Specialist Radio Programming Round 1 2019/20 - Community ...

Page created by Emma Hicks
Specialist Radio Programming Round 1 2019/20
Form Preview

Using this form
Specialist Radio Programming Support - how to apply

Use this form to apply for support for Specialist Radio Programming (ongoing, regular
ethnic, Indigenous and RPH programming).
Do not use this form to apply for Content projects. Content projects are applied for with a
different form.

Use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons or the Form Navigation list on the right-
hand-side to move between questions. This will automatically save your application. Don't
use the Forward or Back buttons on your website browser as you may lose your progress.
As you complete the form, your responses will determine which further questions you
will be required to answer. Questions that are not applicable to your application will be
automatically disabled.
For further instructions on how to use this online form, please see the SmartyGrants Help
Guide for Applicants.
Please let us know if something doesn't work or doesn't make sense. We want to hear from
you and we want to help you: call us on (03) 8341 5900.
Once you're happy with your responses, click to the Feedback and How to Submit page
where you will find a Review button. Here you will be able to review your whole application,
download it to share with others and submit electronically.

Grant Guidelines

Please read these grant guidelines before you apply. The grant guidelines include important
information about this grant category, including what you can and can’t use the grant funds
for. These guidelines apply to Specialist Program content only. Here are the grant guidelines
for other Content project funding. Please note, funding for Specialist Radio Program support
is limited by the funds available for allocation.

1. What is the objective of Specialist Radio Programming support?

Specialist radio programming refers to established ongoing, regular programs that deliver a
specific service, not otherwise provided by broadcasters, to a local community.
This funding support is designed to encourage stations to carry specialist radio
programming and assists with the maintenance and development of specialist programming
content in community broadcasting to meet the needs of particular communities:

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Form Preview

  • RPH programs to serve people with a print disability, in accordance with the specific
   conditions outlined in section 4.
  • Ethnic programs to serve a defined local ethnic community, in accordance with the
   specific conditions outlined in section 4.
  • Indigenous programs, in accordance with the specific conditions outlined in section 4.

2. Who is eligible to apply?

  • A community radio station with a long-term or temporary broadcast licence.
  • Incorporated not-for-profit organisations auspicing applications for program
   groups broadcast on a community radio station.
  • A Remote Indigenous Media Organisation or Remote Indigenous Broadcasting.

3. Who is not eligible to apply?

  • An applicant seeking support for TV content should apply for programming support
   under Content grants
  • RPH licensed stations. RPH stations may apply for funding support through Content
   grants and Development & Operations grants.
  • A community radio station broadcasting RPH programs within the broadcast 'footprint'
   of an existing RPH service (predominantly in metropolitan areas).
         • Check here to see if your station operates within the broadcast footprint of an
          existing RPH

4. What conditions apply?

All specialist programs must:
  • be on air by the start of the upcoming funding period (1 July 2019)
  • be produced locally – programs originating elsewhere for local re-broadcast are not
  • be broadcast regularly, at least fortnightly between 6am–1am (i.e. not overnight) for
   the entire funding period
  • be at least 30 minutes long, with a minimum of 80% specialist programming material
   including culturally relevant music
  • have a minimum of 40% of the program which must be spoken word content or musical
   content broadcast live or recorded by the station and covers social, cultural and political
   issues of importance to the relevant community, and news and information relevant to
   cultural and language maintenance, with an emphasis on local perspectives.
Specific specialist programs requirements:
  • An Indigenous program broadcast on a non-Indigenous licensed station must be
   produced and presented by an Indigenous person or group (FAQ Link: My project has
   an Indigenous focus, is there anything I need to consider?)
  • An Indigenous program broadcast on an Indigenous licensed station must be
   produced and presented by an Indigenous person or group and; must include 50%
   Indigenous language content and/or content produced and distributed within a remote
   Indigenous community

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Form Preview

  • An Ethnic program must be produced and presented by a person or group of people
   broadcasting to a defined local ethnic community which has input into the content of
   the program. The program’s spoken language must be at least 50% in a language other
   than English except where English is the native or common language of the cultural
   community (e.g. Irish, Indian) or where the program is produced and presented by
   people under the age of 30. Spoken word content must be no more than 25% religious
  • A Multicultural program must be produced by a group of at least 3 broadcasters from
   differing language/cultural backgrounds and address issues of multiculturalism, identity,
   settlement, etc. It can be in any
  • An RPH Program must conform with Standards for RPH Programming on Community
   Radio. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) template between you and RPH Australia
   (RPHA) is available that demonstrates your commitment to RPH Programming and that
   you have contacted RPHA and acknowledge the Standards for RPH Programming on
   Community Radio. Note that:
         • sponsorship announcements, music, standard news bulletins such as National
          Radio News (NRN), and other items not specific to the needs of people with a
          print disability do not qualify as RPH content
         • all printed items shall be read in full. Material shall be presented with an
          appropriate identification of: the publication, edition, date of publication, page
          number and author's name. In no circumstances shall the text be varied, or any
          editorial comment be offered in relation to an item.
Note: CBF representatives may review your programs in accordance with the grant
guidelines and may require the return of funds associated with non-compliant programs in
this grant category.
Please ensure every program you are applying for is eligible for funding support. You can
find more information about the CBF’s Monitoring Policy here.
Specific applicant requirements:
  • Applicants must meet with presenters and program contributors (either in person or via
   teleconference) prior to application at least once per funding period, to ensure:
         • everybody understands and commits to complying with the grant guidelines
          requirements for Specialist Radio Programming support throughout the funding
         • everybody understands and agrees to the funded items requested
         • everybody is aware of their grant expenditure record keeping requirements
         • broadcasters are sufficiently supported by stations and incorporated
          organisations to provide interesting and relevant content for local communities
         • broadcasters and station representatives have an opportunity to discuss any
          issues and maintain an open dialogue to include specialist programmers in the
          overall station community.
Each grant application will require the date of your most recent meeting and a list of
attendees and their contact information. CBF representatives may request a copy of the
written minutes from this meeting and may contact presenters and program contributors
directly at any time. You can find a template agenda/minutes for such a meeting here.
Applicants who do not demonstrate consultation with presenters and program contributors
will be considered ineligible for funding in this grant category.

5. How much can you apply for?

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Form Preview

There is no set limit on the total amount you can request for Specialist Radio Programming
support; however, overall funding is limited. You can apply for resources needed to produce
the eligible specialist programming identified in your application. You might not receive the
full requested grant amount due to limited available funds. All eligible requests will receive
support if they are considered reasonable in comparison with the guide below, your previous
requests, requests from other applicants in this grant round and funds available. Your grant
budget should detail proposed expenditure for each type of specialist program (aggregated
by program type: ethnic, Indigenous or RPH), including additional funds toward program
development costs for new program groups.
Guide for how much to apply for annually:
  • Infrastructure/small equipment – up to $750 per program, and up to $5,000 per
    applicant organisation per program type
  • Program materials – up to $1,000 per applicant organisation per program type
  • Subscriptions/news sources – up to $120 per program
  • Music – up to $720 per program, and up to $5,000 per applicant organisation per
   program type
  • Local travel – up to $500 per program, and up to $2,000 per applicant organisation per
   program type
  • Program marketing – up to $600 per program, and up to $1,200 per applicant
   organisation per program type
  • Program website costs – up to $200 per program, and up to $1,000 per applicant
  • Conference registration – up to $2,000 per applicant organisation per program type
  • Broadcaster meeting expenses – up to $1,000 per applicant organisation per program
  • Community/broadcaster engagement: administration/consultation fees for the station –
   up to $250 per program as a transitional measure
  • Phone/internet expenses – up to $120 per program, and up to $500 per applicant
   organisation per program type
  • Indigenous program wages – up to $75 per hour of programming
  • Outside broadcast/special broadcasting events – up to $2,500 per applicant
  • Program specific training/mentoring – up to $500 per program, and up to $2,500 per
   applicant organisation.
FAQ Link: Should the figures above be regarded as caps?
Applicants may request funding in Round 1 for a twelve-month period (July to June), which
will be paid in two instalments with payment of the second instalment contingent upon
receipt and approval of a grant progress report covering the initial six months (July to
December). The second payment may be reduced if funded programming has ceased or is
no longer eligible for support. Applications submitted in Round 2 may include new programs
and/or amendments to ongoing program support to reflect any programming changes made
in the July to December funding period only (six months).
FAQ Link: How much should we apply for on behalf of Specialist Program groups?
FAQ Link: What is the community / broadcaster engagement / admin fee?
FAQ Link: Should I request the same amount as last year?

6. What can you use the grant for?

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Costs relating directly to program production and community/broadcaster engagement,
  • infrastructure: small equipment, storage devices (i-pod, USB drive, )
  • program specific needs: reference materials, news sources, music, localised program
   related travel, program marketing and events, program website costs
  • community participation: conference registration (e.g. NEMBC), broadcasters meeting
  • community/broadcaster engagement: administration/consultation fees for the station
  • funding requests for Indigenous programs may include wages/honorariums for
   presenter, producer, contributor fees
  • program specific training/mentoring: non-accredited training support, additional
   program supervision, buddy systems for new

7. What can't you use the grant for?

You cannot use the grant for other costs that don't relate to the production of the program,
  • operational costs, training, or equipment which can be applied for as part of the
    station’s Development & Operations grant application
  • Content production more appropriately applied for as a Content grant application
  • overseas travel
  • payment of membership fees
  • access/airtime fees imposed by the station
  • costs incurred prior to 1 July 2019
  • station costs that could be met by its in-kind contribution, such as studio hire fees and
    admin staff work time
  • contingency costs
  • sponsorship production

8. What does the Content Grants Advisory Committee look at when
assessing your application?

The Specialist Radio Programming components of a Content Grant application are not
competitively assessed. Applications that meet the following criteria will receive support:
  • Eligible program – your program is eligible for funding and appropriate consultation
    has taken place as defined above
  • Objective – your program contributes to the ongoing maintenance and development of
    either RPH, Ethnic or Indigenous community broadcasting
  • Completeness – the information you have provided including attachments listed on
    the application form is sufficient for the committee to assess your application
  • Previous reporting – you have met all reporting requirements for previous CBF grants
  • Budget – the budget items requested are considered reasonable in comparison with
    your previous requests, requests from other applicants in this grant round and funds
    available. The approved budget section of your Grant Agreement may vary from your
    application request.
FAQ Link: How will specialist radio programming requests be assessed?

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10. How will you report on the grant if the application is successful?

   • You will be required to submit a grant report. The grant report details what happened
    with the proposed activity (successes, learnings, outcomes) and includes any
    information required by the special conditions of your grant
   • The grant report will show that the funds were expended as per the approved grant
    budget in your grant agreement. You will need to keep records of all grant expenditure.
    An office holder at your organisation will be required to certify that the grant funds have
    been expended as per your grant
   • We may require an Auditor to sign a form declaring that grant funds have been
    expended as per the approved grant budget in your grant
   • Any variation to the approved grant budget required should be requested in writing
    during the funding period. Grant expenditure variations must be approved in writing
    before a grant report is submitted
   • You must acknowledge the CBF’s financial support as detailed on the CBF website.

Organisation Details
* indicates a required field

Video Tutorial: Organisation Details
We are aiming to simplify the application process if you are asking for support for multiple
Content projects. To save you time, you only need to complete organisation and contact
details once, in your primary Content application form.
If you are applying for support for one project or program, this will be your 'primary' Content
grant application form.
If you are applying for more than one Content project, or are also applying for Specialist
Radio Programming support, you will need to select one of your application forms and
identify it as the 'primary' form.

Is this application the primary Content grant application from your organisation
this round? *
◯ Yes                                     ◯ No
We only require organisations to complete organisational information for the primary Content grant
application each round.

What type of organisation are you? *

Please choose the option that best applies to your organisation.

This section of your application helps the CBF to understand your organisation in more
detail. The following questions assist the Content Grants Advisory Committee to determine
whether your organisation should receive priority weightings or special consideration. This
information will also be used to help the CBF to measure the impact of its grants programs.

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Form Preview

What was your organisation's average annual income over the past three financial
years? *
Must be a dollar amount.
Should include all income sources, including previous grants.

Annual report with financial statements *

Must be a URL.
Your organisation’s financial statements or annual report may be shared with the CBAA and other
sector organisations for the purposes of sector research. If you do not wish us to share this information
please contact a CBF Grants Administrator.

Strategic plan *

Must be a URL.
Or similar if you have a long-term plan that you call something else.

Upload your Annual Report and Strategic Plan (if not available publicly online)
Attach a file:

FAQ Link: Why do you want our Strategic Plan in a Content grant application?
FAQ Link: The application form asks me to attach an Annual Report and financial
statements - what does this mean?


We are gathering data on all the people involved in content production across all platforms
(tv, radio, online, social media) at your organisation.
FAQ Link: What is content production?

Total number of volunteers involved in content production at your organisation
over the past 12 months *

Must be a number.
Including presenters, contributors, producers, production volunteers and any others.

How many identify as women? *

Must be a number.

How many are aged under 26? *

Must be a number.

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Specialist Radio Programming Round 1 2019/20
Form Preview

Specialist Programming Overview
* indicates a required field

Video Tutorial: Specialist Programming Overview

Project title *
Specialist Radio Programming 2019/20
Must be no more than 10 words.
A brief title to easily identify this grant.

I would like to apply for support for the following program types: *
☐ Indigenous ☐ Ethnic ☐ RPH
Tick all that apply.

Anticipated start date                             Anticipated end date

Must be a date.                                    Must be a date.
And no earlier than 1 July 2019                    A date no later than 30/06/2020

Summary of Programs

Download, complete and attach a Summary of Programs for program groups for which you
are seeking support.

Attach Summary of Programs *
Attach a file:

Total number of hours of Specialist Radio Programming (ethnic, Indigenous, RPH)
broadcast on your station each week

Must be a number.

Letter of support from a recognised community broadcasting station
demonstrating their commitment to broadcast the production
Attach a file:

Are any Ethnic or Indigenous programs listed in your Summary of Programs new
programs since the last round? *
◯ Yes                                   ◯ No

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Form Preview

Are any RPH programs listed in your Summary of Programs new programs since
the last round? *
◯ Yes                                  ◯ No


Video Tutorial: Consultation
Applicants who do not demonstrate consultation with presenters and program contributors
will be considered ineligible for funding in this grant category.
Resource link: Example meeting minutes

Consultation with Indigenous broadcasters

Stations and auspicing groups are expected to meet with Indigenous broadcasters at least
once per year to review grant funding requirements, ensure some connection between
management and broadcasters, offer support to broadcasting groups, encourage active
engagement with community broadcasting stations and ensure all parties understand grant
requirements and expenditure processes for those grant funds.
At this meeting the station, auspicing groups and broadcasters must:
   • Review the grant guidelines for Specialist Radio Programming support
   • Agree to the funded items requested
   • Discuss grant expenditure recording keeping requirements
   • Discuss how the program(s) can best serve and engage with their community
   • Discuss how the station can support the program(s)
   • Discuss any other issues

Please provide any additional information about your consultation process

How did you consult with broadcasters who did not attend the last consultation meeting?

Meeting attendees

List everyone who attended your Indigenous consultation meeting, including presenters,
producers, station staff and volunteers.
The CBF may contact meeting attendees to confirm discussions.

Name                Role/Position       Email               Phone Number Date of meeting

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Form Preview

Consultation with ethnic broadcasters

Stations and auspicing groups are expected to meet with ethnic broadcasters at least
once per year to review grant funding requirements, ensure some connection between
management and broadcasters, offer support to broadcasting groups, encourage active
engagement with community broadcasting stations and ensure all parties understand grant
requirements and expenditure processes for those grant funds.
At this meeting the station, auspicing groups and broadcasters must:
   • Review the grant guidelines for Specialist Radio Programming support
   • Agree to the funded items requested
   • Discuss grant expenditure recording keeping requirements
   • Discuss how the program(s) can best serve and engage with their community
   • Discuss how the station can support the program(s)
   • Discuss any other issues

Please provide any additional information about your consultation process

How did you consult with broadcasters who did not attend the last consultation meeting?

Meeting attendees

List everyone who attended your ethnic consultation meeting, including presenters,
producers, station staff and volunteers.
The CBF may contact meeting attendees to confirm discussions.

Name                Role/Position       Email               Phone Number Date of meeting

New Programs
* indicates a required field

New Indigenous & Ethnic programs

Program name *

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Specialist Radio Programming Round 1 2019/20
Form Preview

Provide a short background on the program presenters, including cultural
and language groups and any supporting personnel assisting with program
development *

Word count:
Suggested word count: 150 words

Program start date *

a date and no later than 30/6/2019

Provide a link to where we can find a recent typical program to listen to *

Must be a URL

If you are unable to provide a link to where we can find a recent typical program, you can
mail an appropriately labelled recording on CD or USB to:
Community Broadcasting Foundation Level 7, 369 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052

What is the connection between the relevant community and this program? *

Word count:
Suggested word count: 150 words

What local information does this program include? *

Word count:
Suggested word count: 100 words

New RPH Programs

Program start date *

Must be a date and no later than 31/12/2018.

Provide a link to where we can find a recent typical program

Should be a whole typical program

If you are unable to provide a link to where we can find a recent typical program, you can
mail an appropriately labelled recording on CD or USB to:
Community Broadcasting Foundation Level 7, 369 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052

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Specialist Radio Programming Round 1 2019/20
Form Preview

Specialist Program Budgets
* indicates a required field

Budget instructions

To complete the budget below, make sure to:
  • Identify all budget items for which you are seeking support.
  • Describe the item required under 'Item Detail'. For example: "4 hours per week @ $25
      per hour", or "$10 for phone calls per week".
  • Use whole dollars.
Additional reminders:
If you are GST registered, show GST exclusive amounts in the grant budget. If you are not
GST-registered, show GST inclusive amounts.
FAQ Link: How do I complete the budget table?
Video Tutorial: How to complete the budget section
For example:
Expenditure Item
Item detail
CBF grant funds
Infrastructure/small equipment
Laptop for audio editing, see attached quote
Increase Greek music library
Subscriptions/news sources
Chinese newspaper

New programs may request a one-off payment start-up / seeding funding for program
resources, training and program development. Items could include the purchase of music,
USBs, program mentoring, news sources, small equipment (headphones, portable recorders)
or other requirements specific to establishing a new program group.
Please note the Specialist Radio Programming grant guide for how much to apply for
  • Infrastructure/small equipment – up to $750 per program, and up to $5,000 per
      applicant organisation per program type
  • Program materials – up to $1,000 per applicant organisation per program type
  • Subscriptions/news sources – up to $120 per program

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Form Preview

    • Music – up to $720 per program, and up to $5,000 per applicant organisation per
     program type
    • Local travel – up to $500 per program, and up to $2,000 per applicant organisation per
     program type
    • Program marketing – up to $600 per program, and up to $1,200 per applicant
     organisation per program type
    • Program website costs – up to $200 per program, and up to $1,000 per applicant
    • Conference registration – up to $2,000 per applicant organisation per program type
    • Broadcaster meeting expenses – up to $1,000 per applicant organisation per program
    • Community/broadcaster engagement: a contribution to the station for the cost of
     consulting with the Specialist programming broadcasters – up to $250 per program as a
     transitional measure
    • Phone/internet expenses – up to $120 per program, and up to $500 per applicant
     organisation per program type
    • Indigenous program wages – up to $75 per hour of programming
    • Outside broadcast/special broadcasting events – up to $2,500 per applicant
    • Program specific training/mentoring – up to $500 per program, and up to $2,500 per
     applicant organisation.
FAQ Link: What is the community/broadcaster engagement admin fee?
FAQ Link: Do I have to provide a budget for each program?
FAQ Link: Should the figures provided in the guide above be regarded as caps?

Indigenous program costs

Expenditure item                Item detail                   CBF grant funds

Indigenous program cost total

Total requested *
This number/amount is calculated.

Indigenous program cost comments and quotes

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Form Preview

If there's anything in your project budget you would like to clarify for assessors, explain it here, such
as why have you chosen a particular supplier or why you are seeking more funding than the guidelines

Supporting documents
Attach a file:

Evidence of costs such as 3 current quotes for each item valued at $1,000 or higher

Ethnic program costs

Expenditure item                   Item detail                        CBF grant funds

Ethnic program cost totals

Total Ethnic requested *
This number/amount is calculated.

Ethnic program cost comments and quotes

If there's anything in your project budget you would like to clarify for assessors, explain it here, such
as why have you chosen a particular supplier or why you are seeking more funding than the guidelines

Supporting documents
Attach a file:

Evidence of costs such as 3 current quotes for each item valued at $1,000 or higher

RPH program costs

Expenditure item                   Item detail                        CBF grant funds

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Form Preview

RPH program cost totals

Total RPH requested *
This number/amount is calculated.

RPH program cost comments and quotes

If there's anything in your project budget you would like to clarify for assessors, explain it here, such
as why have you chosen a particular supplier or why you are seeking more funding than the guidelines

Supporting documents
Attach a file:

Evidence of costs such as 3 current quotes for each item valued at $1,000 or higher

Total support requested

Total CBF funds requested

This number/amount is calculated.

Contact Details
* indicates a required field

Privacy Notice

The Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF) respects the right of individuals to privacy
protection. Where personal information is supplied to the CBF it is used to assist in providing
resources and other services to community broadcasters and community broadcasting
organisations, and in meeting our responsibilities as the funding agency for the community
broadcasting sector. To this end personal information may be shared with other community
broadcasting sector representative organisations, consultants and funding providers.
Individuals have the right to access, update or correct any of their personal information held
by the CBF at any time.

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Form Preview

Entities that are collecting personal information for provision to the CBF in a funding
application or for related purposes must ensure that the individuals concerned consent
to the provision of their personal information to the CBF, receive a copy of this Privacy
Statement, and have been advised that our Privacy Policy is available at https://cbf.org.au/
Complaints against the CBF's acts or practices in relation to privacy protection may be
investigated by the Privacy Commissioner who has power to award compensation in
appropriate circumstances. For more information please see our Privacy Policy on our
website or contact the Foundation's Chief Executive Officer on (03) 8341 5900 or by e-mail
via exec@cbf.com.au.

Contact person

This is the person we will correspond with about this grant.

Contact person *
Title    First Name             Last Name

This is the person we will correspond with about this grant

Position *

e.g. Manager, Board Member, Fundraising Coordinator

Phone number *

Email address *

Will be to our email newsletter for up-to-date information about the CBF's activities including grant

Applicant Organisation


The ABN provided will be used to look up the following information. Click Lookup above to
check that you have entered the ABN correctly.
Information from the Australian Business Register
Entity name
ABN status
Entity type
Goods & Services Tax (GST)
DGR Endorsed

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ATO Charity Type                       More information
ACNC Registration
Tax Concessions
Main business location

Applicant trading name *
Organisation Name

Can be different from the Entity name listed with the Australian Business Register shown above.

Do you need to update your organisation's details since the last time you
submitted a grant application to the CBF? *
◯ Yes                                   ◯ No

Applicant Organisation Contact Details

If you have applied for a CBF grant in the past and you are confident that we have your
current organisation contact details on file, you only need to complete details that may have
changed since last time.

Postal address

Suburb    State      Postcode

Physical address

Suburb    State      Postcode

If different from posal address above

Organisation phone number

Organisation email address

Will be to our email newsletter for up-to-date information about the CBF's activities including grant

Organisation website

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Form Preview

Must be a URL

* indicates a required field

Content project summary

Please list your Content projects, in order of priority to your organisation.
The project priority assigned by your organisation may be taken into consideration when
determining funding allocations.
FAQ Link: How do I prioritise my projects?

No.                             Project title                    Amount requested for this


The Declaration must be made by a person with the appropriate authorisation at the
applicant organisation.
I understand that this application will be competitively assessed on its merits against the
assessment criteria published in the grant guidelines and that the application may not
receive support, or may receive part-support.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the statements made within this
application are true and correct, and I understand that if the applicant
organisation is approved for this grant, we will be required to accept the terms
and conditions of the grant as outlined in the grant agreement.

Name of authorised                 Title      First Name         Last Name
person *
                                   Must be a senior staff member, board member or appropriately
                                   authorised volunteer

Position *
                                   e.g. Station Manager, Treasurer, Board Member

Date *
                                   Must be a date

Feedback and How to Submit

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Form Preview


We encourage grantees to provide constructive feedback so we can learn more about
your experience in working with us to help us improve our grants process. The following
anonymous survey should take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete:

How to submit

Once you have completed your Content grant form, Review and Submit the form.
You can print/download the application as a pdf document to share with others by clicking
Download PDF at the top of the Review page.
To submit your application, click the Submit button at the top of the Review page.
  • Any unsubmitted forms will not be accessible to the CBF and will not be assessed.
  • If a required question is left blank or you have entered incorrect characters in a
   question (like letters in a number question), you will be unable to submit a form. Use the
   Application Form Navigation list to return to the question that requires completion.
Once you successfully submit your application you will receive an automatic email
confirming receipt of your application with an attached pdf version for your records.

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You can also read