Market Goat and Market Lamb Show - The 7th Annual Heart of Georgia

Page created by Yolanda Hudson
The 7th Annual Heart of Georgia
                 Market Goat and Market Lamb Show
                             Southern Pines Ag & Expo Building
                                 575 Southern Pines Road
                                    Dublin, GA 31021
                                  Saturday July 24, 2021

                                                           For More Information Contact: Amy Kinchen

Show Rules
  1. Entries are open to all FFA, 4-H and Pee-Wee. (ages 3 years to 12th grade)
  2. Must have current State Health Papers: Certificate of Veterinary Inspection with the following
      statement must be shown. “No evidence of foot rot, scabies, sore mouth, or cutaneous fungal
      disease”. All animals should be listed separately on Certificate. We ask that you please be
      respectful of every exhibitor and NOT bring any animals that have active contagious fungal
      disease. Thank you for your cooperation and attention in this matter.
  3. This show is open to any breed or crossbred, wethers, does, and ewes. Each goat and sheep
      must have an ear tag with the identification number entered on the entry form. All does and
      ewes must have a USDA approved Scrapie tag in the ear.
  4. Entries must be wethers or ewes for lambs and does or wethers for goats. NO RAMS or BUCKS
  5. All exhibitors will need to show from their trailer or bring a portable pen.
  6. Goats/lambs will be weighed by show officials at check-in.
  7. Each exhibitor may enter as many goats or sheep as they like.
  8. All goats/sheep must carry milk teeth at the time of check-in. Goats/sheep showing either or
      both of the first pair of permanent incisors will not be eligible for show.
  9. All goats must be dehorned or have horns tipped.
  10. Bracing is at exhibitor’s choice.
  11. No substitutions. Bring only the animals you entered.
          a. The exhibitor on the entry form must be present to show the animal.
          b. Exhibitors must show their own goat/sheep in Showmanship. Showmanship Classes
             will be determined by the number and grades of the exhibitors entered.
          c. Substitutions of exhibitor can only be made if the exhibitor has 2 animals in the same
             weight class.
      only exhibitor’s allowed to have assistance in the ring with their animal. No bracing allowed by
      anyone other than the exhibitors.
  13. Goats and sheep will be broken for weight classes by wethers or does and wethers or ewes into
      in as equal number as possible. There is no weight limit.
  14. Showmanship will be jackpot style and pay outs will be done accordingly.
  15. Weight class payouts will include top 5 in each class according to number of entries.
  16. EXCESSIVE force or abuse will not be TOLERATED!
  17. The Heart of Georgia Goat and Lamb Show Committee reserves the right to review the rules
      and make changes if necessary. Decisions made by the show committee are final.
The 7th Annual Heart of Georgia
                      Market Goat and Market Lamb Show
                              Southern Pines Ag & Expo Building
                                      575 Southern Pines Road
                                         Dublin, GA 31021
                                     Saturday July 24, 2021

Important Show Information

      Entries are open to all (ages 3 years to 12th grade)
          a. FFA
          b. 4-H
          c. Pee-Wee (3 years- Kindergarten)
      $25 per goat/sheep entered
      Entry deadline will be July 17th at that time the entry fee will be $35 per goat/sheep
      Day of show entries will be taken on a cash only basis.
      Showmanship payouts will be done using a jackpot format. Exhibitors will receive their prize
       money at the show.
      Weight class payouts will include top 5 in each class according to number of entries
      There is no weight limit for this show

                                           Show Schedule
      Goat Weigh-in: 7:00am-8:30 am (if exhibitors are showing both goats and sheep, sheep may be
       weighed in when goats are weighed in)
      Goat showmanship: 9:00
      Lamb Weigh- In: 10:00am- 11:00am
      Lamb show will begin following the conclusion of the doe championship drive

                                         Show Order
        The Market Lamb Show will begin following the conclusion of the Market Goat Show

   Heart of Georgia Market Goat Show
   Goat Showmanship (Begin with Pee Wee and continues through seniors)
   Wether-Weight Classes
   Championship Wether Drive
   Doe- Weight Classes
   Championship Doe Drive
   Heart of Georgia Market Lamb Show
   Lamb Showmanship (begin with Pee Wee and continues through seniors)
   Wether- Weight Classes
   Ewe-Weight Classes
   Championship Market Lamb Drive

There will be a concession stand selling breakfast and lunch on the day of the show.
Heart of Georgia
                                           Market Goat Show
                                            Southern Pines Ag & Expo Building
                                                575 Southern Pines Road
                                                    Dublin, GA 31021
                                                 Saturday July 24, 2021
                             For More Information Contact: Amy Kinchen 478-290-5826
                               Please use this form for registering Market GOATS

Exhibitors Name ________________________                        Exhibitors grade: _________         Age: ________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________
County or Chapter: __________________________________ Organization: 4-H (                             ) or FFA ( )

               Tag #          Wether/Doe                                        Description

T-shirts are available for $15 if pre-ordered and will be $20 on site.
(Please indicate number of each size shirt in blanks below) Sizes 2XL and up will be $3.00 extra

4XL (+$3) _____ 3XL (+$3) ____ 2XL (+$3) _____ XL_____ Large____ Medium_____ Small_____

YL__________            YM________              YS _________

Subtotal for Goat Showmanship ($10) = _______________

Subtotal for Animals ($25 per animal) (late entries $35 per animal after July 17th) =________

Subtotal for T-shirts ($15 per t-shirt YS-XL) ($18 per t-shirt 2Xl-4Xl) = ________________

                                                                Total money enclosed = ____________
Make checks payable to Laurens County Livestock Shows
If you are showing both species you may write just one check!
Mail Entries and Payment to:
Amy Kinchen
Attn: Goat/Sheep Show
1055 Lee Graham Road
East Dublin, Georgia 31027

Show officials, show management or anyone assisting with the show will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage
that may occur.

Signature of Exhibitor      Date

Signature of Parent         Date
Heart of Georgia
                                          Market Lamb Show
                                            Southern Pines Ag & Expo Building
                                                575 Southern Pines Road
                                                    Dublin, GA 31021
                                                 Saturday July 24, 2021
                             For More Information Contact: Amy Kinchen 478-290-5826
                               Please use this form for registering Market LAMBS

Exhibitors Name __________________________________ Exhibitor grade: ______                               Age: _____

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________

County or Chapter: __________________________________ Organization: 4-H (                             ) or FFA ( )

       Tag #                     Wether/ Ewe                                     Description

T-shirts are available for $15 if pre-ordered and will be $20 on site.
(Please indicate number of each size shirt in blanks below) Sizes 2XL and up will be $3.00 extra

4XL (+$3) _____ 3XL (+$3) ____ 2XL (+$3) ____ XL____ Large____ Medium____ Small____

YL__________             YM________             YS _________

Subtotal for Sheep Showmanship ($10) = ______________
Subtotal for Animals ($25 per animal) (late entries $35 per animal after July 17th) = _________
Subtotal for T-shirts ($15 per t-shirt YS-XL) ($18 per t-shirt 2Xl-4Xl) = ________________

Make checks payable to Laurens County Livestock Shows                           Total money enclosed = ______
If you are showing both species you may write just one check!
Mail Entries and Payment to:
Amy Kinchen
Attn: Goat/Sheep Show
1055 Lee Graham Road
East Dublin, Georgia 31027

Show officials, show management or anyone assisting with the show will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage
that may occur.

Signature of Exhibitor                  Date

Signature of Parent                     Date
Heart of Georgia Market Goat and Market Lamb Show
                                     General Sponsorship Form

  Laurens County Livestock Show Committee will be on hosting the Heart of Georgia Market Goat
  and Market Lamb show on Saturday July 24th, 2021 at Southern Pines Agriculture and Expo Center
  in Dublin, Georgia.

We are looking for sponsors for the show in order to increase the payout for the youth showmen participating
in the show.
Sponsorship levels are as follows:
Gold sponsor: $100.00
Silver sponsor: $50.00
Bronze sponsor: $25.00

Names of individual and business sponsors will be announced at the show during the day
If you are interested in sponsoring please send this form along with your sponsorship money to:
Amy Kinchen
Attn: Goat/Sheep Show Sponsorship
1055 Lee Graham Road
East Dublin, Georgia 31027

Name of sponsor or business:


Location of sponsor or business:


Sponsorship level:


We thank you for your sponsorship!


The Laurens County Livestock Show Committee
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