The Prout Fund - The Prout School

Page created by Gerald Price
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
THE PROUT SCHOOL                                                                             Non-Profit
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                                Give Now to
                                The Prout Fund
                                Thank you in advance for your 2017/2018 contribution
                                to The Prout Fund, our school’s annual fund.
                                This year’s drive runs from September 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

                                The Prout Fund strengthens academic and athletic programs, enriches
                                visual and performing arts programs, extends financial aid to families
                                who otherwise could not afford a Catholic education, and provides
                                funding to upgrade and maintain facilities.

                                You’ll receive a letter from Michael and Tonya Bilotti, co-chairs of this
                                year’s Prout Fund Committee, or one of their committee members
                                soon. You can also make a donation to The Prout Fund any time at
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
The Prout School


A magazine for alumni, parents and friends of The Prout School

                                                                 FALL 2017
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
Founded in 1966, THE PROUT SCHOOL is a Catholic, diocesan,               THE PROUT SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT:
coeducational, college-preparatory high school. The school enrolls       The Prout School is a vibrant Catholic community that
over 400 students from almost all Rhode Island communities and           prepares the whole person for productive membership
parts of Connecticut. The Prout School is a member of NEASC and          in the global community by fostering quality in
is Rhode Island’s only International Baccalaureate School.               spiritual, academic, artistic, and athletic pursuits.

Inside this issue...
                                                                                              Alumni News
  2                                                                             7
  Academics                                                          Our Catholic
                                                                         Identity                                                15
                                                                                                              Prout Transitions
                            The Class of 2017

The Prout School OR                                                                                Athletics
The Prout School Alumni Page

                                           Visual &
                                           Performing Arts
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM                                                                                        Philanthropy

The Crusader is a publication of The Prout School’s Office of Institutional Advancement.
David J. Estes / Head of School
Nicole Kelly, MBA / Director of Institutional Advancement / 401.789.9262 x 537 /
Rose Slusarczyk / Advancement Associate / 401.789.9262 x 505 /
Sharon DeLuca / Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management / 401.789.9262 x 514 /
Photography / D. Ahearn, S. DeLuca, A. DeSantis, Jim Healey at Peapod Design, LifeTouch, R. Slusarczyk, B. White
Contributing Writers / Brittany White and W. Tyson Edmonds
The Prout School / 4640 Tower Hill Road / Wakefield, Rhode Island 02879 / 401.789.9262 /
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
dear friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to another academic           To our alumni, it was wonderful
year. We are especially delighted to welcome the               to see so many of you return
members of the Class of 2021 and their families to our         to our school last year during
school. For those of you returning, you’ll see some new        our celebration of Prout’s 50th
faces among our teaching and coaching staffs. Read a bit       anniversary. We extend an open
about some of these newest members of the Prout family         invitation to the rest of you to
in the Prout Transitions section of the magazine.              visit us, especially if it’s been
                                                               awhile. Several opportunities to do
In this issue of The Crusader we also introduce you to
                                                               so are outlined in the pages that follow.
our new “HEART Statement”. Our faculty and staff read
and approved this statement prepared by Father Joseph          Finally, I would like to thank our faculty, our staff and
Upton that so eloquently describes why The Prout               our parents for working together so diligently to create
School makes a difference in the lives of our students.        this special place called The Prout School.
As you will read in this magazine -- and we hope you
                                                               I will leave you with some inspiring words articulated
will experience through your participation in our
                                                               to our graduates in June. I think all of us need to hear
community -- we believe, above all else, that there is no
                                                               this message now and again: “God has plans for you,
real education without an education of the heart. This is
                                                               plans for a future full of hope, plans that stretch beyond
our legacy from Elizabeth Prout’s life and this is our call
                                                               the bounds of this earth and reach up to no less than
to action as a community of faithful educators.
                                                               the heights of heaven itself. So never be afraid to reach
Also in this edition of The Crusader, we thank those           that high, not only tomorrow, but every day, for the rest
individuals who have financially supported our school          of your lives.”
and its programs during our last fiscal year -- July 1, 2016
through June 30, 2017. I thank you in advance for your
continued generosity as we prayerfully ask our parents,
alumni and alumni parents to continue to invest in
our academic programming, teacher development, the
arts, athletics, and our infrastructure to ensure the best     David J. Estes
possible student experience – year after year.                 Head of School

                                                                                                             the crusader   1
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
academics                                                                                   PROUT STUDENTS OF ITALIAN
                                                                                            EXCEL ON NATIONAL EXAM
                                                                                            Twelve Prout students were honored at the 22nd
                                                                                            Annual Italian Scholarship Dinner held by the
                                                                                            Rhode Island Teachers of Italian (RITI). RITI
STUDENTS SUCCESSFULLY                                                                       awards prizes to the top three state placements
EARN IB DIPLOMAS                                                                            in each level and category. Eight Prout students
                                                                                            earned “top three” placements: seniors Maggie
Ten members of The Prout School’s                                                           Benoit, Gabrielle Bianco and Sadie Tetreault;
Class of 2017 earned full International                                                     junior Flora Grilli; and sophomores Isabella
Baccalaureate diplomas. The International                                                   Bianco, Delia Carlino, Sarabeth McClain and
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is an                                                    Isabella Roy. Four Prout students also took
internationally recognized curriculum for                                                   home awards in the RITI-sponsored contests:
high school juniors and seniors, with an                                                    Gabrielle Bianco, Isabella Bianco, Kaitlynn
emphasis on intercultural understanding                                                     Slattery and Maggie Benoit.
and enrichment. It culminates in six        PROUT ROBOTICS TEAM
rigorous subject exams.                     SECOND IN STATE
                                            The Prout School’s Robotics Team was
The ten students from Prout’s Class of      one of 32 Rhode Island middle and high
2017 who earned an IB Diploma were:         school robotics teams to advance to the state
•   Gabrielle Bianco                        championships of the FIRST (For Inspiration
•   Sean Dungan                             and Recognition of Science and Technology)
•   Eleanor Eng                             Tech Challenge, held in February at New
•   Evan Kirby                              England Institute of Technology. By the end
•   Kelcey Maher                            of the day, Prout was the second highest
•   Matthew Marasco                         scoring team – the only Catholic high school    PROUT’S MATH TEAM
•   Kai Masterson                           represented in the top four.                    UNDEFEATED IN DIVISION
•   Fehin Richards                                                                          Apparently, practice does make perfect. Prout’s
                                            Prout also received the Rockwell Collins
•   Julia Tetreault                                                                         2016/2017 Math Team, which practiced every
                                            Innovate Award which celebrates a team
•   Evan Wessman                                                                            week, was undefeated in the South County
                                            that not only thinks outside the box, but
                                            also has the ingenuity and inventiveness to     division which includes Prout, North Kingstown
The Prout School is the only high school
                                            make their designs come to life.                HS, South Kingstown HS, Narragansett HS,
in Rhode Island and the only Catholic
                                                                                            Chariho HS and Westerly HS.
School in New England to offer this
                                            We are grateful to the team’s sponsors:
academic opportunity. In May 2017, there                                                    The Prout team, which consisted of 27 students
                                            Schneider Electric, Greenwood Credit
were just 85,500 candidates for the IB                                                      from all grades, was ranked 8th out of 37
                                            Union, and Knights of Columbus Pope
Diploma in the entire United States. The                                                    competing high schools in Rhode Island. Six
                                            Pius XII - Council 5292.
the average IB test grade was 4.2 in the                                                    team members from Prout advanced to the
US; the average IB test grade for Prout                                                     Rhode Island Math League State Championship
students was 4.6.                                                                           in April where sophomore Cindy Huang
                                                                                            had two perfect rounds and was the highest
                                                                                            scorer of all sophomores in the state!

2      the crusader
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
                                                        even more special by his demeanor and care.
                                                        Some of the students actually cried when we
                                                        left him at the airport. That’s how amazing
Prout has a rich history of sponsoring                  he was.
meaningful overseas trips for our students.                                                              There are
According to a booklet written by Sister                For some of our students this was their first
                                                                                                         two upcoming
Nuala Kiernan, CP to celebrate Prout’s 25th             time outside of the United States. For others,
                                                        this was their first time traveling without
                                                                                                         opportunities for
anniversary, from 1966 to 1991 upperclassmen
had traveled to France, Spain, England and              their families. Everyone was extremely
                                                                                                         Prout students
Austria, with side trips to Portugal, Belgium,          excited and eager to see the sights and          to see the world.
Wales and Liechtenstein.                                experience a unique and beautiful culture.

Since those earliest trips, travel abroad               Our itinerary was provided by ACIS and
opportunities have continued to be organized            included such highlights as horseback
for our students. Most recently, a group of 13          riding in the Andean highlands, a ceramics
students and two faculty chaperones spent 10            seminar with world renowned sculptor Pablo
days in Peru. Ms. Brittany White, one of the            Seminario, learning about an indigenous
chaperones, shared her experiences with                 community and their foods while helping to
The Crusader.                                           prepare a meal, taking part in their blessing
                                                                                                                An 8-day excursion to Ireland
                                                        ceremony, exploring an authentic open-air         1     from April 14-21, 2018 --
Our voyage to Peru began very early one June            market and, of course, seeing Machu Picchu.
morning -- June 26th to be exact. We were seen                                                           April vacation. The trip, organized
off by our principal Mr. Estes, as well as the          I don’t know that I can say I had a favorite     by Donovan Travel and chaperoned
parents of the students. It was really happening.       part of the trip. The whole thing felt           by Mr. Faraone, will include stays in
We were headed for Logan Airport and the                like being inside a National Geographic          Dublin, Cork, and Killarney, with
experience of a lifetime. I truly felt that the 15 of   magazine. However, I can say that I loved        opportunities to see Blarney Castle,
us were about to experience something that none         seeing the students fully participating in       the Ring of Kerry, the Cliffs of Moher,
of us would ever forget. I wasn’t wrong.                all the activities and keeping an open mind      Bunratty Castle and Trinity College,
                                                        about the culture we were learning about,        where the Book of Kells is housed.
Upon arrival in Lima we were greeted by our             the foods they ate (guinea pig, alpaca) and      Students, members of the choir, will
tour manager, Augusto Salazar. He would                 even the clothes they wore. I was extremely      perform at three concerts, including
affectionately be known as “The Peruvian                proud of our students and how they handled       one at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in
Indiana Jones” for the duration of our trip.            themselves during those nine days. As a          Dublin. For more information,
He took care of everything for us including             Spanish teacher, being able to take some of      contact Mr. Faraone at
tickets to attractions, buses to get around, and        your students to a Spanish-speaking country
plane tickets. He was extremely attentive to the        to experience authentic culture, food and
students and very organized. This trip was made         music is pretty much “the dream”.

                                                                      Students in Peru, June 2017

                                                                                                                 In the summer of 2018, from
                                                                                                          2      July 2-11, Mrs. Trevisiol will
                                                                                                         lead her sixth Prout excursion to Italy,
                                                                                                         with stops in Rome, Florence, Venice,
                                                                                                         Capri, Sorrento and Orvieto.
                                                                                                         For more information, contact her

                                                                                                                         the crusader       3
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
The Prout School graduated 130 seniors at its 49th
                   Commencement Ceremony on June 13th at the Cathedral
                   of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence. Ninety-nine percent
                   of the Class of 2017 are attending college this fall.

      The Class
                   The Prout School’s Class of 2017 received a record-setting
                   total of 35 acceptances to the colleges and universities on
                   the list of the Top 100 Most Selective Universities, as defined

      of 2017      by US News & World Report*. Students from this class were
                   accepted by several of these schools for the first time in the
                   school’s history: MIT, Yale, West Point, Georgia Tech, Colby
                   College, Oberlin, and Wesleyan.
                   Collectively, Prout seniors were offered over $23,381,840.00
                   in merit scholarship money over a four year period. This
                   amount reflects grants and scholarships only.
                   The Valedictorian for the Class of
                   2017 was Emily Shepard. At Prout,
                   Emily was an international student
                   mentor and a math tutor. Outside of
                   school Emily is an avid horsewoman,
                   an active member and instructor
                   for The United States Pony Club, an
                   organization that teaches English
                   riding and horse management. Emily is also a dance student
                   and instructor at the Rhythm Dance Center and is a lector
                   at Christ the King parish. Emily will attend University of
                   Rhode Island in the fall. She is interested in studying speech
                   Prout’s 2017 Salutatorian was
                   Julia Tetreault. Julia received an
                   International Baccalaureate (IB)
                   Diploma, and while at Prout was
                   a member of the National Honor
                   Society, a student ambassador, an
                   international student mentor, a
                   math tutor and a peer minister. Julia
                   is a recipient of the Pat Castelli Award for Excellence in
                   Spanish, a Harvard book award, and the St. Francis of Assisi
                   Spirit of Art award. A member of Prout’s swim team for
                   all four years, Julia is also a YMCA swimmer and RI State
                   Swimming Qualifier. Julia will attend Brown University in
                   the fall and plans to major in a science-related field.
                   *Based on the fall 2015 entering class of US-based
                   undergraduate institutions.

4   the crusader
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
“Never forget that no matter where you go, or what you become, or what you do, you are destined for far more
than this world could ever offer or even imagine. God has plans for you, plans for a future full of hope, plans
that stretch beyond the bounds of this earth and reach up to no less than the heights of heaven itself. So never
be afraid to reach that high, not only tomorrow, but every day, for the rest of your lives.” - FATHER JOE UPTON

Ian Andres *^                    Nate Filippone^                Joseph McClain *^               Shannon E. Saulnier *^
Kenneth E. Baertlein *^          Noah H. Fisher                 Michael Mele                    Sydney M. Saulnier^
Andrew Aldrich Bailey *+^        Christian Fonseca *^           Isabella Miko-Rydzaj *+^        Marguerite Savastano*+^
Kayla Allison Barbera *^         Benjamin W. Fox^               Casey Milder ^                  Nathan W. Schneider *^
Sarah Ashley Barter *+^          Joseph Alan Franco, Jr.        Abigail Miner ^                 Ashley T. Scott^
Thomas G. Beck *+^               Jacob Michael Freeman *+^      Sarah Mitchell                  Gabrielle G. Sechio *^
Marguerite Clara Benoit *+^      Leah Michele Gardiner *+^      Christian Moffitt *^            Julia R. Serra*+^
Gabrielle Diana Bianco *+#^      Annan Shelby Gass *+^          Andrew Morrison                 Logan Settle
Madison Ray Brooks *+^           Zachary Richard Gauvin *+^     Lauryn Morrissey *              Hannah Shapiro^
James M. Burke, Jr. *+^          Tara Catherine Gazder *^       Neil Joseph Motta *+^           Emily Shepard*+^
Zachary Michael Calabro          Isabella Giorgianni *+^        Elizabeth G. Nooney *^          Anna Silvia*+^
Jialum Cao *^                    Olivia Guevremont *            Fallon O’Dowd Oatley *^         Emily Slusarczyk*+^
Christopher John Carbon *^       Amanda Hope Guindon *^         Claire Ahern O’Connor *^        Kailey Louise Smith*+^
Liam J. Casey *+^                Russell Lewis Hadfield III^    Gregory Joseph Palumbo ^        Charlotte Sullivan*+^
Guanyu Chen *+                   Cody Hattoy                    Lillian Patricia Pexton *^      Julia Tetreault *+#^
Nathan Eric Chofay *+^           Luke Edward Herbermann *+^     Olivia Jane Philippi *^         Sadie Tetreault*+^
John Francis Conway *+#^         William Stephen Holihen II^    Kathryn Pope *+^                Ryan M. Theriault *^
Courtney Sophia Cooper *+^       Jessica Ann Kampfer *+         Isabella M. Potter *^           Grace Underhill *
Catherine Marie Corneau *+^      Ryley Madison King *+^         Caroline Shannon Powell *+^     Caroline Vocatura *+^
Michael Earl Cottam *+^          Evan Mathieu Kirby *+#^        Amanda R. Precopio*+^           Wentian Wang *+^
Jacob Bishop Covell *+^          Devin Adam Knott *+^           Anastasia Psilos *^             Jacob A. Wathen *+^
Jared David Covell *+^           Samantha Krahn *+^             Stephanie A. Quaranto *^        Devon Werner *^
Juliana Phyllis Daggett *+^      Valerie Anna LaBore *+^        Emily Raftery-Smith *+^         Evan Wessman *+#^
Keia Bouvier DePina              Tyler Michael Ledo^            Erin Reardon*+^                 Joel White *+^
Kristin Marilyn DiBattista       Ryan Levy^                     Fehin Richards*+#^              Samuel Williams *+^
Elizabeth Joy DiSanto *+^        Jingyun Li *                   Jennifer Robinson *+^           Ke Xu *+^
Mira Felicia DiSilvestro *+^     Joshua Austin Lindsay          Luhan Rong *+^                  Erin Yabroudy *+^
Abigail Grace Dodd *+            Yushan Liu *                   Peter Raymond Rossi III *+^     Henry Zewinski ^
Cameron Spencer Doherty *^       Ziyi Liu *^                    Benjamin James Rotatori^        Yumo Zhu *+
John Wagner Dudzik *^            Erika Shirley Lyons *^
Sean David Dungan *+#^           Kelcey Brown Maher *+#^
Brianna Lydia Easton *^          Matthew J. Marasco *+#^
Jonathan Diment Eckel, Jr. *+^   Elliot Fitzgerald Marone *^
Evan Jay Eddleston *^            Molly Ann Marrinan *+^
Jack Fiore Edwards^              Kai Adrianus Masterson *+#^
Eleanor Irene Eng *+#^           Kyle John Patrick McCann^

                                  + National Honor Society   / *Rhode Island Honor Society
                          #International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate  / ^Scholarship Recipient

                                                                                                         the crusader     X
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
OF 2017 con’t
                                                  2017 graduate profiles
                                                                   KAI MASTERSON
                                                                   Kai Masterson ’17 is a sort of “poster boy” for Prout’s banner year
                                                                   for acceptance to the “most selective” colleges in the United States.
                                                                   He had the enviable task of choosing between MIT and Yale. Kai
                                                                   chose MIT, where he now studies. While at Prout, Kai was the
                                                  software programmer for our robotics club, which finished second in the state this
                                                  past year. Kai was also a member of the track team and the lacrosse team.

                                                                   JIMMY BURKE
                                                                    Jimmy Burke ‘17 received the prestigious Stamps Scholarship,
There are many traditions that serve to                             a merit-based scholarship that recognizes leadership,
make the Prout experience a unique one.                             perseverance, scholarship, service, and innovation. The
One such tradition is The Legacy Rose                               scholarship covers the cost of attendance – which includes
Ceremony, in which Prout recognizes               tuition, fees, room, and board -- for four years at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg,
families that include multiple generations        VA, where Jimmy now studies engineering. At Prout, Jimmy was the assistant
of Prout graduates. In the 2017 graduating        captain of the hockey team, which captured the Division II Championship.
class, there were ten such families:              Jimmy was also one of the best male golfers in the state, named to 1st Team
                                                  All Division in post season recognition in 2017. Jimmy was also a math tutor,
• Ian Andres, son of
                                                  student ambassador and an international student mentor.
  Magdalena Wenisch Andres ‘91*
• Gabrielle Bianco, daughter of
  Joy Sivo Bianco ‘87                                                 GABRIELLE BIANCO
• Juliana Daggett, daughter of                                        Gabrielle Bianco ’17 received the St. Timothy Award at the
  Beth-Ann Basil ‘85                                                  Diocesan Catholic Youth Ministry and Scout Awards Mass in
• Christian Fonseca, son of                                           March at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Providence.
  Michelle Ruberto Fonseca ‘83                                        The award -- the highest honor any diocese may bestow
• Devin Knott, son of                                                 on a youth -- recognizes outstanding teens who exemplify
  Nicole Lefebvre Knott ‘88                       Christian service, Catholic leadership and good moral standards. Gabby was also
• Kelcey Maha, daughter of                        the recipient of the 2017 Elizabeth Prout Award. The award is given to a Prout
  Joyce Brown Maha ‘84                            senior who best lives out the ideals of Elizabeth Prout, the school’s namesake and
• Joseph McClain, son of                          the foundress of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion.
  Catherine Moore McClain ‘81*
• Christian Moffitt, son of
                                                                          JACOB AND JARED COVELL
  Colleen Prior Moffitt ‘83
• Emily Shepard, daughter of                                              Jacob Covell ’17 and Jared Covell ‘17 received The
  Mary O’Connell Shepard ‘78                                              Prout School’s highest award, The Crusader Award, at
• Charlotte Sullivan, daughter of                                         the school’s graduation ceremony in June. The brothers,
  Marianne Mernick-Sullivan ‘81                                           identical twins, will share the award -- which is typically
                                                                          given to a single senior, selected by the faculty and
During the celebration, which took place                                  administration, who best lives out the ideals of the school.
on June 12, immediately following the
                                                  Both Jacob and Jared excelled at sports at Prout, playing basketball and varsity
Baccalaureate Mass, each student gave a rose
                                                  soccer. The two young men are also avid surfers and founded the school’s
to his or her mother as a token of appreciation
                                                  popular surf club. Jacob and Jared were also active members of Students Against
for sacrificing so much to provide a Christ-
                                                  Destructive Decisions Club, represented the school as ambassadors, and were
centered education for their children.
                                                  mentors to Prout’s international students. Both were math tutors. Jacob and Jared
* Not pictured                                    both now attend Northeastern University.

 6     the crusader
The Prout Fund - The Prout School
Our Catholic                                                                                    something about it, putting out the call for
                                                                                                gently used, outgrown baseball equipment to

                                                                                                his family’s parish, St. Mary Star of the Sea,
                                                                                                his alma mater Monsignor Clark School, and
                                                                                                to his teammates and coaches at The Prout
                                                                                                School. The response was overwhelming and
                                                                                                Nick was able to provide a car load of gently
                                                                                                used baseball equipment to a Little League
                                                                                                team in Providence and another car load of
                                                  organist and music director at the Basilica   equipment for the Division I baseball team
                                                  di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri,    at Central High School in Providence. Nick
                                                  Nathan became aware of the Pontifical         is pictured here presenting the equipment to
                                                  Institute of Sacred Music. The Pontifical     Coach Dave Hanson, who’s been coaching
                                                  Institute was founded by Pope Pius X in       Central baseball for 49 years.
                                                  1910 and is one of a few institutions of
                                                  higher learning affiliated with the Holy
                                                  See. Nate applied to and, after competing
                                                  with students from all over the world,        BISHOP CELEBRATES
                                                  was accepted at the Pontifical Institute      FIRST MASS OF YEAR
When Nathan Schneider ’17 first came              where he is now one of 40 undergraduates      On September 15, Bishop
to Prout as a freshman, he had been               – and the only American. His musical          Tobin celebrated Mass for
taking music lessons for quite some time.         instruction is entirely in Italian.           our school community
Prout’s music director, Mr. Philip Faraone,
                                                                                                to officially mark the
immediately recognized Nate’s talent and
                                                                                                beginning of the new
encouraged him to intensify his piano
                                                                                                academic year. Fr. Stephen Battey, a newly-
studies. The two developed a friendship
                                                                                                ordained diocesan priest, preached the homily.
and Nathan later asked Mr. Faraone-- who
                                                                                                We were also joined by representatives of the
is also the organist at the Cathedral of
                                                                                                Sisters of the Cross and Passion, the religious
Saints Peter and Paul in Providence – to
                                                                                                community that founded our school in 1966.
teach him how to play the organ.
                                                                                                Before Mass, Mr. Estes
In the fall of his junior year, Nate traveled                                                   unveiled a new icon of
to Italy on a two-week trip with The Prout                                                      our school patroness,
School choir to perform at of the country’s                                                     Mother Mary Joseph
most historic cathedrals in Rome and              Prout baseball player Nick Gwaltney ’19,      Prout, which will hang
Venice. While in Italy, Nate fell in love with    like any teenager, wants the latest and       in our school and will
the country and with the Catholic faith           greatest equipment when he’s playing          be displayed during
and its liturgical music. Upon his return         a sport that he loves. But his parents        all future liturgies. The
to the States, Nathan began his conversion        reminded him that not too many students       icon imagery was donated to the school by the
to Catholicism, which took place in June          have that luxury. So Nick decided to do       UK-based artist Aidan Hart.
of 2016. Nate also became determined to
pursue a career as an organist.
                                                 “I learned early in my life to always give back. The experience of doing
During his senior year, Nathan applied            what I learned was very rewarding. I felt like I really had an impact
to some of the most prestigious
conservatories in the world. But, while in        on other kids’ lives and it was very gratifying to know so.”
Rome to audition with Osvaldo Guidotti,           - NICHOLAS GWALTNEY, CLASS OF 2019

                                                                                                                     the crusader        7
Our Catholic
Identity con’t

                                                 FRESHMEN FEED THE HUNGRY
                                                 Prout freshmen participated in a day of
                                                                                               LIVING WITH DOWN
PROUT STUDENTS EMBARK ON                                                                       SYNDROME
MARIAN PILGRIMAGE                                service in which the students made over 100
                                                 sandwiches to be given to the residents of    Allison Tarzwell, daughter of Prout grad
In February a group of freshmen and
                                                 shelters in South Kingstown and Westerly.     Gayle DiSandro Tarzwell ’70, spoke
sophomores, accompanied by Father Upton
                                                                                               to Prout’s Right to Life Club members
and religion teacher and music director Philip
                                                                                               about her life as a woman living with
Faraone, traveled to several parishes within
                                                                                               Down Syndrome. Allison’s uplifting and
the Diocese of Providence, praying a decade
                                                                                               empowering motivational speech was
of the rosary and learning about Mary under
                                                                                               delivered on March 21, World Down
her various titles at each location. The day
                                                                                               Syndrome Day.
was planned in response to Bishop Tobin’s
call for a year with Mary Our Mother.

The pilgrimage also provided an opportunity
to teach students about the various cultural
devotions to Mary. At Our Lady of the
Rosary Church, a traditionally Portuguese
parish in Providence, the students learned
about the Portuguese devotions to Our            SHARING OUR BLESSINGS
Lady of Fatima. Other parish stops included
                                                 Students, faculty and staff at Prout came
Our Lady of Czestochowa in Coventry,
                                                 together once again and produced amazing
Immaculate Conception in Cranston, and
                                                 results for Thanksgiving this year! Roughly
Our Lady of Mercy in East Greenwich.
                                                 980 pounds of food were donated to the
                                                 Jonnycake Center in Wakefield.
                                                                                               PARENTS SHARE
                                                                                               GOD-GIVEN TALENTS
PEER MINISTERS                                                                                 Some hardworking Prout parents, who
                                                                                               have already sacrificed so much to provide
May God bless this year’s class of 30 peer
                                                                                               their children with a Prout education,
ministers, selected for their faith and
                                                                                               have also utilized their time and talent to
compassion and trained to run religious
                                                                                               moderate clubs, fundraise, share their life
retreats for their peers throughout the year.
                                                                                               and work experiences with our students,
                                                                                               organize and staff events, and beautify the
                                                                                               grounds of the school. We are grateful to
                                                                                               these parents for sharing their energy and
                                                                                               enthusiasm with our community. Most
                                                 ASH WEDNESDAY
                                                                                               recently, a group of Prout parents banded
                                                 Prout students observed Ash Wednesday at      together to refurbish the stables near the
                                                 a Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert C. Evans   playing fields.
                                                 and Prout chaplain Fr. Joe Upton.

  86    the crusader
Our Catholic
                                                                                                       Identity con’t
HEART at The Prout School
Toward a New Curricular Framework
The notion of “the heart” features prominently in both the            HUMANITIES
Hebrew and the Christian Scriptures. The Book of Sirach
                                                                      Our humanities program encompasses a holistic approach to the
(17:6) indicates that God has given human beings “a heart to
                                                                      study of American and British literature, the classics, grammar and
think with.” The first Book of Samuel (16:7) tells us that while
                                                                      composition, international languages, history and civics, as well as
we tend to be deceived by appearances, God sees the heart.
                                                                      global studies. By examining the collective wisdom of the past in light
Above all, the heart is the place of encounter with God, where,
                                                                      of current events, students are prepared to be active participants in and
as the Book of Jeremiah (32:39) teaches, God renews and
                                                                      shapers of future cultural and societal discourse.
recreates us.

While contemporary curricular models emphasize the                    ENGINEERING AND MATHEMATICS
development of the mind, or the body, or even a particular            By combining skills in engineering and mathematics, Prout students
set of abilities or skills, many lack a unifying principle. The       are prepared to apply their conceptual knowledge of mathematics to
constellation of a particular student’s intellectual ability, skill   practical outcomes. In an increasingly competitive workforce, Prout
at particular crafts, talent for expression, and even bodily          students are prepared to distinguish themselves in college and beyond
strength and agility are united in the heart. The heart—              through hands-on educational experiences that equip them to become
understood in the Judeo-Christian context—provides the                the innovators of the future.
locus of integration, where the many qualities, traits, gifts and
abilities of a student can unite in a single purpose.
                                                                      ARTS AND ATHLETICS
                                                                      Prout forms the whole person. Creativity, artistic expression, physical
There is no real education, then,                                     education and bodily development are all bedrocks of our arts and
                                                                      athletics programs. Through dance, music, pottery, theatre and visual
without an education of the heart.                                    arts, students are encouraged to explore and develop their creativity
                                                                      by participation in our respected programs. Through an array of
Mother Mary Joseph (Elizabeth) Prout understood this in               opportunities for participation in athletics—from lacrosse to sailing to
a particularly profound way. As she sought an established             soccer and everything in between—Prout Crusaders are challenged to
religious community with which to affiliate her own work, she         grow in both physical excellence and character development.
       chose the Passionists, an order whose distinguishing
          emblem was—and continues to be—a heart. Mother              RELIGION AND SERVICE
               Mary Joseph Prout adopted this emblem as
                                                                      Prout’s Catholic identity informs everything we do as an educational
                 her own, as a symbol of the heart of Christ
                                                                      community. Inspired by the example of our patroness, Mother Mary
                 which continued to beat with compassion for
                                                                      Joseph Prout, we seek to instill the core values of faith, solidarity
                 those who experienced poverty and injustice,
                                                                      and service. Daily prayer, school-wide Masses, opportunities for
                  and those who were considered unworthy of
                                                                      Reconciliation and RCIA, required theology courses and abundant
                  education. That emblem remains at the very
                                                                      opportunities for Christian service are not extrinsic to our mission, but
                  center of our school crest. In other words, at
                                                                      ground us as a school community and provide us with a clear direction.
                 the very center of our school community is
               the belief that our God has a heart of love for
            us, and that he transforms our hearts through             TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE
          love of him and service to our neighbor. All who            In an increasingly complex technological landscape and as scientific
are educated at Prout, then, are meant to develop a heart for         knowledge continues to advance in leaps and bounds, Prout students
others: for God and for those in need.                                are encouraged to harness the momentum for the benefit of society and
                                                                      human progress. Formation in the sciences—natural science, biology,
“Heart” is also an acronym. It unifies otherwise disparate            chemistry and physics—as well as exposure to current technology is
disciplines under unified goals.                                      essential to a Prout education.

                                                                                                                       the crusader         9
                                                                                             UPCOMING CLASS REUNIONS
                                                                                             Classes ending in “3” or “8” will be reaching

                                                                                             major milestones in 2018. If your class is
                                                                                             planning a reunion, please contact Nicole
                                                                                             Kelly, Director of Institutional Advancement, at
                                                                                    or at (401) 789-9262
                                                                                             x 537. There are many ways we can help!

                                                                                             CLASS OF 2012
Our year-long celebration of the school’s
                                                                                             Plans are being made for a “mini” 5-year
fiftieth anniversary provided lots of
                                                                                             reunion over Thanksgiving 2017 weekend.
opportunities for Prout alumni to visit the
                                                                                             Contact AJ Butera ’12 at
school. Here are just a few:

                                                                                             CLASS OF 1988
                                                                                             Plans are underway for a 30-year reunion in
                                                                                             spring or summer of 2018. Contact Bonnie
                                              CAREER DAY
                                                                                             Booth Baeza ’88 at
                                              Prout juniors were able to gain valuable
                                              career advice during a Career Day
                                              assembly featuring Prout grads Maria
                                              Day Hyde ’81, actress; Brittany Ricci ‘11,
                                              medical student; Jessica Cabral ‘10, visual
                                              artist/businessperson; Hilary Hall Jansson
                                              ‘70, Dean of Nursing; Andrew Webb ’13,
                                              pharmacy student and Adam Lepre ’08,
                                              RI State Trooper.

                                              THEATER ALUMNI RECEPTION
                                              On a beautiful Saturday in April, just prior
                                              to the school’s performance of Bye Bye
                                                                                             TWO PROUT GRADS CHANGE THE
YOUNG ALUMNI DROP-IN                          Birdie, we welcomed back alumni from
                                                                                             WAY YOUNG PEOPLE “MEET”
LUNCHEON                                      Prout and Bishop Hendricken High School
In January, alumni from the last four years   for a wine and cheese reception. The two       Antonio Melegari (L) and Anthony Curreri
– many of whom were home for Christmas        schools had famously collaborated on           (R), both 2016 graduates of Prout, are getting
vacation – joined our teachers and staff      many successful theatrical productions         real-life experience by developing and
and current seniors for a pizza lunch in      from 1969 until the mid-eighties, when         marketing an application called TAP that will
the North Commons.                            Prout became co-ed. photo below                allow people to exchange their social media
                                                                                             contact information and phone numbers via
                                                                                             Bluetooth with just one, well, tap! Retyping
                                                                                             mistakes become a thing of the past.

                                                                                             Their market is primarily students, ages 15-25.
                                                                                             “Imagine you are just starting out at college and
                                                                                             you’re meeting tons of new people every day.
                                                                                             With our app, you don’t need to stop and take
                                                                                             minutes to exchange social media addresses,

10 the crusader
                                                                                                                NEWS con’t

etc. with each and every person you
meet. One tap gets it done.” Most college
kids have Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat                                                        Victor began using this social influence to
and Facebook at least. On average, each                                                       launch new websites. Things did not always
individual in this age category has an                                                        go well at first. But, according to Victor,
average of five and a half social media                                                       failure can be a great recipe for success.
platforms.                                                                                    Victor continued to take risks and push
                                                                                              forward with his ideas, eventually leading to
Antonio and Anthony have partnered                                                            the creation of Trend Pie – a multi-million
with two equity partners out of Georgia                                                       dollar business which he launched from
Tech, who are primarily responsible for                                                       his dorm room at Seton Hall. Victor is the
the coding of the product. Anthony                                                            founder and CEO of this internet marketing
is the chairman of the company that                                                           company that connects his followers to
produces TAP. Antonio, the son of                                                             multiple types of smart phone applications.
Claudio Melegari and Jennifer Trevisiol,
Italian teacher and chair of the languages                                                    After graduating from Seton Hall this past
department at Prout, is the chief                                                             spring, Victor is back in his hometown of
marketing officer. Another young man                                                          Narragansett working to expand Trend
serves as chief financial officer.             PROUT GRADUATE OPENS                           Pie, which currently has 13 employees. He
                                               NEW TREND PIE OFFICE IN                        recently rented and renovated office space
The current version of TAP is available        NARRAGANSETT                                   at 118 Point Judith Road. He is hiring office
for iOS Apple products. The group plans        By Tyson Edmonds                               staff and interns from local universities.
to launch the Android version of the                                                          Victor’s goal is for Trend Pie to become
app as resources allow. The product is         In the fall of 2012, Victor Ricci – then a     a full scale digital, media and attribution
available on the App Store and the team        Prout junior -- was winning high school        solution center connecting its users to
has conducted a “soft launch” with friends     cross country races and making a name          brands all over the world.
and family. The focus now is on app store      for himself as one of the best long distance
optimization (ASO) marketing, with the         runners in the state of Rhode Island. One      Victor has embraced the business
ultimate goal of being featured on the App     of his most impressive races came at the       opportunities he’s had and the connections
Store. ASO is the process of optimizing        Class Championships at Ponagansett High        he’s made traveling to Europe and the West
a mobile app to rank higher in an app          School where he won the 5K race by 19          Coast. He will speak this fall at the App
store’s search results. The higher an app      seconds, sustaining a 5 minute and 12          Masters retreat in Santa Cruz, California,
ranks in an app store’s search results, the    second mile pace. Victor would go on to        an event that connects successful app
more visible it is to potential customers.     run Division I cross country at Seton Hall     entrepreneurs. Additionally, Victor will help
Ultimately, revenue will derive from           university.                                    coach the boys’ cross country team at Prout.
advertising and upfront charges.
                                               In addition to his dedication to running,      Victor has an optimistic outlook about
Said Antonio, “My four years at Prout          Victor also enjoyed experimenting              the work he is doing. He says, “There are
definitely prepared me to take on              with social media, still a fairly recent       so many opportunities in the world, and
something this big and work at my job at a     phenomenon. A six-second video of              this type of work allows me to meet a great
machine company in Quonset and attend          him separating a yolk from the egg white       variety of people, and do a great variety
college full-time. I worked so hard at Prout   on social media site Vine received over        of tasks every day.” Victor looks forward
that I learned how to manage my time and       349,000 likes. Victor would go on to post      to sharing his knowledge and experience
the core values of Prout, especially being     more videos about quick ways to make           with the Prout community. When asked
friendly, have really been useful as we        life easier and, eventually, he was followed   what advice he might give a senior at
seek out and talk to so many new people,       by 1.4 million people who enjoyed his          Prout, Victor says, “Everyone is in the same
including investors.”                          QuickLifeHacks.                                boat. Take a risk, make a change. I never
                                                                                              regretted trying something new.”

                                                                                                                 the crusader        11
NEWS con’t
                                                                                                  Summer (Nelson) Arrigo-Nelson ‘94
                                                                                                  and her husband John Arrigo-Nelson are
                                              ALUMNI UPDATES
                                                                                                  pleased to announce
                                              After 32 years with the Warwick School              the adoption of their
                                              Department, Linda M. Polselli ‘76 has retired.      son, Christopher
                                              Linda was at Wyman and Holliman Schools,            Julian. Christopher,
                                              teaching special education and grade 3. Said        born in October
                                              Linda, “It sure went by fast! It was a wonderful    2016, joined his
                                              career. I will sub two days a week, though; I       parents and big
                                              don’t want to miss working with the kids!”          brother Milo (age
                                                                                                  six) as a family in
                                                                                                  December 2016. Says Summer, “The
                                                                                                  boys are the center of our world.”
Class of 1974’s mural
                                                                                                  Prout’s Class
                                                                                                  of 1997
                                                                                                  had its 20th
                                                                                                  reunion at
                                                                                                  The Bay
                                                                                                  Voyage Inn
                                              Nearly half of the 67 members of the Class          in Jamestown on Friday, May 5, 2017.
                                              of 1977 attended their 30-year reunion, a           Members of the Class of 1996 were also
Class of 2008’s mural                         brunch on October 1 at 1149 Restaurant              invited. The event was organized by Julie
MURALS PRESERVED IN                           in East Greenwich. Pat St. Onge Flores ‘77,         Brittain Swistak ’97 and Karin Palmer
UNIQUE TRIBUTE                                Jean Perretta ’77 and Deb Hodor Moone ’77           Mattiucci ’97. We are grateful to the
                                              organized the event. Reported Deb Moone, “I         attendees for their donation to the Cross
Graduating classes have many ways             cannot begin to describe the love in that room.     & Tower Fund.
to leave their mark on an alma mater:         We all stood up and talked about ourselves and
a garden, a bench, a video, a song. At        our favorite memory of Prout. It was hysterical.    James Grande ’04
Prout, one such way was the creation of       We had tears of love, and laughter. It was like     has been a full-
large, colorful murals on the walls of the    we had never been apart.” The classmates also       time professional
commons and the hallways. Subject matter      took time to remember two of their deceased         musician since
ranged from Cat in the Hat to life in South   classmates, Jane Grimley ’77 and LuAnne             2014. In 2017
County to the “preppiness” of the 1980’s.     Hopkinson Beatty ‘77.                               he’s projected to
During the school’s year-long celebration                                                         perform between
of its 50th anniversary, the many alumni      Arlene Early Rosbottom ’78 passed away              175-200 shows.
that returned to Prout were able to see 27    on July 6, 2017. Arlene lived with metatastic       James has traveled
such murals, beginning with the Class of      breast cancer for over 8 years. She will be         extensively,
1974. Others had been removed to make         remembered for her unwavering optimism,             performing on a cruise ship an at
way for the science addition in 2004;         her bright smile and comforting blue eyes.          Lincoln Center in New York, and he’s
several classes had chosen to leave their     Her spirit of strength, faith and generosity live   produced and marketed a video that
mark in a different way. Over the summer,     on in all of those who were inspired by her.        went viral in 2015. He now works solely
in order to create a clean and healthy                                                            on building his brand online. For more
environment for incoming Prout students,      Deborah Ann Butler ’80, a retired registered
                                                                                                  information, check out James’ website at
some of the oldest murals – which had         nurse, passed away on October 14, 2016.
adorned our walls for 10, 20, 30 and even
                                              Stephanie Abela Hansen ‘86 passed away July
40 years -- were retired. Photos were                                                             Jack Stupinski ’06 received the Doctor
                                              20, 2016 after a life-long courageous battle with
taken, walls were washed and repainted,                                                           of Medicine degree from Weill Cornell
                                              diabetes. Stephanie was a psychotherapist and
and colorful, new canvas prints of Prout’s                                                        Medical College on June 1, 2017. The
                                              passionate about the wellness of her clients. She
class murals were created. These canvases                                                         commencement ceremony was held at
                                              loved her career for the many opportunities
now on display in the North Commons.                                                              Carnegie Hall in New York City. Jack
                                              that it provided her to help others.

 12 the crusader
                                                                                                                 NEWS con’t
also received the G. Thomas Shires II              Maria Shanahan ‘08, graduated in May
Prize in Surgery, awarded to a graduating          2017 from the University of Rhode
student “who exemplifies the qualities of          Island with a master’s degree in Speech-
an academic surgeon interested in patient          Language Pathology. She is employed
care, science and education.”Jack begins           as a Speech-Language Pathologist at
his residency in surgery this summer, at           Bride Brook Health and Rehabilitation        Kerry Quirk ’11 works for Fidelity
the University of Arizona in Tucson.               Center in Niantic, CT. If any students are   Investments as an audit analyst.
                                                   considering speech pathology as a career
Laura Calvo ’07                                    path, Maria would be happy to speak
has returned to                                    with them! Please contact us at
the United States                         if you
after completing                                   would like to reach out to Maria.
school in La                                       Caitlyn Quirk ’08 works for Newport
Paz, Bolivia,                                      School Department as a special ed
where she            Laura Calvo ’07 and her       teacher.
graduated first      mother, Yasare Calvo ‘76.
in her class after a six-year program.             Sarah DeVito ’09,
                                                                                                Thanks to the efforts of Chris Sanacore ’11
Her undergraduate degree is from                   married Brian
                                                                                                and Zack DeLuca ‘11, the Class of 2011
Dartmouth College. Laura was married               Thompson on June
                                                                                                had a well attended five-year reunion over
in 2014. She and her husband are                   30, 2017. They
                                                                                                Thanksgiving weekend at George’s of Galilee.
expecting their first child in March.              were married at
                                                                                                Attendees made a generous donation of
                                                   St. Francis Church
                                                                                                more than $700 to the scholarship fund in
Nejla Calvo ’08 graduated from the                 in Wakefield by
                                                                                                memory of their classmate, Walter Aubin
University of Miami Law School and is              Fr. Stowe, former
                                                                                                ‘11, who passed away in 2013.
employed by Legal Services of Greater              Chaplain at The
Miami. Nejla provides legal advocacy,              Prout School. The                            Danielle Dussault
outreach and education to mobile                   reception was                                ’12 graduated summa
home park residents. She assists in the            held at The                                  cum laude from
formation of homeowners associations               Towers in Narragansett. Brian grew up        Johnson & Wales
to protect residents’ rights and to                in South Kingstown and is a firefighter      University in May of
improve park conditions throughout                 in Tiverton, RI. Sarah is a Library          2016. She is currently
Miami-Dade County. Nejla is engaged to             Media Specialist in the Chariho School       working as an account
be married to Ed Proenza in                        System. They’re planning a trip to           coordinator for the Providence Bruins.
April 2018.                                        Ireland for their honeymoon.

               2017 / 2018 Calendar of Alumni Events
            For more information, “like” our Alumni Facebook page or contact Nicole Kelly at
                 Of course, we also encourage you to attend our cultural and sporting events throughout the year!

           January 4                             March 8                              April 27
           Young Alumni                          Career Day for                       Wine & Cheese Reception for Prout
           Drop-In Luncheon                      juniors featuring                    Theater Alumni prior to Friday
           North Commons,                        Prout alumni                         night performance of Curtains
           11:30am-1pm                           Auditorium, 1-2:30pm                 North Commons, 6-7pm

                                                                                                                   the crusader       13
NEWS con’t                           Robyn Grimes Hornstein ‘77       CLASSES OF 1990’s              John King ‘11
                                     Paula E. Bulger ‘78              Jo-Anne DiNezza Azevedo ‘91    Marin Peterson ‘11
                                     Elizabeth Cullen Joseph ‘79      Jill M. Andrews ‘94            Christian Tiexiera ‘11
                                     Kathleen Welch Joyce ‘79         Aaron Milne ‘96                Marisa Morgera ‘11
                                     Barbara Rush Anderson ‘79        Karin Palmer Mattiucci ‘97     Gregory Zervos ‘11
                                                                      Julie Brittain Swistak ‘97     Mia Marcello ‘11
                                     CLASSES OF 1980’s
                                                                      Amber Hanson Champlin ‘97      Ryan Matuszek ‘11
INDIVIDUAL ALUMNI                    Mary Murphy Marcello ‘80
                                                                      Christine Shackleton ‘99       Brittany Ricci ‘11
CONTRIBUTORS                         Karen D. Murphy ‘80
                                                                                                     Colton Skye Oliver ‘11
                                     Stephanie Benedetti ‘80          CLASSES OF 2000’s
We’ve seen the number of Prout                                                                       Elizabeth-Ann Viscione ‘11
                                     Linda Lewis Bilodeau ‘80         Rebekah E. Tiexiera ‘00
alumni who support our school                                                                        Christopher Sanacore ‘11
                                     Ellen E. Bloomer ‘80             Ted Serra ‘02
financially double -- and then                                                                       Ethan Carter ‘11
                                     Anonymous ‘80                    Sean McGuire ‘04
double again the next year --                                                                        Elizabeth Sammartino ‘11
                                     Sheila Manning Jones ‘80         John McCabe ‘05
since the 2014/2015 academic                                                                         Casey Shalkowski ‘11
                                     Cynthia Tuccillo Eckel ‘81       Rosemary McCooey
year! We very much appreciate                                                                        Kaitlyn Poirier ‘11
                                     Sheila Gallogly ‘81               Summers ‘05
the participation of our alumni in                                                                   Kerry E. Quirk ‘11
                                     Dawn Adkins Portoff ‘81          Rebecca Orchardo ‘05
securing the future of The Prout                                                                     Martin Larson ‘11
                                     Angela Squeo ‘81                 Brenda Behan Priggemeier ‘05
School. These alumni made one                                                                        Hayley Marshall ‘11
                                     Kathleen “Kellie” McMahon        Vanessa Cherenzia ‘05
                                                                                                     Sophie Dodd ‘11
or more gifts to The Prout School     Holmes ‘82                      Matthew Letendre ‘05
                                                                                                     Bryan Z. Swords ‘11
between July 1, 2016 and             Christine H. Najac ‘82           Joe Abarr ‘05
                                                                                                     David A. Antonelli ‘11
June 30, 2017.                       Catherine Cullen Bradley ‘82     Melanie Chellgren ‘06
                                                                                                     Matthew Bertelli ‘11
                                     Alison Corcoran Ruscito ‘83      Michelle Lee ‘07
                                                                                                     Katie Gilligan ‘11
CLASS OF 1969                        Colleen Prior Moffitt ‘83        Kyle Tiexiera ‘07
                                                                                                     Brendan Fogarty ‘11
Anonymous (2)                        Michelle Ruberto Fonseca ‘83     Kathleen Abarr ‘07
                                                                                                     Brittany Durgin ‘11
Gay Agnello Hazlewood ‘69            Tricia Haxton Angeli ‘84
                                                                      CLASSES OF 2010’s              Sean Marran ‘11
Mary-Jo Nolan Jackson ‘69            Gina Guadagno ‘84
                                                                      Sandra Winter ‘10              Hayley McGuirl ‘11
Marcelline Richard Zambuco ‘69       Margaret Cullen Goodman ‘84
                                                                      Sarah Iselin ‘11               Jake G. Dyer ‘11
Joan Sylvester Ross ‘69              Pamela Parente ‘85
                                                                      Daniel Griffin ‘11             Shane Fairbrother ‘11
                                     Anonymous ‘87
CLASSES OF 1970’s                                                     Cole Patrick Burton ‘11        Kimberly Rameika ‘11
                                     Brooke Tallman Brouillette ‘88
Mary Ann Naddy ‘70                                                    Patrick Majeika ‘11            Carolyn Cote ‘15
                                     Anne M. DiMonti ‘88
Cheryl Whalen Cotter ‘70                                              Holden Bussey ‘11              Zachary E. Bishop ‘15
                                     Jennifer Leahey Kenyon ‘89
Mary Pat Hagerty Marcello ‘70                                         Neysa Gardiner ‘11             Emily Angeli ‘16
                                     Dawn Sabelli-Silva ‘89
Gayle DiSandro Tarzwell ‘70                                           Rebecca L. Winslow ‘11         Courtney Cote ‘18
                                     Carla Pregnolato ‘89
Anne E. Wales ‘71                                                     K. Christopher Haughey ‘11
Diane Peltier Cyr ‘71
Jocelyn M. Dionne ‘72
Lisa Fiore ‘72
Mary G. Hughes ‘72
LTC (R) Joanne E. McGovern `73
Jacynth Pascucci Pelland ‘73
Sheila Bonner Brownhill ‘74
Mary Wright Terminesi ‘74
Kathleen Dempsey Noon ‘74
Cheryl Lussier Poppe ‘74
Karen E. McGrath ‘75
Renamarie Manning
 DiMuccio ‘75
Debra N. Nisbet ‘75
Kathy Freethy Piasecki ‘75                                                     be a Crusader!
Tricia Cote Gleason ‘76
Diane Angelone ‘76                                                             Open House: Oct 22, 1-4pm & Nov 9, 6-8pm
Catherine McKone Wicks ‘76
Judith Gray Hamel ‘76
Dorothy Flynn Adalio ‘76                                 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT:
Peg Manning ‘77                                       Sharon DeLuca, Director of Admissions & Enrollment
Ms. Karen A. Bordeleau ‘77                    / (401) 789-9262 x 514
Laureen L. White-Taricani ‘77

 14 the crusader
transitions                                                                                                   Brian Gould, a recent
                                                                                                              graduate of Rhode
                                                                                                              Island College, is the
                                                                                                              most recent addition to
                                                                                                              the English Department.
                                                                                                              His student teaching
                                                                                                              experience took
                                                                                           place at Mount Pleasant High School in
                    Colleen McKenna,                                                       Providence. Mr. Gould’s writes short
                    math teacher at Prout                                                  stories, one of which was published by the
                    for 21 years, retired                       Linda Franklin,            literary magazine at Rhode Island College.
                    at the end of the                           longtime English           His favorite authors include David Foster
                    2016/2017 academic                          teacher at Prout, has      Wallace, Lydia Davis and Junot Diaz.
                    year. She is looking                        also retired. Said Ms.
                    forward to spending                         Franklin, “After 20+
more time with her family, including her                        years in theatre and
young grandson, Bernard James, named                            17 years at Prout, I
                                                                                                               Kathleen Gordon
after both of his grandfathers. Both of      am using this next year to sub and tutor
                                                                                                               Smith is the new dance
Mrs. McKenna’s children – Kevin and          as I discover my next adventure!”
                                                                                                               and yoga teacher.
Bridget – graduated from Prout.                                                                                Ms. Smith has been a
                                                                                                               certified yoga instructor
When asked what she’ll miss most, Mrs.
                                                                                                               since 2006 and has an
McKenna said, “I will certainly miss                              Donna Balcezak is                            impressive dance career
the students, their personalities and our                         a new math teacher.      – teaching, choreographing and performing
daily interaction. And I will miss my                             Mrs. Balcezak lives in   throughout New England. Her passion is
colleagues. We shared so much together                            Charlestown, RI and      modern dance. Most recently, she was an
over two decades, the good and the                                has been teaching        adjunct professor at both Dean College
challenging, and we became part of the                            secondary math in        in Franklin, MA and Roger Williams
fabric of Prout. We all grew together. I                          Connecticut since        University in Bristol. She was also an
always believed in the mission of Prout      2005, most recently at the Kingswood          assistant professor at Rhode Island College.
and it meant so much to me to be able        Oxford School in West Hartford,
to share my faith; my faith certainly        where she also developed a robotics
deepened while I was at Prout.”              program. She has a BS from Worcester
                                             Polytechnic Institute and an MBA from
When asked whether she’ll miss                                                             Long-time boys’ soccer and lacrosse coach
                                             Rensselear Polytechnic Institute. A fun
teaching , Mrs. McKenna’s replied, “ I                                                     Tim Ryan has relocated, along with his
                                             fact about Mrs. Balcezak is that she
have to admit, it was really nice waking                                                   wife, to the Boston area. We thank Coach
                                             competed in gymnastics at a national
up – once we got back to Rhode Island                                                      Ryan for his many years of service and
                                             level for 12 years and coached for eight
-- and realizing I didn’t have to prepare                                                  dedication to our athletes and we wish him
                                             years. She also designed, built and
for a new academic year! I am very                                                         well in his new journey! Mr. Ron Renzi
                                             operated one of the first indoor karting
ready for this next phase of life; I never                                                 now coaches our boys’ soccer team and a
                                             facilities for adults in the Northeast!
imagined how wonderful it is being a                                                       boys’ lacrosse coach will be announced at
grandparent!”                                                                              a later date.

                                                                                                                the crusader        15
transitions con’t

                                                               Emily Slusarczyk,                              Eddie DeCesare,
                                                               daughter of Rose                               administrative assistant
                   Cindy Cavanagh,                             Slusarczyk, advancement                        in the College and Career
                   religion teacher, and                       associate, graduated                           Counseling Center, is
                   her husband Robert                          from Prout in June 2017.                       the proud grandma of
                   welcomed their sixth                        Emily, who received a                          two more grandchildren:
                   grandchild, Theodore                        scholarship from the                           Remi Catriona, born
                   Robert Cavanagh, into      Westerly YMCA, will study architecture at                       May 26, 2016 to Colleen
                   the world on May 29,       Roger Williams University.                                      DeCesare ‘03 and Nathan
2017. Theo is also the third grandchild of                                                                    Forde, and Arden Amelia,
Leigh Ann McLaughlin, a 1972 graduate                                                                         born March 19, 2016 to
of Prout!                                                                                                     Will DeCesare ’05 and
                                                                 Alexandra Lawrence,                          Lauren DeCesare.
                                                                 daughter of assistant
                                                                 principal Carolyn
                   Michael Traficante,                           Lawrence, married
                   athletic director, and                        Gregory Poitrast on                           Caroline Kelly,
                   his wife Pauline are                          August 6, 2017 at Christ                      daughter of Nicole Kelly,
                   first-time grandparents!                      the King Church. Father                       director of institutional
                   Harper Rose Walker         Joe Upton officiated. The reception was held                     advancement, graduated
                   was born on April 10,      at the Atlantic Resort in Newport. The day                       from high school in
                   2017. Congratulations      also marked Mrs. Lawrence’s 28th wedding                         June 2017. Caroline is
to Mike’s daughter, Lisa, and her             anniversary!                                                     now at the University
husband Justin.                                                                              of North Carolina Greensboro.

        Save the Date • Tuesday, November 28, 2017
        Across the country, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving has been set aside to encourage
          donors to contribute to the causes that are nearest and dearest to their hearts.
                   An “antidote”, if you will, to Black Friday and Cyber Monday!
             Visit on #GivingTuesday and make a difference in the life of a
                  Prout student. You choose the area or cause within Prout which matters most to you.

                        Thank you in advance for making this a powerful day of giving.

 16 the crusader
visual &
                         In May, Prout
                         dance students
                         performed Alice                                Cam Doherty
                         in Wonderland,                                 ’17 received
                         an original                                    one of just five
                         ballet by Libby                                Honorable
                         Stackhouse. The                                Mentions in        In addition to its already packed
                         performance,                                   Senator Jack       annual schedule of concerts, art shows,
                         which featured                                 Reed’s 2017 High   performances, and theater productions,
                         fantastically                                  School Arts        during the 2016-2017 season Prout’s
                         colorful costumes                              Competition        Visual and Performing Arts Department
and props – including a giant Cheshire                                  in April. The      produced a Coffee House in November and
Cat -- utilized the South Commons and                                   contest featured   a Concert on the Lawn in June. Vivian
the adjacent courtyard to create a unique     artwork from students from 19 high           K. Humphrey, theater director, explained,
setting. The show was part of the Arts        schools across Rhode Island. Each school     “There are a few really compelling reasons
Banquet.                                      submitted up to three works of art from      that we created these opportunities for
                                              three different students.                    our students. The first is that these events
                                                                                           help us create community amongst our
                                              This year’s winners were chosen by a
                                                                                           performing arts families. Sports families
                         On April 7 and 8,    panel of judges that included David
                                                                                           come together often and have a chance to
                         Prout’s theatre      DePetrillo of the Providence Art Club,
                                                                                           talk and get to know each other at games.
                         department           Marta Martínez of the RI Latino Arts
                                                                                           Performing arts families can now mix and
                         presented the        Association, and Judy Salvadore of the
                                                                                           mingle at these two more laid-back events.
                         crowd-pleasing                                Wickford Art
                                                                                           Additionally, this gives our students a taste
                         musical Bye Bye                               Association.
                                                                                           of audience feedback. In a smaller, more
                         Birdie. During                              Cam’s award-          intimate setting like a coffee house, the
                         the Saturday night                          winning entry         performer can observe body language and
                         performance, a                              was a portrait        feel the energy of the crowd ebb and flow.”
                         special section                             of his fellow         Both events were fun and entertaining
                         was set aside for                           Prout classmate,      and packed with enthusiastic audience
alumni from past Prout-Hendricken joint                              Kenneth               members. Thanks to the generosity of Prout
theatrical productions, which began in                               Baertlein.            parent Mr. Brooks, owner of Picasso’s Pizza
1969 -- when Prout was an all-girls school                                                 in Warwick, there was plenty of food in
-- under the direction of Sister Lillian                                                   addition to the “coffee” served.
Dempsey and Brother John Neidl.

                                                                                                               the crusader        17
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