Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric

Page created by Rose Barnett
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
Improving the quality of life
                                                   of everyone we touch through
                                                   our innovative motion systems
Johnson Electric Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
Stock Code: 179

Sustainability Report 2021
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
Johnson Electric in 2021

         Employing over
                                            motion solutions to over
  39,000 people including                    1,700    customers
  more than
           1,500 engineers

             Producing over
       2.5 million motors
        and actuators per day

        Operating in            Generating Total Sales Revenue of

       22 countries                   US$   3.2 billion
           4 continents                and Net Income of
                                      US$   212 million
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
                                            2                                          Improving the quality of life of
                                                                                       everyone we touch since 1959

                                            4                                          Message from the Chairman and
                                                                                       Chief Executive

                                            6                                          Sustainable development goals
                    CO2 intensity
                                            14                                         Sustainability in our products
                  dropped by                                                           and operations

                    compared to last year   26                                         Environmental responsibility

                                            35                                         Responsibility for our workforce

                                            50                                         Responsibility for our communities

                                            53                                         Corporate governance

                                            60                                         HKEx ESG reporting guide

                                            63                                         Key performance indicators

                                            66                                         Verification statement
                        Total workforce,
                           by gender        67                                         About this report

                       Male      Female
                      59% 41%

                                                                                                   Improving the quality of life
                                                                                                   of everyone we touch through
                                                                                                   our innovative motion systems
                                                Johnson Electric Holdings Limited
                                                (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
                                                Stock Code: 179

                                                Sustainability Report 2021

Johnson Electric Technical College
     more than400  students                 Sustainable world through a kid’s eyes
                                            – Johnson Electric is an active player in
          in Mexico & China
                                            creating a sustainable future for the
                                            world through our innovative motion
                                            solutions and our positive impact on
                                            local communities where we operate.
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric

    Improving the quality of life
    of everyone we touch
    since 1959

                                                    When Mr. and Mrs. Wang Seng Liang
                                                    founded Johnson Electric in 1959, it was out
                                                    of the simple purpose to help make people’s
                                                    lives better – through the products we made
                                                    and the jobs we created.

                                                    Over the next 62 years, this unspoken purpose has remained
                                                    our guiding ethos, witnessing the growth of Johnson Electric
                                                    from a small Hong Kong business to a multinational company
                                                    employing over 39,000 people in 22 countries spanning Asia,
                                                    Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America.

                                                    Today, Johnson Electric Group is a global leader in the supply
                                                    of precision motors, motion subsystems and related electro-
                                                    mechanical components to the automotive industry and other
                                                    industrial and consumer sectors. Johnson Electric Holdings
                                                    Limited, the Group’s parent company, is listed on The Stock
                                                    Exchange of Hong Kong.

                                                    Stepping up to become an active player in
                                                    driving a sustainable future
                                                    “Business as usual is no longer sufficient to meet the challenges
                                                    of this century, let alone preserve our noble purpose to help
                                                    improve people’s lives.” – Dr. Patrick Wang, Chairman and
                                                    Chief Executive

                                                    Our world is becoming more unpredictable each day –
                                                    the emergence of COVID-19 being a prime example. Rapid
                                                    economic growth has led to environmental degradation on
                                                    a global scale and contentious social issues in many parts of
                                                    the world. Johnson Electric believes it is time that we bring our
                                                    purpose to the forefront, leveraging our expertise in motion
                                                    systems and our experience in serving local communities, to do
                                                    good as well as to deliver sustainable value to our stakeholders.
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                 Improving the quality of life of everyone
                                                                                    we touch since 1959

                                    Our Promises

      CUSTOMERS                                                               LOCAL COMMUNITIES
  Making our customers                                                            Enriching our local
      successful with                                                                communities
motion solutions that deliver
more comfortable, safer and            Our Vision
   healthier products for
                                   To be the world’s definitive
         end users
                                provider of innovative and reliable
                                         motion systems

                                     Our Purpose
                                 To improve the quality of life of
                                  everyone we touch through
                                 our innovative motion systems
      EMPLOYEES                                                                   ENVIRONMENT
Inspiring our employees to                                                    Protecting our environment
 grow, act with ownership                                                        for future generations
  and find fulfilment and
meaning in the work they do

                                Maintaining financial strength and
                                 delivering sustainable growth in
                                   profits and cash generation
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric

    Message from the
    Chairman and Chief Executive

                                                      The past 12 months have
                                                      been truly extraordinary
                                                      for most people and most
                                                      businesses worldwide.

                                                      For Johnson Electric, with
                                                      operations in 22 countries
                                                      across four continents,
                                                      the onset of the COVID-19
                                                      pandemic represented an
                                                      enormous risk to the
                                                      business and livelihoods
                                                      of our people. But our top
                                                      priority was and remains
                                                      the very practical matter
                                                      of keeping our people
                                                      safe and well.

                   Patrick Shui-Chung Wang JP
                       Chairman and Chief Executive
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                    Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive

Throughout this difficult period, I       Committee with a mandate to             Our Industry Products Group is also
have seen many instances that give        create a disciplined, structured        contributing to a more sustainable
me great pride in the people and          approach and to ensure support          world with products that directly or
culture of Johnson Electric. We           for social impact and                   indirectly address environmental
reacted quickly after the outbreak of     sustainability activities around        and social needs. As lifestyles
COVID-19, putting the health and          the globe                               became more home-centric in
safety of our employees, customers,                                               response to the pandemic, there
suppliers and the people in our         • Updating our MARBLE values to           was a surge in demand for products
communities at the forefront. The         directly reflect our commitment to      to improve the quality of life in the
range of protective actions we            “Be sustainable”                        home. We seized the opportunity to
implemented have so far managed                                                   apply our innovative technology and
                                        • Issuing a “green plant” checklist
to prevent any major outbreaks                                                    application expertise to offer
                                          for our factories to drive further
among our 39,000 employees                                                        attractively priced products. These
                                          improvements in environmental
worldwide.                                                                        delivered the right functionality to
                                                                                  delight end-users while also being
Focus on sustainability                 • Setting targets for a 30%               durable and energy-efficient.
                                          reduction in our carbon intensity
The pandemic also created an              by 2030 and a 15% reduction in          In our operations we continue to
environment that encouraged us all        the intensity of our purchased          focus on automation and digital
to reflect on the need for                energy consumption over the             technologies to improve quality,
sustainability. It is clear that          same period                             increase speed and reduce cost.
business as usual is no longer                                                    We are adapting our global footprint
sufficient to meet the challenges of    • Launching a global programme            to provide the right balance of
this century, let alone preserve our      – JEnerations – empowering              global and regional capacity to
noble purpose to help improve             employees to reach out to local         serve our target markets.
people’s lives. In response, Johnson      communities, identify their needs
Electric is stepping up to become         and make a difference to                Sustainability is integral
an active player in driving a             people’s lives
sustainable future.                                                               I believe that our stepping up of our
                                                                                  actions and initiatives demonstrate
Consequently, we have taken a                            JE’s new programme for   that sustainability is integral to
number of actions to strengthen our                      social impact and        Johnson Electric’s product,
                                                         community outreach
focus on sustainability. These                           activities
                                                                                  manufacturing and labour
include:                                                                          strategies. This is not a change in
                                        Innovating for a                          direction but rather a continuation of
• Publishing a purpose statement                                                  our sustainability journey and a
                                        sustainable future
  that embodies the values we                                                     re-emphasis of who we have always
  have pursued since Johnson            At the heart of our product strategy,     been – a company with a simple
  Electric’s foundation, namely “to     we aim to provide innovative cost-        purpose to help make people’s lives
  improve the quality of life of        competitive solutions to customers’       better.
  everyone we touch through our         problems.
  innovative motion systems”. This
  is underpinned by promises to         Our automotive business is
  our customers, employees,             providing an increasing level of          Patrick Shui-Chung WANG JP
  shareholders and local                content for the electric vehicles that    Chairman and Chief Executive
  communities, and for                  will reshape the entire automotive
                                                                                  Hong Kong, August 2021
  environmental protection              industry over the next ten years. I
                                        am very excited by the product and
• Establishing a Global Social          technology line-up that we have in
  Impact and Sustainability             this space.
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric

    Sustainable development goals

    Johnson Electric uses the United Nations (“UN”)
    Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) as
    a framework for determining its sustainability

    The UN published these 17 SDGs                  Core SDGs                            We do not report on progress
    in 2015 as part of a development                                                     towards the other nine SDGs.
                                                    We have prioritized three core
    agenda that charts the course                                                        Although efforts towards these may
                                                    SDGs where we believe we can
    towards a more inclusive and                                                         contribute towards our success with
    sustainable future. The SDGs                    make the greatest impact and         our core SDGs and supporting SDGs,
    explicitly call on all businesses to            “move the needle”. These goals are   they do not provide the same
    apply creativity and innovation to              closely aligned with our product,    opportunity for us to make an impact
    solve sustainable development                   people and manufacturing             on a global level.
    challenges.                                     strategies. Our core SDGs are:

    The SDG Compass, a guide for                    • SDG 8: Decent Work and             Strategies to meet the
    businesses to act on the SDGs,                    Economic Growth                    goals
    encourages companies to define                  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation        Following the formation of our Global
    their priorities, based on an                     and Infrastructure                 Social Impact and Sustainability
    assessment of the SDGs most                     • SDG 12: Responsible                Committee, we have reviewed and
    relevant to the business and its                  Consumption and Production         refreshed our sustainability strategies
    stakeholders. This enables                                                           and established a structured
    businesses to “seize the most                                                        sustainability management
                                                    Supporting SDGs
    important business opportunities                                                     framework. Additionally, commencing
    presented by the SDGs and reduce                We have also identified five         1 April 2021, performance targets
    risk”. The SDGs are interconnected              Supporting SDGs that give further    based on sustainability goals now
    – often the key to success in one               focus to our activities. Efforts     form an element of determining all
    will involve tackling issues more               towards achieving these goals will   individual annual incentive pay,
    commonly associated with another.               also contribute towards success      including the executive management
                                                    with our core SDGs. These            team.
    We monitor the alignment of our                 supporting SDGs are:
    business strategies with the SDGs                                                    The specific targets set by the core
    and consider the actual and                     • SDG 3: Good Health and             and supporting SDGs most relevant
    potential impacts (both positive                  Well-being                         to Johnson Electric’s current activities
    and negative) of our current                    • SDG 4: Quality Education           and business scope, and our related
    activities and scope of business.                                                    strategies are set out on the following
                                                    • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and
    We also assess which of these                                                        pages.
    goals are most important to our
    stakeholders in their interactions              • SDG 13: Climate Action
    with Johnson Electric. This forms               • SDG 17: Partnerships for
    the basis for defining our priorities.            the Goals
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                          Sustainable development goals

Core SDGs
               SDG 8                We have identified significant alignment between our purpose to improve the quality
               Decent Work          of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems and the goals of
               and Economic         SDG 8. At the heart of our people strategy is the promise to inspire our employees to
               Growth               grow, act with ownership and find meaning and fulfilment in the work they do.
                                    Our materiality assessment has identified that meaningful work, human and labour
                                    rights, increased productivity and the decoupling of growth from environmental
                                    degradation as key concerns for our management and many of our stakeholders.

 Relevant targets set by SDG 8      Related strategies                                                       In our report

 Achieve higher levels of           We are introducing advanced manufacturing technologies to                Sustainability in
 economic productivity through      achieve higher levels of productivity.                                   our products and
 diversification, technological                                                                              operations
 upgrading and innovation

 Improve progressively, through     As a technology leader for lightweight, high-power-density               Sustainability in
 2030, global resource efficiency   motion solutions, we provide energy-efficient products that              our products and
 in consumption and production      reduce emissions, improve fuel consumption, have a longer                operations
 and endeavour to decouple          working life and require fewer resources in their manufacture.
 economic growth from
                                    We are committed to improving resource efficiency in                     Environmental
 environmental degradation
                                    production and endeavour to decouple our growth from                     responsibility
                                    environmental degradation.

 Achieve full and productive        We provide meaningful, sustainable work with equal                       Responsibility for
 employment and decent work         employment opportunity.                                                  our workforce
 for all women and men

 Substantially reduce the           In China and Mexico, the Johnson Electric Technical College              Responsibility for
 proportion of youth                (“JETC”) provides a pathway for underprivileged youth to                 our communities
 (aged 15-24 years) not in          choose engineering as a viable career option and join the
 employment, education              Group’s workforce upon graduation. JETC provides a mix of
 or training                        general and technical education over a three-year course. We
                                    operate a similar scheme in Niš, Serbia, working hand-in-hand
                                    with a local technical school. The Group also partners with
                                    schools and universities to support the provision of quality
                                    technical and vocational education.
                                    We offer internships and apprenticeships to youth as routes to

 Take immediate and effective       We are committed to the abolition of child labour and                    Responsibility for
 measures to eradicate forced       elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour. We              our workforce /
 labour and end child labour in     take practical measures to prevent this in our own factories,            Sustainability in
 all its forms                      and embed this requirement in our relationships with                     our products and
                                    suppliers.                                                               operations

 Protect labour rights and          We are committed to respecting the labour and human rights               Responsibility for
 promote a safe and secure          of all our employees and to providing a safe and secure                  our workforce
 working environment for all        working environment in which the dignity of every individual is
 workers, including migrant         respected.
                                    We have embedded employee safety in our operations model                 Sustainability in
                                    and require every Johnson Electric factory to apply our health           our products and
                                    and safety standards.                                                    operations /
                                                                                                             Responsibility for
                                                                                                             our workforce
Improving the quality of life of everyone we touch through our innovative motion systems - Sustainability Report 2021 - Johnson Electric

    Sustainable development goals

    Core SDGs
                            SDG 9                     Core elements of Johnson Electric’s product and manufacturing strategies are
                            Industry,                 closely aligned to the goals of SDG 9. We invest in innovation to provide unique
                            Innovation                motion solutions to customer problems and employ more than 1,500 engineers
                            and                       around the world. Our manufacturing strategy includes the strengthening of in-region
                            Infrastructure            fulfilment capabilities. We are introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient
                                                      manufacturing technologies and localizing internal and external supply chains for
                                                      our factories in Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Our stakeholders
                                                      also express a strong interest in our innovation and in the sustainability of our
                                                      manufacturing model.

       Relevant targets set by SDG 9                  Related strategies                                                In our report

       Make industries sustainable,                   We are introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient        Environmental
       with increased resource-use                    manufacturing technologies to our factories.                      responsibility
       efficiency and greater adoption
       of clean and environmentally
       sound technologies and
       industrial processes

       Enhance scientific research                    We innovate and create the technical capability to provide        Sustainability in
       and upgrade the technological                  unique solutions to our customers’ problems. We are               our products and
       capabilities of industrial sectors             introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient               operations
       in all countries, in particular,               manufacturing technologies to our factories, including sites in
       developing countries                           developing countries.

       Support technology                             We are shaping the Group’s operating footprint to be in closer    Sustainability in
       development and research and                   proximity to our customers, building up the capabilities of our   our products and
       innovation in developing                       factories in several developing countries, and supporting this    operations
       countries, including industrial                through the localization of supply chains.
       diversification and value
       addition to commodities
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                             Sustainable development goals

Core SDGs
                 SDG 12                Support for responsible consumption is one of the key drivers of our product
                 Responsible           strategy. We are seizing the opportunity to offer lightweight, high-power density
                 Consumption           motion solutions at an attractive price. Many of our products directly target emissions
                 and                   reduction and improved energy efficiency. In our factories, we seek to minimize
                 Production            waste and prevent environmental harm from our production processes. Our
                                       materiality assessment has identified that many of our stakeholders are deeply
                                       interested in the opportunities presented by this SDG or concerned by the risks of
                                       unsustainable consumption and production.

 Relevant targets set by SDG 12        Related strategies                                                       In our report

 Sustainable management and            As a technology leader for lightweight, high-power density               Sustainability in
 efficient use of natural              motion solutions, we provide attractively priced products that           our products and
 resources                             reduce emissions, improve energy and fuel consumption,                   operations
                                       have a longer working life and require fewer resources in their
                                       We take a systematic approach to resource- and energy-                   Environmental
                                       efficient production.                                                    responsibility
                                       We are exploring ways to increase our involvement in the                 Environmental
                                       circular economy.                                                        responsibility

 Environmentally sound                 We design environmentally friendly products and processes.               Environmental
 management of chemicals and                                                                                    responsibility
 all wastes throughout their life
                                       Some of our products enable the complete replacement of the              Sustainability in
 cycle, in accordance with
                                       internal combustion energy, while others reduce harmful                  our products and
 agreed international
                                       engine emissions.                                                        operations
 frameworks, and significant
 reductions in their release to air,   We take practical steps to protect the environment wherever              Environmental
 water and soil to minimize their      we operate around the world.                                             responsibility
 adverse impacts on human
 health and the environment

 Substantially reduce waste            We reduce customers’ waste generation by designing                       Sustainability in
 generation through prevention,        products that have a longer working life and require fewer               our products and
 reduction, recycling and reuse        resources in their manufacture.                                          operations
                                       We recycle scrap from our own production processes to                    Environmental
                                       recover as much of these valuable resources as possible.                 responsibility

 Adopt sustainable practices           We take practical steps to protect the environment wherever              Environmental
 and integrate sustainability          we operate.                                                              responsibility
 information into the reporting
                                       We provide a safe working environment for our employees and              Responsibility for
                                       protect their labour and human rights.                                   our workforce
                                       We monitor our sustainability performance through regular                Corporate
                                       management reporting and publish an annual sustainability                governance

     Sustainable development goals

     Supporting SDGs
                             SDG 3                     Efforts towards good health and well-being contribute towards success with our core
                             Good Health               SDGs. In particular, our motion-related innovations in the medical field and in active
                             and Well-being            and passive automotive safety functions support our efforts towards achieving
                                                       certain of the innovation-related goals in SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and
                                                       Infrastructure. Our management of health and safety risks in the workplace provides
                                                       additional focus for providing a safe and secure working environment for all workers
                                                       to meet the goals of SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

        Relevant targets set by SDG 3                  Related strategies                                                In our report

        Reduce the global maternal                     Johnson MedTech designed electrodes and circuits enable an        Sustainability in
        mortality ratio and end                        advanced fetal monitoring patch for higher-risk pregnancies       our products and
        preventable deaths of                          and assist doctors in making the best decisions for mother        operations
        newborns                                       and baby.

        Reduce mortality from non-                     Johnson MedTech designs and delivers innovative technology        Sustainability in
        communicable diseases                          solutions for improved patient well-being and better clinical     our products and
        through prevention and                         outcomes.                                                         operations

        Halve the number of global                     We meet demands for better road safety with products for          Sustainability in
        deaths and injuries from road                  active and passive vehicle safety applications.                   our products and
        traffic accidents                                                                                                operations

        Substantially reduce the                       We ensure that our products are free from harmful chemicals.      Sustainability in
        number of deaths and illnesses                                                                                   our products and
        from hazardous chemicals, and                                                                                    operations
        air, water and soil pollution and
                                                       We deploy the necessary resources to protect employees’           Responsibility for
                                                       health and safety from hazardous chemicals and processes          our workforce
                                                       and to prevent pollution.

                             SDG 4                     Our support for quality education in science, technology, engineering and
                             Quality                   mathematics (“STEM”) subjects adds focus to our efforts to create Decent Work and
                             Education                 Economic Growth, as required by SDG 8. We seek to provide a pathway for youth to
                                                       gain the technical and vocational skills to choose engineering as a career.

        Relevant targets set by SDG 4                  Related strategies                                                In our report

        Ensure equal access for all                    JETC, operating in China and Mexico, assists underprivileged      Responsibility for
        women and men to affordable                    youth, providing a mix of general and technical education over    our communities
        and quality technical,                         a three-year full-time residential programme. We employ
        vocational and tertiary                        similar educational concepts in Niš, Serbia, working hand-in-
        education, including university                hand with a local technical school.
                                                       The Group also partners with schools and universities to          Responsibility for
        Substantially increase the
                                                       support the provision of quality technical and vocational         our communities
        number of youth and adults
                                                       education. The Group’s Junior Engineer programme
        who have relevant technical
                                                       encourages children to have an interest in STEM subjects and
        and vocational skills, for
                                                       allows all employees to become involved in educational
        employment and decent jobs
                                                       outreach to the community.
                                                       We offer internships and apprenticeships to youth, as routes to   Responsibility for
                                                       employment.                                                       our workforce
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                           Sustainable development goals

Supporting SDGs
                SDG 11              Our efforts to enable cleaner transportation and more sustainable homes and
                Sustainable         buildings add additional focus to our efforts towards meeting the goals of SDG 12:
                Cities and          Responsible Consumption and Production, as do our efforts to minimize the
                Communities         environmental impact of our factories.

 Relevant targets set by SDG 11     Related strategies                                                        In our report

 Reduce the adverse impact of       We enable cleaner transportation with products that enable                Sustainability in
 cities. This includes paying       hybrid and all-electric vehicles to supplant conventional                 our products and
 special attention to air quality   internal combustion engine vehicles completely, or that                   operations
 and municipal and other waste      reduce emissions from internal combustion engines. We offer
 management                         a wide variety of solutions for heating and ventilation systems,
                                    window automation and smart-meter applications for more
                                    sustainable homes and buildings.
                                    We seek to drive down the cost of beneficial products to                  Sustainability in
                                    enable wider adoption of these technologies. We encourage                 our products and
                                    customers to switch to products that use fewer resources in               operations
                                    their manufacture and last longer in operation, thereby
                                    reducing waste.
                                    We minimize the environmental impact of our factories,                    Environmental
                                    including air quality and waste reduction and management.                 responsibility

                SDG 13              Our efforts to develop innovative products that reduce emissions and energy
                Climate             consumption directly support our efforts towards the goals set by SDG 9: Industry,
                Action              Innovation and Infrastructure and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and
                                    Production. Our manufacturing strategy also supports these goals as we seek to
                                    reduce carbon emissions arising from our operations.

 Relevant targets set by SDG 13     Related strategies                                                        In our report

 Integrate climate change           Support for electric vehicles and energy efficiency are key               Sustainability in
 measures into policies,            elements of our product strategy.                                         our products and
 strategies and planning                                                                                      operations
                                    We are introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient                Environmental
                                    manufacturing technologies to our factories and have set a                responsibility
                                    clear target for reducing our carbon intensity.
                                    We are reducing CO2 from transportation through closer                    Sustainability in
                                    proximity with customers and suppliers, and shorter logistics             our products and
                                    routes.                                                                   operations

 Improve capacity on climate        Our high-precision components for the automotive industry                 Sustainability in
 change mitigation                  perform mission-critical functions in hybrid and all-electric             our products and
                                    vehicles and reduce emissions from internal combustion                    operations
                                    engine vehicles.
                                    Our Industry Products Group provides solutions that reduce                Sustainability in
                                    electricity consumption for hundreds of product applications.             our products and
                                    We also enable the complete replacement of the internal                   operations
                                    combustion engine for a number of outdoor applications.

     Sustainable development goals

     Supporting SDGs
                             SDG 17                    Our partnerships for the goals underpin our efforts on all our Core SDGs and
                             Partnerships              Supporting SDGs. We are part of a complex web, working together with our
                             for the Goals             customers, suppliers, employees and governments and communities where we
                                                       operate to achieve the sustainable development goals.

         Relevant targets set by SDG 17                Related strategies                                               In our report

         Promote the development,                      We innovate and create the technical capability to provide       Sustainability in
         transfer, dissemination and                   unique solutions to our customers’ problems. This includes       our products and
         diffusion of environmentally                  both creating capability and solving customers’ problems in      operations
         sound technologies to                         developing countries.
         developing countries
                                                       We are introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient       Environmental
                                                       manufacturing technologies to our factories, including our       responsibility
                                                       factories in developing countries.

         Effective and targeted capacity-              We are progressively expanding the Group’s operating             Sustainability in
         building in developing countries              footprint with factories in 18 countries, including nine         our products and
         to implement all the sustainable              developing countries1. All Johnson Electric factories are        operations /
         development goals                             required to operate according to our standards for               Environmental
                                                       environmental and health and safety management, protection       responsibility /
                                                       of human and labour rights, and corporate governance. 100%       Responsibility for
                                                       of our manufacturing facilities around the world are certified   our workforce /
                                                       under ISO 14001 for environmental management systems.            Corporate
                                                       80% of our facilities are certified under ISO 45001:2018 or      governance
                                                       OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety management

         Significantly increase the                    We have a number of factories in developing countries1 and       Sustainability in
         exports of developing countries               contribute towards the exports of Argentina, Brazil, China,      our products and
                                                       Hungary, India, Mexico, Poland, Serbia and Turkey.               operations

         Enhance the global partnership                Johnson Electric actively engages with customers, employees,     Corporate
         for sustainable development,                  suppliers and communities around the world to fulfil shared      governance /
         complemented by multi-                        sustainability goals. These include responsible consumption      Responsibility for
         stakeholder partnerships that                 and production, climate action, sustainable cities and           our communities
         mobilize and share knowledge,                 communities, good health and well-being, and quality
         expertise, technology and                     education. Our employees are especially proactive in
         financial resources, to support               organizing regular community outreach activities to engage
         the achievement of the                        with and support the local communities in which we operate.
         sustainable development goals
                                                       Our place in this global partnership is expressed through our
         in all countries, in particular,
                                                       purpose statement and promises.
         developing countries

         Developing countries according to the
         International Monetary Fund’s World
         Economic Outlook Database, April 2021
our life

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations
     Core SDGs                                                     Supporting SDGs

     Johnson Electric is a leader in the               security; superior product                We promote brushless motor
     supply of precision motors, motion                functionality; or ease of use that        solutions for demanding
     subsystems and related electro-                   reduces barriers to age, gender           applications, where energy
     mechanical components. Within                     and disability equality, Johnson          efficiency, continuous variability,
     this defined market space we seek                 Electric delivers. From this, we          precision and control, or the
     sustainable business growth and                   develop attractively priced               durability to withstand constant use
     target segments where “mega-                      products that offer effective             are critical. Our brushless
     trends”, regulatory change or                     solutions to our customers’               electronically commuted motors
     technology advancements are                                                                 have a higher power density for
                                                       problems, including the
     driving demand.                                                                             increased energy efficiency and
                                                       environmental and social impacts
                                                                                                 enjoy a much longer operating life
     We work closely with our customers                of their business.
                                                                                                 than brushed motors. We will
     across a diverse range of                                                                   continue to support brushed-motor
                                                       Sustainability is also intrinsic to our
     industries and geographies to                                                               technology – and innovate for
                                                       product development, as a direct
     understand their customers’                                                                 improved efficiency and increased
                                                       result of engineering for efficiency.
     requirements and preferences.                                                               longevity – to provide a complete
     Whether those requirements are for                Our engineers strive to “make
                                                                                                 product range where customers
     better energy efficiency and                      customers successful and end
                                                                                                 require this.
     reduced emissions; a cleaner                      users delighted” with products that
     environment; support for the smart                consume fewer resources in their          Our vertical integration also assists
     revolution in the car and home, and               manufacture, use less energy to           customers in reducing their
     the transfer of mundane work to                   deliver the required performance          environmental footprint. Rather than
     artificial intelligence; improved                 and functionality and have a longer       simply purchasing a motor from us,
     health and well-being; improved                   operating life.                           increasingly customers are asking
                                                                                                 us to provide a more complete
                                                                                                 subsystem, including the motor,
                                                                                                 switch, gears and controlling
                                                                                                 electronics. This is cost-effective for
                                                                                                 the customer, simplifying the
                                                                                                 customer’s logistics flow and
                                                                                                 reducing the negative
                                                                                                 environmental impacts of
                                                                                                 transportation and packaging.

                                                                                                               Our “Eco Motion” symbol
                                                                                                               denotes those products
                                                                                                               that improve energy and
                                                                                                               fuel efficiency. The green
                                                                                                               leaf in the centre is marked
                                                                                                               with the Greek letter Eta,
                                                                                                               the engineering symbol for
        This year, our laboratory in Halver, Germany gained accreditation
                                                                                                               efficiency; it is enclosed by
        from UL and IEC for testing switches for use in appliances
                                                                                                               a circle to represent motion
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                           Sustainability in our products
                                                                                                          and operations

Products Group
The automotive industry enables the high degree of mobility that shapes modern life and
its industry, cities and communities. It provides access to economic opportunities and improved
standards of living. However, this mobility comes with environmental and social impacts, including
climate change, pollution, noise, congestion, road traffic accidents and resource depletion.

We apply our innovative technology to contribute to a more sustainable automotive industry by
tackling some of these environmental and social challenges. We create positive impacts with the
electrification of critical automotive funtions in new energy vehicles (“NEV”) to improve performance
and lengthen the service life of critical components. We also help mitigate the negative impacts of the
internal combustion engine (“ICE”). This represents a significant source of opportunity and growth,
especially as the industry shifts from ICE to NEV to lower carbon emissions and reduce climate
change risks.

The table below shows the typical sustainability benefits for a selection of APG’s products.

                                                                        New energy vehicle           ICE vehicle

Thermal management                                                         Increased range                Reduced fuel
Integrated thermal                                                         Greater longevity
management system                                                          of critical                    Lower engine
for electric vehicle                                                       components                     emissions

Braking, steering and                                                      Generation of                  Reduced fuel
suspension                                                                 braking force                  consumption
                                                                           without ICE
Electric brake booster                                                                                    Lower engine
provides braking force,                                                                                   emissions
replacing conventional
braking systems

Transmission and                                                           Increased range                Reduced fuel
driveline                                                                                                 consumption
                                                                           Greater longevity
Electric oil pump                                                          of critical                    Lower engine
for lubricating and                                                        components                     emissions
cooling eAxle

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations

                                                                           New energy vehicle        ICE vehicle

     Engine management                                                                                 Reduced fuel
     and exhaust treatments                                                                            consumption

     Exhaust gas                                                                                       Lower engine
     recirculation motor to                                                                            emissions
     control NOx emissions
     from diesel engines

     Weight reduction                                                         Increased range          Reduced fuel
     Powder-metal                                                             Better power to
     suspension                                                               weight ratio             Lower engine
     components provide                                                                                emissions
     durability and lower
     weight than die-cast

     Safety                                                                   Reduced                  Reduced
                                                                              frequency and            frequency and
     Haptic motor to give
                                                                              severity of road         severity of road
     driver alerts through
                                                                              traffic accidents        traffic accidents
     the seat

     Noise and EMI                                                            Our products meet        Our products
     reduction                                                                tough noise and          meet tough
                                                                              EMC requirements         noise and EMC
     Heating, ventilation
     and air-conditioning
     actuators for quiet
     delivery of air to the
     passenger cabin

     For more information on APG’s products for NEV, please see our annual investor briefing and our solutions by
     automotive segments on
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                        Sustainability in our products
                                                                                                       and operations

Products Group
The Industry Products Group (“IPG”) serves a wide range of industrial, professional and
consumer application segments. Many of these segments are undergoing rapid social and
technological change and disruption, arising from a complex mix of demands and priorities that
generate positive and negative impacts on economic, environmental and social development

The increasing variety of devices and equipment that contain electro-mechanical components
benefits social development, improving quality of life and removing barriers to equality as
equipment becomes smaller, lighter and easier to use. However, the trade-off is often
environmental stress from increased demand for energy, as well as increased mining and
processing of raw materials. As long as products with better environmentally friendly
credentials come at a higher cost, the adoption of more environmentally friendly products will
remain slow. Consumers are likely to opt for technologies with a lower cost but a shorter life
cycle or poor energy efficiency.

IPG seizes this opportunity to apply our innovative technology and application expertise to
bring attractively priced products to market. We create positive impacts on sustainability with
products that encourage energy awareness; replace the internal combustion engine especially
in outdoor applications; improve health and well-being with fetal monitoring patches, and
products for medication delivery and surgical automation; and lower barriers to equality. We
mitigate the negative impacts of the consumer economy with products that help our customers
improve energy efficiency, decrease carbon emissions and reduce pollution.

Governments are another key stakeholder influencing demand for energy-efficient
technologies, issuing directives limiting the power consumption of certain types of appliances
or tightening the requirements for energy-efficient buildings. Governments also
influence consumer markets indirectly by means of energy taxes,
energy-efficiency labelling regulations for domestic appliances,
energy awareness campaigns and smart-meter rollouts.

By nature, many of IPG’s products improve sustainability.
The table on the following page shows a typical spread
of sustainability benefits for a selection of products.

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations

                                                       change and
                                                       energy                                          Health and      Waste
                                                       efficiency        Noise             Equality    well-being      prevention

     Brushless                                          Energy-            Quieter than                                  Long life
     motors for                                         efficient          brushed                                       cycle
     power tools                                                           motor tools

     Window                                             Better                                           No cord         Long life
     blind                                              management                                       – kid           cycle
     automation                                         of natural                                       friendly
                                                        light and

     Smart                                              Increased                                        Designed        Long life
     meter and                                          consumer                                         for safety      cycle
     gas valve                                          responsibility                                   first
                                                        for energy

     Lawn and                                           Direct             Low noise is      Lighter     Chainsaw        Long life
     garden,                                            replacement        a basic           and         on-off at       cycle
     agriculture                                        for ICE            requirement       easier      the touch
     and                                                mowers and         for lawn and      to use      of a switch
     forestry                                           tools              garden

     Air filtration                                     Energy-            Low                           Improved        Long life
     system                                             efficient for      noise for                     air quality     cycle
                                                        all-day use        unobtrusive
                                                                           all-day use

     Medication                                                            Imperceptible                 Precise
     delivery                                                              noise for                     dosage
     system                                                                unobtrusive                   and
                                                                           all-day use                   reliability

     For more information on IPG’s products and growth trends, please see our annual investor briefing and our solutions
     for industry segments on
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                                                            Sustainability in our products
                                                                                                                                           and operations

Building a global-local manufacturing footprint
We aim to support our customers by being close to where they operate and
being able to ensure fast and reliable supply and a highly responsive
service. To execute this strategy, we are strengthening in-region capabilities,
introducing advanced resource- and energy-efficient manufacturing
technologies to our factories across Asia, North America, South America and
Europe, including factories in nine developing countries 1. In support of this,
we are increasingly localizing internal and external supply chains. This is
expected to deliver a number of positive impacts to our sustainability (see
table on next page).

Operating in 22 countries across four continents

   Sales & support office

1 We contribute to the exports of Argentina, Brazil, China, Hungary, India, Mexico, Poland, Serbia and Turkey, all listed as developing economies in the International
  Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database, April 2021

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations

       Positive impacts from closer proximity to customers
                                          Economic              Environmental             Social
       Action                             impact                impact                    impact                    Governance impact

       Shortening logistics                Lower freight        Lower CO2                Increased                Closer
       routes                               costs                 emissions from            connections to            engagement with
                                                                  transportation            local                     customers
                                           Reduced                                         communities
                                            inventory levels
                                           Swifter response
                                            to changes in

       Increasing                          Lower exposure       Reduced                  Creating local           Mitigation of
       localization of                      to tariffs and        packaging                 employment and            risks from global
       internal and external                duties with           materials                 developing                trade issues
       supply chains                        increased local                                 technical
                                            content                                         capabilities
                                           Lower exposure
                                            to exchange rate
                                           Strengthening
                                            local economies

       Developing a                        Capacity             Disseminating            Building a more          Increased
       diverse                              building,             advanced                  diverse                   business
       manufacturing                        including             resource- and             workforce                 resilience from
       footprint – with the                 developing            energy-efficient                                    reduced reliance
       ability to source                    countries             manufacturing            Upgrading the             on any single
       materials and                                              technologies to           technical                 country or
       components from                     Stable spend          our factories,            capabilities of           factory
       alternative regions                  line                  including our             local industrial
       – in case of                                               factories in              sectors
       localized disruption                                       developing

     Changes in operations
     During FY20/21 we commenced                         announced plans to cease
     manufacturing operations in                         manufacturing in Newport, Isle of
     Jiangmen, China, our digital                        Wight, United Kingdom; Beihai,
     flagship factory. In Zacatecas,                     China; and Ozd, Hungary.
     Mexico, we opened a second                          Manufacturing operations from
     manufacturing floor, expanding                      these factories will be transferred to
     production. We are planning further
                                                         other facilities in the Group. Our
     expansion of both of these factories
                                                         Newport site will continue to host
     and will also expand our facilities in
                                                         an engineering centre. We will
     Niš, Serbia and Changzhou, China.
                                                         retain a manufacturing presence in
     As part of the optimization of our                  Hungary through our factory in            Changzhou ground-breaking ceremony
     operating footprint, we also                        Hatvan.
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                               Sustainability in our products
                                                                                                              and operations

Thriving in a digital world
We are transforming our business       The lead plant for this digital                  reskilling employees to take their
through advanced automation and        transformation is our next-                      place in this transformed
digital technology. We are evolving    generation manufacturing facility in             environment. This year we
from a labour-intensive model to a     Jiangmen, China. This is Johnson                 upgraded this reskilling initiative,
more digitally advanced enterprise.    Electric’s first fully integrated digital        with the soft-launch of a JE
Our industrial logic requires us to    factory, running the latest                      Baccalaureate programme. This
align our design and production        Manufacturing Executions Systems                 structured three-year internal
processes to reduce cycle times        (“MES”), Product Lifecycle                       training course aims to equip
and is geared towards higher           Management (“PLM”) and                           technical workers with the
volume product segments featuring      Enterprise Resource Planning                     competencies to support our digital
more standardized designs.             (“ERP”) systems.                                 transformation and growth.
Through this transformation we aim     The structural changes in the way                Our transformation to a more
to improve the long-term               work is done will have an impact                 digitally advanced business model
sustainability of our business by:     upon the size and profile of our                 will take some time to complete.
                                       workforce, as processes become                   Component designs and
• Providing innovative cost-           less labour-intensive and require
  competitive solutions to                                                              manufacturing methods cannot
                                       different skill sets – especially as
  customers’ problems                                                                   always be easily changed in the
                                       repetitive manual tasks shift to
                                                                                        middle of the customer’s product
• Accelerating automation to           being performed by artificial
                                                                                        life, especially in the automotive
  improve quality, increase            intelligence.
                                                                                        segment. Consequently, we need
  productivity and manage cost         We engage regularly with                         to continue to work with many of
                                       employees on this topic through                  our legacy manufacturing lines for
• Improving resource and energy
                                       discussion, training and                         some time. But, even here, there
                                       workshops, and our in-house social               are opportunities to apply new
• Reducing space (and land)            media platform. Additionally, we                 technologies, such as machine
  requirements for our factories       offer a number of courses on our                 vision, to achieve close-to-zero
                                       in-house training platform aimed at              defects and reduce waste.
• Reducing our vulnerability to the
  shrinking availability of labour
  due to demographic changes
  (declining birth rates and ageing
  populations) in nearly all major
  manufacturing economies

This uplift in our manufacturing and
functional capabilities closely
aligns with the sustainable
development goals of increasing
productivity and decoupling
economic growth from
environmental degradation. It is key
to progress in SDG 8: Decent Work
and Economic Growth, SDG 9:
Industry, Innovation and
Infrastructure, and SDG 12:
Responsible Consumption and            Electric vehicle coolant circulation pump production in Shajing, China

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations

     Our operations model
     Our operations model is designed                  • We set the workplace in
     to provide customers with value,                    order for safety and          Johnson Electric’s operations model
     ensure employee safety and                          efficiency and measure our
     strengthen environmental                            safety performance                           Standards
     protection, while embracing a
                                                                                                 “5S” organized, safe,
     quality culture and continuous                    • We facilitate a quality
                                                                                              clean & efficient workplaces
     improvement mindset. Through                        culture and attitude. Quick
                                                                                           Operator & technician certification
     this, we aim to drive consistency                   response quality control
     with one standard approach across                   and Eight Disciplines of             Incoming inspection audits

     our global operations.                              problem solving drive                 Preventative maintenance
                                                         teams to leverage their                     Standard work
     This operations model drives
                                                         combined skills and
     improvements in our sustainability                                                     Quick response action plans &
                                                         knowledge to solve               Eight Disciplines of problem solving
                                                                                       Pre-launch / process change control plans
     Environmental performance – We
                                                       Governance performance –                Johnson Electric Product
     promise to protect the environment                                                          Development System
                                                       We practice “Plan, Do,
     for future generations
                                                       Check, Act”, whereby leaders               Capable processes
     • We measure our environmental                    drive standards and                      Layered process audit
       performance and drive                           discipline to achieve                        Gemba Kaizen
       improvement                                     performance targets and

     • We design products and
                                                       goals                                             
       processes to be environmentally                 • Leaders have clear
       friendly                                          responsibilities and                         Execution
                                                         performance targets
     • We seek to minimize waste from                                                                 Leadership
       our operations                                  • We ensure consistent                  Teamwork & collaboration
                                                         performance across our                        Standards
     Social performance – We promise
                                                         global organization.
     to inspire our employees to grow,                                                                   Skills
                                                         Standards are available,
     act with ownership and find                                                                       Discipline
     fulfilment and meaning in the work                  released as control
     they do                                             documents, with supporting
                                                         work instructions and
     • We create a common work                           training materials in local
       culture across the Group with                     languages                                  Performance
       every employee in an operations
       role, direct or indirect, skilled to            • We set standards for
                                                         behaviour. Our MARBLE                        Environment
       apply standards and empowered
       to make decisions. We                             values are the guiding                         Quality
       encourage team spirit and self-                   principles and compass for                 On-time delivery
       discipline                                        our business
                                                                                                      Cost control
S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T 2021
                                                                                      Sustainability in our products
                                                                                                     and operations

Quality assurance culture and policy
Johnson Electric is committed to       simulation and testing, capability       2
                                                                                    These international standards
providing Safe Choice solutions,       analysis and safe product launch             include:
using superior designs, world-class    procedures.
                                                                                    • ISO 9001 for quality
quality systems and controlled                                                        management systems
manufacturing processes to meet        Continuous improvement
                                                                                    • IATF 16949 (which contains
or exceed our customers’
                                       From humble beginnings as a                    sector- specific supplemental
requirements.                                                                         requirements on applying ISO
                                       Hong Kong manufacturer of motors
                                                                                      9001 for the automotive
                                       for toys, Johnson Electric has
International recognition and          become a global leader in motion
compliance                                                                          • IECQ QC080000 hazardous
                                       systems across a wide range of
                                                                                      substance process
To meet the increasing quality         industries. The company has a                  management system for
requirements demanded by our           heritage of setting ambitious                  hazardous-substance- free
customers and government               targets and driving continuous                 legal and customer
                                                                                      requirements such as RoHS,
regulations, our manufacturing         improvement – a heritage
                                                                                      ELV and REACH
facilities and in-house testing        engrained in the company values
laboratories are certified under the   system.                                      • ISO 13485 quality management
                                                                                      system for meeting regulatory
relevant international standards 2.                                                   requirements for the medical
Additionally, our products are         Johnson Electric is committed to
                                                                                      devices industry
compliant with the necessary           continuous improvement; this and
                                       Making our Customers                         • ISO 17025 for testing and
health, safety and environmental                                                      calibration laboratories
protection requirements as tested      Successful, are the basis for
by recognized external testing         long-term success in our business
laboratories and bodies.               and those stakeholders who
                                       depend on us. Our MARBLE values         production quality system. Our
                                       ask every employee to Reach             vertical integration business model
Quality assurance in new
                                       Higher and set stretched goals.         provides speed and agility to
product development
                                       We strive to Be Sustainable, taking     respond immediately to changes in
We are committed to developing         into account the long-term social       customer and market demand,
and manufacturing innovative           and environmental impacts of our        identify opportunities to reduce and
market-leading product solutions       operations as well as the               eliminate waste, while driving the
that deliver high performance,         operations of our partners and          highest standards in product
superior quality, reliability and      suppliers. Our products should          quality and process capability. We
safety. The Johnson Electric           also contribute to the sustainability   are reducing variation and taking a
Product Development System             of the planet. We Excel in              systematic approach to increasing
(“JEPDS”) combines engineering         Execution with Practical                the service level provided to our
and manufacturing product quality      Solutions to achieve the high           customers; this is being achieved
planning methodologies to ensure       standards of quality and                through business process
the safe and flawless execution of     performance expected by our             digitization and increased
new product launches. From the         customers and stakeholders. We          automation.
initial conceptual design, through     work not only to meet those
product design verification and        expectations, but also to exceed
validation, these methodologies        them, through continuous cycles of
include advanced product quality       learning, shop-floor practicality and
planning, V-model product              a “can-do” mindset.
development, quality function
deployment, simulation-led design,     Our connected global
design and process failure mode        manufacturing footprint shares a
effects analysis, reliability          uniform supply chain and common

     Sustainability in our products
     and operations

     Customer feedback handling                        Every logged complaint is analysed     Recall and traceability
     system                                            thoroughly, using the Eight            In the case of incidents arising from
     We log any customer complaint or                  Disciplines problem-solving            customer feedback or internal
     warranty claim in our Global 8D                   methodology and supporting             control processes, any issue
     Database. This communication                      analytical tools, such as 5W2H, 5      relating to safety or health will
     channel between front-line staff                  Whys, Fish-Bone Diagrams, Fault-       trigger defined product recall
     and engineers in our manufacturing                Tree Analysis, Design of               procedures. Unique product
     locations enables a team-approach                 Experiments, Hypothesis Tests and      identifiers and manufacturing
     to identifying, correcting and                    other advanced analytical tools. All   execution traceability systems
     eliminating problems. A description               knowledge gained from                  enable timely and appropriate
     of the problem, details of any                    understanding the physics of           response actions.
     containment actions, root cause                   failure feeds into our new product
     analysis and permanent corrective                 development and continuous-
     actions are recorded in the system.               improvement systems.

     Supply chain sustainability
     Our engagement with suppliers is                    standards such as ISO 9001, ISO        suppliers to sign our updated
     driven by our focus on Innovation                   14001, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO            Supplier Code. Suppliers are
     and Safe Choice. Our robust                         13485. Additionally, we support        also required to comply with the
     supplier qualification procedures                   suppliers to strive for continuous     US Foreign Corrupt Practices
     require due consideration of cost,                  improvement and better                 Act, the UK Bribery Act 2010 and
     quality, environmental awareness,                   performance, and encourage             the criminal law in their country of
     ethical behaviour and social                        compliance with conflict minerals      operations
     responsibility before ordering                      requirements. We have recently
     regular supplies from any supplier.                 signed an agreement with a           • Required by the Group’s
     We continue to monitor                              third-party specialist company to      purchase terms and conditions to
     performance against these                           streamline and strengthen our          adhere to directives set by the
     requirements throughout the                         conflict minerals and cobalt           International Labour
     business engagement through                         reporting processes                    Organization’s “ILO Declaration
     annual risk assessments and                                                                on Fundamental Principles and
     supplier self-assessments.                        • Required to be committed to            Rights at Work” and the United
     Ordinarily, we conduct some                         social and environmental               Nations’ “UN Guiding Principles
     on-site supplier sustainability                     responsibility and ethical             on Business and Human Rights”.
     audits; however this was                            practices. This year, we updated       These set out principles on
     suspended during FY20/21 to                         our Supplier Code of Conduct           freedom of association, right of
     reduce risk during the COVID-19                     (the “Supplier Code”) to               collective bargaining, the
     pandemic.                                           strengthen our requirements for        abolition of child labour and the
                                                         suppliers regarding human and          elimination of all forms of forced
     The Group’s suppliers are:                          labour rights, the environment         or compulsory labour and
                                                         and ethics and behaviour. Every        discrimination in the workspace
     • Contractually required to be                      supplier is required to comply
       certified under relevant                          with and sign our Supplier Code
       international quality and                         and in the coming year, we plan
       environmental management                          to begin a campaign for
Caring for our
Johnson Electric’s worker bees: A biodiversity
project in the grounds of our São Paulo, Brazil
factory has attracted Atlantic Forest insects,
birds, lizards and small mammals. This gives
testimony to the low level of environmental
stress at the site

     Environmental responsibility

     Core SDGs                                                    Supporting SDGs

     We promise to protect the environment for future

     Our environmental strategy and policies address
     climate change risk, the use of natural resources
     including water and raw materials, the prevention
     of pollution and the minimization of waste wherever                                              30%     by
     we operate. We aim to decouple our growth from
     environmental degradation.                                                                        2 0 3 0

     Environmental                                     • Promoting environmental              All Johnson Electric sites are
     management                                          awareness in our workforce           required to apply this EHS
                                                         through regular communication        management system and track
     We take practical steps to protect                  and training                         their performance in reaching
     the environment wherever we
                                                                                              specific environmental objectives
     operate. This includes:                           • Committing appropriate resources
                                                         and leadership to our Global EHS     and targets. Furthermore, 100% of
     • Complying with applicable                         management system; and               our manufacturing locations have
       environmental laws and                                                                 obtained ISO 14001:2015
       regulations                                     • Communicating our environmental      certification for their environmental
                                                         performance to stakeholders and      management systems.
     • Designing environmentally                         seek their involvement wherever
       friendly products and processes                   applicable                           We identify the most significant
                                                                                              environmental aspects for each
     • Continuously improving our                      Our diverse manufacturing footprint
                                                                                              manufacturing location and set
       Global Environment, Health and                  includes factories in countries with
                                                                                              specific environmental
       Safety (“EHS”) management                       varying regulatory frameworks. Our
                                                                                              performance objectives and
       system to set and maintain                      Global EHS management system
                                                                                              targets. Management reviews then
       rigorous standards for managing                 ensures an uncompromising and
                                                       proactive approach to identifying,     ensure continuous improvement in
       our environmental risk
                                                       monitoring, managing and               the site’s environmental
     • Improving our environmental                     controlling environmental risks        performance. We also require an
       management by defining                          worldwide, regardless of differing     environmental assessment for any
       appropriate objectives and                      environmental standards and            new construction project or site
       targets on a regular basis                      regulations.                           expansion.
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