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ABOUT CSIS The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan, nonprofit policy re- search organization dedicated to advancing practical ideas to address the world’s greatest challenges. Thomas J. Pritzker was named chairman of the CSIS Board of Trustees in 2015, succeeding former U.S. senator Sam Nunn (D-GA). Founded in 1962, CSIS is led by John J. Hamre, who has served as president and chief executive officer since 2000. CSIS’s purpose is to define the future of national security. We are guided by a distinct set of values—nonpartisanship, independent thought, innovative thinking, cross-disciplinary schol- arship, integrity and professionalism, and talent development. CSIS’s values work in concert toward the goal of making real-world impact. CSIS scholars bring their policy expertise, judgment, and robust networks to their research, analysis, and recommendations. We organize conferences, publish, lecture, and make media appearances that aim to increase the knowledge, awareness, and salience of policy issues with relevant stakeholders and the interested public. CSIS has impact when our research helps to inform the decisionmaking of key policymakers and the thinking of key influencers. We work toward a vision of a safer and more prosperous world. CSIS does not take specific policy positions; accordingly, all views expressed herein should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). © 2021 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. All rights reserved. Center for Strategic & International Studies 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-887-0200 | ABOUT ASP The Aerospace Security Project (ASP) at CSIS explores the technological, budgetary, and policy issues related to the air and space domains and innovative operational concepts for air and space forces. Part of the International Security Program at CSIS, the Aerospace Security Project is led by Senior Fellow Todd Harrison. ASP’s research focuses on space security, air dominance, long-range strike, and civil and commercial space. Learn more at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report is made possible by general support to CSIS. No direct sponsorship contributed to this report. As always, the Aerospace Security Project team would like to thank Jeeah Lee, Phillip Meylan, and Emily Tiemeyer for their contributions to the editing, publication, and design of this report. Additional thanks to Thomas G. Roberts for his substantive contributions to this effort. CSIS does not take specific policy positions; accordingly, all views expressed above should be understood to be solely those of the authors. These views similarly do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the U.S. Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy, the Depart- ment of Defense, or the U.S. government. All information is accurate as of March 12, 2021. II SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1 TYPES OF COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS......................................3 Kinetic Physical...................................................................................... 4 Non-kinetic Physical............................................................................... 4 Electronic................................................................................................. 4 Cyber......................................................................................................... 4 CHINA.............................................................................................8 Space Organization................................................................................. 9 Counterspace Weapons......................................................................... 10 RUSSIA...........................................................................................12 Space Organization................................................................................. 12 Counterspace Weapons......................................................................... 13 IRAN...............................................................................................17 Space Organization................................................................................. 17 Space Launch Capabilities.................................................................... 18 Counterspace Weapons......................................................................... 19 NORTH KOREA..............................................................................21 Space Organization................................................................................. 21 Space Launch Capabilities.................................................................... 22 Counterspace Weapons......................................................................... 22 INDIA..............................................................................................24 Space Organization................................................................................. 24 Counterspace Weapons......................................................................... 25 OTHERS.........................................................................................26 France....................................................................................................... 26 Israel......................................................................................................... 26 Japan........................................................................................................ 27 South Korea............................................................................................. 27 United Kingdom....................................................................................... 27 WHAT TO WATCH..........................................................................28 ABOUT THE AUTHORS..................................................................30 III SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
INTRODUCTION T HE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN ONE OF UNCERTAINTY and unpredictability driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, the ensuing global recession, and political change in the United States. For space security, however, 2020 was largely a year of continuity and predictability. Perhaps the most notable change in the space environment since the last CSIS Space Threat Assessment was published is the addition of some 900 SpaceX Starlink satellites to low Earth orbit (LEO), bring- ing the total constellation size to more than 1,200, as shown in Figure 1. This is the largest satellite constellation in history by a wide margin, and it already makes up roughly a third of all oper- ating satellites in space.1 SpaceX continues to build out its con- stellation, with launches of 60 Starlink satellites at a time every few weeks. Several notable developments in space policy also occurred in the United States over the past year. Before leaving office, the Trump administration issued three new space policy directives (SPDs). SPD-5 directed government departments and agencies Figure 1 SpaceX’s Starlink Constellation as of February to develop cybersecurity policies and practices to improve the 25, 2021 protection of government and commercial space assets from cy- berattacks.2 SPD-6 updated national policy for the development astriagraph and use of space nuclear power and propulsion, and SPD-7 up- dated policy and guidance for space-based positioning, naviga- tion, and timing (PNT) programs and activities.3 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) also unveiled the Artemis Accords in 2020, which includes 10 principles nations must agree to abide by to be part of the Artemis program. By the end of the year, eight other countries had signed on to the accords and Brazil issued a statement of intent to sign.4 The standup of the U.S. Space Force and U.S. Space Command continued throughout the year as expected. The Space Force submitted its first budget request for $15.4 billion, and $15.3 bil- lion of this was transfers from existing accounts within the Air Force.5 The Space Force also published its first capstone docu- ment, Spacepower Doctrine for Space Forces, which was more notable for its continuity with current policy and doctrine than any significant changes.6 The new commander of U.S. Space Command, U.S. Army General James Dickinson, issued his com- mander’s strategic vision in February 2021, which focused on developing a warfighting mindset throughout the command, maintaining key relationships with allies and partners, and im- proving integration across the U.S. government and with com- mercial space organizations.7 Throughout the year, other nations continued development and testing of counterspace weapons. Most notably, Russia conduct- ed several antisatellite (ASAT) tests in 2020. As detailed later in this report, Russia tested a co-orbital ASAT weapon in July 2020, and it tested a direct-ascent anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon in De- cember 2020. These activities are not new and reflect a pattern of behavior in which Russia has continued to develop and recon- stitute its counterspace capabilities. 1 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
The purpose of this annual report from the CSIS Aerospace Security Project is to aggregate and analyze publicly available information on the counter- space capabilities of other nations. It is intended to raise awareness and understanding of the threats, debunk myths and misinformation, and highlight areas in which senior leaders and policymakers should pay more attention. This year’s report focuses on the changes in counterspace capa- bilities and new developments that have occurred or come to light over the past year. A more complete history of counterspace developments can be found on the new CSIS space threat interactive timeline, available at: This online tool will be updated periodically throughout the year and allows users to easily navigate through the large body of publicly available information on space threats, sorting by country, type of threat, and year. This report and the interactive tool are not a comprehensive assessment of all counterspace activities because much of the information on what other countries are doing is not publicly available. The information in this report is current as of March 12, 2021. 2 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS TYPES OF COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS S PACE IS AN INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT ENABLER OF econom- ic and military power. The strategic importance of space has led some nations to build arsenals of counterspace weapons to dis- rupt, degrade, or destroy space systems and hold at risk the ability of others to use the space domain. However, the strategic importance of space has also spurred renewed efforts to deter or mitigate conflict and pro- tect the domain for peaceful uses. For example, the U.S. Space Force’s cap- stone publication on spacepower notes that, “military space forces should make every effort to promote responsible norms of behavior that perpetu- ate space as a safe and open environment in accordance with the Laws of Illustration A ballistic Armed Conflict, the Outer Space Treaty, and international law, as well as missile can be used U.S. government and DoD policy.”8 as a kinetic phys- Counterspace weapons, particularly those that produce orbital debris, ical counterspace pose a serious risk to the space environment and the ability of all nations weapon. to use the space domain for prosperity and security. This chapter provides an overview and taxonomy for different types of counterspace weapons. Counterspace weapons vary significantly in the types of effects they create, how they are deployed, how easy they are to detect and attribute, and the level of technology and resources needed to develop and field them. This report categorizes counterpace weapons into four broad groups of capabil- ities: kinetic physical, non-kinetic physical, electronic, and cyber. 3 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS lites or cause components to overheat. including from other satellites pass- KINETIC PHYSICAL High-powered microwave (HPM) weap- ing by in orbit. For both laser and HPM ons can disrupt a satellite’s electronics weapons, the attacker may have limited KINETIC PHYSICAL COUNTERSPACE or cause permanent damage to electri- ability to know if the attack was success- weapons attempt to strike directly or cal circuits and processors in a satellite. ful because it is not likely to produce vis- detonate a warhead near a satellite or A nuclear device detonated in space can ible indicators. ground station. The three main forms of create a high radiation environment and The use of a nuclear weapon in space kinetic physical attack are direct-ascent an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that would have large-scale, indiscriminate ASAT weapons, co-orbital ASAT weapons, would have indiscriminate effects on effects that would be attributable and and ground station attacks. Direct-as- satellites in affected orbits. These at- publicly visible. A nuclear detonation in cent ASAT weapons are launched from tacks operate at the speed of light and, space would immediately affect satel- Earth on a suborbital trajectory to strike in some cases, can be less visible to lites within range of its EMP, and it would a satellite in orbit, while co-orbital ASAT third-party observers and more difficult also create a high radiation environment weapons are first placed into orbit and to attribute. that would accelerate the degradation of then later maneuvered into or near their Satellites can be targeted with lasers satellite components over the long term intended target. Attacks on ground sta- and HPM weapons from ground- or tions are targeted at the terrestrial sites ship-based sites, airborne platforms, or responsible for command and control of other satellites. A satellite lasing system satellites or the relay of satellite mission requires high beam quality, adaptive data to users. optics (if being used through the atmos- Kinetic physical attacks tend to cause ir- phere), and advanced pointing control reversible damage to the systems affect- to steer the laser beam precisely—tech- ed and demonstrate a strong show of nology that is costly and requires a high force that would likely be attributable and degree of sophistication. A laser can be publicly visible. A successful kinetic phys- effective against a sensor on a satellite if ical attack in space will produce orbital it is within the field of view of the sen- debris, which can indiscriminately affect sor, making it possible to attribute the other satellites in similar orbits. These attack to its approximate geographical types of attacks are one of the only coun- origin. An HPM weapon can be used to terspace actions that carry the potential disrupt a satellite’s electronics, corrupt for the loss of human life if targeted at data stored in memory, cause processors crewed ground stations or at satellites in to restart, and, at higher power levels, orbits where humans are present, such cause permanent damage to electrical as the International Space Station (ISS) in circuits and processors. HPM attacks can LEO. To date, no country has conducted be more difficult to attribute because the a kinetic physical attack against another attack can come from a variety of angles, country’s satellite, but four countries— the United States, Russia, China, and In- dia—have successfully tested direct-as- cent ASAT weapons. NON-KINETIC PHYSICAL NON-KINETIC PHYSICAL COUNTER- SPACE weapons have physical effects on satellites or ground systems without making physical contact. Lasers can Illustration A laser is an be used to temporarily dazzle or per- example of a non-kinetic manently blind the sensors on satel- counterspace weapon. 4 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS for unshielded satellites in the affected technology needed to jam and spoof orbital regime. The detonation of nucle- many types of satellite signals is commer- ar weapons in space is banned under the cially available and inexpensive, making Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963, which it relatively easy to proliferate among has more than 100 signatories, although state and non-state actors. China and North Korea are not included.9 ELECTRONIC CYBER Illustration A truck-mounted WHILE ELECTRONIC FORMS OF ATTACK ELECTRONIC COUNTERSPACE weapons jammer is a type of electronic attempt to interfere with the transmission target the electromagnetic spectrum counterspace weapon. of RF signals, cyberattacks target the data through which space systems transmit and receive data. Jamming devices in- itself and the systems that use, transmit, terfere with the communications to or and control the flow of data. Cyberat- from satellites by generating noise in the tacks on satellites can be used to monitor same radio frequency (RF) band. An up- data traffic patterns, intercept data, or link jammer interferes with the signal go- insert false or corrupted data in a system. ing from Earth to a satellite, such as the These attacks can target ground stations, command and control uplink. Downlink end-user equipment, or the satellites jammers target the signal from a satel- themselves. While cyberattacks require lite as it propagates down to users on the a high degree of understanding of the Earth. Spoofing is a form of electronic at- systems being targeted, they do not nec- tack where the attacker tricks a receiver essarily require significant resources to into believing a fake signal, produced by conduct. The barrier to entry is relatively the attacker, is the real signal it is trying low and cyberattacks can be contracted to receive. A spoofer can be used to inject out to private groups or individuals. Even false information into a data stream or, if a state or non-state actor lacks internal in extremis, to issue false commands to a satellite to disrupt its operations. User cyber capabilities, it may still pose a cy- terminals with omnidirectional antennas, ber threat. such as many GPS receivers and satellite A cyberattack on space systems can re- phones, have a wider field of view and sult in the loss of data or services be- thus are susceptible to downlink jamming ing provided by a satellite, which could and spoofing from a wider range of angles have widespread systemic effects if used on the ground.10 against a system such as GPS. Cyberat- Electronic forms of attack can be difficult tacks could have permanent effects if, for to detect or distinguish from acciden- example, an adversary seizes control of a tal interference, making attribution and satellite through its command and con- awareness more difficult. Both jamming trol system. An attacker could shut down and spoofing are reversible forms of at- all communications and permanently tack because once they are turned off, damage the satellite by expending its communications can return to normal. propellant supply or issuing commands Through a type of spoofing called “mea- Illustration coning,” even encrypted military GPS sig- that would damage its electronics and Cyberattacks can be nals can be spoofed. Meaconing does not sensors. Accurate and timely attribution used to take control require cracking the GPS encryption be- of a cyberattack can be difficult because of a satellite and cause it merely rebroadcasts a time-de- attackers can use a variety of methods to damage or destroy it. layed copy of the original signal without conceal their identity, such as using hi- decrypting it or altering the data.11 The jacked servers to launch an attack. 5 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS Table 1 TYPES OF COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS Kinetic Physical Non-kinetic Physical Types of Attack High Altitude High- Ground Direct-Ascent High- Laser Dazzling Co-orbital ASAT Nuclear Powered Station Attack ASAT Powered Laser or Blinding Detonation Microwave Variable Can be Clear attribution Attribution attribution, Launch site can attributed by Launch site can Limited of the laser’s Limited depending on be attributed tracking previous- be attributed attribution location at the attribution mode of attack ly known oribt time of attack Reversible or Reversible or Reversibility Irreversible or re- irreversible; irreversible; Irreversible Irreversible versible depend- Irreversible Irreversible attacker may or attacker may or ing on capabilities may not be able may not be able to control to control May or May or Awareness Publicly known Only satellite Only satellite Only satellite may not be may not be depending on Publicly known operator will be operator will be operator will be publicly publicly trajectory aware aware aware known known Attacker Damage Limited Limited Assessment Near real-time Near real-time Near real-time Near real-time confirmation of confirmation of No confirmation confirmation of confirmation of confirmation of confirmation of success if satellite success if satellite of success success success success success begins to drift begins to drift uncontrolled uncontrolled Collateral Damage Station may Orbital debris Higher radiation Could leave Could leave target control multi- May or may not could affect levels in orbit target satellite satellite disabled ple satellites; produce orbital None other satellites in would persist for disabled and and uncontrol- potential for loss debris similar orbits months or years uncontrollable lable of life 6 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS Electronic Cyber Types of Attack Uplink Downlink Data Interccept Data Seizure Spoofing Jamming Jamming or Monitoring Corruption of Control Attribution Modest attribution Modest attribution Modest attribution Limited or Limited or Limited or depending on mode depending on mode depending on mode uncertain uncertain uncertain of attack of attack of attack attribution attribution attribution Reversibility Irreversible or Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible reversible, depending on mode of attack Satellite operator Satellite operator Satellite operator Satellite operator Awareness May or may not be May or may not be will be aware; may will be aware; may will be aware; may will be aware; may known to the known to the or may not be or may not be known or may not be known or may not be known public public known to the public to the public to the public to the public Attacker Damage Limited Assessment confirmation of Limited Near real-time Near real-time Near real-time No confirmation success if monitoring confirmation of confirmation of confirmation of confirmation of of success of the local RF success if effects success success success environment is are visible possible Collateral Damage Only dirupts the Only disrupts the Only corrupts the Could leave target signals targeted and signals targeted and specific RF signals None None satellite disabled possible adjacent possible adjacent targeted and uncontrollable frequencies frequencies 7 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
CHINA CHINA M INIMAL COUNTERSPACE WEAPONS DEVELOPMENTS or tests were identified in open-source information over the past year. However, as has been reported in previous iterations of this re- port, China has a robust direct-ascent ASAT program, dual-use capabilities on orbit that are necessary for co-orbital ASAT weapons, and widely used electronic and cyber counterspace capabilities.12 Despite the global pandemic, 2020 saw many accomplishments for China in civil space missions. The Chang’e-5 Moon mission returned 2 kilograms, or about 4.5 pounds, of lunar regolith in December 2020.13 The Yutu-2 rover is still operating on the far side of the Moon and has traveled over 600 meters, or over 2,000 feet, on the lunar surface.14 China also plans to launch the core section of its national space station in 2021.15 In June 2020, China launched its first Mars rover, Tianwen 1, which entered Martian orbit in February 2021 and will likely land on Mars in May or June 2021. The planned mission is for the rover to operate for 92 Martian days (about 95 days on Earth).16 China is one of three countries pursuing mis- sions to Mars in 2021, with the United States landing the Perseverance rover on February 18, 2021 and an orbiter mission from the United Arab Emirates entering Mars orbit in February 2021. 8 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
CHINA China successfully launched the final po- sitioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) BeiDou satellite of the current constella- tion in June 2020. Essentially a Chinese version of GPS, the BeiDou constellation is now composed of 35 satellites in orbit that provide location and timing services to over 120 countries.20 BeiDou has been in the works for over two decades and al- lows China to be independent of the U.S. GPS system for national PNT.21 Notably, BeiDou has been a cornerstone of the Chi- nese Belt and Road Initiative. China’s space launch vehicle (SLV) pro- gram suffered a setback in March 2020 when the inaugural launch of the Long March 7A failed due to an engine malfunc- tion and the payload was lost. However, almost exactly one year later, on March 12, 2021, the Long March 7A SLV success- fully delivered its first payload into orbit, a classified, experimental satellite. The China’s spaceplane is rumored to be similar to the United States’ X-37B (pictured above). Long March 7 series is intended to deliver payloads into geostationary (GEO) orbit u.s. air force and to launch cargo to China’s upcoming national space station. Long March 8, the Chinese Military Affairs report notes that, next SLV in the Long March family, is cur- rently in development and will boast a re- China’s New Spaceplane “another important principle that ap- coverable and reusable first stage, much A NOTABLE DEVELOPMENT IN 2020 was pears to have influenced the design of like SpaceX’s Falcon family.22 the launch and recovery of a national the SSF is the enduring Maoist impera- spaceplane, similar to the United States’ tive of peacetime-wartime integration.”23 X-37B spaceplane program. The Chinese This principle is well suited for the du- SPACE ORGANIZATION space plane was launched by a Long- March 2F on September 4, 2020, and after al-use nature of many space and coun- terspace capabilities. orbiting Earth in LEO for two days, it suc- The organization of space assets and cessfully landed in northwest China on a Chinese civil space capabilities, such as missions within China’s People’s Libera- tion Army (PLA) remains unclear. Many five-kilometer runway. The United States the Martian rover, are led by the China space missions, such as space launch has catalogued at least two new objects National Space Administration (CNSA), and the acquisition and operation of in orbit that were likely deployed by the which falls within the purview of the satellites, remain within the Strategic space plane.17 Experts, however, are uncer- State Council’s State Administration for Support Force (SSF). Often presented tain of the motivations behind or mission Science, Technology, and Industry for as the “information domain,” the SSF of this new space plane, but it is unlikely National Defense (SASTIND). The Chi- maintains PLA efforts for cyber, electron- to be used as a counterspace weapon.18 na Aerospace Science and Technology ic, and psychological warfare, as well as Unrelated to this space plane test is the Corporation (CASC) and China Aero- space. According to experts, the Space Tengyun project, a horizontal takeoff and landing spacecraft to be completed by space Science and Industry Corporation Systems Department and Network Sys- tems Department (co-equal semi-inde- 2025. Not many details have been released (CASIC) are two examples of the many pendent branches within the SSF) share publicly about the success of this program, research and development arms of the joint missions, including counterspace which is intended to provide a rapid launch Chinese government which specialize in capabilities. A Center for the Study of capability.19 space technologies.24 9 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
CHINA ed its unusual movements in late 2019. COUNTERSPACE From December 2019 through late Jan- WEAPONS uary 2020, SJ-17 was in close proximity to Chinasat 6B, a television broadcasting communications satellite. SJ-17 then Kinetic Physical drifted slightly eastward to rendezvous China continues to conduct tests of its with another experimental Chinese sat- operational SC-19 direct-ascent ASAT sys- ellite, SJ-20, from late January through tem.25 However, China no longer needs to early April 2020. The closest SJ-17 and use kinetic tests to prove its direct-ascent Illustration New robot designed by Tian- SJ-20 were to one another was under jin University shown capturing a satellite ASAT capabilities can threaten any U.S. five kilometers.26 After this encounter, on orbit. satellite in LEO, and likely medium Earth SJ-17 performed an unusual drift to sta- orbit (MEO) and GEO as well. tion itself about 50 degrees eastward. The notorious Chinese inspector satel- Three months later, SJ-17 performed a lite, dubbed Shijan-17 (SJ-17), was rel- westward drift that allowed it to be in atively quiet this past year but did make close proximity with GF 13, a Chinese a few stops near other satellites as it Earth observation satellite.27 moved around the GEO belt. According Tianjin University has developed a new to CSIS analysis, SJ-17 performed three robot intended to support space de- enduring rendezvous proximity opera- bris-removal missions. This tentacle-like tions (RPOs) nearby other Chinese satel- robotic arm would be placed on sat- lites, Chinasat 6B, SJ-20, and Gaofen 13 ellites and launched into orbit to then (GF 13). After a long period of inactivity that lasted about a year, SJ-17 restart- CHINA . . . CAN grapple debris and clear it from popular orbits. However, the robotic arm could THREATEN ANY in theory be used to grab an adversary’s satellite.28 Furthermore, the design of the U.S. SATELLITE arm would probably require an extreme- IN LEO, AND Chinese Rendezvous and Proximity Op- ly close RPO that would not be effective erations in GEO. Publicly available orbital with debris or defunct satellites that positioning data suggests that Chinese satellite SJ-17 has made several close LIKELY IN MEO could be tumbling uncontrolled in space. The target debris would likely need to be approaches and inspections in GEO. Learn more about SJ-17’s behavior, including a AND GEO AS in a predictable motion in an established orbit in order for capture by the robotic list of the satellite’s nearest neighbors. at WELL. arms to be possible. The design of this satellite lends itself to a co-orbital ASAT, / csis aerospace security even if that is not the stated intent. SJ-17 Nearest 175˚E Neighbors in 2020 LONGITUDE (˚) 155˚E SJ-17 Chinasat 6B SJ-20 135˚E Apstar 6 Yamal 202 115˚E Gaofen 13 JAN MAR MAY JUL SEPT NOV 10 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
CHINA PAKISTAN CHINA Ladakh Region INDIA Map of the Ladakh Region, where Chinese satellite jammers are rumored to be placed 60km from the border. 60 kilometers of the Line of Actual Con- Non-kinetic Physical trol (LAC) in Ladakh , part of the disputed Some analysts have made recent claims Kashmir region between India, Pakistan, of massive developments in Chinese and China. The source asserts that the ground-based laser stations, including movement of jamming technology into the identification of five suspected lo- the region is intended to hide PLA move- cations of such programs within China. ments in the area.30 Despite efforts from While some of the programs identified the CSIS study team, these claims could appear to be academic and therefore are not be substantiated by another source. likely not ASAT systems, one location of primary concern is a military base known Cyber for conducting kinetic physical ASAT tests There have been no recent publicly ac- that is also rumored to house a laser knowledged cyberattacks from China weapon system.29 There is no indication against the United States’ or other na- of how advanced or “ready-to-mobilize” tions’ space systems. However, China has such a directed energy system may be, successfully proven this capability before and there has been no publicly available and continues to be active with cyberat- information about potential tests or at- tacks in other domains against financial tacks against space systems. or defense-related targets. Electronic In late October 2020, an Indian news source, the Hindustan Times, accused China of moving mobile jammers within 11 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
RUSSIA RUSSIA T HOUGH MOST INDUSTRIES, AND A LARGE PORTION OF OTHER countries mentioned in this report, were slowed down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s military space capabilities kept a steady pace. In the last year, Russia tested numerous counterspace capabilities, performed complex RPOs, and expanded its space-based mil- itary infrastructure. The country’s consistent space launch capability, the continuous advance of counterspace capabilities, and civil space contri- butions through the ISS have maintained Russia’s status as a major space power, and its prowess in the space domain has fostered unique relation- ships with foreign countries that are sometimes rivals in other domains. SPACE ORGANIZATION Russia’s state-sponsored space activities fall into either the Russian Aer- ospace Forces (RAF) or the civil Roscosmos program. Within the Russian military, space capabilities fall under the RAF. A subsection of the RAF is the Russian Space Force, which was created in 1992 as the world’s first space force and is responsible for the monitoring of all space-based assets, mili- tary launches, and potential threats to space systems.31 Roscosmos is a longtime partner of NASA, and the two agencies, together with Japan, Canada, and Europe, serve as the principal partners on the ISS. Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin announced that there were 17 launches of rockets in 2020 and 29 space launches planned for 2021. Rogozin also confirmed the country will begin exploration of the Moon via automated 12 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
RUSSIA modules and lunar probes, followed by a tary infrastructure. In addition to defend- crewed program.32 The crewed program ing against conventional weapons, space- is slated to land on the Moon in 2030, with regular missions to follow. Ros- RUSSIA’S based weapons are mentioned as a threat in the document. The document also calls cosmos has also announced plans for a permanent lunar base to begin in 2035.33 PROWESS IN out the potential deployment of missile defense and offensive strike weapons in Additionally, Russia has ongoing dis- cussions with China to establish a Moon THE SPACE space as posing a threat to Russia.39 The approval of this document signals that research base. Roscosmos and China’s DOMAIN HAS Russia believes space-to-Earth weapons could pose as much of a threat as nuclear FOSTERED space agency signed a 5-year space co- operation program in 2017.34 In February weapons and would elicit the same re- UNIQUE of 2021, the Roscosmos press office con- sponse from the country. firmed that the agency was ready to sign an agreement with the “Government of People’s Republic of China on cooper- RELATIONSHIPS COUNTERSPACE ation to create the International Lunar Research Station,” and the two space WITH FOREIGN WEAPONS agencies signed a memorandum of un- COUNTRIES Kinetic Physical THAT ARE derstanding on March 9, 2021.35 A state- ment from Roscosmos outlined a plan of Russia has possessed kinetic physical cooperation with international partners “with the goal of strengthening research SOMETIMES counterspace capabilities since the Sovi- et Union’s first co-orbital ASAT test in the cooperation and promoting the explora- tion and use of outer space for peaceful RIVALS 1960s. The technology used in Soviet-era IN OTHER programs proved to be solid building purposes.” To further solidify their rela- blocks for more recent Russian develop- tionship in space going forward, the two DOMAINS. ments, and the country has repeatedly countries signed another agreement to displayed direct-ascent and co-orbital create a data center to assist in future ASAT capabilities—both of which were missions to the Moon and deep space.36 tested over the past year. To aid in these goals, Russia continued On April 15, 2020, Russia tested its PL- testing a new SLV called the Angara, which 19/Nudol direct-ascent ASAT system, is the first SLV fully developed in post-So- which was publicly condemned by U.S. viet Russia. The Angara family of vehicles Space Command.40 The PL-19/Nudol was will include both heavy and light launch launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome vehicles, all of which will be capable of in northern Russia, travelling 3,000 kilom- reaching LEO and two of which will be eters before splashing down in the Arctic capable of reaching GEO.37 Angara vehi- Ocean. This test did not appear to make cles resumed testing in December of 2020 a kinetic impact with anything in LEO.41 and are planned to be batch-produced for On December 19, 2020, Russia tested the both Roscosmos and the Russian Ministry system once again, further prompting of Defence beginning in 2023. Roscosmos U.S. Space Command officials to state also announced plans to begin building that “Russia’s persistent testing of these satellites for foreign partners, which will systems demonstrates threats to U.S. and include telecommunication and remote allied space systems are rapidly advanc- sensing satellites.38 ing.”42 These appear to be the ninth and In 2020, Russian president Vladimir Putin tenth tests of this system, the last eight of approved a document which empowers which were successful.43 him to use nuclear weapons in response In addition to the repeated testing of the to a conventional strike targeting the Nudol direct-ascent ASAT capability, the country’s critical government and mili- United States accused Russia of conduct- 13 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
RUSSIA COSMOS 2542 MANEUVERS PROJECTILE AWAY RELEASED FROM 2543 COSMOS 2543 RELEASED FROM 2542 MANEUVERS AWAY COSMOS 2535 MANEUVERS BACK COSMOS 2536 JULY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT 12TH 21ST NOV 2019 2020 Russian Co-orbital ASAT Test in LEO, 2019-2020 ing a co-orbital ASAT test in July 2020. ing, satellites are deployed for routine an additional satellite, Cosmos 2536. In This test was more sophisticated than inspections and surveillance of Russia’s September 2020, Cosmos 2543 began to the direct-ascent ASAT test, involving a other space assets.46 The Kremlin has con- drift away from the others, but Cosmos Russian satellite Cosmos 2542 which con- tinued to assert that Russia has always 2535 and 2536 continued to remain close tained a smaller satellite inside of it, labe- been and remains a country that is com- to one another for several weeks. The two led Cosmos 2543. Cosmos 2542 ejected mitted to the goal of fully demilitarizing satellites were so close together that it is Cosmos 2543 in 2019. On July 15, 2020, outer space and not deploying weapons possible they performed docking maneu- Cosmos 2543 fired a small projectile near in outer space.47 vers; however, it is hard to be certain an unrelated Russian satellite, Cosmos without increased space domain aware- 2535.44 This instance mimicked a similar Since being ejected from its mother sat- ness (SDA). One SDA ground observation operation with nesting satellites in 2017 ellite, Cosmos 2543 has been very active. reported a single object, instead of two when satellite Cosmos 2521 was ejected Before firing the projectile in July 2020, unique objects, which further increased from its mother satellite Cosmos 2519.45 the inspector satellite was constantly speculation that the satellites docked. On In response to the July 2020 test, U.S. changing its orbit to synchronize with October 12, 2020, Cosmos 2536 and 2535 Space Command released a statement other Russian satellites. This is out of separated, and four days later Cosmos which condemned this test and asserted the ordinary for most satellites, which 2536 was reportedly 20 kilometers from that the small projectile fired from Cos- rarely maneuver in this way. In June of Cosmos 2535. By October 21, Cosmos mos 2543 could be used to target satel- 2020, Cosmos 2543 joined Cosmos 2535 2536 was again within a kilometer of Cos- lites. In response, the Russian Ministry of in orbit.48 For months the two satellites mos 2535.49 While not a weapons test, this Defence said these matryoshka, or nest- performed RPOs with one another and much movement in orbit is highly unusu- 14 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
RUSSIA Luch’s Nearest 110˚E Neighbors in 2020 90˚E Luch (Olymp) Eutelsat 70B LONGITUDE (˚) 70˚E Eutelsat 21B 50˚E Skynet 4E Intelsat 3-F7 30˚E Intelsat 4A-F6 10˚E Eutelsat 5 West A ABS 3A 10˚W 30˚W JAN MAR MAY JUL SEPT NOV Luch Continues to Explore the GEO Belt. lite in LEO.50 The S-500 was heavily tested The Russian satellite has made several close A New Update on an Old in 2020 and is scheduled to be completed approaches and inspections in GEO since its launch in 2014, including those depicted here Weapon in 2021 as a replacement for the capable S-400. Russian military sources claim that in 2020. Learn more about Luch’s behavior, NEW INFORMATION EMERGED IN 2020 the missile is designed to strike objects in including a list of the satellite’s nearest neigh- about an old Soviet-era space weapon. space as well as defend areas from space- bors at The Soviet Union’s R-23M cannon is known based weapons. The head of Russia’s Air as being the only gun fired in space. The and Space Forces has said that the S-500 / csis aerospace security system reached orbit on June 25, 1974, is capable of destroying hypersonic weap- and the cannon was tested on its last day ons and satellites in near space.51 Assert- in space in 1975. A reported 20 shells were ing further that the missile class will be al and raises suspicions about the motiva- fired from one to three blasts, which all able to be used as a counterspace weapon, tions behind such space capabilities. burned up in the atmosphere. The gun the deputy chief of the RAF’s SAM troops, In addition to the movements of the was originally developed to help protect Yuri Muravkin, said that “the boundaries Cosmos satellites, the Russian satellite airborne bombers, but its small frame and between air and space are being and will Luch contributed co-orbital activities in lightweight made it an easy choice to at- be erased as the aerial enemy gradually 2020. Luch has been consistently mov- tach to a spacecraft. A factory visit in early becomes an aerospace one.”52 ing around in the GEO belt since its 2014 2021 produced the second known photo of launch and continued to perform RPOs the only cannon to be fired in orbit .53 in the past year. According to CSIS analy- sis, the satellite maneuvered next to sev- Non-kinetic Physical en satellites, which included European, As with kinetic counterspace capabilities, UK, U.S., and Asian broadcast satellite Russia continues to maintain a variety of operators. Though these orbital maneu- non-kinetic counterspace weapons. An- vers are no longer rare for this particular nounced by Russian president Vladimir satellite, the vast majority of satellites Putin in 2018, the Peresvet laser system that operate in GEO are stationary, which was thought to be a mobile trailer-mount- makes the activity of Luch highly unusu- ed laser system, but plans to put Peresvet al year after year. on an airborne carrier were made public Russia continues to develop its air and in 2021.54 The Peresvet system will be the missile defense systems. Though not of- second airborne laser system in develop- ficially designated as ASAT weapons, the ment by Russia, following Sokol-Echelon, S-400 and S-500 series surface-to-air (SAM) which was announced in September 2016 missile systems could likely reach a satel- and has been reported as likely to have 15 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
RUSSIA The first Russian orbital launch of 2021 included a satellite to be added to the Liana constellation, an electronic intelli- gence program for space-based surveil- lance and targeting.61 The satellites in this constellation are designed to intercept radio communications and can be used to detect objects on the surface the size of a car.62 Additionally, Russia is devel- oping ground-based signals intelligence (SIGINT) sites under the name Sledopyt with the capability to gain access to ra- dio signals emitted by foreign satellites orbiting above Russian territory.63 Anoth- er project, known as Tobol, or 8282, has been described as “electronic warfare complexes for space-related purposes,” and infrastructure related to this system was built near satellite tracking facilities.64 Cyber Russia flexed its offensive cyber capabil- ities in 2020 in what is being called “one Mobile Tirada-2 satellite jamming systems of the most devastating cyberattacks in russian ministry of defense history.”65 This hack, commonly known as the SolarWinds breach because ac- cess was gained through a network man- agement software company of the same ASAT capabilities.55 Sokol-Echelon’s chief terspace weapons include the Tirada-2 , designer claimed the laser system was a a mobile jamming system “for suppres- name, is reported to have affected over response to the U.S. withdrawal from the sion of space communications.”58 Anoth- 250 U.S. federal agencies and business- Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002 er electronic warfare system in develop- es, to include the U.S. State Department, and that it was intended to counter “air- ment is the Bylina-MM, a ground-based parts of the Pentagon, and the cyberse- based and space-based reconnaissance mobile system with a focus on jamming curity firm FireEye.66 Before President assets.”56 satellite communication channels. Bylina Joe Biden took office, he affirmed that has been reported as “a series of ground- the United States must be able to quick- Electronic based mobile automated stations” and a ly deter and disrupt future cyberattacks Russia continues to grow its electronic mobile command and control system with and stated that he would “not stand idly counterspace capabilities and has recent- artificial intelligence (AI).59 It includes an by in the face of cyber assaults on our na- ly focused on developing mobile ground- automated system that is able to recog- tion.”67 The SolarWinds attack is the latest based systems to interfere with foreign nize assets and determine how to attack in a long line of large Russian hacking satellites.57 Electronic capabilities have them, and it can be used against a variety of ground, air, and space-based targets. incidents, similar to the 2017 NotPetya been increasing at a steady pace since the early-2000s and accelerated in 2009 Russia also reportedly has two radar jam- attack. This incident targeted Ukrainian with the standup of Electronic Warfare mers, called Krasukha-2 and Krasukha-4, companies such as Antonov, a Ukrainian Troops within the Russian military. Re- which may be capable of interfering with aircraft manufacturing company, and the cent developments in electronic coun- radar reconnaissance satellites.60 Kyiv International Airport in Zhuliany.68 16 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
IRAN IRAN D ESPITE ADVANCEMENTS IN ITS SPACE LAUNCH PROGRAM in the past year, Iran’s counterspace capabilities have not shown significant progress. Iran still appears far from developing a vi- able direct-ascent ASAT weapon; however, many scholars and world leaders continue to accuse Iran of using space launches as a veil for its ballistic missile program.69 To make significant progress on kinetic and non-kinetic physical counterspace systems, Iran would likely need to ac- quire technology and resources from a major counterspace actor, such as Russia or China, as reports indicate they have in the past.70 Iran continues to develop electronic and cyber counterspace capabilities and demonstrates increased success in jamming and hacking attacks against foreign govern- ments and civilian systems. SPACE ORGANIZATION Iran’s space programs fall under two primary organizations. The Iranian Space Agency, under the oversight of the Ministry of Information and Com- munication Technology and the direction of the Supreme Space Council, is the civilian entity responsible for policy, research and development, and cooperation for peaceful civilian space issues.71 Iran’s military space pro- gram is headed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force.72 The IRGC’s redesignated its Air Force to the Aerospace Force in 17 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
IRAN 2009, indicating Iran’s recognition and to the satellite as “multi-purpose,” high- elevation of space forces and capabilities lighting its strategic intelligence-gath- IRAN’S within the military.73 As further evidence of this, Iran revealed the existence of its ering capabilities.78 An Iranian report added that the Noor-1 satellite is a re- COUNTERSPACE own Space Command in April 2020 after connaissance satellite with visual and CAPABILITIES a successful satellite launch by the IRGC.74 thermal monitoring technology.79 Many There is no open-source reporting to experts believe it is a rudimentary sat- HAVE NOT provide details as to the IRGC Space Command’s organization, capabilities, ellite with limited capabilities.80 Shortly after launch, the U.S. Space Force’s 18th SHOWN and missions; however, it is reasonable to surmise that this new organization is Space Control Squadron tweeted that it was tracking both the satellite and the SIGNIFICANT responsible for all space- and counter- space-related forces and missions within rocket’s upper stage.81 This launch has three notable differences from previous PROGRESS. the IRGC. Iranian launches. First, the Qased launch vehicle purport- edly is a three-stage system. Its first SPACE LAUNCH stage is comprised of a liquid-propellant ballistic missile called Ghadr, which is an CAPABILITIES upgraded version of the Shahab.82 What makes this launch vehicle different for After several failed launch attempts by Iran is the second and third stages. The the Iranian Space Agency in 2019 and ear- second stage used a solid-propellant ly 2020, the IRGC successfully launched motor called the Salman, which has its first military satellite into LEO on sophisticated technologies such as a April 22, 2020.75 Named Noor-1, the sat- carbon-fiber motor casing and a swive- ellite is reported to be a 3U or 6U Cube- ling thrust vector control nozzle. Less is Sat, weighing roughly 15 to 30 pounds.76 known about the third stage; however, Iranian news sources reported that the some statements indicate that it was a satellite was successfully placed into a smaller solid-propellant kick motor, of- 425-kilometer orbit.77 IRGC Commander ten used to help deliver a satellite to its Major General Hossein Salami referred final orbit.83 The successful incorpora- image courtesy of the james martin center for nonproliferation studies at the mid- dlebury institute of international studies in monterey, california 18 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
IRAN tion of solid-fuel motors is a technolog- ical advancement not previously report- A New Iranian Rocket, COUNTERSPACE ed in Iranian SLV capabilities. the Zuljanah WEAPONS Second, the launch was conducted by ON FEBRUARY 1, 2021, Iran announced the IRGC, as opposed to the Iranian that it again tested a new SLV.92 Called the Kinetic Physical Space Agency, which was responsible Zuljanah, it is reported to be able to send a Current open-source information does for most previous launches. While Iran 485-pound satellite into LEO.93 The Zuljan- not indicate that Iran has or is attempt- has confirmed the existence of an IRGC ah features solid-fuel propelled engines in ing to develop either direct-ascent or space program previously, a launch its first and second stages and a liquid-fu- co-orbital ASAT weapons. However, from the military program had not been el third stage.94 Though compatible with reporting on the April 2020 successful reported until April 2020. A successful Iran’s mobile launcher, reports indicate launch and February 2021 test launch launch after multiple failures and using that the Zuljanah was launched from the brings Iran closer to possessing a future new technology signals Iran’s intention fixed-structure launch pad in Iran’s Sem- direct-ascent kinetic ASAT capability. to press the launch envelope, despite nan province.95 One report cited the seem- Iran must still overcome other techno- Tehran’s insistence that Iran will main- ingly unnecessarily large diameter of the logical hurdles before it can field a vi- tain its self-imposed range limit on mis- first stage motor, stating it had a thrust of able direct-ascent kinetic ASAT weap- on. As in last year’s report, Iran could siles.84 75 kilotons.96 This latest test again raises threaten satellites by creating a debris concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile aspira- Third, the Noor-1, via the Qased SLV, hazard in orbit.98 By placing a small sat- tions. At the time of this publication, there was launched from a mobile launcher.85 ellite in orbit, Iran demonstrates that it have been no open-source comments from The Qased is the first not to be launched could be closer to developing a co-or- the U.S. government or its allies about the from Iran’s Imam Khomeini Spaceport, bital ASAT weapon. However, it is still February launch. An Iranian Defense Min- unlikely until there is evidence that Iran reportedly launching from a mobile istry Space Department spokesman noted possesses the more advanced technical transport-erector launcher at the IRGC that the first launch of the new SLV was for means and expertise required to place missile development and launch com- suborbital testing and will be ready to put and maneuver a satellite in orbit to exe- plex in Shahroud.86 A mobile launch ca- operational satellites into orbit after the cute such a threat. pability serves little purpose in a civil- completion of research tests.97 ian satellite program, but it does for a Non-kinetic Physical military program concerned about pre- Current open-source information also launch strikes.87 Coupled with Iran’s fail- does not indicate with any certainty ure to issue any Notice to Airmen (NO- that Iran has made strides in non-kinet- TAM) about the launch, the introduction ic physical weapons in the past year. of a mobile launcher lends weight to the As with a direct-ascent ASAT capability, claims of space launch being a means to Iran’s recent launch successes could lead a ballistic missile end.88 to a greater threat if Iran is also success- U.S. defense officials downplayed the ful in nuclear weapons development. success and overall value of the launch.89 Electronic Chief of Space Operations General Ray- mond, at the time dual-hatted as the The IRGC conducted two major exercis- es in 2020, which Iranian sources claim commander of the U.S. Space Com- included “space operations” using jam- mand, tweeted his view of the satellite ming drones and radar units from the as a “tumbling webcam.”90 While in- IRGC Aerospace Force.99 In February dependent reporting concurs that the 2021, Aerospace Force Brigadier General Noor-1 is much too small to be an effec- Mehdi Hadian hailed Iranian electronic tive military spy satellite, the advance- warfare capabilities in recent exercises, ment in launch capabilities should with a focus on offensive and counter concern policymakers with what Iran is electronic warfare against enemy air planning to pursue next.91 power.100 In March and May 2020, there 19 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
IRAN were reports of Iranian GPS circle spoof- pabilities in other domains. Additionally, ing. GPS circle spoofing differs from in January of this year, Iran and Russia other spoofing attacks in that it causes transponders to show various erroneous THE INCREASE IN signed an information security agree- FREQUENCY AND ment that signals closer interaction be- positions forming odd ring-like patterns tween the two in cybersecurity activi- SOPHISTICATION around a central location.101 Previously ties.109 That agreement could mean that observed in China, the March 2020 in- Iran will benefit from Russian technolo- OF RECENT cident involved a potential GPS spoofing device in operation at Iran’s Army Com- gy, expertise, and training to further its IRANIAN mand and Staff College.102 The May 2020 own cyberattack capabilities. incident also involved the circling phe- nomena with GPS-based reporting sys- tems from vessels and fitness trackers CYBERATTACK in Tehran.103 Iran has publicly claimed in the past to have the capability to spoof CAMPAIGNS GPS receivers.104 SUGGESTS THAT Cyber CYBERATTACKS Iran has demonstrated its cyber capabil- ities most prominently this year through ON SPACE its use of civilian cyberattacks against Israel.105 Past reports suggest that Iran SYSTEMS leverages contract hacking groups to conduct cyberattacks on its behalf.106 In COULD BE THE line with this assertion, the Iran-linked Pay2Key hacking group claimed that it PREFERRED hacked a database of Israel Aerospace COURSE OF ACTION Industries’ subsidiary Elta Systems in December 2020. While Pay2Key is not officially linked to the Iranian govern- ment, it is based in Iran and matches the modus operandi of previous Iranian cy- berattacks.107 That same month, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Securi- ty Agency issued an Iranian hacker warn- ing. The report stated that “Iranian cyber threat actors have been continuously improving their offensive capabilities.” Noted threat activities included website defacement, distributed denial of servic- es, theft of personally identifiable infor- mation, and use of destructive malware, among other activities.108 While there is no recent open-source in- formation of Iranian cyberattacks specif- ically against space assets, the increase in frequency and sophistication of recent Iranian cyberattack campaigns suggests that cyberattacks on space systems could be the preferred course of action to compensate for the imbalance of ca- 20 SPACE THREAT ASSESSMENT 2021
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