WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill

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WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
Parish & Community News from St Peter’s and Christchurch,

             January-February 2019
     More Parish News on the St Peter’s Website

                                   St Peter’s Church waltononthehill
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
Editor’s Note By Emmeline Moore
Well, Happy 2019 everyone. I hope                                  hand and to the little boy who was
you all had a lovely Christmas and                                 so looking forward to his Friday
New Year with minimal stress. My                                   sweets. If you see me on the
husband is relieved to witness the                                 street and you’d like to keep hold
drop in Amazon parcel deliveries to                                of your food, or stay relatively paw
our door, comments were made at                                    free then I advise you to cross the
one stage about his application for a                              road.
second job in order to fund my spending,                 Last year has seen some wonderful social
however I was rather keen to put the                     and fund raising events for St Peter’s, each
children to work instead, I am still waiting             time I am always so amazed by the amount
for them to calm down from all the                       of people who show their support, our parish
Christmas excitment! After our visit to my               is a truly generous one and I’d like to thank
parents there were questions that needed                 every business and individual that helped in
answering; why was there a torch in the                  anyway to make our events so successful.
oven; how did the heating thermostat get                 A special thank you to Michael Everett for
turned off and where were the backdoor                   their continuing support over the years, St
keys? Buttons and shiny objects are just too             Peter’s really appreciated their help with the
hard to ignore when you’re only hip height!              advertising for the Christmas Market last
The children are still hurtling around now,              year as well as the money they raise every
full of uncontrollable giggles and I’m getting           year through the Christmas Card scheme. A
slightly anxious that it will never come to an           thank you also to Surrey Accountants for
end! That and my larger than life dog that               their kind Christmas generosity to St Peter’s.
doesn't quite realise how bouncy and big he              May this year be as fun as the last and may
is yet, it’s not a great combination for the             the support for the Church continue to grow
school run. I can only apologise to the little           preserving our values and community spirit
girl who had a banana cake stolen out of her             for years to come.

  Advertising Rates                   Black & White                        Colour
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£10 per year to subscribe for magazines to be delivered to your door. Please contact the parish office.
The deadline for the March/April edition is 15th February
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All views expressed are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of St Peter’s or
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
               Walton-on-the-Hill Ecumenical Partnership was inaugurated on 26th
               October 1986. The participating churches are The Parish Church of St
          Peter the Apostle and Christchurch United Reformed Church, Southern Synod.

                                      ST PETER’S PARISH TEAM
         Parish office opening hours: Monday 1-3pm, Thursday & Friday 10am-12 noon

Rector                Benefice Curate           Lay Minister          Churchwarden         Churchwarden

Rev’d Harry Latham    Christopher Hancock       Tom Rhind-Tutt        John Bishop          Pauline Ryan
01737 812105          07901715882               07453411189           01737 816158         01737 812905          windycott@yahoo.     kevinryan7@bt

PCC Chairman          Churchyard                Parish                Organist             Organist
                      Manager                   Administrator
Andrew Brown          Neil Williams             Laura Palmer          John Rosling         Jenny Tuttle
01737 813788          01737 813648              01737 668254          john@stpeterswoth.   07733107672    sylvianeil@supanet.       admin@stpeterswoth.   org                  Tuttle.jenny@gmail.
                      com                       org                                        com

                      Pastoral Assistant Magazine Editor              Treasurer

                      Karen Rand                Emmeline Moore        Mike Giles
                      01737 213311              emmelinerolls@yahoo. 01737 812636

 Magazine Printed by Eyes Wide Digital, 12-13 Havenbury Industrial Estate, Station Rd, Dorking, Surrey,
                                            RH4 1ES. Tel 01306 875150.
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
Rector’s Letter By Reverend Harry Latham
Following Jesus as our                                                first to do with Jesus’
Lord & King                                                           physical presence… but the
As we head into 2019 I                                                second with the reality of the
want to think about 3                                                 early Church that Jesus came
aspects of Jesus’ kingship                                            to be with them by the Holy
or kingdom. First, it is at                                           Spirit.
hand. Second it is (or can
be) within us. Third we are                                           The human heart (as
to pray it in!                                                        expressed by Solzhenitsyn) is
                                                                      very important and a helpful
Firstly - The Kingdom of God is at                    understanding is the one that prays that
hand                                                  Jesus should come and dwell in our hearts;
Mark & Luke like the phrase “Kingdom of               because that is where we need him to be.
God” Matthew uses the phrase “Kingdom of
Heaven” but they are referring to the same            So if you have asked him in, then let me
thing – the rule or reign of God being seen           say to you – the Kingdom of God is within
or manifested on earth… and being within              you. If you have not yet asked him in, but
reach or at hand! Clearly this was the case           were to, then that would be true for you
when Jesus was walking round the Holy                 too.
Land… but it still is the case as he means
the Kingdom to be seen through us also!               But thirdly we are also to pray - Thy
                                                      Kingdom Come
Secondly - The Kingdom of God is                      In JB Phillips’ translation of Matthew’s
within you                                            Gospel Jesus says: Pray then like this—‘Our
Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: “The line               Heavenly Father, may your name be
separating good and evil passes not                   honoured; May your kingdom come, and
through states, nor between classes, nor              your will be done on earth as it is in
between political parties either - but right          heaven. Give us this day the bread we
through every human heart - and through               need, Forgive us what we owe to you, as
all human hearts.”                                    we have also forgiven those who owe
                                                      anything to us. Keep us clear of
Luke records Jesus talking with the                   temptation, and save us from evil’.
Pharisees who ask him “When will the
Kingdom of God come?” And Jesus replies               It is revolutionary because it is a prayer for
     You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or       an invasion, it is asking for Heaven to
‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is          invade earth.
already among you / within you.”
There are two ways of applying this – the
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
In the Roman Empire to say “Jesus is Lord”          Smith Wigglesworth said: “If you want
was treasonous because you were meant               anything from God, you will have to pray
to say “Caesar is Lord” and in the same             into heaven. That is where it all is.”
way the Lord’s Prayer was treasonous in
that it was asking for another Kingdom to           Bill Johnson writes: “The invasion of God
come and displace what already existed.             into impossible situations comes through
                                                    people who have received power from on
The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that by God’s          high and learn to release it into the
grace and gift we have become citizen of            circumstances of life.”
Heaven. But his desire and our prayer is
that life on earth would change to more             So at St Peter’s let’s make 2019 a year
closely resemble the realities of heaven!           where we learn more about following Jesus
                                                    – and say “Lord, teach us to pray!”
To pray: “May your kingdom come, and
your will be done on earth as it is in
heaven” seems to me to be a sure sign that
a very great deal of what we see on earth
is not His will, is not what God wants and is
nothing like what happens in heaven.

No, if we want to see God in action on
earth, then we look to Jesus. And as we
look we see the love and kindness of
heaven, we see the honesty and integrity
of heaven, we see the power to heal the
sick, deliver the possessed and do the
seemingly impossible. It fits with his
message his teaching, it connects with the
ache in our souls… we say “Yes” that is
how it should be!

                          From St Peter’s Registers

                                    Funerals Zara Samoon
                                     Baptisms Jack Smith

WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
Services within our Benefice of Headley & Box Hill
                  with Walton on the Hill

                      St Mary’s, Headley

Sundays    8.00am     Prayer book Communion (except 3rd Sunday)

           10.30am    1st & 3rd Sundays: Parish Communion

           9.30am     2nd Sundays: Joint Family Communion

           9.30am     4th Sundays: Family Communion

                     St Andrew’s, Box Hill

Sundays    9.30am     1st Sundays: Contemporary Worship Service

           9.30am     2nd Sundays: Joint Family Communion at Headley

           9.30am     3rd Sundays: Informal Family Communion

           9.30am     4th Sundays: Morning Praise

WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
My Personal Prayer By Pauline Ryan
And we now look forward to                                         their shoes out the night
Epiphany celebrated on                                             before to be filled with
January 6th.                                                       sweets and gifts.
Some interesting facts about Epiphany:
Hundreds of years ago, roast lamb was               An Epiphany prayer
traditionally served at Epiphany in honour          Lord Jesus
of Christ and the three kings visit.                May your light shine our way,
In Venice a regatta that started as a joke in       as once it guided the steps of the magi;
the late seventies has been incorporated in         that we too may be led into your presence
the celebrations of Epiphany day.                   and worship you.
In Portugal people take part in carol singing       the child of Mary
known as “janeiras” (January songs)                 the word of the Father
In Prague there is a traditional Three Kings        the king of nations
swim to commemorate Epiphany day at the             the saviour of mankind
Vitava River.                                       to whom be glory forever
In some European countries, children leave          Amen

                       Sunday 6th January
                   St Peter’s Church, 10.45am
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
The British Legion Poppy Appeal By Michele Spink
The total amount raised in                                      collectors, as a few people,
Walton on the Hill and Box Hill                                 after so many years of
was £2,736.83, which includes                                   helping find they are unable
£551.47 from the collections at                                 to carry on this good work. If
St Peter’s Church.                                              you are interested in helping
We are most grateful to those                                   or wish to find out more
who did House to House                                          about what’s involved, please
collections and to shops and                                    contact me.
organisations who kindly                                        Many Thanks
displayed boxes.                                                Michele Spink
Next year I will be looking for replacement       (Local Honorary Organiser)

   Wine Tasting By Philip Truett

A very impressive                                                  up by Vineking – A wine
gathering of 96 Friends or                                         tasting for 12 people at
friends of Friends enjoyed                                         one’s own home.
the Annual Wine Tasting,                                           Whilst we are committed
run by Vineking of                                                 to holding a number of
Reigate, in the Riddell Hall                                       social functions each year,
on Thursday 25th October.                                          the prime reason for these
Noticeably, the average                                            is not about fund-raising -
age of those present dropped quite                 we do that by way of our Standing order
dramatically this year, thanks to the             scheme – it is all about having jolly times
infusion of a table of enthusiastic young         and, importantly, getting the Friends’
lady wine drinkers, sorry tasters! Young          message across – The Hearts and Minds –
but, we hasten to add, comfortably over           and, hopefully, recruiting new Friends.
any age limits concerning the drinking of         To this latter extent, we are following up
alcohol! Rumour has it that they are              local people who attended and who we feel
threatening to bring even larger numbers          might consider becoming a Friend - To be
next year!                                        part of what we are trying to achieve –
A decent amount of money was raised               Maintaining the Church building and its
thanks to the large number of people              grounds, for the benefit of future
present and the handsome raffle prize put         generations – Something we consider to be
                                                  a worthwhile cause.
WINDOW on WALTON - January-February 2019 - Parish & Community News from St Peter's and Christchurch, St. Peter's Church Walton on the Hill
Local Chef Laura Palmer Quinoa, Smoked Mackerel and Beetroot
     Salad with Horseradish Dressing.

How to cook quinoa and why                                      minutes or until the water looks like
we should all give it a go. (And                                it has all been absorbed and you
a glazed beetroot, quinoa and                                   can see spiral shapes in the seeds.
smoked mackerel salad with                                      Then, pop a lid on the pan, with a
horseradish dressing...)                                        piece of kitchen towel underneath.
Whether you're a dry January or                                 (This helps absorb excess moisture
a gin-and-tonic-January kind of                                 for a light fluffy texture.)
person, the new year is always                                  Nutty quinoa pairs perfectly with
a good time to make some healthy eating                earthy beetroot and smoky mackerel, and a
resolutions. So here's a super-healthy                 punchy horseradish dressing brings the
recipe for a vibrant start to 2019. It's so            whole thing to life. You could use freshly
virtuous you could always have a left-over             cooked beetroot here but I've saved time
mince pie afterwards...                                with the vacuum packed version. Glazing
                                                       the beetroot is obviously optional but really
Quinoa is a seed not a grain so it's really            is worth the extra washing up. I promise.
high in protein. Unusually for a non-animal
source, it contains all 8 essential amino              You’ll need:
acids, making it a complete protein – so it’s          For the beetroot: A pack of vacuum packed
great for dairy-free vegetarians. It was               beetroot, cut into wedges; 4 tablespoons
discovered by the ancient Incas of South               orange juice; 2 tablespoons balsamic
America and became such a vital part of                vinegar; a teaspoon of honey, about a
their diet that they even called it the                quarter of a lime; a good pinch of salt.
Mother Grain. Packed with fibre, minerals
such as iron and magnesium, lysine (an                 For the quinoa:
amino acid that promotes tissue growth                 200ml dry quinoa; 350ml cold water.
and repair), the antioxidant manganese,                For the rest of the salad: 4 -ready-smoked
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for energy release,            mackerel fillets; a couple of handfuls of fine
and essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 it’s           green beans, blanched; a bag of baby leaf
great for pretty much everyone.                        spinach; lemon wedges to serve.
Problem is, quinoa is coated in saponin,
which tastes like soap if you don't wash               For the horseradish dressing: 2 tablespoons
your quinoa thoroughly before cooking.                 hot horseradish sauce; 2 tablespoons olive
(Probably why so many people think they                oil; 1.5 tablespoons cider vinegar; a pinch of
don't like it). Quinoa can also go a bit               coarse sea salt; a teaspoon of honey; 1-2
claggy if you overcook it - the trick is to use        tablespoons cold water.
1 measure of dry quinoa to 1.75 of cold
water, bring to the boil then simmer for 12
Here’s how:
1. Place all the beetroot ingredients in a pan and heat
until the liquid has reduced into a sticky glaze (keep the
beetroot moving around the pan during this).

2. Put the quinoa in a sieve and rinse very well under
running water. I like to get my fingers in and massage
the seeds to make sure their soapy coating is removed.
Shake off as much water as possible and place in a pan
with the cold water on a high heat. Cover and bring to a boil then lower the heat and simmer
for about 12 minutes until all the water looks like it has been absorbed. Turn off the heat and
put a sheet of kitchen towel between pan and lid. Leave for 5 minutes or so then fluff up with
a fork and set aside with the lid off.

3. Blanch the beans by popping into a pan of boiling water for 1 minute then cooling under
running water (or in a bowl of iced water, but I never have one of those to hand…)

4. Take the skins off the mackerel fillets and break up into big flakes, removing any rogue
bones as you go.

5. Put all the dressing ingredients into a jam jar, firmly add the lid and shake well. Taste and
add lemon or more vinegar if it’s not tart enough, a teeny bit more honey if it’s too tart.

6. Add the spinach to a serving dish and scatter the beetroot over it (that way you distribute it
evenly without moving it around when everything else is in the dish and staining everything
pink). Spoon the quinoa over and between the beetroot then scatter over the beans and
mackerel. Drizzle over half the dressing and serve the rest at the table.

Alpha-The Story So Far By Reverend Harry Latham

Millions of people have tried                                    thousands of people, is
Alpha, all around the                                            permission, rare in secular
world, and it's been translated                                  culture, to discuss the big
into 112 different languages.                                    questions life and death and
Currently in the UK Bear Grylls                                  their meaning.’ – The
has been an ambassador for                                       Guardian
Alpha.                                                           ‘What distinguishes Alpha
Originally developed as a short                                  from other initiatives is the
course at Holy Trinity                                           easy-going, relaxed feel of
Brompton Church in London,                                       the proceedings – that, and
in 1990 Nicky Gumbel took over running             its astonishing success.’ – The Times
Alpha and found that many people outside           ‘The world's most popular course in
of the church wanted to explore the                Christianity.’ – The Independent on Sunday
Christian faith. Alpha now runs in every           Now coming to the parish of Headley
part of the global church, including the           & Box Hill
Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and           The highly accessible Alpha Film Series
all mainline Protestant denominations.             (presented by Gemma & Toby see above)
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the        will be being shown in St Andrew’s Church
Christian faith. Each talk looks at a              Box Hill at 8pm on Wednesday evenings
different question around faith and is             from January 9th onwards. Please let Harry
designed to create conversation. Alpha is          know if you will be coming or simply turn
run all around the globe, it’s free, and           up.
everyone’s welcome.                      
“What the papers say”                              01737 812105 07947650127
‘What Alpha offers, and what is attracting


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By Karen Rand

During 2018 three new members joined the          This year the MU theme is:
group and we hope to welcome them all as          Listen, observe, act – in step with God
members at a family service later in the          We will be looking at ways we can build
year. In October, Tom Rhind-Tutt inspired         relationships in the community and try and
us all by his talk and he was very pleased        develop our observational skills in church!
to receive an MU badge having been an
honorary member all his life! Tom spoke           Jean Gurr, one of our members, has set up
about the importance of prayer and reading        a Foodbank box in the porch at St Peter’s.
the bible, listening to God and to expect         This is one of the ways we can help the
Him to be there as part of our lives. We          local community. Your support with this
hope Tom will join us at future meetings.         project will be much appreciated as so
                                                  many people in our area are still in need of
Our November talk given by Rev David Skitt        the basic essentials of life: 1 in 5 of the UK
was very well received. David talked about        population live below the poverty line.
‘REMEMBERING ‘ especially acts of                 Items needed right now are:-
kindness even in the face of adversity;           Sponge puddings, instant mash, milk
‘WAITING’ and how we can purposefully             powder, men’s deodorant, shower gel.
use that time; ‘BEHOLDING’ finding an             Please help!
inner peace that nothing else can destroy
and ‘MOVING FORWARD’ with purpose in              If you feel you would like to support MU
accordance with His spirit. Each section          but are unable to join us at our monthly
was accompanied by beautiful music and            meetings please take a look at the website
time was given for reflection.                    for more information https://
MU supports a campaign entitled ‘16 Days
of Activism Against Gender Based Violence’        Our next meeting takes place on:
between 25 Nov – 10 December                      8th January – 2019 Theme: Community
(International Human rights Day). At our          Sketch Map and Treasure Hunt
December meeting we remembered all the            12th February - Women’s World Day of
women and children who are affected by            Prayer - talk given by Mo Atkins and
Gender-Based Violence.                            Margaret Fitch, a member of Tadworth MU
                                                  A Happy and Healthy New Year to
Walton News & Post Office
An essential hub of village life, Walton News is conveniently
   located opposite Meade Court Car Park in the heart of
                     Walton on the Hill.

Run by husband & wife team, Chirag & Karishma Patel, since 2012, Walton
News recently opened a Post Office, handling most postal services, including
pre-ordered currency, free banking, cheque deposits & cash withdrawals
Money gram, & postal orders.
The store also has a grocery section for daily essentials, wines, beers &
spirits, newspapers & magazines, fresh tea & coffee &
delicious freshly baked pastries.

Walton News is also where many villagers come for
authentic, home-cooked, take-away Indian dishes.
Karishma is a talented chef, specialising in regional
Indian vegetarian cooking. These are made to order
(24-hour notice is required). For a menu, please email

47 Walton Street, Walton on the Hill, KT20 7RR
01737 812289

BREECH LANE COMMUNITY                                     Greeting
   run by Walton on the Hill Association

Activities include :
Lanes Kindergarten: Pre-School Nursery                 We have some lovely greeting cards (£2)
                                                        and notelets (£1) printed from original
Mon-Fri                                                   paintings by Christine Maudesley
Art Group: Wednesday 1.30 - 4pm
Zumba: Wednesday 7-8pm                                  They have been printed in memory of
                                                       Christine, who lived in Walton on the Hill
Pastels: Thursday 1.30 -4pm
                                                          and proceeds will go to St Peter’s
Hall hire :£15 per hour                                                 Church.
Large hall with polished wooden floor. Well
                                                       If you would like to purchase any, please
              equipped kitchen.                        contact me or they will be for sale in the
Toilet facilities. Car park with ample parking.                      church porch.
    Ideal for children's parties and group                   Many thanks, Norma 812639

 BOOKINGS : Ann Liddle. 819959 /07710

Local Focus Best Of Both The Worlds. By Jaya Malani

                                       2019 has been a very memorable year for
                                       me personally. My Indian cookery school
                                       ‘Breech Lane Curry House’ has grown from
                                       strength to strength. I have been nominated
                                       and shortlisted as a finalist for a very special
                                       nationwide recognition award - The Business
                                       Mum of the Year. I had the privilege of
                                       running a children’s Indian cookery
                                       workshop at my daughters’ local village
                                       school, to help raise funds. I was invited to
                                       talk about my venture and my family dishes
                                       on the BBC Surrey Radio show ‘Up Close'! I
                                       held a variety of Indian cookery courses,
                                       meeting food enthusiasts from varied
                                       backgrounds and age groups, receiving such
                                       encouraging reviews of my sessions along
                                       the way.
                                       One of the most exciting experiences was
                                       my recent trip to India to visit family and
                                       celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights (you
                                       could call it the Indian Christmas of sorts!).
                                       During my journey, I enjoyed home cooked
                                       Indian food at its very best. Whilst visiting
                                       my parents and sisters up north in the
                                       capital city of New Delhi and my in laws
                                       down south of India in a place called
                                       Coimbatore, I took every opportunity to add
                                       to my repertoire of family dishes. I was
                                       taught to make proper home cooked
                                       Appams, a type of bowl shaped pancake
                                       made with rice based batter, lentil and
                                       fenugreek seeds and enjoyed with home
                                       made coconut milk, not to forget my mum’s
                                       special Rajma curry which is essentially red
                                       kidney beans cooked in a delicious onion and
                                       tomato based gravy and my brother in law’s
                                       special Kashmiri mutton curry called ‘Yakhni’
created with a set of simple spices such as            feel very lucky to be in this unique position
fennel and ginger powder and yet yielding              from where I can tap into this family pool of
such complex flavours.                                 authentic home cooked recipes and
To top this off, I was handed down two very            techniques and pass them on to my
special kitchen utensils by my in laws - both          participants. In a sense, I have the best of
more than a 100 years old and belonging to             both the worlds!
their parents - a brass spice tin used to store
the essential spice powders and a biryani              Jaya runs Breech Lane Curry House - a home
(rice dish) cum idli (savoury rice cakes)              based Indian cookery school from Walton on
making brass pot. I have since given them              the Hill. It offers Indian cookery classes,
pride of place in my kitchen and used the              teaching traditional family recipes using the
brass pot to prepare a very delicious, healthy         local village produce, fresh home made
and homely chicken biryani! I can’t wait to            roasted and ground spices and seasonal
prepare some fluffy idlis next!                        vegetables to create flavours that are truly
Whilst my trip was a social visit, I would not         authentic and honest. For information on
hesitate to call it a culinary journey of              classes and gift vouchers, please visit
discovery, rediscovery and enlightenment! I  

My Daughter’s in their traditional Indian attire posing with the Diwali puja decoration -which is
showcasing the gods. The idea is to pray to goddess Durga and goddess Lakshmi to bless the
family with health and wealth. The gods are placed along side a traditional Indian saree with
           banana leaves at the back, and offered Indian sweets and flower petals.
Christchurch By Reverend John Gordon
                               Rev’d John Gordon
                               01737 351188
                               Acting Treasurer
                               Sheila Brotherwood
                               01737 813678
                               Arthur Charlwood 0208 3933396
                               Marion Pevy 01737 812129

   Services at Christchurch are held every Sunday at 10.30am
                             CHRISTCHURCH GUILD
                         Meets Wednesday afternoons, 3.00 to 4.15 p.m.
when we have a short devotional time (hymn and prayers), a short talk or gentle activity fol-
  lowed by a cup of tea and a time to chat. We meet in Christchurch small hall - please ring
                    813678 - Sheila would be very pleased to hear from you!

Dear Friends,

As I write British politics are in a very           During the night the angels lit up the sky
difficult place over Brexit. What once              with God’s glory to tell the frightened
seemed to be a straight forward decision            shepherds that the Messiah had been born
has rendered asunder party politics and             in their town. The role of this king is to
may be leading us as a country to a “No             bring Peace.
Deal Exit”.                                         In the same night sky, the Magi had
                                                    followed a Star to bring them into the
It has been my joy through Advent and               presence of Jesus the Son of God.
Christmas to lead Carol services retelling
once more the stories of ancient prophecies         On one hand we had the shepherds who
telling of the coming of the Messiah, the           were lowly workers. There's was not a
birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the arrival         prestigious occupation. Yet, it was to these
of the Magi from the East.                          low skilled workers the angels came to first.
                                                    The power of heaven came to those who
The Christmas Story tells of the coming of          did a job that no one else wanted to do.
the light by which the eyes of the blind            On the other hand, the Magi were at the
would be opened.                                    cutting edge of scientific research. But they
                                                    were from the East. They were foreigners.

They didn’t speak the language of Jesus’
parents, they belonged to a different tribe,
worshipped a different God, they simply
didn’t belong.                                         St Peter’s Church are looking for
                                                     volunteers to help with the following:
Sound familiar?
                                                     Opening & closing of the Church—
Who is drawn to Jesus? The foreigner. The            contact Laura Palmer on 01737668254
low paid migrant worker. This is God’s plan          Opening (about 9.00am) and closing (about
sold to us in the Christmas Story. As the            5.00pm) is for a week at a time and comes
angels sang only Peace can come when all             round about every two months at present.
are drawn to God as equal pilgrims on the
road of faith. We create barriers or walls at        Refreshments—arriving before family and
our own peril.                                       all age services to set up, serve and tidy
                                                     away —contact Liz Bishop on 01737 816158
May 2019 be the year that the eyes of the
blind are open to God’s glory.                       Clock winding—contact Robin Parr-Davies
John Gordon.
                                                     Sides people—contact Pauline Ryan on
                                                     01737 812905

                                                     Readers— during services, contact Laura
  Cleaning Rota for St Peter’s                       Palmer in the parish office on 01737668254

January                February                      Flower arranging—contact Elizabeth
                                                     Geddes on 01737813772 (we work to a
4th Palmer             1st Bishop
                                                     rota, no experience necessary—just a love
11th Ryan              8th Williams
                                                     of flowers.) We would love to hear from
18th Brown             15th Dring
25th Nina Flatt        22nd Nina Flatt

                                                     These Jobs are normally run on a rota
 Cleaning is usually done in pairs for               basis, please contact us if you can help
 about an hour preferably on a Friday and            even if its just a couple of hours every so
 would come around about every 3                     often, it all helps.
 months—say 4 times a year if a few
 more people join in. It largely consists
 of dusting, vacuuming with “Henry”,
 mopping the aisles and emptying the

Community Service By Cllr George Curry

The keen-eyed amongst you may have                   reduce reoffending and engender in them a
spotted supervised teams of young men                sense of community.
and women carrying out useful works in
our community; this is the Kent, Surrey and          I first came into contact with KSSCRC in
Sussex Community Rehabilitation                      summer 2018 when looking for help to
Company (KSSCRC) in action.                          secure benches provided by Surrey Family
                                                     Services at Howard Close. The KSSCRC
The KSSCRC has a statutory duty to deliver           team were a pleasure to deal with arriving
a range of services to people who have               punctually on the designated day and
been sentenced by the courts to either               working diligently under the supervision of
custodial or community supervision and               experienced team leaders. All we had to
who are classed as low to medium risk                provide were the consumables; including
offenders. These rehabilitation services             cement, sand and ironworks.
help people who have committed crimes to             Following this first successful interaction,
aspire, achieve and make sustainable                 with the help of suggestions from local
changes to their lives. The overall aim is to        residents we put together a list of other
areas the KSSCRC might be able to help             I think it’s only fair to allow other wards in
with. In September, the KSSCRC were                the Borough to benefit from the KSSCRC
cleaning footpaths in Walton, including the        but they have assured me they will return
heavily overgrown footpath between                 towards the end of winter to strip and paint
Chequers Lane and the back of Howard               the railings around the pond as well as the
Close.                                             white ‘Welcome to Walton’ wooden gates
As I have previously written, this year
Walton Pond has been one area of focus             I would like to take this opportunity to
for me, the Council and many committed             offer a public vote of thanks to the KSSCRC
villagers, so naturally I wanted to see how        team and the young people who have
the KSSCRC could help us here. The team            worked so hard in our village. I hope their
have been to Walton pond on three                  time spent serving the community
separate occasions, clearing and unblocking        contributes to positive outcomes in the
gullies as well as ridding large areas of          future and wish them well.
bank from bramble and scrub.

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St Peter’s Church Diary
Date/Time                   Service/Event              Place

Sun 6th      8.00am         Holy Communion              St Peter’s Church
             10.45am        Christingle All Age Service St Peter’s Church

Mon 7th      10.30am        Little Cherubs             St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm         Holy Communion*            Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm    Choir Practice             St Peter’s Church

Tues 8th     8.00pm         MU Meeting                 St Peter’s Church

Thurs 10th   8.00pm         Read, Mark, Learn          St Peter’s Church

Sun 13th     8.00am         Holy Communion             St Peter’s Church
             10.45am        Parish Communion           St Peter’s Church

Mon 14th     10.30am        Little Cherubs             St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm         Holy Communion*            Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm    Choir practice             St Peter’s Church

Wed 16th     10.30am        Read, Mark, Learn          St Peter’s Church

Sun 20th     8.00am         Holy Communion             St Peter’s Church
             10.45am        Family Service             St Peter’s Church

Mon 21st     10.30am        Little Cherubs             St Peter’s Church
              2.30pm        Holy Communion*            Walton Heath Manor
              5.30-7.00pm   Choir Practice             St Peter’s Church

Thurs 24th 8.00pm           Read, Mark, Learn          St Peter’s Church

Sun 27th     8.00am         Holy Communion             St Peter’s Church
             10.45am        Family Communion           St Peter’s Church

Mon 28th     10.30am        Little Cherubs             St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm         Holy Communion*            Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm    Choir Practice             St Peter’s Church

At St Peter’s please do come from 10.30am for coffee/tea and chat
                              before the service.

Date/Time                    Service/Event            Place

Sun 3rd      8.00am          Holy Communion           St Peter’s Church
             10.45am         All Age Service          St Peter’s Church

Mon 4th      10.30am         Little Cherubs           St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm          Holy Communion*          Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm     Choir Practice           St Peter’s Church

Wed 6th      10.30am         Read, Mark, Learn        St Peter’s Church

Sun 10th     8.00am          Holy Communion           St Peter’s Church
             10.45am         Parish Communion         St Peter’s Church

Mon 11th     10.30am         Little Cherubs           St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm          Holy Communion*          Walton Heath Manor
             5.30pm-7.00pm   Choir Practice           St Peter’s Church

Tues 12th    8.00pm          MU Meeting               St Peter’s Church

Thurs 14th   8.00pm          Read, Mark, Learn        St Peter’s Church

Sun 17th      8.00am         Holy Communion           St Peter’s Church
             10.45am         Family Service           St Peter’s Church

Mon 18th     10.30am         No Little Cherubs        St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm          Holy Communion*          Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm     No Choir Practice        St Peter’s Church

Wed 20th     10.30am         Read, Mark, Learn        St Peter’s Church

Sun 24th     8.00am          Holy Communion           St Peter’s Church
             10.45am         Family Communion         St Peter’s Church

Mon 25th     10.30am         Little Cherubs           St Peter’s Church
             2.30pm          Holy Communion*          Walton Heath Manor
             5.30-7.00pm     Choir Practice           St Peter’s Church

Thurs 28th   8.00pm          Read, Mark, Learn        St Peter’s Church
   *The Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Service takes place at
            Walton Heath Manor. Visitors are most welcome.

Village Events January/February
Christingle Service          St Peter’s Church                Sunday 6th January, 10.45am

Community Kitchen            Christchurch Hall                Saturday 12th January,

Community Kitchen            Christchurch Hall                Saturday 9th February,

The Children’s Trust         St John’s School                 Sunday 10th February,
Surrey Schools’ Concert      Leatherhead                      2.00pm-4.30pm

Tadworth Court Mansion       Tadworth Court Mansion           Sat 16th February, 7.30pm
Three Centuries of History

Walton Village Forum         Breech Lane Community            Tuesday 26th February,
Meeting                      Centre                           8.00pm

Womens World Day of Prayer The Church of the Wisdom of        Friday 1st March, 2.00pm
                             God, Lower Kingswood

TWOAT Annual Quiz            Christchurch Hall                Saturday 2nd March,

                                        St Peter’s Church Would Like To
                                                 Thank Michael Everett
                                    for all their support throughout 2018, particularly during
                                      the Christmas Season, where they helped us so much
                                      with the Christmas Market advertising and Christmas
                                    card sending which has raised over an impressive £250
                                                          for St Peter’s.

                                                           Thank you

The Drill Hall, Deans Lane, Walton on the Hill Now
      The Riddell Memorial Hall By Robert Ruddell
The directors of Walton                                                   and Cloverneuk,
Heath Golf Club, Sir                                                      Withybed Corner c.1938.
George Allardice Riddell
[Managing Director of                                                     Crosbie together with
The News of the World],                                                   Percy Morley Horder had
Sir Alexander Kennedy                                                     the greatest impact on
[an eminent electrical                                                    the village’s appearance
engineer], and Edward                                                     during the early part of
Hudson [founder and                                                       the 20th Century and
owner of Country Life]                                                    was involved in many
formed a Territorial Army                                                 buildings including the
Unit in 1909 from the                                                     remodeling of Heath
caddies and green staff of                                                Farm in Deans Lane.
the club and they were
expected to enroll in the                                                 The Territorial Army Unit
Unit. They also                                                           started well but in 1912
subscribed to a new Drill                     Lord Riddell                the initial zeal appears
Hall with an indoor rifle                                                 to have worn thin and a
range which was erected at the junction of             Captain Chetwynd Stapleton wrote to
Deans Lane and Meadow Walk and The                     complain that the caddies who had joined
Walton Heath Public Hall Company was set               his Company were showing no real
up to maintain and administer the building.            enthusiasm, due, he thought, to the way
                                                       they were treated by the Golf Club,
Riddell commissioned the Architect,                    especially when at camp. He thought they
Lawrence Stanley Crosbie FRIBA [1876-                  should be paid less.
1962] for both the original construction in
1910 and the extended entrance alterations             A recurring problem was what to do with
in 1912. He was a member of St Peter’s                 the caddies during the summer holiday
Church Parish Council for a number of                  season when most members were away. In
years and between 1910-11 was involved in              1914 the directors initiated a scheme for
the restoration and alterations to St Peter’s          sending them to resorts on the South coast
Church. Crosbie appears to have lived in               or even to Scotland with fares paid and a
the village all his life and died in Walton on         guaranteed wage, but war came and many
the Hill in 1962. He moved homes several               were called up before the idea could be
times and his addresses in the village                 tested. The directors awarded them five
included The Cobbles, Nursery Road                     shillings a week while on active service.
c.1908, Petersmead, Meadow Walk c. 1916,               The golf club laid on an annual supper for
Loyal ‘Suffolk’ Hussars Camp. Tadworth, 1915

the caddies and 200 were catered for in the        local men to join the Colours.
Drill Hall.                                        Throughout WW1 a vast Army training
                                                   camp covered much of the area between
There was also criticism of the support for        Epsom Downs, Tadworth and Walton on
the Officers Mess at the rear of the Drill         the Hill. Some of the soldiers formed a
Hall, causing it to be leased to the newly         concert party and entertained their
formed Walton Heath Social Club in 1912.           comrades and a few of the villagers in the
The former Mess was later enlarged to              Drill Hall.
include space for two full-size snooker
tables and another room with a licensed            In 1916 a dramatized production of ‘Wind
bar, dartboard and tables for card games,          in the Willows’ was staged for the troops. It
etc.                                               is rumoured that Kenneth Grahame the
                                                   Scottish born writer of the book and his
Herbert Savage, Headmaster of Breech               cousin Anthony Hope Hawkins author of
Lane Church of England School who lived in         ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’, who lived at Heath
Meadow Walk was responsible for                    Farm in Deans Lane, opposite the hall
organising the Opening Dinner presided             played a part in the production.
over by Riddell. He was credited with
getting the hall off the ground and was            When the war ended the hall was used for
presented with a motorbike by the men of           various activities, ranging from flower
his company in the 5th Battalion, East             shows and films to political meetings and
Surrey Regiment for his hard work. Savage          amateur dramatics. A regular user was the
became a very successful Recruiting                Walton Old Scholars Association; formed
Sergeant when war was declared in 1914             shortly before the start of the war in 1910
and in the first fortnight persuaded 138           by Herbert Savage to enable the scholars of
Meadow Walk, showing the Drill Hall on the                                Deans Lane
                                                       Canadian 1st Army Division were billeted in
Walton to keep in touch. Their two major               the hall and used it for cinema shows to
events were the Annual Reunion of the Old              which visitors were also invited. Another
Scholars and the Boxing Night Fancy Dress              use was for lectures and occasionally these
Dance, both having ‘full houses’.                      were attended by the Home Guard.

Lord Riddell died in 1934 and the sale of              The Canadians departed after the end of
the Drill Hall was considered for possible             the war and the hall was redecorated and a
use as a cinema, garage or laundry.                    new teak wood block floor laid, providing
However as other subscribers had died or               one of the finest dance-floors in the district.
else could not be traced, his widow agreed             Further decoration took place during
to give it to the village with the proviso that        1966/7 and later years which has added to
it should be known as the Lord Riddell                 the excellent facilities.
Memorial Hall and an endowment fund of
£500 be raised. The hall was then                      BIBLIOGRAPHY
administered by an elected management                  WALTON ON THE HILL AND DISTRICT
committee and continued in regular use for             HISTORY SOCIETY - TIM RICHARDSON
a wide range of village activities until the           WALTON HEATH GOLF CLUB – THE STORY
outbreak of WW II in September 1939.                   OF THE FIRST SEVENTY FIVE YEARS
                                                       By CYRIL HEWERTSON O.B.E. 1979
Foyles the London booksellers occupied the             HEATHER AND HEAVEN WALTON HEATH
hall during the war for about a year on                GOLF CLUB 1903 - 2003
payment of a weekly rental and an                      By PHIL PILLEY 2003
agreement that the villagers could use it on
Saturdays for entertainment.
                                                       Editors Mistake-
                                                       Please note that in the Nov/Dec issue of
The whole area was a hive of military                  Window on Walton Robert Ruddell’s title
activity during the war with Canadian                  should have read Lady Emily Holderness
troops camped on the heath at Walton to
                                                       not Lady Mary Holderness. Apologies.
the edge of the golf course pending the
Normandy invasion. Later some of the

Walton on the Hill Primary School By Headteacher, Mr Samuel
New Year Resolutions…                                                through these in more detail
                                                                     and show you around.
I wish you all a Happy 2019.
                                                                     Please do get in touch
Predictably over the festive
                                                                     should you wish to come
period there will have been
                                                                     and have a chat –
many conversations about
aims and goals for the New
Year; exercise more (voted
the most common resolution                                           There are changes afoot
in a newspaper poll!), read                                          within the education world
more, eat more healthily,                                            in the New Year! Richard
sleep more to name but a                                             Laing, our superb Deputy
few! ‘Spend more time on                                             Headteacher and I have just
personal wellbeing’ and ‘Spend more                  attended a conference hosted by Ofsted
time with family and friends’ were joint             outlining their refreshing change to their
6th in the same poll and certainly feature in        inspection foci. This will hopefully offer a
my resolutions and I hope will do in yours.          far more holistic view of schools as, in my
                                                     view, there has been too greater emphasis
Our school year runs differently to the              purely on academic outcomes and not a
Gregorian Calendar with the September to             broad and balanced curriculum. I genuinely
July period being the key months with the            believe that we offer a rich curriculum that
breathing space (not entirely holiday!) of           does not simply prepare children for end of
August providing some time for reflection            Key Stage tests but offers a range of
and subsequent change. However, we have              memorable experiences, transferable skills
some ‘Resolutions’, or rather plans at the           and an interest in their world.
start of our calendar year and some
                                                     Finally, perhaps a New Year resolution you
exciting projects to consider. I have written
                                                     made might involve a new direction and
before about our commitment to the
                                                     perhaps this could be as a Primary School
wellbeing of the children in our care and in
                                                     teacher!? We would love to hear from you
Jaunary we will begin the renovation our
                                                     should this be the case as there are a
WellBEing Pod, which was kindly funded by
                                                     whole range of training options available to
Kennedys’ IPA, to be a more nurturing
                                                     people to join what I think is a fantastic
space for children and are working on our
Community Sensory Garden which we hope
will become a haven for all sorts of groups
and individuals in the village. I would
happily meet with any member of the
Walton on the Hill community to talk

Charity Disco I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning with..........
                                           W is for Walton-on-the-Hill, Winter and
                                           Wine. And, also for Wham, Wonderstuff,
                                           and Wilson Pickett. “W” was the theme for
                                           this year’s Village People Disco, which took
                                           place on the last Saturday of November at
                                           the Riddell Hall and saw some 140 revellers
                                           take to the dance floor.

                                           A troupe of Amy Winehouse’s fraternised
                                           with a Wigwam; a Weathergirl hung out
                                           with a Wild West Cowboy; and the cast of
                                           The Wizard of Oz held court at the bar with
                                           Sir Winston Churchill. Shane Warne was
                                           spotted serving pints to a Wall, whilst a
                                           Whoopi Cushion served up several rounds
                                           of G&T. Bottles of Prosecco and any
                                           number of Tequila shots were dispatched
                                           by Witches and Warlocks and a bottle of
                                           Washing Up Liquid was seen chatting to a
                                           Wardrobe, and numerous sightings of
                                           Where’s Wally…

                                           The winners of the now extremely
                                           prestigious Best Dressed Award – chosen
                                           by St Peter’s very own Rev’d. Harry Latham
                                           (cunningly disguised) – were the brilliantly-
                                           costumed Wall-E and the World War II
                                           Land Girls.

                                           This was the third annual Village People
                                           Disco – a great fundraiser for The Friends
                                           of St Peter’s. An impressive £1,970 was
                                           raised through ticket sales and the bar,
                                           which will go towards maintaining the
                                           fabric of the church, including the
                                           refurbishment of the Windows. How very
                                           By Sally Curry.
Open Group Newsletter By Mo Atkins
OPEN GROUP                                                     The first meeting of the New Year
‘It’s been a busy year’ said Norma,                            will be an Epiphany Supper, on
with feeling, when we were chatting,                           TUESDAY, 15th JANUARY.
prior to the Annual Roundup (aka                               Please contact Mo (e mail -
A.G.M) held, at Christchurch Hall, on                 or Norma
20th November...... and she was                                (tel. 812639) for further information.
right! 2018 was indeed the fullest and                         On TUESDAY, 19th FEBRUARY,
busiest year yet, for Open Group members              popular local speaker Mary Forlenza makes
and friends.                                          a return visit to Open Group, with her
                                                      entertaining talk, ‘GREAT LOVERS’.
There had been sadness at the close 2017              Venue to be confirmed, but if you would like
and during the first months of last year, with        to receive details of meetings, nearer the
the deaths of our dear friends, Mary Pavy,            time, in the Open Group Newsletter, please
Paul Bingham and Olga Lawson. They                    e mail Mo, on the above address.
were great supporters of Open Group and               We look forward to meeting friends, old and
are much missed. Our thoughts and                     new, during 2019, so if you see something
prayers remain with their families.                   in Window on Walton that catches your
                                                      eye, then please come and join us! In the
On a brighter note events have been                   meantime we wish everyone a peaceful
varied, and fundraising encouraging,                  and happy New Year.
resulting in proposed charitable donations
of £3,950. The main recipient, of £2,500, is          (WOMEN'S) WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
The Meningitis Research Foundation, the               Looking ahead, the local service of the
group's 2018 project, with further donations          World Day of Prayer, will be held on
to TWOAT, Christchurch U.R.C (for use of              FRIDAY, 1st MARCH, at The Church of
their facilities, generously permitted)               the Wisdom of God, Lower Kingswood, at
Mencap, The Royal Marsden Hospital                    2.00pm, followed by tea. Everyone, men,
(Children's Unit) and The Friends of St.
                                                      women and children are very welcome. If
Peter's. Very many thanks are due to
                                                      anyone would like a lift please contact Mo,
everyone who has contributed to these
                                                      e mail, or Norma
                                                      on 812639.
                                                      In 2018 it was decided to drop the prefix
There is lots to look forward to in 2019! A
                                                      'Women's' from the title. This year's
new charity fundraising project will be
                                                      service has been prepared by the Christian
underway, following a vote by members,
which will take place after the print deadline        women of Slovenia, on the theme, 'Come,
for this edition of Window on Walton and              everything is ready!'
will therefore be announced in the March              A local committee, with representatives
issue.                                                from churches in Walton, Headley and Box
                                                      Hill, Tadworth and Kingswood, organises
the service, with each                                                   This is a village
church taking its turn                                                   initiative, supported by
to act as host.                                                          St. Peter’s and
'The World Day of                                                        Christchurch, providing
Prayer is an                                                             a meeting place where
international,                                                           food and company are
ecumenical, Christian                                                    shared. It is open to
laywomen's                                                               everyone and it is
initiative. It is run                                                    hoped that all
under the motto,                                                         organisations in Walton
'Informed Prayer and                                                     will become involved,
Prayerful Action' and is                                                 even if only by
celebrated annually in                                                   spreading the word or
over 170 countries, on                                                   popping in now and
the first Friday in                                                      again!
March. The movement                                                      The kitchen is open on
aims to bring together                                                   the second Saturday of
women of various races, cultures and                the month, except during Lent, when there
traditions in a yearly common day of                will be six soup Saturdays, commencing
prayer, as well as in closer fellowship,            Saturday, 9th March and then every
understanding and action throughout the             Saturday until 13th April (further details to
year.'                                              follow in the next edition).
It is moving to think the same service is
being held all over the world, albeit at            LATE NIGHT SHOPPING EVENING
different times and each year highlights the        Walton on the Hill came alive on the Late
different issues affecting women across the         Night Shopping evening, held appropriately,
globe. Come and find out more!                      on the Feast of St. Nicholas, 6th December,
                                                    when over hundred villagers gathered in
VILLAGE KITCHEN                                     the garden at ‘Mereside’, overlooking the
The Village Kitchen will continue, on               pond, to witness the first official
SATURDAYS, 12th JANUARY and 9th                     Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony! Folk
FEBRUARY                                            then gathered outside Pistols Kitchen for
(weather permitting). Come and find a               mulled wine, food and carols, as well as
warm welcome in Christchurch Hall, from             shopping. Many thanks to Lia and Peter for
10.30 am - 1.30 pm. Enjoy coffee, teas and          coordinating the Late Night opening and
cake, followed by lunch....maybe toasted            providing Father Christmas and a festive
sandwiches, ploughman’s, soup or,                   atmosphere.
sometimes quiche. There is a welcoming              Lots of thanks are due also to all those who
atmosphere in which to meet and make                made the Tree Lighting event happen at
friends or relax, with a magazine, in an            very short notice..... to David and Val
armchair!                                           Larner for the idea of welcoming all to their
garden and providing and installing the tree,
with guidance from Caroline Walter Garden
Design, to Ethel Armstrong and Linn Ferg for
once again supplying the lights, to John
Rosling, Jenny Tuttle and their adult and              Saturday’s 12th January & 9th February

junior choirs from St. Peter’s, for leading the
singing, to Christine Atkinson and her band,
‘Low Key Affair’, for accompanying the carols
and of course thank you to Rev’d Harry
Latham, for switching on the lights! St.
Peter’s is grateful to George Curry for the
impromptu passing round of his woolly hat
which raised £33.10!

Finally, thanks to everyone who came and
witnessed the event, which this year was a
‘Low Key Affair’, in more ways than one! Next
year it is hoped to expand the occasion, so
‘watch this space....!’

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TWOAT Tadworth & Walton Overseas Aid Trust . By Mike Fox
A large choir of over 40 children from              TWOAT to sustain its annual provision of
Walton-on-the-Hill Primary School sang              school lunches and contribute towards the
carols and performed other Christmas                creation of the proposed Epilepsy clinic at
songs beautifully during “Sing Carols”. This        Berega Hospital.
was an event staged at Christchurch,                TWOAT’s fund raising for children’s
Walton, to raise money for, and awareness           lunches was also helped recently by a
of, the work of Tadworth & Walton                   group of children from Tadworth Primary
Overseas Aid Trust. Chairman Mike Fox               School and their parents who, with
told the children, their families and the           permission from Chris Chapman, set up a
congregation how last year’s Sing Carols            small stall selling cakes in the forecourt of
event had helped towards TWOAT raising              his butcher shop. Enough money was
enough money to fund lunches at two                 raised to pay for more than two weeks of
schools - one in Africa and one for refugee         lunches for all the children in the school
children from Myanmar in Asia. This year’s          that TWOAT supports in Madagascar.
TWOAT Christmas Appeal was for two
projects concerned with health, one to              TWOAT’s next event will be a Quiz to be
improve the treatment of Epilepsy at                held in Christchurch’s hall on Saturday
Berega Hospital in Tanzania and the other           March 2nd at 7.15pm. Tickets will be £10
to fund health camps which treat children           including a light buffet. For further details
against a parasite called the Jigger Flea in        visit
Kenya. This parasite burrows its way deep
into their bare feet and if untreated can
cripple and eventually kill them. Over £280
                                                         Gamma Computer
was donated which will rise to more than                    Services
£300 with Gift Aid. As the cost of the                The Local Help Desk for the Home
treatment against Jigger Flea infestation is
                                                          and Small Business User
less than 60p per child this will provide
                                                     Established local business
funding for more than 500 children to                Customers of ALL ages
attend health camps.                                 Free impartial advice
At the “Sing Carols” event prayers were              Repairs and Upgrades
led by Revd. John Gordon who also                    Wireless Networking and Security
officiates at the Banstead United Reform             Tuition on One to One Basis
Church. He announced that the two                    Linux support available
churches had recently donated a further
                                                          We support open source
£2,000 to TWOAT, this was out of surplus
income generated through letting
halls. Mike Fox subsequently commented                    Call Now : 07957 230299
that this very generous gift would help
UK Premiere Preview Screening
         Great In Britain: The Movie Comes To Walton on the Hill . By Howard Webster
February isn’t usually a month I look                So it seemed fitting that when we came to
forward to but this year it is going to be           do a special premiere preview screening of
really exciting.                                     Great in Britain: the movie, a comedy all
                                                     about friendship and what really matters,
My movie, a very British musical comedy
                                                     that I would bring it home to Walton-on-
called Great in Britain: the movie starring
                                                     the-Hill’s very own village hall cinema.
Peter Bowles (To The Manor Born), Jason
Flemyng (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking                 The movie was shot on location in Surrey
Barrels, The Curious Case of Benjamin                and the last two scenes were even filmed
Button), Larry Lamb (Eastenders), Colin              in Tadworth at the end of 2018. Anyone
Salmon (Prime Suspect 2, 24: Live Another            who is involved with making movies will tell
Day, Mortal Engines), iconic British pop             you what a long road it can sometimes be
stars Right Said Fred and a cast of well             from the initial idea to a film’s ultimate
known British names is being released.               release. As I write this article it is just
Now here is the big news for everyone                before Christmas and I am pulling some
living in the area. One of the handful of            late nights finishing up the post production
exclusive UK premiere preview screenings             on Great in Britain: the movie. Once that is
is happening right here in Walton-on-the-            done, because the movie isn’t rated yet, I
Hill at the Riddell Memorial Hall. The               then have to get the movie over to the
premiere preview screenings are courtesy             BBFC for age certification. So lots to do
of Barrie Gilbert at Curzon Country Cinema.          but we’re on schedule.
Given the size of the Riddell Hall and the
limited number of seats there I would urge           I am thrilled to be able to bring a UK
everyone to book their premiere preview              premiere movie release to a village hall
tickets when the screenings are formally             cinema like the one in Walton-on-the-Hill.
announced on the Curzon Country Cinema               When I first considered the idea I had no
website (https://                                    idea that there were so many of these It will              venues across the country. It turns out
be first come, first served and we expect            that it is quite a movement. In rural areas
the tickets to go quickly.                           they are called village hall or community
                                                     cinemas, in urban areas they are called
We chose the Riddell Memorial Hall                   ‘pop-up’ cinemas. Regardless of what they
because I’m the director of the movie and I          are called it appears that people still want
live just up the road. It was also the place         to come together to watch a movie and
where my seven year old twins first saw              share an experience. In an age where
the Big Friendly Giant and Paddington 2 on           technology has led to isolation and a lack of
the big screen and we’ve been fans of                community where people don’t even know
village hall cinema, as a family, ever since.        who their neighbours are anymore it is
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