News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland

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News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
new s
teachers’ union of ireland / AONTAS MúiNTeOirí éireANN

                                                           Vo l.4 2 / no.1
                                                         se p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
A Word from the
     tui neWs


    p.2    A Word from the President
                                                           President – Seamus Lahart
    p.4    Pay discrimination ballot

    p.5    A better future through
           educational justice
                                                    Colleagues, the summer has
    p.6    institute News
                                                    passed too quickly and you are
    p.8    Have we your correct                     already back at the chalkface for
           membership details?                      the next academic year delivering
    p.9    Teachers’ wellbeing                      a quality service in educating
                                                    the nation. The best of
    p.10   A reminder of some key TUi               luck to you over the coming
    p.14 TUi on Senior Cycle reform

    p.16 TUi guide for new teachers
                                                    Pay discrimination –
    p.22 erasmus+ scheme                            let’s deliver a strong
    p.23 Update on curriculum                       message in upcoming
    p.24 HPV vaccine – important
                                                    At Congress 2019, delegates
         information on programme
                                                    decided to ballot all members
    p.26 review of rSe in schools                   in September to refresh our
    p.30 TUi legal advice policy
                                                    mandate for industrial action –
                                                    up to and including strike
    p.32 Membership Application Form                action – should the Government              TUi PreSiDeNT, SeAMUS LAHArT

    p.33 Deduction At Source Form                   fail or refuse to address
                                                    conclusively the outstanding                     it is vital that every TUi member
    p.35 rMA News                                   issues of pay discrimination.                    votes to deliver a strong message to
    p.36 Crossword                                  Ballot papers will issue in                      Government that this issue must
                                                    the middle of September and                      finally be resolved.

                                       eDiTOriAL                                                             PrODUCTiON
                                       Annette Dolan                   Bernie ruane                          TUi News is published by the
                                       Deputy General Secretary        Assistant General Secretary           Teachers’ Union of ireland.
                                                                                                             Aontas Múinteoirí éireann,
                                                                                                             73 Orwell road, rathgar, Dublin 6.
                                       Declan Glynn                    Joanne irwin
    Seamus Lahart                      Assistant General Secretary     Assistant General Secretary
    President                                                  T: 01-492 2588    F: 01-492 2953                                                                                         e:     W:
                                       Aidan Kenny                     David Duffy
    Martin Marjarom                    Assistant General Secretary     education & research Officer
                                                                                                             Printed by:
                                                                                                             Typecraft Ltd.
                                       Michael Gillespie               Nadia Johnston
                                       Assistant General Secretary     Administrative Officer
    John MacGabhann               
    General Secretary                 Colm Kelly                      Conor Griffin
                                       Assistant General Secretary     Press & information Officer

2   september 2019 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

What needs to be                          Bullying and its                           initiative is endorsed by TUi. See p.31
                                                                                     for full details.
achieved?                                 consequences
TUi continues to demand real steps        We are all acutely aware of the
to eliminate pay discrimination, to       devastating effects and potentially        Teacher Unity
make permanent whole-time posts           tragic consequences of bullying            Annual Congress instructed the
                                          amongst our student body.                  Union to pursue a closer working
available from the outset, to deal with
                                          Unfortunately, bullying behaviour and      alliance with our sister teacher unions.
bureaucratic workload issues and to       the implementation of effective
restore middle management posts of                                                   We have recently witnessed the
                                          bullying prevention policies continue
responsibility to their pre-austerity     to be a challenge for teachers and         difficulties that two separate unions
levels.                                   school management. it is a challenge       pursuing a different strategy has
                                          that we must do everything we can to       caused, and the obvious response to
                                          meet. i know that all TUi members          ensure that this is not repeated is that
                                          will continue to watch out for signs of    we cooperate and work together. On
Junior Cycle and Senior
Cycle                                     such behaviour and will continue to        your behalf, i continue to express that
The new Junior Cycle programme            be a point of contact and refuge for       view to the President and General
continues to be implemented and TUi       young people who are victims of such       Secretary of ASTi and to the irish
at a national level continues to meet     behaviour. it is vital that all teachers   Congress of Trade Unions. To be clear,
                                          are active in monitoring and working       we are ready and willing to engage in
with the Department’s officials to deal
                                          with an effective bullying prevention      talks on closer co-operation at any
with arising issues. We are seeking the
                                          policy for students in all of our
completion of the long-promised                                                      time. Trade unionism is most effective
longitudinal study on the effectiveness                                              when we work together. The hint is in
of the new programme so that we can                                                  the name.
see the outcomes resulting from its       Technological
implementation. We are well               Universities
represented at NCCA with up to 65
                                                                                     Strength of the TUI
                                        The process of establishing
TUi members active on course            Technological Universities continues.
development committees, Junior and                                                   TUi is our Union. We speak with one
                                        Following on from the establishment
Senior Cycle boards and NCCA                                                         strong voice for the benefit of all
                                        of TU Dublin, the Union continues to
council.                                                                             teachers. We act as one to defend the
                                        engage with both of the southern
                                                                                     terms and conditions of the individual
                                        consortia. TUi acknowledges and
Senior Cycle review is also underway commends the work of our local                  and we negotiate for the teaching and
and TUi has already made clear its ‘red negotiating teams in all of these            lecturing profession as a whole. The
line’ issues. More detail is separately                                              larger and more widespread our
                                        ongoing developments. We will
provided in this issue of TUi News.                                                  membership, the more authoritative
                                        continue to raise outstanding issues at
The NCCA has asked for submissions national level with the DeS and the               our voice. Please ask your colleagues
from all interested parties by                                                       to join TUi – don’t assume that
November 1st 2019 and i urge all                                                     somebody else has already done so.
teachers to engage with that process                                                 Take a few moments today to ask new
to make the voice of the profession
                                        Generation                                   entrants to the profession and those
heard. Of course, the Union will        Apprenticeship                               who have not yet joined the Union to
continue to engage proactively to       i would like to draw your attention to       become a member of TUi in order to
ensure that the quality of Senior       the Generation Apprenticeship                grow our presence and give them a
Cycle provision is maintained and the schools’ competition, which aims to            strong and meaningful voice.
transfer of further workload to the     raise awareness and help students
teacher is prevented.                   visualise how they can combine future        i wish you well for the year ahead.
                                        careers through apprenticeship with
                                        their commitment to green values and
                                        sustainable futures. This excellent

                                                                                        - TUi NeWS          3
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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    campaign to end pay discrimination – upcoming
    ballot to renew industrial action mandate
    At Annual Congress 2019, the TUi               in September 2016, we secured a significant
    reiterated its unwavering commitment to        advance when we negotiated the                   in September 2017, you, the members of
                                                                                                    Mandate for industrial action

    prosecuting the campaign for pay equality      incorporation of the value of the                TUi, in solidarity with your new entrant
    to a fair and sustainable conclusion. Since    honours primary degree allowance into            colleagues and in order to protect the
    the egregious, discriminatory cuts were        the new entrant scale. We further narrowed       integrity of our profession, gave the TUi a
    made that put the starting salary of a new     the gap.                                         mandate for industrial action, up to and
    entrant to teaching in 2012 almost 30%                                                          including strike action, as part of our
    behind the starting salary of a colleague      in 2018, as a result of the pressure applied     campaign for pay equality. Two years on, that
    appointed in 2010, the TUi has campaigned      by the TUi and the other teacher unions,         mandate now needs to be refreshed.
    to eliminate the differential and to re-       agreement was secured that the 4th and
    establish both the principle and practice of   8th points of the public service new
                                                   entrant scales, including the teachers’ scale,   Therefore, in late September/early October,
                                                                                                    Ballot for renewal of mandate
    equal pay for equal work.
                                                   would be removed. For new entrant                by way of a ballot of members, you will be
    in 2013, under the HrA, we narrowed the        teachers, this again narrowed the gap and,       asked to renew that mandate. The executive
    gap when we won important adjustments          significantly, brought the scale back to         Committee will be recommending that you
    to the new entrant scale and secured a         25 points.                                       vote “YeS”.
    reversal of the (10%) cut in the value
    of the qualifications allowances for those     However, there is still a gap that we must       it truly is a moral imperative that we, as
    who entered the profession in the              close, still an unacceptable discrimination to   educators and trade unionists, defend our
    period from 1st January 2011 to                be eliminated. This gap and discrimination       profession and support our colleagues and
    31st January 2012.                             disproportionately affects teachers.             friends who ask for no more than justice
                                                                                                    and equity.

     salary restoration for tui members                                                                standardised
     from 1st september 2019                                                                           school Year
     Under the terms of the Public Service Stability Agreement 2018–2020, which TUi members
     are deemed ‘covered’ by, whole-time annual basic scale salaries are increased by 1.75% with       2019/2020
     effect from 1st September 2019.                                                                   october 2019 mid-term break
     There is one remaining increase of 2% due under the terms of this agreement on 1st                Schools will close from Monday 28th
     October 2020.                                                                                     October 2019 to Friday 1st
                                                                                                       November 2019, inclusive.

                                                                                                       christmas 2019
                                                                                                       Schools will close on Friday 20th
                                                                                                       December 2019, which will be the final
                                                                                                       day of the school term. Schools will
                                                                                                       re-open on Monday 6th January 2020.

                                                                                                       february 2020 mid-term
                                                                                                       Schools will close from Monday 17th
                                                                                                       February 2020 to Friday 21st February
                                                                                                       2020, inclusive.

                                                                                                       easter 2020
                                                                                                       Schools will close on Friday 3rd April
     Salary restoration measures under Public Service Stability Agreement 2018-2020                    2020, which will be the final day of the
     • 1% on 1st January 2018                                                                          school term. Schools will re-open on
     • 1% on 1st October 2018                                                                          Monday 20th April 2020.
     • 1.75% on 1st September 2019
     • 2% on 1st October 2020
     Also on 1st October 2020, the value of allowances (e.g. Hons Degree Allowance, APi/APii           See Circular Letter 9/2017 – available on
     allowances, long service allowance etc) will be increased by 5%, bringing them back to their      the TUI website - for more details.
     original pre-cut value.
     See for all up-to-date salary scales.

4    september 2019 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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Building a better future through educational
justice – key tui motion unanimously
passed at ictu Biennial conference
A TUi motion calling for a better future for   The motion mandates the iCTU to              the podium on a wide range of issues
all through educational justice was            campaign to ensure both preservation of      including the promotion of trade unions to
unanimously passed at the iCTU’s Biennial      the education system as a public good and    young people, the mental health of
Delegate Conference in Dublin in July.         to secure appropriate public investment in   workers, the protection of education
Speaking to the motion, TUi President          education that sustains and enhances the     workers from social media abuse, third
Seamus Lahart emphasised the                   quality of service at all levels, for all    level underfunding, the scandal of pay
transformative potential of a high-quality     learners.                                    discrimination inflicted on those employed
public education system informed by                                                         since 2011, apprenticeship and climate
principles of justice and equity.              Throughout the three day conference, TUi     change action.
                                               delegates contributed to the debate from



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    tui professional development
    course in trade union practice
    TUi will soon be in a position to offer a professional development
    course in trade union practice to its members. it is anticipated that
    the course will be delivered through both face-to-face and online
    learning. The Union aims to offer a high standard of training to
    members which will enable them to understand how a trade union
    works while achieving a recognised qualification.
    TUi has built an alliance with the Trade Union education Centre,
    situated in Glasgow College, Scotland, which provides training
    throughout Scotland for union representatives.
    Work has been ongoing on the development of the content of the
    course over the past year, and it is hoped to begin the training with
    the first cohort in the near future. Seamus Lahart, President of TUi,
    is pictured with Mr Paul Little, President and CeO of Glasgow
    College signing a memorandum of understanding which underpins
    this new cooperation between TUi and Glasgow College.

    institute news – update on the
    technological university projects
    technological university                         the proposal which enabled negotiations for    two branches. The branches scheduled
    of the south east
                                                     harmonisation in difference phases of the      regular meetings and held consultation
                                                     project.                                       meetings with members regarding the MoU.
    Following agreement on the terms for
    consultation, engagement and facilitated         The Union position was unambiguous; once       However, the two branches became
    resources, the Union has engaged in              there was one employer, then there could       concerned by the two institutes’ lack of
    extensive discussions with management            only be one structure and one set of           engagement in the process. eventually, the
    from the institute of Technology Carlow          practices for all members. During the          two branches requested the Union to refer
    and the Waterford institute of Technology        consultation period with members before        the lack of meaningful engagement and
    regarding the Technological University for       the ballots, it was recognised that the MoU    failure to adhere to the terms of the MoU
    the South east of ireland (TUSei) project.       was a lengthy and somewhat complex             to the Workplace relations Commission
    Members in the two respective branches           industrial relations document and that the     (WrC). During the WrC Conciliation
    mandated the Union’s participation in the        ballot timeframe was very short. As it         meeting held in April, the two institutes
    process through local ballots. The two           transpired, the MoU did not receive the        proposed a local process which they
    branches consulted regularly with members        same level of support in both branches. The    suggested may achieve the MoU Phase 2
    to identify key items for inclusion in the       Union is consulting with members to            items within the agreed timeline.
    negotiation process. The main focus of the       identify areas of concern and a possible way
    negotiations was to agree a Memorandum           forward. The Union acknowledges the            While the two branches participated in this
    of Understanding (MoU) which set out the         commitment of both branches and                local process, the result was not
    agreed negotiation items for each phase of       continues to engage in the process.            satisfactory. The members in each branch
                                                                                                    rejected the Phase 2 proposal outcome and
                                                     Munster technological
    the project pre-designation to post
    designation. During the negotiations, key                                                       passed motions to hold a public protest
    ‘red line’ issues were presented in detail       university                                     when the international panel visited the
                                                                                                    institutes. The two branches consider the
    and processes for local resolution of            Members in the Cork Colleges and the
    branch-specific issues were identified.                                                         institutes to have breached the agreed
                                                     institute of Technology Tralee branches        timeline in the MoU and to have failed to
    With the assistance of the Workplace             mandated the Union to implement the            implement the agreed terms. The branches
    relations Commission, an agreed MoU              terms of the Memorandum of                     have requested the Union to refer the
    eventually emerged in late June 2019. it was     Understanding (MoU) Munster                    breaches to the WrC Conciliation services.
    noted at the time that the seamless              Technological University (MTU), agreed         Pending the outcome of the WrC
    alignment of the significant structural          with the two institutes in Cork and Tralee.    Conciliation hearing, the branches will
    differences in terms of academic operations      The Union’s Standing Orders for inter-         continue to fulfil the terms of the agreed
    and practice in the two institutes was not       branch Negotiation/engagement                  MoU and to engage with the institutes
    achievable in the pre-designation phase.         Technological University Committee             regarding the MTU project.
    However, processes were incorporated in          (iNTUC) have been implemented by the

6    september 2019 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
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News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

     have we your correct membership details?
    • Have you transferred from one           The DAS form is available on p.33 of        rule 90 states:
      employer to another?                    this magazine and also on the TUi           each full member, associate member
                                              website – The form is also      and retired member of the Union shall
    • Have you just returned from a           available from your School/ College/        pay an annual subscription as decided
      Career Break, Leave of Absence or       Workplace representative and from           by Congress.
      any other form of unpaid leave e.g.     Head Office.                                From 1st January 2019, this rate shall
      maternity or parental leave?                                                        be 0.8% of gross annual salary inclusive
                                              You can also update your status and/or      of any and all allowances paid. The
    if the answer is “Yes” to either of the   hours by using your membership card         maximum annual subscription paid will
    above questions, please ensure that you   to log onto or by            be capped and shall not exceed 1% of
    complete a new Deduction at Source        updating your profile on the TUi            the third point of the Common Basic
    (DAS) form immediately and send it to:    Members’ App - free to download from        Scale (pre-2011), rounded to the
    dara Blighe, Membership                   the Google Play Store and the App           nearest euro.
    secretary, tui, 73 orwell                 Store.                                      in the event of a change in the
    road, rathgar, dublin 6 -                                                             Common Basic Scale, the resultant for members in             subscription rate                           change in the maximum annual
    the etB sector                            The Department of education and             subscription will apply from 1st January
    or                                        Skills decided that with effect from 1st    of the following calendar year.
    Janet anderson, Membership                January 2019, it would only process         The only exception to this shall be new
    secretary, tui, 73 orwell                 subscriptions that are expressed as a       members in their first year of teaching
    road, rathgar, dublin 6 -                 percentage of salary. Therefore, TUi        who are on the revised Common Basic for members              Annual Congress 2018 agreed to the          Scale for New entrants, who shall pay a
    in the community &                        following rule change which took effect     nominal fee of €1 for their first year’s
    comprehensive and it sectors.             from 1st January 2019.                      subscription.

    tui’s Global development fund
    The TUi’s Global Development Fund         if you wish to apply for monetary
                                                                                          • HirN Palestine (provision of
    was established with the distinct         support from the fund for a project
                                                                                            equipment and furniture to schools
    purpose of assisting educational,         you are involved in or support, please
                                                                                            in Palestine).
    developmental and trade union             make a written submission to Nadia
    projects in developing countries as       Johnston, Administrative Officer, via
    approved by the executive Committee       email to Due to the       While the amount donated to each
    from time to time.                        large number of applications received, a    project is modest, the feedback we
                                              member may submit only one                  receive from the various recipients
    €0.95 of each full member’s               application. Applications must be           indicates that your funding of these
    subscription is allocated to the fund.    submitted by 5.00 p.m. on 15th              projects has a significant impact and is
                                              November 2019 and should outline            greatly appreciated. Of course, there is
    Applications for donations from the       brief details of the project.               an added advantage in that the money
    TUi’s Global Development Fund are                                                     donated from the TUi Global
    considered once a year at the             Last year a total of 13 projects received   Development Fund goes directly to the
    November or December meeting of           a contribution from the TUi’s Global        projects concerned.
    the Finance Sub-Committee and             Development Fund including:
    notification regarding successful                                                     TUi’s Global Development Fund can
                                              • Hope Foundation (provision of
    applications is posted shortly                                                        make a real difference to worthy
                                                education in Calcutta)
    afterwards. This year the TUi’s Global                                                causes at ground level and members
    Development Fund will have over           • Kate Lynch Scholarship Fund               are encouraged to nominate a chosen
    €20,000 at its disposal.                    (provision of education in Tanzania)      project before the closing date.

8   september 2019 - TUi NeWS
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

Wellbeing – a
note from the
council                                                                   HAIR
                                                                       TAB DUIT
Many workplaces are placing employees’                                 FÉIN
wellbeing and mental health at the top of                                                   services
their agendas. Schools are no different.
                                                                       There are numerous
                                                                                             le in
                                                                       and supports availab
We spend a good portion of our day
                                                                                              us stay
                                                                       Ireland that can help
                                                                       +-*/$1 $)'**&$)"ȅ
working, and a happy and healthy staff is in                           our wellbeing.

everyone’s best interest. Teachers play a
vital role in supporting their students’
wellbeing and helping them reach their                                  Talk to
potential, so it is important for teachers to                           somebody
prioritise their own well health and
wellbeing and to take care of themselves.
With this in mind, the Teaching Council has
                                                                                               on on personal,
                                                                         For further informati
                                                                                               $'*) -).1$.$/
                                                                         +-*! ..$*)'*-‫))ޔ‬

been promoting teachers’ wellbeing in a
                                                                         Take Care  of You at
number of ways, through FéiLTe, webinars,
ezines, and working with the Wellbeing for
Teachers and Learners’ Group. The Council
is now delighted to launch a
                                                                        In partnership with:

communications campaign on teachers’
wellbeing called ‘Take Care of You/
Tabhair Aire Duit Féin’. This campaign is
in collaboration with the Department
of education and Skills, teaching unions
(TUi, iNTO and ASTi) and school
management bodies (eTBi, JMB,
As part of this campaign, all registered
teachers recently received an email on
teachers’ wellbeing which included
                                                         TABHA IT
teacher testimonials on wellbeing,
                                                         AIRE D
recordings from the Wellbeing for                        FÉIN
Teachers and Learners conference
and links to the ‘Take Care of You/
                                                      There are numerous

Tabhair Aire Duit Féin’ page on the
                                                      and supports availab
                                                                              le in
                                                      Ireland that can help

Teaching Council website. This page
                                                                              us stay
                                                      +-*/$1 $)'**&$)"
                                                                             ȅ -
                                                      our wellbeing.
lists a number of services which offer
support to teachers across different
areas of their lives – personal,                     Talk to
professional and financial. Go to                    somebody for more
A bilingual poster highlighting
                                                    For further informati
                                                                          on on personal,

teachers’ wellbeing is also being
                                                    +-*! ..$*)'*-
                                                                              *) -).1
                                                    Take Care of You at

circulated to all schools this month

so you should find this in your
staffroom.                                      In partnership with:

                                                                                                                      - TUi NeWS   9
News Vol.42 / no.1 september 2019 - Teachers' Union of Ireland
tui neWs

                                 a reminder of some
     At the start of a new academic year, members are reminded of some key TUI directives which protect conditions of
     service and standards of education.
     It is vitally important that all members of the TUI adhere strictly to the terms of directives. This means that the
     relevant maxima set out must not be exceeded.
     A directive is binding and removes discretion from members. Members, whatever their position in a school/centre,
     must adhere to it. This serves also to prevent the personalisation of issues. A directive is not open to local
     interpretation or re-negotiation and cannot be set aside or varied. Its implementation must not be delayed.
     If a difficulty or disagreement arises in relation to interpretation or implementation of any directive of the TUI or if
     local management seeks to frustrate or prevent its implementation, the matter should immediately be reported to the
     Workplace Committee, the Branch, the Area Representative and the assigned TUI official.
     Please note that the list below is not exhaustive.

                                      class contact directiVe
           The maximum class contact hours are protected by a             (c) teachers who hold the post of Programme
       long-standing TUi directive. That directive was adjusted to take       co-ordinator and who have an involvement in
       account of the collective agreement in respect of Junior Cycle.        Junior cycle must work their weekly timetabled class
                                                                              contact hours up to but not in excess of the number
        The agreement reached in September 2015 between the TUi               appropriate to their posts, as set out in the relevant
       and the Department of education and Skills in regard to Junior         Department of education Circulars, minus the 40 minutes per
         Cycle, included the provision of 40 minutes of “professional         week of Professional Time related to Junior Cycle. in addition,
           time” per week (related exclusively to Junior Cycle).              such teachers have an entitlement and commitment to 40
                                                                              minutes per week of Professional Time related to Junior Cycle.
      class contact directive for teachers                                class contact directive for teachers
      with an involvement in Junior cycle                                 without an involvement in Junior
      (a) teachers who have an involvement in Junior
          cycle and who do not hold the post of Principal
          teacher, deputy Principal teacher or assistant                  teachers who do not have an involvement in Junior
          Principal i must work their weekly timetabled class             cycle and who do not hold the post of Principal
          contact hours up to but not exceeding 21 hours, 20              teacher, deputy Principal teacher or assistant
          minutes. in addition, such teachers have an entitlement and     Principal i must work their timetabled hours up to but not
          commitment to 40 minutes per week of Professional Time          exceeding 22 hours.
          related to Junior Cycle.
                                                                          Principal teachers, deputy-Principal teachers and
      (b) Principal teachers, deputy-Principal teachers                   assistant Principal i teachers who do not have an
          and those teachers with an assistant Principal i                involvement in Junior cycle must work their timetabled
          post of responsibility, who have an involvement                 hours up to but not in excess of the number appropriate to their
          in Junior cycle, must work their weekly timetabled class        posts, namely:
          contact hours up to but not in excess of the number
          appropriate to their posts, namely
                                                                            school size      Principal         deputy-          assistant
                                                                            in Wtes                            Principal        Principal i
       school size in Principal           deputy           assistant
       Wtes                               assistant        Principal i      1-3              18                22               18
       1-3             17h, 20m           21h, 20m         17h, 20m         4-6              13                18               18
       4-6             12h, 20m           17h, 20m         17h, 20m         7 - 11           8                 13               18
       7 - 11          7h, 20m            12h, 20m         17h, 20m         11+              5                 8                18
       11+             4h, 20m            7h, 20m          17h, 20m
                                                                          Teachers who hold the post of Programme co-ordinator
       in addition, such teachers have an entitlement and commitment      must work their weekly timetabled class contact hours up to but
      to 40 minutes per week of Professional Time related to Junior       not in excess of the number appropriate to their posts as set in
       Cycle.                                                             the relevant Department of education Circulars.

10    september 2019 - TUi NeWS
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e key tui directives
                                          class size directiVe

      1. Practical classes - provided the classrooms are equipped for the number of students involved:

      •    Art and Technical Graphics, DCG                             (20 recommended)                      24 (max)

      •    Home economics                                              (16 recommended)                      20 (max)

      •    Materials Technology Wood & Metal,
           engineering, Construction Studies                           (20 recommended)                      24 (max)

      •    Computers/iCT                                                                                     24 (max)

      •    Science & all Science subjects at Leaving Cert level                                              24 (max)

      2. General subjects classes not covered by the above                                                   30 (max)

      •    Learning Support                                                                                  15 (max)

      •    Physical education                                          (24 recommended)                      30 (max)

                     Posts of resPonsiBilitY directiVe
  The context for this directive is the correct implementation of CL    roles and responsibilities as per the schedule of posts or agreed
  03/2018 which includes a requirement that the agreed duties of a      unmet needs will not be carried out by:
  post of responsibility should be commensurate with the level of
  that Post – that is Assistant Principal i (formerly Assistant         •   An unpromoted teacher or Assistant Principal ii (APii) in
  Principal) or Assistant Principal ii (formerly Special Duties             receipt of a timetable remission granted to carry out any
  Teacher).                                                                 listed functions

  Where a post of responsibility (POr) is vacant, or roles and          •   An unpromoted teacher in receipt of a timetable remission to
  responsibilities as per the agreed schedule of posts arise for any        carry out roles and responsibilities that should be carried out
  reason or the unmet needs of the school as listed by agreement            by an APi or APii
  are to be carried out by any staff member, then:
                                                                        •   Any teacher carrying out roles and responsibilities as per the
  •   The post/roles/responsibilities/unmet needs should only be            schedule of posts or agreed needs who does not hold a
      carried out by the appointment of a teacher to a POr in               recognised post of responsibility or is in receipt of payment
      accordance with the normal appointment procedure and the              other than the appropriate payment for the post.
      approved allocation of POrs to the school as per CL
      003/2018                                                          All members, including principal teachers, deputy principals, post-
                                                                        holders and teachers are directed not to engage in or facilitate or
  •   A teacher who is not in receipt of the appropriate POr            organise any breach of this directive.
      allowance in accordance with normal procedure as per
      003/2018 and who is not afforded the time remission
      appropriate to the post should not carry out the roles and
      responsibilities as per the schedule of posts nor the unmet
      needs of the school as published.

                                                                                                     - TUi NeWS           11
Buying an electric or hybrid car?
TUI Credit Union has the car loan for you.

     Think Green                                           eCar Loan
                                                                                                                (5.5% APR)

The sale of electric and hybrid cars is on the rise as Irish consumers              ƐƚƌĂŝŐŚƞŽƌǁĂƌĚůŽĂŶƐǁŝƚŚǀĞƌLJŇĞdžŝďůĞƚĞƌŵƐĂŶĚƚƌĂŶƐƉĂƌĞŶƚƚĞƌŵƐ
become increasingly concerned with the environmental impact of                      ĂŶĚĐŽŶĚŝƟŽŶƐ͘&ŽƌĞdžĂŵƉůĞ͕ƚŚĞƌĞǁŝůůŶĞǀĞƌďĞĂŶLJŚŝĚĚĞŶĐŚĂƌŐĞƐ
/ƌŝƐŚDŽƚŽƌ/ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ;^/D/Ϳ͕ŵŽƌĞĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐĐĂƌƐŚĂǀĞďĞĞŶƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚŝŶ            payment at the end of the loan term. We will work with borrowers
ƚŚĞĮƌƐƚƚŚƌĞĞŵŽŶƚŚƐŽĨƚŚŝƐLJĞĂƌƚŚĂŶƚŚĞǁŚŽůĞŽĨϮϬϭϴ͘dŚĞ^/D/                to ensure the loan repayments are structured in a way that best suits
ĐŽŵƉĂƌĞĚǁŝƚŚϭ͕ϮϯϯŽǀĞƌƚŚĞϭϮŵŽŶƚŚƐŽĨϮϬϭϴ͘                                   ƌĞƉĂLJŵĞŶƚƐŝĨƚŚĞďŽƌƌŽǁĞƌŝƐƵŶĚĞƌƉƌĞƐƐƵƌĞ͕ŽƌĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞůLJ͕ŝĨƚŚĞLJ
that these consumers are also not paying more than they should on                   tŝƚŚ WW ĂŐƌĞĞŵĞŶƚƐ ŚŽǁĞǀĞƌ͕ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ ƚĞƌŵƐ ĂƌĞ ĮdžĞĚ͕ ƐŽ
electric or hybrid car.                                                             EŽŶĞŽĨƚŚĞƐĞůŝŵŝƚĂƟŽŶƐĂƉƉůLJƚŽĂĐƌĞĚŝƚƵŶŝŽŶĐĂƌůŽĂŶ͘WĂƵůƐĂLJƐ͖
                                           Dƌ͘ WĂƵů ZŽĐŚĞ͕ K dh/            ͞tŚĞŶLJŽƵŽƉƚĨŽƌĂĐƌĞĚŝƚƵŶŝŽŶĐĂƌůŽĂŶ͕LJŽƵŽǁŶƚŚĞĐĂƌƐƚƌĂŝŐŚƚ
                                           ƌĞĚŝƚ hŶŝŽŶ ŝƐ ƵƌŐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞƐĞ        ĂǁĂLJ͘zŽƵĐĂŶĚƌŝǀĞŝƚĂƐŵƵĐŚĂƐLJŽƵǁĂŶƚ͕ĂŶĚƐĞůůŝƚŽŶǁŚĞŶĞǀĞƌ
                                           consumers to ensure they are             LJŽƵŵŝŐŚƚŶĞĞĚƚŽ͘dŚŝƐŝƐƐŝŵƉůLJŶŽƚĂŶŽƉƟŽŶǁŝƚŚĂWWĂƐLJŽƵĂƌĞ
                                           ĨƵůůLJ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĞĚ ĂďŽƵƚ WWƐ ʹ         ĞīĞĐƟǀĞůLJŽŶůLJƌĞŶƟŶŐƚŚĞĐĂƌ͘͟
                                           and says they should consider            ͞tĞǁŽƵůĚƌĞĂůůLJƵƌŐĞƚŚŽƐĞŽƉƟŶŐĨŽƌƚŚĞĞůĞĐƚƌŝĐŽƌŚLJďƌŝĚĐĂƌƐƚŽ
                                           a credit union car loan before           ƐĞƌŝŽƵƐůLJĐŽŶƐŝĚĞƌƚŚĞďĞŶĞĮƚƐŽĨĂĐƌĞĚŝƚƵŶŝŽŶĐĂƌůŽĂŶ͘dŚĞLJŚĂǀĞ
                                           ŵĂŬŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĮŶĂů ĚĞĐŝƐŝŽŶ ƚŽ         ĂůƌĞĂĚLJŵĂĚĞƚŚĞďĞƐƚĐŚŽŝĐĞĨŽƌƚŚĞĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͕ŶŽǁƚŚĞLJŶĞĞĚ
                                           ĞŶƚĞƌ ŽŶĞ ŽĨ ƚŚĞƐĞ ĮŶĂŶĐĞ           ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ĐŚŽŝĐĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂů ĮŶĂŶĐĞƐ͘ ƌĞĚŝƚ ƵŶŝŽŶƐ
                                           arrangements.                            ĂƌĞŶŽƚͲĨŽƌͲƉƌŽĮƚ͕ ƐŽ ŽƵƌ ŵĂŝŶ ĐŽŶĐĞƌŶǁŚĞŶǁĞĂƌĞůĞŶĚŝŶŐ ŝƐ ƚŚĞ
͞/ƚ͛Ɛ ǀĞƌLJ ĞŶĐŽƵƌĂŐŝŶŐ ƚŽ ƐĞĞ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƐƵŵĞƌ ŵĂŬĞ Ă ŵŽƌĞ ĞƚŚŝĐĂů           ĮŶĂŶĐŝĂůǁĞůůďĞŝŶŐŽĨƚŚĞďŽƌƌŽǁĞƌ͘͟
choice when it comes to car purchases. We would also urge them                      dŽĮŶĚŽƵƚŵŽƌĞĂďŽƵƚĂdh/ƌĞĚŝƚhŶŝŽŶĞĂƌůŽĂŶ͕ĐŚĞĐŬŽƵƚǁǁǁ͘
ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ Ă ŵŽƌĞ ĞƚŚŝĐĂů ĐŚŽŝĐĞ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ĐŽŵĞƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĐĂƌ ĮŶĂŶĐĞ͘       ƚƵŝĐƵ͘ŝĞ  ĐĂůů Ϭϭ ϰϮϲϲϬϲϬ Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ŽĸĐĞ Ăƚ EŽ ϴ dŚĞ džĐŚĂŶŐĞ͕
ƌĞĚŝƚ ƵŶŝŽŶƐ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ĞƚŚŝĐĂů ůĞŶĚĞƌƐ ŝŶ /ƌĞůĂŶĚ͕ ŽīĞƌŝŶŐ            ĂůŵŽƵŶƚWĂƌŬ͕ĂůůLJŵŽƵŶƚ͕ƵďůŝŶϭϮ͘

                                     The Teachers’ Union of Ireland Credit Union
    No 8, The Exchange, Calmount Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12, D12 W354. Tel: 01 4266060 Website                      
                 Teachers’ Union of Ireland Credit Union is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
to hear
                 would like                                       from YOU!

      ✔ We would like to understand your satisfaction, needs and opinions of the

        credit union in order to improve our facilities and services

      ✔ All entrants will be entered into a PRIZE DRAW for One4All vouchers

      ✔ Survey will launch on the 9th September 2019 - on the website and
        social media

      ✔ Winners will be contacted directly, and they will also be announced on the

        TUICU website and on social media, once the survey has closed.

        iReach Insights is an indeptement market research agency selected by the TUI Credit
         Union Board of Directors to run a comprehensive survey of both Members and Non-
           members of the TUI Credit Union to shape future strategy and service delivery.
tui neWs

     ‘We are the critical group without whose
     The following opinion editorial was originally published by the Irish Times

     support reforms will founder’ -
     Voice of teachers must not be marginalised
     in senior cycle review process
     By TUI President Seamus Lahart
     The Teachers’ Union of ireland (TUi)
     represents second level teachers as
     well as teachers in further and adult
     education and third level lecturers. We
     intend to engage in a meaningful,
     professional way with the Senior Cycle
     review. However, given past experience,
     we believe it likely that efforts may be
     made to marginalise the voice of the
     profession. To be clear, any such efforts
     will fail.

     No reforms without
     teacher support                              TUi PreSiDeNT SeAMUS LAHArT

     Without doubt, the review will
     generate an abundance of ideas from all     Quality must be                                Drift to demoralising
     quarters that will range from good          safeguarded                                    bureaucratic drudgery
     through whimsical to poor. This is a
     given, and broad, democratic                So what are the core issues for                in determining a viable way forward, we
     engagement is greatly to be                 teachers?                                      must learn from the successes and,
     encouraged. However, it must be borne                                                      perhaps more importantly, the failures
                                                 Our position is clear and unambiguous          in other jurisdictions. Changes to the
     in mind that teachers are the critical      – state certification is the seal of quality
     group without whose support reforms                                                        curriculum should have value and be
                                                 and our members are fundamentally              incremental and sustainable for both
     will founder. it is teachers who will be    opposed to assessing their own
     asked to implement whatever changes                                                        students and teachers. reforms should
                                                 students for state certification               not deflect from teaching and learning
     emerge from the review. Our members         purposes. Therefore external
     care deeply about their work and are                                                       by adding pointless administrative
                                                 assessment and state certification are         burdens and importing meaningless
     the central actors in curricular change.    essential.
     For the sake of students, teachers and                                                     measurements. Those who chose
     the quality of the education system, the    Also essential is the provision of the         teaching as a profession want to be
     TUi will demand that any new model          requisite time, resources, infrastructure      allowed to teach. They do not want to
     must have robust structures that retain     and continuing professional                    have their time wasted in the turgid
     public confidence.                          development (CPD). reforms must not            exercises of ticking boxes or filling out
                                                 increase workload. The precedent of            endless rafts of forms. This demoralising
     We will not be ‘focus-grouped’ or           ‘professional time’, set in the reform of      drudgery is too often demanded of
     otherwise sidelined. One way or             the Junior Cycle, is critical in this          teachers in other jurisdictions and –
     another, we will be at the heart of         regard.                                        regrettably – increasingly, here in
     things, and our voice must be heard.                                                       ireland also.

14   september 2019 - TUi NeWS
tui neWs

Damaging effects of                         National obsession with                           Department must learn
cutbacks                                    third level progression                           from the Junior Cycle
it is necessary to point out that the       Any reform of Senior Cycle must cater
dramatic increase in administrative         for all students and their unique talents.        Finally, the Department of education
workload in recent years is due in large    At present, the range of levels across all        and Skills must learn from its attempt
part to cuts imposed by Government          Senior Cycle programmes caters for a              to push through Junior Cycle proposals
that hollowed out school management         wide breadth of academic ability. The             that, in their original form, did not
and student support structures. Ten         Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA)                 protect the integrity and quality of the
years ago, one in every two teachers        facilitates students who may not                  education system. That undue haste led
held a middle management position –         otherwise have remained in school                 to a protracted period of time marked
roles crucial for the running of schools    while the Leaving Certificate Vocational          by industrial relations unease, including
- in addition to teaching duties. Now,      Programme (LCVP), with its practical              two days of strike action in second
only one in four holds such a position,     elements and second components,                   level schools across the country, before
and everybody in the school                 fosters key skills. Future reform must            sense prevailed and real negotiations
community suffers as a result,              not marginalise or exclude any cohort             ensued. it will benefit all concerned if,
particularly students.                      of learners; it must be inclusive in              from the off, the powers that be engage
                                            nature.                                           meaningfully with teachers, represented
it is essential that a longitudinal study
of the effectiveness and impacts of the     it is worth highlighting that the                 by their unions, in the process of Senior
Junior Cycle reforms be carried out.        excessive focus on CAO points is not a            Cycle review.
This should guide the review process of     flaw of the current Senior Cycle itself. it
Senior Cycle, ensuring that wise            is an unfortunate by-product of our
decisions are made. it would be             national obsession with progression to
reckless to embark on another series        third level, an obsession that distorts
of reforms without first taking stock of    the true meaning of education and
the effects, whether positive or            invites unfair and invalid comparisons
negative, of the revised Junior Cycle       between schools.
programme on teaching and learning.
Otherwise, we may fail to recognise
what has worked and we risk repeating

                                        Download the TUI
                                       Members’ APP today
                                        Available from Google Play and Apple App Store by searching for the keywords ‘TUI members’

                   OF TH E A PP:
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                  ee d                     atio nal
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                    y to up
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              details                           ry
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               of docu
                                                                                        TO              DOW
   The TUI website is an important source of information for members. It contains updated news
   items, circular letters, agreements,TUI News back issues, press releases and a range of
   important information on employment and conditions of service.

                                                                                                    - TUi NeWS        15
?? ?
        tui neWs

                   ?  ??  ? ?  ? ? ? ? ? ?
                tui Guide for new teachers
     Welcome to teaching                           branch. There are separate branches to       executive Committee is normally present
                                                   represent members employed by                at branch meetings and represents the
     Welcome to the teaching profession. The       education and Training Boards, institutes    views of the branch to the executive
     Teachers’ Union of ireland (TUi) wishes       of Technology, Community and                 Committee.
     you the very best in what we are sure will    Comprehensive and other Post- Primary

                                                                                                area representatives
     be a long, eventful and fulfilling career.    schools.

                                                                                                and executive
     The work you are doing is of vital            As a member you can express your views

     importance for the development and            at school, branch and national levels, as
     nourishment of a vibrant, caring and          appropriate. Please attend your
     creative society. in an increasingly          workplace and branch meetings, post on
     complex world, you will provide the           the Union’s Facebook page, use the TUi       The branches of the Union are organised
     instruction, guidance and inspiration that    app, email or phone your representatives.    into 19 Areas and members of the
     will motivate and enable our students, of     Be heard!                                    branches in each area elect a
     whatever age, to become active, inquiring                                                  representative to sit on the TUi’s
     and committed citizens.                                                                    executive Committee. The executive

                                                                                                Committee manages the affairs of the
                                                                                                Union between meetings of Congress.
     the teachers’ union
                                                                                                The executive Committee is chaired by
                                                                                                the President, who is elected through a
     of ireland                                    each school/workplace annually elects a      ballot of the entire membership of the
                                                   TUi representative and a Workplace           TUi. The Vice-President is similarly
     The Teachers’ Union of ireland is             Committee. The representative attends        elected by the entire membership. The
     committed to a comprehensive system of        branch meetings and reports back to the      immediate Past President is also a
     high-quality public education at all levels   membership in the school/workplace. The      member of the executive Committee.
     that is free, co-educational, non-            school/workplace representative also

     denominational and informed by                takes responsibility for distributing
     principles of equity and equality.            information and documentation from TUi
                                                   Head Office.
     As a member of the TUi, you will become                                                    The work of the Union is carried out on
     part of a community of more than 18,000                                                    a daily basis by full-time trade union

     practicing, professional educators.You will                                                officials, under the direction of the
     enjoy the assistance, support and                                                          General Secretary. Full-time officials are
     solidarity of your colleagues in the TUi.                                                  assigned to Areas and Branches to
     You will also have the opportunity, as an     each branch holds at least four general      provide advice, assistance and
     active member of the Union, directly to       meetings per year. Notice of meetings will   representation.
     influence Union policy and, through the       be circulated, usually through
     TUi, to influence national educational        school/workplace representatives. All

                                                                                                annual congress
     policy. We want you to join the TUi not       members of a branch are encouraged to
     simply to be a member but to be an            attend branch meetings.You will be very
     active member, to have your say, to be        welcome and will be encouraged to get
                                                                                                The governing body of the Teachers’
     heard and to shape both your Union and        involved. At the Annual General Meeting,
                                                                                                Union of ireland is Annual Congress.
     your workplace.                               which takes place in October or
                                                                                                Congress is a conference that takes place
                                                   November, the branch elects a
                                                                                                after easter each year and is attended by
                                                   Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an
                                                                                                representatives of each branch. Congress
     tui - a democratic
                                                   equality Officer and any other officers
                                                                                                votes on motions submitted by branches
                                                   that the branch may require.
                                                                                                and its decisions direct the Union.

     The TUi is a trade union for teachers and
     lecturers, dedicated to the care of
                                                   Branch Meetings                              affiliations
     members and the development of the            At branch meetings members have the          The TUi is affiliated to the irish Congress
     education profession. The TUi is organised    opportunity to discuss issues relevant to    of Trade Unions (iCTU), the european
     into 59 branches. On joining the TUi you      their employment and to education            Trade Union Committee for education
     will become a member of your local            nationally. The Area representative to the   (eTUCe) and education international (ei).

16    september 2019 - TUi NeWS
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                                                                                                    tui neWs

     Guide to teaching                              If you work in a Community,                  contract, or a written statement. Under
                                                    Comprehensive or a Voluntary                 statute, you are entitled to this
     As you begin your career, the TUi would        Secondary School:                            information and it is important that you
     like to offer some practical advice based                                                   have it so that you fully understand the
     on the experience of our members.              •   your employer is the Board of            nature of your employment.
                                                        Management of your school

                                                    •   Community and Comprehensive               Make sure you retain all
     registration with the                              (C&C) schools and Voluntary               documentation related to your
                                                                                                  appointment and your
     teaching council                                   Secondary School are stand-alone
                                                        employers                                 employment, such as the job
                                                                                                  advertisement, letter of
     Since January 2014, teachers must be           •   teachers in C&C,Voluntary Secondary       appointment, payslips,
     registered with the Teaching Council in            and educate Together Post-Primary         timetable, contracts and any
     order to be employed as a teacher and to           schools are paid directly by the          other correspondence received
     be paid from State funds. Under the                Department of education and Skills        from the employer which
     provisions of Section 33(1) of the                                                           relates to the position. in
     Teaching Council Act, 2001, registration is                                                  addition, you should record all
                                                    Your contract
     valid for 12 months from the date of                                                         your hours worked during the
     registration. To remain on the register,                                                     school year, including any
     you must renew your registration before                                                      hours worked that are in
     the current period of registration expires.    Once appointed to any employment a
                                                    contract is established, be it written or     addition to your contracted
     A reminder notice and renewal form will                                                      hours.
     be sent to all registered teachers at their    implied, which is enforceable. if you have
     last notified correspondence address,          not been offered a written contract, you
                                                    should ask the TUi representative to help
                                                                                                 Permanent Whole-time
     approximately four weeks in advance of
     their renewal date. if registration is not     you get one. The type of contract you
     renewed by the expiry date, a Final            hold depends on the nature of the
     Notice will be issued by registered post. if   appointment and the source of the hours      Appointment to permanent whole-time
     registration is not renewed within thirty      that you are assigned.                       positions follows a national advertisement
     days of the date on the Final Notice, the                                                   of the position and a formal selection
                                                    Your contract should:                        process. Appointment on a permanent
     teacher’s name will be removed
     automatically from the register. The clear     •   Set out the nature of your               whole-time basis used to be the norm
     message is get registered and stay                 employment e.g. Permanent or Fixed-      and it remains open to employers to
     registered.                                        Term                                     make permanent appointments ab initio.
                                                                                                 The Department of education and Skills
                                                    •   Set the duration of your employment      has issued letters to the Management

     Who exactly is my
                                                        i.e. Permanent/indefinite or Fixed-      Bodies to this effect (Circulars 59/16 and
                                                        Term                                     49/17).
     employer?                                      •   Clarify the number of hours per week

     If you work in an ETB:                             you are contracted to teach

     •   your employer is an education and          •   Give the reason for the position to
         Training Board (eTB)                           which you were appointed e.g.            Appointment to a fixed-term position
                                                        increased allocation to the school,      follows national advertisement and a
     •   your appointment is to the “scheme”            covering for a teacher on approved       formal selection process (as for
         which means that you may be assigned           leave (name of the teacher) etc.         Permanent Whole-Time). Teaching
         to any Vocational School or                                                             positions tend to be filled on a fixed-term
         Community College within the               •   Tell you whether you will be paid by     basis, for one year in the first instance. To
         particular eTB and may, in subsequent          the Department of education and          be engaged in year 2 (if the post/hours
         years, be transferred within the               Skills, the school or the eTB            remain available) you will have to undergo
         scheme (subject to the terms of the        You should ensure you receive clear          a further selection process and interview.
         particular transfer agreement that is in   written information on the terms and         The award of a Contract of indefinite
         place at the time)                         conditions of your job, either in the form   Duration (CiD) is explained in the
                                                    of a letter of appointment, a written        following paragraph.
     •   you are paid through the eTB

                                                                                                      - TUi NeWS             17
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       tui neWs

            ?        ?
     contract of indefinite
     duration (cid)
                                                                     ? ?         ?
                                                   hours. if a teacher is teaching 16 hours
                                                   fixed-term in the ‘qualifying year’ (i.e. year
                                                                                                    What are the maximum
                                                                                                    class contact hours for a
                                                   2), then s/he will receive a CiD for 16
     As a result of the TUi’s campaign to          hours in year 3. Further details about
     secure permanency for members sooner          CiDs can be found elsewhere in this
                                                   guide.                                           A full-time teacher has a weekly
     than the law provides, a key concession                                                        maximum class contact time of 21 hours
     was secured for teachers, whereby the                                                          20 minutes if he/she has any involvement
     qualifying period for a Contract of
                                                   fixed/specific Purpose
                                                                                                    in Junior Cycle. if he/she has no
     indefinite Duration (CiD) was reduced                                                          involvement in Junior Cycle, a maximum
     from four years to two years, from the                                                         class contact time of 22 hours applies. As
     start of the school year 2015/16. This        if you are employed only to cover for the        a result of a TUi Directive, any teacher
     means a teacher will qualify for a            approved leave of a teacher (e.g. a teacher      appointed to an Assistant Principal 1
     Contract of indefinite Duration (CiD)         on maternity leave or job share) you will        position and who has any involvement in
     after a period of continuous employment       be contracted on a fixed/specific purpose        Junior Cycle has a maximum class contact
     in excess of two years – i.e. upon            basis. When the teacher returns from             of 17 hours and 20 minutes. if he/she has
     commencement of a third year of               leave the hours must return to the               no involvement in Junior Cycle, a
     continuous employment, subject to             teacher and your contract ends.                  maximum class contact time of 18 hours
     certain conditions. This is significantly                                                      applies.
     better than the statutory provision -         Please ask your TUi Workplace
     under fixed-term worker legislation, the      representative, your Area representative
                                                                                                    i’m Part-time.
                                                                                                    What does that mean?
     qualifying period is four years.              or contact TUi Head Office for advice
                                                   before you sign anything.
     A CiD is a permanent contract. it may be
     full-time/whole-time i.e. 22 hours or it                                                       A part-time teacher is any teacher who is
     may be part-time i.e. for fewer than 22                                                        contracted for less than twenty two (22)
                                                                                                    hours per week.

                                                                                                    Pro-rata Part-time
      entitlement to a cid
                                                                                                    if you commence employment on or
      Unfortunately, in recent years, it had become the norm that newly qualified                   before the first Monday following the
      teachers (NQTs) begin their teaching careers in temporary, part-time positions,               mid-term break in October and you have
      employed on fragments of jobs on an insecure basis.                                           been appointed following a formal
                                                                                                    selection process, you are entitled to be
      The TUi prioritised this issue and campaigned vigorously to highlight the                     paid on a pro-rata basis. This means
      casualisation of the teaching profession with the aim of ensuring that permanent              that you will be paid the appropriate
      and whole-time jobs become available to new teachers to protect both the viability            proportion of the annual salary you
      and the professionalism of the career.                                                        would be on if you were full-time and you
      As a direct result of TUi’s campaign, an expert group was established under the               will be paid up to the 31 August. This type
      Haddington road Agreement (HrA). The recommendations of the expert group                      of part-time employment has traditionally
      are set out in Circular Letter 24/2015 and a teacher now qualifies for a Contract of          been called regular part-time work (rPT)
      indefinite Duration (CiD) after a period of continuous employment in excess of                or pro-rata part time (PrPT).

                                                                                                    Payment for Pro-rata
      two years.

      Hours covering for a teacher                                                                  Part-time Work
      • on career break
      • on secondment                                                                               To calculate the pay you will receive
      • assigned to a Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) position                                 divide the weekly number of hours for
      • assigned to the National Behaviour Support Service (NBSS)                                   which you are employed by 22 and
                                                                                                    multiply by the point of the salary scale
                                                                                                    that you are on.
      are now counted towards a CiD and the hours of the CiD will be
      the hours worked in the full school year prior to the issuing of the                 Part time      Number of Hours      x    Your Point
      CiD (i.e. the qualifying year), regardless of the source of the hours.                salary =     contracted per week       on the Scale

18   september 2019 - TUi NeWS
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    For example, a whole-time teacher on                if they were whole-time, would have a             how do i get a
    point one of the salary scale for post-
    2011 entrants earns €36,953*. Therefore,
                                                        personal qualified rate as follows:
                                                                                                          permanent job?
    if you are contracted for 16 hours per                                                                employers may make permanent
    week:                                                   Personal non-casual hourly rate =
                                                            €36,953* ÷ 735 = €50.28                       appointments ab initio. This applies
                                                                                                          equally to established schools and
               Portion of salary =     16                                                                 ‘greenfield’ schools (i.e. new schools). in
                                                        if not sufficiently
                                       22                                                                 recent times, most teachers become

                                                                                                          permanent by qualifying for a Contract of
    Your part-time salary = 16/22 X                                                                       indefinite Duration (CiD) after two years.
    €36,953 = €26,875                                                                                     The two-year qualifying period was
                                                        if you are employed in an area in which           secured for teachers following
                                                        you are not considered sufficiently               recommendations issued by an expert
    What is casual part-                                qualified, you will receive the unqualified       group established under the Haddington
                                                        hourly rate of pay and also accumulate            road Agreement. it does not apply to
                                                        holiday pay.                                      other grades in the public service. Please
    Some teachers are not contracted to                 Contact the TUI to ensure you are                 note that under the provisions of the
    work for an entire academic year. if a              receiving the correct salary.                     Fixed-Term Work Act, 2003, the
                                                                                                          ‘qualifying’ period for a CiD, that is
                                                        how many teaching
    teacher is contracted after the first
    Monday following the October mid-term                                                                 provided for in law, is four years.
    break in a given year or has an end date            jobs is a school entitled                         objective Grounds
    that occurs before the end of the
    academic year written into their contract,
                                                        to fill?
                                                                                                          in the ‘qualifying year’ (i.e. usually year
    they are considered casual part-time                •     The number of teachers employed in          two), at least some of the hours you hold
    teachers. regular substitute teachers                     a school depends on the number of           must be free from an ‘objective ground’
    would also fall into this category. Such                  students attending that school. The         for not awarding a CiD. ‘Objective
    teachers are paid per hour worked rather                  pupil-teacher ratio is 19:1. Therefore,     grounds’ exist if the hours are of a
    than on a pro-rata basis.                                 for every 19 students, one permanent        legitimate fixed-purpose nature (i.e.
    Assuming that you are employed in an                      full-time teaching position is allocated    covering for a teacher on maternity leave,
    area in which you are qualified, you will                 to a school. For example, a school of       sick leave or job share) or if there is a
    receive the qualified casual hourly rate of               380 students receives an allocation of      legitimate reason to believe that the post
    pay. For each hour worked you will                        20 whole-time teaching posts funded         will not be viable in the employment
    accumulate holiday pay which will be paid                 by the Department of education and          (school/scheme) for at least a full school
    in each holiday period (i.e. Christmas,                   Skills.                                     year. The contract you are offered must
    easter and Summer). After 150 hours at              •     An additional teaching allocation to        include a statement detailing the specific
    the casual rate in one school year, you will              take account of ‘professional time’ for     objective ground(s), if any.
    be paid a personal non-casual hourly rate                 teachers involved in the delivery of
                                                              the Junior Cycle was introduced in          Please note, if a teacher holds
    based on a pro-rata fraction of a whole-                                                              even one class that is free from an
    time salary for each hour over 150.                       September 2017.
                                                        •     A specific allocation is also provided in   objective ground in her/his
    To calculate this hourly rate of pay (any                 respect of students with special            qualifying year, s/he will be in a
    hour in excess of 150), divide the point                  educational needs.                          position to claim a CID for all
    on the salary scale that you would be on,           •     Schools also get an additional              hours worked in the qualifying
    were you whole-time, by 735 (the                          allocation for Principal, Deputy            year.
    maximum annual teaching hours of a full-                  Principal and Guidance Counsellors.
                                                                                                          Post automatically
                                                                                                          advertised after Year 1
    time teacher in a school year):                     •     Many schools also receive an
                                                              allocation of ‘concessionary’ teaching
                                                              hours under a variety of programmes.
      Personal Non-Casual       Your Point on the
                                                              These extra hours are granted               every teacher employed on a fixed-term
      Hourly Rate =                   Scale                                                               contract with an employer will have that
                                _______________               depending on a school’s individual
                                       735                                                                contract terminated at the end of year
                                                        •     Some private, fee-paying schools may        one. The position will automatically be
    For example, a teacher who would be on                    also pay for teaching hours directly        re-advertised and a new recruitment
    point one of the post January 2011 salary                 from their own funds.                       process undertaken. Therefore, the
    *wef 1/9/2019                                                                                              - TUi NeWS           19
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