Deliberations on Natural Products and Future Directions in the Pharmaceutical Industry
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620 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 doi:10.2533/chimia.2021.620 Chimia 75 (2021) 620–633 ©F. Petersen et al. Deliberations on Natural Products and Future Directions in the Pharmaceutical Industry Kathrin Buntin, Peter Ertl, Dominic Hoepfner, Philipp Krastel, Edward J. Oakeley, Dominik Pistorius, Tim Schuhmann, Joanne Wong, and Frank Petersen§* § SCS Senior Industrial Science Award 2020 Abstract: Natural Products (NPs) are molecular ‘special equipment’ that impart survival benefits on their produc- ers in nature. Due to their evolved functions to modulate biology these privileged metabolites are substantially represented in the drug market and are continuing to contribute to the discovery of innovative medicines such as the recently approved semi-synthetic derivative of the bacterial alkaloid staurosporin in oncology indications. The innovation of low molecular weight compounds in modern drug discovery is built on rapid progress in chemi- cal, molecular biological, pharmacological and data sciences, which together provide a rich understanding of disease-driving molecular interactions and how to modulate them. NPs investigated in these pharmaceutical research areas create new perspectives on their chemical and biological features and thereby new chances to advance medical research. New methods in analytical chemistry linked with searchable NP-databases solved the issue of reisolation and enabled targeted and efficient access to novel molecules from nature. Cheminformatics delivers high resolution descriptions of NPs and explores the substructures that systematically map NP-chemical space by sp3-enriched fragments. Whole genome sequencing has revealed the existence of collocated gene clusters that form larger functional entities together with proximate resistance factors thus avoiding self-inhibition of the encoded metabolites. The analysis of bacterial and fungal genes provides tantalizing glimpses of new compound-target pairs of therapeutic value. Furthermore, a dedicated investigation of structurally unique, selec- tively active NPs in chemical biology demonstrates their extraordinary power as shuttles between new biological target spaces of pharmaceutical relevance. Keywords: Analytical chemistry ∙ Chemical diversity ∙ Drug discovery ∙ Genetic engineering ∙ Heterologous ex- pression ∙ Natural products ∙ Natural products fragments ∙ Target identification ∙ Whole genome sequencing Kathrin Buntin studied molecular bio- Dominic Hoepfner did his PhD in the lab technology at the TU Munich and received of Prof. Philippsen, Biozentrum in Basel, her PhD at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Switzerland followed by a postdoc with Prof. Research, Saarland in 2010. Joining Novartis Tabak, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, the same year, her scientific work focuses where he discovered a fundamental biogenesis on the elucidation of biosynthetic pathways pathway of peroxisomes. Joining the Novartis for the production of natural products, the Institutes for BioMedical Research in 2005 he genetic engineering of natural product pro- has been working in the field of chemical ge- ducing microbes and physiological aspects netics and chemogenomics. Dominic and his of their cultivation. Together with her team, she contributed to the team are leveraging the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technology to development of several drug candidates. identify novel disease targets and to deconvolute the mechanism of action of compounds. In addition to his role at Novartis, he teaches at Peter Ertl is a Novartis Leading Scientist the University of Basel and the ESBS Strasbourg. working in the field of chemical informatics. He is author of more than 120 publications Philipp Krastel studied organic chemistry covering all areas of cheminformatics and at the University of Goettingen where he re- computational chemistry and several chemin- ceived his PhD in natural product research. formatics methods and algorithms accepted In his thesis he investigated the metabolic as industry standards. His major research in- profile of different endo-symbionts from terests include analysis and visualization of beetles and insects. In 2002 he started as a chemical space, bioisosteric design and inter- research investigator in the natural products active web tools supporting the work of medicinal chemists. group at Novartis Basel. He has been the group leader of the natural product chem- istry team since 2008, focusing on the analytical characterization *Correspondence: Dr. F. Petersen, E-mail:, Novartis and preparation of natural products being pursued in preclinical Institutes for BioMedical Research, Novartis Pharma AG, CH-4002 Basel research, chemical development and production.
SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 621 Edward James Oakeley performed his PhD ary metabolomics approaches. Together with further scientific studies in biochemistry in the laboratory of expert teams Frank’s group investigated novel natural products Colin Lazarus at The University of Bristol for the modulation of new target proteins. Since 2010 the re- (UK) studying auxin-binding proteins of search team has integrated Synthetic Biology concepts for the Zea mays and Fragaria x ananassa. Post- identification and engineering of new biosynthetic pathways. doctoral research studying DNA methyla- Frank initiated microbial bioprospection projects with insti- tion of higher plants and floral regeneration tutes in Africa and Asia and received visiting professorships in in vitro was performed in the laboratory of China and South Korea. Jean-Pierre Jost at the Friedrich Miescher Institute (FMI, Switzerland). He has held lecturer positions in 1. Introduction cell biology and bioinformatics at the University of Exeter (UK) Natural products (NPs) interact with, and regulate, a pleth- and genomics group leader positions at the FMI and Novartis ora of physiological pathways in nature. In contrast to ‘primary (Switzerland). metabolites’ which are essential for living cells, these ‘second- ary metabolites’ are not survival-critical, however, they do rep- Dominik Pistorius received a PhD in phar- resent chemical ‘special equipment’ for plants, microorganisms, maceutical biotechnology from Saarland and animals conveying survival advantages in their biological University in 2011. Under the supervision habitats.[1a–f] Due to their evolutionary relatedness, these ‘fitness of Prof. Rolf Müller he investigated novel factors’ can also modulate the activity of their target homologs mechanisms of bacterial secondary metabo- and paralogs in higher animals.[2a–e] The biological functions of lite biosynthetic pathways. In 2011 he joined NPs make them a valuable source of chemical probes for discov- the Natural Product group at Novartis in ering novel molecular interactions at the heart of diverse human Basel. His research interests are oriented to- diseases. Historically, numerous NPs have inspired therapeutic wards application and further development innovations in medicine. Only recently, the benzoylated derivative of modern dereplication methods for rapid identification of known of staurosporin, developed by Novartis, received approval for the natural products from complex mixtures and the optimization of treatment of systemic mastocytosis and acute myeloid leukaemia, production processes by variation of physiological parameters, driven by the mutated genes Kit (D816V) and Flt3 (D835h/Y), feeding of rate-limiting precursors and genetic engineering. These respectively.[3] In 2019, this new drug received the Prix Gallien de methodologies are applied to advance drug discovery projects at Suisse. Although NPs are often perceived as being a predestinat- various stages in close collaboration with the disease experts. ed source of antiproliferative or antibiotic molecules, in fact they play a key role in the discovery of many first-in-class-treatments Tim Schuhmann studied organic chemis- in almost all therapeutic areas.[4a–c] try at the University of Bayreuth. After his In drug discovery sciences, new concepts and technologies diploma he joined the group of Axel Zeeck are constantly being investigated to maximize the chances of (University of Goettingen) for his PhD on therapeutic innovation. Breakthroughs in synthetic chemistry are isolation, biosynthesis and mode-of-action mirrored in the evolution of DNA-encoded or macrocyclic pep- investigations of natural products. In 2005 tide libraries of breath-taking size. Advances in cheminformatics he started his scientific career in the biotech have enabled the screening of virtual compounds in algorithm- industry where he led various interdisciplin- mediated screens. As we gain a richer understanding of disease ary research projects. In 2010 Tim took over mechanisms, biologics such as antibodies and recombinant pep- a lab head position in preclinical research at Novartis where he tides have changed the face of human therapy, while cell and gene worked in natural product chemistry which included the generation therapies are currently writing a new chapter in transformative of a NP-inspired fragment library. His current role is in hit genera- medical practice. tion sciences where Tim follows his passion for combining different As a diverse set of chemical scaffolds, NPs are an impor- sources and technologies to identify and further develop tractable tant element of the drug discovery sciences contributing to the assay hits to advance therapeutic projects. development of transformative medications for unmet medical needs (Fig. 1). However, to fully explore their potential in new Joanne Wong received her PhD in biol- pharmaceutical research directions, we have to go beyond the ogy, health and biotechnologies from the traditional path of identification and isolation of active metabo- University of Toulouse (France) in 2007. lites from biological mixtures, which has been the prevailing After a postdoctoral fellowship spent at the route for decades. Pasteur Institute (Paris) in the field of fun- gal genetics, she joined the Natural Product group at Novartis in 2011 as a lab head. Her current research interests address natural compound production and genetic engineer- ing of biosynthetic pathways in eukaryotic systems (filamentous fungi, yeasts and plants). Frank Petersen received his PhD with Hans Zähner at the University of Tübingen. He joined the Natural Product group at CIBA-Geigy in 1991 and took over the responsibility for Natural Product re- search at Novartis in 1999. He and his team elaborate concepts for the discov- ery of novel microbial natural products Fig. 1. Drug discovery in pharmaceutical research: sciences and tech- by linking HiRes-analytics with second- nologies
622 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 Besides doing research on NPs our team is also exploring sci- patterns obtained can either be used directly to perform database entific questions by doing research with secondary metabolites. searches within a narrow range (e.g. 1–2 ppm), or they can be This involves improving access to new secondary metabolites used to calculate the molecular formula which can be used for by analytical methods or by genome sequencing, exploring the even more stringent database searches. At Novartis, we have sys- diversity of our in-house NP library, and finally, novel NPs and tematically compiled relevant metadata such as RT, accurate mass NP-like scaffolds provide potential therapeutic options when they and source organism in our in-house UV/vis library with a total can interact with new biological targets. In the following sections of ~12,500 unique records from microbial sources (~ 4,700 acti- we give an insight into some of our research directions, which are nomycetes, ~ 6,500 fungi, and ~1,300 from Gram-negative bacte- of increasing importance in pharmaceutical NP sciences. ria). This collection represents a one-stop solution for the unam- biguous dereplication of analytes against our internal compound 2. Accessing Natural Products Novelty collection. However, such an approach is limited to in-house li- An efficient and stringent ‘dereplication’ process for the rapid braries that have been built from isolated and characterized pure identification of known secondary metabolites from complex compounds, as there is no extensive public repository for UV/vis biological matrices is a key requirement of NP research. In its spectra in a machine-readable format and the existing commer- original definition the term dereplication recapitulates the pro- cial software solutions for UV/vis spectral matching are mostly cess of analysis of an active sample from preliminary screening vendor specific. Additional structural information is contained in by analytical methods and databases to identify known bioac- the HRMS2 spectra of an analyte. The fragmentation spectra can tive molecules and avoid the re-isolation of well-studied NPs.[5] either be used to differentiate isobaric compounds that cannot be Nowadays, the term has been detached from the bioactive sample discriminated based on their associated characteristics or it can be and is used instead to explore the novelty of an analyte. There is used to perform library searches against an MS2 library. Large pub- a large and ever-growing number of both open and commercial lic repositories of MS2 spectra like MassBank of North America[7] NP databases and collections[6] (currently >120). Reconciling dif- (MoNA; >200,000 records) and METLIN[8] (>1,000,000 records) ferent structural classes, source organism metadata, experimental are available, but these contain only a small fraction of NPs. The mass spectrometry (MS) or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) major drawback of classical MS2 library searches is that only data can be extremely challenging for dereplication. Besides our exact matches can be identified and no information concerning internal and proprietary Novartis NP database, we make exten- the structural class of an unidentified analyte can be made. This sive use of the Chapman & Hall/CRC Press Dictionary of Natural changed with the development of molecular networking in 2012. Products (DNP) for dereplication purposes. For further enrich- [9] The rationale behind this method is the observation that mol- ment and diversification of our collection, we follow a staggered ecules with similar structural features share similar MS2 spectra. approach. First, we dereplicate against our internal collection, if The calculated spectral similarities are visualized as a molecular no hits are retrieved, we dereplicate against DNP. If we can iden- network with nodes, representing an MS2 spectrum, and edges tify the compound in DNP, we decide based on the compound connecting those nodes above a user defined spectral similarity class and the extent of research performed on the compound if cut-off. This method even allows for the grouping of novel mem- a cultivation of the producer and subsequent purification of the bers of a previously characterized compound family without the compound for further biological profiling is worthwhile or not. need for an exact match to a reference spectrum. One cornerstone The technological advances in the chromatographic separation, of this new methodology is that many researchers in the field have spectrometric and spectroscopic methods and computational tools joined forces to make contributions to the Global Natural Products have made the dereplication process far more efficient and sensi- Social Networking (GNPS),[10] the most comprehensive collec- tive. The state-of-the-art analytical setup is a hyphenation of an tion of NP MS2 spectra with currently ~10,000 unique records of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system annotated compounds. The concept of molecular networking has with a diode array detector (DAD) and an electrospray ionization been further extended and refined by the integration of various high-resolution mass spectrometer (ESI-HRMS) greatly simpli- tools into the GNPS platform.[11] Our experience with molecular fies the dereplication of analytes from crude extracts. In this set- networking has identified several limitations with its massive ap- ting both UV/vis and MS detection can be highly biased concern- plication in an industrial setting. First, the demand that proprietary ing the signal intensities of a given analyte (small or large molar datasets need to be uploaded onto the public servers of GNPS extinction coefficient and poor or strong ionization efficiency). To requires the setup of the computational services on internal serv- allow for the estimation of relative amounts of unknown analytes ers to mirror these systems and the calculation of large networks the additional coupling of a mass-flow sensitive detector such as requires significant computing time. Further, the public dataset is a charged aerosol detector (CAD) or an evaporative light scatter- negatively impacted by inherent spectral differences caused by ing detector (ELSD) is highly beneficial. The retention time (RT) non-standardized fragmentation energies and the use of diverse of an analyte is an intrinsic chromatographic property and can be types of instruments from different vendors. Finally, the accuracy used as parameter for dereplication using in-house databases. The of the network topology, and thereby the predictive power of the DAD records UV/vis spectra (e.g. 190–600 nm) of all analytes obtained grouping, is highly dependent on several user-defined with at least a minimal chromophore after separation by liquid parameters. These can be optimized for a certain compound class, chromatography (LC). The UV/vis-maxima (λmax) extracted from but from our experience, it is not possible to define parameters these spectra can be used for queries in external databases e.g. that are optimal for datasets of thousands of spectra from extreme- DNP. In the best-case scenario, the chromophore(s) of a com- ly diverse compound classes. Nevertheless, the methodology has pound can result in highly characteristic UV/vis spectra, which been a true game changer for many groups in academia that do not allow assignment to a certain compound family (e.g. polyenes, in- have the luxury of an extensive in-house library. In addition, there dolocarbazoles, phenazines, and actinomycins). However, a more are computational tools like DEREPLICATOR+[12] that match in powerful and reliable approach for dereplication is the computa- silico fragmentation of structures from databases with experimen- tional matching of UV/vis spectra using in-house databases. The tal MS2 spectra. Chromeleon 7.3TM chromatography data system (ThermoFisher) The structure elucidation of complex NPs of higher molecu- offers a powerful and efficient UV/vis library search functional- lar weight is performed mainly by interpretation of extensive 1D ity. Thousands of reference UV/vis spectra can be queried within and 2D NMR experiments (1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, 1H-13C HSQC, a few seconds. ESI-HRMS(2) data offer a rich and complementary 1 H-13C HMBC, 1H-1H ROESY) and can be a laborious process. The set of information for the analyte. The accurate mass and isotopic technological progress in NMR instrumentation and probe minia-
SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 623 turization over the past decade has led to a dramatic improvement 3. Assessing Natural Products Diversity in sensitivity and allows for the acquisition of high quality 2D het- The progresses in analytical technologies have enabled our re- eronuclear correlation experiments from sample quantities below 1 search group to isolate more than 700 NPs per year, all being new mg. In the recent past, computational methods for computer-assist- for Novartis. 10% of these are first-in-class-scaffolds. Surprisingly, ed structure elucidation (CASE) using these NMR datasets have this ratio has remained constant for more than 15 years now. matured[13] and commercial programs are available (e.g. ACD Labs Complemented by external compound sourcing partnerships we Structure Elucidator and Mestrelab MNova Structure Elucidator) have created a library of 30’000 structurally elucidated natural to support the analyst. The importance of HRMS2 and HRMSn for compounds representing one of the largest NP sets in industry. de novo structure elucidation has likewise increased and there is an This asset provides a highly competitive advantage for the multi- ever-growing number of computational tools available.[14] For spe- dimensional exploration of these molecules. cific compound classes (e.g. peptidic (sub)structures) the informa- With the advances in computational chemistry, the descrip- tion obtained thereof, like the amino acid sequence, can be highly tion of NP specific features gains higher resolution and opens the complementary to that obtained from NMR analysis. In addition, door to rationally designing appropriate screening libraries. The in ‘old-fashioned’ technologies like UV/vis and infrared (IR) spec- silico dissection of NPs into their substructures, being accessible troscopy can offer crucial insights about functional groups that are by synthetic chemistry, represents an underexplored opportunity elusive to NMR and MS. In summary, the analysts have recently to interrogate biological pathways with sp3-enriched NP-like frag- been provided with a large and ever growing computational toolbox ments. Some applications of these ideas are described in the fol- to support and speed up their work, but finally maximum efficiency lowing pages. in NP structure elucidation also requires teamwork, expert knowl- NPs are probably the most diverse class of molecules. Their edge and experience. structures range from small molecules consisting of only a few Another technology that has positively affected our research is atoms, through medium-sized richly substituted aliphatic or aro- the development of systems for ultrafast sample cleanup based on matic ring systems, up to complex structures with numerous fused solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled to a HRMS system, e.g. the rings or large macrocycles. To illustrate this diversity 100 represen- RapidFire platform from Agilent. This platform permits the high- tative molecules from the Novartis collection are shown in Fig. 2. throughput analysis with cycle times
624 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 in the screening deck. A large portion of the Novartis NPs are novel. Approximately half of the in-house NP structures are found within the COCONUT[19] database of more than 420,000 pub- lished NP structures. All others are novel. Numerous studies have already analyzed the difference in physicochemical properties between NPs and synthetic mol- ecules, including also our earlier study published in CHIMIA.[20] Therefore, it is not necessary to cover this topic here. A more interesting and less explored area is the study of substructure fea- tures of NPs and how they differ from synthetic molecules. Our earlier study focused on the analysis of NP scaffolds not only found clear differences between scaffolds of NPs and synthetic molecules, but also could classify scaffolds into distinct groups based on the class of organism producing the particular NP.[21] Another very striking feature that distinguishes NPs from syn- thetic molecules are their unique functional groups (FGs). FGs are Fig. 3. Comparison of the chemical space covered by synthetic mol- an important part of molecules forming specific interactions with ecules from the Novartis screening deck (gray), NPs (green) and target proteins via hydrogen bonds and other weaker interactions. NP-inspired fragments (blue). The horizontal axis of the plot roughly FGs also determine the reactivity, bioavailability and metabolic represents the molecule size and the vertical axis complexity, or feature stability of the parent molecules. To learn more about this interest- richness. ing topic we analyzed FGs present in the Novartis NP collection and compared them with FGs present in synthetic molecules from the Novartis screening deck. The extraction of FGs has been per- The molecules were characterized by simple substructure fea- formed using a method developed in-house and previously pub- tures called Scaffold Keys, developed in-house at Novartis[15] and lished.[22a,b] Comparison of the 50 most frequent FGs from each used already with success in the analysis of chemical space for set (66 unique FGs in total) are shown in Fig. 4. The horizontal bioisosteric design.[16] The dimensionality of the set was reduced axis in the diagram represents FG frequency (the most common by principal component analysis (PCA). Of course, when reduc- groups are on the left, less common on the right) whereas the ing the dimensionality, some information is lost, but the PCA min- vertical axis indicates the propensity of FGs for NPs (green area imizes the loss of information for a given number of dimensions. at the top) or synthetic molecules (blue area at the bottom). The The resulting plot is shown in Fig. 3. Novartis NPs (in green) are figure nicely visualizes the differences between these two sets. compared with synthetic molecules from the Novartis screening FGs typical for NPs contain mostly oxygen atoms (hydroxy, es- deck[17] (in grey) and a set of NP-inspired fragments (in blue) ter, peroxide, polyglycol, epoxide rings), ethylene-derived groups that have been obtained by fragmentation of NP molecules and and various α,β-unsaturated systems. In the synthetic molecules are used in-house in fragment-based screening.[18] The horizontal nitrogen-containing and chemically more easily accessible FGs axis of the plot represents the approximate molecule size (small are over-represented, for example amide, urea, sulfonamide, sul- molecules are on the left, large on the right) and the vertical axis fone or imide functionalities and substituents like fluoro, cyano complexity, or feature richness, with simple molecules at the bot- and nitro. tom and more complex ones at the top of the graph. This plot Another in-house developed cheminformatics methodology clearly documents the unique characteristics of NPs that form a supporting NP research is an algorithm to calculate NP-like- valuable addition to the ‘standard’ synthetic molecules contained ness.[23a,b] This descriptor may be defined as the structure and Fig. 4. Plot of common functional groups displaying their preva- lence in NPs (green area) and synthetic molecules (blue area), position on the horizontal axis is proportional to the frequency of functional groups – the most common groups are on the left, less common on the right.
SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 625 property similarity of analyzed molecules to the chemical space methods to yield potent leads with favorable molecular properties occupied by NPs. The NP-likeness is calculated as a Bayesian as demonstrated by the approval of four drugs and the initiation of sum of fragment contributions, trained on large sets of NPs and dozens of clinical trials resulting from FBDD efforts.[25] To access synthetic molecules to best separate these two groups. Application a significantly large area of chemical space three-dimensionality possibilities of this descriptor in drug discovery are indeed numer- has been identified as a key contributor to be considered for the ous. The most obvious is virtual screening, whereby molecules, design of screening libraries.[26] for example from commercial compound catalogues, are selected NPs are inherently enriched for sp3 carbons and have by design using not only the standard features like physicochemical proper- a high propensity to interact with proteins as they are biosynthe- ties or pharmacophores, but also based on their good NP-likeness. sized by enzymes with the task to specifically modulate biological The same procedure may be applied also for the selection of frag- processes – an attribute which has proven to be transferable to NP ments for fragment-based screening.[18] Another application area fragments.[27] For introducing the unique NP benefits to FBDD we of NP-likeness is library design. The scaffolds and building blocks decided to identify and include common NP-motifs of appropriate that are used for library construction may be selected to have good size and molecular properties in our fragment screening collec- NP-likeness, leading to synthetic libraries that contain structural tions. We achieved this by acquisition and de novo synthesis of features of NPs. All these methods are actively applied in the on- suitable molecules which included chemical degradation of larger going drug discovery activities at Novartis. NPs with known bioactivities as exemplified in Scheme 1.[18] In summary, the cheminformatics analysis of NPs in the Screening of our NP-derived fragment set against multiple tar- Novartis compound collection demonstrates the high diversity gets has provided several new chemical starting points for explo- and novelty of our molecules providing a competitive edge for ration within medchem teams and facilitated access to structural Novartis research. Several new cheminformatics methods and al- data supporting efficient rational ligand design. Similar library gorithms have been developed in-house for the analysis of NPs concepts have been applied by various other groups leading to the to support our drug discovery, virtual screening, fragment-based identification of potent p38a MAP kinase inhibitors,[28] fragments screening and library design activities. with antimalarial activity,[29] and – via a NP fragment-linking ap- proach – also enabled the discovery of novel GLUT-1 and -3 in- 4. Natural Product Fragments hibitors.[30] Another remarkable example illustrating the potential Fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) has matured into a of the latter concept is the discovery of the potent and selective well-established and widely used technology that reliably deliv- antimalarial compound cipargamin currently in clinical investiga- ers relevant chemical starting points for therapeutic drug projects, tions.[31a,b] It is built up starting from the synthetic regioisomers and which complements the outcome of more traditional hit find- of the naturally occurring N-methyltryptamine and 6-bromoisatin ing strategies like high-throughput screening of large compound that undergo a Pictet-Spengler-type cyclization to form the unique libraries.[24] This is achieved by screening small molecules using spiroindolone motif of cipargamin (Scheme 2).[32] technologies suitable for detecting low-affinity interactions with In summary, NP-derived FBDD demonstrates a validated the targets of interest. Resulting hits are advanced by applying novel concept that has already proven its impact on several drug structure-based design principles paralleled by computational discovery projects. Further developments have shown the value of linking NP fragments to form unique pseudo-NPs. More efficient 19 F NMR- based screening strategies of larger NP-inspired frag- ment collections have been enabled by late-stage fluorination of these molecules.[33] 5. Molecular Genetics and Genome Sequencing In recent years, we have seen a profound expansion in the way we discover new microbial NPs. Independent of cultivation, we now have the tools to get a ‘biosynthetic NP inventory’ by directly sequence genomes, and predict and classify biosynthetic clusters and their encoded NPs. Sequencing technologies either deliver data in short regions a few hundred bases in length (e.g. the HiSeq/NovaSeq platforms manufactured by Illumina Inc, San Diego, CA) or long regions of tens to hundreds of thousands of bases in length (e.g. the Sequel IIe platform manufactured by Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA; or the MinION/GridION platforms manufactured by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd, Oxford, UK).[34a,b] The first two complete bacterial genome sequences were pub- Scheme 1. Example for fragment generation by chemical lished in 1995,[35] and today bacterial genome sequencing is af- cytochalasin E degradation. fordable to a great number of labs, reflected by 345908 uploaded prokaryotic genome sequence entries at NCBI.[36] For a long time, Scheme 2. NP-like fragment merging leading to the antima- larial cipargamin.
626 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 short read sequencing had the advantage in base quality with most DNA as well as the protein sequence of a specific pathway also reads between Q30-Q40,[37a,b] but the advent of HiFi sequencing opens doors for tailored genetic engineering. Novel genetic engi- has shifted the vast majority of long reads to an even higher qual- neering tools like CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short ity level (Fig. 5). This allows accurate phasing and assembly of Palindromic Repeats) editing and silencing have been adapted to very closely related sequences. However, it is believed that only NP-producing bacteria[46] and allow targeted modifications of the around 1% of all microbes are amenable to isolation and growth genes resulting in e.g. novel analogs. Whole genome information as pure isolates in the laboratory.[38a,b] An alternative approach is of a producer strain facilitates titer increase of a specific second- metagenomic sequencing where DNA is extracted from complex ary metabolite by upregulation of positive regulator genes, ex- sources such as soil or the mammalian digestive tract and directly change of native promoters or deletion of negative regulators. In analyzed.[39] As the most abundant bacteria are not necessarily the addition, deletion of BGCs from unwanted side products hamper- easiest to culture, such sequencing efforts when combined with ing the isolation of the target compound as well as engineering of assembly using tools such as CANU[40] or HiFiASM[41] have the metabolic fluxes to optimally support the biosynthesis with build- potential to unlock this microbial ‘dark matter’ because amongst ing blocks are targets for genetic modifications. To the surprise the sequenced microbes, natural compound producers are present. of the NP research community, it became obvious through the The challenge is to analyze the generated data in a meaningful increasing number of genomes from NP-producing microbes that way. many BGCs are silent under standard laboratory conditions.[47] Consequently, many research groups including us initiated efforts to activate these ‘silent’ gene clusters by genetic manipulation or varying cultivation conditions. Besides working in the native producer strain, with decreasing DNA synthesis cost (0.09 US Dollar/bp), whole gene clusters can be printed synthetically and expressed in heterologous hosts with cleaner backgrounds and well-understood physiology. Complete synthesis of pathways might also allow mixing and matching of known pathways to generate novel compounds in the near future as researchers start to elucidate further details about the biosynthetic logic of certain pathways.[48] 6. Natural Products in Target Discovery Identification of novel leads is accomplished by performing screens on purified proteins that have been validated as suitable targets or by using disease-relevant phenotypic readouts. The lat- ter is currently seeing a revival as screens embracing biological complexity (by screening complex readouts in primary cells, co- cultures, organoids or tissues) have delivered more first-in-class medicines than other approaches.[49] Unfortunately, this strategy Fig. 5. Read quality bins on the Phred score (Q50 = one error in requires known targets and mechanisms of action. 100,000 bp) observed with HiFi sequencing on the Sequel IIe system Unbiased target identification methods can be separated into (Pacific Biosciences). Source: internal bacterial sequencing data, SMRT two classes: biochemical and genetic assays (summarized in Table Link v10.1. 1 and 2, in-house NP target identification examples summarized in Table 3, chemical structures in Fig. 6). Biochemical methods leverage the binding affinity of the compound to its target protein In 2011, the first version of antiSMASH[42] was published, either by exposing it to a panel of pre-purified proteins in solu- which can identify, annotate and analyze from currently 70 dif- tion (SEC-TID),[50] immobilized proteins on arrays,[51a–c] or non- ferent types of secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters purified proteins in complex cell lysates coupled with a readout (BGCs) based on bioinformatic algorithms. The rapid develop- measuring the interaction. Methodologies like the cellular thermal ment of bioinformatic tools for natural product BGCs transformed shift assay, CETSA[52a,b] target identification using drug affinity the way in which novel secondary metabolites can be discovered responsive target stability, DARTS[53] or limited proteolysis as- today. In silico mining of sequenced microbial genomes makes it say, LIP[54] can be conducted with the original lead molecule but possible to identify potentially outstanding strains by the BGCs protein arrays or affinity pull-down experiments require modi- they harbor, before the cultivations even start in the lab. By min- fications of the chemical probe with an immobilization linker, ing public databases, novel taxonomic classes that have been ne- fluorescent label or photo-crosslinking moiety.[51c,55] In particular, glected so far, might be identified as potential new NP sources. with complex molecules like NPs, chemical modifications can be Comparison and collection of identified BGCs and their com- a significant challenge as recently reviewed in detail by Chen et pounds in databases like MIBiG[43] allow a better analysis and al.[56] But despite the requirement for elaborate chemistries, in- understanding of NP biosynthesis. Repositories of BGC informa- house affinity pull-down experiments have supported the target tion are starting points for data science-driven approaches aiming identification of many natural compounds including cyclomarin at the discovery of pharmaceutically relevant compounds via at A,[57a,b] nannocystin A,[58] OSW-1,[59] and haperforin G/harrper- least two promising avenues, potentially impactful to prioritize noid D.[60] uncharacterized BGCs (i) adjacent BGCs that encode synergis- Genetic methodologies do not require modification of the tic compounds (ii) BGCs encoding a compound together with an chemical probe and can provide resolution down to the binding insensitive isoform of its own target. In our lab, the discovery pocket or individual, interacting amino acids. Beyond leverag- of a hypercluster producing rapamycin and actinoplanic acid in ing the natural expression profile of sensitive and insensitive cell Streptomyces rapamycinicus,[44] and the colocalization of genes lines that facilitated the target identification for englerin A,[61a,b] encoding cyclosporin biosynthesis and a mutated cyclophilin A there are two general approaches: modulation of compound sen- variant (unpublished data) added respectively to a growing body sitivity of cells by genome-wide gene deletions or RNAi-based of evidence in the literature.[45a,b] The availability of the complete knock-down and generation of resistance-conferring residues by
SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 627 Table 1. Compiled list of presented target identification approaches by biochemical methods. Biochemical Method SEC-TID CETSA LIP Protein Array Chemoproteomics Size-Exclusion Chro- Cellular Thermal Shift Limited Proteolysis a) Affinity pull-down of matography for Target Assay target by immobi- Identification DARTS lized compound Drug Affinity Respon- b) Photo-affinity sive Target Stability labelling of target by functionalized compound Assay Principle Compound is added Compound binding Compound binding Compound is incubated a) Compound is immo- to purified, arrayed stabilizes target leading stabilizes target leading with immobilized, pu- bilized and exposed proteins in solution fol- to decreased susceptibi- to decreased suscep- rified proteins arrayed to cell lysates. Speci- lowed by size-exclusion lity of the target protein tibility of the target on a matrix. Specific fic binding is assayed chromatography to unfolding at elevated protein to degradation binding is assayed by competition and temperatures by proteases by competition and washing. washing b) Compound is modified with a photo-activatable cross-linker exposed to cell lysates and cross-linking induced Modified / labeled No No No Yes Yes compound required Detection method Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry Mass spectrometry Imaging Mass spectrometry Weakness / Covers only purified Small difference in Small difference in sta- Requires chemical Requires chemical Blind spot proteins present in stabilization requires bilization may require functionalization of functionalization of array, false positive in-depth MS analysis in-depth MS analysis compound. Covers compound. Compound rate due to unspecific of many samples from of many samples from only purified proteins linker may interfere binding temperature gradient. digestion time-course. present in array. Linker with binding. Lowly Lowly expressed Lowly expressed of both, protein on expressed proteins and proteins are difficult to proteins are difficult to array and compound membrane proteins are identify identify linker may interfere difficult to identify with binding References [50] [52] [53,54] [51] [51c,55] unbiased mutagenesis followed by isolation of resistant cells and system are novolactone,[66] decatransin[67] or rocaglamide A[68] genome-sequencing to find the underlying mutations. Sensitizing that were followed up because of their anti-cancer profile, and cells by using genome-wide deletion collections has first been FR17145 that was a hit in a hepatitis C replicon assay.[69] Despite implemented in diploid baker’s yeast by introducing heterozygous the diverse biological activity and origin, the efficacy targets deletions. The reduced gene-copy number leads to compound- could all be identified in the yeast assay. induced haploinsufficiency in the strain carrying a deletion in For its relatively small genome of 13 Mb, lack of large in- the gene encoding the target.[62] The deletion strains are pooled, tergenic regions and clonal growth on solid media, baker’s yeast grown in the presence or absence of the test compound and the also provides a good starting point for the identification of re- strain compositions of the pools compared. The simple growth sistance-conferring residues. Cells are mutagenized in a random requirements and rapid growth of yeast cells have enabled the fashion by exposure to UV irradiation or chemical mutagens, then profiling of large compound collections.[63a,b] For NPs, this as- plated on growth-inhibitory compound concentrations and surviv- say has demonstrated the ability to produce high quality data. ing colonies picked for whole-genome sequencing and analysis. NPs are often potent and highly selective, and modulate evolu- This approach has been used for decades to identify the targets of tionarily conserved targets that are well represented in baker’s synthetic and natural compounds active on eukaryotic cells, no- yeast. One example that demonstrates this is cladosporin that was tably in the identification of mTOR as the target of rapamycin.[70] identified as possessing strong anti-plasmodial characteristics and Another classic example is cyclosporin A where yeast also played thus antimalarial activity. Using the yeast system, it was found a role in deciphering the mechanism of action.[71a–c] Cyclosporin A to target the ATP-binding pocket of lysyl-tRNA synthetases.[64] has recently moved back into focus due to the discovered interac- Despite the very high conservation of this pocket with the human tions of its target with viral polymerases, and thus potent antiviral enzyme, this natural compound shows ~1000 fold selectivity for activity that could also be confirmed against SARS-CoV-2.[72a,b] the plasmodial enzyme. This demonstrates the power of naturally In the case of the natural compound argyrin A yeast mutagen- evolved compounds to confirm the tractability of targets for drug- esis was used as a validation for the target hypothesis generated discovery purposes that otherwise would likely be dismissed. As by mutagenesis in bacteria[73] but it also served as an orthogonal a consequence, this triggered a spur of activities to harness lysyl- target validation method for the chemogenomic profiling papers tRNA synthetase as an anti-infective target.[65a,b] Other examples cited above.[64,66,69] Identification of resistance conferring residues of highly conserved targets that were identified using the yeast allowed in many cases the binding pocket to be hypothesized and
628 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 Table 2. Compiled list of presented target identification approaches by genetics methods Genetic Method Expression Pooled HIP Pooled CRISPR Pooled RNAi Haploid cell Muta-Seq profiling Haplo-insufficiency profiling sensitization profiling Mutagenesis follo- profiling profiling wed by sequence identification of re- sistance mediating mutations Assay Principle Linking com- Genome-wide, Genome-wide Genome-wide Insertional mutage- Random mutagene- pound sensitivity / precise deletions of gene-editing knock-down of nesis (transposon sis using irradiation resistance to gene one gene allele in induces mutations, protein synthesis or retrovirus-based) or chemical mu- expression profiles diploid cells com- compromises using RNA inter- to generate loss of tagens to generate to deduce target promise synthesis protein synthesis ference sensitizes function mutations point mutations that information of the correspon- and upon exposure cells with reduced in haploid cells lead to dominant ding protein and to compound target protein levels (no compensatory resistance sensitizes cells modulates response to sub-lethal com- second gene-copy) with deletion in the to compounds of pound dose followed by scree- target-coding gene cells with mutations ning for resistance upon exposure of in the target- sub-lethal com- coding gene (can be pound dose sensitivity, can be resistance) Modified / labeled No No No No No No compound required Detection method Expression profi- Detection of deleti- Determination of Determination of Mapping of Mutation detection ling / sensitivity ons by microarray / sgRNA abundance RNAi abundance insertion sites by by whole genome profiling sequencing by sequencing by sequencing sequencing sequencing Weakness / Blind May require signifi- Requires generation Functional gene re- Functional gene re- Insertional bias of Identification of re- spot cant number of cell of precise, genome- dundancy can lead dundancy can lead used system makes sistance-conferring lines to delineate wide haploid to false negative to false negative genome-wide mutations requires relevant group of detection collection. hits. Large assay hits. Significant coverage challen- good sequencing correlating genes. Currently this volume / cell num- number of false ging and leads coverage (cost) and Gene-expression is only possible ber required to keep positive hits due to to high comple- sequencing of good may not be linked in systems with good genome-wide off-target effects. xity. Mapping of number of clones to compound sensi- efficient homolo- coverage. Restric- Large assay volume insertion sites is not to differentiate tivity / resistance gous recombination ted to live/death / cell number trivial. Restricted between causative (fungi). Mostly or flow-cytometry required to keep to haploid cells mutations and by- restricted to live/ compatible readouts good genome-wide (mouse embryonic stander mutations. death readouts coverage stem cells, human Complex analysis. leukemia cancer Restricted to live/ cells) and mostly death readouts live/death readouts References [61] [61,62] [80,81] [79] [76,77] [58,64,67,70,84] subsequent in silico docking to be performed. In some cases, a of haploid leukemia-derived human cancer cells allowed similar co-crystal structure is now available, confirming the validity of experiments to be conducted in a human context. These have pro- the approach.[66,73,74] vided valuable insights into NP-derived microtubule poisons or Although selection of resistant cells and underlying mutations viral entry factors.[77a,b] can be challenging in non-clonal growing organisms like yeast, Unravelling and harnessing of the CRISPR/Cas gene-editing the power of the approach has inspired researchers to successfully mechanism and the availability of genome-wide sgRNA librar- apply it to other species, e.g. plasmodia. In the case of the natu- ies has opened the door for genome-wide genetics in most cell ral compound-derived antimalarial drug candidate spiroindolone lines or organisms of interest.[78a–c] Before CRISPR became avail- NITD609 this allowed us to pinpoint the mechanism of action to able, genome-wide RNAi-derived methods were tested for tar- a P-type ATPase.[31a,75] get identification in human cells but obtained profiles that were But despite the high evolutionary conservation of yeast genes complex and difficult to interpret.[79] The simplicity and preci- the simple fact that baker’s yeast has ~6000 annotated genes, sion of the CRISPR/Cas system produced much cleaner profiles rather than the ~20,000 found in humans, explains in part why we and although gene-editing results in editing of both alleles over need target identification approaches that operate directly in mam- time, early time-points have allowed us to capture heterozygous malian systems. The publication of protocols to produce haploid states and recapitulate the compound-induced haploinsufficiency mouse embryonic stem cells opened the door for genome-wide known from the yeast assay.[80] This assay was used in-house to forward and reverse genetics in mammalian cells. Using inser- successfully support the deconvolution of the mechanism of ac- tional mutagenesis, the essential components for a variety of natu- tion of NPs like cavinafungin,[81] chivosazol F[82] and kendomycin. ral probes including ricin toxin were discovered.[76a,b] Generation [83] As demonstrated with the cation chelator kendomycin, genetic
SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 629 Table 3. Compiled list of in-house target identification projects profiling also has the advantage of still producing an informative dataset, even if the compound does not directly interact with a Compound Target Target identification Ref. protein target. technologies Generation of resistance conferring residues and screening for resistant clones upon compound selection also works in mam- Argyrin B mEFG Resistance profiling [73] malian cells[84] and was successfully used in-house to identify the Cavinafungin SEC11A Mammalian chemogeno- [81] target of natural compounds with anticancer properties like de- mic profiling, resistance catransin[67] or nannocystin.[58] But despite increased sequencing profiling power, the size of the human genome and its epigenetic control Chivosazol F ACT1 Mammalian chemogeno- [82] mechanisms contribute to compound resistance. Thus, de novo mic profiling, chemical target identification using this assay is still a complex undertak- proteomics ing. However, the availability of base-editor CRISPR systems that allow the focused mutagenesis of defined chromosomal regions Cladosporin P.f. LysRS Yeast chemogenomic pro- [64] may provide a powerful validation strategy once a target hypoth- filing, resistance profiling esis has been generated by another method.[85] Cyclomarin A M.t. ClpC1 Affinity proteomics [57a] In summary, target deconvolution has significantly benefitted from advances in mass spectrometry resolution and coverage, as Cyclomarin A P.f. Ap3Aase Affinity proteomics [57b] well as from advances in genetic methodologies and sequencing Decatransin SEC61A1 Yeast chemogenomic pro- [67] capacity. But it is also clear that there is still no one size fits all so- filing, resistance profiling lution, and each project requires the dedicated interplay of chem- ists, biologists, and data scientists. Englerin A TRPC4 Expression profiling [61] Harrpernoid D Mitochon-drial Affinity proteomics [60] 7. Inclusion of Natural Products in Pharma Research proteins Industrial NP research depends on the scientific and tech- Kendomycin Cation chelation Mammalian chemoge- [83] nological innovations mainly elaborated by academic research nomic profiling, yeast groups. However, those teams are not only critical in progressing chemogenomic profiling the basic research of NPs. They are of high importance in closing those scientific gaps which limit the application of NPs in phar- Nannocystin A eEF1A Affinity proteomics, che- [58] maceutical R&D. Therefore, academic and industrial NP research mogenomic profiling have also shared responsibility to move secondary metabolites Novolactone HSP70 Yeast chemogenomic pro- [66] closer to those scientific areas of high relevance in pharmaceuti- filing, resistance profiling cal sciences and medicinal chemistry. This requires an elevated interdisciplinary engagement and orthogonal perspective to our OSW-1 OSBP, OPR4L Affinity proteomics [59] research mission. Rocaglamide A eIF4A Yeast chemogenomic pro- [68] The following research fields are among those in which me- filing, resistance profiling dicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical biology are heavily investi- Spiroindolone P.f. ATP4 Resistance profiling [31a, gated, to discover transformative therapies which address unmet NITD609 75] medical needs: novel therapeutically relevant targets and new ways to regulate their activities;[86] new modalities for pathway Fig. 6. NP structures of in-house target identification projects.
630 CHIMIA 2021, 75, No. 7/8 SCS Laureates and Awards & Fall Meeting 2021 inhibitions;[87] novel biologically active matter as starting points for cellular delivery of partner molecules lacking this feature, for medicinal chemistry;[88] cellular uptake or tissue specific drug or for molecular glue concepts. delivery.[89] • Investigate NP substructures for fragment-based screening Strengthening the inclusion of modern NP research in these or construct new, sp3-enriched, chemical matter by fragment spotlights of pharmaceutical innovation is critical to exploit the merging. full potential of these molecules in non-traditional directions. These areas of opportunity for academic and pharmaceutical re- So far, NPs as drugs have contributed to many innovations in search teams can be matched to the following scientific NP direc- human therapy. Capitalizing on the explosion of new technologi- tions: cal possibilities in cell biology, medicinal chemistry, molecular modeling, cheminformatics, molecular genetics, computational Novel NP-based Diversity[90a–f] biology, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ‘Big Data’ analysis, • Access to the ‘dark matter’ metabolome of new organism whole genome sequencing paired with DNA-synthesis, genetic classes, microbial, symbiotic communities, and the eDNA design, enzyme evolution, chemical ecology, and metagenomics to populate the uncharted NP-chemospace of biological rel- ensures that NPs will remain an innovative and inspiring scientific evance. discipline in future pharmaceutical R&D. • Biodiversity-driven investigation of proven and underexploit- ed microorganism groups combined with secondary metabo- Acknowledgements lomics studies, HR-MS analytics, and database platforms as Our special thanks goes to Karin Briner, Head Global Discovery efficacious concepts for the description of new NPs. Chemistry and Martin Missbach, Site Head Global Discovery Chemistry • Emphasis on the discovery of new antibiotics with Gram-neg- Basel for their valuable scientific advice, stimulating challenges, and ative activity spectra by using genome/metagenome-driven strong support of our scientific ideas and directions. We also thank our colleagues and collaborators from Global Discovery Chemistry and the concepts and by considering especially Gram-negative NP Chemical Biology and Therapeutics department for all the motivating producers more closely. These molecules should have physi- collaborations around screening, profiling, sequencing and target iden- co-chemical properties or biological characteristics which in- tification related to NPs. We owe the colleagues in GDC Analytics our crease the likelihood of them being able to cross cell walls of debt of gratitude for the structure elucidation of NPs. We specially thank both Gram-negative and infectious bacteria. Eric Weber, Head of Pilot Plants, for the production and isolation of se- condary metabolites. Our warm thanks go to all Natural Products and Computational and Systems Biology[91a–m] Biomolecular Chemistry colleagues for their passionate scientific work. • ‘Big Data’, using artificial intelligence analyses of TCM di- We cordially thank Neil Press for his critical reading of the manuscript agnoses and herbal treatments for proven efficacy in defined and Nicole Bubendorf for her valuable help in editing the paper. diseases to identify the active principles of therapeutic poten- tial. Received: July 12, 2021 • Further development of appropriate CompBiol tools to im- prove genome mining, gene calling, comparative genomics, [1] a: J. Gershenzon, N. Dudareva, Nat. Chem. Biol. 2007, 3, 408, or structure prediction for the discovery of NP biosynthesis; b) J. M. Crawford, pathways in bacteria, fungi, or plants. J. Clardy, Chem. Commun. 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