Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market

Page created by Marshall Schroeder
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Business perspectives
   and investment
potential in the Polish
  real estate market
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Marek Kutarba
Chief Publishing
Officer at Gremi
Media S.A.

             oland is still one of the fastest growing economies
             in the world. It is easy to see that this is the case if
             you look out the window from your office or travel                    Poland is a country
             around the country on new motorways and roads.                        of good investments
There is practically no bigger city that does not bloom under
the influence of new numerous investments. This is particu-
larly evident in the real estate market. Numerous infrastruc-
ture investments, new offices, shopping malls and residential
properties are visible at almost every step. And this does not
only apply to Warsaw, the largest Polish city, but also to many
other cities and smaller towns. This makes Poland still one of
the most interesting places to locate new investments, attract-
ive and stable.
    This is also shown by the results on the real estate market. In     zoning law), or by clarifying old doubts, as is the case with tax
2019, prices in this market increased by 10% and in the last four       regulations (especially with regard to VAT).
years by 30%. And importantly, despite rising prices, demand               All this makes us once again undertake the effort to prepare
still exceeds supply. And not only in the residential market, but       a practical guide to the Polish real estate market for you. As in
also in the office or warehouse market. This trend will also con-       previous years, we want to present you with a picture of the
tinue in 2020.                                                          Polish real estate market. That is why we write about new in-
    At the same time, requirements for new investments are              teresting investments, market trends, new legal regulations, or
increasing. The trend towards buildings that are “eco” and              about the most important or innovative companies operating
“smart” is beginning to prevail. Environmentally friendly and           on this market. We hope that this knowledge will allow you to
increasingly intelligent, and at the same time much cheaper to          understand the Polish real estate market, proving at the same
maintain and operate. This should not come as a surprise. This          time that Poland is an excellent location for new, even better
direction is also actively supported by the Polish legislation.         and more innovative investments. A country that is stable and
In 2021, regulations promoting energy-efficient buildings will          guarantees an adequate return on invested money. I invite you
come into force. There is also growing interest in new types of         to read the next, fifth edition of Time For Polska.            
real estate, such as aparthotels or co-living. Polish law is also
changing dynamically. More and more regulations are sup-
porting the development of new investments, either by intro-
ducing new regulations (e.g. in the area of construction and

Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
The largest network
   of law firms in Poland
operating under the auspices
  of the “Rzeczpospolita”
      daily newspaper

        W W W . K A N C E L A R I E R P. P L
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
The coming years for Gdynia promise
to be very fruitful, which will only improve
      the high position of the Tri-City
        on the office space market
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
– Spychała
Deputy Mayor
of Gdynia

                   hen it comes to attracting investors’ attention      ago we were developing a strategy for the future of Gdynia,
                   and creating new office space, which also in-        and one of our priority projects was called „Science and work”.
                   volves new employment opportunities, Gdynia          What we were able to do to create new office space in the city was
                   still has a lot of potential. Future investments     to create good conditions for investors so that business could
can only increase the city’s development dynamics. In the years         create the space itself. The prize awarded by ABSL is a reward
2021-2023 an increase in office space by over 100,000 square            for this effort.
meters is planned. Such a high growth dynamics should bring                 Apart from investment projects, Gdynia always takes care of
as many as 13 thousand new jobs in business services.                   its residents in the first place, creating pocket parks, meeting
   Therefore, the coming years for Gdynia promise to be very            places and public facilities that encourage people to spend time
fruitful, which will only improve the high position of the Tri-         outdoors. The city has always appreciated the high quality of
City on the office space market, especially taking into account         life it provides to its residents, also by organizing many sports
the fact that in the near future the city will discuss the details of   and cultural events, such as the Half Marathon World Athletics
the land use plan for an area of 40 hectares – the last such a large    Championships, Ladies’ Jazz Festival or Open’er Festival.
plot, remaining to be covered by the spatial plan.                          Gdynia is a city for which entrepreneurship is something nat-
   The main goal of the city is to create a joyful and comfort-         ural. We create support for small, medium and large entrepren-
able place to live, which meets the highest requirements of the         eurs according to their needs – the aim is for business to develop,
contemporary lifestyle. We are constantly trying to improve the         but also for the inhabitants to enjoy the time spent in Gdynia.
quality of life for residents as well as investors.                     High economic development is a condition for implementing
   Nevertheless, it is always a good feeling when the city’s efforts    ambitious city program.
are appreciated outside. In 2019, Gdynia was awarded in the                 In addition to make Gdynia’s residents as well as visitors life
LivCom Awards – an extremely prestigious, worldwide ranking             easier, the city also plans to constantly improve the road infra-
that focuses on the quality of life, rewarding and identifying          structure as well as the super modern and environmentally
those cities where it is simply the best. Last year’s edition, in       friendly public transport, to which we have recently purchased
which Gdynia was awarded third place in the category 150,000            55 buses, 30 trolleybuses, which can partly be driven without
– 400,000 residents, focused heavily on problems related to cli-        energy supply, and more than 20 modern electric buses, to-
mate change.                                                            gether with the reduction of car traffic in the city center, will al-
   Domestically, the city was also appreciated by the Associ-           low residents to reach their destination faster. Although the city
ation of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), which for the second          is proud of its air quality, it is always better to introduce modern
time awarded Gdynia an award in the category of Supporting              solutions as early as possible.
Cities for the support of modern business services sector.                  Constant development and high quality of life make Gdynia
   A large dose of patience is needed to plan the city’s develop-       a very attractive city for both residents and investors.           
ment in the long term – there are no quick results. A few years
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
The WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” has already
          been awarded several times
in the international ranking of fDi Magazine,
      including an award for the quality
       of services provided to investors
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Piotr Sosiński
of Wałbrzych Special
Economic Zone

            he WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” was established in               ility of taking advantage of preferential conditions for business
            1997. At present, the Zone is one of the most dy-      activity by entrepreneurs. It is worth mentioning that small
            namically developing investment locations in           and medium sized enterprises can benefit even more. Our aim
            Poland, comprising 29 districts in Dolnośląskie,       is to encourage potential investors to become familiar with the
Opolskie and Wielkopolskie Provinces.                              new rules, procedure, preparation and submission of applica-
   – The WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” has perfectly located invest-          tions. At the same time, we try to make the process of analysis
ment areas in south-western Poland, as well as finished indus-     and decision making as short as possible, which will allow for
trial halls and office space for rent. Apart from infrastructure   quick implementation of new projects. The new regulations
and location, our employees are also well qualified. The Zone      did not interrupt the work of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”, on
offers both income tax exemptions and comprehensive sup-           the contrary, the current regulations are more transparent
port for entrepreneurs – assistance in locating the investment     and the application procedure for support is simplified. The in-
and conducting business activities, e.g. free training, lower      terest of serious investors in the Wałbrzych Special Economic
energy costs or assistance in finding employees and business       Zone “INVEST-PARK” is still very high, which of course makes
partners. The Zone has already been awarded several times in       us very happy – sums up Dr Piotr Sosiński.                     
the international ranking of fDi Magazine, including an award
for the quality of services provided to investors. For over two
decades it has been a key factor in the economic development
of Lower Silesia, Opole and Wielkopolska – emphasizes
Dr Piotr Sosiński, President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”.
                                                                           “Our aim is to
   The zone has already attracted over 250 investors, whose
investments exceeded PLN 30 billion, and about 60 thou-                 encourage potential
sand people found employment in companies operating here.
Among these investors there are global entities as well as me-          investors to become
dium, small and even micro-enterprises. One of the four com-
panies in the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” operates in the automo-               familiar with the new
tive industry or related sector.
   – Since 2018, special economic zones in our country have             rules and procedure
                                                                           of submitting
been operating on the basis of new legal regulations and imple-
menting the investment policy under the motto “Polish Invest-

ment Zone”. The new formula of the zones’ operation assumes
covering the entire investment area in Poland with the possib-
Business perspectives and investment potential in the Polish real estate market
Supporting the current development
dynamics and its constant balancing seems
     to be the most important issue
          for the coming years
at Baker McKenzie

          019 was another record year in terms of volume of            pendent title to the land (or part of it). The introduction of this
          transactions and real estate investments in Poland.          institution would enable the implementation of new projects in
          The upward trend has continued for practically a             places which by definition are excluded from the interest of po-
          long time in all sectors, except retail. The increase in     tential investors.
demand for investment land translated into an increase in real            Another issue that would allow the dynamic development
estate prices, which, on the one hand, is a positive signal, but on    of cities to be maintained is an open approach to the issue of
the other hand, if it continues, it may be a negative factor affect-   downtown density, especially given the scarcity of local land use
ing Poland’s investment attractiveness, constituting a barrier         plans and the content of already existing studies. It is necessary
for foreign entrepreneurs. Therefore, supporting the current           to conduct an open dialogue between the city authorities and in-
development dynamics and its constant balancing seems to be            vestors, enabling the maximum intensity of development while
the most important issue for the coming years. However, it will        maintaining the principles of sustainable development.
not be possible without a critical look and coping with serious           When looking for constructive solutions, one should take
problems, such as in particular the growing lack of supply of in-      into account the above mentioned dynamics, which character-
vestment land.                                                         izes the real estate market along with urban development, the
   Developers and investors find many ways to solve the prob-          needs of the inhabitants and the corresponding activities of de-
lem of investment land supply, such as revitalization of real          velopers, who expect effective, comprehensive legal solutions
estate or change of its designation, as a result of which, for ex-     supporting them and meeting the expectations of their busi-
ample, many post-industrial areas gain a new designation and           ness. It is currently one of the biggest challenges in coping with
again become part of the urban structure. Although creative,           the increasingly noticeable decrease in the supply of investment
these are rather one-off solutions, and the land supply problem        land.                                                            
will only grow in the long run without appropriate solutions.
   It seems that one of the concepts worth considering and pop-
ularizing is a multi-layered real estate institution, commonly
known as a 3D plot. Attempts to introduce this concept into
our legal system, which successfully operates in various vari-
ants in France, Germany or the United Kingdom, have started
long time ago, but without a satisfactory effect.
   A multi-layered ownership or development right is simply
the possibility for various independent entities to carry out
construction projects on different levels of the land (above and
below its surface), with each investor having a strong and inde-
Out of all the EU Member States, Poland
   offers the highest level of investment
 support – depending on project location,
even up to 50% of eligible costs (in the case
  of large companies). The aid is granted
    in the form of corporate income tax
exemption (longest period in the EU – from
  10 to 15 years tax free) and cash grants
Executive Vice
President of Polish
and Trade Agency

             oland is the perfect business partner for investors de-       Poland has invested greatly in its educational system. Thanks
             veloping high-tech product and services thanks to, its     to which, it is the largest academic hub in the CEE region and
             unique tech and business-oriented environment. As a        proud of the fact that there are major higher education centres
             Member State of the EU, located in the heart of Europe,    in all regions of the country. There are 360 higher education
our country is also a good choice for foreign companies wishing to      institutions, where around 1.2 million students are currently de-
benefit from our large internal market, central location and access     veloping their skills. Within this large pool of students, as many
to the EU’s common market, which Poland is a part of.                   as 25% choose to study science, IT and other technical subjects.
    Poland specializes in high quality eco-food production, bio         Poland also offers access to a network of international schools
cosmetics, custom-made yachts, furniture and the production             covering all stages of education. In addition, there are 160 re-
of technically advanced car and aviation parts. But not only. IT/       search and development institutes specializing in different
ICT is one of the leading, fastest growing and most innovative          areas.
areas of the Polish economy, offering a wide range of services             The obligatory introduction of coding lessons in primary
and products on global markets.                                         schools was the beginning of great interest in programing
    When thinking of world class Business Service Centres –             amongst Poles. Now, about half a million people work in the Pol-
think Poland! Poland’s Business Service Sector’s (BSS) offer is         ish IT/ ICT sector. Did you now that more than 20% of all the IT
unique. There are already over 1,400 Business Service Centres           specialists and software engineers in the CEE region are to be
spread all over the country. Polish cities such as Warsaw,              found in Poland?
Kraków and Wrocław play a key role as BSS hubs, both on a                  As the global demand for new IT professionals continues
global and regional scale. They already have an established             to grow, Poland due to international recognition, is seen as an
reputation with the major players in this market, which places          attractive place to develop ICT solutions. Many multinational
them among the primary choices when new investment are be-              companies, including Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Oracle,
ing considered. Not only does Poland offer so called “tier 1” cit-      IBM, Intel or Symantec have established their high-tech busi-
ies for advanced business operations, but it also gives access to       ness operations in Poland. Fintech is becoming the main force
talent in smaller BSS centres. Among them are the Tricity in the        behind the rapid growth of the Polish tech industry. The large
North, Łódź in the centre of the country, Rzeszów and Lublin in         number of fintech projects implemented by Polish start-ups,
Eastern Poland, Poznań in the West and Katowice in the South.           mature enterprises and banks makes the Polish market one of
In total, today, Poland hosts international BSS operators in at         the most important centres of financial innovations in Europe.
least 16 cities and provides good opportunity for grow.                    For those interested in improving the efficiency of their fin-
    Out of all the EU Member States, Poland offers the highest          ancial services or wanting to find top solutions for their data
level of investment support – depending on project location, even       centres, IoT or AI including quantum computing - Poland is the
up to 50% of eligible costs (in the case of large companies). The aid   right place to be!
is granted in the form of corporate income tax exemption (longest          Looking for BSS opportunities or looking to establishing
period in the EU – from 10 to 15 years tax free) and cash grants.       your R&D operations? Look no further! We at the Polish Invest-
    Why has Poland succeeded as a BSS hub? Thanks to our tal-           ment and Trade Agency (PAIH) are here to support your invest-
ented and well educated young people, who are fluent in many            ment.                                                            
languages. Today, 300,000 of them work in this area. There
is no other country in Europe offering BSS services in 38 lan-
guages and no other place in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) of-
fering such high levels of proficiency in English!



       PA RTNERS:
             Marek Kutarba

             LEA D EDITOR:
            Ewa Matyszewska

          LEA D JOUR NA LIST:
         Tomasz Ciechanowski

            Gremi Media S.A.
           Prosta Office Center
      ul. Prosta 51, 00-838 Warsaw

           PR INTING HOUSE:
          Printfaktoria Sp. z o.o.
           ul. Parowcowa 10b
            02-445 Warszawa

  The articles presented in the magazine
      were prepared in cooperation
    with companies’ representatives.
1   Market
    overview         PAGE 19

2   Cities
    & regions        PAGE 41

3   Company
    profiles         PAGE 47

4   Investments      PAGE 53

5   Business cards   PAGE 67
     ARE CONSTANTLY                                                                                          Michał Thedy
                                                                                                           Managing Partner

                                                                                                          at Thedy & Partners

           axes should be relatively low,       structures. These regulations include e.g.     lion threshold to related and unrelated
           the related regulations stable,      (i) obligatory reversal of business costs in   contractors (with some exceptions). It
           clear and rational and the tax       the case of late payments to contractors,      seems that the new rules are too strict
           authorities fair and co-oper-        (ii) a lack of tax deductibility of business   and there are expectations that they will
ating – probably that is what most of us        cost as well as joint and several VAT liab-    still be modified before they become en-
would like to experience in terms of tax-       ility in the case of payments to bank ac-      forced. Nevertheless, taxpayers doing
ation. However, as in all other areas of life   counts which have not been reported for        business in Poland should start getting
and business, the reality is unfortunately      tax purposes, and (iii) new complex regu-      prepared and in particular review their
more complex.                                   lations regarding VAT split payment.           holding and financing structures. This
   The tax environment is still changing.           Changes regarding a new withhold-          is important as already on the ground
The new regulations impose more re-             ing tax regime have been postponed             of the current tax provisions, using the
strictions mainly in the compliance area        again till mid-2020. The new rules mean        withholding tax exemptions or lower
which will require further adjustments          a new pay-and-refund tax system on             tax rates, e.g. for dividends or interest
of procedures and supporting IT infra-          qualified payments above a PLN 2 mil-          payments, may be questioned in case of
                                                                                               structures lacking a business substance
                                                                                               and/or beneficial ownership status.

“The new regulations impose                                                                        Another regulation that you definitely
                                                                                               need to take into account are the man-

more restrictions mainly                                                                       datory tax disclosure rules which have
                                                                                               a very wide and unclear scope. They

in the compliance area which                                                                   cause a lot of uncertainty as to what and
                                                                                               when to report and require a lot of ex-

will require further adjustments                                                               ternal consulting support.
                                                                                                   Last but not least, the tax authorities

of procedures and supporting IT                                                                do not forget that they need to contrib-
                                                                                               ute to the state budget and are quite

                                                                                               active in looking for further tax related
                                                                                                                                         FOT. SHUTTERSTOCK

              NEW REGULATIONS
                ESTATE MARKET

            oland still lacks apartments.       assessment of banks’ creditworthiness
            Compared to other countries         and a less open approach to lending to
            in the European Union and           both developers and buyers.
            even beyond, our housing in-            Undoubtedly, it is necessary to intro-
frastructure does not look impressive.          duce new legal regulations which will
Taking into account the European average        stimulate the residential real estate mar-
(number of apartments per capita), the          ket. Such regulations should also reduce
shortage is estimated at 2 or even 3 million    the housing shortage.
apartments.                                         On July 2, 2019 the President of the                   Edyta Kalińska
    Previously introduced government            Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda signed                   Audit Partner at BDO,
programs such as “Mieszkanie dla                an amendment to the Act on the National                     Poznań Office
Młodych” (“Apartment for the Young”),           Real Estate Stock. The purpose of the
“Mieszkanie Plus” (“Apartment Plus”)            amendment was to increase the supply
or “Mieszkanie na Start” (“Apartment            of land that can potentially be used by the       The Minister of Development also in-
for Start”) have not brought spectacular        National Property Stock by clarifying the      formed that some changes are planned in
results. Only 860 apartments were built         rules for classifying and transferring the     the “Mieszkanie Plus” program. Accord-
under the “Mieszkanie Plus” program             property. Centralization of the land bank      ing to this declaration, private developers
(as of August 2019), although the original      is definitely a step in the right direction.   will be able to purchase land at reduced
plan was to build a total of 100,000 apart-         One of the most important new reg-         prices in order to build new apartments
ments.                                          ulations concerning the residential real       under this program. Although the details
    As a country, we still have a lot of work   estate market is the Act of 20 July 2018 on    have not yet been clarified, such a change
to do. Unfortunately, there are many re-        transformation of the right of perpetual       may turn out to be beneficial for the res-
strictions that hinder the implementation       usufruct for residential purposes into         idential property market. It seems that
of housing projects. The main obstacles         ownership. As of 1 January 2019, the right     such actions may increase the number
are the lack of available land, its rising      of perpetual usufruct ceased to exist and      of apartments as well as their standard.
prices, as well as the scarcity of funds (in    almost 2.5 million Poles became owners         Additionally, it may also have a positive
Poland, most residential investments are        of its land. The greatest benefits were en-    impact on prices of newly constructed
still financed by bank loans).                  joyed by owners of flats in multi-family       apartments.
    Also the costs related to these invest-     buildings, as previously they could not           Plans for changes in the so-called “De-
ments are constantly increasing, which          transform the right of perpetual usufruct      velopment Act” are also still being dis-
is caused not only by high land prices but      into ownership without the consent of all      cussed. At the end of 2019, new informa-
also by higher costs of employers result-       the residents of the building.                 tion on the inclusion of the draft of these
ing from, among others, Employee Cap-               In 2020, further changes to the ex-        changes in the list of legislative works of
ital Programs.                                  isting regulations and programs are            the Polish Parliament appeared. There-
    We should also remember the microe-         planned. The purpose of these changes          fore, discussions between developers and
conomic risks. The economic downturn            is to improve the housing situation in Po-     the Office of Competition and Consumer
is undoubtedly linked to a more critical        land.                                          Protection are expected to return. The
                                                                                               Office of Competition and Consumer
                                                                                               Protection has resigned from plans to

“It is necessary to introduce                                                                  liquidate the open residential trust ac-
                                                                                               counts, but plans to create a Develop-

new legal regulations which will                                                               ment Guarantee Fund. The amendment
                                                                                               to the “Development Act”, which is to

stimulate the residential real                                                                 enter into force in 2020, will increase the
                                                                                               developers’ obligation to protect buyer’s

estate market”                                                                                 payments, which will probably result in
                                                                                               higher prices of new apartments.          


             factor that has undoubtedly                                                    24 June 1994 on the Ownership of Separ-
            contributed to the stability of                                                 ate Premises. Despite certain difficulties,
            real estate transactions in Po-                                                 these provisions allow the creation of
            land is the legal institutions                                                  multiple-owner real properties. There
that give investors far-reaching legal                                                      are also court rulings confirming the in-
security for their investments. How-                                                        terpretation of the Act or other acts allow-
ever, the verification of the legal status                                                  ing investors to structure their projects
of real estate remains of fundamental                                                       effectively under the existing provisions
importance, including for the economic                                                      of law, even though they were not drafted
efficiency of an investment and risk min-                 Jakub Kutzmann                    specifically to apply to such “new” assets.
imization. In recent years, investors have     Local Partner at White & Case in Warsaw          Another positive development re-
been more and more willing to invest in                                                     garding Polish statutory law expected
new types of assets that cannot be clearly                                                  in 2020 is the planned amendments to
assigned to any of the typical real estate                                                  construction regulations whose funda-
classes, such as apartment hotels, condo      legal and tax structuring are equally im-     mental aim is to make it easier for in-
hotels and mixed-use investments. In          portant.                                      vestors to obtain construction permits.
the future, these “new” assets will likely       In Poland, such investments are al-        That, combined with a functional legal
attract significant interest. In such pro-    most impossible other than through the        system, provides a basis for optimism
jects, thorough due diligence and careful     application of the provisions of the Act of   for the future.                           

                                               APART OR CONDO?
                                                 Aparthotels feature fully-equipped         consider entering the market, either on
                                              apartments while condohotels offer            their own or in partnership with local
                                              hotel rooms, in both cases typically          developers.
          Przemysław Kastyak                  rented on a short-term basis, with units         As an additional advantage, de-
           Partner at Penteris                owned by private investors.                   velopers can act as asset managers after
                                                 With Poland becoming a popu-               the project is completed, benefiting
                                              lar tourist and business destination,         from long-term extra revenue on top of

                                              the condo- and aparthotel formula is          development gains.
            he Polish economy contin-         spreading not only into resorts, but also        However, private investors should be
            ues to grow meaning more          large cities.                                 prudent. The Consumer Protection Au-
            wealthy customers for prop-          This translates into opportunities         thority has even launched a dedicated
            erty investors and developers,    for institutional investors, developers,      campaign explaining the risks for less
and a promising business outlook.             and operators specialized in such pro-        experienced individuals.
   This is opening up interesting options     jects, as well as wealthy private indi-          Whether apart or condo, institutional
in the apart- and condohotel market,          viduals.                                      investors can look forward to a host of
which is dynamically growing not least in        Therefore, foreign operators with          opportunities in Poland.
comparison with other property sectors.       industry know-how should seriously                                                  



                        he year 2019 saw a lot posit-                                                previously binding regulations imposed
                        ive changes in the regulatory                                                restrictions on the acquisition of plots
                        environment in Poland as re-                                                 as small as 3,000 square meters. Fur-
                        gards to real estate transac-                                                thermore, as of 2019 an acquisition of
             tions and property development.                                                         shares in companies holding less than 5
                In December 2018 the Ministry of                                                     hectares of agricultural land is no longer
             Finance published guidelines as to                                                      limited by any government pre-emptive
             the VAT treatment of real estate deals.                                                 rights, whereas the previous limit was
             The market practice developed in the                                                    also 3,000 square meters.
             course of 2019 and now most asset deals               Wojciech Koczara                     2019 also saw the introduction of
             are again subject to fully recoverable     Partner, Head of Real Estate at CMS Poland   a partial reform of a very common title
             VAT. For several years, it was not clear                                                to land, namely perpetual usufruct over
             whether the sale of an income-produ-                                                    government land. Perpetual usufruct of-
             cing real estate was subject to VAT, and                                                ten has burdensome use limitations and
             this ambiguity caused concern to in-       cerns agricultural land sales, it has an     the procedures to change them were un-
             vestors when they applied for VAT re-      impact on many other real estate trans-      clear, time consuming and very expens-
             funds.                                     actions. The new rules allow anyone to       ive. As of 2019, a holder of a perpetual
                Another change involves the relax-      acquire agricultural land with an area       usufruct right is entitled to demand
             ation of the rules on agricultural land    smaller than 1 hectare, subject only to      changes in the permitted purpose, sub-
             acquisition. Although it primarily con-    a government pre-emptive right. The          ject to a reasonable fee.               
                                                                                                           Mateusz Grabiec

  ON THE POLISH                                                                                        Partner at Baker McKenzie

 COMMERCIAL REAL                                                                               pared to the countries of the so-called
                                                                                               old European Union. Ultimately, in 2019,
                                                                                               Poland could boast of increased interest
                                                                                               from investors from CEE countries and

  ESTATE MARKET                                                                                the Asian continent.
                                                                                                  The security of the commercial real
                                                                                               estate industry was due to the scale of the
                                                                                               market, its liquidity and the developing
                                                                                               economy, therefore Poland has a chance
 Comment by Mateusz Grabiec, Partner at Baker McKenzie                                         to continue the path of rapid develop-
                                                                                               ment of the commercial real estate mar-
                                                                                               ket in the future.
                                                Warsaw and the development of the of-             In addition to positive macroeconomic
                                                fice market in the largest regional cities.    indicators, one of the most important
     Statistics and                             A real boom is also visible in the ware-       conditions for maintaining a high pace
                                                house sector. It is currently a very profes-   of development is to create and maintain
conclusions from many                           sional sector, divided into specialist cat-    a friendly and stable legal environment.
  analyses concerning                           egories including, apart from traditional      Modern legal solutions can also be used
                                                warehouses, city warehouses (last mile         to stimulate or regulate the market.
 the Polish commercial                          facilities, i.e. city projects allowing com-      When assessing the existing legal en-
   real estate market                           panies to minimize the time of delivery of     vironment, it can be concluded that on
                                                goods to the customer), cross-dock, typ-       the one hand there are no specific barri-
   in 2019 prove that                           ical build-to-suit halls or specialist pro-    ers on the investment market that would
Poland remains a very                           duction halls. The development of altern-      prevent investors from entering Poland.
                                                ative assets, such as student houses or        There are also qualified and experienced
 attractive investment                          rental apartments, also plays an import-       specialists from the sector of professional
         market                                 tant role in the development of the Polish     services in the field of consulting and in-
                                                investment market. Another interesting         surance concerning the commercial real

                                                trend which proves the maturity and at-        estate market. It is also worth mention-
             he most important parameter        tractiveness of the Polish market is the       ing the progressive standardization of
             of this success is the record      progressive compression of yields, thus        contractual legal solutions functioning
             volume of transactions, which      reducing the differences in yields com-        on the commercial real estate market
             in the whole of 2019 amount-
ed to EUR 7.8 billion, beating the previ-
ous record in 2018 (EUR 7.2 billion). The
number of transactions is also impressive           “The development of alternative
with 143 in 2019. To better illustrate this
result, it is worth recalling that 97 trans-           assets, such as student houses
actions were recorded in 2018 and 2017.
- (79) The increase in market liquidity is                      or rental apartments,
an important factor in the assessment of
a market by investors.                                   also plays an important role
                                                    in the development of the Polish
    Offices still dominate the total volume
of transactions. Apart from the transac-

                                                                  investment market”
tion value in this sector, it is worth noting
both the lowest vacancy rate in 7 years in


               within specific investment products.
               This allows investors to increase the ef-
                                                              “Although                                      or indirect reference to commercial real
                                                                                                             estate market participants, including
               fectiveness of concluding transactions by
               concentrating most of their attention on       the investment                                 foreign investors, the pace of the legisla-
                                                                                                             tive process with frequent omission of the
               key commercial elements.
                  On the other hand, market players           land market                                    phase of consulting new solutions with
                                                                                                             the market, quick implementation of new
               face many challenges. In most cases,
               these challenges are complex and relate        in 2019 focused                                regulations (without providing sufficient
                                                                                                             time to prepare for their implementation
               to business and legal aspects. The most
               important of them are currently low sup-       mainly on the                                  by the interested parties), and the lack of
                                                                                                             sensitivity and disregard for the global

               ply of investment land and increasingly                                                       perspective of the commercial real estate
               difficult access to qualified personnel                                                       market are definitely drawbacks to be ad-

                                                              sector, all
               in the construction industry. Although                                                        dressed.
               the investment land market in 2019 fo-                                                            It is difficult to clearly assess the activ-
               cused mainly on the residential sector,                                                       ities of the legislator in improving the
               all sectors have experienced difficulties
               in accessing attractive land. Therefore,
                                                              sectors have                                   legal environment of the commercial real
                                                                                                             estate market. We have some positive
               regulations concerning the broadly un-
               derstood investment and construction
                                                              experienced                                    experiences, such as elimination of the
                                                                                                             significance of perpetual usufruct and
               process in Poland, in particular regula-
               tions concerning spatial planning, turn
                                                              difficulties                                   simplification of administrative proceed-
                                                                                                             ings, as well as some flexibility in trad-
               out to be a significant obstacle. They are
               not transparent and are characterized
                                                              in accessing                                   ing in agricultural real estate (after their
                                                                                                             practical exclusion from legal circula-
               by a high level of complexity. One-off
               solutions which are thematically limited,
                                                              attractive land”                               tion). The simplification and stabilization
                                                                                                             of the construction process, which was
               such as the so-called Lex Developer Act,                                                      carried out in Parliament, should also
               also turn out to be ineffective. Appropri-                                                    be assessed positively. However, it seems
               ate legal regulations must reflect the solu-   process, which often requires changes in       that more can be achieved here, among
               tions developed by all stakeholders. Nev-      plans. Preparation of such land may take       others, at the level of statutory solutions
               ertheless, investors are ready to purchase     years, but in the current conditions it is     or in the case of a layered real estate insti-
               land, which requires e.g. liquidation of       often the only way to secure the desired       tution, commonly referred to as a 3D plot.
               existing industrial activity or provision      locations.                                     Attempts to introduce this institution,
               of appropriate infrastructure before the          Another problem is the complexity and       which successfully operates in France,
               investment starts. Although in this case       instability of the tax system. The delay in    Germany or Great Britain in various legal
               the truth is that they have to be prepared     the regulation of the Polish REIT equiva-      variants, have been made for a long time,
               for an expensive and long administrative       lent, as well as the low stability of direct   but with no result.                           
Comment by Beata Hryniewska, Senior Director, Head of Industrial & Logistics at CBRE Poland

             ver the last few years the ware-   try, as well as courier distribution centers,
             house space in Poland has          which are located near large cities and are
             doubled.                           crucial for so-called last mile logistics. Po-
                Already in 2014 we had 8.5      land is constantly developing in the area of
million square meters of warehouse space,       online shopping. The percentage of such
and at the end of 2019 this space increased     consumers is clearly growing from year
to about 18.4 million square meters. It         to year. According to Gemius data, in mid-
is important that tenants can finally feel      2019 62% of consumers were shopping
relief – thanks to more and more frequent       online. For comparison, the year before
                                                                                                             Beata Hryniewska
speculative projects, the problem of lack       was 56%, and in 2017 – 54%. Therefore, the
                                                                                                     Senior Director, Head of Industrial &
of immediately available warehouses has         warehouse and logistics market is devel-
                                                                                                          Logistics at CBRE Poland
also decreased, which is particularly im-       oping dynamically.
portant for retail chains and logistics com-       The industry is aware of the challenges
panies. Both demand and supply are deve-        ahead and is prepared to face them. The
loping equally.                                 most important factors for logistics com-           There is an optimistic approach to the
    Theprevioustwoyearswereexceptional          panies related to the industry are to in-        future of the industry – half of our cus-
for the whole industry due to several very      crease the number of employees – if neces-       tomers expect an increase in demand for
spectacular transactions for companies          sary – and to cope with wage pressure, as        warehouse space in 2020. Developers are
such as Amazon, Zalando or Leroy Merlin,        well as the introduction of technological        constantly carrying out speculative con-
influencing the current shape of the mar-       improvements and the so-called win-              structions that reflect tenant demand,
ket, which is growing steadily again.           dows with extended implementation time           which confirms the positive forecasts
    The growing e-commerce market con-          – principles of cooperation for contrac-         for the future. The country’s economic
tinues to play a very important role in the     tors, including, among others, appropri-         growth, as well as the development of the
development of this industry. In 2019,          ate reporting of transports. Although the        road infrastructure, which is a key factor
the value of e-commerce transactions            positive dynamics of logistics still persists,   for the industry, attracts investors who are
remained at a level similar to previous         companies are aware of the risks associ-         aware of the market’s potential and closely
years and amounted to about 10% of total        ated with the economic slowdown, which           observe all projects under construction.
demand. Large logistics centres are being       affects some of the neighbouring coun-              One of the most expected trends for
established in various strategic commu-         tries and are ready to counteract its nega-      2020 is the implementation of projects
nication locations throughout the coun-         tive effects in Poland.                          related to environmental protection in
                                                                                                 business activities. This applies both to
                                                                                                 developers building new, environmentally
“Although the positive dynamics                                                                  friendly buildings and applying ecological
                                                                                                 solutions, as well as logistics operators or

of logistics still persists,                                                                     manufacturing and commercial compa-
                                                                                                 nies that declare to create environment-

companies are aware of the risks                                                                 ally friendly supply chains. We can only
                                                                                                 keep our fingers crossed and hope that sus-

associated with the economic                                                                     tainable development in the years to come
                                                                                                 will be permanently embedded in the

slowdown”                                                                                        strategies of companies involved in logis-

        Comment by Katarzyna Pyś-Fabiańczyk, Director Leasing & Development CEE
  at Exeter Property Group, Business Coach certified by PWC/ACSTH; President of Ladies First

           he warehouse market in Po-        On the other hand, logistics and manufac-         Another important trend affecting the
           land is undergoing changes        turing companies train their employees         warehouse market is constantly chang-
           which are evolving in one dire-   to prepare them for future cooperation         ing specificity of activities occurring in
           ction – high tech and imple-      with robots.                                   a given facility. Few years ago, some of
mentation of modern solutions. Proper                                                       the key factors influencing warehouse
technical standard of facilities and loca-                                                  location were favourable traffic connec-
tion in the proximity of the highway are                                                    tions with suppliers and key markets, easy
no longer the only factors that influence                                                   access, proximity to harbours, trains and
the decisions of potential tenants. Cur-                                                    airports. However, new tenants have addi-
rently – new technologies and sustainable                                                   tional requirements.
solutions are becoming increasingly im-                                                        First of all, one of the most important
portant. The main market participants                                                       site selection factors is becoming availa-
organize specialized seminars and con-                                                      bility of skilled labour. What matters now
                                                     Katarzyna Pyś-Fabiańczyk
ferences, during which issues related to                                                    is not only the strategic location in rela-
                                             Director Leasing & Development CEE at Exeter
the development of new technologies and                                                     tion to motorways, airports, seaports or
                                               Property Group, Business Coach certified
automation processes and their impact                                                       railways, but also the proximity of bus
                                               by PWC/ACSTH; President of Ladies First
on the real estate market are discussed.                                                    stops, spacious car parks, bicycle winds,

                                                                                                                                      FOT. SHUTTERSTOCK


                                                                                                                                           FOT. SHUTTERSTOCK
                                               “The e-commerce industry
i.e. facilities for future employees. Ten-
ants are often willing to pay more to adapt
all technical standards to the specifics of
their business and to provide comfort-         continues to be a strong stimulator
able working environment. Adequate day
lighting, heating and ventilation systems      of market development”
and the necessary social facilities are
essential for logistics companies whose
employees operate picking lines. The im-      dustry, but also car manufacturers, food,    the largest international market play-
plementation of automation processes          pharmaceutical and clothing companies        ers to locate their main logistics centers
is also a particular challenge. More and      and many other industries.                   here. More and more attention is paid to
more companies first design production           The e-commerce industry continues to      the so called Western Wall, i.e. cities loca-
lines, mezzanine and other technological      be a strong stimulator of market develo-     ted along the western border, such as
solutions and then adapt the building to      pment. The Polish market guarantees the      Sulechów, Świebodzin, Słubice and
their business. The development of new        availability of large, well-prepared areas   Szczecin, due to the road and cargo con-
technologies concerns not only the IT in-     covered by the zoning plan, which allows     nection with the German market. Among
                                                                                           tenants there are not only European firms,
                                                                                           but also Asian companies, which are de-

“One of the most important site
                                                                                           veloping very dynamically. In the coming
                                                                                           months, the Polish warehouse real estate

selection factors is becoming
                                                                                           market will see further progress in terms
                                                                                           of supply and demand, and the progress
                                                                                           of e-commerce and new technologies will
availability of skilled labour”                                                            stimulate its development.                 

           – THE OFFICE MARKET
            Comment by Mikołaj Sznajder, Director, Head of A&T Office at CBRE Poland

           he situation on the Polish of-      of companies fighting for employees on
           fice market looks more and          the market, this is key information. It is
           more interesting every year.        a natural fact that many companies see
           As soon as experts assess           the skills of their employees as a major
that the market is coming to an end, it        factor in the further development of
surprises them with great results in the       their business. Companies mostly care
context of new investments, tenants’ re-       about qualified employees with specific
quirements and investors’ interest.            skills necessary in their businesses.
    At present, a total of 11 million square      This is one of the reasons why em-
meters of office space is available in Po-     ployers are increasingly focusing their                  Mikołaj Sznajder
land, which is divided almost in half          attention on artificial intelligence and             Director, Head of A&T Office
between Warsaw and other regional              new technologies that allow them to                        at CBRE Poland
cities such as Krakow, Wroclaw, Lodz           stand out from the labour market. More
and Gdansk. Another 900,000 square             and more companies want to invest in
meters of office space will enter the mar-     modern solutions on their space, which
ket in 2020, of which 400,000 square           increase the comfort of work, they also      amount of time while working, which
meters will be available in Warsaw and         expect the same from the buildings in        of course requires appropriate fur-
the remainder in other regional cities.        which they will work.                        niture. Workplace personalization also
New business districts are appearing on                                                     includes access to different communi-
the country’s map, attracting tenants’                                                      cation channels, services, facilities, loca-
attention. Importantly, high supply
is accompanied by high demand.                 “More and more                               tions, such as the proximity of friends
                                                                                            or the ability to transfer access to

    The vacancy rate has also fallen.                                                       a parking space via a mobile phone. One
In 2019 in Warsaw it was about 7.8%,                                                        of the most interesting added values of

                                               want to invest
while in other regional cities it ranged                                                    technology is the so-called way finding,
from 5% in Gdansk to just over 10% in                                                       i.e. the possibility of finding available

                                               in modern
Krakow. There are no problems with                                                          conference rooms or services.
renting new space in very well-connec-                                                          In conclusion, the prospects for the
ted locations, which compete to bring in                                                    office market in Poland are painted in
tenants not only with price, but above
all with quality, which is becoming in-
                                               solutions                                    very bright colors. In 2019, investors
                                                                                            in office projects accounted for almost
creasingly important for tenants and
their employees.
                                               on their space”                              50% of the volume of transactions on
                                                                                            the market. Developers are still very
    The office – mainly its location – is                                                   active in finding new land and imple-
becoming increasingly valuable for                                                          menting new projects. Tenants, both
employees. Our research shows that as             The most important elements, which        those present in Poland and those
many as two thirds of employees would          will be individually designed in offices     developing their business, as well as
be willing to accept a less paid job, but      by new technologies, are temperature,        those just starting up, are tempted by
in a better and more comfortable place.        type of lighting – its power and colour.     good location conditions and consider-
The closer to public transport, the bet-       Moreover, companies can provide some         able human capital, which allow them
ter. Already half of the respondents           employees with the opportunity to            to believe that there are many very suc-
want to spend up to 20 minutes com-            design their workplace. For example,         cessful years ahead of the Polish office
muting to work. From the perspective           some people like to stand for a certain      market.                                   


               ESTATE MARKET
                              Comment by Konrad Płochocki,
  General Director of Polish Association of Developers (PZFD) / Board Member of ULI Poland

1. With a trading market turnover of around EUR 7.7
   billion, Poland accounts for more than 50% of all CEE
2. Poland’s promotion to the group of developed
   markets in the FTSE Russell ranking (as early as
   in 2018) is bearing fruit, attracting the interest of
   completely new groups of investors from Asia or the
   USA, although numerous capital investments from
   regional countries neighbouring Poland, especially
   the Czech Republic, were a surprise.
3. The sale of the student house chain and several hotel                                               Konrad Płochocki
                                                                                              General Director of Polish Association
   transactions confirm that the retail sector is no longer                                   of Developers (PZFD) / Board Member
   limited to the office, retail and logistics sectors.                                                  of ULI Poland

            he Polish commercial real es-     self in teamwork, while the combination         Poland has the willingness and am-
            tate market has developed         of apartment and dormitory results in a      bition to fight to maintain and acquire
            strongly and is now appro-        collision. Cafes begin to compete with of-   the best business talent by becoming
            aching the first league of        fice space, and production technologies      a start-up centre based on Western
European markets. According to JLL’s          based on 3D printing make the opening        European capitals. Creating an equal
data, turnover in the office market           of a factory in a neighboring apartment      race with the largest cities in Europe
reached EUR 3.83 billion, EUR 2 billion in    a reality that is happening before our       can be an opportunity for further mar-
trade, nearly EUR 1.5 billion in logistics,   eyes. We can be sure that new “mixes”        ket development.
EUR 280 million in hotels and EUR 137         will surprise us in the near future.                                              
million in the residential sector.
   In the development sector we are wit-
nessing a transformation of the whole
market towards mixed use. We are also
                                                “In the development sector we
beginning to design flexible structures
that will be able to change their purpose
                                               are witnessing a transformation
quickly over the years. Evolving user
expectations are unpredictable, but the          of the whole market towards
need for change is predicted. The com-
bination of office and home manifests it-                 mixed use”
1. 2019 was the second     THREE POINTS ABOUT
   best year in history
   after 1989, when
   the developer sold       RESIDENTIAL REAL
   about 110,000
   nationwide.               ESTATE MARKET
2. A deep interest
   in the acquisition                   Comment by Konrad Płochocki,
   of development          General Director of Polish Association of Developers (PZFD) /
   groups by foreign                      Board Member of ULI Poland
   investors is visible.

   The takeover
                                      he previous year was the           cooperation in exchange for access to
   of Echo, the largest               second best year in the history    attractive state land.
   Polish developer                   of the development market.
   operating                          Only the record results of 2017    Expectation for 2020
                           remain unbeatable. According to JLL’s         Forecasts for 2020 are good. All market
   in various sectors,     calculations, developers in the six largest   sectors should grow steadily, although
   by the Hungarian        markets sold over 65,000 apartments.          probably at a slightly slower pace than
   wing for approx.        This result turned out to be better for       before. Business is doing well and all we
                           almost 5,000 units than that achieved in      may want is for political disagreements
   EUR 200 million,        2018. Across the country, it can be estim-    to resolve.                             
   the purchase            ated that approximately 110,000 units
   of Vantage              were sold in 2019 compared to 105,000
                           units in 2018.
   Development by the
   German residential
                              The industry was also struggling
                           with the lack of suitable land (espe-
                                                                            “2019 was the
   market giant Tag        cially those covered by zoning plans or
                           building permits) and constantly rising
                                                                             second best
   Immobilien for rent
   or the acquisition
                           construction costs (prices increased by
                           up to 30% since 2017). Problems with
                                                                              year in the
   of the majority         obtaining official decisions necessary
                           to start the investment resulted in a
                                                                            history of the
   of shares in Polnord
   by Hungarian
                           total decrease in the number of offered
                           apartments. As a result, the prices of the
   Cordia are              apartments increased drastically. We
                           are talking about an average increase
   signs of foreign        of over 10%, the highest was recorded in
   investors’ interest     Cracow (16% increase) and the lowest in
   in developers           Poznań (about 2%).
                              At the end of 2019, the Ministry of
   operating               Development resumed dialogue with
   in Poland.              industry representatives and began to
                           explore the possibilities of involving
3. Crazy increase          the private sector in the construction
   in apartment prices,    of apartments with reduced rent un-
                           der the government’s “Flat Plus” pro-
   which exceeded          gramme, as well as try to identify barri-
   10%, did not stop       ers in the investment and construction                    Konrad Płochocki
                           process. The Polish Association of De-           General Director of Polish Association
   the volume                                                               of Developers (PZFD) / Board Member
                           velopers submitted a relevant report
   of transactions.        to the Ministry. The industry counts on                     of ULI Poland


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               Comment by Maximilian Mendel, Head of Residential Investment at JLL

        n 2019, the Polish housing market          Tenements have their own specific          idents, located at Nowy Świat Street. The
        experienced an acceleration and         character and are quite unique – espe-        investor promised to deliver premium
        increase of projects in the rental      cially in Warsaw, where very few of           class rental apartments in the building
        and private student housing sec-        them survived World War II. There is          previously owned by Warszawskie Przed-
tors. Our country is still on the radar of      certainly no shortage of people willing       siębiorstwo Geodezyjne (The Warsaw
large foreign investors and some of them        to live in a renovated and modernised         Surveying Company).
have been able to conclude spectacular          building with history. Adapting such
deals. Although potential institutional         properties to the needs of the rental mar-    Down the beaten developer track
buyers are still unable to purchase turn-       ket can also be considered as restoring       A completely different strategy was
key portfolios on an expected scale, and        them to their original function. Many of      adopted by the German investor TAG
entering the market mostly means build-         them were constructed for private entre-      Immobilien. Their acquisition of the
ing new stock, the institutional rental         preneurs or institutions (including ZUS       leading Wrocław developer Vantage De-
sector is drawing more and more in-             – Social Insurance Institution) as rental     velopment for approx. PLN 365 million
terest and will undoubtedly be a desired        buil-dings.                                   (EUR 85 million) this November caused
category of safe assets in 2020.                   The Israeli company AFI Europe chose       a major sensation on the Polish market.
   Poland is still an immature, though          a similar path of operations in Poland.       The investor intends to build 10,000
extremely attractive market for entities        This spring, the investor began revitalisa-   rental units within a short period of time,
focused on investing in the institutional       tion works on the Wolf Krongold historic      mostly in Wrocław.
rental sector. Although entering our mar-       tenement, commonly referred to as «Pe-            Major foreign entities have been ob-
ket entails greater risk, this risk is offset   kin» (Polish for “Beijing”), located at the   serving the Polish market for a long time,
by a higher capitalisation rate. While ROIs     intersection of Złota and Żelazna Streets.    but the problem a lack of product. Most
of 6-8% are impossible to achieve in West-      The company purchased the property in         developers are not very willing to build
ern Europe, they are still attainable for       2015 for PLN 21 million and plans to build    for institutional investors, because retail
investors in Poland. The growing interest       around 160 units there.                       sales still give them better margins. The
in renting among the younger generation            A much higher price of PLN 60 mil-         purchase of a development company with
and the consistent rise of rental rates (they   lion had to be paid for the Natanson tene-    a large portfolio of building plots and pro-
have increased by nearly 25% since 2014)        ment, nicknamed «Rolex» by Warsaw res-        jects in the pipeline allows to shorten the
seem to be enough to attract more players.

                                                “The Polish market is one of the most
Old in a new way
2019 was an intensive year for the Czech in-

                                                attractive in Europe in terms of
vestor Zeitgeist Asset Management. In mid-
2019, they signed a contract for the pur-

                                                return on investment. Over the past
chase of a historic building of the Main Post
Office in Kraków at Wielopole 2, as well

                                                five years, more than PLN 3 billion
as a magnificent plot with existing build-
ings at Cystersów 21. The same holds true

                                                has been invested in this sector, and
for the 1-hectare plot at the intersection
of Nowogrodzka and Św. Barbary Streets

                                                we should remember that this sector
in the Warsaw›s district of Śródmieście,
which was bought by Zeitgeist AM from Or-

                                                did not exist at all five years ago”
ange Polska for an impressive sum of PLN
350 million (EUR 81 million).

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