Page created by Marshall Kramer

                                                                CONRAD MALDIVES RANGALI ISLAND



                                           SOCIAL IMPACT
                                           Team Member support
                                                                             29   About this report
                                           Diversity and inclusion           31
OUR BUSINESS                        5      Inclusive growth                  33
                                                                                  This report contains information about Hilton’s
About Hilton                        6      Human rights                      35
                                                                                  Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Our material issues                 8      Community support                 37
                                                                                  performance. Our report has been prepared in
Stakeholder engagement              9      Disaster relief                   40
                                                                                  accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Driving change                      11
                                           GOVERNANCE                        41   Standards and integrates the recommendations of the
Preserving destinations            12
                                           Board composition                 42   Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and
Sustainability innovation          13      and independence
                                                                                  the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
2020 highlights                    14      ESG oversight                     43
2030 Goal tracking                 16
                                                                                  (TCFD). In addition to the information found in this
                                           Ethical business                  44
                                                                                  report and on our website, we externally report on our
                                           Risk management                   45
                                                                                  Travel with Purpose strategy, programs and progress
                                           Public policy and advocacy        47
Energy & carbon                   20                                              towards our 2030 Goals in Hilton’s Form 10-K, Annual
Water                              22      APPENDIX                          48   Report and Proxy Statement. We obtain third party
Waste                             24       Performance tables                49   assurance over selected data disclosed in this report,
Responsible sourcing               26      SASB table                        53   as indicated in our 2020 Assurance Statement. All
                                           GRI index                         54   financial figures indicated in this report are in U.S.
                                           Assurance statement               68   dollars, unless otherwise noted.



About Travel with Purpose                                                                                              About the Hilton Effect Foundation
At Hilton, we know the success of our business is         Through Travel with Purpose, we seek to create positive      Launched in 2019, the Hilton Effect Foundation is our
linked to our ability to operate and grow sustainably.    environmental and social impact across our operations,       primary global philanthropic arm, supporting efforts
As one of the world’s largest hotel companies, we         supply chain and communities. We pursue best-in-class        to create a better world to travel. The Foundation is a
recognize that we have a critical responsibility to       operational excellence, engage our guests, owners and        nonprofit established in the U.S. and is registered as
protect our communities and our planet, so the            Team Members, and use our innovation and influence           a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
destinations where we operate can remain vibrant          to make meaningful differences in the destinations and       		 The Foundation awards grants to projects and
and resilient for generations of travelers to come.       communities in which we operate. We use LightStay,           partners that will make a lasting positive impact on
		 Travel with Purpose is Hilton’s Environmental,         our award-winning ESG management system to track,            travel destinations around the world. Hilton Effect
Social and Governance (ESG) strategy to drive             analyze and report our environmental and social              Grants are awarded annually to nonprofits that help
responsible travel and tourism globally. We have          impact at each of our hotels, and our progress towards       us advance our Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals. The
committed to double our investment in social impact       our 2030 Goals.                                              Hilton Effect Foundation also invests in short-term
and cut our environmental impact in half by 2030.                                                                      relief and long-term resiliency efforts to support
Our overarching Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals                                                                         communities and constituencies impacted by
are underpinned by targets which closely align with                                                                    natural disasters and hardship. As part of its strategic
the global Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”)                                                                      commitment, the Foundation also supports signature
adopted by the United Nations in 2015.                                                                                 multi-year partnerships with the International Youth
                                                                                                                       Foundation and World Wildlife Fund.

 	The images in this report may
   not reflect COVID-19 related
   requirements such as face
   coverings and social distancing

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                        3

                                                 From the outset of the                                       		 Through it all, our Team Members were the
                                                                                                              heart of these efforts, spreading hospitality to
                                                 COVID-19 pandemic, we knew                                   our guests in communities across the globe, and

                                                 that staying true to Hilton’s                                offering gestures of hope that were all the more
                                                                                                              meaningful in such a turbulent year. Thanks to
                                                 founding vision – to fill the                                their grit, hard work and resilience, we continued to

                                                 earth with the light and
                                                                                                              make a difference, and we were humbled to receive
                                                                                                              recognition for our efforts, including being:
                                                 warmth of hospitality – would                                • 	Named the 2020 Global Industry Leader on the

                                                 be critical to sustaining our                                   Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the second
                                                                                                                 consecutive year;
                                                 business and the people and                                  •	Recognized as the #1 Best Company to Work For in
                                                 communities we serve.                                           the U.S. and the #3 World’s Best Workplace by Great
                                                                                                                 Place to Work Institute and Fortune Magazine; and,
                                                 Throughout a year filled with uncertainty and upheaval,
                                                                                                              •	The only global hotel brand named to the 100 Best
                                                 I’ve been so inspired by our Team Members who rose
                                                                                                                 Corporate Citizens of 2020 list.
“More than ever, the global
                                                 to the challenge, proving that our hospitality is an
                                                 unstoppable force for good all around the world.             		 More than ever, the global community is relying on

  community is relying on the                    		 Despite the pandemic’s unprecedented impact               the private sector to lead the way in building resilience
                                                                                                              and inclusive growth in a complex world. Knowing that
                                                 on the global hospitality industry, Hilton remained
  private sector to lead the                     fully committed to our Travel with Purpose 2030              Hilton has a unique role to play in making that growth

  way in building resilience                     Goals, and our teams worked tirelessly to be part of         a reality, we refreshed our materiality assessment in
                                                 the solution to this global crisis. With the support of      2020 to ensure that our Travel with Purpose goals are
  and inclusive growth in a                      our Owners, Team Members and partners around                 closely aligned with the most critical environmental,
                                                                                                              social and governance (ESG) issues, focusing our
  complex world.”                                the world, we focused on helping those on the front
                                                 lines of the pandemic – from making one million              efforts where we can have the greatest impact.
                                                 room nights available to medical professionals, to           		 In a year like no other, Hilton never wavered in
                                                 supporting relief organizations with emergency               its commitment to our people and the planet we all
                                                 funding, to donating food and other essential supplies       call home. As we look ahead, we will continue to lean
                                                 to our local communities. We activated our Team              into the legacy we have created, allowing us to have
                                                 Member Assistance Fund to offer direct support to            an even more profound and positive impact on the
                                                 those in need, and distributed more than a million           communities where we live, work and travel. I’m proud
                                                 dollars from the Hilton Effect Foundation, providing         of all we have accomplished in 2020 and know that
                                                 recovery funding to severely impacted communities            together, our Hilton family will continue leading the
                                                 and constituencies. In the face of social unrest around      way in sustainable travel for years to come.
                                                 the world - particularly in the United States - we
                                                 strengthened our commitments to diverse leadership
                                                 in our hotels and corporate offices, as well as our
                                                 partnerships with racial justice organizations fighting
                                                                                                              Christopher J. Nassetta
                                                 for a more just and equitable society.
                                                                                                              President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                                              April 9, 2021

 HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                4

                         ABOUT           OUR MATERIAL         STAKEHOLDER     DRIVING          PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY        2020                2030 GOAL
                         HILTON          ISSUES               ENGAGEMENT      CHANGE           DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION            HIGHLIGHTS          TRACKING

                                                                                  Hilton is one of the largest hospitality
                                                                                  companies in the world. For more than
                                                                                  100 years, we have been an innovator in
                                                                                  the industry, driven by the vision of our
                                                                                  founder Conrad Hilton “to fill the earth
                                                                                  with the light and warmth of hospitality.”

                                                                                                               BAKER'S CAY RESORT KEY LARGO, CURIO COLLECTION BY HILTON

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                    5
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                    OUR BUSINESS                  ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT               SOCIAL IMPACT                  GOVERNANCE            APPENDIX

                            ABOUT           OUR MATERIAL                 STAKEHOLDER               DRIVING           PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY                  2020         2030 GOAL
                            HILTON          ISSUES                       ENGAGEMENT                CHANGE            DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION                      HIGHLIGHTS   TRACKING

About Hilton                                                                                                                                                 OUR BRANDS

                                                                                                                                                             Luxury and Lifestyle

Founded in 1919, Hilton is a leading global                                                            Our Team Members
hospitality company with a portfolio of 18                                                             Hilton defines Team Members as

world-class brands.
                                                                                                       employees at Hilton corporate offices
                                                                                                       and owned and managed properties,
                                                                                                       and employees of franchisees who work
                                                  Our business model                                   on-property at independently owned
                                                                                                                                                             Full Service

                                                                                                       and operated franchise properties
                                                  We organize our operations into two                  in the Hilton portfolio. Our Team
                                                  distinct and separately managed                      Members are our greatest asset and
                                                  operating segments:                                  we are committed to fostering a culture

                                                  1.	Management and franchise of hotel                of inclusivity and empowering all Team
                                                      brands on behalf of third-party hotel            Members to reach their full potential.
countries & territories                               owners
                                                  2.	Our ownership segment, comprising                Hilton Supply Management
                                                      hotels that are owned or leased by
                                                      Hilton or our affiliates                         Hilton Supply Management (HSM) is
                                                                                                       the global procurement and supply
                                                  A more detailed description of our                   chain arm of Hilton. HSM develops                     Focused Service

363,605                                           business model can be found in our                   and negotiates product and service
                                                  public filings.                                      supply programs with suppliers around
Team Members (Global), including                                                                       the world to make available goods and
230,960 in the U.S.                                                                                    services at the best combination of
                                                     OPERATING HOTELS                                  price, quality and service. HSM services

                                                                              1 (1%)
                                                                             Joint Venture by
                                                                                                       over 11,000 properties, including 4,500
                                                                                                       non-Hilton branded hotels. Coordinating
                                                                                                       with over 80,000 Tier 1 suppliers globally,
                                                                                                       including more than 1,200 unique
                                                           Total              15 (11%)
                                                                             Managed by Hilton
                                                                                                       corporate and property contracted
                                                                                                       suppliers, HSM sources over 500,000
                                                                            	5,646 (87%)                                                                    Timeshare
                                                                              Franchised               products for hotels around the world.
                                                                            	56 (1%)

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                          6
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                       OUR BUSINESS                      ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                       SOCIAL IMPACT                     GOVERNANCE                  APPENDIX

                                     ABOUT                OUR MATERIAL                 STAKEHOLDER                   DRIVING               PRESERVING                SUSTAINABILITY                 2020                 2030 GOAL
                                     HILTON               ISSUES                       ENGAGEMENT                    CHANGE                DESTINATIONS              INNOVATION                     HIGHLIGHTS           TRACKING

  2020 Global workforce (Corporate offices, owned and managed hotels)
  Gender1                                         Management level                                                                                 Board diversity2
                            	43%                                            	81%
                              Women                                            Non-Management
                                                                               Management             93       %

                                                                                                      Full time employees
                                                                                                                                                   11     %

                                                                                                                                                   Ethnic diversity3
                                                                                                                                                                                         44        %

                                                                                                                                                                                         Gender diversity1

  2020 U.S. workforce (Corporate offices, owned and managed hotels)
  Gender1                                         Management level                                    Generation                                   Ethnic diversity3
                            	52%                                            	86%                                              	1%                                White                               28%
                              Women                                            Non-Management                                     Silent
                            	48%                                            	14%                                              	27%                               Latinx
                              Men                                              Management                                         Baby Boomer                     Black/
                                                                                                                                                        African American
                                                                                                                                  Gen X                              Asian                  15%


EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                    OUR BUSINESS                ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT              SOCIAL IMPACT            GOVERNANCE                  APPENDIX

                          ABOUT            OUR MATERIAL                STAKEHOLDER             DRIVING          PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY       2020                    2030 GOAL
                          HILTON           ISSUES                      ENGAGEMENT              CHANGE           DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION           HIGHLIGHTS              TRACKING

Assessing our material issues

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We periodically assess our




                                                ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS




material issues to ensure we                    Disaster preparedness & response

are aligning our programs                       Biodiversity & destination stewardship                                                                                   Material ESG
with the issues that matter                                                                                                                                              issues considered
most to our business and                        Climate action

our stakeholders.                               Energy conservation
In 2020, we worked with a third party           Waste management & circular economy
to conduct a thorough ESG materiality
assessment, leveraging guidance                 Water stewardship
from the GRI, SASB and the World
                                                Responsible sourcing of goods & services
Economic Forum. Through our
assessment, we identified more than
                                                SOCIAL ASPECTS
200 potentially material aspects which
                                                Community engagement & empowerment
were consolidated into 17 most material
focus areas. We then conducted                  Economic impact on communities
interviews and surveys to capture
feedback from nearly 1,500 internal             Employee development & wellbeing
and external stakeholders, including
                                                Diversity, equity & inclusion
guests. This table demonstrates our
stakeholders' perspectives on the               Employee & guest health, safety & security
relative importance of each of these 17
                                                Human rights                                                                                                                 Imperative
aspects. In addition to this summary,
further detail can be found in our full                                                                                                                                      Extremely
                                                Engagement with suppliers                                                                                                    important
Materiality Assessment Report.
		 We use the results of our                    Healthy, safe & sustainable food                                                                                             Very important
materiality assessments to ensure                                                                                                                                            Important
that our Travel with Purpose strategy           GOVERNANCE ASPECTS
                                                                                                                                                                             Identified as
remains aligned with our most material          Ethical business practices & reg. compliance                                                                                  growing in
issues, inform management of ESG                                                                                                                                              importance
                                                                                                                                                                              over the next
risks, and drive long-term value for our        Policy engagement & advocacy                                                                                                  3–5 years
business and our stakeholders.

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                        8

                          ABOUT            OUR MATERIAL           STAKEHOLDER             DRIVING          PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY        2020               2030 GOAL
                          HILTON           ISSUES                 ENGAGEMENT              CHANGE           DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION            HIGHLIGHTS         TRACKING

Engaging with our key stakeholders

We view our company as a local business that operates at a global scale. As we seek to redefine
sustainable travel, we regularly consult with our stakeholders on their advice, feedback and
priorities to inform our programs and refine our focus on the most material issues.

We engage with our internal stakeholders
through multiple mechanisms.
Hilton leadership                               Team Members
Our Nominating & Environmental,                 Our network of more than 1,250 Hilton
Social and Governance (ESG)                     leaders shape our Travel with Purpose
Committee oversees our ESG strategy,            programs and guide initiatives at our
and the Board receives annual updates           hotels and offices around the world.
on progress towards our 2030 Goals.
                                                TEAM MEMBERS
CEO AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE                     Feedback is continually captured
Our executives review progress towards          through our Corporate Responsibility
our 2030 Goals alongside other key              Inbox and Hilton Team Member Hotline,
business priorities during Quarterly            and all Team Members globally were
Business Reviews. This process                  invited to participate in our 2020
was paused during 2020 due to the               materiality assessment survey.
pandemic but will restart in 2021.
Hilton leaders receive quarterly updates
on Travel with Purpose performance,                                                                                                                CANOPY BY HILTON CANCUN LA ISLA
including progress towards 2030 Goals,
as part of ongoing business updates.

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                               9
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                 OUR BUSINESS                  ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                  SOCIAL IMPACT                 GOVERNANCE                 APPENDIX

                           ABOUT             OUR MATERIAL            STAKEHOLDER                DRIVING             PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY             2020                  2030 GOAL
                           HILTON            ISSUES                  ENGAGEMENT                 CHANGE              DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION                 HIGHLIGHTS            TRACKING

We see increased interest and engagement                                                                                                                    INDUSTRY COLLABORATION
of our external stakeholders in our ESG programs.                                                                                                           Through our industry associations,
                                                                                                                                                            including the Sustainable Hospitality
                                                                                                                                                            Alliance (SHA), American Hotel &
INVESTORS                                        CLIENTS                                               COMMUNITY MEMBERS                                    Lodging Association (AHLA), US Travel
                                                                                                                                                            Association and World Travel & Tourism
We regularly meet with our investors             We engage with our corporate clients                  We engage with our communities to
                                                                                                                                                            Council (WTTC), we contribute to the
to discuss our ESG programs and                  to solicit their feedback on our Travel               understand the issues that are of biggest            co-creation of industry commitments
progress towards our 2030 Goals, and             with Purpose programs and do our                      importance to them, and to ensure our                related to human rights, carbon,
we provide material, decision-useful             best to align our efforts with their                  programs are addressing their needs.                 water, food waste and other critical
                                                                                                                                                            topics. Among other initiatives, we
ESG information in our Form 10-K, Proxy          own sustainability objectives, such as                                                                     worked with our peers to develop
Statement, Annual Report, and in ESG             reducing the environmental footprint of                                                                    the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s
                                                                                                       We collaborate with our peers in the
questionnaires and ratings indices.              business travel.                                                                                           Principles on Forced Labor, the Hotel
                                                                                                       travel and tourism industry to advance               Carbon Measurement Initiative (HCMI)
OWNERS & DEVELOPERS                              SUPPLIERS                                             collective action on environmental                   and the Hotel Water Measurement
We continually consult with our owners                                                                 and social issues, including driving                 Initiative (HWMI) methodologies to
                                                 We work with our suppliers to help us                                                                      consistently measure and report on
on our Travel with Purpose programs              achieve success in our ESG programs,                  policy agendas that contribute to                    carbon and water in hotels.
through our Owner Advisory Councils,             including identifying innovative                      systems change.                                      		 In addition to this work with
and we collaborate closely with our                                                                                                                         SHA, we are also currently working
                                                 solutions through our strategic                       POLICYMAKERS                                         with the lodging industry and WWF
owners and developers to pilot new               sourcing initiatives, fostering a diverse             Our Government Affairs team engages                  to develop a consistent methodology
sustainability initiatives and achieve our       supply chain through our Supplier                                                                          for the measurement of waste. We
                                                                                                       with policymakers on key ESG-related
mutual sustainability goals.                     Diversity Program, and implementing                                                                        also participate in the Cornell Hotel
                                                                                                       issues.                                              Sustainability Benchmark (CHSB)
GUESTS                                           human rights audits and assessments.                                                                       Index, a free tool which benchmarks
We monitor and address guest feedback                                                                                                                       carbon and water consumption across
                                                 NGOS AND
                                                                                                                                                            hotel brands.
and questions related to our Corporate           INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
Responsibility programs, and we take             Hilton and the Hilton Effect Foundation
guest expectations into account as we            partner with leading NGOs and
refine our efforts.                              international organizations in support
                                                 of our ESG initiatives, including
                                                 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the
                                                 International Youth Foundation (IYF).

                                                                        Rooftop solar panels provide
                                                                        115 MWh of electricity per
                                                                        year for the Hampton Inn &
                                                                        Suites Roseburg, Oregon

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                               10
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                OUR BUSINESS                  ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                  SOCIAL IMPACT               GOVERNANCE                    APPENDIX

                          ABOUT           OUR MATERIAL              STAKEHOLDER                DRIVING            PRESERVING              SUSTAINABILITY           2020                    2030 GOAL
                          HILTON          ISSUES                    ENGAGEMENT                 CHANGE             DESTINATIONS            INNOVATION               HIGHLIGHTS              TRACKING

Driving change across our value chain

Hilton is committed to driving positive
change in every aspect of our business.
Through our Travel with Purpose
2030 Goals, we are taking steps to
integrate social and environmental
stewardship throughout our value
chain every day. Below are some
examples of how Hilton is creating
positive change across our global
operations, communities and supply                 FLOWERS

chain. To learn more about Hilton’s
2030 Goals and how we are directly
contributing to achievement of the
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), please click the link below.

                                                OUR SUPPLY CHAIN                                   OUR OPERATIONS                                    OUR COMMUNITIES
                                           	We partner with our suppliers to protect              We engage our Team Members, owners and          	We invest in our communities to generate
                                             human rights, ensure responsible sourcing and         business partners to advance our positive         inclusive economic opportunities for all,
                                             drive collective action across our business.          impact and preserve resources in our hotels       and to protect the environment for future
                                                                                                   around the world.                                 generations to come.
                                                                                                                   2030 GOALS

      	LEARN MORE                         •	Supporting local businesses by doubling our         •	Preserving resources by reducing carbon       •	Creating opportunities and sustainable
                                              sourcing spend from local, small- and medium-          emissions, water and waste                       solutions for all, including women, youth,
         bout our
                                              sized enterprises and minority-owned suppliers                                                          minorities, Veterans, and persons with
        2030 Goals                                                                                •	Embedding human rights due diligence
                                           •	Protecting human rights by partnering                  across our global operations
                                              with suppliers to eradicate forced labor                                                             •	Bringing Travel with Purpose to life in our
                                                                                                  •	Adopting global best practice standards for
                                              and trafficking                                                                                         communities through skills-based Team
                                                                                                     sustainability management
                                                                                                                                                      Member volunteering
                                           •	Sustainably sourcing meat and poultry,
                                                                                                  •	Engaging and training our Team Members on
                                              seafood and cotton across managed                                                                    •	Preserving local cultural and natural heritage,
                                                                                                     environmental and social issues, to drive
                                              operations                                                                                              and engaging guests in our destination
                                                                                                     change in our hotels and beyond
                                                                                                                                                      stewardship efforts
                                           •	Encouraging our suppliers to set their own
                                              environmental and social goals                                                                       •	Advancing resiliency by investing in disaster
                                                                                                                                                      response and relief efforts

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                              11
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                OUR BUSINESS            ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                SOCIAL IMPACT                 GOVERNANCE               APPENDIX

                           ABOUT            OUR MATERIAL            STAKEHOLDER             DRIVING        PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY             2020                2030 GOAL
                           HILTON           ISSUES                  ENGAGEMENT              CHANGE         DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION                 HIGHLIGHTS          TRACKING

Preserving destinations                                                                                                                            SPOTLIGHT

Hilton recognizes that we have a responsibility to conserve the
environment and protect the communities in which we operate, in
order to preserve destinations for future generations of travelers.

                                                                                                                                                         HILTON SEYCHELLES NORTHOLME
Addressing biodiversity                          Aligning with globally-                       Identifying hot spots                                                   RESORT & SPA

and climate change risk                          recognized standards                          We map 100% of our hotels and
We are taking steps to assess our                We have aligned our LightStay                 pipeline countries against a series
                                                                                                                                                   Protecting paradise
biodiversity risk as well as our exposure        management system with the                    of 26 risk indicators, from modern                  in the Seychelles
to physical climate risks, in accordance         criteria of the UN-founded Global             slavery to deforestation. We work                   In order to preserve the incredible
with guidance from the Sustainability            Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC),           with WWF to identify key destinations               local environment, two Hilton
Accounting Standards Board (SASB)                the most respected seal of approval           that might be experiencing higher                   hotels in the Seychelles have
and the Taskforce for Climate-related            for sustainable travel and tourism            social and environmental stress, to                 implemented a holistic approach
Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We                 practices. This represents a significant      help us prioritize our destination                  to destination stewardship. Hilton
have mapped all of our hotels against            step towards our goal of adopting             stewardship efforts.                                Seychelles Labriz Resort & Spa
the World Database of Protected                  a global standard for responsible                                                                 sources 80% of its vegetables
Areas and the International Union                travel and tourism. While our efforts                                                             from sustainable local farmers,
for Conservation of Nature’s Red List            to further our GSTC certification                                                                 and Hilton Seychelles Northolme
of Threatened Species, and against               process were put on pause this year                                                               has partnered with the Marine
Verisk-Maplecroft’s Climate Change               due to the pandemic’s impacts on                                                                  Conservation Society to help
                                                                                                 	OUR EFFORTS CONTRIBUTE TO
Vulnerability Index. We have also                our business, we continue to identify             THE FOLLOWING SUSTAINABLE                       preserve the local coral reefs.
mapped our U.S. hotels against 100-              opportunities to achieve GSTC                     DEVELOPMENT GOALS:                              Both properties have extensive
year flood zone areas, as designated             certification for our hotels to ensure                                                            waste reduction programs,
by the U.S. Federal Emergency                    the sustainability of our operations.                                                             including a local bottling plant
Management Agency. We are                                                                                                                          that has eliminated the need for
working to develop mitigation plans                                                                                                                single-use water bottles. Through
for existing properties as well as for                                                                                                             their holistic approach and shared
new developments in high-risk areas,                                                                                                               initiatives, these two properties
leveraging our established human                                                                                                                   are demonstrating best practice
rights due diligence processes.                                                                   11.4       12.b
                                                                                                                                                   in destination stewardship.

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                   12
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                 OUR BUSINESS                 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT               SOCIAL IMPACT                 GOVERNANCE                  APPENDIX

                          ABOUT             OUR MATERIAL            STAKEHOLDER              DRIVING           PRESERVING             SUSTAINABILITY              2020                 2030 GOAL
                          HILTON            ISSUES                  ENGAGEMENT               CHANGE            DESTINATIONS           INNOVATION                  HIGHLIGHTS           TRACKING

Leveraging innovation                                                                                                                                  DRIVING INNOVATION

and technology
                                                                                                                                                        THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                                                                                                       When it comes to sustainable travel,
                                                                                                                                                       Travel Labs Asia is already making
                                                                                                                                                       waves. Launched by the Asian
                                                                                                                                                       Development Bank in partnership with
                                                                                                                                                       the Pacific Asia Travel Association
                                                                                                                                                       and open innovation platform Plug
                                                                                                                                                       and Play, Travel Labs Asia is the
                                                                                                                                                       region’s first corporate innovation
                                                                                                                                                       program dedicated to sustainability
Innovation is embedded                          Managing our footprint                           •	Machine-learning:                                  in travel. As a corporate member,
in Hilton’s DNA, and we                         through LightStay                                  Analyzes and predicts utility                       Hilton has access to sustainability-
                                                                                                                                                       focused technology solutions, and
                                                                                                   consumption and costs through
are driving sustainability                      Since 2009, Hilton has used our                    Artificial Intelligence algorithms and
                                                                                                                                                       the opportunity to articulate our
innovation at our hotels                        LightStay management system to                     data-driven models, and alerts hotel
                                                                                                                                                       technology needs and develop pilot
                                                                                                                                                       proposals with solution providers.
around the world.                               measure and manage the impact of our               teams to significant consumption                    Through this partnership we aim
                                                global portfolio. Originally designed to           variances in real time                              to work with innovative suppliers
                                                track environmental data, LightStay                                                                    that can provide triple bottom line
We know that achieving our 2030 Goals
                                                has evolved to measure, manage and               •	Risk mitigation:                                   solutions to our most pressing
will require more than just best-in-class                                                                                                              sustainability needs.
                                                report all of Hilton’s environmental and           Maps all hotels against external risk
operational training, which is why we
                                                social performance metrics. As a global            indices including disaster, climate,
are focused on continuous innovation
                                                brand standard, all of Hilton’s 6,478              water, and human rights risks, to inform
and investing in leading technology
                                                managed and franchised hotels are                  local strategy and priorities
solutions that drive economic and                                                                                                                       UTTING OUR SUPPLIERS
                                                required to use LightStay to track their         •	Engagement tools:                                  TO THE TEST
environmental benefits for our hotels.
This year we continued to enhance our           environmental and social performance               Engages our hotel teams via
                                                against prior years and against peers.             recognition, guidance, trainings and                For our EMEA Engineering Operations
award-winning LightStay platform to                                                                                                                    team, evaluating new technology
drive value for our hotel owners around         LightStay’s features include:                      customized reports, including reports               involves TV-worthy competition. Each
the world. We also engage in strategic                                                             that can be shared with sales clients               year, Hilton suppliers submit proposals
                                                •	Environmental impact tracking:                                                                      for innovative technology solutions
partnerships and innovation challenges                                                           •	Client reporting:
                                                  Tracks energy, carbon, water and waste                                                               that have the potential to save
that enable us to identify, test and                                                               Enables us to accurately measure                    money and reduce the environmental
                                                  consumption, sourcing practices and
implement technologies that will                                                                   our clients’ Scope 3 emissions from                 footprint of our hotels. A group of
                                                  improvement projects, and provides                                                                   hotel Engineering champions reviews
contribute to further reductions.                                                                  transient or group business
                                                  peer performance benchmarking                                                                        the submissions, and top candidates
                                                                                                 •	Third-party verified:                              are invited to present to our experts
                                                •	Social impact tracking:                                                                             in a Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank style
                                                                                                    Externally verified to ensure the
                                                  Measures the impact of volunteer and                                                                 face-to-face competition. A closely
                                                                                                    accuracy and completeness of our data              monitored field trial is arranged with
                                                  donation events and local partnerships
                                                                                                                                                       the winners. If the technology meets
                                                                                                 •	GSTC-Recognized:
                                                •	Best practice sharing:                                                                              our qualifications, the product becomes
                                                                                                    Meets the stringent criteria of the                “Tech Den approved,” allowing our hotel
                                                  Tracks operational, design and
                                                                                                    GSTC                                               leaders to implement the technology
                                                  construction sustainability practices,                                                               with confidence.
                                                  and enables hotels to share best
                                                  practices within our portfolio

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                           13
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                  OUR BUSINESS                   ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                       SOCIAL IMPACT                       GOVERNANCE                        APPENDIX

                         ABOUT            OUR MATERIAL               STAKEHOLDER                   DRIVING            PRESERVING                 SUSTAINABILITY                   2020                        2030 GOAL
                         HILTON           ISSUES                     ENGAGEMENT                    CHANGE             DESTINATIONS               INNOVATION                       HIGHLIGHTS                  TRACKING

2020 highlights

Our response to COVID-19                       PANDEMIC RESPONSE
Throughout the year, Hilton took
                                               Partnered with American Express              Provided meals to medical first                 Partnered with Meals On Wheels                      Named to PEOPLE
action to support our Team Members             and hotel owners to donate up to             responders and community members                to deploy skills-based virtual                      Magazine's 50
and community members impacted                 one million hotel room nights for            in need through partnerships with               volunteering                                        Companies that
by the pandemic. Through Hilton's              U.S. frontline medical professionals         groups such as World Central Kitchen                                                                Care list
                                               leading the fight against COVID-19           and Open Kitchens UK
corporate efforts and the Hilton Effect
Foundation, we awarded more than $1
million dollars in COVID-19 community          Enabled Hilton Honors members to             Supported global organizations                  Recognized by Newsweek as one
response–a significant achievement             respond to the global pandemic by            with COVID-19 emergency response                of the Top 50 U.S. Businesses that
considering the severe impact the              donating their Points directly to our        grants, including World Central                 “Stood Out During the Pandemic”
                                               partners                                     Kitchen, ResponseNet, Project                   for our commitment to housing and
pandemic had on our industry.                                                               HOPE, Direct Relief, Clean the World,           providing meals to frontline medical
                                                                                            and Consorzio Farsi Prossimo                    professionals

                                               Awarded 23 Hilton Effect Grants to organizations
                                               driving inclusive pandemic recovery and community resiliency

                                                                         Harvest                                                                              Russia
                                                                  Against Hunger       MBMHMC                                         Springboard
                                                                        WA, USA          IL, USA                                      United Kingdom
                                                                   Food Forward                                                                                                                    Musubie
                                                                                                        BCAGlobal USA             Lligam
                                                                       CA, USA                                                                         International                               Japan
                                                                                                      NEEF USA                    Spain
                                                                             SCA, USA                                                                  Rescue Committee
                                                                                                                                                       Jordan                              The Nature Conservancy
                                                                                              Love Beyond Walls                                                                            China
                                                                                              USA                                                       Planet Water
                                                                                                                                                         Foundation                  Scholars of Sustenance
                                                                                                                                                                India                Thailand
                                                                                                                        ACE Charity
                                                                                                                            Nigeria              Eco-Soap Bank
                                                                                                                                                 Africa                                      Emmanuel Foundation
                                                                                        The Nature                                                                                           Indonesia
                                                                                       Conservancy                                                                                                     Habitat for
                                                                                              Peru                                                                                                      Humanity
                                                                                                                  Water.org                                                                                    Fiji
                                                                                                                                               WESSA                    KARI Foundation
                                                                                                                                               South Africa                    Australia

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                14
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                   OUR BUSINESS                     ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                   SOCIAL IMPACT               GOVERNANCE                APPENDIX

                          ABOUT            OUR MATERIAL                 STAKEHOLDER                DRIVING             PRESERVING                SUSTAINABILITY          2020                 2030 GOAL
                          HILTON           ISSUES                       ENGAGEMENT                 CHANGE              DESTINATIONS              INNOVATION              HIGHLIGHTS           TRACKING

Progress towards                                ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                                   SOCIAL IMPACT                                       RECOGNITION
our 2030 Goals
                                                Trained our hotels to adopt techniques                 Provided more than $600,000 to Team                 Named 2020 Global Industry Leader on the
We remain fully committed to our                to conserve resources in times of low                  Members in disaster relief and hardship             Dow Jones Sustainability Indices for the
Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals to               occupancy                                              support through the Hilton Team Member              second consecutive year
                                                                                                       Assistance Fund
double our investment in social impact
and cut our environmental footprint
in half. Despite the challenges in 2020,
                                                Continued to cut resource consumption in
Hilton realized many achievements.              our hotels in line with our goal to halve our
Additional 2020 highlights can be               environmental footprint
found in our end of year press release.

                                                Rolled out our                                         Developed and implemented our Disaster              Named the #1 Best Company to Work For in
                                                Hilton EventReady                                      Response Playbook to swiftly deploy                 the U.S. and the #3 World’s Best Workplace
                                                program, creating                                      support for our Team Members and                    by Great Place to Work Institute (GPTW) and
                                                environmental                                          communities struck by natural disaster in           Fortune Magazine
                                                sustainability and                                     any location
                                                social responsibility
                                                standards for all
                                                Hilton meetings and                                    Joined with Tent Partnership for Refugees
                                                events                                                 and Human Rights Campaign to pledge to
                                                                                                       mentor LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers

                                                Contributed to the re-launch of the                    Awarded grants to nonprofits that are at                                   Ranked #2 on the
                                                Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, harnessing           the front lines of the fight for racial justice,                           2020 DiveristyInc
                                                the collective action of the hotel industry to         including the NAACP and National Urban                                     Top 50 Companies
                                                drive positive impact at scale                         League                                                                     for Diversity List

                                                Partnered with Travel Labs Asia to access
                                                and review sustainability innovations and
                                                solutions for our hotels.

                                                                          Began sourcing 100%          Launched our Courageous Conversations               The only global hotel brand named to the 100
                                                                          renewable electricity        Series to engage Team Members in                    Best Corporate Citizens of 2020 list
                                                                          at the majority of our       necessary conversations on racial justice
                                                                          managed hotels in            and promoting equity in the workplace
                                                                          the U.K.

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                 15
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                   OUR BUSINESS                 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                  SOCIAL IMPACT                   GOVERNANCE                 APPENDIX

                              ABOUT              OUR MATERIAL              STAKEHOLDER             DRIVING             PRESERVING               SUSTAINABILITY              2020                  2030 GOAL
                              HILTON             ISSUES                    ENGAGEMENT              CHANGE              DESTINATIONS             INNOVATION                  HIGHLIGHTS            TRACKING

2030 Goal tracking
                                                                                                             Our 2030 Goals align with the UN’s
                                                                                                             Sustainable Development Goals and                   LEGEND
                                                                                                             targets. The corresponding SDG
                                                                                                             for each of Hilton's 2030 Goals is
                                                                                                             included below.

                                                                                                                                                                 Making        On track        Complete

Overarching impact
HILTON'S 2030 GOALS                                                           SDGs                           PROGRESS TO DATE


           Adopt a global standard for responsible travel and tourism,                                       Achieved Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)-Recognized Standard status for
           complementing our existing environmental certifications                                           LightStay
           Engage guests in supporting responsible travel in destination                                     Mapped 100% of hotels against key social and environmental risks
           hot spots                                                          11.4       12.b
On track                                                                                                     Continued to advance collaboration with groups including WWF, WTTC and GSTC to
                                                                                                             advance sustainable destination management


           Support our Team Members affected by disasters                                                    Distributed more than $500,000 to Team Members directly impacted by COVID-19
           Achieve Hilton’s Diversity & Inclusion targets (learn more)                                       Contributed to the development of WTTC’s New Guidelines for Inclusion & Diversity
           Train employees at Hilton managed hotels on relevant                                              Launched our Courageous Conversations Series to engage Team Members in
On track   environmental and social issues                                    5.1,       10.2,               necessary conversations on racial justice and promoting equity in the workplace
                                                                              5.5        10.3
                                                                                                             Awarded grants to nonprofits that are at the front lines of the fight for racial justice,
                                                                                                             including the NAACP and National Urban League
                                                                                                             91% of managed hotels globally have trained all Team Members in Diversity & Inclusion
                                                                                                             and Unconscious Bias, including 100% of managed hotels in the U.S.
                                                                                                             100% of hotel General Managers and Engineers required to be trained in using
                                                                                                             LightStay system


           Encourage suppliers to set goals and validate through                                             Partnered with EcoVadis to track and validate supplier sustainability performance
           auditing and incentive program
                                                                                                             All suppliers are encouraged to observe and abide by Hilton's Responsible Sourcing Policy,
           Create framework for collaboration program with top-tier                                          which is included in all property contracts
           suppliers                                                          12.2,
Making                                                                                                       Where relevant, routinely incorporate sustainability criteria into our sourcing exercises,
progress   Increase data visibility by incorporating social and               12.6                           catalogs and purchasing data
           environmental criteria into supplier registration and inquiry

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                    16
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                        OUR BUSINESS                      ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                         SOCIAL IMPACT                 GOVERNANCE              APPENDIX

                                     ABOUT                OUR MATERIAL                  STAKEHOLDER                  DRIVING                PRESERVING                    SUSTAINABILITY         2020                2030 GOAL
                                     HILTON               ISSUES                        ENGAGEMENT                   CHANGE                 DESTINATIONS                  INNOVATION             HIGHLIGHTS          TRACKING

 Cutting our environmental footprint in half
 HILTON'S 2030 GOALS                                                                         SDGs                                PROGRESS TO DATE


              Science-based targets: Reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon                                                                 56% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (managed hotels)*
              intensity from managed hotels by 61%, and work with
                                                                                                                                 47% reduction in carbon emissions intensity (all hotels)*
              franchisees to reduce Scope 3 carbon intensity from
              franchised hotels by 52% (MT CO2e/m2, 2008 baseline)                                                               Began sourcing 100% renewable electricity at the majority of our managed hotels in the
 On track                                                                                    7.2,       12.2       13.1,         U.K., and added renewable energy option for U.S. managed hotels
              Create and partner with cross-industry networks to                             7.3,                  13.3
              support a low-carbon future                                                    7.a                                 100% of hotels mapped against climate risks
                                                                                                                                 Continued to advance collaboration across industry networks


              Reduce water use in our managed operations by 50%                                                                  47% reduction in water intensity (managed hotels)*
              (liters/m², 2008 baseline)
                                                                                                                                 49% reduction in water intensity (all hotels)*
              Activate 20 context-based water projects in our communities
                                                                                                                                 3 context-based water pilots initiated
              and watersheds of top water risk                                               6.3,       12.2
 progress                                                                                    6.4,                                Mapped 100% of hotels against WRI and WWF water risk indices; 37% of managed hotels
                                                                                             6.6,                                identified to be in areas of high or very high water stress
                                                                                             6.b                                 Investing in community water stewardship efforts through the Hilton Effect Foundation


              Reduce waste in our managed operations by 50% (MT/m², 2008                                                         73% reduction in landfilled waste intensity (managed hotels)*
                                                                                                                                 62% reduction in landfilled waste intensity (all hotels)*
              Reduce food waste sent to landfill by 50% in our managed
                                                                                                                                 88% of portfolio participating in soap recycling, including 100% of North America hotels
              operations (MT/m², 2017 baseline)                                              3.3        12.3,      14.1
 On track
                                                                                                        12.5                     Food waste reduction program established
              Send zero soap to landfill by recycling all used guest soap bars,
              where available                                                                                                    Collaborating with WWF and the hotel industry to develop a standardized waste
                                                                                                                                 measurement methodology
                                                                                                                                 Launched Hilton EventReady program globally, creating waste reduction standards for all
                                                                                                                                 Hilton meetings and events


              Sustainably source (e.g. certified) all meat and poultry, produce,                                                 Partnering with our suppliers to improve access to certified sustainable products
              seafood and cotton at managed hotels (where available)
                                                                                                                                 58 hotels in 7 countries have achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and/or
                                                                                                                                 Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Chain of Custody certification for sustainable
                                                                                             12.2,      14.4,                    seafood
 progress                                                                                    12.5,      14.b                     Cage-free eggs represent 86% of our egg volume in the U.S. and 66% in the U.K. and nine
                                                                                             12.6                                European countries, for our Luxury and Full Service managed hotels

*	Significant improvements in environmental measures during 2020 are primarily attributable to the reduction in system-wide occupancy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

 HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                     17
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                   OUR BUSINESS                   ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                  SOCIAL IMPACT                 GOVERNANCE                  APPENDIX

                                ABOUT              OUR MATERIAL                 STAKEHOLDER            DRIVING             PRESERVING               SUSTAINABILITY            2020                   2030 GOAL
                                HILTON             ISSUES                       ENGAGEMENT             CHANGE              DESTINATIONS             INNOVATION                HIGHLIGHTS             TRACKING

Doubling our investment in social impact
HILTON'S 2030 GOALS                                                                SDGs                          PROGRESS TO DATE


           Double our investment in programs that contribute to                                                  Positively impacted nearly 11,500 refugees since 2015
           sustainable solutions and economic opportunity for all (2017
                                                                                                                 Sourced from 2,700 women-, minority-, veteran-, disabled- and LGBTQ-owned businesses in
           Double our sourcing spend from local, small and medium-sized            1.1,       4.4,   8.b,
On track                                                                                                         50% of brands have at least one brand standard requiring local sourcing
           enterprises and minority-owned suppliers for managed hotels             1.2        4.5    8.5,
           and corporate offices (2017 baseline)                                                     8.6         Joined with Tent Partnership for Refugees and Human Rights Campaign to pledge to
                                                                                                                 mentor LGBTQ refugees and asylum seekers
           Double our investment in youth opportunity programs in
           countries with lowest youth wellbeing (2017 baseline)                                                 Continued to partner with organizations expanding opportunities for youth, including
                                                                                                                 International Youth Foundation, Jobs for America's Graduates, and Springboard


           Embed human rights due diligence across our global operations                                         124,796 Team Members completed our anti-human trafficking training, including 71% of hotel
           and in our supply chain, and partner with suppliers to address any                                    leaders
           form of forced labor or trafficking
                                                                                                                 Achieved 91% compliance with training in Risks of Modern Slavery in Labor Sourcing across
           Create and partner with cross-industry networks to advance              8.7,                          Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) hotels
On track
           international human rights                                              8.8                           100% of hotels mapped against human rights risks, and 100+ country-level human rights
                                                                                                                 briefs and mitigation plans developed
                                                                                                                 Active collaboration with industry organizations and partners including It's a Penalty and


           Contribute 10 million volunteer hours                                                                 Awarded over $1M in COVID-relief grants through the Hilton Effect Foundation, prioritizing
                                                                                                                 organizations supporting marginalized communities
           Participate in food donation programs, where allowed by law
           (managed hotels)                                                                                      Partnered with American Express to donate up to one million free room nights to frontline
                                                                                   1.1,       11.5   12.3        medical professionals
On track   Double our monetary response, empowerment efforts and
           investment in resiliency against natural disasters (2017 baseline)      1.5                           Donated $350,000 through the Hilton Effect Foundation to community organizations
                                                                                                                 supporting natural disaster relief
           Double Action Grants for hotel-led social and environmental
           impact projects in our communities                                                                    Developed and implemented Disaster Response Playbook
           Promote environmental awareness and open our LightStay                                                1,612,920 hours volunteered since 2017, including 184,425 hours in 2020
           technology in school educational programs
                                                                                                                 All managed hotels in North America are required to have food donation programs in place

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                        18

                                                       ENERGY       WATER        WASTE     RESPONSIBLE
                                                       AND CARBON                          SOURCING

                                                                            Hilton operates in some of the most
                                                                            beautiful destinations around the world,
                                                                            and we recognize our critical responsibility
                                                                            to protect our planet so that it remains
                                                                            healthy and vibrant for future generations.
                                                                            In spite of 2020's challenges, we remain fully
                                                                            committed to halving our environmental
                                                                            impact throughout our value chain.

                                                                                                                  HILTON ASHEVILLE BILTMORE PARK

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                             19
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                   OUR BUSINESS                          ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                                 SOCIAL IMPACT                        GOVERNANCE                            APPENDIX

                                                                                  ENERGY                     WATER            WASTE                 RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                  AND CARBON                                                        SOURCING

Fighting climate change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LEARN MORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Progress towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         our 2030 Goals

We are committed to leading the hospitality                                                                           Our primary source of emissions is from
                                                                                                                      the operation of our hotels. In 2020, we
                                                                                                                                                                                     We recognize that the reductions
                                                                                                                                                                                     achieved as a result of the pandemic
industry toward a zero-carbon economy and                                                                             experienced a significant decrease in                          are neither representative nor

reducing our greenhouse gas emissions in                                                                              utility consumption across our global
                                                                                                                      portfolio, primarily as a result of reduced
                                                                                                                                                                                     sustainable. As travel returns and
                                                                                                                                                                                     our hotels reopen for business, we
line with climate science.                                                                                            occupancy and complete or partial                              will continue our relentless focus on
                                                                                                                      temporary suspensions of properties. To                        energy efficiency to reduce utility
                                                                                                                      reduce energy and carbon emissions in                          costs and greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                                                                      times of reduced occupancy, our hotels                         from our hotels around the world.
                                                                                                                      were encouraged to adopt operational
                                                                                                                      best practices, such as partial building                                                          Hilton was named
                                                                                                                      shut downs, variable plant load                                                                   the 2020 DJSI Global
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Industry Leader for the
                                                                                                                      operation and implementation of                                                                   second consecutive year
                                                                                                                      enhanced building controls.

                                                   Carbon reduction (MT CO2e/m2)                                                                      Energy reduction (KWh/m2)

                                                                                                                                     2030 Goal
                                                                                                                                             %         -0%
                                                                  -8%                                                                                                  -7%
 	We recognize climate change to be                                                                                                                                          -10%
                                                   -10%                                                                                                -10%      -5%                        -14%    -14%
   a critical threat to our planet, our                     -7%            -15%                                                                                        -7%
                                                                  -9%             -17%   -18%                                                                                                              -17%
   communities and our business, and                                                            -20%   -21%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -21%   -22%
   we’ve made combatting it a top                  -20%                                                       -23%                                    -20%                                  -14%                                          -24%
   business priority.                                                      -18%
                                                                                  -20%                                 -29%                                                                                -19%   -20%
                                                                                         -22%                                 -30%                                                                                         -22%
                                                                                                -24%                                  -32%                                                                                        -24%
                                                   -30%                                                -25%                                           -30%
 	By 2030, we commit to:                                                                                      -27%
 •	Reduce Scope 1 and 2 carbon intensity                                                                                                                                                                                                 -26%   -42%
    from Hilton-managed hotels by 61%              -40%                                                                       -34%           -47%     -40%
 •	Work with our Franchisees to reduce                                                                                               -36%
    Scope 3 carbon intensity from                  -50%                                                                                               -50%
    Franchisees by 52%                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -47%
 •	Encourage suppliers to set goals                          Managed Hotels
                                                   -60%                                                                                               -60%
    around reducing their environmental                                                                                                      -56%
                                                              All Hotels
    and social impact
                                                   -70%                                                                                               -70%
                                                       08   09     10       11     12     13     14     15      16      17     18      19     20          08     09    10      11     12     13      14     15     16       17     18      19     20

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                           20
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                 OUR BUSINESS                ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT                       SOCIAL IMPACT                GOVERNANCE                   APPENDIX

                                                                       ENERGY              WATER            WASTE           RESPONSIBLE
                                                                       AND CARBON                                           SOURCING

                                                                                                   Increasing our use
   SPOTLIGHT                                                                                       of renewable energy
                                                                                                   In alignment with our science-based
                                                                                                   targets, in 2020 we took several steps
                                                                                                                                                        100            %

                                                                                                                                                        of properties certified
                                                                                                   to increase our sourcing of renewable                to ISO 14001 (Environmental Management)
                                                                                                   energy at our hotels around the world.               and ISO 50001 (Energy Management), the
                                                                                                                                                        largest certified portfolio in the world
                                                                                                   The majority of our managed hotels

                                                                                                   in the U.K., as well as our Watford and
                                                                                                   Glasgow corporate offices, began
                                                                                                   procuring 100 percent renewable
                                                                                                   electricity in 2020. Also starting in                offering Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
                                                                                                   2020, all of our managed hotels in                   stations for guests
                                                                                                   the U.S. are encouraged to procure
                                                                                                   at least a portion of their electricity
                                                                                                   from renewable sources through                       100            %

                                                                                                   our energy procurement services                      of Hilton's corporate Scope 3 emissions
                                                                                                   contract. We recognize that increasing               from air travel and rental cars offset
                                                                                                   access to affordable renewable
                                                                                                   energy will require governments
                                                      HILTON GARDEN INN FAROE ISLANDS
                                                                                                   to take swift action to implement
                                                                                                   ambitious emissions reduction plans.                 low-carbon diets
   Discovering the Faroe Islands                                                                   That is why in 2020 we joined more                   In 2019, Hilton became the world’s
   through a sustainable lens                                                                      than 200 businesses and investors in                 first hotel company to sign the
                                                                                                   calling on EU leaders to raise EU 2030               World Resource Institute’s Cool
   When guests visit the new Hilton              water taps and motion-activated                   GHG emissions targets and endorse                    Food Pledge, committing to reduce
   Garden Inn (HGI) in the remote Faroe          LED lighting further prevent energy               the ambitious goals set out in the                   food-related emissions. To achieve
   Islands, it feels almost otherworldly.        waste. The hotel is powered by
                                                                                                   European Green Deal.                                 this we are taking steps to promote
   But what’s behind the scenes is just          renewable energy from a local
                                                                                                                                                        plant-based menu items, including in
   as impressive: the entire property            power plant that captures leftover
                                                                                                                                                        meetings and events.
   was built with sustainability at its          energy from a range of industries,
   core. The hotel’s commitment to               including turning waste from the
   sustainability starts from the top:           Islands’ thriving salmon fishing
   the roof is covered in grass, allowing        industry. To help guests go green                                                                       	OUR EFFORTS CONTRIBUTE TO
   for ultra-efficient insulation and a          beyond the four walls of the hotel,                                                                       THE FOLLOWING SUSTAINABLE
   building that seamlessly blends into          the HGI Faroe Islands will be one                                                                         DEVELOPMENT GOALS:
   the local environment. Inside, ultra-         of the first hotels on the island
   efficient heating systems, including          to offer electric vehicle charging
   under floor heating, help keep                stations. The result is a property with
   guests warm and take into account             a minimal environmental footprint
   occupancy levels to avoid heating             that embraces the archipelago’s own
   unused spaces. Motion sensors on              sustainable tourism strategy.                     Once completed, Hotel Marcel, Tapestry Collection
                                                                                                                                                           7.2, 7.3, 7.a   12.2        13.1, 13.3
                                                                                                   by Hilton will be one of the first net-zero energy
                                                                                                   hotels in the U.S. LEARN MORE

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                21
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                OUR BUSINESS                    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT            SOCIAL IMPACT              GOVERNANCE              APPENDIX

                                                                                ENERGY              WATER        WASTE       RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                AND CARBON                                   SOURCING

Embedding water stewardship
                                                                                                                                                                             LEARN MORE
                                                                                                                                                                             Progress towards

throughout our global operations
                                                                                                                                                                             our 2030 Goals

We are focused on driving holistic water                                                                     SPOTLIGHT
stewardship across our value chain.
We are committed to working with                       our other environmental objectives.
our hotels, our suppliers and our                      While 2020’s significant reduction
community partners to improve                          in global occupancy resulted in a
water availability and quality in all                  corresponding drop in our water
of our locations around the world.                     consumption, we recognize that we
Prior to 2020, we were behind target                   have work to do to ensure we will be
to hit our 2030 Goal to cut water                      on track to hit our 2030 Goals when
consumption in our managed hotels                      occupancy levels return to normal.
by 50% per square meter. Our water                     We are committed to implementing
reduction targets have proven to be                    best-in-class solutions to ensure we
more challenging to achieve than                       can hit our targets.
                                                                                                                                                    ROME CAVALIERI, A WALDORF ASTORIA HOTEL

Water reduction (liters/m2)                                                                                  Conserving water while maintaining
                                                                                                             the luxury experience

                                                                                          2030 Goal
                                                                                                    %        The team at Rome Cavalieri, A            low-flow dispensers on all taps
-0%       -2%      -2%
                           -4%                                                                               Waldorf Astoria Hotel is dedicated       and showerheads, the hotel’s
                                           -11%                                                              to providing guests with exceptional     Engineering team reduced water
-10%      -4%      -5%                            -13%
                           -7%                             -15%
                                                                  -17%   -18%
                                                                                                             experiences that are both luxurious      consumption by 20% over three
                                   -10%                                            -20%
-20%                                       -13%   -14%                                       -22%            and sustainable. By optimizing           years. The hotel’s commitment to
                                                           -17%   -18%
                                                                                                             the hotel’s irrigation schedule and      sustainability extends well beyond
                                                                                             -23%            swimming pool water consumption,         water stewardship, and as a result of
                                                                                                    -47%     redeveloping the property’s              its holistic sustainability practices,
                                                                                                             evaporative tower system, training       the property was the first hotel in
          Managed Hotels
-50%                                                                                                         housekeeping and kitchen teams to        Rome to achieve the prestigious
          All Hotels                                                                                -49%
                                                                                                             reduce water waste, and installing       Green Key certification.
    08    09       10      11       12      13     14       15     16     17        18        19      20

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                         22
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                      OUR BUSINESS                    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT              SOCIAL IMPACT               GOVERNANCE                 APPENDIX

                                                                                      ENERGY               WATER          WASTE       RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                      AND CARBON                                      SOURCING

                                                                                                                   Operational water efficiency               Understanding and
                                                                                                                   Our brand standards require water
                                                                                                                                                              addressing water risk
                                                                                                                   fixtures to meet local requirements for    An effective water stewardship program
                                                                                                                   water efficiency and conservation, and     must fully incorporate the contextual
                                                                                                                   we continually train our Team Members      nature of water availability and quality.
                                                                                                                   to take steps to save water. Many of       To understand our global water risk, we
                                                                                                                   our hotels in water stressed regions       continually map all of our hotels against
                                                                                                                   also use guest-facing messaging to         WWF’s Water Risk Filter and the WRI
                                                                                                                   encourage our guests to join us in         Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas. We use this
                                                                                                                   conserving water. The reduction in         mapping to analyze current and future
                                                                                                                   occupancy due to COVID-19 enabled          water risks across our portfolio, and we
                                                                                                                   us to better understand where and          have incorporated the results of this
                                                                                                                   how our hotels around the world are        analysis into LightStay so that our hotels
                                                                                                                   using water when our guest rooms and       teams can understand and address
Through our partnership with the Student Conservation Association, the Hilton Effect Foundation is
                                                                                                                   kitchens are closed. Through studying      water risks specific to their geolocation.
supporting conservation and educational efforts that contribute to protecting watersheds across the U.S.
                                                                                                                   this year’s consumption patterns, we
                                                                                                                   have determined that we need to
                                                                                                                   focus on further reducing water use in

   Supporting water stewardship
                                                                                                                   landscaping and building operations,
                                                                                                                   and in particular we are seeking
                                                                                                                   opportunities to drive water efficiency
                                                                                                                                                              100           %

                                                                                                                                                              of hotels mapped
   in South Africa                                                                                                 and recycling in our HVAC systems and      against WWF’s Water Risk Filter and WRI’s
                                                                                                                                                              Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas
                                                                                                                   legionella control measures.

   We invest in water stewardship
   projects in our communities
   experiencing elevated water risk. In
                                                          found in few other places, and
                                                          through this project, unemployed
                                                          community members have acquired
                                                                                                                   Contributing to
                                                                                                                   collective action
                                                                                                                                                              37       %

                                                                                                                                                              of managed hotels identified
   2020, the Hilton Effect Foundation                     course-oriented training, equipping                                                                 to be in areas of high or very high water stress
                                                                                                                   We are committed to collective action
   partnered with World Wildlife                          them with skills and experience to                       around water stewardship, and we are
   Fund and the Wolseley Water                            be able to find employment in an                         proud to be members of the following
   Users Association to support the                       area where employment is mostly                          collaborative efforts:
   clearing of water-intensive invasive                   seasonal due to the nature of the
   species in the Western Cape of                         fruit and wine industries. In addition                   •	Signatory to the CEO Water Mandate’s
                                                                                                                                                               	OUR EFFORTS CONTRIBUTE TO
   South Africa. The Hilton Effect                        to supporting the local community                           UN Water Action Platform to further        THE FOLLOWING SUSTAINABLE
   Foundation’s funding functioned                        through employment, this project                            our commitment to fighting the global      DEVELOPMENT GOALS:
   as a seed for additional co-funding,                   also contributes to raising awareness                       water crisis
   enabling the project to clear a larger                 among farmers and students about                         •	Members of the California Water
   area than originally planned. This                     the benefits of planting trees and                          Action Collaborative and Ceres
   project has unique conservation                        restoring the ecosystem.
                                                                                                                      Connect the Dots Campaign
   value as it aims to reintroduce
   indigenous tree species that are
                                                                                                                                                                 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.b 12.2

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                     23
EXECUTIVE STATEMENT                OUR BUSINESS                    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT              SOCIAL IMPACT          GOVERNANCE                 APPENDIX

                                                                                 ENERGY              WATER         WASTE        RESPONSIBLE
                                                                                 AND CARBON                                     SOURCING

Preventing waste and driving
                                                                                                                                                                             LEARN MORE
                                                                                                                                                                             Progress towards

towards a circular economy
                                                                                                                                                                             our 2030 Goals

We are focused on reducing waste and                                                                                                                                       Through a partnership
                                                                                                                                                                           with Open Kitchens UK,

employing a circular model across our                                                                                                                                      the team at the Hilton
                                                                                                                                                                           London Metropole

value chain.
                                                                                                                                                                           provided 30,000 free nu-
                                                                                                                                                                           tritious meals to people
                                                                                                                                                                           in need across London.
                                                                                                                                                                           The meals were prepared
Our waste reduction strategy seeks to                   energy or water, and the amount of                                                                                 using surplus produce
                                                                                                                                                                           that otherwise would
decrease the overall amount of waste                    waste produced by our hotels decreased                                                                             have gone to waste.
produced in our hotels, while taking                    dramatically in 2020 due to the impacts                                                                            LEARN MORE
steps to divert remaining waste from                    of the pandemic. As we look to the
landfill through donation, recycling,                   future, we are working with our partners,
composting, energy from waste inciner-                  including our waste haulers, suppliers
ation and other opportunities. Waste is                 and donation partners, to find innova-
more closely linked to occupancy than                   tive ways to continue to reduce waste.               Fighting food waste
                                                                                                             The pandemic resulted in disruptions      techniques for reducing food waste
Landfilled waste reduction (MT/m2)                                                                           to food supply and a significant          in every step of the Food & Beverage
                                                                                                             increase in global food insecurity,       process: from purchasing and menu
                                                                                                             making fighting food waste both a         planning to donation of excess edible

                                                                                           2030 Goal
                                                                                                             business and moral imperative. We are     items and disposal of remaining
 -0%                                                                                                         committed to cutting our food waste       inedible food. In 2020, we continued to
-10%              -13%
                                                                                                             by 50% by 2030, in alignment with         improve our measurement capabilities
          -7%              -15%
                                    -19%                                                                     SDG 12.3. To achieve this ambitious       around food waste, including
-20%              -13%                      -24%
                                                            -28%                                             target, we are focused on driving a       partnering with WWF and our industry
                                     -21%                          -31%   -31%
-30%                                        -25%                                    -32%                     true culture shift in our hotels. We      peers to develop a standardized waste
                                                                                                             have deployed our comprehensive           measurement methodology for the
                                                                                    -41%                     food waste reduction program to our       hotel industry. Once finalized, this
                                                                                            -44%     -62%    hotels in the Americas, and we have       methodology will enable hotels around
                                                                                                             piloted our food waste program in our     the world to better quantify food
-70%      Managed Hotels                                                                                     Asia Pacific and EMEA regions. Our        waste, in order to measure and report
          All Hotels
-80%                                                                                                 -73%    program, which leverages the Hotel        progress against reduction targets.
    08    09       10       11        12     13     14       15     16     17        18        19      20    Kitchen toolkit, guides hotels through

HILTON 2020 ESG REPORT                                                                                                                                                                          24
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