Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency

Page created by Ricardo Wong
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency


                Media Kit
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency

      The trailblazing
      The over 50s are Australia’s true trailblazers.

      They grew up during a time of massive social
      change, redefining society and culture by
      challenging the status quo.

      They lived their lives with passion and purpose.

      They strived to push further, create better, and go
      beyond the ordinary.

      This generation redefined youth; now they’re
      reinventing retirement.
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency

      The 50+ audience is
      particularly valuable
      to marketers.
      It is socio-economically advantaged with significant wealth
      and purchasing power.

      Australians 50+:
        Make    up 30% of the full-time workforce, 1 in 3 are professionals/
          managers and half are the country’s managing directors and chairs
          of organisations.
        Account     for 39% of the Big Spenders on discretionary items such
          as travel and leisure.
        Have     an average in savings and investments of $384,950 and have
          significantly more wealth than the average Australian ($235,740
          in savings and investments).
         7 in 10 are homeowners.
        Currently,   marketing efforts target millennials and consumers in
          their 30s and 40s, with little or no regard for the highly influential
          50+ market.

     Now you can put your brand in front of this high-spending
     and affluent audience.

     Statistics throughout are from Roy Morgan September 2020 research unless otherwise marked.
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency
4 MEDIA KIT                                                                          MEDIA KIT   4

      The audience.
      More purchasing                     A growing
      power                               demographic
      On average, 65+ Australians         7.9 million Australians are aged
      have the means to spend             50 or above – almost a third
      significantly more than other age   of the population… of whom
      brackets, particularly younger      nearly 4.3 million are aged
      generations. Spending remains       50-64 and over 3.6 million are
      stable throughout retirement        aged 65 and above.
      – almost 60% of people spend
      about the same throughout their     A state of mind
                                          80% feel younger than their age,
                                          with over half feeling at least 10
      Maintaining their                   years younger than they are…
      interests                           However, 46% feel less valued
      Like all other generations, they    by society than they did when
      are after cars, clothes and home    they were younger.
      renovations; have an interest
      in travelling, eating out and
      going to movies. They also are
      concerned about health and

                                             By 2050, 25% of
                                           Australians will be
                                                   aged 65+*
                                                 *Global Centre for Modern Ageing.
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency

                                                                          5.5 million people
                                                                         aged 50+ have read
                                                                           a magazine in the
      An unprecedented                                                          past month.

      opportunity.                                                           16% more likely
                                                                           than the average
                                                                               Australian to
      Research has revealed that 78%* of those aged                                   do so.
      50+ feel under-represented or misrepresented by

      Additionally, 93%* think advertisers need to start
      asking what over 50s want, rather than assuming, and
      92%* want advertisers to acknowledge their spending

      Marketers have been noted as treating people over 50
      as either ‘incompetent or incontinent’, grey haired or
      almost dead.

      This demographic was the first mass consumer
      generation, and they’re showing no signs of slowing

      To date, there hasn’t been a title that captures the
      energy, optimism, sophistication and ability this
      generation still has to offer… until now…

                                                 *Gransnet and Mumsnet
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency

      It’s time for a new approach when speaking to the 50+ market.

      A highly-targeted general interest publication that
      reaches an actively engaged and high-value audience of
      Australian seniors.

      DARE influences all demographics in this sector by
      speaking to them in their own language, with content
      driven by an understanding of their needs. They are big
      spenders, decision makers and passionate about living
      their best life.
Media Kit 2021 - Medium Rare Content Agency
7 MEDIA KIT                                                       MEDIA KIT   7

      The content
      DARE features exclusive content that is specifically
      structured with audience insights and market trends in
      mind. Editorial sections are:

      Discover                     Indulge
      Providing a world of         All the good things in life.
      inspiration on the latest    For many Australians,
      tech, life hacks, and        getting older is a period
      good news stories.           of great joy and freedom.
                                   Time to enjoy!
        Trends                        Travel
        Life hacks                    Home
        Tips                          Pets

      Explore                      Plan
      Feeding curiosity and        Clever decisions on all
      the desire to venture out    aspects of life, from
      for new experiences to       financial plannig to
      broaden the mind and         health, are important.
      nourish the soul.            We provide expert advice
         Big issues                and commonsense tips.
         Relationships                Wealth
         Family                       Estate planning
         Volunteering                 Careers
         News trends                  Technology

The audience + distribution / Key info*

                       Distribution                                      Gender breakdown                                                                         Readership
                       The magazine is delivered to
                       the home addresses of

                       100,000                                                52%                                                    48%
                       Australian Seniors
                                                                                       FEMALE                                     MALE

                                  Age of customers                Location of

P E R C E N TA G E %

                                                                        Western Australia
                                                                                                   7%                                                                 Bi-monthly publication
                                                                                               South Australia
                                                                                                                                                                           (6 per year)

                                                                                                                      New South
                                                                                                                        Wales                                                     –
                            3%                                                              27%
                                                                                                                                                                          A no-wastage,
                                                                                             Victoria                                2%                           highly engaged audience with
                                                                                                           3%                                                              every issue

DARE magazine advertorials and native content
Bring your brand story to life with native content produced by our expert team.

     What is an advertorial?                                                                                                                                                                                          What is native content?
     A clearly recognisable advertisement, taking the form of                                                                                                                                                         Expertly written commissioned content, which follows
     editorial content, but leading in on the product or service.                                                                                                                                                     a natural and organic form, in keeping with the editorial
     The content is supplied by the client.                                                                                                                                                                           style of the magazine.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brought to you by THE VILLAGE RETIREMENT GROUP

                              Brought to you by BUNNINGS

                 How to...                                                   What you will need                        Super-easy pot holder instructions                               What knot to use

           create a macramé                                                                                            1                                  3
                                                                                 50mm-diameter round ring                Measure and cut four                 Select one strand        Wrap or
                                                                                 6mm cotton cord (about                  3m and two 50cm                      from one overhand
                                                                                  13m needed)                          lengths of cord. Hold all          knot, and one strand
                                                                                 Tape measure                         four 3m cords together             from an adjacent

              plant holder
                                                                                 Scissors                             and fold in half, then hang        overhand knot.
                                                                             Note: Measurements here are               by the fold over a round           Measure 10cm from
                                                                             a guide only and can be tailored          ring to form eight hanging         the existing knots and
                                                                             – for consistency, use your first         cords. From the fold,              tie another overhand
                                                                             worked cords to measure the               measure 9cm, then secure           knot with both cords at
               Make the time spent at home creative and productive with      rest against. Find everything             the cords together using           this point, creating an
            this great idea to brighten your home. And everything you need   you need at Bunnings (scissors            a 50cm cord with a wrap            inverted V. Repeat with
                                                                             available in store only).                 knot from this point. You          the remaining sections.
                   to make this can be home-delivered by BUNNINGS.                                                     will need to wrap the cord

                                                                              tip                                                                         4
                                                                                                                       around at least eight times            Hold all hanging
                                                                                                                       for this to be secure, but             cords together
                                                                                                                       a longer wrap knot looks           again, and measure
                                                                                                                       best! Trim the overhanging         3cm from the last
                                                                             A Bunnings ‘Bunndle’                      wrap knot cord.                    overhand knot. Secure
                                                                             gathers together                                                             at this point using the

                                                                                                                                                          remaining 50cm cord

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Loving the lifestyle
                                                                             everything you need                           Divide the eight
                                                                             and delivers it to your                       hanging cords into             to tie a wrap knot.
                                                                             door – order online or                    four pairs. Starting with
                                                                             by phone.                                 one pair, measure 20cm
                                                                                                                       down from the base of              5   Trim the over-
                                                                                                                                                              hanging wrap
                                                                                                                                                          knot cord, then trim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Happy communities and socially active residents are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               at the heart of a series of award-winning villages in Queensland.
                                                                                                                       the wrap knot, hold both                                        For more inspiration                                            Here’s how to make the most of your retirement.
                                                                                                                       cords together and tie             the hanging cords to         and instructions,
                                                                                                                       an overhand knot at                30-35cm to create a          visit

                                                                                                                       this point. Repeat this            long tassel. Insert a        bunningswarehouse                        or The Village Retirement Group,        happy residents, genuinely loving
                                                                                                                       step with the remaining            pot (up to 12.5cm in         and search for                           creating world class, integrated        the lifestyle their Village offers.
                                                                                                                       three pairs.                       diameter).                   macramé tutorial.                        lifestyle villages where residents           “We want people to see retirement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        can live safely and confidently in their        as a beginning – a rich lifestyle filled with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COMPANY PROFILE
                                                                                 Call our hotline to order your Bunndle and get free DIY advice 1800 560 771                                                            community may be the vision – but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        offering residents a lifestyle that is better
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fun and social interaction, surrounded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by like-minded company with a strong
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Village Retirement Group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        currently operates five Villages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in their retirement than the stages before      community spirit. And we want to give           in South East Queensland, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        it is the ultimate goal. And that’s what is     seniors their lives back,” says Justin.         Yeronga, Coorparoo, Taigum,
                                                                                   Product                                                                                                                              being delivered now across TVRG’s five               “We find often our clients have been       Redcliffe and Toowoomba, with
                                                                                   Product                                                                                                                              Villages in South East Queensland.              sitting at home in their big house, losing      a new development in Manly due
                                                                                 suggestions                                                                                                                                 “We know our residents love living in      their confidence and their identity. The        to commence soon.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        our Villages because they’re continually        reality is they don’t socialise as much as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        telling us, and anyone else who will            they’d like to. The transformation once         ACCOMMODATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        listen,” says Justin Harrison, managing         they move into one of our Villages is           Owner-occupied apartments
                                                                                                        Zenith 10mm x 50mm            Grunt 6mm x 20m                  Craftright         Elho 12.5cm Mini Brussels     director, TVRG, who is as much a fixture in     significant, regaining independence and         and villas, for over 65s.
                                                                                                       zinc-plated round ring,        cotton sash cord,             8m tape measure,          pot – Velvet Gold,        the Villages as the residents.                  confidence amongst new friends.”
                                                                                                                $2.77                      $13.50                        $4.95                      $6.48
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Undoubtably it is the values that               Australia’s most awarded, TVRG             LEISURE FACILITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        come from being a family-owned and              combines architect-designed apartments          Gym, swimming pool, cinema,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        operated business that filter through           and villas with inspirational social hubs       bowling green, library, allied
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        into the communities. When you visit            and community spaces, redefining the            health facilities, hairdresser, cafe,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        a TVRG Village it’s abundantly clear            benchmark for retirement living for over        billiard room and more.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        these thriving and vibrant communities          65s. Don’t retire for good, retire for great
                                                                                                                 B U N N I N G S . C O M . A U                                                                          are home to actively social and                 with The Village Retirement Group.    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                * Production costs apply (in addition to media cost)
10 M E D I A K I T

DARE directory
Our premium directory section provides your business with a highly visible and
affordable marketing solution.

     Each ad is created by our internal design team, with advertisers
     providing us with:
     60 words of copy
     1 x high-res image
     1 x high-res logo
     Phone number (optional)
11 M E D I A K I T

Rate Card
          Advertising rates                                                          Directory rates
                     SIZE           1x             3x               6x                 POSITION        1x           3x      6x

               DOUBLE PAGE                                                              HALF PAGE    3,250         3,055   2,871
                                   17,100         16,074           15,109

                                                                                      QUARTER PAGE   1,830         1,720   1,616
                FULL PAGE          9,500          8,930            8,394

                                                                                       EIGHTH PAGE   980           921     865
                HALF PAGE          5,130          4,822            4,532

                THIRD PAGE         3,800          3,572            3,357

          Premium position                                                           Loose inserts
                     POSITION               1x              3x               6x         WEIGHT       COST PER ’000

              INSIDE FRONT COVER                                                          0-5g               95
                                         20,520           19,288            18,131

                                                                                          6-10g              105
             OUTSIDE BACK COVER          12,350           11,609           10,912

                                                                                          11-15g             115
              INSIDE BACK COVER          10,450            9,823            9,233
12 M E D I A K I T

Deadlines 2021/2022

                                                  Sept / Oct 2021                                          Nov / Dec 2021

                                        Booking deadline:    20 July 2021                       Booking deadline:    21 September 2021
                                        Material deadline:   27 July 2021                       Material deadline:   28 September 2021
                                        Delivered:           1 September 2021                   Delivered:           1 November 2021

                     Jan / Feb 2022                                         Mar / Apr 2022                                             Jun / Jul 2022

            Booking deadline:    10 November 2021                   Booking deadline:    21 January 2022                   Booking deadline:    21 March 2022
            Material deadline:   17 November 2021                   Material deadline:   27 January 2022                   Material deadline:   25 March 2022
            Delivered:           1 January 2022                     Delivered:           1 March 2022                      Delivered:           1 June 2022
13 M E D I A K I T

Ad Sizing

                           AD SIZE                 TRIM                TYPE            BLEED

                                            to be supplied as two
                     DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD
                                                  full pages

                          FULL PAGE           210mm x 275mm         182mm x 250mm   220mm x 285mm

                      HALF PAGE VERTICAL      100mm x 275mm         80mm x 255mm    110mm x 285mm

                     HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL     210mm x 138mm         185mm x 118mm   220mm x 148mm

                     THIRD PAGE VERTICAL      70mm x 275mm          50mm x 255mm    80mm x 285mm
14 M E D I A K I T

Material specification                                                                                                                             Ad sizing
Material submission                            Proofs                                      File format
Medium Rare Content only accepts               For accurate colour reproduction, all       Medium Rare Content uses
advertising material via Quickcut/Adsend       advertising material must be accompanied    3DAPv3 separation profiles                                             DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD
or SENDlite. For more information              by a 3DAPv3 colour proof created from       (3DAPv3PAPERTYPE-3_280_F45.icc),                                       To be supplied as two single full pages
regarding these providers please contact:      the supplied file at 100%. Medium Rare      a Australian standard for proofing and
                                               Content uses guidelines for ISO 12647-2     printing.
Quickcut/Adsend (Adstream):                    (3DAPv3), a standard for proofing and
Web:                             printing.                                   Files to be created in PDF version 1.3
Tel: 1300 768 988                                                                          or 1.4.                                                                FULL PAGE
(Australia only tech support)                  In order to verify that a proof is in                                                                              Trim – 275mm x 210mm wide
Email                    compliance with the 3DAPv3 proofing         PDF files to be supplied in CMYK format                                Type/design – 259mm x 194mm wide
NOTE: When uploading advertising                                                                                                                                  Bleed – 285mm x 220mm wide
                                               requirements, each proof must be            with all fonts embedded into the file.
material via Quickcut do not include           supplied with a 3DAPv3 endorsed control     RGB or spot colour files will be rejected.
crop marks on the PDF file, as these will      strip printed next to the advertisement.
be automatically generated.                                                                PDF files need to be supplied as single
SENDlite:                                      No responsibility will be taken for print   page files, unless supplying gatefold
                                               colour reproduction when a 3DAPv3           PDF files.                                                             HALF PAGE VERTICAL
Tel: +61 2 9818 1965                           colour proof is not supplied.                                                                                      Trim – 275mm x 100mm wide
                                                                                                                                                                  Type/design – 259mm x 84mm wide
When supplying advertising material it is      For more information regarding 3DAPv3                                                                              Bleed – 285mm x 110mm wide
essential that you supply your complete        proofing guidelines, visit
booking number (including the 2 letters
at the end) e.g. 12345678AB, also please
ensure that the on sale date and magazine
name are entered.                                                                                                                                                 HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL
Left/right hand pages on double page                                                                                                                              Trim – 135mm x 210mm wide
spreads are to be noted at the end of                                                                                                                             Type/design – 119mm x 194mm wide
the booking number, e.g. 12345678ABL /                                                     DISCLAIMER While Medium Rare Content is                                Bleed – 145mm x 220mm wide
                                                                                           committed to producing magazines of the highest
12345678ABR.                                                                               calibre and will ensure advertising material is
                                                                                           reproduced as intended, the responsibility is
The order of consecutive advertisements                                                    firmly with the client/agency to supply advertising
is to be noted in the material instructions.                                               material according to our specifications. No
                                                                                           responsibility will be taken if advertising material
Please contact production                                                                  is not supplied according to Medium Rare Content                       THIRD PAGE VERTICAL
                                                                                           specifications. Medium Rare Content cannot accept
( prior to                                                        requests to modify supplied advertising material.                      Trim – 275mm x 70mm wide
sending revised files to ensure that the                                                   Advertising material must be delivered on time so                      Type/design – 259mm x 54mm wide
                                                                                           that quality checking procedures can take place.
correct material appears.                                                                  Advertising material will be archived for three                        Bleed – 285mm x 80mm wide
                                                                                           issues and advertising related correspondence i.e. –
                                                                                           MI’s, emails confirming repeats etc. will be archived
                                                                                           for six months. Medium Rare Content reserves the
                                                                                           right to refuse any advertising material.               NB: DARE magazine is a perfect bound publication.
15 M E D I A K I T

Material specification
Images / colour                             Design / type                                Page layout
Images are to be supplied in CMYK format.   All type must be a minimum of 8pt and        All advertising material is to be supplied
RGB, LAB or spot files will be rejected.    12pt for reversed type.                      to the correct publication trim size and is
                                                                                         to include 5mm bleed (where required).
Images should be supplied at 100%           Black type smaller than 24 points to be      Crop, bleed and registration marks
scaling, 300dpi and using the correct       made up of 100% black only and set to        plus page information are to appear on
3DAPv3 separation profile, the 3DAPv3       overprint.                                   advertising material, offset by a minimum
profile will set the correct CMYK                                                        of 6mm.
separation and total ink limit (see File    Black type larger than 24 points should
Format). For more information regarding     be made up of rich black - 100% black and    Ensure that all text and logos are
separation profiles, visit      50% cyan.                                    supplied to the correct type/ design area
                                            Extremely thin and fine type, particularly   specifications (see Ad Sizing).
No embedded ICC profiles.
                                            type with serifs, should be avoided.         No text or important page content should
The total ink limit is 280%. Registration                                                appear within 10mm either side of the
colour in the swatches palette should       Due to the trim and binding variance, even
                                            distances from trim to borders may vary      spine on double page spreads (total
never be used.                                                                           20mm) due to this space being optically
                                            during the print run. We recommended
Solid black panels should be made up of     that borders to be made up of 1 colour and   lost within the spine of the magazine.
rich black - 100% black and 50% cyan.       be a minimum thickness of .08mm and sit      Using double imaging is at the discretion
                                            no less than 10mm in from the trim.          of the client/agency, as it is not ideal
White elements/type to be set to                                                         for all pages within the magazine. If
knock-out.                                                                               specifications are required for double
                                                                                         imaging, contact production prior to
                                                                                         sending advertising material.
                                                                                         NOTE: Double page spreads appearing
                                                                                         on the inside front cover will be moved
                                                                                         to allow for the spine hinge - inside front
                                                                                         cover (left hand page) will be moved 5mm
                                                                                         to the left and first text page (right hand
                                                                                         page) will be moved 4mm to the right.
16 M E D I A K I T

Advertising Contacts


             Steve Koutsoukos
             02 8114 8938


             Kelly Kilic
             02 8114 8684
             0408 696 265
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