Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly

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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
December 31, 2020 through January 6, 2021


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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
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                                                                                                                                                                                              Langley native ordained p. 6

                                                                                                                                                                                   DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021

                                                                    Local salon wins accolades and
                                                                    energy upgrades in PSE contest
                                                                    By Melanie Hammons Whidbey Weekly
                                                                    Robert Frost’s poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” reflects upon the
                                                                    fleeting beauty of spring’s first flowerings. It opens with the wistful
                                                                    observation, “Nature’s first green is gold.”
                                                                    Those poetic lines just took on a slightly different shade of mean-
Photo Courtesy of Deception Pass State Park
                                                                    ing for a local Coupeville business. Seaside Spa and Salon, a Green
Visitors to Deception Pass State Park Jan. 1 will have the option   Circle Salon, recently learned it is in line to receive a $45,000 energy
to explore throughout the park, with self-guided First Day          efficiency upgrade from a Puget Sound Energy contest. Judges
Hike activities ranging from a scavenger hunt to Junior Ranger      chose four winners from over 1,200 statewide entries, said PSE
adventures.                                                         representative Leslie Myers.

Step into
                                                                    PSE selected the winning entries for the Small Business Energy
                                                                    Makeover Contest based upon energy savings potential as well as
                                                                    geographic diversity and how they have been negatively impacted
                                                                    by the pandemic.

2021 with
                                                                    “This marks the first time we’ve offered such a contest,” said Myers.
                                                                    “We wanted to do something specifically to help businesses that
                                                                    have been so hard-hit with lockdowns.”

the First
                                                                    Each PSE award earmarks approximately $30,000 toward energy
                                                                    upgrades. The remaining $15,000 is allotted for cosmetic-type
                                                                    enhancements, said Myers. “The types of enhancements chosen                                         Photo Courtesy of Seaside Spa and Salon
                                                                    vary depending on the nature of the business as well as individual                                  Seaside Spa and Salon owner, Aaron Wiley, credits much of her success to her staff. The spa and

Day Hike
                                                                                                                                                                        salon has won a $45,000 energy efficiency upgrade from a Puget Sound Energy contest.
                                                                    needs. It’s something that we work on together to achieve the best
                                                                    outcome for them,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                        Pandemic concerns have mandated the use of PPE for everyone and
                                                                    It seems fitting the term “makeover,” frequently applied to the spa/                                the very nature of the beauty industry induces them to be especially
                                                                    salon experience, was also the descriptor of choice for the Small                                   aware of that. But used PPE has to go somewhere, too. Wiley said
By Kacie Jo Voeller Whidbey Weekly                                  Business Energy Makeover Contest name. In late November, Seaside
                                                                                                                                                                        the masks, gloves and hospital-grade disinfectant used each day are
Start the new year off on the right foot with                       Spa and Salon owner Aaron Wiley learned they were one of the
the First Day Hike on New Year’s Day, which                         four winners, and for Wiley, the award’s timing could not have
is a free day at Washington’s state parks. The                      been better, coming on the heels of an economic downturn that                                       “Even hair clippings don’t just get thrown out. A couple of our
Deception Pass Park Foundation will offer                           accompanied government-mandated restrictions or outright closures                                   waste bins are themselves made of hair fiber plastic,” Wiley said.
a number of self-guided hiking and other                            of businesses.
                                                                                                                                                                        It turns out there’s another use for those hair clippings which
options throughout Deception Pass State                             “We are so excited about this – it’s an opportunity to enhance our                                  happens to be very relevant to Puget Sound and other maritime
Park, including a scavenger hunt and Junior                         operation, save money on energy bills, all while reducing our carbon                                settings. The left-over hair clippings also find new life as oil booms
Ranger activities.                                                  footprint at the same time,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                        to help mitigate spills.
Elizabeth Bentz, AmeriCorps interpretive                            Wiley, who opened her business in 2006, views the plans to increase
                                                                                                                                                                        Nearly everyone makes up a wish list for Christmas and Wiley admits
naturalist at Deception Pass State Park, said                       their efficiency as right in line with what they have been passionate
while the event is usually a group hike, in                                                                                                                             that thanks to the contest award, her business now has one as well.
                                                                    about all along: Helping people and the planet to be as beautiful as
light of safety concerns due to COVID-19,                           they can be.                                                                                        “We are situated in a 160-year-old building (one of Coupeville’s
this year self-guided options focused on                                                                                                                                oldest), on Front Street,” Wiley said. “Built in 1864; it’s loaded with
                                                                    It may come as a surprise to learn the beauty industry produces a
allowing hikers to social distance will be                                                                                                                              charm, we love it, but we could really use more efficient heating
                                                                    lot of waste, says Wiley. The good news is that so much of it can
incorporated. To begin an adventure, park                                                                                                                               in winter and cooling in summer. It’s our hope to upgrade to an
                                                                    be devoted to secondary uses, which is what the Green Circle Salon
visitors can stop by the East Cranberry Lake
                                                                    organization promotes. Her salon joined the group a year ago.                                       energy efficient hot water heater, water-saving plumbing fixtures,
parking area to pick up materials between 10
                                                                    Wiley said it was her employees, all of whom she has managed to                                     and perhaps even LED-style lighting.”
a.m. and 2 p.m. Friday.
                                                                    retain so far, who first approached her about joining Green Circle                                  Cosmetic enhancements, another financial feature granted by the
“We chose things that would spread people
                                                                    Salons.                                                                                             award, would ideally include remodeled flooring that is consistently
out throughout the park but still give them
something more than just the hikes we have                          “My team is a huge part of what makes us successful,” she said.                                     uniform in appearance. Currently, six different types are in use
at the park that they could do on their own,”                       “I have always valued their ideas, so when they bring them to me,                                   throughout the building, said Wiley.
she said.                                                           I make sure to listen. The chance to recycle up to 95 percent of                                    Wiley also believes that with some strategic reconfiguring of hair
                                                                    our waste, including color chemicals and foil wraps, was just too
Bentz said the park will also be introducing                                                                                                                            stations, they could go beyond the recommended six-foot distance
                                                                    valuable to pass up.”
the First Day Hike photo contest. To enter,                                                                                                                             requirements currently in place to give a greater level of assurance
participants can post a picture at the park                                                                                                                             to their clientele.
on Facebook with the hashtag #HikingDe-
ception2021. Bentz said the winners will be                                                                                                                             In early 2021, the entire makeover will be captured and featured
randomly selected for prizes provided by The                                                                                                                            on KING 5’s Evening Magazine show. The news crew will film the
Lake Store. She said the event’s organizers                                                                                                                             transformation, showcase the upgrades and share energy-saving tips
wanted to include the photo sharing in                                                                                                                                  everyone can benefit from.
an effort to allow people to connect, even                                                                                                                              And in the spirit of the holiday season, even those small businesses
without being able to gather for a large,
                                                                                                                                                                        not chosen as winners in the contest this time won’t go away emp-
in-person group hike.
                                                                                                                                                                        ty-handed, according to PSE’s Myers.
“We love when people share their time that
they spent at the park,” she said.                                                                                                                                      “The good news is that all the businesses that were nominated will
                                                                                                                                                                        be offered free energy assessments,” she said. “So there is potential
Bentz said she felt it was important for the                                                                                                                            to help even more businesses save money on their monthly energy
First Day Hike tradition to happen in 2021                                                                                                                              bills.”
because the event has been growing in pop-
ularity in recent years and will allow people                                                                                                                           Wiley wants Seaside Spa and Salon to bring beauty to the world
a chance to get out of the house for a safe                                                                                                                             around them and to their clients as well. Both goals are equally
excursion.                                                                                                                                                              important to them.
“We wanted to continue it, that way people                                                                                                                              “When you are already doing good things, and I believe that as a
                                                                    Photo Courtesy of Seaside Spa and Salon
know that although it has been a crazy year,                                                                                                                            Green Circle Salon we are, good things are going to come back to
                                                                    Seaside Spa and Salon in Coupeville is one of four businesses across the region selected by Puget
                                                                    Sound Energy to receive a major energy upgrade, according to owner Aaron Wiley. The process will    you. Winning this has been very affirming to us that we are doing
               See HIKE continued on page 6                         be featured on KING 5’s Evening Magazine.                                                           something right at Seaside Spa,” she said.

                           Thank you for reading! Please recycle the Whidbey Weekly when you are finished with it.
Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
                                                                              Whidbey Weekly                                                   DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021                                                                              3
  LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                                                         LOCALLY OPERATED

ON TRACK                                           As the golfer approached the gates of

                                                                                                       Let Us Build You A Shed!
                                                   Heaven, St. Peter saw him coming and
with Jim Freeman                                   asked, “Sir, are you a good golfer?”, to
                           After this year,        which the man replied, “Got here in two,
                           which ends tonight      didn’t I?”
                           at midnight, I am
                           not really afraid of    Lonely girl
                                                   Sandy began a job as an elementary school
                                                                                                       12x24 pole building includes Metal Roof,
                                                                                                       Metal Siding and 4” Concrete Slab
                                                   counselor and she was eager to help. One
                           Sure, I do not want     day during recess she noticed a girl standing

                                                                                                       Starting at just $17,499!
                           to get bitten by one    by herself on one side of a playing field while
                           of those hornets        the rest of the kids enjoyed a game of soccer

                           that got to cross
                                                   at the other.
                           the border without
                           paperwork.              Sandy approached and asked if she was all
                                                   right. The girl said she was.
Sure, I do not want to get stuck on train
tracks in a truck with a dead battery.             A little while later, however, Sandy noticed
What I am saying is for a guy without guns         the girl was in the same spot, still by herself.
and much of a credit history, I feel pretty        Approaching again, Sandy offered, “Would
comfortable going into this new year.              you like me to be your friend?”                                                                                                                                         DECK & SHED, LLC
Instead of singing I Can See Clearly Now for       The girl hesitated, then said, “Okay,” look-         Give us a call today! 360.914.4034
a reflective 2020, I can sing Oh Happy Day or      ing at the woman suspiciously. Feeling she           Licensed & Insured Con. Reg. #ISLANDS803LK • islanddeckandshed@gmail.com
hum the tune when I am wearing my mask.            was making progress, Sandy then asked,
It sure seems like this new year, albeit odd at    “Why are you standing here all alone?”

                                                                                                      PHONE: 360-682-2341                                                                                   FAX: 360-675-2162
2021, may even things out.                         “Because,” the little girl said with great exas-
Let us hope so.                                    peration, “I’m the goalie!”
                                                                                                      		 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Let us think so.
Hopefully this whole thing from 2020 has
                                                   The last political quotes of 2020
                                                   If God wanted us to vote, He would have                              Whidbey Weekly
                                                                                                                          LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED
just been one long episode of The Cisco Kid        given us candidates. ~Jay Leno
and everything will turn out bueno.
                                                   The problem with political jokes is they get
                                                   elected. ~Henry Cate, VII                            1131 SE ELY STREET | PO BOX 1098 | OAK HARBOR, WASHINGTON 98277
Laughter here
Due to recent polling, the following bits of       We hang the petty thieves and appoint the          Publisher..................................................................................... Eric Marshall                   Contributing Writers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Alec Brown
humor will only look familiar if you frequent      great ones to public office. ~Aesop                Editor........................................................................................... Kathy Reed                      Jim Freeman
page three and have a better memory than I                                                                                                                                                                                             Wesley Hallock
                                                   If we got one-tenth of what was promised           Marketing Representatives.........................Glenda Cantrell, Noah Marshall                                               Melanie Hammons
think you do.
                                                   to us in these State of the Union speeches,        Graphic Design......................................................................... Teresa Besaw                               Kae Harris
Best of all, I got to review several years of                                                                                                                                                                                          Tracy Loescher
                                                   there wouldn’t be any inducement to go to          Production Manager..................................................................TJ Pierzchala                                  Kathy Reed
humor.                                             heaven. ~Will Rogers                                                                                                                                                                  Carey Ross
                                                                                                      Circulation Manager................................................................ Noah Marshall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Kacie Jo Voeller
Animal crackers                                    Politicians are the same all over. They prom-                                  Volume 12, Issue 53 | © MMXX Whidbey Weekly
Whidbey Weekly reader Deborah’s Christmas          ise to build a bridge even where there is no       PUBLISHED and distributed every week. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The Whidbey Weekly
card added, “Here is a good joke for your          river. ~Nikita Khrushchev                          cannot be held responsible for the quality of goods or services supplied by advertisers in this publication. Articles, unless otherwise stated, are by contribution
                                                                                                      and therefore the Whidbey Weekly is not in a position to validate any comments, recommendations or suggestions made in these articles. Submitted
column.”                                           When I was a boy I was told that anybody           editorial is NOT guaranteed to be published.

                                                   could become President; I’m beginning to           DEADLINES: The Whidbey Weekly is a submission based editorial with contributing writers. Please feel free to submit any information (please limit to 200
A teacher asked her class, “What do you                                                               words) that you would like to share with the Whidbey Weekly. You may submit by email to editor@whidbeyweekly.com, by fax to (360)682-2344 or by postal
want out of life?”                                 believe it. ~Clarence Darrow                       mail to PO Box 1098, Oak Harbor, WA 98277. Submitted editorial is NOT guaranteed to be published. Deadline for all submissions is one week prior
                                                                                                      to issue date. For more information, please visit www.whidbeyweekly.com.
A little girl in the back row raised her hand      Why pay money to have your family tree
and said, “All I want out of life is four little   traced; go into politics and your opponents
animals.”                                          will do it for you. ~Author unknown
The teacher asked, “And what four little           Politicians are people who, when they see
animals would that be, sugar?”                     light at the end of the tunnel, go out and
The little girl said, “A mink on my back, a        buy some more tunnel. ~John Quinton
Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in my bed, and       Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from
a jackass to pay for it all.”                      the poor and campaign funds from the rich,
The teacher fainted.                               by promising to protect each from the other.
                                                   ~Oscar Ameringer
Intruder alert
                                                   I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will
Police are called to an apartment and find
                                                   stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling
a woman holding a bloody 5-iron, standing
                                                   the truth about them. ~Adlai Stevenson,
over a lifeless man.
                                                   campaign speech, 1952
The detective asks, “Ma’am, is that your
husband?”                                          A politician is a fellow who will lay down
                                                   your life for his country. ~Tex Guinan
“Yes,” says the woman.
“Did you hit him with that golf club?”             Shopping fun
                                                   Two nuns were shopping at a 7-11 store.
“Yes, yes I did.”                                  As they passed the beer cooler one nun said
The woman begins to sob, drops the club            to the other, “Wouldn’t a nice, cool beer
and puts her hands on her face.                    or two taste wonderful on a hot summer
“How many times did you hit him?”                  evening?”

“I don’t know, five, six, maybe seven times...     The second nun replied, “Indeed, it would
just put me down for a five.”                      sister, but I would not feel comfortable
                                                   buying beer since I am certain it would cause
Bridal query                                       a scene at the checkout stand.”
The bride came down the aisle. When she            “I can handle that without a problem,” the
reached the altar, the groom was standing          other nun replied as she picked up a six pack
there with his golf bag and clubs at his side.     and headed for the checkout.
She said, whispering: “What are your golf          The cashier had a surprised look on his face
clubs doing here?”                                 when the two nuns arrived with a six pack
The groom looked his bride right in the eye        of beer.
and said, “This isn’t going to take all day, is
                                                   “We use the beer for washing our hair,”
                                                   the nun said. “Back at the convent we call it
Teed off                                           ‘Catholic shampoo’.”
A golfer teed up his ball on the first tee, took   Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached
a mighty swing and hit his ball into a clump       under the counter, pulled out a package of
of trees.                                          pretzel sticks, and placed them in the bag
He found his ball and saw an opening               with the beer.                                                                                                                           edwardjones.com
                                                                                                                                 Gene Kelly Barner
between two trees he thought he could hit                                                                                                                                                   Member SIPC
                                                   He then looked at the nuns straight in the                                    Financial Advisor
through.                                           eye, smiled and said, “The curlers are on the
Taking out his 3-wood, he took another             house.”                                                                       144 N E Ernst St Suite C
mighty swing.                                                                                                                    Oak Harbor, WA 98277-5905
                                                   To read past columns of On Track in the
The ball hit a tree, bounced back, hit him in      Whidbey Weekly, see our Digital Library at
the forehead and killed him.                       www.whidbeyweekly.com.

                    Thank you for reading! Please recycle the Whidbey Weekly when you are finished with it.
Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
4      DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021
                                                                              Whidbey Weekly                                                                     www.whidbeyweekly.com
          LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                          LOCALLY OPERATED

        Bits & Pieces
                                                                                                                                                           Inn, Coupeville Auto Repair, Greenbank
                                                                                                                                                           Restaurant, Admiralty Head Lighthouse and
                                                                                                                                                           [Submitted by Kelly Gehringer, Osborne
                                                                                                                                                           Northwest Public Relations]

                                                    voted, a number of counties had more votes         wonder about the tides? If you are curious          Island Transit Welcomes New
                                                    counted than they had registered voters, many      about learning more, Sound Waters Univer-           Marketing and Communications
                                                    non-citizens voted, many voted more than           sity, Feb. 6, will be the virtual place to be!      Officer
                                                    once. All were for Biden. The team will present    Discounts are available for students, teach-        Island Transit, Island County’s public tran-
                                                    numerous binders filled with affidavits from       ers, military, and AmeriCorps. Attendance is        sit agency, is pleased to announce Selene
                                                    citizens that witnessed fraudulent activity.       limited, register today at www.soundwaters          Muldowney-Stratton has joined the team as
                                                                                                       university.org.                                     its new Marketing and Communications Offi-
                                                    In total the team will present a mountain of
                                                                                                       Don’t miss out on our early-bird special of $45     cer. This newly established position will focus
                                                    indisputable evidence proving that there was
                                                                                                       until Jan. 15.                                      on the practical application and management
                                                    massive well-planned fraud in the 2020 elec-
                                                                                                                                                           of the organization’s marketing and communi-
                                                    tion. Those that claim the election was fair and   Sound Waters University will offer a wide vari-
                                                                                                                                                           cations operations. This much needed position
Letters to the                                      honest are liars.
                                                    In total there were over 10 million fraudulent
                                                                                                       ety of informative classes and presentations
                                                                                                       about the natural world and the fragile envi-
                                                                                                                                                           will have a critical role in shaping the future
                                                                                                                                                           of Island Transit’s adjustment to new reali-
                                                                                                       ronment of the Salish Sea, including fascinat-
Editor                                              votes counted. The proven fraudulent ballots
                                                    would be several times greater than Trump
                                                                                                       ing explorations of forest health, birds, river
                                                                                                       otters, earthquakes, groundwater science,
                                                                                                                                                           ties, maintain branding and consistency, and
                                                                                                                                                           redefine current marketing models in light of
Editor,                                             needed for a landslide victory.                                                                        COVID-19, while planning for the future. The
                                                                                                       ocean acidification, and more.                      appointment marks the commitment to further
Maskless Declaration Form                           SCOTUS could overturn the election and
                                                                                                       View the full schedule at www.soundwaters           the organization’s growth and development
                                                    declare Trump the winner. A better option is       university.org/classes/.
Whereas, as a free American, I’m exercis-                                                                                                                  within Island County.
                                                    to order new elections in those battle ground
ing my Constitutional rights to NOT wear a                                                             Keynote speaker: Dr. Peter S. Ross, an inter-       Muldowney-Stratton, a long-term Island
                                                    states as there is more than the office of
mask nor practice social distancing. I refuse                                                          national authority in the area of ocean pollu-      County resident, joins Island Transit with
                                                    POTUS at stake, as several house seats and
to cover my nose and mouth, even though a                                                              tion, will present, “A Sea of Trouble - Taking      an extensive background in public rela-
                                                    even a Senate seat can be determined by an
mask protects me as well as others from the                                                            Action On Plastics Pollution,” and how to           tions, community outreach, and marketing.
                                                    honest election.
Coronavirus.                                                                                           make a difference on this critical environmen-      She will be responsible for coordinating the
                                                    Joseph C. Coomer                                   tal concern.                                        day-to-day marketing and communications
I hereby agree NOT to use any medical
                                                    Oak Harbor, Wash.                                                                                      activities, establishing short- and long-term
services, except testing, to confirm that                                                              Twelve virtual classes to choose from, open-
I have contracted the virus: no hospitals,          Ways of Whales Webinar, Jan. 9                     ing remarks at 8:30am. Attendees will have the      strategies and goals, enhancing commu-
                                                                                                       wonderful opportunity to listen to all the excit-   nity communications, and developing and
no doctors, no nurses, no medication, no            Celebrating new Southern Resident
                                                                                                       ing speakers and have full access to all class      building the in-house marketing functions.
oxygen nor breathing machines. I affirm that        calves J57 Phoenix and J58 Crescent
                                                                                                       recordings post event except for Understand-        Muldowney-Stratton will serve as the agen-
I have sufficient funds saved to pay for my         Orca Network’s annual Ways of Whales Work-
                                                                                                       ing Treaty Rights From a Tulalip Perspective,       cy’s media contact and focal point of commu-
own funeral arrangements.                           shop will be a virtual Zoom event this year,
                                                                                                       which will be live only. There will be breaks,      nication, working as a team with Island Transit
Signed:_______________                              held Saturday, Jan, 9 from 10:00am until                                                               personnel, leadership, and Board of Directors.
                                                                                                       and a chance to view the virtual exhibitors
Dated:_______________                               4:00pm.                                                                                                “I look forward to being in a position where
                                                                                                       after each class session.
Witnessed:___________                               The webinar will feature presentations by the                                                          I can apply my skills in communication and
                                                                                                       [Submitted by Anne Cushing Post]
Judy MacLeod                                        region’s top ecosystem experts and advocates,                                                          marketing to something I am passionate about
Kalama, Wash.                                       including:                                         New Short Film Features Scenic                      – building a sustainable community for all resi-
                                                                                                       Whidbey Islands – Stream for                        dents. No matter if you are a daily commuter
Editor,                                             Howard Garrett and Susan Berta, Orca
                                                                                                       Free until Jan. 17                                  or someone who enjoys the occasional ride,
Legacy of SCOTUS                                    Network ~ Orca Network Programs and
                                                                                                       Snuggle in and bring the scenic North-              being able to provide this tenable transporta-
                                                    Update on Lolita/Tokitae                                                                               tion option is critical to a healthy community,”
One must wonder how often do the members                                                               west right into your living room this holi-
of SCOTUS think about the legacy they will          Alexandra Morton, Raincoast Research Society       day season with a new short film set                states Muldowney-Stratton.
leave for their service? What will be the opin-     ~ B.C. Salmon Farms                                on beautiful Whidbey Island. Stream                 Learn more about Island Transit’s commitments
ion of the citizens? Will it be one of pride or     Flip Nicklin, Whale Trust ~ Maui Humpback          the film online for free (https://vimeo.            to passenger health and safety during the
shame? Much depends on one case, the 2020           Whales                                             com/492609784/718dd1bce2), now                      pandemic at www.islandtransit.org/commit-
election, a case that so far, they have refused                                                        through Sunday, Jan. 17.                            ments.
                                                    Ken Balcomb, Center for Whale Research ~
to hear. Will justices live in fear of getting on   Elwha River Salmon                                 Filmed along the winding roads and dense            [Submitted by Selene Muldowney-Stratton,
an elevator with a Trump supporter, who will                                                           forests of Whidbey Island, “The Hour After          Island Transit]
verbally assault the justice with numerous          Plus: A panel about dam projects throughout
                                                                                                       Westerly” features a thrilling story about          Launching Soon: The Maritime
derogatory names? Should they hear the case,        the range of the Southern Resident orcas,
                                                                                                       the paths in life we might have taken. With         Washington National Heritage
then instead of the derogatory names, a justice     including Ken Balcomb, Howard Garrett,             family ties to Whidbey Island, filmmaker
may receive compliments? The window is still        Colleen Weiler and Shane Anderson                                                                      Area
                                                                                                       Nate Bell knew it was the perfect place to
open and there is time to hear the case.            Cost of the workshop is $35 ($25 for students/     set this gorgeous, mysterious film.                 Starting in January, the Washington Trust for
                                                    seniors), and a limited number of scholarships                                                         Historic Preservation will work with coastal
So, what will be the hard evidence presented                                                           The film was previously screened at festivals,
                                                    or partial scholarships are available. Please                                                          communities throughout the state to chart
by this president’s legal team? In each of the                                                         but due to COVID the filmmaker decided to
                                                    contact Cindy Hansen at cindy@orcanetwork.                                                             a course for the new Maritime Washington
six battleground states, the team will present                                                         make it temporarily available free of charge
                                                    org. Visit www.orcanetwork.org for more                                                                National Heritage Area. Officially designated
evidence that over a million fraudulent ballots                                                        for home viewers. Also worth noting is the
                                                                                                                                                           by Congress in 2019 as a nationally signifi-
were counted in the early hours of Nov. 4 as        information and to register.                       filmmakers were awarded the Grand Jury
                                                                                                                                                           cant cultural landscape, the Maritime Wash-
one video recorded. They will present evidence      [Submitted by Cindy Hansen, Education and          Prize for best short film at last year’s Whid-
                                                                                                                                                           ington National Heritage Area encompasses
that the domain [sic] vote counting machines        Events Coordinator, Orca Network]                  bey Island Film Festival. This is one of a
                                                                                                                                                           3,000 miles of Washington State’s saltwa-
had corrupt software installed that produced                                                           collection of prizes the film has scooped up
                                                    Registration Open for Sound                                                                            ter coastline—from Grays Harbor County to
fraudulent results. (Even now with the team                                                            in the last couple of years, as it tours the
                                                                                                                                                           the Canadian border—and includes 18 feder-
unable to access these machines, are they           Waters University 2021                             film festival circuit and navigates COVID-19        ally recognized tribes, 13 counties, 32 incor-
changing the fraudulent software to honest          Have you heard about the invasive Asian            disruptions.                                        porated cities, and 30 port districts, as well as
software?) They will show evidence that many        murder hornets? Do you love the iconic whales      Get lost at several filming locations on
deceased                                            of the Salish Sea, including Orcas? Do you         Central Whidbey Island including Fort Casey                 BITS & PIECES      continued on page   7

         IT’S A NEW YEAR                                                                                Movies & Fireworks!
     TIME FOR NEW WINDOWS                                                                                 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 • RESERVATIONS REQUIRED

                                                                                                           WONDER WOMAN(PG-13) 5PM
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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
                                                                     Whidbey Weekly                                  DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021                                 5
  LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                           LOCALLY OPERATED

                                                                                            on highway waving down traffic. White         on bookshelf and roommates took it and
                                                                                            male, 6’ 3”, 220, gray T-shirt, blue jeans.   burned it. Reporting party states was
                                                                                            1:57 pm, Camano Ave.                          written by Jesus himself. Cover was made
                                                                                            Reporting party states is renting space at    with human skin. Reporting party states
                                                                                            the fairgrounds and landlord is wanting       subject burned the Bible.
                                                                                            reporting party to move out. Reporting        6:01 am, Cedar View Dr.

            Island 911
                                                                                            party states she should be allowed to stay    Reporting party advising a larger group
                                                                                            longer due to order from governor.            of people have been on his roof tonight,
                                                                                            3:50 pm, SR 20                                messing with skylight. Unknown if sub-
                                                                                            Male advising someone took his picture        jects are still there; five or six people.
                                                                                            without reporting party’s permission.         6:35 am, Deer Lake Rd.
   Seriously, we do not make this stuff up!                                                 10:45 pm, Becker Rd.                          Reporting party is hearing his ex and her
                                                                                                                                          dad outside house right now. Hearing
                                                                                            Advising tenant is trying to move in
                                                                                            before they’re allowed to. Reporting party    “Oh my God.”
THURSDAY, NOV. 26                           11:06 pm, Deer Lake Rd.                         states got into an argument and is stating    7 am, Madrona Way
12:33 pm, Nubian Way                        Male on the line, “I was hoping for an          reporting party verbally abused her in        Reporting party states half mile from SR
Advising subjects are going to shoot him.   ambulance, maybe I don’t need one;” not         front of her children.                        20 on Madrona Way. Reporting party
He says they are drug dealers and felons.   answering questions.                                                                          had to leave vehicle partially in water of
                                                                                            MONDAY, NOV. 30
Reporting party originally requested wel-   SATURDAY, NOV. 28                                                                             Kennedy Lagoon. “Slid” into water. Teal
                                                                                            8:52 am, Forest Ln.
fare check. Did not know address.           1:1 1 am, SR 525                                                                              blue 55 VW Beetle.
                                                                                            Caller states neighbor has crossed prop-
6:52 pm, Sills Rd.                          Reporting party advising was approached         erty line and is cutting down trees. States   7:51 am, E Sleeper Rd.
Reporting party advising vehicle drove      10-15 minutes ago by male who asked             is common property but is owned by an         Third party report of loose black cow.
quickly up driveway; reporting party went   reporting party to pump his gas for him.        association.                                  States has been loose for months. Last
and spoke to driver and he said “he was     Then pumped gas into a blue plastic                                                           seen last night walking in middle of road.
                                                                                            11:09 am, Engle Rd.
an officer of Jesus for the world, my       bucket; also had a wad of paper in hand.                                                      Unknown address where cow belongs.
                                                                                            Heading toward the ferry, states vehicle
house is supposed to be here.”              8:38 am, Nubian Way                             is driving erratically, in and out of lane.   2:39 pm, Moran Beach Ln.
FRIDAY, NOV. 27                             Male on line states threats to kill, murder,    Reporting party states appears to be          Advising white female with blonde hair
7:55 am, Nubian Way                         fraud; requesting Sheriff, cussing at call-     younger male who is just happy and            is trespassing on reporting party’s beach.
Talking about piracy and threats to kill.   taker; states if no action, will leave state.   listening to music.                           Off and on past two or three years and
Subjects have threatened reporting party.   SUNDAY, NOV. 29                                                                               won’t stop. Says she walks all the way to
                                                                                            5:38 pm, Patriot Way
9:49 am, Libbey Rd.                         10:02 am, Lancaster Rd.                         Advising there are two goats in reporting     Deception Pass and back.
Advising white male, 25 years old, walk-    States Friday night reporting party dis-        party’s garage, unknown who the goats         6:49 pm, NE Center St.
ing around shooting his rifle.              covered her shop was flooded; reporting         belong to. Reporting party having to go       Reporting party advising residence on
2:30 pm, Cliffordsville Rd.                 party thinks it is strange because the sink     to work now but reporting party’s boy-        corner of 4th Street has drapes open with
Advising male in vehicle was backing in     was also wet.                                   friend will be home.                          large screen TV playing pornography.
and out of parking lot. Reporting party     11:07 am, Lyon Rd.                              TUESDAY, DEC. 1                               States has seen it several times now.
approached male and he told reporting       Reporting party is at police department.        3:47 am, Swantown Rd.                         11:31 pm, Engle Rd.
party he was “just here to watch.”          States think they found a brick of cocaine      Reporting party states vehicle sitting at     Reporting party doesn’t understand why
3:42 pm, Taylor Rd.                         in junk car they’re rebuilding. Requesting      stop light with lights on. Hasn’t moved in    cranes are being allowed to dredge the
Reporting party advising three chickens     contact. Have the substance with them.          35 minutes.                                   canal while reporting party is trying to
on her property, unsure of who they         1:45 pm, SR 20                                  WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2                             camp at location. Is concerned about the
belong to, possibly neighbor. Reporting     Caller states male parked his vehicle in        3:20 am, Sun Vista Cir.                       noise. Requesting call.
party advising they are behind residence.   driveway then ran away; now currently           Reporting party states had Bible at house     Report provided by OHPD & Island County Sheriff’s Dept.

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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
6         DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021
                                                                                                              Whidbey Weekly                                                                                         www.whidbeyweekly.com
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Langley graduate is ordained in New Zealand
By Kathy Reed Whidbey Weekly                                             “My personal faith journey crossed denom-                           God, and the variety of His people in many
It’s been a long journey from Whidbey Island                             inations, and I followed on to Seattle Pacific                      different settings has caused me to look at
to New Zealand, but one of faith and bless-                              University, which further nurtured my walk                          the core of my faith, and not find it wanting.
ings for former island resident, Pixie Paris                             as a young Christian, whilst being rigor-                           I am sincerely grateful to those who taught
Rowe.                                                                    ously academic,” Rowe described. “During                            me and walked alongside during the forma-
                                                                         my time at SPU, I helped lead three summer                          tive years of my commitment to follow Jesus.
Rowe, who moved to Whidbey in 1970 and                                   school terms in England, and fell in love with
graduated from South Whidbey High School                                                                                                     “Serving God in the church was a natural
                                                                         the British people and their land. Choosing
in 1974, was recently ordained as a priest in                                                                                                progression, and raising our four children,
                                                                         to work there and then study at Trinity Theo-
the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, a.k.a. New                                                                                                  and now eight grandchildren, in the faith is
                                                                         logical College, Bristol, helped me pursue
Zealand. In an email exchange with Whidbey                                                                                                   the most fulfilling life I can imagine,” Rowe
                                                                         that dream, as well as meeting my future
Weekly, Rowe explained how her time on                                                                                                       continued.
                                                                         husband, David!”
Whidbey helped shape her future.                                                                                                             Rowe said she and her husband took up
                                                                         Rowe’s husband was ordained in the Angli-
“I loved living in a rural setting, and being                                                                                                leadership of an international Christian com-
                                                                         can Church in 1983. Pixie became a licensed
part of a smaller school,” she said. “Our class                                                                                              munity and conference center in 2008, Lee
                                                                         lay minister and the couple has worked
of 1974 was only 55 at graduation! We                                                                                                        Abbey in Devon, southwest England, where
                                                                         alongside each other at various parishes,
attended St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods [in                                                                                                    their eldest son met his wife, who is from
                                                                         schools and at home, with their four children.
Freeland] and then I joined a youth group at                                                                                                 New Zealand. They traveled there for their
Christian and Missionary Alliance in Langley. I                          While Rowe’s mother and one brother still                           son’s wedding in 2012.
was influenced by the character and integrity                            reside on Whidbey, she said the time spent                          “We loved the country and made new
of the lives of my classmates and [a coach]                              apart has served to strengthen her faith.                           friends,” she said. “When our son and his
who were involved there.”                                                “My faith as a Christian has been enriched                          wife were to be ordained priests in 2016, we                   Photo Courtesy of Pixie Paris Rowe
                                                                         and strengthened by living away from my                             flew out from England again, this time being                   Former Whidbey Island resident and South Whidbey High School
A term spent as an exchange student in
                                                                                                                                                                                                            graduate Pixie Paris Rowe has been ordained in the Anglican
Mexico cemented Rowe’s love of travel and                                homeland,” she shared. “Christ has proven                           asked by their bishop if David would consider
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Church of New Zealand.
deepened her faith, she said.                                            himself to be a faithful and utterly reliable                       serving in Wellington Diocese. We prayed
                                                                                                                                             and explored what that might really look like,
                                                                                                                                             and by 2018, David accepted the calling as                     up to 800 people, all the time. We have had
                                                                                                                                             Dean of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul.                       incredibly clear and yet kind guidance from
                                                                                                                                                                                                            our Prime Minister and her advisors, an easy
                                                                                                                                             “My personal call to ordained leadership                       border to control, and five million people
                                                                                                                                             came soon after we arrived,” Rowe con-                         who chose to do the best for everyone. It is
                                                                                                                                             tinued. “I lead a team of volunteers who                       an honour to be here at this very interesting
                                                                                                                                             run our Cathedral Welcome Centre and                           time.”
                                                                                                                                             Shop, greeting and sharing God’s welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                                            While Rowe may be half a world away these
                                                                                                                                             in the heart of the capital of New Zealand,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            days, she recognizes the many ways in which
                                                                                                                                             just across the street from the Parliament
                                                                                                                                                                                                            life on Whidbey Island helped her chart her
                                                                                                                                             Life in another new country has been good,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “What moving to Whidbey did for the whole
                                                                                                                                             according to Rowe. She and David are trying
                                                                                                                                                                                                            rest of my life is a huge, almost insatia-
                                                                                                                                             to learn Te Reo Mãori, the second language
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ble, love of islands!” she said. “The other
                                                                                                                                             of New Zealand, as they use many Mãori
                                                                                                                                                                                                            abiding memories of life on Whidbey are:
                                                                                                                                             words in their prayers and worship. And, like
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Playing in the band on the back of a truck
                                                                                                                                             the rest of the world, navigating the early
                                                                                                                                                                                                            for the Maxwelton 4th of July celebrations;
                                                                                                                                             days of the COVID-19 pandemic brought
                                                                                                                                                                                                            hanging out in Langley, going to the movies
                                                                                                                                             many challenges.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            every week at The Clyde; clam digging on
                                                                                                                                             “We learned new skills so we could prepare                     Useless Bay; riding horseback through the
                                                                                                                                             services online, and then Zoom services,” said                 woods; singing Christmas carols around
Photo Courtesy of Pixie Paris Rowe                                                                                                           Rowe. “Now that we are basically COVID-                        Langley with an all-age group from the
Fellow pastors and parishioners at the Wellington Cathedral of St. Paul, in New Zealand, gather to celebrate the ordination of Pixie Paris   free in the population of New Zealand, we                      church; and of course, our own wedding at
Rowe in November.                                                                                                                            have regular – and large – special services,                   St. Augustine’s-in-the-Woods.”

HIKE continued from page 2
we are still thinking of them,” she said. “And we want them                                      For those unable to make it to the park on New Year’s Day,                     to show these tide pool field trips to people not only from
to be able to get out in nature and explore and have fun, just                                   Bentz said there will also be a virtual hike option offered on                 Whidbey Island but show it to people from all over who had
so long as they do it in a safe way.”                                                            the Washington State Parks YouTube channel. The video will                     never seen a tide pool before as well.”
The event will focus on safety, with reminders to social                                         offer a deeper look into the Cranberry Lake area.
                                                                                                                                                                                Bentz said the Deception Pass Park Foundation looks forward
distance and other precautions taken, Bentz said. The hike                                       “This year, I chose to do a program on the history of Cran-                    to being able to welcome visitors to the park for the First Day
will also spread people throughout the area, with activities for                                 berry Lake and how it has really shaped our park today,” she
both the Fidalgo and Whidbey Island side of the park. Visitors                                                                                                                  Hike festivities.
                                                                                                 said. “I think it is a cool program because it is something that
can visit Cranberry Lake, West Beach, or explore interpretive                                    not a lot of people may have known about before.”                              “Everybody who has been working on the event has been
hikes via the Sand Dunes Interpretive Trail or take a walk                                                                                                                      really excited that we are able to offer something because it
through the trees of the Upland Forest Trail.                                                    Throughout 2020, Bentz said there have been efforts to
                                                                                                 continue outreach and allow people to learn more about the                     looks like people have really been wanting a way to get out-
“We were trying to do a little bit of everything for people,”                                    Deception Pass area.                                                           doors and find events happening near them,” she said.
she said. “With that, we have the Junior Ranger Book, which
can be for all ages but it is generally for ages 4 to 12, and                                    “Our interpretive program was able to do some virtual field                    For more information on the First Day Hike, visit deception-
then we have different options like our scavenger hunt, with                                     trips,” she said. “When I first came in, [the interpretive pro-                passfoundation.org. Prior to visiting the park, it is recom-
easy, medium and hard versions so people of all ages can do                                      gram team] was working on virtual tide pool field trips which                  mended to refer to the updated COVID Safety Guidelines,
that as well as any of the hikes.”                                                               I know had a ton of interest from teachers. They were able                    Puzzle
                                                                                                                                                                                which 1 (Easy,
                                                                                                                                                                                           can difficulty rating 0.36)at coronavirus.wa.gov/.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   be found

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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
                                                                               Whidbey Weekly                     DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021                                  7
  LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                          LOCALLY OPERATED
BITS ‘n’ PIECES    continued from page    4         will be many opportunities for members of the
innumerable harbors, inlets, peninsulas, island     public to share their views and ideas through
shores, and parks.                                  virtual workshops, surveys, social media, focus
                                                    groups and more. These collaborative efforts
National Heritage Areas (NHAs) combine natu-
                                                    will culminate in a management plan which
ral, cultural and historic places to tell a cohe-
                                                    will serve as a roadmap for the heritage area,
sive, nationally important story. NHAs are
                                                    outlining the NHA’s mission, partnership struc-
unique in that they are supported by the
                                                    ture, programs, interpretive strategies, poten-
National Park Service but are locally managed,
                                                    tial grantmaking roles and more. After robust                                       Your local experts on ductless heating and cooling
are entirely non-regulatory, and involve no
                                                    public collaboration, the Washington Trust
change in land ownership. Instead, NHAs are
                                                    aims to present a draft of this plan for public
built on public-private partnerships and collab-
                                                    review by late fall 2021.
oration to support communities in sharing
their unique stories and maintaining resources      For more information on the Maritime Wash-
that matter to them. By working with commu-         ington NHA and to sign up for email updates
nities to determine how to make heritage rele-      about opportunities to get involved, visit www.
vant to local interests and needs, NHAs can         preservewa.org/mwnha. The first public virtual
support historic preservation, economic devel-      information session about the heritage area
opment, natural resource conservation, recre-       will be held Tuesday, January 19 at 4:00pm.
ation, heritage tourism, and educational            Sign up for this free virtual session at www.
projects on the local level. Existing NHAs across
the country have organized national tour-           [Submitted by Alexandra Gradwohl, Project
ism marketing campaigns, created region-
wide visitor tours and experiences, run grant
                                                    Manager, Washington Trust for Historic Pres-
programs, provided workshops and trainings
for local organizations, spearheaded preserva-      Navy Begins Noise Monitoring
tion projects, implemented statewide curricula      Initiative at NAS Whidbey Island

                                                                                                           This Weekend!
and much more.                                      The Navy completed its first week of real-time
In short, NHAs build partnerships and share         sound monitoring at Naval Air Station (NAS)
stories that are important to America’s iden-       Whidbey Island as directed by the National
tity, past and present. The Maritime Washing-       Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal
ton NHA is the first and, to date, only NHA in      Year 2020 (FY20).                                      FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 3
the country focused entirely on maritime heri-      Flight activity was monitored at 11 sites in
tage. It celebrates the water-based stories and
cultures of our state’s saltwater shores—boost-
                                                    proximity to Ault Field and Outlying Landing
                                                    Field (OLF) Coupeville for seven consecutive            WONDER WOMAN 1984
ing tourism, strengthening maritime organi-
zations and finding new ways to collaborate
                                                    days from Sunday, Dec. 13 through Saturday,
                                                    Dec. 19. Data also continues to be collected in                               (PG-13)
and share resources. The Maritime Washing-

                                                                                                            MONSTER HUNTER (PG-13)
                                                    the Olympic National Park at a twelfth site.
ton NHA is facilitated by the Washington Trust
for Historic Preservation, a statewide nonprofit    The week of monitoring included a range of
organization.                                       typical flight activity, including four days of
                                                    high activity levels, a moderate-level day, and
Over the next year, the Washington Trust            low-level flight activity on the weekends.
will collaborate with communities through-
out the NHA to turn vision into an opera-           The information will be available to the
tional plan for the heritage area. This planning    public once the yearlong monitoring effort is                  FRIDAY-SUNDAY, BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 4PM, FIRST MOVIE BEGINS AT 6PM
process will be built from the ground up, with      complete and the Navy has submitted the final                 11 & OVER $6.50*; KIDS 5-10 $1.00*; 4 & UNDER FREE *CASH PRICES
local residents and maritime partners shap-                                                                          1403 N Monroe Landing Rd • Oak Harbor
ing the future of the Maritime Washington
NHA. Throughout the first half of 2021, there
                                                    [Submitted by Mike Welding, Public Affairs
                                                    Officer, NAS Whidbey Island]
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Hello 2021 HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Whidbey Weekly
8       DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021
                                                                                                  Whidbey Weekly                                                                            www.whidbeyweekly.com
           LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                                                    LOCALLY OPERATED

                                      Let’s Dish!
                                                                                                                             lucky and is represented by giving away marzipan         with a coin in it, because there’s no such thing as
                                                                                                                             shaped pigs. The sugar and almond paste swine are        having enough good luck. I’ve included a recipe
                                                                                                                             molded into shape before being painted and can           for Hoppin’ John I plan on serving my family this
                                                                                                                             be consumed raw or baked. While the marzipan             New Year’s; hopefully it brings us luck for 2021! I
                                                                                                                             schwein is a popular gift and dessert, the main star     would like to take this moment to thank all of you
                                      with Kae Harris                                                                        of a German New Year’s dinner is suckling pig, thus      for your support this year and to wish all of you a
                                                                                                                             bringing full circle the theme of good luck through      prosperous, safe and fruitful New Year! As always,
                                                                                                                             the humble porker.                                       I look forward to hearing from you, so please write
                                                                                                                             Many cultures welcome the New Year with cake;            me with any questions and comments at letsdish.
                                                                                                                             king cake to be specific. Known as the Galette des       whidbeyweekly@gmail.com. Happy New Year and I
                                                                                                                             Rois in France, Vasilopita in Greece, Rosca de Reyes     look forward to us continuing to Dish! well into the
                                                                                                                             in Mexico and Banitsa in Bulgaria, the king cake         New Year!
                                                                                                                             is a rich, buttery cake often spiced with cinnamon
                                                                                                                                                                                      Hoppin’ John
                                                                                                                             and, continuing with the theme of good luck, often
                                                                                                                             has a trinket or coin baked into it. The lucky winner    1/3 pound bacon, cut into small pieces
                                                                                                                             who ends up with this trinket brings forth prosper-      1 celery stalk, diced
                                                                                                                             ity into the New Year and is often responsible for       1 small yellow onion, diced
                                                                                                                             purchasing the cake for the following year. So, in       1 small green bell pepper, diced
                                                                                                                             reality, everyone is a winner! So popular is the king    2 garlic cloves, minced
A SIDE OF LUCK WITH YOUR NEW                                        represents prosperity and luck for every month in
                                                                                                                                                                                      1/2 pound dried black-eyed peas,
YEAR MEAL!                                                          the upcoming year and is so popular it has spread        cake that it has also become a large part of Loui-
                                                                                                                             siana culture in celebrating the Epiphany and the          about 1 1/4 cups
                                                                    to other Latin cultures such as Portugal, where the
The end of 2020 is nigh, and I don’t know about                                                                              beginning of Mardi Gras festivities. Whichever the       1 bay leaf
                                                                    grapes have been replaced with raisins and Peru,
you dear reader, but I can’t wait. To say this year                                                                          country, having cake with the possibility of winning     2 teaspoons dried thyme
                                                                    where a 13th grape is eaten for an extra dose of
has been challenging for everyone is an under-                                                                               a prize is a tradition I definitely endorse!             1 heaping teaspoon Cajun seasoning
                                                                    luck everyone needs in their life.
statement; years from now, kids will be reading                                                                                                                                       Salt
about life in the year 2020 in their history books                  Italy takes the idea of wealth and prosperity to         With New Year’s Day occurring during the height          2 cups long-grain rice
and I hope they shed a tear of sympathy for us,                     a symbolic level, eating lentils which have been         of winter in the northern hemisphere, it is easy
                                                                                                                             to forget countries in the southern hemisphere           Crisp the bacon in a medium pot over medium low
because we deserve it! As with the end of any year,                 chosen for their coin-like shape. In order to ensure
                                                                                                                             begin the countdown to midnight while enjoying a         heat. Once the bacon is crispy, increase the heat to
we reflect on the year and outline what we look                     as much good fortune going forward as possible,
                                                                                                                             cocktail on a warm summer’s night. In Australia and      medium-high and add the celery, onion, and green
forward to in the New Year; I think a return to nor-                the humble lentil dish is often accompanied by
                                                                                                                             New Zealand, the typical way of celebrating New          pepper and sauté until they begin to brown, about
malcy and the end of the pandemic would be at the                   a spicy pork sausage in a dish called cotechino e
                                                                                                                             Year’s is with a barbecue, which is more like grilling   4-5 minutes. Add the garlic, stir well and cook for
top of everyone’s list! In order to ensure the New                  lenticchie and is sometimes served with zampone,                                                                  another 1-2 minutes.
                                                                    a deboned pig trotter stuffed with sausage meat;         in your backyard than the barbecue we are typically
Year begins on the right foot, many cultures around
                                                                    pigs root forward, and eating porky goodness as a        accustomed to in the United States. Meats com-           Add the black-eyed peas, bay leaf, thyme and
the world practice age-old traditions, a lot of which
                                                                    New Year’s meal is simply hedging your bets for the      monly found in these cookouts include sausage,           Cajun seasoning and cover with 4 cups of water.
revolve around food.
                                                                    New Year!                                                steak and lamb, which is fitting, considering sheep      Cook for an hour to an hour and a half, until the
Speaking of starting on the right foot, the Scots                                                                            outnumber humans by three to one in Australia and        peas are tender.
take this very literally: the land of “Auld Lang Syne”              If Italy gives a nod to coin-shaped food, the Philip-    seven to one in New Zealand. The cookout culture
traditionally welcomes the New Year with the                        pines is the epicenter of head-banging. A typical        is also found in my native South Africa with a braai     Cook the rice separately according to package
practice of the “first foot,” in which a dark-haired                Filipino table is laden with circular shaped foods,      featuring large in many households, made up of           instructions.
man is the first person to step into the house after                with particular attention given to fruit, and is often   a sausage called Boerewors (“farmer’s sausage”),         When the black-eyed peas are tender, strain out the
midnight, laden with shortbread, salt and whiskey.                  accompanied with lechon, roast pig. Whatever the         steak and lamb, with a variety of sides to give one      remaining cooking water. Remove and discard the
Personally, I’d be more than happy with a box or                    significance behind these dishes, the most import-       the energy needed to take on the New Year.               bay leaf. Taste the black-eyed peas for salt and add
10 of shortbread cookies as a way to start the New                  ant commonality is large, family-style meals are at                                                               more if needed.
                                                                                                                             A New Year meal exclusive to the United States
Year, so this is a tradition I am more than happy to                the core of ringing in the New Year and I can think
                                                                                                                             is a dish commonly served in the South, and one          Mix the black-eyed peas and rice in a large bowl
get on board with!                                                  of no better way to start the New Year than being
                                                                                                                             I’ve mentioned before: “Hoppin’ John.” This dish         and serve with collard greens and corn bread.
                                                                    surrounded by family and friends.
New Year traditions throughout the world have the                                                                            of pork, rice, black-eyed peas (again, symbolizing
common theme of ensuring wealth and prosperity.                     Even when moving away from savory to sweet, the          coins) served with collard greens (green being
In Spain, it is common to partake in “12 grapes in                  humble piggy continues to feature prominently. At        the color of money) and cornbread (the color of          To read past columns of Let’s Dish in the Whidbey
12 seconds,” in which a grape is popped in one’s                    least in Germany and Austria. The German phrase          gold, although this may be a stretch), originated        Weekly, see our Digital Library at www.whidbey-
mouth with every chime of the clock. Each grape                     Schwein gehabt, or “having a pig,” refers to being       in the Carolinas and is even sometimes cooked            weekly.com.

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                                                                                 Whidbey Weekly                                             DECEMBER 31, 2020 - JANUARY 6, 2021                                            9
  LOCALLY OWNED                                                                                                                                                          LOCALLY OPERATED
                                                       they’re better off not knowing. Don’t be afraid
                                                       to think of other ways. Honest people
                                                       appreciate the help.

                                                       LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
                                                                     Power is like a drug. Potent,
                                                                     intoxicating, addicting. Hence
                                                                     the old saying, “Power
                                                                     corrupts, absolute power
                                                                     corrupts absolutely.’ Name a
                                                                     dictator. Hitler? Mao? Stalin?
                                                       Drunk on power, every one. Who has power
                                                       over you? Are they wielding their power
                                                       responsibly? The responsibly powerful teach

                                                       power by vesting power in you. That can be
                                                       done, you know. Gandhi and Jesus come to

                                                       mind. Can you name others?

                                                       SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
By Wesley Hallock                                                     Speed and the element of
                                                                      surprise often make the
ARIES (March 21-April 19)                                             difference between winning
                  Your word is one of the few                         and losing. An exception comes
                  things you can give and keep at                     from the fabled race of the
                  the same time. (Thank you,                          Tortoise and the Hare. You
                  Carlos Wallace.) Your word is        remember. The speedy hare thought he had
                  both a powerful gift and a           time to nap, which allowed the slow but
                  precious inheritance to be           steady tortoise to win the race. What’s your
guarded and treasured. So powerful is this             race? Are you sleeping when you should be
gift, so precious, it was the start of all that is.    running? Such overconfidence can work
Hear scripture: “In the beginning was the              against you.
Word . . .” The word has but one enemy, and
that is lie. If the Word was the beginning, will       SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
lies be the end?                                                       Habit. It’s a two-edged sword.
                                                                       As the automatic response that
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)                                               frees your mind to tackle
                Ask any pilot. Straight and level                      important things, habit lets you
                flight is the result of constant                       accomplish more. Habit can also
                small corrections of course and                        walk you thoughtlessly into        CLUES ACROSS                                       developer                          24. Unkeyed
                altitude. It’s true. A pilot’s brain   difficulties the more alert would have avoided.                                             55. Partner to pain                          25. Principle underlying
                                                                                                          1. Opposite of west
                and fingers are always moving.         Which brings us to the habit of labeling                                                                                                     the universe
                The more turbulent the sky, the        everything as good or bad. Habit is clearly        5. __ Caesar, comedian                   56. Where golfers start
busier a pilot must be. Where is the turbulence        both and neither! Bottom line? Get in the                                                                                                26. Corpuscle count
                                                                                                          8. Helps little firms                    57. Jenny __: weight                             (abbr.)
in your own life? Mom or dad, breadwinner or           habit of learning from your habits.                                                             loss program
student, leader or follower, if you want to fly                                                           11. A way to censor                                                                   27. Residue
high, the same rules of flight apply. Keep the         CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)                                                                 59. Sailing dinghy
                                                                      When you stand proud and            13. Expresses atom-                                                                   28. Company that rings
brain engaged. Keep the fingers moving.                                                                                                            60. Suffix that forms
                                                                      independent, a predictable              ic and molecular                                                                      receipts
                                                                                                              weights                                  adjectives
GEMINI (May 21-June 21)                                               thing happens. People begin to
                                                                                                                                                                                                29. Rugged mountain
                Networking. Circulating.                              stand with you. Just the            14. Chalcedony                           61. Speeds at which                              range
                Socializing. Hobnobbing.                              appearance of knowing who                                                        music is played
                Mingling. Schmoozing.                                 you are and where you are           15. Type of sword                                                                     34. Commercials
                                                                                                                                                   62. Body part
                Whatever you prefer to call it,        going attracts the less sure. And if your words    16. A corporation’s first                                                             35. NY footballer
                spreading yourself around is a         are consistent with your image? You’re the             offer to sell stock to               63. Fall back
                sure fire way of gathering             person who gains a following. You’re the               the public                                                                        36. They __
                                                       person who always has a friend in the room,
                                                                                                                                                   64. Ancient Greek
useful information. But let’s think about it.                                                                                                          sophist                                  37. Soviet Socialist
While you’re busily working the room, isn’t it         even if you entered as a stranger. Are you         17. Attired
                                                       ready to stand?
fair to say that someone there is just as busily                                                          18. A sequence of wind-
working you? Is everything they’re telling you                                                                ing turns                                                                         39. Poked holes in the
true? Maybe. Maybe not. Consider that while            AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb 18)
                                                                      Even the tried and true can         20. Pal
                                                                                                                                                   CLUES DOWN                                       ground
you’re rubbing elbows.                                                                                                                                                                          40. Pitchers
                                                                      sometimes be made better. You                                                 1. One point south of
                                                                      see it in food. In fashions. In     21. Expresses pleasure                       due east
CANCER (June 22-July 22)                                                                                                                                                                        41. Your
                You go to the dreaded                                 politics. The popular becomes       22. Amendable                             2. Wings
                gathering. You hang out                               less popular, and what was new                                                                                            42. Diana __, singer
                silently, looking, listening,                         and exciting becomes stale.         25. Clear                                 3. One point south of                       44. Important document
                smiling, but never speaking.           When that day comes, nothing can prevent           30. A way to cut off                         southeast                                    for inventors
                You notice a fake smile here, a        change. The old guard will protest, dinosaurs                                                4. The shirts on our
                nervous laugh there, of the            defending their ways. Pay them no mind.            31. Indigenous Thai                                                                   45. Bangladesh capital
                                                                                                              person                                    backs
ones trying too hard to fit in. You see the            When change breaks like a thunderclap,                                                                                                   46. Fluid that flows in
hostess, so anxious to please. You notice the          there’s no stopping it. Are you ready?             32. Pale brownish yellow                  5. One who works on                             the veins of Greek
fellow wallflower, burdened with fears and                                                                    color                                    the seas                                     gods
doubts. And your heart reaches out to them.            PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
                                                                                                          33. Aquatic plants                        6. Select jury                              47. Famed daguerreo-
Each, in their own way, is like you. Good                               Out with the old, in with the
people in a strange place. Just like you.                               new. And what will the new            genus                                 7. Small intestines parts                       type photographer
                                                                        bring? Have you given it any
                                                                                                          38. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!                  8. Plant of the heath                       48. Where military per-
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)                                                   thought? Or are you one who
                                                                                                                                                        family                                      sonnel work
                Freedom. Independence. On a                             still thinks the future just      41. Merchants
                list of the important things in                         happens? That’s the old way of                                              9. Extrasolar planet                        51. Play a role
                                                       thinking. You have considerable influence over     43. Fix a chair
                life, where do you rate them?                                                                                                                                                   52. La __ Tar Pits, Holly-
                                                       the unfolding future. Adding your voice to the                                              10. Creates more of
                Tied for first? Freedom and                                                               45. Throws into disorga-                                                                  wood
                independence. Don’t they just          way things will be makes it that much more             nization                             12. Before
                roll naturally off the tongue          likely to be so. Your vote is your vote. Don’t                                                                                           53. Unstressed-stressed
                                                       let it be stolen by those who would think for      48. Famed German                         14. Forms over a cut
together? Is anything more important than                                                                                                                                                       54. Type of palm tree
                                                       you.                                                   composer
freedom and independence? If you have                                                                                                              19. Runs down
those, you’re set. If you have those, you can          © 2020, Wesley Hallock, All Rights Reserved        49. Keyboard key                                                                      58. Judo garments
follow your heart. If you have those, you have
                                                                                                                                                   23. Exercise regimen
                                                                                                          50. Oral polio vaccine                       __-bo                                         Answers on page 11
the essentials by which you may acquire
anything else you want. Anything.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
                                                       Chicken Little’s knock on the head meant
                                                       to him that the sky was falling, silly bird. His
                                                                                                               YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS OURS WEATHER FORECAST
                Ask a police officer. Ask a            horoscope showed other possibilities. Don’t          Thurs, Dec. 31    Fri, Jan. 1       Sat, Jan. 2       Sun, Jan. 3     Mon, Jan. 4       Tues, Jan. 5    Wed, Jan. 6
                locksmith. Ask anyone whose            wait for a knock on the head to ask what’s up          North Isle      North Isle        North Isle         North Isle      North Isle        North Isle      North Isle

                job it is to know: Locks keep          in your life. Wesley Hallock, as Whidbey Week-       H-49°/L-42°      H-51°/L-43°      H-53°/L-42°        H-51°/L-43°     H-49°/L-41°        H-47°/L-41°     H-47°/L-39°
                                                                                                              AM Rain        Windy and         Windy with        Windy with      Chance of Rain    Chance of Rain     Windy
                honest people honest. Hear the         ly’s professional astrologer and horoscope                              Rainy          Chance of Rain    Chance of Rain
                implication? Faced with a lock,        writer, keeps one eye on the sky and alerts
                those whose calling is to be           us to the prospects each week. To read past            South Isle      South Isle        South Isle         South Isle      South Isle        South Isle      South Isle

dishonest will find a way around it. There are         columns of Chicken Little and the Astrologer         H-48°/L-42°      H-50°/L-42°      H-51°/L-42°        H-49°/L-42°     H-46°/L-39°        H-46°/L-40°     H-47°/L-38°
                                                                                                              AM Rain           Rain           Windy with         Windy with      Windy with       Rain possible      Windy
other ways of keeping honest people honest.            in the Whidbey Weekly, see our Digital Library                                         Chance of Rain     Rain Possible   Chance of Rain
One way is to not let them know things                 at www.whidbeyweekly.com.

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