Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers 50 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 - Marcum Events

Page created by Ashley Welch
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers 50 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 - Marcum Events

                                        2:30pm - 3:30pm – Registration

Tuesday,                                3:30pm - 4:30pm – Panel Discussion
                                        4:30pm - 5:30pm – Keynote Presentation
January 8, 2019                         5:30pm - 7:00pm – Cocktail Networking Reception
Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers
50 Park Plaza
Boston, MA 02116

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers 50 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 - Marcum Events
About the 2019 Marcum Real Estate
                         Announcing the inaugural Marcum Real Estate Summit in Boston, the newest
                         addition to the nationally recognized portfolio of signature events from
                         Marcum LLP.

                         The Marcum Real Estate Summit is designed for real estate owners, developers,
                         property managers, REITs, private equity funds, institutional investors and other
                         real estate-related entities. Subject matter will be explored by leading industry
                         experts throughout this half-day event.

                         Our valued sponsors will play a key role in making the Summit a success.
                         We are offering several tiers of event sponsorship packages for the Summit,
                         allowing sponsors prime visibility in front of event attendees.

                         There will be plenty of time for meaningful interactions, conversations and
                         networking at the Summit. Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss the
                         possibility of creating a custom sponsorship package for your company to
                         maximize your investment in this event.

            Contact Summer Cote with questions Summer.Cote@marcumllp.com

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers 50 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 - Marcum Events
2019 Sponsorship Levels

                       Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 (Exclusive)
                       n   Opportunity to introduce our keynote speaker
                       n   Sponsorship exclusivity in your industry/service
                       n   Receipt of attendee list, both pre and post-conference
                       n   Premium tabletop display in prime location within exhibit area
                       n   Company name or logo prominently displayed on all promotional
                           elements (website, invitation, press release)
                       n   Full page advertisement in conference book
                       n   Logo placed on signage at the event
                       n   Recognition from the podium during opening remarks
                       n   10 complimentary registrations

                       Gold Sponsor - $5,000
                       n Premium tabletop display within exhibit area
                       n Receipt of attendee list, both pre and post-conference
                       n Company name or logo displayed on all promotional elements (website,
                         invitation, press release)
                       n Logo placed on signage
                       n Half page advertisement in conference book
                       n Recognition from the podium during opening remarks
                       n 4 complimentary registrations

                       Cocktail Sponsor - $5,000
                       n Exclusive company-named/themed signature cocktail to be served
                         at the Marcum Real Estate Summit
                       n Signage at each bar to include your company name and logo
                       n Receipt of attendee list, both pre and post-conference
                       n Half page advertisement in conference book
                       n Recognition from the podium during opening remarks
                       n 4 complimentary registrations

2019 Sponsorship Levels

                            Bronze Sponsor - $2,500
                            n   Company name featured on signage at the event
                            n   Quarter page advertisement in conference book
                            n   Recognition from the podium during opening remarks
                            n   2 complimentary registrations

                            Wi-Fi Sponsorship - $2,500
                            n Company name to be prominently displayed on signage at the event,
                              indicating Wi-Fi password for the conference
                            n Quarter page advertisement in conference book
                            n Recognition from the podium during opening remarks
                            n 2 complimentary registrations

                            Other Branding Opportunities
                            Advertise your business in the 2019 Marcum Real Estate Summit Program.
                            n Full Page Ad - $750
                            n Half Page Ad - $500
                            n Quarter Page Ad - $250

                                    Media Sponsor                             Gold

           If youʼd like to discuss building a custom sponsorship package or advertising,
        please contact Summer Cote at 860.760.0712 or Summer.Cote@marcumllp.com

National Marcum
                            Real Estate Events 2018

                            Marcum Real Estate Summit
                            October 17, 2018 - 2 pm
                            Hyatt at the Bellevue
                            200 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

                            NEW YORK CITY
                            Marcum Real Estate Summit
                            October 29 , 2018 - 3 pm
                            730 Third Ave, New York, NY 10017

                            Marcum Real Estate Summit
                            January 8, 2019 ‒ 2:30pm
                            Boston Park Plaza Hotel
                            50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston, MA 02116

           If youʼd like to discuss building a custom sponsorship package or advertising,
        please contact Summer Cote at 860.760.0712 or Summer.Cote@marcumllp.com

2019 Marcum Real Estate Summit Corporate
Sponsorship Commitment & Invoice
Company Information

Company Name _________________________________ Contact Person _____________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________________

City _________________________________ State____________________ Zip Code ____________________

Website __________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone ______________________________________ Fax ______________________________________

Email ____________________________________________________________________________________

Sponsorship level (Please Check One)

    Platinum Sponsorship - $10,000 (Exclusive)                                             Bronze Sponsorship - $2,500
    Gold Sponsorship - $5,000                                                              Wi-Fi Sponsorship - $2,500
    Cocktail Sponsorship - $5,000

Advertising (Please Check One)

    Full Page Ad - $750                                       Half Page Ad - $500                                       Quarter Page Ad - $250

Payment Information

                                                         (Sponsorship considered “final” upon receipt of payment)

     Check enclosed (Please make checks payable to Marcum LLP)
     Charge fee to my credit card listed below (a 2.75% service fee will be added to the total fee)

    MasterCard                          American Express                     Discover                      Visa

Name as it appears on credit card: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________
Card Number

Exp. Date: _________________ CCV Code: _________________ Zip Code: ________________

Signature: ________________________________________ Print Name: _____________________________________

All credit card charges will be processed through Official Payments Corp. (OPC). There is a 2.75% convenience fee which will automatically be applied to all
payments from Official Payments. You will receive an email from Official Payments with your confirmation number.

Send your completed form to:

Summer Cote, Marketing Manager                                                    Address: CityPlace II, 185 Asylum Street
Summer.Cote@marcumllp.com                                                         17th Floor, Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: 860.760.0712 | Fax: 860.760.0601
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