art Finney            Mankato           1970    *Ralph Weber          White Bear Lake 2003
 *Junior Dick           Minneapolis 1971          Rick Nelson           Louisberg       2004
 *Charles L Horn        Minneapolis 1971         *Roman Sinnen          New Germany 2004
 *Forest Saunders       Minneapolis 1972          Lou Kosiba            St. Cloud       2004
 *Bard Higgins          Duluth            1973    Eric Munson           Cokato          2005
 *Rogers Fawcett.       Minneapolis 1973          Scott Gens            Vernon Center 2006
 *Allen Degner          Owatonna          1974    Tom Larkin            Kenyon          2006
 *Clair Lantz           St. Cloud         1975    Peter Falk III        Madison Lake 2007
 *Jerry Novotny         St. Paul          1976    Kathy Lahti           Lexington       2008
 *Leonard Wieland       LeSueur           1976   *Ron Noren             St. James       2008
 *Loral I. Delaney      Anoka             1977    Pat Gottberg          Wells           2009
 *Lowell King           Detroit Lakes 1977        Mark Zauhar           Lakeville       2010
 *Jimmy Robinson        Minneapolis 1977          B. Van Nieuwenhuyzen  Laverne         2010
 *Jim Kelly		           St. Paul          1978    V. Hines Schmidt      Farmington      2011
 *Henry Hein            LaCrescent        1979    No Inductees		                        2012
 *Oz Conrad             Stillwater        1980    Glen Lonneman         Worthington 2013
 *Stan Wilson Jr..      Thief River Falls 1981    Ed Brophy             St. Joseph      2013
  Craig Hall		          Concord           1982   *Ed & S. Johnston      Minneapolis 2013
 *W. Sonnenschein       Pipestone         1983    Troy Haverly          New London 2014
 *Robert Putman         St. Paul          1984    Jim Fetzik            Pengilly        2014
 *Roy Long		            Aberdeen S. D. 1985      *R. Thompson           Glenwood        2015
  Charles Delaney       Anoka             1986    Betty and Dean Walker Grand Rapids 2016
  *J. & M. Beuning      St. Cloud         1987    Paul Cyr		            Oklee           2016
  R. & L.A. Munson      Howard Lake 1988         *Steve and Kathy Shane Fairmont        2017
 *Jim Lembke            Albert Lea        1989   Tom Townsend           Alexandria      2017
 *Tom Mckay             Delano            1989   Wally Shelstad         Buffalo         2018
 *O. B. Stovern         Willmar           1990   Roger Lorenzen         Rochester       2018
 *Ken Carter            St. Cloud         1990   Scott Messenger        Winona          2019
 *Allen Heil            Glencoe           1991   *Byron Churchill       Maple Lake      2019
 *Phil Theilman         St. Cloud         1991   No Inductees      		                   2020
 *Paul E. Robey Sr.     Plymouth          1992   Jim Walkowiak           Bloomington 2021
  *Dr. W. G. Miskoff    Hutchinson        1992   Charles Eckstein        Minneapolis 2022
  Doug Sundberg         Richville         1993   Randy Cook              Deer River     2022
  *Dick Sturk           Bovey             1993

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Now Distributing Beomat Trap and Skeet Machines

                                        MS 700 Skeet Set


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                   State Team 2022 Requirements
General Requirements
  • Only ATA registered targets and Minnesota club attendance from September 1,
    2021 through August 31, 2022 will be used in consideration of the Minnesota 2022
    State Teams.
  • Shooters must register 700 singles, 700 handicap and 400 doubles in state
    (Sub-Junior categories are not required to shoot doubles).
  • Shooters must complete the HAA (High All-Around) at either their resident Min-
    nesota Zone Shoot or the Minnesota State Shoot (Sub-Junior categories are not
    required to shoot the doubles component of the HAA).
  • For State Team purposes, a shooter’s category will be determined based on their
    declared category at the MN state shoot. If the shooter did not attend the state
    shoot their category will be determined by what the ATA provides us with.
  • It is the shooter’s responsibility to make sure their shoot records are correct on
    the ATA website. Once teams are determined additions will not be made because
    targets were not recorded with the ATA.
  • Shooters must compete at a minimum of 4 different clubs* in Minnesota (NOTE:
    Junior and Sub-Junior categories are exempt from this requirement).
            * Your resident Minnesota Zone Shoot and the Minnesota State Shoot,
            regardless of location, EACH count toward your 4 required clubs. If you
            attend an additional ATA registered target event at that location it will also
            count toward your club requirements.
            Example: Jane attends her resident MN Zone Shoot in Alexandria and attends
            the MN State Shoot, also held in Alexandria. Earlier that spring she attended
            an ATA registered shoot put on by the club at the Alexandria Shooting Park.
            Jane now has fulfilled 3 of the 4 Minnesota club requirements for considera-
            tion of the 2019 State Team; she will have to attend an ATA registered shoot at
            another location to complete her 4 different club requirement.
Target Requirements
   • In addition to the general requirements, please note the specific target require-
     ments necessary for your category:

             MEN’S TEAM                LADY’S TEAM              VETERAN TEAM
               (16 Total)                 (6 Total)                 (11 Total)
           16’s         1500          16’s      1000            16’s         1000
           Handicap     1200           Handicap   800           Handicap      800
           Doubles      1000           Doubles    400           Doubles       400

         SR. VETERAN TEAM              JUNIOR TEAM             SUB-JUNIOR TEAM
               (11 Total)                  (6 Total)                (6 Total)
           16’s         1000          16’s          1000        16’s         1000
           Handicap       800         Handicap       800        Handicap      800
           Doubles        400         Doubles        400        Doubles         0



                         The Single Trap combines
                          all the adjustability of its
                       predecessor with a handful
                           of improvements for the
  SINGLE TRAP            sport of singles trap. It is a
                    dedicated singles gun, with a
                  correspondingly shorter action.
                  With available barrel lengths of
                    30”, 32” and 34”, all are ported
                        and have a wide beavertail
                       forend, high rib and a small
                      white mid-bead with a large
                   white front bead. Built for high
                     round counts, it also features
                        drop-in locking blocks and
                            replaceable hinge pins.

                             BASED ON 2021 PERFORMANCE

                                 ALL-STATE MEN’S TEAM
                                        John Kelly.........96.81%
           MEN’S FIRST TEAM                                  MEN’S SECOND TEAM
     Eric Munson.............................95.99%      David Michaelis.........................94.53%
     Peter Walker............................95.90%      George Pappas.........................93.96%
     Nick Kubasch............................95.25%      David Harris..............................93.39%
     Bernie Merchlewitz Jr..............95.06%           Larry Burns...............................93.36%
     Troy Haverly.............................94.88%     Durand Wagner........................93.18%
                                                         Anthony Brand.........................92.67%
                                                         Glenn Linden.............................92.18%
                                                         Jim Lambert..............................92.12%
                                                         Scott Steffen.............................91.86%
                                                         Jason Vlasak..............................91.43%

                              ALL-STATE WOMEN’S TEAM
                                   Laure Zumbusch............91.87%
     Ali Jean Peterson......................89.73%     Julie Wiens...............................87.29%
     Mary Oehlke.............................88.22%    Amy Howard............................85.63
     Jennie Stone............................87.58%

                            ALL-STATE SUB-JUNIOR TEAM
                                     Miranda Klassen...........93.59%
     Leo Brand.................................93.25%    Brennan Boltjes.......................89.55%

                              ALL-STATE VETERAN TEAM
                                  Dean Neumann..............95.48%
            VETERAN FIRST TEAM                               VETERAN SECOND TEAM
     Randy Cook.............................94.74%      Robert Newman......................90.42%
     Frank Redfield.........................93.40%      Mark Stevens...........................88.97%
     Joseph Opitz............................93.36%     Dutch Poel...............................88.79%
     Mike Michaelis.........................92.78%      John Stone..............................88.68%
     Jimmy Bowen...........................91.28%       Thomas Suter.......................... 87.72%

                       ALL-STATE SENIOR-VETERAN TEAM
                                     Dean Walker.............93.38%

     Don Wilness..............................92.61%     Glenn McLeod..........................90.78%
     Curtis Peterson.........................92.57%      Dennis Steinhaus.....................90.74%
     Scott Messenger......................92.39%         Samuel Bailey...........................90.52%
     Robert Wynnemer....................91.63%           James Noben...........................89.39%
     Richard Berger..........................91.27%      David Stearns..........................89.09%
          • TRAP • SKEET
             •   5-STAND
                      July 1, 2 & 3

        $1000 Bonus for a 100 Straight in the
     Two Hundred Handicap Targets on Saturday
                     ~ ties divide ~

                served Saturday afternoon

              Come Join Us!
       20006 Judicial Road • Prior Lake, MN 55372

20                                                  19
              Peter Walker ­— Open Second Team
           Bernie Merchlewitz — Open Second Team
              Leo Brand — Sub-Junior First Team
          Miranda Klassen — Sub-Junior Second Team
                Jack Knaus — Junior First Team
            Troy Haverly — Sub-Veteran First Team
           George Pappas — Sub-Veteran First Team
             Dean Neumann — Veteran First Team
               Randy Cook — Veteran First Team
            Dean Walker — Senior Vet Second Team
             Scott Messenger — Senior Vet Second

                MTA State Teams & the ATA’s All American
         Teams are listed in detail on the following official websites:

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                                Choice of   the
                                       of the ATAATA
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                         Official Supplier of Traps Traps
                                 Grand American
                           at the Grand American
    ◆ More   registered
        • More
                  registered     are are
                                    any any
                 Pat-Traps                   other
      automatic   traptrap
    ◆ The
        • Automatic
           The Automatic
                        Double   andand
                            Double    Automatic                                                T
      Wobble    have a four
           Automatic         casehave
                        Wobble    turrent,
                                      a Four
      (540Case   Turret (540 Targets).
        • Switch
    ◆ Switch   fromfrom
                      Singles     to Doubles in
                              to Doubles
       in seconds.
        • Also Available Skeet, and Wobble
    ◆ AlsoSkeet
                  withfor  SkeetCase
                        a Five   andTurret
             with a five case turrent,
      (675 targets).                                                                           R
        Pat-Trap, Pat-Trap,
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            428-3396 www.pattrap.com
                                                                  GeneSears   Supply
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        Golden  West West
           Golden    Industries
        (800) 548-5444 or (818) 365-3946
       (800) 548-5444 ◆ (818) 365-3946
                                                               C.A.C      Associates,Inc.
                                                                  (814) 472-4430
                                                                  (814) 472-4430
                                              Metro Gun Club
                                              (763)Gun  Club
                                                   786-5880                                    ®
                                            (763) 786-5880

       Singles Champion..............................Hunter Brown ....................200x200
       Singles Lady.......................................Laure Zumbusch.................200x200
       Singles Lady II...................................Sally Jane Stevens...............189x200
       Singles Sub-Veteran..........................George Pappas ...................198x200
       Singles Veteran..................................Dean Neumann...................199x200
       Singles Senior Veteran......................Dean Walker.......................197x200
       Singles Sub-Junior.............................Leo Brand...........................198x200
       Singles Junior....................................Jack Knaus .........................199x200
       Singles Junior Gold...........................Luther Langrud...................199x200
       Handicap Champion..........................Ross Larson ....................... 99x100
       Doubles Champion............................Scott Gens..........................100x100
       High All Around Champion...............John Kelly...........................395x400
       Over All Champion............................Peter Walker....................1074x1100

                      2021 SPECIAL TROPHIES
     High Sub-Junior or Junior Novice (Chris Thornton Trophy)-------Alexis Schweiss

                         2021 ZONE CHAMPIONS
                      Minnesota Champion of Champions
               Open Champion.............................................Jim Lambert
               Lady’s Champion.............................................Ali Jean Peterson
               Veteran’s Champion........................................Randy Cook
               Senior Vet’s Champion....................................Don Wilness
               Sub Junior Champion......................................Leo Brand
               Junior Champion.............................................Silas Arvig

                      2021 TEAM CHAMPIONS
                                       Northern Zone
                 Team Champion Class AA...............................Mark Stevens
                 Team Champion Class A..................................Jon Haverly
                 Team Champion Class B..................................Perry Nodsle
                 Team Champion Class C..................................Todd Zych
                 Team Champion Class D..................................Richard Frickert

        ~ Trophy Listing ~
                                         Event 1
                                  ~ 14 Open, 1 Resident ~
                             6 classes, 8 categories, MN Lady B
                                          Event 2
                                         ~ 9 Open ~
                                    Hi Gun, 8 categories
                                         Event 3
                                        ~ 14 Open ~
                                   6 classes, 8 categories
                                         Event 4
                                      ~ 22 Resident `
                     6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories, Novice, MN Lady B
                                    ~ Non-Resident 14 ~
                                   6 classes, 8 categories
                                          Event 5
                                       ~ 9 Resident ~
                                   Champion, 8 categories
                                    ~ Non-Resident 9 ~
                                   Champion, 8 categories
                                         Event 6
                                      ~ 20 Resident ~
                               6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories
                                    ~ Non-Resident 14 ~
                                    6 classes, 8 categories
                                          Event 7
                                       ~ 22 Resident ~
                     6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories, Novice, MN Lady B
                                    ~ Non-Resident 14 ~
                                   6 classes, 8 categories
                                         Event 8
                                      ~ 15 Resident ~
                     Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories, 4 yardage groups
                              ~ Non-Resident 15 Gift Cards ~
                     Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories, 4 yardage groups
                                         Event 9
                                      ~ 20 Resident ~
                               6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories
                              ~ Non-Resident 14 Gift Cards ~
                                   6 classes, 8 categories
                                         Event 10
                                      ~ 18 Resident ~
                     Champion thru 6th, 8 categories, 4 yardage groups
                              ~ Non-Resident 15 Gift Cards ~
                     Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories, 4 yardage groups
                                         Event 11
                                      ~ 32 Resident ~
         Champion, RU, 3rd, 6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories 1st & RU, chair shooter
                              ~ Non-Resident 31 Gift Cards ~
                 Champion, RU, 3rd, 6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories 1st & RU
                                         Event 12
                                      ~ 34 Resident ~
Champion, RU, 3rd, 6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories 1st & RU, Novice, MN Lady B, chair shooter
   High Sub-Junior or Junior Novice (Chris Thorton Trophy) sponsored by Buffalo Gun Club
                              ~ Non-Resident 31 Gift Cards ~
                 Champion, RU, 3rd, 6 classes 1st & RU, 8 categories 1st & RU

     6533 Co RD 87 SE • Alexandria, MN 56308

                n k Y  o u
           Tha          ng   the
              tten  d i           o ot!
        for A            t ate S h
               OT  A   S
         N E S

Event 13
                                           ~ 26 Resident ~
                      Champion thru 6th, 8 categories 1st & RU, 4 yardage groups
                                   ~ Non-Resident 23 Gift Cards ~
                      Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories 1st, RU, 4 yardage groups
                                            Event 14
                                       ~ HAA –­­ 31 Resident ~
                    Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories 1st & RU, 6 classes 1st and RU
                                   ~ Non-Resident 17 Gift Cards ~
                              Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories, 6 classes
                                            Event 15
                                       ~ HOA – 31 Resident ~
                   Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories 1st and RU, 6 classes 1st and RU
                                   ~ Non-Resident 17 Gift Cards ~
                              Champion, RU, 3rd, 8 categories, 6 classes
                                  Minnesota Diamond Badge
                                       ~ Residents Only ~
                    5 yardage groups, each winner receives replica badge and $100
                         Minnesota Zone Champion of Champions
                                    ~ Residents Only ~
       6 category champs, 5 classes in team champs, each will receive a shell box pouch and pin
                            All around championship (400 targets, Events 11,12,14)
                  High Over All championship (1100 targets, Events 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14)
Shooters are recommended to keep their own scores for High Over All , All Around, and Special Trophies.
           Shooters are responsible for totaling their own scores to verify computer record.
                Classification for HOA and HAA trophies will be determined on the first day
                                  the shooter is classified beginning Tuesday.
                               Ties for HOA and HAA Champion will be shot off.
            All other ties will be determined by reverse score in the Handicap Championship.
                  If there are still ties after that, then the next previous event and so on.

                     Added Money Based on Score
                                              Event 10
                                              ~ Open ~
                  Minimum of $1000 guaranteed by MTA. Monies divided 40-30-20-10.
                               Additional monies paid out $100 each
                                              Event 11
         $50 to Resident Champion, $25 to Non-Resident Champion, $25 to Resident Runner-Up
                                              Event 12
     $100 to Resident State Champion, $50 to Non-Resident Champion, $50 to Resident Runner-Up,
                              $100 to 2 person team race ($50 each class)
                                              Event 14
        $100 to Resident Champion, $50 to Non-Resident Champion, $50 to Resident Runner-Up
                         Minnesota Zone Champion of Champions
               $75 to each Category champion, $75 to each member of the Winning Team

                        ANNUAL MEETING
                      Sunday, July 10, 2022 – 8:oo am
Please note that the Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Trapshooting Association will
be held SUNDAY MORNING AT 8:00AM. Any new business a member would like to
discuss and vote on at this meeting must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of
the Minnesota Trapshooting Association at least TEN DAYS PRIOR to the date of the
Annual Meeting. Any requests submitted will be posted on the bulletin board on the
grounds at the State Shoot.
               ONLY cashiering will be open during the Annual Meeting.
          Classification and Squadding will close during the Annual Meeting.

During the Annual Meeting we will review the past year’s financial details, any new
business, and hold our annual elections. Each year there are several open offices up for
election so it is important all members make every effort to attend.

We will be holding the voting on Sunday. Unless a position is contested, the voting will
be done by voice ballot or a show of hands. In case of a contested position, there will
be a ballot vote.

Votes will be tabulated by the Secretary and Senior Zone Directors. Nominees with the
highest vote count will be posted on the bulletin board by 1:OOpm Sunday.

Please bring your paper average card with to provide proof of 2 years of membership in
the event of paper ballots being issued in the election of board members/officers.

           The Minnesota Trapshooting Association Board of Directors
                      would like to give a HUGE THANK YOU
            to the following clubs and individuals that donated shells
                  to be used as trophies during the state shoot:
                         Alexandria Shooting Park
                            Anonymous Source
                      Becker County Sportsmen’s Club
                           Bob & Annie Munson
                          Grand Rapids Gun Club
                           Minneapolis Gun Club
                               Randy Jones
                       Monticello Sportsmen’s Club
                            Owatonna Gun Club
                              Wille Transport


    Premium Ammunition

~ Delivery Done Right ~

                    YOUTH SHOOTING
The Minnesota Trapshooting Association is committed to actively promoting trap-
shooting to young people. We encourage every shooter to take a kid out to the range
and teach them safety, respect, and the responsibility that goes along with any shoot-
ing sport.
Please take the time to build a youth program at your local club. The future of our sport
and all shooting sports is in our young people. It is our responsibility to provide them
with positive experiences that willPALESTINE,              OHIO
                                    start them on the lifelong enjoyment of trapshooting.

                   For more information please contact:
                                    MARK STEVENS
                         Minnesota’s AIM Youth Director
                PO Box 292 ~ Buffalo, MN 55313 • Phone: 612-703-6155

                Junior and Sub-Junior shooters may enjoy, for all events
                         (excluding the Diamond Badge Event),
                         $27.00 TARGETS FOR TROPHIES ONLY.
              Special pricing and Monday’s discounted donation/youth shooter
                                   proudly provided by the
                             Minnesota Trapshooting Association
                            Minnesota Youth Shotgun Association

SALES TAX: Minnesota requires sales tax on targets thrown at clubs. Sales tax is
included in target prices at our State Shoot.
BANK DRAWING: Banks for all events will be drawn at the beginning of the tourna-
ment and will be printed on your receipt. Management reserves the right to move bank
assignment as needed. Look for a squad/bank posting in the clubhouse and shelters
around the grounds.
GOLF CART USE: Use of golf carts during our State Shoot will continue to be allowed.
Drivers MUST be licensed to operate a motor vehicle to operate golf carts; proof of in-
surance is required. We ask that all shooters not engaged in shoot management please
keep their carts behind the main trap field sidewalk. Call Alexandria Golf at 320-762-1114
to rent a golf cart.

Camping facilities, either primitive or hook-up, are available on a first come, first serve
basis. Call ahead for trailer parking prior to July 1st. For reservations please contact:

                       ALEXANDRIA SHOOTING PARK
                             Attention: Cindy Townsend
                      6533 Co. Rd. 87 SE ~ Alexandria, MN 56308
                                Phone: 320-766-8816

                              (Minnesota Residents Only)
                             Tuesday July 5, 2022
Who can participate? Youth Day is for Minnesota resident youth shooters who fall into
AIM age-category guidelines.
Do I have to bring my own shells? Yes. You will be required to bring whatever you will
need to shoot the events you choose for the day. Shells are available for purchase on
What else should I bring with me? Bring your ATA membership card (the hard blue or
orange card with your ATA number on it), your ATA paper average card, a check or cash
for registration, your gun and shooting supplies, and be prepared for a fantastic day!
Many shooters also bring a small cooler with snacks and drinks. Alexandria Shooting
Park will also have items for purchase.
Is it expensive for my youth shooter to participate? No, in fact the MTA grants each
Minnesota-resident youth shooter discounted target costs for youth day. In addition
the MTA provides discounted targets for the remainder of the shoot for all events. The
MTA also pays for the first year’s membership dues to the ATA. Shells are the responsi-
bility of each shooter for the events they wish to participate in.
Does the MTA take credit cards or debit cards? No, cash or checks only. There is no
ATM onsite so please make sure your shooter comes prepared.
What time should I arrive? Registration begins at 8:00am so plan to come early and
be prepared ahead of shooting time, especially if you are looking to join a team or for
someone to complete your team. Shooting begins promptly at 9:00am.
I’m a Sub-Junior but my friends are all Juniors – can I shoot with them? Yes. Youth
shooters of different age categories may choose to shoot together however, for team
award purposes, the shooter with the oldest age category will determine the category
for the entire squad. For example: 4 Sub-Jr’s and 1 Junior shooting on the same squad
will be considered a Junior squad for team purposes only.
I do not have a team. Can I still compete? Absolutely! Youth Day is both a team and an
individual competition. Sometimes there are partial teams looking for shooters in their
category to make a full team too, so check with shoot staff when you get to this year’s
Youth Day for more information.
When will trophies be awarded? The Awards Ceremony will convene 1 hour after the
final shooter has completed their round.

       More information will be mailed out to current ATA youth shooters,
       gun clubs throwing ATA targets in 2022, and available online at the
       MTA’s official website www.minnesotatrap.com.
       If you have specific questions regarding Youth Day, please contact
       Mark Stevens (612-703-6155) or Sally Stevens (763-486-0853).

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 Open To The Public

        St. Cloud, MN

                                     Tuesday July 5, 2022
            Registration Opens at 8:00 am • Shooting at 9:00 am

                    MTA YOUTH PROGRAM
    Junior/Junior Gold.......................................................$27.00/100 targets
    Pre-Sub/Sub-Jr. ...........................................................$27.00/100 targets
    ATA Fee  .......................................................................$ 3.00
    MTA Fee ... .................................................................. $ 3.00

Any full-time student who is a Minnesota resident in these age categories may enter.
Must be an ATA Member to participate. Memberships ($12 annually) are available at
the shoot; new youth shooters receive their 1st ATA membership FREE courtesy of the

                   Youth Shooters, Parents & Coaches
             ATA’s AIM youth categories (based on age as of
               September 1st of the current target year)
                       will be used for this event:
             Junior Gold (100 target event) Age 18-22
             Junior (100 target event) Age 15-17
             Sub-Junior (100 target event) Age 12-14
             Pre-Sub (100 target event) Pre Sub-Jr. Age 11 & under

      Youth Program Trophies Provided by MTA Youth Fund
            Team Trophy to Pre-Sub, Sub-Junior, Junior, and Junior Gold Champions.
                 Team Trophy to Sub-Junior, Junior, and Junior Gold Runners-Up.
 Individual Trophy to Pre-Sub, Sub-Junior, Junior, and Junior Gold Champions and Runners-Up.
                       Individual medals to Pre-Sub: High Lady, High Male
               Sub-Junior and Junior: High Lady, High Male, 1st and 2nd B-C-D Class
                     Junior Gold: High Lady, High Male, 1st and 2nd B Class
  Alex Vogel Trophy: Awarded to Pre Sub or Sub Junior that has shot at previous MySA events

  *Special thanks to Shamrock Leathers for donating a shooting bag for youth day.
      At the end of Monday’s shoot, any youth shooters whose score ends in a randomly
       drawn number is eligible to shoot off for the bag! (For example, if a “6” is drawn,
         then shooters with the score of 96, 86, 76, etc., are eligible for the shoot-off.)

                                                     Tuesday, July 5
                       Registration Opens at 8:00 am • Shooting begins at 9:00 am

                                               ~ EVENT 1 ~
                                   WARM-UP SINGLES
                    Sponsored by Grand Rapids Gun Club,
                     Anonymous & Owatonna Gun Club
                                     CLASSES AAA, AA, A, B, C & D
                                         100 - 16 YD TARGETS
Entry – sales tax included.............................................................................................$37.00
ATA Fee .....................................................................................................................$ 3.00
MTA Fee ....................................................................................................................$ 3.00
Class Purse – (One Money Each 5 Entries - High Gun).....................................................$10.00
Lewis (Four Classes) – (Divided 60-40 Each Class)........................................................$10.00

                                          Refer to Trophy List on page 23

                                               ~ EVENT 2 ~
                                WARM-UP HANDICAP
                  Sponsored by Randy Jones,
         Minneapolis Gun Club & Winona Sportsmen’s Club
                          100 HANDICAP TARGETS - 19 TO 27 YARDS
Entry – sales tax included.............................................................................................$37.00
ATA Fee (if not paid on previous event)..................................................................$ 3.00
MTA Fee – (if not paid on previous event) ....................................................................$ 3.00
Open Purse – (One Money Each 7 Entries - High Gun)....................................................$10.00
Yardage Purse – (Paid per Yardage Group,* One Money Each 7 Entries - High Gun) ........$10.00
                                  *Yardage Groups are 18-22.5, 23-24.5, 25-26.5, and 27

                                     OPEN OPTIONS 19 to 27 yds
$5.00 on each 25 targets – (One Money - Ties Divide)..................................................$20.00
$10.00 on each 50 targets – (Divided 50-30-20% - Ties Divide).......................................$30.00
   Based on the First, Middle & Last 50
Lewis (Four Classes) – (Divided 60-40 Each Class) .......................................................$10.00

                                          Refer to Trophy List on page 23

                              Wednesday’s events are named after their sponsors
                                   and last year’s Championship winners:
                                      Singles:     HUNTER BROWN
                                      Handicap: ROSS LARSON
                                      Doubles: SCOTT GENS

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