MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly

Page created by Monica Miller
MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
March 18 through March 24, 2021

                                                  MARCH 20

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MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
Whidbey Weekly

NEWS                                                                          LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED
                                                                                                                                                                              "Pandemonium" reigns p. 7

                                                                                                                                                                                 MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                Oak Harbor
                                                                                                                                                                                considers adding
                                                                                                                                                                                “Angel de la
                                                                                                                                                                                sculpture to
                                                                                                                                                                                Windjammer Park
                                                                                                                                                                                By Kacie Jo Voeller Whidbey Weekly
                                                                                                                                                                                Oak Harbor’s Windjammer Park may soon
                                                                                                                                                                                be home to the “Angel de la Creatividad,”
                                                                                                                                                                                or “Angel of Creativity,” a 37-foot statue by
                                                                                                                                                                                world-famous sculptor Sebastián. Currently,
                                                                                                                                                                                Oak Harbor City Council members are con-
                                                                                                                                                                                sidering the statue and voted unanimously
                                                                                                                                                                                at a Feb. 16 meeting to explore the offer in
Photo Courtesy of Whidbey Health                                                                                                                                                more detail, with findings to be presented at
WhidbeyHealth has reached the 10,000-dose mark in COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Island County.                                                                               the March 24 council workshop.

One step closer to normal -
                                                                                                                                                                                Therese Kingsbury, a member of the Oak
                                                                                                                                                                                Harbor Arts Commission, said the sculpture
                                                                                                                                                                                is a part of the late George Drake’s estate.
                                                                                                                                                                                Drake was an avid supporter of the arts and

Washington moves to Phase 3
                                                                                                                                                                                the statue was initially offered to Bellingham,
                                                                                                                                                                                but the offer was withdrawn by the estate’s
                                                                                                                                                                                executor. She said Drake had expressed his
                                                                                                                                                                                desire to have the statue installed at a water-
                                                                                                                                                                                front location, and indicated Windjammer
By Kathy Reed Whidbey Weekly                                                                        ing for clarification,” said Melanie Bacon, Island County Commis-
                                                                                                                                                                                Park as a possibility.
The state of Washington takes another step on the roadmap to                                        sioner. “We do know restaurants can open up to 50 percent, so I’m
                                                                                                    certainly happy for those businesses and customers.”                        “(This is a) world class opportunity that does
recovery next week – as of Monday, the entire state will move into
                                                                                                                                                                                not get offered to small towns like Oak
Phase 3 of the Healthy Washington: Roadmap to Recovery plan,                                        Commissioners also applauded the move back to a county-by-                  Harbor ever,” she said. “This is an unex-
Gov. Jay Inslee announced last week. In addition, the short-lived                                   county method of evaluation rather than the regional plan.                  pected gift coming from an unexpected
“regional approach” will be no more, as the evaluation process will
                                                                                                    "I would like to think it was Island County’s persistence, but most         donor with an unexpected storyline.”
shift back to a county-by-county approach.
                                                                                                    local governments were pushing to get out of the regional model,"           Kingsbury said Sebastián, the famous Mex-
“Because of the progress we’ve made by decreasing our case rates                                    said Commissioner Jill Johnson. "The fact that counties of all size
and hospitalizations, as well as our tremendous efforts to get more                                                                                                             ican artist of the “Angel de la Creatividad,”
                                                                                                    were expressing concerns about regionalization I think underlines           has his work featured around the world,
people vaccinated, our reopening plan is once again based on coun-
                                                                                                    the point that it was simply the wrong way to go about reopening            including in Rio de Janeiro, Osaka, San
ties, not regions,” Inslee said during a press conference. “We are
                                                                                                    decision-making."                                                           Antonio and more. Kingsbury said she felt
excited to take this step and we will keep evaluating our progress,
and the impacts of these changes, to determine how and when we                                      Gov. Inslee also announced last week that the state will progress to        the sculpture would help bolster tourism and
reopen further.”                                                                                    the next tier of eligibility for the vaccine, about a week earlier than     draw art enthusiasts to the island.

As part of the updated plan, counties will now be evaluated every                                   originally planned. Those in Phase 1B-Tier 2 are now able to get             “It is a magical opportunity that will be a
three weeks. Evaluations will take place on Mondays and any                                         their vaccine.                                                              gamechanger for our community and I think
changes would begin on Friday. The first evaluation is planned for                                                                                                              that everybody should embrace the gift and
                                                                                                    The supply of vaccine to Island County has also stabilized somewhat,
April 12. Large and small counties will be evaluated differently on                                                                                                             enjoy the fact that it is going to bring people,
                                                                                                    making it easier to distribute. The county is actually running slightly
two metrics – new case rates and new COVID hospitalizations. If any                                                                                                             because people will travel to see this sculp-
                                                                                                    ahead of the state in terms of vaccine distribution, according to St.
county fails either of the metrics it will move back one phase. Island                                                                                                          ture,” she said.
County falls into the large county category, as it has more than                                                                                                                Many community members have expressed
50,000 residents.                                                                                   “Island County has done very well in vaccine distribution given our         support for the piece, including Karen Kos-
                                                                                                    advance planning and early start,” she said. “This despite the chal-        chak, whose public comment was included in
Further, if the statewide ICU capacity reaches more than 90 percent,                                lenges in supply at the early weeks of vaccinations. If you review
all counties in the state will move back one phase. All movement                                                                                                                the March 2 meeting of the council.
                                                                                                    the State data on vaccinations – Washington state has 18 percent
backward or forward in phases is at the discretion of the State                                                                                                                 “I’m writing to encourage you and others on
                                                                                                    initiating (first dose) vaccinations completed, Island County has 19
Department of Health.                                                                                                                                                           the committee to accept the donation of the
                                                                                                    percent. Vaccination completions is close, with the state at 10.26
While details of Phase 3 are expected to be released sometime                                       percent and Island County at 10.40 percent.”                                beautiful artwork,” she wrote. “I am aware
this week, it will allow in-person spectators at professional and                                                                                                               that there are those who may not appreciate
high school sporting events for the first time in a year, according                                 “Based on what we’ve seen, specifically in regard to the Pfizer-Bi-         a modern piece of art, but that is the beauty
to Inslee. For sporting venues with permanent seating, 25 percent                                   oNTech vaccine (due to our storage capabilities with our specialized        of art. It inspires and touches each of us dif-
capacity will be allowed. Up to 400 people will be allowed for both                                 freezers), we are beginning to see some regularity developing with          ferently. It creates conversation and discourse
outdoor and indoor activities, as long as that number does not                                      the vaccine supply chain,” said WhidbeyHealth Marketing and Com-            through which we can all learn. There have
exceed 50 percent of capacity for the location. This also applies to                                munity Relations Manager Conor O’Brien. “Due to how we report               been many occasions when hearing why
restaurants, gyms, fitness centers and movie theaters. Masks and                                    our vaccine data to the State Department of Health, we haven’t              someone loves a piece, I have been enabled
social distancing will still be required.                                                           had any problems in the last month receiving allocation requests for        to have a better appreciation.”
                                                                                                    booster (second) doses. Regarding our prime (first) dose allocations,       However, there has been concern from
“Some of the hardest hit businesses in Washington will be able to
return to 50 percent capacity as we continue on the road to recov-                                  those in particular are starting to normalize. We’ve received alloca-       community members about the sculpture,
ery,” Inslee said. “On March 22, we make one more step to beating                                   tions for prime doses two out of the last three weeks.”                     including maintenance costs and the piece’s
this virus and rejuvenating our economy.”                                                           O’Brien said they have had such success manning WhidbeyHealth’s             abstract aesthetic. Local social media pages
                                                                                                    vaccination clinics, they are not adding additional volunteer staff at      have seen comments from community
Local leaders are pleased to see the state’s progress in reopening
                                                                                                    this time and said vaccinations continue to go well.                        members expressing reservations, as well
the economy.
                                                                                                                                                                                as discussion of a desire to have another
“I am pleased to move to Phase 3, assuming the public will continue                                 “We also just had a milestone in our vaccination efforts this week,         windmill built in lieu of bringing other art to
to follow the three W’s – wear a mask, wash hands and watch your                                    where we administered our 10,000th vaccine dose to the Dean of              the city, as the windmill previously located in
distance,” said Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair. “We just                                Students at Oak Harbor Intermediate School,” he said.                       the park was dismantled starting in 2017 due
need to be safe as we are cautiously optimistic about our progress.”                                To determine eligibility for the COVID vaccine, visit FindYour-
“We don’t know yet exactly what Phase 3 means — we’re still wait-                                                                                                  See STATUE continued on page 8

                         Thank you for reading! Please recycle the Whidbey Weekly when you are finished with it.
MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
                                                                             Whidbey Weekly                                                                               MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021                                                            3
  LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                                                        LOCALLY OPERATED

ON TRACK                                           a hundred years until Richard Nixon began
                                                   to shift conservatives to the Republican Party
with Jim Freeman
                          When you sneeze,
                                                   with his 'Southern Strategy.'
                                                   "The donkey first appeared as a symbol for             A New View of God
                          do you say
                          Having just finished
                                                   the Democrats when Andrew Jackson was
                                                   President. Cartoonist Thomas Nast first used
                                                   the donkey as a Democratic symbol in A Live
                                                                                                          and its Effect on Well-Being
                          a sneezing spell,        Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion published Jan.                                                                   Divine Love erases suffering from our lives
                          I counted at least       15, 1870, in Harper's Weekly to comment                                                                        as naturally as sunrise banishes night.
                          eight audible            on the dealings of Northern Democrats
                          "achoos" during the      (nicknamed Copperheads) with Edwin M.
                          session.                 Stanton, Lincoln's Secretary of War."
                        Did I say "achoo" as
                        I sneezed because
                                                   And we thought 2020 was strange.
                                                                                                           Saturday                                                               Free webinar on Christian Science healing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by Phillip Hockley, CS

                                                                                                            APRIL 3
of the cartoons I watched in the 50s? Those        Old Joke of the Week
were my formative years.                           A motorcycle mechanic was removing a
                                                   cylinder head from the motor of a Har-                                                                                                                            ATTEND ONLINE

                                                                                                         10:30 am pdt
To "achoo" or not to "achoo," that is the                                                                                                                                                                         OR BY PHONE go to:
sneeze.                                            ley-Davidson when he spotted a well-known
                                                   cardiologist in his shop.                                                                                               
The Greening                                       The cardiologist was there waiting for the
Not being a fan of green beer, I did not have      service manager to come and take a look at                                    First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oak Harbor - 360.675.0621 and
one last night. I did not have a clear beer        his car when the mechanic shouted across                                      Christian Science Society of South Whidbey -
either. I don't drink beer alone or with small     the garage,"Hey Doc, want to take a look at
groups.                                            this?"
I celebrated St. Patrick's with a green Jarritos   The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over
Lime drink, the kind that eats the tooth           to where the mechanic was working on the
between cleanings. The dentist can tell when
there has been pure cane sugar in my mouth,
so I try to drink Jarritos Lime with a tooth-      The mechanic straightened up, wiped his
brush nearby.                                      hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look
                                                   at this engine. I opened its heart, took the
From the 80s                                                                                                                                                                 Celebrating Over 34 Years Of Business In Oak Harbor
                                                   valves out, repaired or replaced anything
At 5:37 p.m. a Freeland man called from

                                                                                                            $495 TAX PREPARATION
                                                   damaged, and then put everything back in,
Harbor Village Square stating he had been in       and when I finished, it worked just like new.
an accident and needed an ambulance. Said
                                                   "So how is it that I make $24,000 a year and
                                                                                                                   For your 2020 individual income tax return!
his truck had hit the "Holy Spirit" and his
ankle was broken due to divinely reasons.          you make $1.7M when you and I are doing
                                                   basically the same work?"
At 2:14 a.m. a Cultus Bay Rd resident
reported that dogs who usually don't bark          The cardiologist paused, leaned over, and                                   What’s included?
were barking. A deputy found the area to be
                                                   then whispered to the mechanic... "Try doing
                                                   it with the engine running."                          All standard forms and schedules to complete your form 1040.
At 10:01 p.m. a French Road resident               Best Irish joke?
reported that when she let her dog outside,        An Irishman moved into a tiny hamlet in                Tax Returns • Financial Statements • Consultations • Bookkeeping
it went over to the garage and just stood          County Kerry, walked into the local pub, and                Financial Statements • Estate Planning • IRS Resolotion
there, which was not normal behavior for the
                                                   promptly ordered three beers. The bartender
dog. She also thought she heard footsteps
                                                   raised his eyebrows, but served the man
                                                                                                       360-675-3030 • • 1199 SE Dock St • Oak Harbor
on her porch. A deputy found the dog sleep-
                                                   three beers, which he drank quietly at a
ing in the storage shed and saw no evidence
                                                   table, alone.
of anything unusual.
At 1:18 p.m., a Camano Island resident
reported that his neighbor's dogs kept
                                                   An hour later, the man had finished the
                                                   three beers and ordered three more. This
                                                   happened yet, again. The next evening the
                                                                                                        We Clean It All!                                                                       BEFORE
running away with his shoes that he leaves
outside. He threatened to shoot his neigh-         man again ordered and drank three beers at            GUTTER CLEANING
bor's dogs and his neighbor threatened to          a time, several times. Soon the entire town
                                                   was whispering about The Man Who Orders                ROOF CLEANING                                                                                                                 AFTER
shoot him.

William Arthur Ward
                                                   Three Beers.                                         PRESSURE WASHING
                                                   Finally, a week later, the bartender broached
                                                   the subject on behalf of the town. "I don't          WINDOW CLEANING
The adventure of life is to learn.
The purpose of life is to grow.
                                                   mean to pry, but folks around here are                 Give us a call today for a quote!
                                                   wondering why you always order three beers
The nature of life is to change.
                                                   at a time?"
The challenge of life is to overcome.
The essence of life is to care.                    "Tis odd, isn't it?" the man replied. "You
The opportunity of life is to serve.               see, I have two brothers, and one went to
The secret of life is to dare.                     America, and the other to Australia. We
The spice of life is to befriend.                  promised each other that we would always
The beauty of life is to give.                     order an extra two beers whenever we drank,
The joy of life is to love.                        as a way of keeping up the family bond."

Nomenclature                                       The bartender and the whole town were
If you read this column as much as I do, you       pleased with this answer, and soon the Man
                                                   Who Orders Three Beers became a local      • • Fully Licensed & Insured • CLEANCS851PA
know I like to discover the source of things.
Ever since our first central Ohio elementary       celebrity and a source of pride to the hamlet,
school field trips to museums, I have enjoyed      even to the extent that out-of-towners would
finding out where stuff came from.                 come to watch him drink.                          PHONE: 360-682-2341                                                                                   FAX: 360-675-2162
                                                                                                     		 TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                                                                                       Whidbey Weekly
The following info I learned from American         Then, one day, the man came in and ordered
Heritage in 1997. No matter one's political        only two beers. The bartender poured them
preference, the history of the democratic          with a heavy heart. This continued for the
party is fascinating. Why weren't we taught        rest of the evening:                                                  LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED
this in American history? Why wasn't I taught
                                                   "Each time he orders only two beers," the
this in political science? Thank goodness for                                                          1131 SE ELY STREET | PO BOX 1098 | OAK HARBOR, WASHINGTON 98277
                                                   word flew around town. Prayers were offered
American Heritage Publishing.
                                                   for the soul of one of the brothers.                                                                                                                                             Contributing Writers
                                                                                                     Publisher..................................................................................... Eric Marshall
"When the Democratic-Republicans split over                                                                                                                                                                                             Alec Brown
                                                   The next day, the bartender said to the man,      Editor........................................................................................... Kathy Reed                      Jim Freeman
the choice of a successor to President James
                                                   "Folks around here, me first of all, want to                                                                                                                                       Wesley Hallock
Monroe, the faction supporting the old Jef-                                                          Marketing Representatives.........................Glenda Cantrell, Noah Marshall                                               Melanie Hammons
                                                   offer condolences to you for the death of
fersonian principles, led by Andrew Jackson                                                          Graphic Design......................................................................... Teresa Besaw                               Kae Harris
and Martin Van Buren, became the prede-            your brother. You know – the two beers                                                                                                                                             Tracy Loescher
                                                                                                     Production Manager..................................................................TJ Pierzchala                                  Kathy Reed
cessor of the modern Democratic Party – the        instead of three, and all..."
                                                                                                     Circulation Manager................................................................ Noah Marshall                                  Carey Ross
oldest political party in continuous operation     The man pondered this for a moment, then                                                                                                                                          Kacie Jo Voeller
in the U.S.                                        replied, "You'll be happy to hear that my                                    Volume 13, Issue 11 | © MMXXI Whidbey Weekly
"As the American Civil War broke out,              two brothers are alive and well. It's just that   PUBLISHED and distributed every week. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The Whidbey Weekly
                                                                                                     cannot be held responsible for the quality of goods or services supplied by advertisers in this publication. Articles, unless otherwise stated, are by contribution
Northern Democrats were divided into War           I, meself, have decided to give up drinking       and therefore the Whidbey Weekly is not in a position to validate any comments, recommendations or suggestions made in these articles. Submitted
Democrats and Peace Democrats, and South-          for Lent."                                        editorial is NOT guaranteed to be published.
                                                                                                     DEADLINES: The Whidbey Weekly is a submission based editorial with contributing writers. Please feel free to submit any information (please limit to 200
ern Democrats formed their own party.              To read past columns of On Track in the           words) that you would like to share with the Whidbey Weekly. You may submit by email to, by fax to (360)682-2344 or by postal
                                                                                                     mail to PO Box 1098, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. Submitted editorial is NOT guaranteed to be published. Deadline for all submissions is one week prior
"After Reconstruction ended in the 1870s,          Whidbey Weekly, see our Digital Library at        to issue date. For more information, please visit
the South voted solidly Democratic for nearly

                   Thank you for reading! Please recycle the Whidbey Weekly when you are finished with it.
MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
4      MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021
                                                                                Whidbey Weekly                                                           
          LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                             LOCALLY OPERATED

                                                                                                                                                              Time for
         Bits & Pieces                                                                                                                                        some
                                                     crabbing, and a boating safety class specifically    Seeking Applicants for Housing
                                                     for kids. It is a great way to connect with the      Authority of Island County
                                                     Puget Sound boating community.”

                                                                                                          The Island County Board of Commissioners is
                                                     The Deception Pass Sail and Power Squadron
                                                     (DPSPS) is a 44-year-old nonprofit organiza-         seeking applicants to fill two positions on the
                                                     tion, and has over 75 members from Whidbey           Housing Authority of Island County Board.

                                                     and Fidalgo islands.                                 The Housing Authority Board of Island County
                                                     [Submitted by Jennifer Geller, DPSPS]                consists of five community members and
                                                     Navy to Make PFAS Notifications                      one resident member. The Board of County
Drive-By Donation Drive                              to Agricultural Operations                           Commissioners appoints Housing Authority
                                                                                                          Board of Commissioner members for five year             In just a few days, we will experience the
                                                     This week the Navy will begin making notifica-
I Support The Girls-Whidbey Island is hold-                                                                                                                   vernal equinox – one of the two times in the year
ing a Drive-By Donation Drive from 10:00am to        tions to owners and operators of agricultural        terms. Resident commissioner terms are for          when the sun is exactly above the equator. Apart
2:00pm Saturday. It will be held at the old IOOF     operations near Navy installations with known        two years.                                          from this astronomical anomaly, though, the
building on the corner of Barrington and Dock        per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)                                                               equinox is mostly known as the beginning of
                                                     impacting groundwater.                               The mission/purpose of the Housing Authority        spring – a fresh beginning and the time to spruce
Streets in Oak Harbor, across from the Amer-                                                                                                                  things up. This year, as you tidy up your home and
                                                                                                          of Island County is to promote adequate and
ican Legion Post. Volunteers will be collecting      Notifications are required under a new federal                                                           surroundings, why not also consider some
                                                                                                          affordable housing, economic opportunity and
new and gently used bras, new panties, socks,        law – Section 335 of the 2021 National                                                                   financial spring cleaning?
toiletries of all types and sizes and all individ-   Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The law            a suitable living environment free from discrim-        Here are a few ideas for getting your financial
ually wrapped menstrual hygiene products.            requires the Department of Defense (DOD)             ination; to serve the citizens of Island County     house in order:
                                                     to work with the Department of Agricul-                                                                      • “De-clutter” your portfolio
These items are then distributed all over the                                                             by assisting low-income households with safe,           Over the years, many of us tend to pick up
                                                     ture (USDA) to identify agricultural opera-
island to help ladies who are homeless, fleeing                                                           decent and affordable housing opportunities         duplicate items that find their way into the nooks
abusive and/or human trafficking situations,         tions within one mile down gradient of DOD                                                               and crannies of our homes, gathering dust and
                                                                                                          as they strive to achieve self-sufficiency and
low income, school girls, and more. This is          installation boundaries, in the direction of the                                                         remaining unused. Over time, your investment
                                                     groundwater flow, for which groundwater              improve the quality of their lives and by form-     portfolio can also accumulate redundancies – that
another opportunity to clean out your cabinets
                                                     sampling results exceed 70 parts per trillion of     ing effective partnerships to maximize social       is, you might own several investments that are
and drawers for those unwanted but usable                                                                                                                     essentially similar. It might be appropriate to
                                                     PFOA and/or PFOS and /or 40 parts per billion        and economic opportunities for low-income
items and items you no longer need. Open
                                                     of PFBS.                                                                                                 replace some of these and broaden your holdings.
packages are fine as long as the contents are                                                             household to assist them in achieving self-suf-         • Own your investments purposefully
individually wrapped. For more information,          Notifications are being made based on the            ficiency. The mission shall be accomplished         You own certain things for certain reasons – a
email Kate at          USDA identified agricultural operations and          by a fiscally responsible, creative organization    broom to sweep the floors, a microwave to heat
                                                     PFAS results from applicable Navy installations.                                                         the food and so on. As an investor, you should be
[Submitted by Kate Mistler, I Support The            The Navy will provide notification packets
                                                                                                          committed to excellence in public service.          following a goal-based strategy that includes the
Girls-Whidbey Island]                                                                                                                                         matching of certain investments with certain
                                                     to those USDA-identified agricultural opera-         The board customarily meets monthly for up to       objectives. For example, you might own stocks or
Community Invited to Learn                           tions that fall within the applicable notifica-      two hours at a time. Regular meetings are the       mutual funds to eventually provide the capital
More About Local Boating                             tion areas.                                          second Tuesday of each month, from 9:30am           appreciation potential you’ll need to retire
Squadron                                             Notification packets will include a letter                                                               comfortably. But you might also own other
                                                                                                          to 12:00pm and are subject to rescheduling          vehicles, such as bonds or other fixed-income
Deception Pass Sail & Power Squadron                 from the base commanding officer, a copy             as needed. In December, an annual meeting           investments, to provide you with a source of
to Hold Virtual Open House                           of Section 335 of the NDAA and the range
                                                                                                          is held at 9:30am the second Tuesday of the         regular income.
Deception Pass Sail and Power Squadron
                                                     of levels for PFOA, PFOS, and/or PFBS found                                                                  • “Dust off” your investment strategy
                                                     in groundwater. The packet will also include         month. The annual meeting includes presen-          Over a long winter, your windows can get dirty
(DPSPS), the local affiliate of America’s Boat-                                                           tations of the annual report for the prior fiscal   and grimy, so, when spring arrives, you may want
                                                     health and safety information from govern-
ing Club, is holding a new member orientation
                                                     ment agencies about these substances. Multi-         year and election of board officers for the         to get out the glass cleaner – and when you’re
Saturday from 11:00am to noon. The meet-                                                                                                                      done, you’ll be able to see out more clearly. Over
                                                     ple notification packets may be sent to              coming year.                                        time, your investment strategy may get somewhat
ing is also open to anyone interested in learn-
ing more about the boating squadron. Due to
                                                     different people at the same address to ensure                                                           “dusty,” too, especially if you’ve experienced
                                                                                                          Interested individuals should provide a letter of
                                                     all official owners and operators have been                                                              significant changes in your life, such as a new job,
COVID restrictions, the meeting will be held         notified. Notification letters will be distributed   interest and statement of qualifications by mail    a new child or even a new plan for retirement. By
online using Zoom and will cover membership          as information is received from USDA.                or email to:                                        periodically reviewing your investment strategy,
benefits, education, training and recreational                                                                                                                you’ll be able to clarify your vision for the future.
                                                     This is only a notification effort. At this time,    Island County Board of Commissioners                    • Protect yourself from hidden dangers
activities. For more information and meeting
login instructions, contact DPSPS commander
                                                     there are no additional actions required or          ATTN: Housing Authority Board of Island             If you poke around your garage, shed or other
                                                     planned for these USDA-identified agricul-           County Vacancy                                      storage area, you may well find some objects –
Pat Waters at                                                                                                                       gardening tools, paint thinners and engine fluids,
                                                     tural operations. While PFAS are not currently       PO Box 5000
The Deception Pass squadron, which covers            regulated as hazardous substances, Navy and                                                              leaning ladders and so on – that could be danger-
Whidbey and Fidalgo islands, is part of a                                                                 Coupeville, WA 98239                                ous, either because they aren’t stored properly or
                                                     Marine Corps installations nationwide are
                                                                                                                                                              they’re hard to see and can cause trips and falls.
national organization with over thirty thou-         proactively conducting investigations to iden-       Email applications should be sent to j.roll@        As part of your spring cleaning, you’d want to get
sand members nationwide. They offer boating          tify PFAS releases and address them. For more                                  these objects out of harm’s way to safeguard
courses and seminars, on-the-water training          information on Navy’s PFAS investigation and                                                             yourself and your family. But when you think of
events, vessel safety checks, safety training        drinking water response actions, please visit        Application materials should be received no         your financial situation, are you also exposing
and cooperative charting.                                            later than 4:30pm April 8.                          yourself and your loved ones to risk? If something
                                                                                                                                                              were to happen to you, could your family
According to Waters, the boating squadron            For more information about this notification         For additional information please phone             members stay in their home? Could your children
welcomes anyone, from young families inter-          effort, please contact the Naval Facilities Engi-    360-679-7353 or e-mail Jennifer Roll at the         still go to college? To help keep their lifestyle
ested in getting into boating, to the experi-        neering Systems Command Public Affairs Offi-                                                             intact if you weren’t around, you’ll need adequate
                                                     cer, Mr. James Johnson at 360-396-6387 or via
                                                                                                          above address. A complete position description      life insurance. And to avoid burdening your
enced mariner. “Our classes go from basic                                                                                                                     grown children with potentially huge expenses
                                                     email at                      is available upon request.
boating safety and handling, all the way to                                                                                                                   should you ever need some type of long-term
celestial navigation,” he noted. “We also offer      [Submitted by Mike Welding, Public Affairs           [Submitted by Jennifer Roll, Deputy Clerk of        care, such as an extended nursing home stay, you
family-friendly seminars on shrimping and            Officer, NAS Whidbey Island]                         the Board]                                          may want to talk to a financial advisor about
                                                                                                                                                              protection strategies.
                                                                                                                                                                  By taking some spring cleaning measures, you
                                                                                                                                                              can brighten your living space for the seasons

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                        Are Always
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                                                                                                                                                              important goals.
                       Needed and                                   Friday, March 19 Thru Sunday, March 21                                                    This article was written by Edward Jones for use
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                                                                       RAYA AND THE                                                                           Edward Jones, Member SIPC.
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  Your Community Food Bank Since 1977                                             1403 N MONROE LANDING RD • OAK HARBOR
 1091 SE Hathaway St • Oak Harbor                                                 360-675-5667 •

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                                                                      Whidbey Weekly                                                          MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021                                       5
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                                                                                              4:35 pm, Rosemont Dr.

                                                                                                                                                         NEWS FROM THE
                                                                                             Male on line advising he needs to reach
                                                                                             Salt Lake City to report an incident involv-
                                                                                             ing his wife. Told reporting party to hold
                                                                                             while call-taker found number, reporting                    GARDEN CENTER
                                                                                             party disconnected. Recalled twice went

             Island 911
                                                                                             straight to voicemail.
                                                                                             SATURDAY, FEB. 13                                              Blooming &
                                                                                             12:23 am, Cherry St.
                                                                                             Immediate hang up from residential line;
                                                                                             on recall, female was trying to get option                  1 Gallon Heathers
   Seriously, we do not make this stuff up!
                                                                                             for time and temperature; advising didn’t
                                                                                             know address, no need for law enforce-
                                                                                                                                                                      Reg: $10.49
                                                                                             ment, fire or medical.                                                SALE $8.99
                                                                                                                                                            Sale dates 3/17-3/23 (not valid on prior sales)
THURSDAY, FEB. 11                              6:23 pm, Scurlock Rd.                         9:17 pm, Cultus Bay Rd.
3:09 am, Tree Frog Ln.                         Reporting party advising someone is out-      Caller states it looks like something on
Caller states subject has been living in the   side her door. Says they are seeking shel-    power line exploded and is now on fire.
woods and told caller her cigarettes were      ter because they had too much to drink,       9:44 pm, Timberline Rd.
locked in his car. Caller gave her the keys    talking to themselves. White female, 50       Caller advising four subjects on 4-wheel-
and then she drove off in it.                  years old.                                    ers going up and down the road, is upset
                                               9:16 pm, Coles Rd.                            about noise.
12:20 pm, Smugglers Cove Rd.
Advising female was just at location stat-     Reporting party advising female hemor-        SUNDAY, FEB. 14
ing she was looking for her ex-husband,        rhaging from her vagina; unknown cause.       7:59 am, Northgate Dr.
who is in the military; she wanted access      Line disconnected - male was frustrated       Requesting check on subject at location
to wooded property behind reporting            with questions.                               due to piracy felonies and lives with
                                               10:44 pm, SR 525                              felons. Drugs in house. States someone
party’s residence. Reporting party found
                                               Reporting party would like to get a tres-     put something in the water.
female suspicious.
                                               pass issued on his mother. States mother      12:30 pm, Cultus Bay Rd.
2:04 pm, SR 20                                                                               On Cultus Bay before Campbell Road,
                                               has been very rude to reporting party’s

Occurred last week, subject exposed him-                                                     reporting party saw car upside down with
                                               wife and kids and “getting in their faces;”
self to barista. Reporting party would like                                                  snow on it; can only see two tires from
                                               mother last at location earlier this month.
subject trespassed from location.                                                            roadway was unable to stop to check.
                                               FRIDAY, FEB. 12
3:56 pm, Nubian Way                            12:35 pm, SR 20                               8:09 pm, Andreason Rd.
Caller needs to report a felony theft he       Reporting party advising heading to Oak       Caller advising heard what sounded like
is involved in. You know, pre-meditated        Harbor, is being chased by Jeep; has guns.    an “explosion,” maybe to the east of call-
kleptomania. Needs to meet with prose-                                                       er’s residence. Not sure how close. Caller
                                               2:58 pm, Lupine Ln.                           says her TV is now out.
cuting attorney
                                               Transfer from Kitsap: One month ago,

6:02 pm, Northgate Dr.                                                                       8:11 pm, Mobius Loop
                                               intoxicated female knocked on door.
Reporting party states they were driving                                                     Requesting call regarding ex taking dog to
                                               Reporting party started to walk her home
by storage units and female was yelling                                                      Washington state; reporting party is flying
                                               when law enforcement showed up and                                                                       1609 E. Main Street • Freeland • 360-331-6799
                                                                                             out here tomorrow to get dog back. Does
at reporting party, telling reporting party    finished escorting her. Last night, she
                                                                                             not know address of where dog is.                   
to come back so she could fight reporting      came back to residence and knocked on                                                                    Monday-Saturday 8am-7pm • Sunday 9am-6pm
party. Believes female works at storage.       back door.                                    Report provided by OHPD & Island County Sheriff’s Dept.

                                   Habitat for Humanity
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                      OPEN: Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm                                                                        OPEN: Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm
                                                                 I Donation hours: Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm

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MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
6       MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021
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           LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                         LOCALLY OPERATED

What’s Going On Island
All entries are listed chronologically, unless there   Learn how to make your own origami with
are multiple entries for the same venue or are         scrap paper from around the house. Mr. Ishida        By Tracy Loescher
connected to a specific organization (such as          will show us how we can make our own
Sno-Isle Libraries) in which case all entries for      origami paper and how to fold it, so bring
that venue or organization are listed collectively     some paper and scissors and imagination! To
in chronological order under one heading.              register, visit https://sno-isle.bibliocommons.
Register for In-Person                                 com/events/.
Kindergarten                                           Food for Thought Online Book Group -
Wednesdays, 11:00am-3:00pm                             “Eruption”
                                                                                                         KING SALMON SERIES–PART 3:
South Whidbey Elementary K-4 welcomes                  Thursday, March 18, 7:00-9:00pm
                                                                                                         MARINE AREAS 8-1 AND 8-2
families to enroll their child into the 2021-          Online event
2022 In-Person Kindergarten Program. Please                                                              I refer to fishing Marine Areas 8-1 and
                                                       Discover the history and science behind the
call 360-221-4600 (press 5 for the office) to                                                            8-2 as “fishing the inside.” This stretch of
                                                       1980 eruption in this page-turning account
schedule a time for a meet and greet. Meet-                                                              water gets large amounts of fresh water
                                                       of an iconic Washington event. We will then
ings are being scheduled each Wednesday                                                                  from river run-off, which makes fishing
                                                       take a look at some iconic Washington food
beginning March 17. Children who will be                                                                 techniques a little different. The biggest
                                                       purveyors in Washington Food Artisans. To
five years old on or before Aug. 31, 2021 are                                                            difference I have noticed over the years is
welcome to enroll. For online enrollment, go           register, visit https://sno-isle.bibliocommons.
                                                                                                         lure color; light green or blue has produced     The “Rotator”
to the South Whidbey School District’s Website         com/events/
                                                                                                         the most fish for me during the winter           Pinks don’t get the top-shelf attention the
at, choose “Families” and                Books2Movies: “The 100-Year Old Man               Blackmouth seasons.  Summer Chinook
“Enrollment.”                                                                                                                                             kings do, but they are tenacious fighters
                                                       Who Climbed Out the Window and Disap-             fishing on the inside has been basically         and are not afraid to leap out of the water
98260: Live!                                           peared”                                           non-existent as far back as I can remem-
                                                       Friday, March 19, 2:00pm                                                                           and show off their top-water skills. There
Saturday, March 20, 7:30pm                                                                               ber.  The Tribal Council and the Washing-
                                                       Zoom meeting                                                                                       are two primary lures that 90 percent of
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, Langley                                                              ton Department of Fish and Wildlife have
                                                                                                                                                          fishermen use to catch pink salmon – the
All Seats: $35                                         Which do you like better, the book or the         restricted these waters during the summer
                                                                                                                                                          “Buzz Bomb” (the treble hook will need
Travel writer Sue Frause and improv artist Billy       movie? Read or listen to the book, watch the      months to help increase the number of
                                                                                                                                                          to be replaced by a single hook) and the
Tierney host a fun-filled evening of comedy and        movie, then join us online for a lively discus-   adult Chinook salmon returning to the
                                                                                                         Skagit, Stillaguamish and Snohomish rivers.      “Rotator.”
music featuring local celebs and a Best Mask           sion. Brandon Henry, who works at The Clyde
Contest. For tickets or more information, visit        Theater in Langley, leads the discussion.         From my point of view, it’s been many            The Buzz Bomb was first to make its mark, or call 360-221-8262.                                                                 years of summer closures with very little, if    then a local lure maker got into the act and
                                                       This month’s title: The 100-Year Old Man Who
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik                                                                                   any, positive results, mainly due to the per-    created the Rotator. Both of these lures
                                                       Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared, by
Saturday, March 27, 7:30pm                                                                               sistent yearly tribal gill netting that takes    look very similar in shape and size and are
                                                       Jonas Jonasson, the tale of a larger-than-life
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, Langley                                                              place on all three rivers during spawning        rigged to catch fish in the same manner.
                                                       old man with a fondness for vodka, who goes
All Seats: $35                                                                                           season.                                          Both lures come in a variety of colors, but
                                                       on an unexpected adventure in this whimsical
The Whidbey Island Orchestra performs                  novel – perfect for fans of Forrest Gump and A    There are a couple of bright spots for           pink is the most proven.
Mozart’s joyful Milanese Quartets (K.155,              Man Called Ove. To receive a Zoom invitation,     catching Chinook salmon on the inside.           Pinks are a perfect opportunity to get
156, and 157) and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.              please register. An email address is required.    One is the summer Tulalip Bubble fish-           young anglers excited about salmon
For tickets or more information, visit www.          ery. Just on the outskirts of Tulalip Bay
                                                                                                                                                          fishing. It doesn’t require a boat to catch or call 360-221-8262.                                                                     fishermen can target Chinooks from May
                                                       Volcano Hazard Maps Past, Present, and                                                             a limit of fish and the start-up cost of rod,
Upcoming Sno-Isle Library Events                       Future                                            through September with day-of-the-week
                                                                                                                                                          reel, and tackle is low compared to Chi-
See schedule below                                     Tuesday, March 23, 3:30-4:30pm                    restrictions. This isolated area is subject to
                                                                                                                                                          nook. The pinks generally begin to arrive
Cost: Free                                             Online event
                                                                                                         yearly changes set by the WDFW so be sure
                                                                                                                                                          in mid to late July and will peak between
                                                                                                         to check the state regulations. The second
Dreamer’s Carnival presented by Yasu                   Map nerds, this is the talk for you! One of the                                                    mid-August through September. One of
                                                                                                         bright spot and other opportunity to fight
Ishida                                                 most frequently asked question is “how will                                                        the biggest reasons pinks are great for
                                                                                                         a king salmon on the inside is during the
Thursday, March 18, 4:00-5:00pm                        I be affected by the next eruption?” Scien-                                                        young anglers is it does not take a long
                                                                                                         winter Blackmouth season (November
Come join an adventure of Dreamer’s Carni-             tists and geographers work together to make       through mid March); unfortunately, the           cast to reach these fish; during certain
val, a virtual storytelling magic show! It is filled   sure you know what hazards to expect and          state and tribal council decided not to          times of the tide the fish can be as close as
with stories with magic tricks, and origami!           how to respond during the next eruption. See                                                       10 feet from shore. The prime time to be
                                                                                                         open the 2020/2021 winter season. Let’s
                                                       how hazard maps have evolved over time and        hope the co-managed fisheries person-            on the beach is one hour before and after
                                                       the challenges faced today by mapmakers. To       nel do not repeat this very disappointing        high or low tide. There will be fish traveling
                                                       register, visit https://sno-isle.bibliocommons.   closure for the 2021/2022 season, in my          the deeper waters all day but if you have
                   Like us on:                         com/events/.                                      opinion it’s not fair to the recreational        to pick a time when the odds are in your
                                                       Discuss the Classics with Rita Bartell Drum       fishermen. Our taxes, licenses, and boat         favor, those are the best.
                                                       Thursdays, 12:30 or 7:00pm                        launch fees help pay to raise these Black-
                                                                                                                                                          Here are a few spots along the inside (Sara-
                                                       Enjoy a pleasant hour of shared wisdom and        mouth chinook to create a winter fishery;
                                                                                                                                                          toga Pass) to try your luck starting on the
                                                       fellowship as we consider the words and hope      the fact is all of the adult winter fish we
                                                                                                                                                          north end of Whidbey working south:
                                                       of times past and weave a fabric of renewed       would catch would be hatchery fish; there
                                                       hope by leaning on the “Classics.” Contact:       are no adult natural kings in the sound at       • Hoypus Point
  360-682-2341 •
                                              for ZOOM link.              this time.
                                                                                                                                                          • Ben Ure Spit (Ala Spit Park)
                                                                                                         Since chinook fishing is scarce, let’s touch
                                                                                                                                                          • Mariners Cove public beach area
                                                                                                         on another salmon species that enters
                                                                                                         Marine Areas 8-1 and 8-2 that is sure to         • Any Penn Cove public beach access
                                                                                                         put a smile on your face and fresh fillets       • Freeland Park Beach
                                                                                                         in the smoker: Pink Salmon, or Humpy’s.
                                                                                                         Pinks only return to the Puget Sound on          • Possession Beach Waterfront Park
                                                                                                         odd years, and if the returning numbers          • Possession Point State Park
                                                                                                         of these fish are high enough, sometimes
                                                                                                         in the millions, it is all out pandemonium       There are miles of beach in Area 8-1 and
                                                                                                         on the inside beaches of Whidbey Island.         8-2, but many of the fishable beaches are
                                                                                                                                                          private; friends, family, or businesses may
                                                                                                                                                          be the only way to get access to these
                                                                               Bait & Tackle                                                              beaches so remember to always ask and
                                                                               Bows &                                                                     get permission first!
                                                                               Supplies                                                                   Marine Areas 8-1 and 8-2 are not known
   Get ready fo                                                                Guns &                                                                     as prime Chinook waters but there are
                r the field &
   We have eve                fishing seas                                    Ammunition                                                                  salmon to be caught so we can’t leave it
                rything you                 on.
   waders, ves                need in store                                   Boating &                                                                   out. Some early salmon predictions are on
               ts, nets, tack                -                                                                                                            the WDFW website; navigate to “fishing
                              le, lures and                                   Camping Sup
                                            more!                                          plies                                                          regulation news” and see what the crystal
                                                                              And Much,
                                                                                Much More                                                                 ball might have in-store for us. Our licenses
                                                                                                                                                          expire March 31, and lake trout season is
                            150 SE Pioneer Way • Oak Harbor • 360-679-3533
                                                                                                         The “Buzz Bomb”                                  the end of April.

                    Thank you for reading! Please recycle the Whidbey Weekly when you are finished with it.
MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
                                                                                                          Whidbey Weekly                                                                             MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021                                             7
   LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                                                                               LOCALLY OPERATED

“Pandemonium” reigns at OutCast Productions
By Kathy Reed Whidbey Weekly                                          living in a pandemic for a year? We put the
                                                                      word out, basically asking for plays no longer
OutCast Productions in Langley is pleased to
                                                                      than 20 minutes.”
present a completely original work to enjoy
this weekend via the small screen: “Pande-                            Farley said they received nearly 30 submis-
monium, Life During the Pandemic.” The                                sions. Those were whittled down to just nine
filmed collection of nine short plays debuted                         short plays by playwrights from around the
last weekend and three more opportunities                             globe, ranging in length from about four
to join in the streaming experience are avail-                        minutes to 20 minutes each.
able Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and
                                                                      “We have playwrights from England, Israel,
Sunday at 2 p.m. (“doors” open 30 minutes
                                                                      New York, California and Seattle,” he said.
                                                                      “It’s a mix of humorous, slice-of-life works
Artistic director and founder, Ned Farley, said                       and more serious.”
that following the shutdowns and restrictions
                                                                      Whether it’s the story of a single woman
of 2020, it was time to try something new.
                                                                      whose friendship with a live bat brings her
“We came into 2021 thinking we’ve got to                              great comfort, a wealthy couple from the
do something, we have to find opportunities                           Hamptons who get a life lesson in doing
to be creative,” he said. “We invited play-                           without, or the poignant depiction of a
wrights to be creative – what’s it been like                          mother and daughter in deep, emotional,                            Alex Wren Photo Courtesy of OutCast Productions
                                                                                                                                         Chelsea Mathews-Jensen and Bojohn Diciple record their performance in “Pacific Coast Trail,” by Jenny Lyn Bader, in front of a green screen
                                                                                                                                         for OutCast Productions’ film production of “Pandemonium, Life During the Pandemic,” streaming this weekend.

                                                                                                                                         pandemic-induced pain, the thought-provok-                              another director and a lighting designer.”
                                                                                                                                         ing production will spark laughter and likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Even though several of the plays were
                                                                                                                                         some tears.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 recorded at the theater, the experience of
                                                                                                                                         Despite health restrictions still in place at                           directing for the stage versus directing for a
                                                                                                                                         the time of filming, most of the plays were                             camera was something very new, Farley said.
                                                                                                                                         recorded on stage at the OutCast theater at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Well, one difference is as the artistic director
                                                                                                                                         the Langley fairgrounds.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the company, this felt more like being a
                                                                                                                                         “Two of the plays were written for Zoom, so                             project manager, which is not a bad thing,”
                                                                                                                                         we rehearsed them that way and recorded                                 he said. “It felt very different from that end
                                                                                                                                         them on Zoom,” Farley explained. “Several                               because there was so much juggling.
                                                                                                                                         were filmed in the theater up against a green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “As a director, the rehearsal aspect was
                                                                                                                                         screen so there is some consistency in how all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 much different, because it was all virtual,”
                                                                                                                                         of them look, and one was filmed at one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Farley continued. “That was part of the
                                                                                                                                         the couple’s home.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 reason we cast actors we knew, because we
                                                                                                                                         Keeping actors and crew safe was also a                                 knew what they could do and we were com-
                                                                                                                                         priority.                                                               fortable with them working on their own. So
                                                                                                                                         “Three of the plays are about couples,” said                            I wasn’t as hands on as I am in the theater,
                                                                                                                                         Farley. “We cast them with couples who are                              where I have to do a lot of blocking, work on
Alex Wren Photo Courtesy of OutCast Productions                                                                                          in relationships, so they were already in their                         the lighting, etc. Rehearsals we did on Zoom
Nine original short plays have been filmed and are part of OutCast Productions’ streaming event entitled “Pandemonium, Life During the   own bubble. When we brought them into
Pandemic.” Above, Jim Scullin is featured in the play “Waiting for Godzilla,” by Sherry Friedman.                                        the theater, it was just me and sometimes                                     See "PANDEMONIUM" continued on page 8

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MARCH 20 - Whidbey Weekly
8       MARCH 18 - MARCH 24, 2021
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                                                                                                                 STATUE continued from page 2

                                                                                                                 to deterioration of the building. In the March
                                                                                                                 2 meeting, a comment by longtime-commu-
                                                                                                                 nity resident Gerry Yakovleff was displayed,
                                                                                                                 expressing his thoughts about the sculpture.
                                                                                                                 “Public art: say no to the donation sculpture

                                                                                                                 being dumped on us by Bellingham,” he
                                                                                                                 wrote. “There is a very good reason that
                                                                                                                 Bellingham turned it down. You should too.
                                                                                                                 The monument is not in keeping with the
                                                                                                                 theme of Oak Harbor as a water way - Pacific
                                                                                                                 Northwest theme. (An) abstract angel is not
                                                                                                                 appropriate for us.”
William “Bill” Layne Burgoyne                                                                                    Kingsbury, who also serves as vice president
                                                                                                                 for Sculpture Northwest, said she hoped
                                                        Bill was born in Portland, Ore., May 27,                 community members would see the statue’s
                                                        1962 and died March 3, 2021. He was                      installation as a positive step for the commu-
                                                        lovingly raised by his parents, Dixie and                nity and would help draw visitors.                 Rendering Courtesy of Richard Nash
                                                        Robert Burgoyne, with his brother Rick.                                                                     This rendering of the "Angel de la Creatividad" statue by
                                                        Bill fondly recalled his childhood with his brother      “This is not about a new windmill, this is just    international artist Sebastián gives an idea of what the modern
                                                                                                                 about grasping an opportunity and I think in       art sculpture could look like if placed at Windjammer Park in
                                                        and parents, often sharing memories of him and
                                                                                                                 these times and these days that these kinds        Oak Harbor. (The color and placement of the work have not been
                                                        his brother, family camping trips, the sound of his
                                                                                                                 of opportunities do not happen very often          finalized.) The city council will discuss the possibility of selecting
                                                        father’s piano playing and his admiration for his
                                                                                                                 and a lot of these little communities are          the sculpture at a workshop March 24.
                                                        mother’s dedication to them.                             struggling,” she said.
                                                           In 1981, Bill joined the U.S. Navy, where he served   Rodric Gagnon, the chairman of the Oak             Local sculptor Sue Taves offered her thoughts
a 20-year career. He was a proud Seabee and used their “Can Do” motto throughout all aspects of his life.        Harbor Arts Commission, said he encouraged         on the piece and said she was excited about
Bill met his wife of forty years, Darcie, in middle school. They grew up as friends in shared social circles.    those with thoughts or concerns pertaining         the possibility of bringing the work of an
While away at bootcamp, Bill entered Darcie in a “Sailors Sweetheart” competition. Despite not being             to the statue and other city issues to consider    internationally-known artist to the area.
sweethearts at the time, he won the competition and her heart through his persistence and ability to make        getting involved.
her laugh. In 1982 they married, and together had four children. They traveled where the Navy sent them,                                                            “I think it is a whole new level of sculpture,”
                                                                                                                 “If anybody has opinions that they want the        she said. “This is something you might see in
moving 13 times before eventually settling on Whidbey Island. In 1998, Bill made Chief and closed out
                                                                                                                 city to hear about, come and participate,”         the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle or in a
his Navy career in 2001. Following his retirement, he continued to serve the government, working in civil
                                                                                                                 he said. “All our public meetings are public,      major collection,” she said. “It is quite amaz-
service. He was a proud veteran and a dedicated employee.                                                        everything is open to the public for com-          ing thinking about having the opportunity
Bill had four children: Joshua, Briana, Sarah, and Matthew. He was a loving and devoted father. He took          ments and participation. We are always look-       to have it here and considering how much
great pride in their accomplishments and was always their biggest supporter. He taught them hard work,           ing for volunteers on the Arts Commission          it would cost if it were being purchased
loyalty, forgiveness, the importance of laughter and that family is what matters most. In 2004 Bill was          and there is always tons of opportunity to         outright, I cannot imagine any of our cities
made a “Papa” for the first time when his granddaughter, Alexus, was born. He admired her dedication to          participate and influence how the city spends      or fundraising being able to come up with
achieving her goals and adored her kind heart. In 2012 he was once again gifted with more grandchildren,         its taxpayer dollars.”                             something at this budget. I just cannot even
Shayla and Jaxson. Bill loved going to their school and sporting events and simply spending his time with        Gagnon said the commission has also                understand why anybody would be against it
them. In 2016 he was given another grandson, Shae, and shortly after that, Bryer. He found joy in Shae’s         partnered with Sculpture Northwest (the            if they were a supporter of the arts at all.”
funny nature and cherished Bryer’s tender demeanor.                                                              organization Drake founded) to help find           Taves said although there were a number of
In 2019 Bill was diagnosed with metastatic cancer, but he maintained his “Can Do” mentality. Bill endured        a place for the sculpture to be displayed.         factors to look at and costs associated with
                                                                                                                 Gagnon said Drake’s estate is willing to cover     upkeep and engineering to be considered,
27 chemotherapy infusions with unending perseverance and incredible strength. His fight against cancer
                                                                                                                 installation, transportation and engineering       she felt the statue was worth the investment
taught us all to love deeper, be truly present, and to take life and really live it.
                                                                                                                 costs minus $35,000 from the city, with the        and much of the associated costs would also
Bill will be remembered for his outgoing personality, the joy he found in laughter, his dedication to hard       sculpture itself being a gift. Gagnon also said    be covered by the estate.
work, the love he had for his family, and the strength he showed us all. A military service was held at          the city has funding for the arts built into its
Tahoma National Cemetery for family March 18. Friends and family are welcome to celebrate Bill’s Life            budget.                                            “It brings positive attention, it has the poten-
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 26 at Rocky Point Recreation Area (Can-Do-Inn).                                                                              tial to bring tourism, it engages the com-
                                                                                                                 “We brought it to City Council on a pretty
                                                                                                                                                                    munity in conversation about art,” she said.
Arrangements are entrusted to Wallin-Stucky Funeral Home, Oak Harbor, Wash. Please visit Bill’s page in          fast track just because the estate of George
                                                                                                                                                                    “Those are all positive aspects. So I think
our Book of Memories online at to share memories and leave condolences.                Drake is pretty anxious to get this piece in the
                                                                                                                                                                    that would be the thing I would encourage
                                                                                                                 public view, it has been in storage for a long
                                                                                                                                                                    people to do, is just step back and look at it
                                                                                                                 time,” he said. “And when we did bring it
   Life Tributes can now be found                                                                                in front of City Council on fairly short notice
                                                                                                                                                                    as a gift. That is what it is, it is being given as
                                                                                                                                                                    a gift from somebody who was a major arts
                                                                                                                 those who had concerns all had prudent,
 online at                                                                                 thoughtful concerns and I think we have
                                                                                                                                                                    supporter in the region. So I would encour-
                                                                                                                                                                    age people to think about it on the bigger
                                                                                                                 tried to address all of those and we are going
                                                                                                                 to try to continue to move forward and come
                                                                                                                 up with a solution that makes sense to where       Public comments can be made to the City
                                                                                                                 the city is not committing to something that       of Oak Harbor by visiting the updated page:

                          Pam’s Prayer Corner
                                                                                                                 they don’t bargain for.”                 

                                                                                                                 "PANDEMONIUM" continued from page 7
                               In honor of my late mother-in-law,                                                had to translate to performing in the theater.     this pandemic. They were thrilled with the
                          Pamela Kaye Young, this column is a place                                              Because we wanted a virtual look, they were        opportunity and I feel like we’ve made
              where believers can share their prayer requests for others to help lift                            shot in place, with not a lot of movement.”        connections with people we can work with
 them up in faith. The prayers can be for you, a family member, or anything weighing on your                                                                        down the road.”
   soul. Email or call 360-682-2341 to share your prayer requests.                        Farley said the actors involved were trusted to
                                                                                                                 do a lot of the work on their own.                 Community theaters across the country have
   God, we praise You! Your seeds of righteousness and praise have been planted in                                                                                  faced difficulties of all kinds due to the pan-
                                                                                                                 “The work was really all around the text, I’m
   the earth. May we be like “sprouts” in Your garden, sprouting up in hope, as we                                                                                  demic. New technology costs money. Farley
                                                                                                                 not a micro manager as a director because
   grow in You. Fortify us with strength as we “burst forth” into who we have been                                                                                  said he is thankful OutCast Productions had
                                                                                                                 I was an actor first,” he explained. “I’m
   created to be in You. We will praise and honor You, God! May our life bring You                                                                                  reserves on hand to help with expenses. This
                                                                                                                 already comfortable stepping back and
   glory!                                                                                                                                                           program is supported, in part, by a grant
                                                                                                                 seeing what the actors can bring.”
                                                                                                                                                                    from the Washington State Arts Commis-
                                                            Matthew Erikson                                      Of course, once all the filming was done, it       sion and National Endowment for the Arts,
                                                            Hope Church Oak Harbor - Pastor                      was time for post-production, another new          of which the theater company was recently
                                                                                                                 element to get used to in the streaming video      notified.
  “For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and                                                                “A big chunk of the work was to do all the
                                                                                                                                                                    Cost to see “Pandemonium, Life During the
                                                                                                                                                                    Pandemic” is $20 per household. Tickets are
                                                                                                                 editing,” Farley said. “That’s something
  as a garden causes what is sown                                                                                we’re not usually doing, it’s not typically part
                                                                                                                 of the process. It was very interesting and I
                                                                                                                                                                    available online at;
                                                                                                                                                                    click on the “donate” button, which will link
                                                                                                                                                                    to OutCast’s PayPal site. Those who submit
  in it to sprout up, so the Lord                                                                                feel very good about it. I think it’s going to
                                                                                                                 be an interesting venture into a new way of
                                                                                                                                                                    payment will receive a link to the livestream
                                                                                                                                                                    broadcast of their choice.
  God will cause righteousness                                                                                   thinking about theater.”
                                                                                                                 Farley said the opportunity to produce new
                                                                                                                                                                    “Because of the topic, I really think seeing
                                                                                                                                                                    something like this is one of the ways we
  and praise to sprout up before                                                                                 work during the pandemic was exciting for
                                                                                                                 the playwrights as well.
                                                                                                                                                                    can take care of ourselves after living in a
                                                                                                                                                                    very stressed environment for a while,” said

  all the nations.”                                                                                              “We had two Zoom interviews with some
                                                                                                                 of the playwrights,” he said. “It was fun to
                                                                                                                                                                    Farley. “There’s something about theater
                                                                                                                                                                    that can be healing. Whether it’s funny or
                                                                                                                 listen to them talk about their excitement to      serious, it offers a healing quality. I think it’s
                                     Isaiah 61:11 ESV                                                                                                               going to be really entertaining.”
                                                                                                                 do this project and be able to work during

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