Page created by Michelle Casey
                                       Rules and opportunities

                                             Camera di Commercio

               FIRENZE                                             Prefettura di Firenze


Rules and opportunities

Coordination: Sonia Menaldi, Chamber of Commerce of Florence
                                             Rosanna Pilotti, Prefecture of Florence

                                                           Preparation of the guidelines:
                               Michele Brignola Manager of the Florence INAIL Office,
        Chiara Fioravanti, Institute of Legal Information, Theory and Techniques, CNR
                                    Sonia Menaldi, Chamber of Commerce of Florence
                   Rosanna Pilotti. Unified Immigration Office, Prefecture of Florence

                                Annamaria Vitale Cristina D’Aniello, Sabrina Montaguti
                                                           Azienda Speciale Metropoli

 Maria Grazia Maestrelli, Equal Opportunities Councillor of the Province of Florence
                                  Alba Parrini, Chamber of Commerce of Florence,
                           Committee for the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship

                                             Collection and processing of statistical data:
                                                    Sandra Ermini, Prefecture of Florence
Silvio Calandi Office of Statistics, Pricing and Studies, Chamber of Commerce Firenze

                                                                Graphics and editing:
                                     Pasquale Ielo, Chamber of Commerce of Florence

                                                              Publishing on Internet:
                                                                    Chiara Fioravanti

                              © Camera di Commercio di Firenze, Prefettura di Firenze
              It is prohibited to manipulate or reproduce with any means whatsoever
                     the contents of this publication without prior written authorisation
                                                               from the editorial bodies.

                                          Photography: Archive of the European Union


PART ONE . .....................................................................................................7
Women in business and the institutions ...............................................................7
Professional training . .....................................................................................16
Access to credit ..............................................................................................17

PART TWO . ..................................................................................................22
Safety in the work place in terms of gender .......................................................22
Occupational risk factors for women ...............................................................29
Informative material regarding safety and health in the workplace . .....................35
Statistical data regarding accidents at work ......................................................38

PART THREE . ................................................................................................45
Women in the craft and small business sector ...................................................45
Testimonials . ..................................................................................................51

PART FOUR . .................................................................................................54
Exchange programme for companies and prizes for innovator women....................54

PART FIVE .....................................................................................................56
Statistics regarding highly qualified work..........................................................56

Appendix .........................................................................................................63
Committee for female entrepreneurship, equality councillor, information about incentives.....63
References to previous guidelines ......................................................................69

The successful collaboration is continuing with the Chamber of Com-
merce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture for promoting awareness and
respect of the rules by foreign female entrepreneurs, with special focus on
the regulations in favour of the same, in observance of equal opportuni-
ties and the reconciliation between life and work activities.

The equality between men and women is a fundamental right, a common
value of the European Union and a necessary condition for achieving the
community goals of growth, employment and social cohesion. Consider-
able progress has been made in implementing equality between the sexes
thanks to the legislation on equal treatment, integration of the gender di-
mension in the policies, specific provisions aimed at promoting the female
condition, action programmes, social dialogue and dialogue with the civil
society. However, the economic crisis risks aggravating the inequalities,
creating prejudice for women who are often forced to choose between
children and career due to the lack of flexible working hours and childcare

The new publication “Women’s work: rules and opportunities” intends
to offer on one hand a summarised panorama of the main European and
national laws aimed at favouring the inclusion of women on the labour
market, and on the other, it focuses on several specific sectors where
women are mainly present. In particular, the small business sector repre-
sents a field of great economic interest for the Florentine territory since
there were 30,615 small businesses registered in the Province of Florence
for the third quarter of 2013.

Overall, there are 40,080 people who hold corporate positions in small
businesses, 8,502 of which are females, equal to 21.2% of the general
total. A large part of the guidelines is dedicated to safety in the workplace
with information about the major risks in a general perspective, also for
the purpose of conveying a message of prevention in order to improve
the workplaces and make them increasingly safer in every respect, also
through collaboration between owners of businesses with both male and
female workers.
The study has an appendix at the end that contains references for acquir-
ing detailed information regarding professional training and access to
credit for female businesses. Lastly, the statistical data help complete the
picture. The publication will be available online at the websites www.
prefecture.it/firenze, www.immigrazione.regione.toscana.it and www.
fi.camcom.gov.it also in order to provide a timely update. I wish to thank
all those who have contributed to the preparation of this publication and
in particular, the Chamber of Commerce, which thanks to its funding has
made it possible to produce this publication.

                                                   Luigi Varratta
                                       Prefect of the Province of Florence
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità

The     institutions, women and businesses
The European and national regulatory panorama is filled with initiatives orientated to-
wards promoting the development of female entrepreneurship, starting from the Treaty
that establishes the European Community (amended by the Treaties of Amsterdam and
Nice) that commits the Community institutions to fight discrimination based on sex, race
or ethnic origin, religion or personal beliefs, handicaps, age or sexual orientation. Follow-
ing is a brief survey of the most significant initiatives regarding employment, labour and
wages, with focus on the need for positive actions favouring women, particularly women

The European Institutions
The aim of the European policies and programmes for female entrepreneurship is to
spread an entrepreneur spirit among women, encouraging and financially supporting the
start-up and conducting of business activities by females. The European legislation in the
field of female entrepreneurship envisages above all intervention in the context of policies
for the development of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and the promotion of
employment. More specifically, the European Commission has proposed several concrete
actions for promoting female entrepreneurship:
    • mentoring models for inviting women to set up their own business;
    • activities for developing an entrepreneurial spirit among women graduates;
    • exchange of the best practices for promoting female entrepreneurship.
In 2010 the Directive 2010/41 was issued that amends the earlier legislation for ensuring
a greater protection of women where are self-employed. The principle of equal treatment
applies to the sector of self-employment and
implies that the conditions for setting up a    Self-employment
company between spouses or partners are
equal to those adopted for other people.        Self-employed workers:
Self-employed female works and spouses
                                                whosoever carries out, in accordance with the con-
or helping the management of a family-run       ditions laid down by national legislation, a gainful
company can benefit from the same right of      activity on their own, including managers of farming
maternity leave foreseen by the European        concerns and self-employed professionals.
regulations for employed female workers.
The aim of these amendments is that of re-          Spouses of self-employed workers:
ducing the barriers that discourage women           the spouses of self-employed workers or those who
from starting up an independent activity and        are recognised by national law as partners of self-
contributing to reduce the vulnerability of         employed workers who do not receive a salary and
spouses who help manage a family-run busi-          who are not partners, how habitually take part, in
ness. The new directive has also been referred      the conditions established by national legislation, in
to in the scope of the five-year strategy (2010-    the activities of the self-employed worker and carry
2015) launched by the European Commission           out identical or complementary tasks.
to promote gender equality in Europe.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze

    The European Pact for Gender Equality

    In 2011 the Council of the European Union adopted the European Pact for Gender Equality
    for the period 2011-2020, via which the Council recognises gender equality as a funda-
    mental value of the European Union and attribute its underlying policies with a decisive
    importance in stimulating economic growth, prosperity and competitiveness. Among the
    measures proposed for fighting segregation on the labour market, there is also the promo-
    tion of female entrepreneurship and the participation of women in political and economic
    life. Another important initiative is set down in the General Block Exemption Regulation
    (GBER) that simplifies and harmonises the previous SMEs regulations and increases the
    intensity of aid for investments destined for these companies.
    Also included among the measures are subsidised loans for female entrepreneurship. In
    particular, thanks to the more streamlined bureaucratic formalities foreseen by the new
    regulation, the Member States can grant subsidies of up to 1 million Euro to women en-
    trepreneurs who hold at least 51% of the capital. The loans apply to the first 5 years of
    business and may even reach 15%. Among the costs that can be covered there are legal,
    consultancy and administrative expenses linked directly to the incorporation of small busi-
    nesses. Also covered are other operating costs such as aid for looking after children and
    the elderly. At a European level, there are organisations for promoting female entrepre-
    neurship, including the Eurochambres Women Network (EWN), the European Chamber
    of Commerce network for fostering the development of female entrepreneurship. Set up
    under the umbrella of Eurochambres, the EWN strives for the following objectives:
        ● to foster the exchange of information and promotion of specific points of view
          within the network;
        ● to offer structured support for speeding up the development of female entrepre-
          neurship, including dissemination of the “best practices”;
        ● to promote participation in public-private partnerships on a local, national and
          European level;
        ● to encourage recognition of the rights of equal opportunities;
        ● to provide support for the institutional lobbying activities at all levels;
        ● to actively participate in the development of corporate social responsibility of the
        ● to foster better conditions for enhancing greater balance between private and
          professional life.

    As part of the Small Business Act there is also an initiative for disseminating positive testi-
    monies and goods practices within the context of female entrepreneurship.
    This has led to the setting up of the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship
    Ambassadors. The goal of this network of ambassadors of female entrepreneurship, re-
    served for partner s of the “Enterprise Europe Network”, is to provide testimonies about
    the organisation and management of companies, as well as empathetic support offering
    knowledge, business experience and safety for the women who are about to become
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


    European Funding Programmes

    In relation to the 2014-2020 programming, the promoting of female entrepreneur-
    ship will be funded by the COSME Programme (Competitiveness of Enterprises
    and SMEs), proposed by the European Commission for the 2014-2020 period,
    which has the goal of:
    - improving the ratio between finance and small-medium sized businesses (SMEs)
      in Europe;
    - supporting pathways of self-entrepreneurship and the creation of businesses
      capable of generating growth and jobs;
    - creating new instruments for fostering competitiveness in Europe.
    The COSME programme was adopted on 21 November 2013 by the European
    Parliament and has a budget of 2.3 billion Euro. The amount allocated for the
    coming 7 years also amounts to 2.3 billion Euro. The purpose of COSME is that of
    resolving the difficulties represented by access to credit by small businesses, and
    in order to cope with this issue, it will provide a guarantee instrument for loans of
    up to 150,000 euro granted by the SMEs. In addition, COSME will offer support
    and assistance services in the following cases:
    - access by entrepreneurs to EU markets and beyond the borders of the same;
    - citizens interested in starting up a self-employed business who have difficulty in
      starting or developing their activities;
    - authorities of the Member States will be offered better quality support for the
      processing and implementation of effective reform policies oriented towards the
    This programme will commence on 1 January 2014.
    For further information, please consult the Tender Monitoring section on the website

The Italian panorama

The principle of equal social dignity and equality before the law for all citizens without
distinction of gender, race, language, or religion, and the commitment of the Republic to
remove all barriers of an economic or social nature that in fact limit freedom and quality
of the citizens, is based on the Constitution. Article 37 of the Constitution recognises
that female workers have the same rights for equal work, and the same pay owed to the
worker, and the work conditions must allow women to fulfil their essential family role.
The Italian Republic, in implementing the ILO Convention 1975/143 ratified with Law
1981/158, guarantees all foreign workers legally residing in this country equal treatment
and full equality of rights compared to Italian workers.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     Equality in employment

     All the Italian legislation concerning equal opportunities has been subject to a revision
     and unified in a Code of Equal opportunities between men and women approved with
     Legislative Decree 198/2006.
     The provision that implements a reordering of the provisions aimed at fighting discrimina-
     tion and fully and effectively exercising the principle of equality is divided into four books.
     The first contains the general provisions for promoting equal opportunities between men
     and women.
     The other three contain provisions aimed at promoting equal opportunities in ethical-social
     relations, economic relations and civil and political relations.
     The entire range of European and national regulations has the scope of promoting all the
     aspects of equal opportunities in employment policies, reducing professional isolation,
     and reconciling family and professional life in a more streamlined manner. In particular,
     three operating objectives are emphasised:

         ● the intensification of the equality dimension between women and men in the Eu-
            ropean strategy for employment. This entails in particular the need to encourage
            the training of women throughout their lifetime and to encourage the employment
            of women and their access into the technology and information sectors;

         ● enhancement of the use of structural funds for promoting equality between women
            and men, especially through specific initiatives;

         ● the drawing up of strategies for encouraging gender integration in all the policies
            that have an impact on the position occupied by women in the economy.

     To achieve implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equality of treat-
     ment between men and women in the employment and jobs, Legislative Decree no. 5
     dated 25 January 2010 also intervenes. This decree transposes the Directive 2006/54/EC
     that unites and replaces a series of previous deeds concerning equal opportunities.

     The provision makes several amendments to the Code of equal opportunities between
     men and women, pointing out how its aim is to adopt the measures for eliminating each
     and every act of gender-related discrimination that compromises or prevents the recogni-
     tion, enjoyment or exercising of human rights and the fundamental freedoms in a political,
     economic, social, cultural, civil and every other field.

     In addition, it stresses how treatment equality and equal opportunities between women
     and men must be ensured in all fields, including those of employment, jobs and wages, as
     well as in that of training and implementation of the laws, regulations, and administrative,
     political and business acts.
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


Reconciliation policies

The policy for reconciliation represents an important factor for innovating social, economic
and cultural models and its aim is to provide instruments which, by making the working
and family spheres compatible, allow each individual to make the most of the multiple
roles taken on within complex societies.
A wide range of initiatives have been implemented both nationally and on a European
level, aimed at encouraging the grassroots and exchange of the most valid experiences,
as well as the experimentation of new models for organising work.
In Italy, the cornerstone legislation is found in Law 53/2000, which, besides introducing
parental leave and encouraging greater involvement by fathers in childcare, focuses the at-
tention of the regions and local entities on the importance of reorganisation of timing in the
city and has promoted, via article 9, the experimentation of positive reconciliation actions
in the workplace, raising awareness in this regard by companies and social partners.
Over the years art. 9 has undergone various amendments: the most recent, implemented
by article 38 of Law no. 69 dated 18 June 2009, has enlarged the plateau of the potential
benefactors and updated the number of fundable interventions, making it necessary to draw
up a new implementation regulations (adopted with Decree of the Prime Minister dated
23 December 2010) in relation to the methods and criteria for granting assistance.
The Department of Family Policies manages various instruments that help make employers
more aware of the family requirements of their own employees; among these, the issuance
of grant notices for the experimentation of positive funded actions under art. 9 of Law
53/2000, the last call for tender of which dates back to the month of May 2011.

                                                           The possibility of grants concerns
 When can a “female” business be                           projects aimed at:
 defined as such for the purposes                          - a riorganizzare gli orari di lavoro;
 of the classification of economic
 activities?                                               - facilitare il rientro dei dipendenti
                                                             che abbiano fruito di un congedo
                                                             per motivi familiari;
 The definition depends on the type of company:
                                                           - introdurre servizi innovativi per
  - shareholding company: this is “female” if the            favorire la conciliazione tra vita
    holdings by women “shareholders” are higher              familiare e professionale;
    than 50% by counting the composition of shares
                                                           - supportare con figure di sostituzi-
    and positions attributed;
                                                             one i soggetti autonomi con par-
  - partnerships and cooperatives: this is “female”          ticolari esigenze familiari
    if the holdings by women “shareholders” are higher
    than 50%                                               Apart from private employers, further
                                                           to the amendments made, employ-
  - individual firms: these are female if the owner        ers of public jobs, associations and
    is a woman;                                            employers’ associations are now
  - other legal entities: these are female if participa-   also able to access the grants.
    tion by female “directors” is higher than 50%.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     Additional contributions for initiatives linked to equal opportunities (not necessarily relat-
     ing to reconciliation) are made available by the Ministry of Labour pursuant to Legislative
     Decree 198/06. By 31 May each year, the National Equality Council draws up a target
     programme of positive actions to be promoted, the subjects admitted per single typology
     and the assessment criteria; it is also possible to co-fund positive actions for resolving
     collective disputes.
     By 31 May each year, the National Equality Council draws up a target programme of posi-
     tive actions to be promoting, the subjects admitted per single typology and the assessment
     criteria; it is also possible to co-fund positive actions for resolving collective disputes.
     In the section, “Legal Disclosure” of the official site of the Ministry of Labour, the Target
     Programme is published for the purpose of increasing and qualifying female labour, via
     the entering and re-entering of female businesses onto the labour, development and
     consolidation markets for each year.
     The application for admission to the grants for the implementation of positive actions can
     generally be submitted from 1 October to 30 November according to the forms attached
     to the Interministerial Decree dated 15 March 2001.
     Informative guidelines are also available on the website.
     Although the provision is managed by the central administration, the territorial entities may
     play an important role in this context: in fact, they can support the projects by co-funding
     them or by making premises or qualified human resources available free of charge who
     are able to help the businesses with regard to the design, management and monitoring
     of the interventions.

     The Equality Councillor
     This is an official figure established by Law 125/1991 (Positive actions for creating male-
     female quality in the workplace) and with her powers reinforced by Legislative Decree
     196/2000 (Discipline of the activities of the Equality Councillors and the provisions
     governing positive actions), now merged with the Code of equal opportunities between
     men and women.
     The Equality Councillor:
         ● is a public official and has the obligation of reporting to the judicial authorities any
            offenses she gains knowledge of;
         ● investigates any situations of gender imbalance and promotes the implementation
            of policies of Equal opportunities by public and private bodies operating on the
            labour market;
         ● monitors the results of the implementation of the positive action projects envisaged
            by Law no. 125 dated 10 April 1991;
         ● interacts with and collaborates with the Labour Councillors of the Local bodies and
            with other Equality entities;
         ● protects the workers and makes all attempts to reconcile any individual labour
            disputes concerning gender-related discrimination;
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


                                                      ● brings legal action against any dis-
 Who can contact an Equality                            crimination in the workplace:
 Councillor                                           ● promotes positive actions also
                                                        through the identification of commu-
  If you are a woman and you:                           nity, national and regional resources
  • have been subjected to discrimination when          in the field of equal opportunities;
    applying for a job                                ● disseminates knowledge and ex-
  • have been subjected to discrimination when          change of good practices and training
    accessing a training course                         activities;
  • have been subjected discrimination in further-    ● is a member to all effects of the
    ing your career
                                                        Provisional Tri-party Commissions
  • have had difficulty combining your maternity        foreseen by articles. 4 and 6 of Leg-
    with your job                                       islative Decree no. 469/97;
  • have been subjected to discrimination regard-
    ing your wages
                                                      ● participates in local partnership and
                                                        supervisory board round tables.;
  • you have been fired due to the fact of being
    a woman                                           ● is a member of the Provincial Equality
  • you have been harassed in the workplace.            Board, or any other body irrespective
                                                        of its name that carries out similar
  If you are a company, and you:                        activities;
  • want to valorise female presence in your          ● expresses obligatory opinions regard-
    company                                             ing the Three-year Positive Action
  • want to access the grants envisaged by Leg-         Plans presented by the territorial
    islative Decree 198/06                              public administrations (Inter-minis-
  • want to submit projects for corporate reorgani-     terial Decree dated 23 May 2007 on
    sation and flexibility based on Law 53/00 and       the “Equality and equal opportunities
    Legislative Decree 151/01 (Consolidation Act        measures to be implemented in the
    on maternity and paternity).                        public administrations”).

Legal action
The responsibilities of female and male Councillors aimed at observing the anti-discrim-
ination regulations and the powers of intervention both in conciliatory proceedings or in
court, for settling disputes regarding gender-related discrimination are achieved via the
     ● bringing action, also as a matter of urgency, in all cases of discrimination before
        the court presided over by a Labour Magistrate or the territorially competent TARs
        (regional administrative courts;
     ● more incisive definition of the powers in the reconciliation proceedings;
     ● the extending of the possibilities of appeal in cases of collective disputes;
     ● the strengthening of the magistrate’s powers, for example in defining the positive
        action plans for removing any discrimination ascertained.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     Positive actions
     Positive actions are interventions that can be achieved in the workplace or within the
     territory, the purpose of which is to eliminate inequality for women applying for jobs,
     trying to further their careers, and situations of mobility. and therefore they aim at remov-
     ing barriers which in fact prevent that realisation of equal opportunities. The regulations
     address the need to simplify the legislation governing positive actions and remove the
     critical elements arising for the funding of projects and for positive action plans that must
     be adopted in the public sector.

     The Committee for the promotion of Female Entrepreneurship (CFE)
     The Committees for the Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship (CFEs), formed in 1999
     from a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Productive Activities and
     Unioncamere, are made up of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the trade
     associations, the banking and insurance sectors and the trade unions and customer protec-
     tion unions that are involved in promoting equal opportunities. They are appointed by the
     Chamber of Commerce council and remain in office for three years, with the objective
     of promoting the development of female businesses.
     The Memorandum, renewed again on 20 February 2013, confirms the commitment to
     reinforce the role of women in the country’s development policies and bridge the gap
     of Italian female participation in the labour world compared to the OECD average. The
     Memorandum also collects the indications arriving from the European Commission regard-
     ing industrial policy. Among these, the need to offer better opportunities to women, who
     represent 52% of the population, but only one third of the entrepreneurs.
     The understanding entered into redefines the “mission” of the 105 Committees for the
     Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship (CFEs) registered with the Chambers of Commerce,
     which will have the task of:
         ● working towards the development and qualification of the presence of women in
            the business world;
         ● participating in the Chamber of Commerce activities, combining the development
            of the local business in gender-related terms;
         ● promoting cognitive investigations into the local situations in order to identify op-
            portunities for women to enter the labour world, and in particular, entrepreneur-
         ● perfecting initiatives for the development of female businesses;
         ● implementing initiatives for facilitating access to credits;
         ● developing research and study activities, cultivating relations with the education
            and training sectors.
     The Committee of the Chamber of Commerce in Florence currently consists of 18 rep-
     resentatives from the trade associations and unions, the union for protecting the rights of
     consumers and the banking and insurance sectors of the territory of Florence, and over
     recent years it has been able to count on a budget of approximately € 25,000 a year.
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


What does the CFE do in Florence?
The Committee acts as a reference point for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs,
offering representation spaces for the needs and requirements of female entrepreneur-
ship in the territory, creating occasions for confrontation between the various methods
of reconciling work and family life, providing a stimulus for creating information, services
and opportunities tailored to business-creating women.
Since the year it was formed, the CFE has therefore worked actively in the Florentine
territory to implement its objectives, promoting an innovative business culture capable of
highlighting the gender difference of female entrepreneurship and the work of women,
in order to bring it to the attention of the relative authorities, and also addresses the new
frontier of reconciliation between work and family life.
The CFE attempts to promote and support the recruitment of women in relevant roles in
economic, social and cultural entities, investing in professional training courses to improve
the general labour conditions of women, in the knowledge that a greater participation of
women in the labour world represents not only a step forward in achieving equal oppor-
tunities, but also an extremely valuable contribution to the economic and social activities
in the Florentine territory.
In order to achieve the preset goals, over the last few years the CFE has pursued numer-
ous training and communication activities, including workshops, film festivals, events and
seminars, often organised in collaboration with prestigious institutional and private partners
in the Florentine area. As far as the numerous projects carried, out there was the film
festival “Women…what a feat!”, for the purpose of making the general public aware of
the female entrepreneurship and reconciling of professional and family life.
A special mention must also be made for the Award for small and micro female businesses
that have increased the level of employment over the last three years despite the continuing
economic crisis and the rise in unemployment levels. The Award offered by the Commit-
tee consists of the allocating of € 5,000 to the small business that comes first and € 3,000
to the first three micro-businesses classified. In 2013, the CFE also organised a training
course on female leadership during the second part of the year, targeting entrepreneurs
and would-be entrepreneurs.
The main objective of the course was to encourage the acquisition of skills in conflict
management in the company (a particularly relevant issue in the context of economic
contraction), by managing to communicate in an assertive manner and improving nego-
tiating techniques, as well as to build an aware leadership model, learning how to assess
one’s own strong points and perfecting public-speaking skills.
Finally, still in relation to 2013, it is worth mentioning the web marketing communication
workshop promoted by the CFE aimed at providing participants with the essential web
marketing tools for improving their own corporate business and personnel (in the case of
individual companies or self-employed subjects).
For the updated programme of the activities for 2014, it is recommended to periodically
consult the website of the Chamber of Commerce www.fi.camcom.gov.it.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     Professional          training
     The development of female entrepreneurship is also promoted through specific entre-
     preneurial and professional training activities in favour of would-be entrepreneurs, for
     facilitating both their qualification professionally and disseminating the knowledge about
     the methods of accessing credit, and their entering into the various economic sectors. Ac-
     tive in Tuscany since 2007, there have been various editions of the “Busy-Ness-Women-
     MadreFiglia” project in pre-selected provinces. The “Busy-Ness Women –MadreFiglia”
     free training course promotes the development of female entrepreneurship through the
     mentoring instrument, that is, the accompanying techniques between and expert subject
     (Mentor) and a beginner (Mentee), in the aim of supporting would-be entrepreneurs in
     their business training. The training is
     performed using the “mentoring” tech-
     nique with personal interaction activi-        The mentor’s profile
     ties aimed at transferring professional-       (entrepreneurs with at least three years
     ism and business know-how between              of business experience)
     the Mentors, expert entrepreneurs
     with consolidated experience, and              “Busy-Ness Women – MadreFiglia” usually
     the Mentees, would-be entrepreneurs            involves a maximum of 12 entrepreneurs with
     desiring to enrich their own business          at least three years of business experience
     and professional skills.                       who are interested in acquiring new corporate
                                                  planning and management tools, through an
                                                  in-depth technical course and the creation
     Structure of the course
                                                  of networks of relationships. The Mentor is a
     The “Busy-Ness-Women-MadreFiglia”            businesswomen who keeps a close watch on
     training course is structured in two         every market and labour transformation includ-
     closely connected stages. The first in-      ing orienting of the Mentees understood as new
     cludes specific training on topics such      and potential reference subjects and carriers
     as drawing up business plans, budget         of new energy and enthusiasm. She is aware
     analysis, management controls, while         of the chance of an enriching and professional
     the second entails an educational            experience on every occasion for confrontation
     course that both Mentor and Mentee           with other women, either already self-employed
     carry out together aimed on one hand         or would-be entrepreneurs.
     to promote and support the creation
     of relations and links among partici-
     pants for developing useful relations        The mentee’s profile
     for strengthening their own entrepre-        (would-be entrepreneurs or new entre-
     neurial activities, and on the other, to     preneurs)
     increase their technical know-how on
     matters of common interest.                  This training course involves a maximum of
     The course is 100% funded by the             24 new entrepreneurs (maximum of three
     Regione Toscana and Unioncamere              years of business experience) or would-be
     Toscana within the framework of the          entrepreneurs who intend to create or develop
     Regional Programme for female entre-         an autonomous business idea availing of the
     preneurship. Participation is entirely       assistance of other women who have already
     free of charge.                              been through the same experience.
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


How to take part
In order to participate it is necessary to submit the application contained in the websites
www.tos.camcom.it, www.ms.camcom.gov.it and www.pi.camcom.pi/assefi.it together
with a photocopy of an identification document and the privacy form filled out accord-
ing to the methods described in the notice. The only selection criterion for admission
is represented by the date of receipt of the application by the Unioncamere as per the
methods established in the selection notice!
For the expiry of submission of the applications, please consult the UNIONCAMERE
website: www.tos.camcom.it

Access         to credit
The special section “Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for equal op-
portunities” of the Central Guarantee Fund, reserved exclusively for female enterprises,
established on 14 March 2013 thanks to an agreement between the Department for Equal
opportunities, the Ministry for Economic Development and the Ministry of Economy, has
introduced a significant innovation: the possibility for female enterprises to reserve the
guarantee by. It is established that the entrepreneurs can directly access the special section
by filling out the online forms. Once they have received the results of the investigation
of the application for access to credit, they can then contact a bank of their liking. It will
then be up to the bank to decide on the granting of credit, however the fact of possessing
“potential talents” represented by the voucher of the special section is certainly an op-
portunity. This section - financed with 20 million euro made available in equal amounts
by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for equal opportunities and
the resources of the fund itself - makes it possible for small and medium female-run busi-
nesses to have facilitated access at more favourable conditions to 300 million euro of
secured credit.
The main features of the special section of the fund are as follows:
     ● use of the resources for direct guarantee interventions, joint-guarantee and counter-
        guarantee of the fund to cover financial operations for the company’s business
     ● 50% of risk-sharing between the resources drawn from the fund and those of the
        special section;
     ● more favourable conditions for granting the guarantee;
     ● reserving of a percentage of the disbursement for interventions in favour of the start-
        up of companies (initially half, after which the percentage will be varied according
        to the assessments of the Department for equal opportunities).

Subsidies for female businesses in Tuscany
Also in Tuscany, the grants for female entrepreneurship concern individual enterprises
managed by women or companies with a majority of women shareholders. Said grants
are secured by a guarantee equal to 80% of the funding provided free of charge by the
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     Regione Toscana, and a grant is also foreseen to reduce the bank charges which can be
     used to create new companies as well as for the expansion of pre-existing female-run en-
     terprises. With Decree no. 1598 dated 20 April 2013, the Regione Toscana amended the
     regulating of interventions established by Regional Law 21/2008 as well as the method of
     submitting the application. The Law for the Promotion of businesses run by young people,
     females and subjects already receiving social welfare of the Regione Toscana establishes,
     besides the types of subsidies, who can access them and what the eligible sectors and
     expenses are:

     Small and medium businesses run by young people possessing the following prerequisites:
          ● the manager of the business must not be over 40;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the shareholders who hold at least
            51% of the share capital, with the exception of cooperative companies, must not
            be over 40. The share capital must be fully subscribed to by individuals;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the working shareholders who hold
            at least 51% of the share capital, with the exception of cooperative companies,
            must not be over 40.
     Small and medium female-run businesses possessing the following prerequisites:
          ● the manager of the company must be female;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the shareholders who hold at least
            51% of the share capital, with the exception of cooperative companies, must be
            women. The share capital must be fully subscribed by individuals;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the working shareholders who hold
            at least 51% of the share capital, ad with the exception of cooperative companies,
            must be women.
     Small and medium businesses of workers receiving social welfare for a period of at least
     6 months over the previous 24 months prior to submitting the application for grants, pos-
     sessing the following prerequisites:
          ● the manager of the company must be the recipient of the welfare;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the shareholders who hold at least
            51% of the share capital, with the exception of cooperative companies, must be the
            recipients of welfare. The share capital must be fully subscribed by individuals;
          ● the legal representatives and at least 50% of the working shareholders who hold at
            least 51% of the share capital, with the exception of cooperative companies, must
            be the recipients of welfare.

     Business sectors
     The companies must operate in one of the following sectors (ATECO 2007 Code):
         B - Extraction of minerals from quarries and mines, with the exception of Codes 05,
             05.10, 05.20, 08.92.0
         C - Manufacturing, with the exception of Code 19.1
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


     D - Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning
     E - Supply of water; sewerage systems, waste management and abatement
     F - Building
     G - Wholesale and retail trade; motor vehicle and motorcycle repairs
     H - Transport and storage
     I - Incoming services and catering
     J - Information and communication services
     M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
     N - Rentals, travel agencies, business support activities
     Q - Healthcare and social services, with the exception of Code 86.1
     R - Artistic, sporting entertainment and fun activities
     S - Other service activities, with the exception of Code 94

The businesses may be:
     ● newly incorporated, that is, incorporated during the six months prior to the date of
        submitting the application for grants or within six months after that date;
     ● in expansion, that is, young or female enterprises incorporated during the three years
        prior to the date of submitting the application for grants and which carry out invest-
        ments aimed at consolidating or enhancing their own competitive positioning.

Allowable expenses
Expenses are allowed if for investments closely linked to the economic activity for which
the grants are requested. Investment interventions are allowed if for the purpose of pur-
chasing or realising:
     ● industrial plants;
     ● installations for producing energy from renewable sources;
     ● machinery
     ● equipment and furnishings;
     ● masonry works and similar if functionally related to the investments in plants,
        machinery or equipment;
     ● building installations;
     ● patents, licences, trademarks;
     ● start-up and goodwill;
     ● consultancy services, thereby including the establishing of the business plan; the cost
        of the business plan must not exceed 3% of the overall investment or a maximum
        amount of 5,000 euro;
     ● promotional activities;
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


         ● cost of patents or other industrial property rights;
         ● working capital connected to the investments for a maximum amount of 40% of
           the investment subject of the funding.
     Investments already underway at the date of submitting the application for funding are
     not admitted, nor are expenses already incurred before said date.

     The following grants are envisaged:
         ● cfinancing in the form of low-interest loans or guarantees for loans, leasing opera-
           tions and equity loans to cover the expenses of investments made in the territory
           of the Regione Toscana, for a maximum of 312,500 euro, and a duration of not
           less than 60 months or more than 180 months (possibly consisting of a 12-month
           pre-amortisation period):
         ● financing in the form of low-interest loans, up to 50% of the amount of interest
           charged for loans, up to a maximum of 50,000 euro of the same secured loan and
           disbursed in a lump sum;
         ● financing for guarantees, issued to financiers for a maximum secured amount not
           exceeding 80% of the amount of the loan; within the limits of said amount, the
           guarantee covers up to 80% of the amount of overdrafts for capital and contractual
           interest and arrears. The maximum secured amount is established in 250,000 euro.
           The guarantee is issued without charges or expenses for the applicant company.
           The applications for access to facilitated loans for amounts of less than € 50,000.00
           are examined with priority.

      Applications may be submitted at any time of year up until 30 April 2015 and the
      grants are awarded until depletion of the resources.

     Submitting the application and admission procedure
          1) submit the application simultaneously to the financier subjects and Fidi Toscana,
             which acts on behalf of the Regione, by following the instructions and the model
             provided by Fidi Toscana and made available on this page upon launching the call
             for applications. In the case of funding for less than 50,000 euro, the application
             procedure foreseen is simplified.
         2) Fidi Toscana, again on behalf of the Regione, carries out the examination of the
             applications in chronological order of submittal, verifying the prerequisites of
             the applicant companies and requesting any additions to the documentation if
             deemed necessary;
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


                                                3) within two months after the date
   Regulations                                      of submitting the application for
                                                    a guarantee and/or a contribu-
                                                    tion, or within six months in the
   ● Regional Law no. 21 dated 29 April 2008        event of acquisition of shares, Fidi
   ● Regional Law no. 28 dated 11 July 2011,        Toscana will inform the company
       “Amendments to Regional Law no. 21           of its admission or otherwise to the
       dated 29 April 2008                          requested grants;
                                                4) the company must make the in-
   ●    Regional regulation implementing Re-        vestment within twelve months
       gional Law no. 21 dated 29 April 2008        after the date of disbursement of
       (Promotion Promotion of businesses run       the funding or after the date of
       by young people, females and subjects        payment of the company’s share
       already receiving social welfare) and        capital; within the two following
       methods of submitting the application,       months it must provide documen-
       Attachment “A”.                              tation of all expenses incurred.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze



     Focus on gender and racial differences within the frame-
     work of health and safety in the workplace 1

     In addressing the topic of women’s work, it is not possible to overlook the fact that safety
     and prevention in the workplace must be examined in a gender perspective, also taking
     into account the project already implemented by INAIL (National Institute for insurance
     for occupational accidents) for the purpose of identifying a model of exposure to pro-
     fessional risks that complies with both male and female specificities. Health and safety
     in the workplace are governed in Italy by Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent
     amendments and additions, also known as the “Consolidation Act concerning health and
     safety in the workplace”. With the entering into force of the degree and the subsequent
     corrective provision, it has passed from a concept of safety in “neutral” terms (excepting
     the pre-existing protection actions linked to maternity and paternity) to the introduction
     of a specific focus on the “diversities” relating to gender and to migrant conditions, and
     therefore provenance from other countries, making the consideration of the differences in
     terms of prevention and safety a legal obligation. Already in the first article of Legislative
     Decree 81/2008 concerning the purpose of the regulations, there is focus on the diversi-
     ties concerning not only gender differences, but also the condition of workers coming
     from third-party countries:

           Purposes 1.
           [....]. This legislative decree pursues the goals [....] guaranteeing the uniformity
           of the protection of female and male workers in the national territory through
           compliance with the essential levels of performance concerning civil and social
           rights, also with regard to the differences of gender, age, and the condition of
           female and male workers who are immigrants.

     Other articles in this Consolidation Act focus on the differences within the context of risk
     assessment, the promotion of health and safety, and information and training.

     (1) Source: INAIL publication “Health and safety in the workplace, also a question of gender” vol. 1 (September
     2011), within the project of the same name promoted by the INAIL Regional Directorate for Tuscany and the
     CPO INAIL together with the Regione Toscana, targeting awareness of health risks for female and male workers
     in the aim of being able to intervene on the same, reducing as to a minimum damage to health with an ap-
     proach to the issue of safety that starts from recognition of the characteristics linked to the workers’ gender.
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


  Risk assessment

  Risk Assessment
  The overall and documented risk assessment of all risks for the health and safety of workers
  found within the context of the organisation where carry out their activities, aimed at identify-
  ing the appropriate prevention and protection measures and drawing up the programme of
  the measures aimed at guaranteeing and improvement of health and safety over time.

  Risk Assessment Document (DVR)
  This is the document that must be drawn up by the employer after having made an as-
  sessment of all the risks present in the workplace and concerning the activities performed
  by the workers.
  Said document must contain the following:
   ● an assessment report of all the risks for safety and health during the work activities in
      which the criteria adopted for assessing the same are specified;
   ● all indications of the prevention and protection measures implemented and the personal
      protection equipment adopted;
   ● an explanation of the procedures for implementing the measures to be taken, as well
      as the roles of the corporate organisation who are to be in charge of the same; said
      responsibilities must only by assigned to subjects possessing the necessary skills and
   ● indications of the name of the person in charge of the prevention and protection service,
      the workers’ representative for safety, or the national representative, and the competent
      physician who took part in the risk assessment;
   ● an explanation of the tasks that could eventually expose the workers to specific risks
      that require recognised professional ability, specific experience, adequate training and

According to the Consolidation Act, the risk assessment must be carried out by paying due
attention to differences in gender and race concerning workers from foreign countries, as
indicated in article 28, “Purpose of the risk assessment” subsection 1:
“The assessment [....], also in the choice of work equipment and substances, or chemical
preparations used, as well as the layout of the workplace, must take into consideration all
the risks for the health and safety of workers, thereby including those concerning groups
of workers exposed to specific risks, including those connected to work-related stress [....],
and those concerning female workers who are pregnant [....], as well as those connected
to differences of gender, age, and provenance from other countries [....]”.
Camera di Commercio di Firenze - Prefettura di Firenze


     For a health and safety system that is sensitive to the differences, it is necessary however,
     for a real evolution in the approach, through three successive steps:

     ● the performance-related approach that just envisages the drawing up of the risk assess-
     ment document (DVR). This approach makes it possible to observe but without however
     guaranteeing the placing in safety of health;

     ● the classical strategic approach, for ongoing improvement of the work conditions for
     the purpose of psycho-physical and social wellbeing in relation to which it is possible to
     assess the risks and plan how to reduce them. Therefore, this approach can only really be
     effective through a “sensitive to gender” approach;

     ● the “sensitive to gender” approach that is based on the appropriateness and fairness,
     and is characterised by the adopting of instruments aimed promoting participatory dynam-
     ics and widespread empowerment , satisfying all legal requirements. These instruments
     must enable the promoting and guaranteeing of health and safety, also in relation to the
     fact that the works could come from other countries and be women and men.

     Promotion and information
     To ensure health and safety in the workplace it is not sufficient just to “inform”, rather, it is
     necessary to “communicate”, that is, to implement informative strategies that involve the
     recipients as well and allow for obtaining changes in their behaviour. Effective communica-
     tion is essential for disseminating the new visions of the concept of health and safety that
     is no longer “neutral” but instead takes into consideration the differences of the workers,
     due to gender or provenance from other countries. In order for the new concept of health
     and safety in the workplace to become an integral part of the corporate and social culture,
     it is necessary for targeted awareness campaigns to be implemented that use a language
     capable of “enhancing and promoting gender differences”.
     Communication must adapt to the new situation in the labour world (an increase in
     the presence of women and foreign citizens) focussing not only on a generic target, but
     putting people in the forefront who differ from the other, and who have different codes
     and processes of signification.

     Training is an educational process via which knowledge and useful procedures are trans-
     ferred to the workers and other subjects of the company prevention and protection system
     to allow then to acquire skills for performing their relative tasks in safety and for identifying,

     (2) “Empowerment” is a growth process based on the increasing of self-esteem, self-effectiveness and self-deter-
     mination that allows latent resources to emerge and helps the individual gain knowledge of and implement his/
     her own potential.
Il lavoro delle donne: regole e opportunità


                                                                 reducing and managing risks.
  Definitions:                                                   Article 37 of the “Training of workers
                                                                 and their representatives” underlines
                                                                 in subsection 13 how, in the case of
  System for promoting health and safety:                        training foreign workers it is first nec-
  a series of official entities that contribute, with
                                                                 essary to verify their understanding
  the participation of the social partners, in the
                                                                 and knowledge of the language used
  realisation of intervention programmes aimed
                                                                 in the training process. Training in
  at improving the health and safety conditions
                                                                 health and safety in terms of gender
  of the workers. Subsection 6 of Article 11 of the
                                                                 aims at developing “non-neutral skill”.
  Consolidation Act on promotional activities of
                                                                 This is training that takes into account
  the culture of prevention actions stresses that
                                                                 the gender variables right from the
  “within the context of their respective institu-
                                                                 designing of the contents, adapting the
  tional duties, the public administrations promote
                                                                 language and communication styles
  activities specially designed for immigrant or fe-
                                                                 accordingly. The goal of this training
  male workers, in the aim of improving the levels
                                                                 approach is to achieve the following
  of protection of the same in the workplace”.
                                                                 positive effects:

                                                                  - a reduction in the gender stere-
  Information:                                                      otypes;
  a series of activities aimed at supplying useful
  knowledge for the identification, reduction and
                                                                  - a strengthening of coping skills ,
  management of risks in the work environment.
                                                                    empowerment , and self-reflection
  With regard to information on health and safety
                                                                    regarding their work;
  for workers in the workplace, Article 36 of the                 - the ability to recognise discrimination
  Consolidation Act states that: “the contents of                    at work (towards themselves or oth-
  the information must be easy for the workers                       ers) and sexual harassment.
  to understand and must allow them to acquire
  the relative knowledge. Where the information                  In order to pass from a “neutral” train-
  concerns immigrant workers, this takes place                   ing to a “gender awareness” training it
  after verifying their understanding of the lan-                is necessary to integrate the contents
  guage used in the information process”.                        foreseen in the Consolidation Act with
                                                                 “gender” contents:

Contents of the training:
  1. principles of Community and national law (integration: EU and Italian legal principles
     regarding equal opportunities and non-discrimination);
  2. general and specific legislation regarding health and safety at work (integration: life-
     work reconciliation; positive actions; codes of conduct and codes of ethics);

(3) “Coping” refers here to the strategies implemented for managing stressful situations or conflicts.
(4) See note no. 2
(5) Thinking about oneself in a detached manner, from the outside.
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