May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools

Page created by Clara Baldwin
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
May Parent/
Family Bulletin
Chandler Creek Elementary May 2021, Jane Mills, Principal

Principal Message- May
We nish April with Teacher Appreciation Week and head into May for State Testing, completion of
curricular standards, and awards celebrations for all. A look at our month shows these important
calendar reminders. It has truly been a remarkable year where we have practiced grace, learned from
one another, and focused on a rming our students, teachers, and community.

PTA Election Forms will be posted to the Facebook and Website to create a new PTA Board. S.I.C.
 nishes the year with the SC School Improvement Council Report to the Community. S.I.C. will hold
elections in the fall of 2021. Both of these essential groups of parents, teachers, and community
members have provided much needed support with monthly ZOOM Meetings, and multiple donations
to support the larger efforts of the school.

Despite a pandemic, we have ourished, ignited our Champion Spirit and achieved the Award for
Capturing Kids Hearts Showcase School. When a community such as ours, comes together and
rallies for our students, we are all better. We are all stronger and Chandler Creek Elementary will
continue to impact the Greer Community.
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
Highlighted Calendar Dates:

May 4 SC READY Writing Test, Grade 3
May 5 SC READY Reading Test, Grade 3
May 6 SC PASS Test, Grade 4 Brick and Mortar and Virtual
May 7 eLearning Day for grade 3-5, Virtual Students attend school In person to take SC READY Math
May 11 SC READY Reading Test, Grades 4 and 5
May 12 SC READY Writing Test, Grades 4 and 5
May 18 SC READY Math, Grade 3
May 25 SC READY Math, Grades 4 and 5
May 24-28, In House Field Days for All classes
May 31, No school/ Memorial Day
June 1- 4 Final Week of School, Awards and Culmination Projects

 Awards at a Glance- All Awards in classrooms and posted for
                   families to view online.

                                Fifth Grade Car Parade
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
School Wide Happenings

Related Arts
Art- In art, students in grades K-3 are completing still life projects. Grades 4 & 5 are doing a project on
radial symmetry, working on pattern review and learning watercolor techniques.
Library- Students will be encouraged to read over the summer. We will be talking about activities we do
over the summer. Students’ last day of library will be May 14th. Please return ALL library books by May
21st. Chromebooks will be turned into the library at the end of May. More information will be sent at a
later date. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer! Keep Reading!!
Music- In music, students in grades k-3 will be reading rhythm patterns on instruments using
traditional notation. We will be playing a variety of styles of music. In grades 4 & 5 students are
learning 4 chords on the ukulele and using those chords to play several popular songs.
PE- Students are participating in Chandler Creek's annual Jump Rope Club. They are learning jump
rope skills and are competing independently to achieve their highest score.

Math/ Inquiry Lab
Math Inquiry Lab in May
Kindergarten – Students will revisit shapes and work on drawing and making models of 2-dimensional
and 3 dimensional shapes. They will continue to work on solving story problems and developing
 uency in adding and subtracting to 5.
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
First Grade - Students will learn about the associative property to help them add 3 numbers. Students
will work on dividing shapes into equal parts and nish the year by learning coin names and values.
Second Grade – Students will apply strategies to add and subtract within 1,000 and begin to use
arrays as an introduction to multiplication.
Third Grade – Spiral review of math skills learned this year and preparation for SC Ready Test.
Fourth Grade - Spiral review of math skills learned this year and preparation for SC Ready Test.
Fifth Grade - Spiral review of math skills learned this year and preparation for SC Ready Test.

Our May counseling lessons will focus on celebrating the hard work we've done this year and looking
ahead to the summer and next school year with a positive attitude!

Title One
TITLE I UPDATES - We appreciate all of those who attended our Kindergarten Sneak Peek Drive Thru!
We had a lot of fun seeing the students and giving out all those great resources for early learning.
Please call, email, or send a note to let us know how you’ve been using them at home!
May Events
End of the Year Celebration
We hope all fth grade families will join us for our 5th grade car parade on June 3 at 12:30!
Family Games Available for Check-Out
Did you know that playing board games as a family can help encourage your child’s growth in
language, reading, math, and even ne motor skills? Plus they’re just fun! If you get a chance to stop
by our front o ce, we have lots of fun family board games for you to borrow. Just ll out the sticky
note on the game you’d like to borrow, give it to the o ce staff, and return it within two weeks. We’ll
sanitize everything when you bring it back. Have fun!
More Resources
Our May Home School Connection newsletter will be sent home next week. Check it out for tips about
keeping your child’s brain active over the summer and promoting respectfulness.
Don’t forget to check our CCE Title I webpage for all of our information and updates!
If you have any questions, please feel free to call 355-2454 or email Tracy LeGrand, Title I Facilitator, at We value your input and suggestions!
Upcoming next year: Please watch for announcements about Title I activities next year. We would love
to have YOUR input in planning and attending our events!
ACTUALIZACIONES DEL TÍTULO I - ¡Apreciamos a todos los que asistieron a nuestro Sneak Peek Drive
Thru de Kindergarten! Nos divertimos mucho viendo a los estudiantes y dando todos esos excelentes
recursos para el aprendizaje temprano. ¡Llame, envíe un correo electrónico o envíe una nota para
hacernos saber cómo los ha estado usando en casa!
Mayo Eventos
Celebración de n de año
¡Esperamos que todas las familias de quinto grado se unan a nosotros para nuestro des le de autos
de quinto grado el 3 de junio a las 12:30!
Juegos familiares disponibles para pagar
¿Sabía que jugar juegos de mesa en familia puede ayudar a fomentar el crecimiento de su hijo en el
lenguaje, la lectura, las matemáticas e incluso las habilidades motoras nas? Además, ¡son
simplemente divertidos! Si tiene la oportunidad de pasar por nuestra o cina, tenemos muchos juegos
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
de mesa familiares divertidos para que los preste. Simplemente complete la nota adhesiva del juego
que le gustaría pedir prestado, entréguese al personal de la o cina y devuélvase dentro de dos
semanas. Higienizamos todo cuando lo traigas de vuelta. ¡Divertirse!
Más recursos
Nuestro boletín de mayo Home School Connection se enviará a casa la próxima semana. Consúltelo
para obtener consejos sobre cómo mantener activo el cerebro de su hijo durante el verano y promover
el respeto.
¡No olvide visitar nuestra página web de Título I de CCE para obtener toda nuestra información y
Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar al 355-2454 o enviar un correo electrónico a Tracy
LeGrand, facilitadora del Título I, a ¡Valoramos sus comentarios y
Próximo el año que viene: Esté atento a los anuncios sobre las actividades del Título I el próximo año.
¡Nos encantaría tener SU opinión para plani car y asistir a nuestros eventos!

  Never Give Up, A look back at a remarkable year 2020-2021

  Special Olympics                   Drive thru Parent                 Quarterly Awards

  Battle of the Books                Teacher Vaccines                  Fenway- one
  Fab Five                                                             school, one book
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
Unified Spirit Week   80's day        Read Across

100th Day            Kindness Week   Spirit Sticks

Twin Day             50's Day        Rock Your School
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
Farm Day   Class Pumpkin   Make a Friend Day
May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools May Parent/ Family Bulletin - Greenville County Schools
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