2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com

Page created by Clarence Pham
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
2022 P R O G R A M G U I D E


        W I N N I P E G    M A N I T O B A

       M I S S I S S A U G A   O N TA R I O
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
IN THE                                                                                             MANITOBA


                                   Vancouver                                           Regina
 Friendly and welcoming people

 Exciting city living close
 to beautiful nature

 Fewer international students
 - more chances to speak English
                                               Canada’s 7th largest city          WHAT TO DO
                                               Winnie the Pooh is named           • Go to the beach! The
                                               after Winnipeg                       province of Manitoba has
                                                                                    many lakes and parks close
                                               Over 2,700 hours of clear            to Winnipeg.
                                               skies and sunny days – the
                                                                                  • Attend one of the many
                                               most of any Canadian city            annual festivals like Festival
                                                                                    du Voyageur, Fringe Festival,
                                               One of the most affordable           and Folklarama.
                                               and livable cities in Canada
                                                                                  • Visit The Forks, Winnipeg’s
                                               Very diverse population              most popular tourist
                                                                                    destination which is home to
                                               Ideal location for English           the Canadian Museum for
                                               language learning                    Human Rights.

                                                                                  • Enjoy the many shops and
                                                                                    restaurants in the historic
                                                                                    Exchange District, where
                                                                                    Heartland school is located!

                                                              Cost of Li
                                                                        ving                    by City

2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
              IN THE                                                            Cost of Living by City

                                                                                   Montreal     Mississauga




                                                  New York

   Chi cago

     Canada’s 6th largest and fastest growing city

     Home to Canada’s largest airport,
     Toronto Pearson International Airport
     – this may mean only one flight from an
     international major city

     Exciting downtown Toronto is 45 minutes
     away, making it easy to visit

     The Streetsville Bread and Honey
     Festival is one of the longest running
     and most popular events
                                                     WHAT TO DO
     Great boutique and unique                       • Explore the city’s 480+ parks and nature trails.
     shopping in Port Credit
                                                     • Shop Ontario’s largest shopping centre, Square One Mall.
     Ideal location for English
                                                     • Enjoy many of Ontario’s famous attractions close to
     language learning
                                                       Mississauga, Niagara Falls, The CN Tower, Ripley’s
                                                       Aquarium, Canada’s Wonderland and more.

                                                     • Visit the famous Great Lakes which have borders
                                                       in Canada and The United States.
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
English Programs
CLASS SCHEDULE                           Monday       Tuesday      Wednesday Thursday              Friday                     PROGRAM



                                                               Morning Class
                        9:00 - 12:00               (muilti-skill classes, based on level)
                                                               Break 10:30 to 10:45

                        12:00 - 1:00                           Lunch Break
                                                                                                Activity, Movie,
                                         Reading     Listening      Writing     Speaking          or Tutorial
                        1:00 - 3:00
                                                                Break 2:00 – 2:10

                        3:15 - 5:15      IELTS Preparation or Conversation Class

                        6:00 - 9:00      Evening Class (Options vary by location)

       Heartland Level                                           Approximate Equivalent

 Heartland Level    Textbook           CEFR         TOEFL iBT         CAEL          IELTS        CELPIP / CLB                       TOIEC

 1 Entry            Start Up 2         A1 - A2      26 - 38           10 - 40       < 4.0
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
Pathway Programs
                 w                                     Pathway to Canada                                  A
                                                                                                          Applying forr the
          Begin a Pathway                            Heartland Pathway Program                            Pathway Program
          Program at Heartland                           Full-time Intensive
          and receive conditional                       Improve your English to meet                       STEP     1
          acceptance into                                post-secondary requirements
                                                                                                          Apply to Heartland
          available programs at                                                                           and pay fees
          our partner colleges and
          universities. During                      College or University Program
          the program students                                1 to 4 years                                 STEP     2
          will receive on going                      College and university students can
                                                    receive an off-campus work permit to                  Take an on-line placement
          feedback from teachers                           work 20 hours per week                         test to determine level and
          on academic
             a          progress.                                                                         length of program
                                                                                                          (Each level is 10 or 20 weeks)
                                                     Post Graduate Work Permit*
                                                             1 to 3 years                                  STEP     3
                                                   Work permit length depends on length
                                                     of college or university program                     Receive a Pathway Letter of
                                                                                                          Acceptance from Heartland

                                                   Canadian Permanent Resident*                            STEP     4
                                                    Apply for Permanent Resident status
                                                    after working 6 months (Manitoba)                     Apply to the pathway
                                                            or 1 year (Ontario)                           partner college or university

        *For work permit and permanent resident information please visit the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website: www.cic.gc.ca

         Intensive English Pathway Program completion requires a minimum grade and attendance of 80%.
         Students must complete the minimum number of weeks in the required level to meet the English
         entrance requirements of the pathway college or university. If students test into a lower level than what
         they require, they will need to complete each lower level to reach their required level for the Pathway.
         Each level takes between 10 to 20 weeks to complete.

MANITOBA                                                           ONTARIO                                                         ALBERTA
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
English Language Testing
                     Test of English for           The Canadian English          The Canadian Academic                  The International
                       International               Language Proficiency              English Language                    English Language
                      Communication                   Index Program                   Assessment                         Testing System

   Where are
     the test
                 heartlandenglish.com/toeic-test   heartlandenglish.com/celpip   heartlandenglish.com/cael-test               ieltsmb.com
dates listed?*

     What is                                              Canadian                 Canadian College                  Immigration, Work
                       Business and
     the test                                          Immigration and              and University                      and College/
   used for?                                             Citizenship                  Entrance                       University Entrance

      How is                                                                                                                  Paper
                           Paper                          Computer                      Computer
     the test                                                                                                              or Computer
                           Based                           Based                         Based
  delivered?                                                                                                                  Based

    How long                                                                                                               3 hours
     does the             2 hours                          3 hours                        3 hours                       plus speaking
   test take?                                                                                                          assessment time

  What does          Measures listening              All skills, reading,           All skills, reading,              Paper and computer
    the test         and reading ability             writing, listening             writing, listening                 based tests cover
  measure?                                         and speaking covered           and speaking covered                  reading, writing
                                                       in one sitting,                 in one sitting                 and listening in one
                                                     on the computer                on the computer                    sitting. Speaking
                                                                                                                        for both tests is
                                                                                                                      completed in person
                                                                                                                       with an examiner

                                                   *   Test frequency varies by location and time of year

                                                                                                           IELTS is jointly owned by British Council, IDP:
                                                                                                                 IELTS Australia and Cambridge English
                                                                                                                                  Language Assessment
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
Homestay Program
Learn English faster when you live with a Canadian family!
Homestays include: a private room, shared bathroom, 3 meals per day and free airport pickup.

           Our Homestay Promise
               Each homestay goes through an approval process which includes an interview,
               personal home inspection, reference checks and criminal record checks..

               Students are placed in homes according to their preferences and needs.

               Homes are within a close and convenient public transit ride to school.

               Each family speaks English with students in the home.
                                                                                             Find helpful info about
               Homestays provide a private room with clean sheets and towels.                Heartland, what to expect,
                                                                                             and who to contact. Search
               Families provide food for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.                  “Heartland Arrival” to
                                                                                             download. Available for
                                                                                             iPhone and Android.

 “ We accept students into our homes, and they become family. When
   they leave, we miss them a lot, but know we’ll always stay in touch”.

 Residence Options
 Living in a residence gives students the opportunity to live together with                  When students arrive they
                                                                                             will be met by a Heartland
 university students – enjoying more independence plus the chance to make
                                                                                             staff member holding a
 new friends. The fee includes room rental; meals are available, but purchased               sign with their name on it.
 separately. Heartland does not have its own residence but has university and                ( For students staying in
                                                                                             Heartland accommodations.)
 college partners that provide space for our students throughout the year.
 All residences are close to the school. The residences available are:

 WINNIPEG OPTIONS                                                                 MISSISSAUGA OPTIONS

 Red River                       William and Catherine                            University of Toronto,
 College Residence               Booth College                                    Mississauga Campus
 This residence,                 College residence located in city                (only available May
 renovated in 2019, has          centre across from the University                through August).
 modern facilities and is        of Winnipeg, run by the                          University of Toronto
 conveniently located            Salvation Army. The residence                    residence is a short bus
 next to Heartland.              is directly associated with the                  ride away from Heartland
 Single and double               Booth University College, a                      and includes many
 rooms available.                Christian college.                               wonderful amenities.
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
Heartland 2022 Fee Schedule
Tuition Fees (Canadian Dollars) • English Programs
Program                 Semi-Intensive*                Intensive         Super-Intensive                  IELTS / Conversation class*
                           (Part-Time)                (Full-Time)             (Full-Time)                        (Part-Time, Mon-Thurs)
Class Hours             9:00am – 12:00pm           9:00am – 3:00pm        9:00am – 5:15pm                           3:15pm – 5:15pm
Hours per Week               15 hours                   25 hours                33 hours                                   8 hours
Prices Per Week
1-3 weeks                      $245                         $310                  $395                                       $140
4-24 weeks                     $230                         $295                  $370                                       $135
25 +weeks                      $225                         $285                  $360                                       $130

Other Fees
Application Fee - (Non-refundable):            $100
Textbook                                       $65 (Each level requires a new textbook)

Homestay Accommodation                                                     Student Residence /                           WINNIPEG
Homestay Fees
                                                                           Red River College Residence
Placement Fee (Non-refundable)                        $200
                                                                           Placement Fee (Non-refundable)                           $200
Homestay Fee Winnipeg (3 meals/day)                   $195/week
                                                                           Security Deposit (Refundable)                            $350
Homestay Fee Mississauga (3 meals/day)                $215/week
                                                                          Accommodation fee
Holiday Rate (To hold room
when away from Homestay)
                                                      $120 /week          (standard or premium dorm room)                           Starting at $800/month
                                                                          Room only
Homestay Extra Night                                  $35
                                                                           William & Catherine Booth College
Other Fees                                                                 Placement Fee (Non-refundable)                           $200
Airport Pick-up (when staying in                                           Security Deposit (Refundable)                            $300
a Heartland accommodation)                            FREE
Airport Pick-up (when NOT staying                     $65                  (Single dorm) including                                  $900/month
in a Heartland accommodation)                                              mandatory meal plan (10 meals/week)
Student Insurance                                     $2.25 /day
Custodianship Fee
(Under 18 and staying in Heartland Homestay)          $100                 Student Residence /                           MISSISSAUGA
                                                                           University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus
                                                                           (Based on availability only from May through August)
Test     IELTS Test
                                        $335 Computer Based
                                        $319 Paper Based
Fees                                                                       Placement Fee (Non-refundable)                      $200
         CAEL Test                      $280
         CELPIP Test                    $195 or $280                       Accommodation                                       Please check for
         TOEIC Test                     $120                               (Single or double dorm) No Meal Plan                availability & price
         Online Placement Test          $50
                                                                       Please Note: Prices are subject to change without notice.
                                                                       *Part-time programs are available for students who are not requiring a Study Permit
2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
Experience the Heart of Canada!

Contact Information Heartland International English School
280 William Avenue                       1300 Central Parkway W, Suite 200
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3B 0R1        Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5C 4G8
Telephone: 1 (204) 989.8448              Telephone: 1 (905) 542.4977
E-mail: info@heartlandenglish.com        Email: welcome@heartlandenglish.com

Where you can find out more about Heartland...             Accreditations & Organizations:




2022 PROGRAM GUIDE - www.heartlandenglish.com
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