Page created by Diana Wilson



             Deadline for signing up
              for a postal vote is:
            5pm on Tuesday 20 April
Welcome | NETWORK

                                                         CAMPAIGNING FOR
         Network is published bimonthly and
           distributed to Usdaw activists.
                                                         CHANGE IN 2021
                                                               sdaw members have
                  PUBLISHED BY:                                been on the frontline of
                                                               the pandemic since the
     188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 6LJ
                 t: 0161 224 2804
                                                         start and the union’s work has
            e:                      been dominated by trying to
                 w:                         support them through this
                                                         crisis. As well as supporting
       HEAD OF MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS                    members Usdaw has been
                    Mike Glover                          campaigning hard on a
                       EDITOR                            number of issues; with two big
                  Saiqa Khushnood                        wins in recent months.
                                                            In January, we had a great
                  Sarah Sherborne                        result for our members in
                                                         Scotland, as MSPs voted
              EDITORIAL ASSISTANT                        through ground-breaking
                    Paula Barke
                                                         legislation to give shopworkers
              OTHER CONTRIBUTORS                         the protection of the law that
       Emily Rowles, Heather Neagle, Jo Bird,            they deserve.
          Debra Blow, Adam Kaczmarek,                       Following on from this,        the Freedom From Fear
         Doug Russell and David Williams.                Usdaw's Justice for Injured       campaign calls for legislation
                 PHOTOGRAPHERS                           Workers campaign succeeded        to protect shopworkers to be
      Della Batchelor, Lee Boswell, David Finch,         in keeping the small claims       implemented in the rest of
  Callum Harrison, Joe Newman, Ian Sadler, SWNS.         limit for employer’s liability    the UK.
                  Via Getty Images:                      and public liability claims at       We will also continue to urge
   Paul Bradbury, filadendron, gemphotography,
                                                         £1,000. Thereby ensuring that     the Government to prioritise
georgeclerk, michaelpuche, sestovic, SolStock, sturti,
         undefined undefined, xavierarnau.
                                                         thousands of workers can          retail workers for vaccinations
              COVER: Posed by a model                    continue to seek justice with     and we will fight the
                                                         proper representation.            Government tooth and nail if
                                                            This year Usdaw will           they try to erode employment
                   ADVERTISING                           continue to work hard to          rights following the end of the
              Century One Publishing
                                                         ensure it improves the working    pandemic.
          Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road,
                                                         lives of its members. Our            I want to thank our reps for
                St Albans, AL3 4DG
                                                         campaigning work will include     the amazing work they do day
                ACCOUNT MANAGER                          the New Deal for Workers          in and day out. Without them
                      Jack Green
                                                         campaign which calls for          supporting and representing
                  t: 01727 739 196
                                                         decent pay and conditions         members, raising awareness
                                                         for every worker including a      about campaigns, filling in
        ©Usdaw 2021 reproduction in whole                minimum wage of at least £10      surveys and signing petitions it
        or part by any means without written             per hour, an end to insecure      would be impossible for us to
            permissions of the publishers                employment, respect for           do the work we do.
                 is strictly forbidden.                  shopworkers and action to
      This publisher accepts no responsibility           ensure that retail jobs are
            for errors, omissions or the                 no longer underpaid and
              consequences thereof.                      undervalued.                             Usdaw General Secretary
                                                            Our Retail Recovery Plan,
                                                         calls on the Government
                                                         to implement a plan to
                                                         save the retail sector and

                                                                                                        March/April 2021    3
        that can be
         at anytime
Contents | NETWORK

                    COVID-19: UPDATE
                    10 | Usdaw's general secretary Paddy Lillis looks back
                         at the past year and sets the priorities for 2021.

                    CAMPAIGNS UPDATE
                    12 | An update on Usdaw's campaigns including
                         Freedom From Fear and A New Deal for Workers.

                    LIFELONG LEARNING: WRITE NOW
                    18 | Read the stories of Usdaw members living and
                         working through the pandemic.
                    ACADEMY 2015
                    20 | Network speaks to the graduates from Academy1
                         in 2015 to find out what they have been up to.

                    NEW USDAW EXECUTIVE
                    23| Following union elections meet Usdaw's new
                        president and executive council.

                    DRIVERS IN FOCUS
                    24 | Answering frequently asked questions including
                         safety, two-person operations and traffic offences.
                    32 | Highlights from this year's online TUC LGBT+ event
                         and a feature on long Covid.

                    34 | A handy guide on how to hold a Pension
                         Awareness Day in your workplace.

                    03 FOREWORD
                    06 NEWS

                    26 ACTIVIST-IN-DEPTH

                    28 REPS TOOLKIT

                    38 HEALTH & SAFETY

                    42 MEMBER OFFERS

                    45 PUBLICATIONS UPDATE
              32    46 TWITTER TUTORIAL

                                                          March/April 2021    5

                                IN THE NEWS
        Don’t forget to email the editor your view

     sdaw continues
     the campaign for
     equality through the
   Usdaw marked
International Women’s
Day by pledging to
continue to campaign
for equality and to keep
women’s equality high on
the union’s negotiating,
organising and political
agendas. Prior to the
pandemic inequality in
the UK was worsening.
During the crisis Usdaw
has campaigned to
tackle inequality with its
New Deal for Workers
   Usdaw general                   “Key workers delivering     wage earners. Over half        experience domestic and
secretary Paddy Lillis          essential services have        of all zero-hours workers      sexual violence and abuse.
said: “On International         kept the country going         were women and nearly             “Today, women are
Women’s Day we celebrate        through the crisis; the        six out of 10 were             more likely than men to be
women’s contribution to         majority are women and         self-employed workers.         members of a trade union
society, family life and        too often underpaid and           “Poverty in the UK at       and strong workplace
workplaces. We also             undervalued.                   the point at which the         organisation is crucial
continue our campaigning           “Women workers have         crisis struck was highly       to defend and further
for more to be done to          been particularly hard         feminised and women            women’s rights at work.
better support women by         hit due in part to the fact    continue to be the             One of the most effective
tackling discrimination and     that inequality between        majority of people living in   ways to deliver better pay,
promoting equality.             women and men at work          poverty; female-headed         decent work and fairness
   “The coronavirus             was already steadily           households are more            for women at work is for
pandemic has dramatically       and at times sharply           likely to be poor and prior    employers to recognise
exposed the structural          increasing. Women were         to Covid-19 women were         and work with trade
inequalities in our             disproportionately more        more likely to struggle        unions.”
society. Where there is         likely to be in low-paid and   with debt and bills. On
poverty, prejudice, and         insecure employment. At        average, women carried
discrimination, the virus       the start of 2020 women        out 60 per cent more
has left a trail of broken      were, and still are, the       unpaid work than men,
lives in its wake and we will   majority of low-paid           women in the UK earn
not rest until those divides    workers making up nearly       less and own less and
have been closed.               seven out of 10 of all low-    women are more likely to

6 March/April 2021


Amazon has opened its first                 is to cut the number of retail jobs in
checkout free convenience store in         stores through the launch of shops
London which offers shoppers an             with no checkouts. Retail workers
automated shopping experience.             deserve better.
Instead of paying at staffed or                “We also have real concerns about
self-service checkouts, AI-powered         theft from stores, disputes over
sensors track the items taken from         technology errors and customer
shelves and placed in the basket.          confusion on how systems work.
Once customers exit the store, they        There is also the question of Covid
pay on their card via the Amazon Go        security and how necessary safety
app.                                       measures like hand hygiene, social
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy           distancing and face coverings are
Lillis said: “Shopworkers provide          enforced.
the customer service that many                “All too often retailers are dazzled
shoppers really value and retailers        by new technology, chasing solutions
need to understand the importance          to problems that don’t exist. Usdaw
of that to the success of their            believes that employers should
business.                                  invest in staff as well as machines.
   “In the current crisis retail workers   Well-paid shopworkers, in secure
have rightly been applauded as key         jobs, who are valued and respected
workers and now Amazon’s strategy          are what is best for business.”

 A GUIDE TO ADM 2021                                                                   SARWAR LABOUR WIN

                                                                                       Usdaw has congratulated Anas
                                                                                       Sarwar on being elected the
                                                                                       new Leader of the Scottish
                                                                                       Labour Party.
This year’s Annual Delegate Meeting        running concurrently with                     Usdaw divisional officer for
will be an online two-day event            conference proceedings.                     Scotland Stewart Forrest said:
held on Sunday 25 and Monday 26               Usdaw has produced a guide               “Usdaw nominated Anas Sarwar
April 2021. The event will be video-       to the virtual conference called            for leader because we believe
streamed to delegates with a secure        Members’ Guide to the Annual Delegate       he is the right person to rebuild
online voting system, operated by an       Meeting - A Special Guide to the 2021       Scottish Labour and then
independent external organisation,         Virtual Conference.                         rebuild Scotland.
                                              The guide describes the                    “Usdaw members, their
                                           main purpose of ADM, how it is              families and working people
                                           organised and how it carries out            across Scotland need a strong
                                           its business. It covers propositions        Labour Party in the Scottish
                                           and amendments, Standing Orders             Parliament and across the
                                           Committee, debates and voting               country, speaking out for
                                           procedures. The guide has particular        them on their issues. With the
                                           emphasis on how the 2021 online             election coming in May, it is
                                           ADM will operate.                           crucial that Scottish Labour
                                              It is written for all Usdaw              comes together behind the
                                           members, but particularly for those         new leader and puts forward
                                           attending their first ADM.                   a positive message to the
                                              All this year’s delegates will receive   country.”
                                           a copy in April before ADM.

                                                                                                        March/April 2021   7


Usdaw calls on customers to follow
the rules and for retail staff to be
prioritised for vaccination.
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy
Lillis said: “The reopening of non-
essential stores offers a lifeline for
many retailers. That is good news in
terms of helping to safeguard jobs,
but the virus is still out there. It is
essential that the tests set out by
the Government before reopening
are followed, so that shops only
reopen when the data suggests that
it will be safe.
   “When they do reopen, we expect
employers to maintain necessary
safety measures, including two
metre distancing, and call on
customers to follow the rules
and respect staff. Regrettably,
throughout this appalling pandemic,                 to the public and other workers,                           in phase two of the vaccine roll
incidents of abuse towards                          as well as an indoor working                               out. We will continue to urge the
shopworkers doubled. It should                      environment, are key factors in the                        Government to reconsider the
never be just a part of the job and                 spread of coronavirus infection.                           decision.
shopworkers must be respected.                         “Usdaw has consistently                                    “In the meantime, we are
   “Retail staff are working with the               campaigned for vulnerable                                  continuing to work with employers
public every day and are not only                   occupations to be prioritised in                           to ensure that staff are working in
facing increased abuse, but also a                  the second phase of the vaccine                            the safest conditions possible.
higher chance of catching Covid-19.                 rollout, reflecting the risks they                            “We are also urging customers
The Office for National Statistics                  face. They have worked throughout                          to follow the necessary safety
demonstrated that many key                          the pandemic to keep the                                   measures like social distancing,
workers, who are providing essential                country supplied with essentials                           wearing a face covering and only
services during the pandemic, have                  and deserved to be prioritised.                            shopping for essential items to
an elevated Covid-19 related death                  Therefore, it is deeply disappointing                      help make shops safer and limit the
rate. It is clear that close proximity              that they were not prioritised                             spread of Covid-19.”


    £100                                                               gift vouchers

   atSponsored by Usdaw Health and Dental Plan Closing date 1 June 2021. Terms apply.
                Due to the current situation with Covid 19, the voucher will be despatched as soon as possible after the draw has taken place.

8 March/April 2021

                               OBITUARY KEITH BARROWCLIFFE
B&M                           A FOND TRIBUTE TO KEITH
B&M announced it is set
to open a new store at        The union was saddened to hear of          at Blandford in Dorset.
Colton Retail Park in Leeds   the death of Usdaw member and                 From the age of 15, Keith attended
creating more than 70         lifelong activist Keith Barrowcliffe who   all the union meetings and activities
jobs for local people.        died in January. He was 87.                for young members around the
                                 Keith was a popular and well-           country. He also became the youngest
BOOHOO                        respected figure across the North          president of Gorton trades council.
The online retailer Boohoo    West division and the wider union             In his retirement, Keith continued
has acquired Debenhams        where he was very actively involved        to play a very active role within the
in a £55m deal that will      with his branch and the union’s retired    union as branch chair and a member
result in the department      members’ committee. He had recently        of the North West divisional retired
store disappearing from       proudly celebrated an impressive 70        members’ committee, assisting in
the high street, with the     years of Usdaw membership.                 campaigning work and promoting
likely loss of up to 12,000      Born in Droylsden, Tameside in          the union, particularly among retail
jobs.                         1933, Keith first became interested        workers. He always attended
                              in politics and the trade union            divisional conferences and was a
ASOS                          movement at the age of 10. He was          regular at the union’s annual delegate
Thousands of jobs             heavily influenced by his dad who was      meeting.
remain at risk after the      a shop steward for English Steel in           Outside of work, Keith was
online fashion retailer       Openshaw and the pair would go to          voluntarily involved with many
Asos struck a £295m           political meetings together to listen to   organisations. He was the secretary
deal to buy four brands       socialist speakers in Belle Vue.           of Abbey Hey Working Men’s Club for
from failed retail group         Keith joined Usdaw in 1949 after        over 20 years and a qualified lecturer
Arcadia. About 300 people     starting work as a trainee butcher for     and executive member of the CIU
currently employed will       the Co-operative in 1948. He took a        (Club & Institute Union) for over 20
transfer to Asos, but a       break from work in 1950 to complete        years advising on licensing and law,
question mark hangs over      two years’ national service in the         betting and gaming. Keith served as
thousands more jobs.          catering corp where he was stationed       Justice of the Peace for over 25 years
                                                                                   before retiring at the age of
JOHN LEWIS                                                                         70. He was also a qualified
John Lewis is considering                                                          snooker referee and examiner
closing some department                                                            and refereed at the first World
stores, which would result                                                         Snooker Championships at
in many job losses.                                                                the Crucible Theatre, Sheffield
                                                                                   in 1977.
WH SMITH                                                                              Usdaw general secretary
WH Smith is set to close                                                           Paddy Lillis paid tribute: “Keith
25 high street stores,                                                             gave a lifetime of commitment
affecting nearly 200                                                               to Usdaw and the wider trade
jobs, after the pandemic                                                           union movement, and even
pushed the retailer £280                                                           after retiring was keen to
million into the red.                                                              play a crucial role supporting
                                                                                   members and helping to build
PAPERCHASE                                                                         the union. He was a great
Stationery chain                                                                   servant and ambassador
Paperchase is on the brink                                                         for Usdaw and we are so
of administration after it                                                         very grateful for his lifelong
was forced to close over                                                           contribution.
Christmas. The company                                                                “Our sincere condolences
has 127 stores and about                                                           go to Keith’s family and
1,500 employees.              Keith and Paddy Lillis                               friends.”

                                                                                               March/April 2021   9
NETWORK | Covid-19 Update

                                                                  ast year and the start of this
                                                                  year have been like no other
                                                                  for Usdaw and its members.
                                                         The union’s entire membership has
                                                         been impacted by Covid-19, and the
                                                         pandemic has dominated the union’s
                                                         work throughout the year.
                                                            In the face of extreme pressure,
                                                         Usdaw members have kept the
                                                         supply chain moving, the shelves
                                                         stacked and essentials delivered to
                                                         the vulnerable. When others stayed
                                                         safe at home, they worked tirelessly
                                                         in extremely difficult conditions.
                                                         We must also recognise the work of
                                                         our members in funeral services,
                                                         whose compassion and care has
                                                         been extraordinary, in the most
                                                         unimaginably difficult circumstances.
                                                            The union has been focused
                                                         throughout the year on supporting
                                                         all of its members through the
                                                         crisis. When the Covid-19 pandemic
                                                         took hold in March 2020, food
                                                         retail members were desperately
                                                         worried for their safety at work
                                                         and experiencing huge pressure
                                                         as panic-buying erupted. Members
                                                         in non-food retail were extremely
                                                         concerned too, as their workplaces
                                                         closed and they worried about pay
                                                         and job security.

                                                         Key Workers
                                                         The union immediately lobbied
                                                         for retail supply chain and funeral
                                                         workers to be given priority for
                                                         key worker places in schools, and
                                                         pushed employers to support
                                                         members who were shielding,
                                                         vulnerable or pregnant, and to top
                                                         up furlough pay where workplaces
                                                         were closed. Union officials and reps
                                                         called for urgent safety measures in

   TWELVE MONTHS                                         workplaces that remained open.

                                                         New Deal for Workers

   LIKE NO OTHER                                         The union made a renewed call
                                                         for decent pay and conditions for
                                                         every worker, with our New Deal
                                                         for Workers campaign. Following
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis looks at         representations from the union,
   the past year and sets the priorities for this year   many members received bonuses to
                                                         recognise their contribution during
                                                         the crisis. However, we have been
                                                         clear that permanent improvements

10 March/April 2021
Covid-19 Update | NETWORK

to pay and conditions are needed for     to raise awareness and stop            be a turning point where working
workers across the sectors where         abuse of shopworkers. Usdaw is         people should have their rights at
we organise. The campaign calls          looking forward to working with        work strengthened, not threatened.
for a range of measures, including       Crimestoppers Scotland, the            The whole of the labour movement
a minimum wage of £10 per hour,          Scottish Government, police and        will fight tooth and nail to protect
secure hours, increased sick pay and     retailers to promote that message.     and extend our rights.
job security.
                                         Union Learning Fund                    Vaccination for Key Workers
Retail Recovery Plan                     At a time when retraining and          Usdaw has consistently campaigned
The pandemic has heightened the          upskilling is of the utmost            for shopworkers to be prioritised
crisis facing the retail sector. At      importance the Government              for vaccination, however the Joint
least 180,000 jobs were confirmed        announced that all ULF funding will    Committee on Vaccination and
as lost during 2020, and, with the       be withdrawn from the end of March     Immunisation ( JCVI) has rejected
collapse of Debenhams and Arcadia,       2021 in England. Around 200,000        prioritisation by occupation.
a further 25,000 jobs were under         workers are supported each year        The Office for National Statistics
threat by the end of the year. The       into learning or training with union   evidence on Covid-19 death rates by
union has been making the case for       support through the ULF. Despite       occupation, showed that many key
an urgent recovery plan for the retail   writing to the chancellor, and reps    workers are at a higher risk.
sector, including action to level the    and members putting up a fight, the       We strongly urge the Government
playing field between online and         Government announced it would go       to reconsider the decision. In
bricks and mortar retail.                ahead with this change.                the meantime, we are working
                                            Usdaw will continue to urge the     with employers to revisit risk
Freedom From Fear                        Government to rethink their decision   assessments and ensure that all
The Freedom From Fear campaign           to scrap union learning.               safety precautions are adhered to.
has, sadly, been more relevant                                                  We also call on the public to follow
than ever this year. Almost 90 per       Protecting Employment Rights           the necessary safety measures in
cent of shopworkers experienced          At the start of the year rumours       stores, like wearing a face covering,
verbal abuse at work and one in          emerged in the Financial Times that    observing social distancing,
10 was physically attacked. Social       the Government had been secretly       shopping alone where possible and
distancing measures became the           drawing up plans to water down         respecting shopworkers.
most common flashpoint for abuse,        more of our members’ workplace
and there were appalling cases of        rights such as rest breaks and         Importance of unions
shopworkers being coughed on             paid holiday entitlements. After       The crisis has demonstrated just
and spat at. There has been strong       initially denying the rumours, the     how important it is that every worker
public support for our campaign,         Business Secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng     has the support of their union.
and Usdaw reps helped to deliver         confirmed that the rumours were        The hard work and commitment
more than 100,000 signatures on          true, and the Government are in fact   of Usdaw reps during the year
our Parliamentary petition, which        reviewing workplace protections.       has been absolutely outstanding.
calls for assault or abuse of a             Losing these hard-won rights        Despite facing huge pressures and
shopworker to be made a specific         would lower living standards further   worries of their own, reps continued
offence with appropriate penalties.      after a decade of stagnating pay and   to advise members in the workplace,
The UK Government responded to           growing insecurity, causing working    to implement safety measures and
our petition with little more than       people to further tighten their        speak up when improvements were
sympathy and objected to the Alex        belts and hold back any economic       needed.
Norris ‘protection of shopworkers’       recovery. Millions of workers are         As we look back, we also
bill.                                    already working crushingly long        remember those who we have
   However, in January, we had a         hours and further removing rights      tragically lost to this dreadful
great result for our members in          to rest, limits on working hours or    virus, including some of our own
Scotland, as MSPs voted through          disregarding workers’ time spent       members and reps, and one of our
groundbreaking legislation to give       on-call endangers not only them,       officials, Bipin Pitrola. They, and their
shopworkers the protection of            but also puts public safety at risk    contribution to our union, will not be
the law that they deserve. Usdaw         – no one wants their loved ones        forgotten.
campaigned for many years to             to receive care from a chronically        In their memory, the union will
secure these legal protections.          overworked nurse or be driven          work harder than ever in the year
   In addition, Crimestoppers            home by an exhausted bus driver.       ahead, to give every member a voice
Scotland launched a joint campaign          We believe this pandemic should     and improve their working lives.

                                                                                                    March/April 2021   11
NETWORK | Campaign News

                       Keeping you up-to-date on Usdaw’s priorities

        ver the past few
        years the union has
        seen an alarming
 increase in the levels
 of abuse and violence
 towards shopworkers.
 More recently, shocking
 results from an Usdaw
 survey carried out at the
 height of the coronavirus
 pandemic reveal just how
 bad the situation has
    Throughout the
 pandemic, retail workers
 have been spat at,
 threatened with being
 infected with coronavirus
 and physically assaulted
 by customers while they
 have been providing an       and abuse in retail. Since    PETITION FOR CHANGE              The petition gained
 essential service in very    then the union has worked     In light of the continued     widespread media
 difficult circumstances.     with the public, employers,   increase in violence          attention in national and
    Results from Usdaw’s      the police, politicians       and abuse towards             regional news outlets
 2020 survey of 2,729         and the Government            shopworkers and the           when it was launched
 shopworkers across the       to achieve safety and         appalling situation they’ve   in August with Usdaw
 UK found that 79 per cent    security improvements         faced leading up to and       officials, reps and
 said abuse was worse         in stores and raise the       throughout the pandemic,      members making over
 during the pandemic.         issues of neighbourhood       Usdaw general secretary       80 appearances on TV
    The survey found that:    policing, retail crime and    Paddy Lillis launched         and radio. The petition
 n 88 per cent experienced    underage sales.               a House of Commons            secured over 100,000
    verbal abuse.                Usdaw continues to         petition to lobby the         signatures, enough
 n 60 per cent were           lobby the Government          Government to protect         to trigger a debate in
    threatened by a           to improve legislation to     retail staff.                 Parliament.
    customer.                 protect shopworkers and          The union is calling          In response to the
 n 9 per cent were            those working in public-      on the Government to          protect shopworkers
    assaulted.                facing roles, including       create a specific offence     petition, the influential
                              stiffer penalties for those   of abusing, threatening or    House of Commons Home
 FREEDOM FROM FEAR            who assault workers,          assaulting a retail worker    Affairs Select Committee
 In 2003, Usdaw introduced    but the current situation     with a penalty that acts      launched an inquiry into
 its Freedom From Fear        shows the need for the        as a deterrent and makes      the issue the day after
 campaign in response to      campaign is more pressing     clear that abuse of retail    the petition secured over
 concerns about violence      than ever.                    workers is unacceptable.      100,000 signatures.

12 March/April 2021
Campaign News | NETWORK

                              VOICES FROM THE FRONTLINE
                Some of the comments from shopworkers responding to last year’s annual survey

    “Asked a customer to join the back of                  “I had members of the public cough on
    a queue, got verbal abuse. She then                    me as I was stacking shelves.”
    returned to the store with a knife and said
    she was going cut me up.”                              “People pulling your mask off for being a
    “Physically pushed, shoved, trolley
    rammed during panic buying.”                           “My car was keyed by a customer who
                                                           was barred from the shop.”
    “Trying to belittle and humiliate you.
    Undermining what you are saying about                  “Since the pandemic I’ve had abuse
    the rules.”                                            nearly every day, even coughed on
    “Being screamed at when telling
    customers we don’t have an item in                     The full report can be downloaded from:

SUCCESS IN SCOTLAND                    assaulting, threatening, or abusing a    we had a great result for our
In January, the Scottish Parliament    retail worker.                           members in Scotland, as MSPs voted
unanimously voted for a ground-           Usdaw general secretary Paddy         through ground-breaking legislation
breaking new law to protect            Lillis said: “Our latest survey          to give shopworkers the protection
shopworkers. Usdaw campaigned          results clearly show the scale of        they deserve. We are now looking
for many years to secure these legal   the appalling violence, threats          for MPs to support key workers
protections.                           and abuse faced by shopworkers           across the retail sector and help
   In addition, Crimestoppers          and demonstrate the need for a           turn around the UK Government’s
Scotland launched a joint campaign     ‘protection of shopworkers’ law.         opposition.
to raise awareness and stop            It has been a terrible year for our
abuse of shopworkers. The key          members, with almost 90 per cent of

                                                                                  SAVE THE DATE
message is to ‘speak up 100 per        shopworkers suffering abuse, two-
cent anonymously about attacks         thirds threatened and nearly one

                                                                                  RESPECT WEEK
on shopworkers’. This joint venture    in ten assaulted. We are saying
is crucial to the new law having       loud and clear that enough is

                                                                                  WILL START ON
the desired impact by making sure      enough, abuse should never be
criminals understand that assaulting   part of the job.

                                                                                   15 NOV 2021
and abusing shopworkers is totally        “The UK Government has
unacceptable.                          persistently opposed new
   In February, 66 senior retail       legislation, offering little more than
leaders wrote to the Prime Minister    sympathy and objecting to the Alex
urging the UK Government to            Norris protection of shopworkers bill
create a new statutory offence of      in the House of Commons. However,

                                                                                                  March/April 2021   13
      he UK retail sector has been          administration, resulting in thousands     in an estimated 25,000 job losses.
      impacted by the coronavirus           of job losses, include Edinburgh              The crisis in retail has been further
      pandemic on an unprecedented          Woollen Mill (which also trades as         exacerbated by the rapid shift to
 scale. For an industry already facing      Peacocks and Jaeger), Bonmarché,           online shopping, which has grown by
 significant challenges the long-term        Aldo, Warehouse/Oasis, Laura Ashley        46 per cent over the last 10 months.
 impact will be severe.                     and Cath Kidston.                          The longer-term challenges facing the
    Physical non-food retailers were           At the end of last year household       sector combined with the impact of
 among the hardest hit and have             names including Topshop, Miss              the pandemic has and will continue to
 been struggling under the pressure         Selfridge and Dorothy Perkins              be catastrophic for the high street.
 of lockdowns and public health             collapsed into administration, putting        When shops are allowed to reopen,
 restrictions, costing stores billions in   13,000 jobs at risk. As a result the       retailers will face further challenges
 lost sales.                                following day, the potential rescue bid    and there are big questions about
    The mass job losses announced           for Debenhams fell through, putting        how many high street retailers will
 throughout last year highlight the         a further 12,000 jobs at risk. While       survive the coming months.
 severity of the crisis facing the retail   rescue deals were brokered for the
 sector, with at least 180,000 jobs         stable brands owned by Arcadia and         IMPACT OF JOB LOSSES
 confirmed as lost during 2020, with a       Debenhams, in both cases, there was        Beyond the impact on business the
 staggering 16,000 store closures.          zero interest from buyers to take on       pandemic is taking a heavy toll on
    High street names to collapse into      any of their physical stores – resulting   retail workers – whether they work

14 March/April 2021
Campaign News | NETWORK

                                           RETAIL RECOVERY PLAN
                                          Usdaw’s retail recovery plan calls for the following immediate

                                          n Extend the current business rates holiday to at least the
                                            end of the year and fundamentally reform this outdated and
                                            imbalanced commercial property tax.

                                          n An online sales levy set at 1 per cent, to raise around £1.5bn that
                                            could fund a cut in business rates of around 20 per cent.

                                          n Extend the moratorium on shop evictions for rent arrears and
                                            find a wider solution around unpaid rents, with contributions
                                            from retailers, landlords and Government.

                                          Usdaw’s full retail recovery plan:

                                        THE BUDGET                               to plan their recovery out of the
                                        When the chancellor Rishi Sunak          pandemic and secure jobs. Huge
                                        delivered his Budget on 3 March          issues like expensive rents and
                                        2021, outlining the UK’s economic        rates, along with unfair taxation
                                        recovery plan to protect jobs and        continue not to be addressed by the
                                        livelihoods, there was no sustained      Government.
                                        support for those retail businesses         “Demanding that businesses
                                        most impacted by the pandemic.           make a 10 per cent contribution to
                                        The announcement of two additional       the Jobs Retention Scheme in July
                                        costs from July 2021 onwards             and then 20 per cent in August is a
                                        (capped partial business rates           big cost for non-essential retailers
                                        relief and employer contributions        at a time when, even on the most
                                        to the Job Retention Scheme) at          optimistic estimates, many will
in food retail or on the high street,   a time when stores have not yet          have only recently reopened and
retail workers are facing extremely     even reopened could become the           have major losses to recoup. It
challenging times.                      overheads that push many non-food        will encourage staff lay-offs. Also
   In particular, there are serious     retailers to scale back, cut jobs or     expecting retail to start paying a
concerns about the impact the           collapse completely.                     third of business rates at the start
pandemic is having on women.               Usdaw general secretary Paddy         of July will be a big ask, so soon after
In the case of high street retail, a    Lillis said: “The short-term sticking    reopening. The announcement
large proportion of workers are         plasters that the chancellor             of these two additional costs to
women. For example, in Arcadia          announced in the Budget go               retailers could be the burdens that
and Debenhams women made up             nowhere near far enough. They            push many out of business or to cut
80 per cent of the staff. This means    don’t tackle the fundamental issues      jobs.
of the 25,000 jobs lost between the     that the retail industry already faced      “The coronavirus pandemic has
two retailers, an estimated 20,000      before the pandemic, let alone           pushed many retailers and retail
belonged to women. It is not just       give retailers a fighting chance of      workers to breaking point, so we
women who are bearing the brunt         mounting a recovery.                     need immediate Government
of job losses; young and Black,            “Extending furlough by six            action that needs to be equally
Asian and minority-ethnic (BAME)        months, short-term business rates        significant”
and other vulnerable groups are         reductions and one-off grants do
significantly impacted.                 not allow retailers the opportunity      retailrecovery

                                                                                                     March/April 2021   15
NETWORK | Campaign News



      uring the pandemic, millions          the National Minimum Wage which        least £10 per hour, an end to
      of workers stepped up, in the         is paid at a lower rate. Usdaw has     insecure employment, respect
      most difficult of circumstances,        campaigned that the National Living    for shopworkers and action to
 to keep the country going. Workers         Wage should apply to all workers –     ensure that retail jobs are no longer
 in retail, manufacturing, distribution,    regardless of their age.               underpaid and undervalued.
 home delivery and funeral services                                                   “Going to work should mean a
 have been working around the               VALUE OF RETAIL JOBS                   decent standard of living for all
 clock, keeping food on our tables,         Usdaw general secretary Paddy          workers, not least young workers.
 medicines in our cupboards                 Lillis said: “Millions of low-paid     They are more likely to be paid less
 and providing a lifeline to local          workers have provided essential        than older colleagues, even when
 communities.                               services to help ensure the country    doing the same job.
    As the National Living Wage             is fed, healthy and safe through the      “They also often work hours that
 is uplifted in April it is worth           lockdown and will continue to do so.   are not guaranteed in their contract,
 remembering that the increase of              “Usdaw members employed in          so they really need fairer and better
 19p from £8.72 to £8.91 an hour            our supermarkets, distribution         pay alongside protection against
 doesn’t meet the union’s call for £10      warehouses, food processing sites      insecure work. Although reducing
 per hour, the real living wage rate        and home delivery operations           the age that National Living wage is
 of £9.50 or even the Government’s          welcomed the key worker status, but    paid from 25 to 23 years old is a step
 previously projected rate of £9.21.        that respect and appreciation must     in the right direction, it needs to go
    The National Living Wage was first       not fade into the background when      much further.
 introduced in April 2016 and created       this national crisis passes.              “Usdaw has campaigned for years
 an additional tier to the National            “There needs to be lasting and      to abolish youth rates. We continue
 Minimum Wage. It initially applied         fundamental changes to the way         to campaign for a national minimum
 only to those over the age of 25.          society views our lowest paid          wage of at least £10 per hour for all
    This year it will be legally extended   workers.                               ages and call on the Government
 to 23 and 24-year-olds. Anyone                “We need a new deal for the         to tackle insecure employment
 under the age of 23 will receive           workers: a minimum wage of at          contracts.”

16 March/April 2021
Campaign News | NETWORK



     sdaw welcomed the                     “Employees injured at work need        cannot be recovered, forcing injured
     Government confirming that           legal representation to help ensure      employees to represent themselves
     the small claims limit for          that those responsible are held to       in a complex legal process without
employer’s liability and public          account and that health and safety       adequate advice and support.
liability claims will not be increased   standards in the workplace are              “It is absolutely the right
and will remain at £1,000.               maintained. The original proposals       decision to exempt workers from
   The Civil Liability Act 2018          would have moved a significant            the reforms, so that they can
reformed whiplash claims and the         number of these cases into the           continue to seek justice with proper
Government had also proposed             small claims court where legal costs     representation.”
changing the rules for
employer liability personal
injury cases, by doubling
the threshold for the small
claims court.
   Usdaw general secretary
Paddy Lillis said: “We
welcome the Government
listening to the views of
the broad coalition that
had come together to urge
them to step back from their
proposed changes.



     sdaw’s Cost of Living survey        continues to be a failing project. The   for the rollout of universal credit to
     found that 57 per cent of           fi ve-week wait period is not only        be halted, to allow a full review and
     workers on universal credit         unnecessary but is sending people        overhaul of how the Government
were struggling to pay their gas and     into debt from which they struggle       supports the incomes of working
electric bills and 80 per cent said      to recover.                              people who are already struggling to
they were worried or very worried if        Last year, the Trussell Trust found   make ends meet. We need a proper
the Government removed the £20           that universal credit had led to a       social security system that supports
weekly uplift. The cut could affect six   four-fold increase in the use of food    families, particularly during this
million families costing them £1,040     banks where it is rolled out. The        appalling pandemic.
a year and push 200,000 children         National Housing Federation has             “Low-paid workers also needed
into poverty.                            shown that universal credit has          more reassurance and support. The
   Usdaw has been urging the             caused three times as many people        extension of the universal credit
chancellor to recommit to the £20        to get behind with their rent.           £20 uplift is the least the chancellor
uplift and in the longer term and           Usdaw general secretary Paddy         could do, but it should have been
engage with trade unions and             Lillis said: “It is unacceptable that    done sooner, made permanent and
charities to fix the ongoing structural   nearly six in 10 workers on universal    extended to all in-work benefits.
issues with universal credit.            credit are struggling to heat their         “Usdaw will continue to urge the
   The universal credit system           homes.                                   Government to tackle the structural
has been plagued with issues and            “Usdaw has consistently called        issues with universal credit.”

                                                                                                     March/April 2021   17
My Body
  My toes… are the bane of my life, I could
  live without them but my body can’t as
  I will fall flat on my face…
  My knees… they are just there…
  My belly… my favourite place, but my
  goodness it’s been through the wars…
  My chest... constantly pounding, full
  of love and anxiety…
  My head… always over-thinking from
  trying to please everyone...
  n by Caroline Baird, Community Champion, Tesco Rutherglen

       ast year Usdaw teamed up with       How it works                                If you’re interested check out
       the Royal Literary Fund (RLF)       Usdaw members have been on the            these videos which RLF have
       to take part in their exciting      frontline of the pandemic. Since          produced as taster sessions:
 new Write Now project. The RLF is         March last year shopworkers,    
 a national charity. Its work includes     drivers, members in distribution,         watch?v=MfRBNl2w8LA
 employing professional writers            manufacturing and funeral services
 to teach writing skills in different      continued to work tirelessly to           watch?v=yVh9dY_YHQk
 workplace and community settings.         ensure that shelves remained
 For the last two years they have          stocked, medicine was available, and      What will happen to my story?
 been working with Usdaw’s Lifelong        deliveries were made.                     With the writer’s permission, it may
 Learning programme to offer writing          Usdaw members have                     be published in books, newsletters
 skills workshops to Usdaw members.        extraordinary stories to tell of living   and magazines; some sites are
    The Write Now project encourages       and working through Covid-19.             funding anthologies so that every
 members to get into writing by            Write Now wants your stories – in         colleague has a printed record of
 asking them to reflect on their own       your words – to become part of the        this extraordinary time.
 experiences during the pandemic           national record of the momentous
 and capturing them through words.         events of 2020. And Usdaw wants           The response so far
    The aim is to create an anthology      your stories too! But don’t worry –       The response has been fantastic
 of writings to digitally archive and      you don’t have to do this on your         so far with hundreds of members
 print.                                    own. Using writing exercises, games       taking part.
    A number of sites have signed up       and short films, Write Now will help        Members across the country have
 to pilot the initiative including Argos   members come up with ideas and            submitted sad, funny and poignant
 (Widnes and Acton Gate), Boots            put them down on paper. These can         short stories and poems about their
 (Nottingham), McVities (Stockport)        be anything from a few lines, to a        experiences. You can read a few
 and Tesco Bank (Newcastle).               poem, to a short story.                   opposite.

18 March/April 2021
Instructions for Surviving a Pandemic
                                         Shop online.
                                         Say hello to everyone you meet
                                         on your walk. Take time for yourself.
                                         Build a fairy garden with your daughter,
                                         let your imagination run wild.
                                         Learn about the development of language
                                         from hieroglyphics to emojis.
                                         Do aerobics on Zoom –
                                         keep all the women in your gym motivated.
                                         Watch lightning storms.
                                         Practice the piano every day,
                                         even if it’s out of tune.

                                         n by Argos Sainsbury’s Widnes and Acton Gate colleagues

                                         My Life
                                         Yesterday I went for my first Covid jab,
                                         I wasn’t frightened,
                                         I didn’t have to queue,
                                         and it didn’t hurt.
                                         All the while wearing my face mask.

                                         Walking home I suddenly realised,
                                         I felt a little bit lighter.
                                         This made me smile both inside and out.
                                         Nobody really knew because
                                         all the while I was wearing my face mask.
Where can I read the rest of these
stories and poems?                       n by Sue Sowe, Mobile Learning Representative, North West
Usdaw has collated the contributions
and has turned them into an eBook        How to Survive a Pandemic
that you can access through the          Dance daily to Stevie Wonder,
Usdaw website.                           take bubble baths, drink lots of red wine.        Live every day as if it’s your last.
                                         Speak to friends when you need their support.
Can I still take part?                   Go running in the hills.
Yes. You can take part in a number of
ways:                                    Make sure your family are safe,
 n Do the video workshops at:            Watch Walthamstow FC in the Essex League,              play scrabble,
  Training-Development/Online-           spend time with your husband.
  Learning-Resources/What-is-the-        Take yourself away from it all.
 n Join in one of the monthly RLF        Draw more pictures,
  webinars:            go for walks in the woods,
  Members/Training-Development/          watch Netflix. Pray, eat cheese,
  Online-Learning-Resources/             embrace the workouts.
  Webinars                               Stay alive until you see your family again.
 n You can join one of the local
  sessions that the RLF are running      n by all attendees at a Unionlearn event, 12 October 2020
  in the divisions by speaking to your
  Usdaw project worker.

                                                                                         March/April 2021   19
NETWORK | Academy1 Class of 2015

 Network speaks to the graduates from Academy1 in
 2015 to find out what they’ve been up to since then

      orty-eight activists successfully   branches in the Swansea, Maesteg,
      completed Academy1 in 2015,         Neath and Port Talbot area. At the
      with two graduates also joining     beginning of this year I recently
 the union’s organising staff. Network     became the divisional equalities
 spoke to some of the reps to find out     forum co-ordinator, a role which
 what they’ve been up to in the last      I look forward to being able to
 six years.                               promote equalities on behalf of our
 Area organiser, Andover                  CAROLINE WILLIAMSON                       ACADEMY1 2015 STATS:
 Following Academy1 I briefl y             St. Helens                                ■ 48 completed
 returned to Tesco for Christmas.         I can honestly say Academy1 was an        ■ 27 still members
 In 2016 I successfully applied for       amazing experience and I couldn’t         ■ 18 still active
                                                                                    ■ 2 now area organisers
 Academy2 but never took my place         wait to apply for Academy2, which
 as in the interim I was appointed as     I did straight away and was lucky
 area organiser in the Andover office       enough to be accepted. The training      digital needs.
 and started the role in April 2016.      was a lot harder, but my tutor was         Taking part in Academy1 was
    The Academy experience certainly      great and always there if I was          absolutely amazing and I would
 gave me the confidence and self-          struggling.                              recommend it to anyone thinking
 belief to become a full-time Usdaw          After the Academies I was keen        about doing it. It is a great
 official and I thoroughly enjoyed the      to get more involved. I was lucky        confidence builder but also gives
 six months opportunity it gave me        enough to be elected to standing         you an insight into other workplaces
 to meet our members and reps and         orders at ADM and my divisional          and other retail companies. In my
 promote Usdaw in workplaces other        council. Also, I am still an active      experience there was absolutely no
 than my own. The whole experience        divisional councillor for the North      downside to it.
 was certainly life changing.             West.
                                             Over the last year Covid-19 has       PAUL HUISH
 MARTYN HALL                              had a massive impact on everyone.        Barton-upon-Humber
 Area organiser, Cardiff                  I transferred to a store closer to       Since the Academy I have moved
 Since completing Academy1 in             home due to travel restrictions and      to a new Tesco store and I’m now a
 2015, I went on to become branch         had to say goodbye to colleagues I       manager. I have taken my knowledge
 secretary for A108 Llanelli, and,        had worked with for seven years. It      and training with me and put it
 completed Academy2 and summer            was hard but I was supported by all      to good use. I am now a Sata rep
 school 2 in 2017.                        the skills I’ve learned through the      and still very active representing
    The Academy has provided              union.                                   Tesco managers. I have also found
 me with invaluable experience in                                                  a passion for helping staff with long
 different workplaces identifying the      TRISH BALDWIN                            term mental health issues.
 subtle and not so subtle differences      Hull                                        In 2017 I took on the role of chair
 between companies, who have many         I am still a union rep at Tesco. I was   of my branch and I’ve also since
 similar issues.                          also a union learning rep and in 2018    become active in my Constituency
    I later became an area organiser      won the Unionlearn ULR of the Year       Labour Party.
 at the Cardiff office, overseeing           Award for supporting learners with          Both academies gave me the skills

20 March/April 2021
and confidence to get up and speak       changed roles from team leader            training officers who were running
at the last two ADMs, something I        to customer services manager to           the programme, and felt I would like
would never have done before.            trading support manager.                  to give something back to the trade
                                            A lot has happened to me in my         union movement for the education
JANET HAGGIS                             personal life and work life since the     I received, not only on the Academy
Grimsby                                  Academy and my confidence has             but for all my time as a rep.
I have been very busy since              grown from strength to strength. I           I decided to study for a teaching
Academy1. I completed Academy2           have made presentations at church         degree and I now work part-time
and lots of periods of stand-down.       and at work to big and small groups       as an asssociate tutor in the Trade
I’m also now a mobile union learning     and I feel that being on the Academy      Union Studies department at City
rep and a lay tutor. I served three      played a big part in me being able        College Southampton, delivering
years on the equalities forum and        to do this. The Academy has had a         TUC courses for various unions.
I’m a branch secretary.                  positive impact in my life as it helped   I praise the Academy when I am
   I still work for Tesco and have       me to find the strength to face good      delivering Usdaw courses as I believe
been back in store for most of           and bad challenges. I must add that       the quality of the programme is just
the pandemic. I’ve recently been         my driving skills grew tremendously       brilliant. I will always be very grateful
campaigning for the EC elections         thanks to the Academy as I drove          for the opportunity I had to attend.
and have also appeared several           around the M25 roundabouts                My dream would be to return as
times on TV and radio to speak           visiting stores.                          a training officer one day on an
about the union’s Freedom From                                                     Academy course.
Fear campaign and the abuse of           TONY HAVILL
shopworkers.                             Southampton
                                         I cannot believe it has been five          The union’s Academy programme
                                                                                    is currently on hold due to the
EDNA YOUNG                               years since the Academy. I am still
                                                                                    coronavirus pandemic. Reps will
Watford                                  a rep and really enjoy it. I went on       be informed when there’s an
I am still a rep and active in the       to complete Academy2, which I also         update.
union. I still work for Argos but have   really enjoyed. I was inspired by the

                                                                                                       March/April 2021   21
For Your Union Noticeboard

      n 6 May, there will be elections   taking place at the same time, this is    best intentions.
      taking place in England, Wales     the biggest set of elections outside         On top of this, there are
      and Scotland. There are            of a UK general election. It’s really     those members who have been
elections at almost every level of       important that Usdaw members are          shielding or are Clinically Extremely
government, including Councils,          able to take part, but for members it     Vulnerable who might be concerned
London Assembly, elected Mayors,         isn’t always as simple as turning up      about how voting in person in a
Police and Crime Commissioners,          to vote before the polls close.           pandemic will work, or how it could
and Scottish and Welsh                      Members have told the union            affect them. We haven’t faced an
Parliamentary elections. Some of         that on election day they can find it      election during a time like this, and
these were due to take place in          difficult to get to the polling station     there is a real concern that people
2020, but had to be postponed due        to vote in person for a number            could stay away from casting a vote
to the coronavirus pandemic.             of reasons. These can include             in person because they are worried
   This means that, if you live in       work commitments, childcare               about the impact of Covid-19.
England, Wales or Scotland, you will     arrangements, or sudden changes in           These elections are important and
likely have more than one election       plans which mean that getting to the      no one should lose their vote or feel
to cast a ballot in. With so many        polling station isn’t possible, despite   like they can’t use it.

For these reasons, it’s a good idea to sign up for a postal   But:
vote to vote early, vote safely, and vote from home. You      ■ You must sign up by 5pm on Tuesday 20 April in
may see this called Early Voting. It’s the same as a postal     England and Wales, and Tuesday 06 April in Scotland.
vote, and it means that you can fill in your ballot and post   ■ Your postal vote needs to be with your local authority
it in before the deadline, and at a time that suits you.        by 10pm on polling day to be counted.

It’s helpful to know:                                         By signing up for a postal vote you can make sure you
■ Anyone on the electoral roll can request a postal vote.     have your say in the 2021 elections.
■ You can request a postal vote without a special             To check you’re registered and find out about voting by
  reason.                                                     post go to:

Executive Council 2021 | NETWORK

Following the union’s all-member ballot       in April, who has stepped down after
in February, executive council member         serving one term. She will head up the
Jane Jones was elected as Usdaw’s             union’s governing body for the next
new president. Jane will take over from       three years and will be joined by 15
current Usdaw president Amy Murphy            executive council members.
                                                                                                        President Jane Jones
           South Wales and Western division                       North Eastern division              North West division

Tracy Cannard              Barbara Wilson       Joanne Crumplin              Mike Dixon            Robert Bell
                   Eastern division                                 Scottish division                 North West division

Valerie Cooke              Simon Vincent        Susan Donaldson             Robert Killin          Andy Firman
                  Midlands division                                Southern division                  North West division

Karl Lockley               Kate MacLeod         John Barstow                Keith Jones            Michael Murray

                                                                                                       March/April 2021     23
      sdaw members across               should be making adjustments to          n Additional sinks, provision of hand
      the transport industry            ensure that workers are safe. Your         sanitiser and cleaning equipment
      have continued to work            employer must have completed               for all workstations.
      extraordinarily hard during the   a risk assessment to look at the         n Thorough and regular cleaning
 Covid-19 pandemic. The logistics       additional risks presented as a result     of roll cages, VDUs and other
 sector has been relied upon to         of coronavirus. Following the risk         equipment.
 maintain the supply network of         assessment, your employer should         n Increased hours for cleaning staff.
 essential goods during the crisis.     be putting measures in place to          n Staggered shift start times, with
 People working in the industry are     ensure the safety of members. How          agreement, to reduce congestion.
 identified as key workers given the    this works will vary considerably        n Staggered break times along with
 importance of keeping the nation       between workplaces, but some               extra break rooms with adequate
 going with the delivery of food and    examples of measures that might be         rest facilities and additional
 medicine. As many high street stores   taken are listed below:                    smoking areas to ensure social
 closed and customers switched to       n Restrict drivers entering transport      distancing.
 shopping online, delivery drivers         offices.
 have stepped up to the enormous        n Drivers to remain in cabs while        Can we have a two-person
 pressure of home deliveries.              unloading.                            operation?
    Network answers some of the         n Identify and regularly clean key       Government guidance around
 frequently asked questions from           touch points eg door handles,         safe working practices says that
 drivers.                                  keypads.                              employers should find alternative
                                        n Take extra care wiping down            solutions to two-person operations
 What should my employer be                vehicles before and after use.        where possible. The guidance
 doing to keep me safe?                 n Clear provisions for workers to        recommends only one person
 Employers have a legal duty of            keep at least two metres apart at     should travel in a vehicle and
 care to their workforce, and all          all times, in line with Government    vehicles should not be shared.
 workplaces which are operational          guidance.                             Suggested ways to manage

24 March/April 2021
Road Transport | NETWORK

                                          your safety when making these              Paddy Lillis launched a House of
                                          deliveries and should be briefing you      Commons petition to lobby the
                                          on any additional measures. There          Government to protect retail staff.
                                          are also a number of steps you can         The petition gathered over 100,000
                                          take on a daily basis:                     signatures and will now trigger a
                                          n Avoid all handshakes or physical         debate in Parliament.
                                            contact with anyone while on your           In addition, Usdaw succeeded
                                            delivery routes.                         in winning protection for Scottish
                                          n Before getting back into your            shopworkers in a new ground-
                                            vehicle after carrying out your          breaking law that would tackle
                                            delivery, sanitise your hands            growing violence, threats and abuse
                                            thoroughly and sanitize your             against retail staff. Unfortunately, the
                                            hands regularly throughout the           UK Government objected to a similar
                                            day.                                     bill, therefore Usdaw will continue
                                          n Avoid touching your mouth, nose          to work hard to turn around the UK
                                            or eyes.                                 Government’s opposition.
                                          n Use antibacterial wipes to                  You can help us make a strong
                                            wipe down your door handles,             evidence-based case to the
                                            dashboard, steering wheel and            Government by filling in Usdaw’s
                                            gear stick on a regular basis.           Freedom From Fear survey.
                                          Can I use welfare facilities at            Freedom-From-Fear/Survey
                                          Drivers are entitled to use welfare        I’ve received a penalty for a
                                          facilities, such as hand washing and       traffic offence, can the union help
                                          toilet facilities at any site they visit   me with this?
                                          to deliver haulage. Although sites         As a member of Usdaw, you can join
                                          will have stringent social distancing      the Road Transport Distress Fund
                                          measures in place, this should not         for £6 per year. The fund covers
                                          prevent drivers from using welfare         members who receive work-related
two-person operations include,            facilities on site.                        penalties for motoring offences.
suspending heavy-duty deliveries or                                                  After 13 weeks’ membership of the
using two vehicles.                       I was abused by a customer, what           Distress Fund, you are entitled to up
Where these solutions are not             should I do?                               to three claims per year.
possible, the guidance looks at:          Unfortunately, Usdaw has seen              Please note membership of the
n Fixed pairing of two people.            incidents of work-related violence         fund is not included in your Usdaw
n Opening windows to increase             and abuse increase during the              membership; you must fill in a
   ventilation and sitting side-by-side   pandemic. Abuse is not part of the         separate application form to join
   instead of face-to-face.               job and drivers have a right to work       the fund. If you would like to join
Usdaw maintains that unless               without fear of abuse or violence.         the Distress Fund, please contact
vehicles are large enough to allow        If you are harassed or abused,   
adequate social distancing, sharing       then you should report it to your
of vehicles should cease and              employer to ensure they can take           Where can I get more information
alternative measures should be            the appropriate action.                    about road transport laws and
followed as set out above. If you are                                                regulations?
concerned about being asked to            What is Usdaw doing about                  Usdaw has compiled a Drivers’
share a vehicle, please contact your      violence against retail workers?           Handbook which provides detailed
local Usdaw official.                     Usdaw has been campaigning on              information and advice for drivers.
                                          this issue for a number of years           You can download a PDF version
How do I stay safe while making           through its Freedom From Fear              from the Usdaw website here:
deliveries?                               campaign. In light of the continued
Drivers across the sector have            increase in violence and abuse             drivershandbook
to make deliveries to a range of          towards retail workers and the
different locations which can present     appalling situation they’ve faced          STAY CONNECTED
a number of hazards. Employers            leading up to and throughout the           Follow UsdawUnion on Facebook,
must be doing all they can to ensure      pandemic, Usdaw general secretary          Twitter and Instagram.

                                                                                                        March/April 2021   25
You can also read