Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England

Page created by Amy Medina
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
Oxford Summer Academy
     An Academic & Cultural Programme
 for High School Students in Oxford, England

www.oxfordsummer.com | info@oxfordsummer.com
            Tel: +44 (0)1865 594347
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
The Oxford Summer Academy is a programme designed for high school and college
students aged 15-19 years. Participants are introduced to the unique academic and
cultural environment of Oxford, England, and experience at first-hand what it is like
to study at Oxford.

The Oxford Summer Academy is a               In each fortnight, we run a seminar on
complete package. The programme              applying to university in the UK. This
includes academic tuition during the         includes information on deadlines,
mornings, participation in electives         entrance tests and writing a personal
during the afternoons, and a wide range      statement. Students will have the
of cultural activities and excursions. The   opportunity to visit Oxford's colleges each
Oxford Summer Academy is based at St         fortnight. For students enrolled on the 4-
Edmund Hall, Oxford University each July.    week course, there is a day trip to
                                             Cambridge University.
The teaching staff at the Oxford Summer
Academy are tutors and graduates of          Every student is treated as an individual.
both the University of Oxford and other      We aim to provide the best possible
leading universities across the world.       academic tuition and pastoral care. As a
Academic tuition gives students the          result, the number of places at the Oxford
opportunity to consolidate their high        Summer Academy is limited each year. We
school studies, as well as the chance to     hope that you will share our passion and
explore new subjects.                        enthusiasm for Oxford and education.
The afternoon electives are designed to      We look forward to welcoming you to
broaden students’ experience and lead to     Oxford!
achievements that can enhance uni-
versity applications.
The Oxford Summer Academy aims to
help every student realise their full
potential, and achieve a place at the
university of their choice. For those
students considering Oxford, there will be
the opportunity to talk informally with
university teaching staff and recent
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
MAJOr OpTIOnS                                   MInOr OpTIOnS

Students choose one option from the list        Students, in addition, choose one minor op-
below each fortnigth.                           tion feach fortnight.

Oxbridge preparation                            Oxbridge preparation

Maths & Science                                 Maths & Science
Advanced Medical Biology                        Cancer: From Cell Mutation to Cure
Introduction to Medical Biology                 pandemics
Introduction to particle physics                Maths for Mechanical Engineering
Mathematics - Advanced Algebra                  Mathematics - Advanced Calculus
Mathematics - Calculus                          Mathematics - Algebra
Mathematics - probability & Statistics          Mathematics - Geometry & Trigonometry

Literature                                      Literature
perspectives on poetry                          The Wonderful World of Short Stories
Shakespeare and friends                         Gothic Fiction

Social Sciences                                 Social Sciences
Law - An Introduction to Legal Concepts         Law - Human rights
Macroeconomic Issues                            Economic Curiosities
psychology - Inside the Human Mind              Sociology - Crime and Deviance

Humanities                                      Humanities
Classical Civilisation: Life in the Classical   Classical Mythology
World                                           Critical Thinking - The Art of reasoning
Critical Thinking - The Art of reasoning        History - The Tudors
History - World Wars I & II                     British & American politics - A Comparative
Modern International relations                  Study
philosophy - revolutions - What were they       philosophy - What is a Good Life?
Languages                                       French Language & Culture - Beginners
French Language & Culture - Intermediate        Spanish - Intermediate
Spanish - Beginners

                                                Students may take additional coaching in
                                                a wide variety of subjects, including:
                                                • Oxford Thinking Skills Assessment
                                                • SAT, UKCAT, BMAT, LMAT, HAT, pAT
                                                • Mathematics Clinic, Essay Writing,
                                                  Critical Thinking
                                                • Languages, incl. russian and Mandarin
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
ELECTIvE CHOICES                    A Walking History of Oxford
                                               Students investigate Oxford’s history
Students follow their electives during         through its architecture, waterways and
afternoons and choose one from the list        landmarks. The outcome of this elective is
below each fortnight.                          a unique historical walking tour, revealing
                                               Oxford’s history from the Middle Ages to
Public Speaking and Debate                     today.
Oxford has a long tradition of debate -
many UK and US politicians learnt their        Sport
public speaking skills in the Oxford Union.    This will get students taking part in a
Students will gain confidence and              variety of different sports across the
competence in constructing, rebutting          fortnight. Examples of the sports offered
and presenting arguments. Based on a           include basketball, athletics, badminton,
proposition that the students decide           volleyball and hockey.
themselves, a debate is conducted in
front of all the students, and a vote taken,   Photography
to decide the winning team.                    The beautiful architecture, cityscapes and
                                               landscapes of Oxford will be used in this
Creative Writing                               elective. Each afternoon, students visit a
The skills of writing prose, poetry and        different Oxford location and build a
journalism are developed as students           portfolio of work. At the end of the course,
create content for the Oxford Summer           an exhibition of students’ work is
Academy Magazine. This will be                 displayed. Images also contribute to the
distributed to all students at the course      Academy Magazine.
end, as well as published online.
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
UnIvErSITy EnTrAnCE                      ExCUrSIOnS AnD THEATrE vISITS

Many students who attend the Oxford            An important part of the Oxford Summer
Summer Academy plan to go on and               Academy is its excursions, and our
study at a world-class university. This        programme of social events. This
involves making the right choice, and          includes full day excursions and evening
understanding and preparing for the            theatre performances.
selection process.
                                               Excursion Timetable:
Each fortnight, we run a seminar which
covers all aspects of applying to university   July 4th 2015:
in the UK. Following on from this, we are      “Roman Bath and Prehistoric Stonehenge”
happy to give students advice and              Travel to Bath and visit the roman Baths
                                               Museum. After lunch, go on to the prehistoric
guidance on an individual basis. In
                                               Stonehenge site.
particular, we are happy to help students
with the preparation of their personal         July 8th 2015:
                                               “London Sights”
                                               visit the gourmet Borough market,
Students at the Oxford Summer Academy          The Golden Hinde, St paul’s Cathedral and
                                               the vibrant Covent Garden Market.
have the opportunity to live in a medieval
college and explore the University of          July 18th 2015:
Oxford. For students who are thinking of       “Shakespeare's Stratford and
applying to Oxford, we can arrange
                                               A walking tour of Stratford upon Avon and
informal chats with university staff, and       visit Shakespeare's birth place.
practice interviews.
                                               July 22nd 2015:
During their stay with us students also        “London Museums”
have the opportunity to visit Cambridge        Students can visit the victoria and Albert,
                                               natural History and/or the Science museum.
and London, giving them the chance to
spend time in some of our other top
university cities.

Oxford Summer Academy offers coaching
in university entrance tests, including
The Oxford Thinking Skills Assessment
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
ACCOMMODATIOn AnD MEALS                  punting picnics, film evenings, treasure
                                             hunts, ghost tours, theatre trips and
Students are resident at St Edmund Hall,     sports.
a medieval college of the University of
Oxford. Accommodation is in twin or          The end of each course is marked by
single study-bedrooms. Each room has         students showcasing their work,
hot and cold running water and a shaving     including the debate, the photographic
socket. As is usual in UK university         exhibition, the magazine, and finally, the
accommodation, there are shared              gala dinner.
bathrooms on each floor.
                                                           DATES 2015
Breakfast and dinner are taken in the
college dining hall. The food at St Edmund   4-week course:
Hall is very good! Special dietary           Sunday June 28 − Saturday July 25
requirements can be accommodated –
please let us know in advance.               2-week courses:
                                             Sunday June 28 − Saturday July 11
There are laundry facilities within the      Sunday July 12− Saturday July 25
college. Internet access is available in
rooms. Each study-bedroom has a phone
which can directly receive incoming calls.                     FEES
Outgoing calls can be made on a card
system.                                      4-week course: GBp £7,100
                                             2-week course: GBp £3,600

              SOCIAL LIFE                    Additional tuition: GBp £400
                                             for each subject
The course starts with a Welcome
                                             Fees include:
reception, where students, parents, staff
                                             • Accommodation at St Edmund Hall
and tutors can quickly get to know each
other. The Oxford Summer Academy entz        • Breakfast and Dinner each day
team often consist of Oxford graduates       • All tuition and tuition materials
dedicated to ensure that students enjoy      • All excursions
their stay in Oxford. Their role is partly   • The programme of social events
pastoral, and they also co-ordinate a        • Theatre visits
variety of Oxford-based activities for       • Insurance
students during their free time. These
include visits to Oxford colleges,
museums, gardens, cafés, shops and
markets. Activities are planned for
evenings, and these typically include
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
A typical timetable of a 2 week course:

               EnrOL OnLInE AT
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
1 London Place
                        Oxford, OX4 1BD
                         United Kingdom

Oxford Summer Academy is registered in England and Wales, Company No. 07139537
Oxford Summer Academy - An Academic & Cultural Programme for High School Students in Oxford, England
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