THE WINGED FOOT - The New York Athletic Club
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THE WINGED FOOT T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E N E W Y O R K A T H L E T I C C L U B January 2019 Vol. 138 No. 1 A C ELEBRATION OF ATHLETICS The 2018 NYAC All Sports Dinner with IOC President Thomas Bach as the Guest of Honor P L U S S EASONAL C ELEBRATIONS AT THE NYAC UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Beg Be iin ththehehe Ne Beggin New Ye New Year Yeaar WIITH A STA W TAY AY AY AT TH HE N NEW EW WYYORK OR AATHLETI THLE TH ET ETI TIIC CL CLUB LUB LUB UB En njo njjo oy a Brea akfa ast, t, R Romance oma c or or Saav ve onn Su unnda ay y Package. e Or ju usst enjo njoy a alll off th he to op clla ass a ammenitie t s th tha hat att a you w wiiilll fi find d at thhe N NYYA AC Ciiity t Ho ty ouse. For m mor ore iin nformati maati ation a ti an nd too make gu uest room reser e rvavati ati ation tions, pllease ca p alll l (212) 2) 737 37-7135, 7 7135 ((8 800) 699-3 3293 or e-mai mail resererrvati va ati a tion@ tion@n ny yac.o ya org.
9 T H FL OOR OO S ATUR RD AY, MAR M C H 2 ND HON OR RING Reception 6:30pm | Dinner 8 8pm C OC O KT AIL RREC EPTI O N TH REE C O UR S E D INNERR O P EN B AR DA NC I NG $12 20 per person, plus tax and gratuity y For more information and to make reservatit ons, please call (2 212) 767-7044 or e- e mail CHEvents@n Cancellatiions must be receive ed by Friday, Feb r 15th. e ruary
THE WINGED FOOT Officers and Governors T h e N e w Y o r k A t h l e t i c C l u b President James B. Rafferty Vice President Regina Conroy-Keller Secretary John M. Nonna Treasurer Casey Sullivan Captain Thomas Lynch Vol. 138, No 1 Contents January 2019 Board of Governors 20 and Standing Committees All Sports Dinner House Regina Conroy-Keller A memorable celebration of the NYAC’s world class athletes. Accounting and Auditing Photos by Victoria Jackson Ivan O’Donnell Athletics Robert Valdes-Rodriguez Communications/Technology Bette Rice Engineering Caroline M. Purcell Intra Clubs Cindy Spera-Cullen Law Curt Clausen Membership Departments Jonathan Wells Planning John Duggan Restaurant 6 Robert Yienger Editorial - by James J. O’Brien Rooms and Renting Milton Lee 8 Security and Safety/Insurance From the Boardroom - by James Rafferty James Mercante Social Activities 10 Anthony Orlando Saturday Morning Program - by James Dobson Travers Island Chris Golden 12 Personnel Heard Around the Club Michael Volpe 25 Sports Review: The Winged Foot TRIATHLON by Matthew Giffuni. WATER POLO by William Irvine. NYACKERS by Director of Communications Publisher & Editor Richard Cini. TRIATHLON CLUB by Bill Boak. PLATFORM TENNIS by Brian Woods. James J. O’Brien REMEMBERING LARRY KLECATSKY by Rob Milam. YACHT CLUB by James Associate Director of Communications Pintauro. THANKSGIVING BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT. NEWS FROM THE Carrie Stevens GYMNASIUM by Matthew Rader and Thomas Kehoe. FITNESS by Chuck Metzger. Social Media Manager/Assistant Editor Maria Fraschilla THE WINGED FOOT T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E N E W Y O R K A T H L E T I C C L U B 38 Editorial/Special Projects Assistant January 2019 Vol. 138 No. 1 Social Circle: Richard Koppenaal A C ELEBRATION OF ATHLETICS BRIDGE CLUB by Bill Sigward. DANCE CLUB by Gary Nave. Editorial and Advertising Offices: The 2018 NYAC All Sports Dinner On the cover: A Special sesquicentennial All Sports Dinner, with IOC President Thomas Bach as the Guest of Honor P L U S S E A S O N A L C E L E B R ATIONS AT THE NYAC UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Communications Office plus Seasonal Celebrations at the NYAC. New York Athletic Club 180 Central Park South New York, NY 10019 The aim and policy of THE WINGED FOOT is to present information about the varied activities of NYAC sports and amateur athletics and Telephone: (212) 767-7060 other topics of general interest to members and their families. THE WINGED FOOT (ISSN 0043-5856) is published monthly by the New York Athletic Club, James B. Rafferty, President; Regina Conroy-Keller, Vice President; John Nonna, Secretary. Forms close 10th of pre- For advertising information, please contact: ceding month. Periodical rate postage paid at New York, NY. Publication Identification #686-500. Postmaster - send notifications of changes of address to Membership Services Office, New York Athletic Club, 180 Central Park South, New York, NY 10019. The Winged or (212) 767-7058 Foot is a registered trademark of the New York Athletic Club of the City of New York. $42 of each New York Athletic Club member's annual dues goes towards payment of the annual subscription cost of The Winged Foot magazine. 4 THE WINGED FOOT
Editorial by James J. O’Brien NYAC DRESS CODE When visiting the New York Athletic A Happy New Year Club, please ensure that you com- ply with the Dress Code. Full details are available at and C ould any NYAC member deny ent that seems to permeate every event at from the Membership Services Office. When in doubt, formality is appro- that the year just past was one the NYAC and, indeed, the Club itself. priate. Thank you for your coopera- of remarkable celebra- For want of a better phrase, this ingredi- tion. tion? From January to December ent is a joie de vivre that is infectious, CITY HOUSE the Club’s calendar was replete not to mention evident to even the For gentlemen, a dress shirt or golf with event after event that most fleeting visitor. This is certain- shirt with slacks and dress shoes is observed our 150th anniversary. ly among the most alluring of the acceptable at all times. Comparable The highlight was certainly the many facets that make the New appropriate attire for ladies. A jacket is September 8th Anniversary Gala, York Athletic Club unique, even always required in the Main Dining Room and Cocktail Lounge. Members not to mention November’s All after 150 years of existence. may enjoy breakfast in the 11th floor Sports Dinner (coverage on page 20 of General Douglas MacArthur Gold Room in business casual attire, this issue); but, throughout the year, the may have had the Club and its meaning a jacket and tie are not entire club embraced, and was embraced members in mind when he said the fol- required. by, the events surrounding this wonder- lowing on the occasion of his 75th birth- Jeans and other denim wear, sneak- ful anniversary. day: “Youth is not entirely a time of life; ers, shorts; T-shirts and athletic The question now, of course, is, “What it is a state of mind. It is not wholly a wear may only be worn in athletic areas. Ladies may not wear halter next?” 2018 set an extremely high bar; matter of ripe cheeks, red lips or supple tops; leggings; clothing that reveals but, the New York Athletic Club has knees. It is a temper of the will, a quali- bare midriffs. spent the last 150 years scaling dizzy ty of imagination, a vigor of the emo- heights and there is no reason why that tions, a freshness of the deep springs of Athletic attire may only be worn in athletic areas of the building. should end now. On the contrary, effec- life. It means a temperamental predomi- tive this month we can say that an nance of courage over timidity, of an TRAVERS ISLAND Olympic Games takes place “next year,” appetite for adventure over love of Club House, Main Floor and with that will come all the excite- ease..... You are as young as your faith, Appropriate casual attire for both ment, expectation and athletic drama as old as your doubt, as young as your ladies and gentlemen. that the Club’s top class competitors self-confidence, as old as your fear; as inevitably generate. Even if you won’t be young as your hope, as old as your Dining Room representing Team USA in Tokyo next despair. In the central place of every Gentlemen may wear slacks and a col- lared shirt at all times. A jacket is year, the events and activities at the Club heart there is a recording chamber; so optional. Comparable appropriate attire in the build-up will be more than suffi- long as it receives messages of beauty, for ladies. cient to build the excitement. The hope, cheer and courage, so long are you Ballroom Olympic Games will not be the entirety young.” For events in the Ballroom, please of the NYAC’s focus; members may rest Does that remind you of any fellow check the dress code associated with assured that the Club’s calendar, at both members? Any club filled with such peo- the event. Jackets are always required. the City House and Travers Island, will ple will always have more to look for- Please note: while a tie is not compul- be filled with events and opportunities ward to, to accomplish and to embrace sory in the Club House for gentlemen, that are un-missable. with each passing year. it is always appropriate. All of the above could easily be hol- Wishing the very best to all of our The following are never appropriate: members throughout 2019. s YOUR MONTHLY CHARGES low, however, were it not for an ingredi- jeans and other denim wear; sneakers; shorts; T-shirts and athletic wear. Ladies may not wear halter tops; leg- gings; clothing that reveals bare midriffs. Please be aware that a summary of your monthly charges is available for you to view at (Please bear in mind that your on-line statement is for reference only. You Patio/Grill Room Shorts and shirts are required. Bathing should pay your bill based on the monthly statement you receive via e-mail or in the mail). It suits are permitted with a cover. may be convenient for you to pay your bill using direct debit or electronic funds transfer. Athletic attire may only be worn in For details of how to use these options, go to “Paperless Payment” options under “My Club” athletic areas of the Club House. at Or, you can call the Controller’s Office at (212) 767-7050. 6 THE WINGED FOOT
Featured Pro perty: E as t Hamp to n Barn-Style . We b# 414 89 . JB D’Santos Your Hamptons Luxury Real Estate Specialist Licensed as José B. DosSantos 631-903-6147 c: 516-901-7017
F R O M T H E B O A R D R O O M From the President James B. Rafferty I would like to wish a happy new year Committee, flew in from Switzerland to ad of sports as communicated to our and best wishes for 2019 to all of our serve as our guest speaker, validating our members throughout 2018. As you read members and their families. I would club - if such were necessary - as an iconic this magazine, new “Technogym” exercise also like to thank athletic institution beyond compare. equipment is being installed at the City you for your sup- Much of the credit for the success of our House, and the third floor Aquatics port; it has been an 2018 celebrations must go to our general Center will be completing a major refur- honor and a great manager, Roger Simon, and his staff, in bishment. privilege to serve as concert with the diligent planning by our The NYAC is a membership owned the NYAC’s presi- 150th Anniversary Committee, chaired by organization, and the success of our Club dent over the past Colin Neill, and our Social Activities largely resides with our members. It is James Rafferty two years. Committee, chaired by Anthony Orlando. they who support the Club by proposing Before looking forward to the new year, Well done by all. new members, by serving on our many it is appropriate to take a moment to As we move forward to the new year, committees, utilizing our guest rooms, reflect on the very special year that we the Club is well positioned in many key dining, banquet and athletics facilities, have just concluded - the Club’s sesquicen- areas. Our finances remain solid. We have and by attending so many of our events. tennial; and what a special 150th anniver- adequate cash reserves, no debt and a fis- This is what keeps our club strong and sary celebration it was! cal 2019 positive cash flow budgeted at flourishing. I thank you and encourage To be honest, I entered 2018 with some over $6 million. Capital projects have you to continue your involvement and to trepidation given the ambitious events and remained under $5 million for each of the continue to sponsor your friends and fam- activities we had planned for our mem- two prior fiscal years but are expected to ily members for membership. bers. It appeared overly daunting; but it move above $6 million in 2019. The In closing, I would like to thank our was an amazing year. The many Intra Board will remain prudent and conserva- Officers and Board of Governors for their Club, social and athletic events held at tive regarding any approvals of new proj- steadfast support and for selflessly giving both the City House and Travers Island ects. The focus will be to ensure our facili- their time and expertise to the Club over truly reflected our milestone year. ties and infra-structure are continually the past year. I would especially like to The highlight was, undoubtedly, the upgraded and improved. Projects in the recognize and thank Michael Volpe and September 8th building-wide Gala, attend- pipeline this year include the refurbish- Robert Yienger for their many hours of ed by over 1500 of our members and ment of our 16th floor guest rooms, as service; they will conclude their time on guests; truly an historic event for the well as the fifth floor men’s locker room. the Board this month. Lastly, I would like NYAC. I must also mention the Our membership rolls continue to to thank our general manager, Roger November 12th All Sports Dinner, with remain strong, especially in the key Simon, and his senior management team our world and national champion athletes “Associate” category (18-30 years of age). for their hard work and support. I am in attendance. Mr. Thomas Bach, presi- Similarly, our elite athletics programs con- confident that we will have still more to dent of the International Olympic tinue to breed world champions in a myri- celebrate in the years ahead. s 8 THE WINGED FOOT
PROSPECTIVEE P MEMB BERS’ RECEPT TIONS at the CITY HOUSE EL E GANT DIN ING VENUE S S OCIA L EVENT S A AND INTR A C L UBS E X CELLLENT A THLEETICS F A CILLITIES AN UNP U AR ALLEELED HIS T O R Y W Y, JANUARY 16TH WEDNESDAY W WEDNESD Y, FEBRUARY 27THH AY Invite your candidates to discover the benefits of membership in thhe world’s greatest athletic cluub. Reservations are required. To make a resservation for you and your prospectivve member, please call (212)) 767-7025, e-mail or vis i it
Saturday Morning Program by James Dobson SMP Weekend of Champions T he NYAC’s Saturday Morning Program at the City House moved into the second half of the season in December, after a spec- tacular Weekend of Champions in mid-November, where children of members were able to interact with and receive training from some of the NYAC’s Olympic athletes who were here to attend the All Sports Dinner. The SMP combines world class coaching in a variety of sports with a focus on developing teamwork skills for children from ages six to 16. Be sure to see additional pictures on the NYAC web site (, under the Junior Programs heading. Photographs by Bin Lin SMP Calendar of Events January 12th NYAC Basketball Team Clinic (at the City House) January 26th Fordham Basketball Clinic and Game (at Fordham University) March 9th SMP/Closing Celebration Luncheon 10 THE WINGED FOOT
H E A R D A R O U N D T H E C L U B 109 Years of Broadway On Friday, November 9th, the best of Broadway came to the City House, welcomed by a full house on the ninth floor. A spectacular show brought the house down and the audience to its feet. Special thanks to Neil Berg and his troupe for, once again, bringing the best of Broadway to the City House. 12 THE WINGED FOOT
H E A R D A R O U N D T H E C L U B Holiday Season at the NYAC From Thanksgiving all the way through to the New Year, it was a season of celebration at both the City House and Travers Island. There were turkeys and gingerbread houses and tree-trimming - and even a visit from Santa Claus, who started his rounds early just because his “nice” list was so big this year. (Turn the page for more seasonal photos). JANUARY 2019 13
H E A R D A R O U N D T H E C L U B Holiday Season at the NYAC - Continued EXCLUSIVELLY Y FOR NYAC MEMBERS ONLLY Y M MEET and LEARN INVESTMENT STTRATEGIES T from YOUR OWN NYYAC MEMBER, DAN JOYCE To reserve a seat for his up p-coming BIMONTHLY DI NNER SEMINAR , and a ch hance to mingle with your felllow club members, Pleease RSVP Dan at oyce@wpcapital com or (212) 643-6232 Thee opinions expressed are thoose of Dan Joyce and are subject to changge due to marrket or other conditions. Thiis is not a so olicitation or recommendation of any investment. Securities offer e ed 30 YEAR NYAC thro ough Westpark Capital, Inc.,, MEMBERR mem mber FINRA/SIPC 14 THE WINGED FOOT
Welcome to Our Newest Members H E A R D A R O U N D T H E C L U B T h e N YA C e x t e n d s a w a r m w e l c o m e t o t h e m o s t r e c e n t a d d i t i o n s t o i t s r o l l s James Barrett, Military, San Diego, CA Michael Mangan, Resident, New York, NY Frank Blanco, Resident, New York, NY Nickolas Mannarino, Associate, New York, NY Ivan Blinoff, Non-Resident, London, England Louis Martorella, Non-Resident, Sarasota, FL Charles Broadbent, Associate, New York, NY Matthew McKee, Associate, New York, NY Jillian Carcaterra, Resident, New Rochelle, NY Mary McKennon, Associate, New York, NY Susan Colotti, Resident, West Hempstead, NY Andrew Mesesan, Athletic, Brooklyn, NY Tara Daly, Associate, New York, NY Christopher Moran, Associate, New York, NY Kevin Farley, Resident, New York, NY Matthew Moretz, Clergy, New York, NY Jason Glass, Resident, Brookline, MA Souren Ouzounian, Resident, Short Hills, NJ John Gorman, Associate, New York, NY William Phelan, Resident, Pelham, NY William Haas, Associate, New York, NY Christina Quaranta, Associate, Bedford, NY Preston Han, Associate, New York, NY Alexander Realuyo, Child of Member, New York, NY Herbert Krackow, Resident, New York, NY William Round, Associate, New York, NY Caroline Langan, Associate, New York, NY Daniel Lawrence, Non-Resident, Midlothian, VA Samuel Sirota, Associate, New York, NY Brian Lofton, Resident, New York, NY Abigail Smith, Associate, New York, NY Edmund Lomasney, Resident, Chicago, IL Andrew Wilson, Resident, New York, NY New York o City’s Prefer erred Physical Theerapy Center Specializing i li i inin One on One Care. John Gallucci Jr., MS,, ATC, PT,, DPT - NYAC Member 274 Madison Ave | New York, NY | (646) 678-5995 JAAGPT.C . OM JANUARY 2019 15
In Memoriam It is with deep sorrow that we record the names of our members who passed away during the past year. Member Elected Member Elected Ashenfelter, III, Horace 1951 Lence, Rudy 1957 Aletti, Steffan B. 1959 Lillja, William D. 1954 Barnes, Jr., Robert M. 1979 Macdonald, George P. 2017 Beneville, Wallace L. 1967 Macedo, Jr., Joseph 1971 Benham, Derek J. 1992 McCarthy, Thomas F. 1950 Bergquist, Robert A. 1987 McComas, Hugh G. 1954 Blachford, Norman 1960 McNulty, Joseph P. 1953 Bonanno, Dr. Philip C. 1992 McNaney, James P. 1952 Brown, David F. 1972 Merklen, William A. 1944 Carrozza, Joseph P. 1975 Neubelt, Paul E. 1984 Chaney, Jr., Verne 1973 Neuberger, Richard 1993 Colapietro, Rev. Peter 2008 O’Brien, Francis D. 1992 Conde, Alvaro D.R. 1991 O’Connell, Charles J. 1962 Dineen, James S. 1952 O’Connor, Joseph P. 1960 Duerr, Gerald J. 1987 O’Donnell, James 1983 Feeley, John 1978 Pastestides, Michael 1965 Feldman, Richard 2002 Personeni, Joseph V. 1964 Ferry MD, Andrew 1980 Pons, Luis 1993 Flynn, Maj. Gen. Lawrence P. 1986 Ranghelli, Ralph A. 1969 Gale, David 2010 Remigino, Lindy J. 1952 Garrett, Bernard R. 1976 Romita, Michael 1949 Gault, John F. 1970 Ryan, Edward V. 1982 Gilbride, Gary G. 1979 Sachs, Jr., John R. 1998 Giviskos, Constantine 2006 Salloum, Charles W. 1976 Gorman, Rev. Richard 1993 Schroeder, Charles W. 1947 Gunn, John F. 1966 Sharpe, Eddie J. 1961 Hamecs, Robert T. 1998 Stemper, Robert G. 1982 Hennessy, John J. 1972 Stephen, Prima K. 1996 Hsu, John 1997 Stout, III, Ray E. 1969 Hynes, William P. 1979 Thomas, III, Guy A. 1965 Igoe, Byron 1962 Vernon, Jr., Murray 1951 Ilic, Vanja G. 1979 Villamana, Thomas E. 1972 Jacob, Jr., Charles H. 1956 Vogliano, Ernest L. 1952 James, II, George B. 1984 Wallgren, Richard S. 1984 Kavanagh, Dr. Terence 1966 Walsh, Dr. Joseph B. 1974 Klecatsky, Lawrence 1969 Zabel, Larry R. 1972 Kucich, John J. 1988 Ziegler, Jr., John A. 1978 May They Rest in Peace
T U X E D O PA R K A B E AU T I F U L and H I S TO RI C S ECU RE G ATE D C O MMU N ITY L E S S T H A N O N E H O U R f ro m MID TO WN MAN HATT AN . 35 WEST LAKE STABLE ROAD, TUXEDO PA ARK, NY 194 EAST LAKE ROAD, TUXEDO DO PA ARK, NY $6,600,000 $5,500,000 84 EAST LAKE ROAD, TUXEDO PA ARK, NY 25 TOWER HILL LOOP, TUXEDO DO PA ARK, NY $4,500,000 $3,500,000 95 CLIFF ROAD, TUXEDO PA ARK, NY 54 TOWER HILL ROAD EAST, TUXEDO PA ARK, NY $2,100,000 $1,750,000 107 TOWER HILL L LOOP,, TUXEDO PA ARK, NY 4 RIDGE ROAD, TUXEDO PARK A K, NY $1,650,000 $999,000 Wal a ter L. Deane, Licen nsed Real Estate Broker Equal housing | Building lots and E 59 East 54th Stree e t, New York, NY 10022 homes available from $249,0 000 212-9880-6285 | 845-351-0001 w www .TuxedoParkFineHome
H E A R D A R O U N D T H E C L U B - Our History - The NYAC’s Boxing Professor Mike Donovan’s renown as an expert in the sweet science was such that he was universally hailed as “The Professor.” M ike Donovan, commonly known as Professor Donovan, who was also the NYAC’s first honorary member. When Roosevelt was the NYAC’s boxing instructor from 1884 until his was Governor of New York, he began taking boxing lessons from death in 1918. He developed a strong friendship, and Donovan. Roosevelt also had a personal connection to the Club, hav- was a sparring partner, with President Theodore Roosevelt. Donovan ing exercised, as a young boy in 1870, at Wood’s Gymnasium, one of was born on September 24th, 1847 in Chicago, IL. He claimed his the NYAC’s first headquarters. Roosevelt had been sickly and gaunt family could trace its lineage as a child, and his father encouraged him to “build his body” and through many centuries, leading expose himself to the rigors of exercise. His continuous exercise led to back to the chieftains of Ireland. a long spell of good health, and a lifelong belief in the benefits of a Donovan is purported to have rigorous lifestyle. served in the Civil War, joining the When Roosevelt became president, Donovan sparred with him in service as young as 14 years of the White House on several occasions. He even attended a black tie age. According to his obituary, he gala at the White House in honor of the US armed forces as the fought in the Atlanta Campaign of President’s guest. Clearly, their time in the ring fostered a strong bond 1864, and later in Sherman’s infa- between the two. Of Roosevelt, Donovan once said that “The man is mous March to the Sea. After the a born fighter…it’s in his war, Donovan took up prize fight- blood” and suggested that, ing. His first recorded bout came perhaps, the President had on June 3rd, 1866 against chosen the wrong profes- Crowley Davis. According to con- sion. temporary sources, the fight lasted Roosevelt eventually Above: “Professor” Mike Donovan assumes the stance. for an astounding 59 rounds, with gave up sparring while he Opposite: The Professor and the President. Donovan depicted Donovan declared the winner. was in office, deeming it Donovan made his name in such sparring with Theodore Roosevelt. unbecoming of a sitting fights, becoming renowned for his superhuman endurance, as well as president. In a letter to his record against much larger opponents. Pierre de Coubertin, Donovan’s most significant fight came on October 17th, 1884 founder of the modern against Walter Watson, the winner of which was to be named the Olympic movement, Roosevelt explained why he decided to step out boxing instructor at the NYAC. After seven rounds, the fight was of the ring for good: “I do but little boxing because it seems rather called, with Donovan having won decisively. Donovan promptly absurd for a president to appear with a black eye or a swollen nose or retired from competition, preferring to dedicate his time to instruc- a cut lip.”After one reported incident, his left eye’s retina was so badly tion. damaged that he went blind in that eye. Government officials kept the Over the next 30 years, Donovan established himself as an institu- story under wraps until Roosevelt had been out of office for several tion within the Club. With the publication in 1893 of his book, “The years, but even then it caused uproar. Science of Boxing,” “Professor” Donovan made the NYAC the USA’s Although he lost his favorite student, Donovan continued to instruct preeminent boxing establishment. The book was considered revolu- at the NYAC until his death. He passed away from pneumonia on tionary for its technicality and nuanced analysis, and helped the sport March 24th, 1918 at the age of 70. In an obituary in the May, 1918 gain credibility in the eyes of many athletes. Soon, fighters from all edition of The Winged Foot, Donovan was praised by his peers as around country sought out the “Professor,” seeking his advice and “the greatest teacher the game has ever known.” instruction. - Richard Koppenaal Donovan’s most famous pupil was President Theodore Roosevelt, 18 THE WINGED FOOT
N E W Y O R K A T H L E T I C C L U B SENIORITY HONOR ROLL YEAR OF YEAR OF YEAR OF ELECTION NAME ELECTION NAME ELECTION NAME 1938 Manger, Dr. William M. 1955 Robertazzi, Robert X. 1957 Sarecky, Donald L. 1943 Pavarini, George F. 1955 Cooney, Nicholas J. 1957 Sulger, Francis X. 1944 Ottman, John A. 1955 Engels, Gilbert H. 1957 Gallagher, Cornelius E. 1944 Lacy, John C. 1955 Belton, John P. 1958 Leo, Daniel W. 1946 McDermott, John J. 1948 Kenny, John Joseph 1958 White, Buel 1947 Mele, Joseph E. 1955 Courtney, Thomas W. 1958 Mangan, J. Warren 1948 Kenny, John Joseph 1955 Kelly, Alfred F. 1958 Pisano, Richard C. 1949 Gallo, Thomas J. 1955 Cinelli, Dr. Peter B. 1958 D’Angelo, Joseph F. 1949 Finnerty, E. Kevin 1956 Cella Jr., Peter R. 1958 Morris, Sr., Philip Anthony 1949 D’Amico, Dr. Robert A. 1956 Porto, Dominick J. 1958 Tothy, Andrew P. 1949 Tift, Jr., Thomas W. 1956 Lockerbie, D. Bruce 1958 Yaman, Peter Francis 1949 Ingrassia, Joseph P. 1956 Howard, John J. 1958 Witt, Robert J. 1949 Ryan, John J. 1956 Lawrence, Jr., Thomas C. 1958 Purcell, Thomas R. 1950 Efthimiou, George B. 1956 Gerosa, Francis X. 1958 Cini, Richard A. 1950 Graham, Jr., Austin A. 1956 Davis, Kenneth D. 1958 Obert, Carl J. 1950 Schimenti, Salvatore G. 1956 Mastoloni, Raymond L. 1958 Pardo, Joseph A. 1950 Roe, John E. 1956 Hanson, Jon F. 1958 Pfohl, James M. 1950 Oristano, Victor 1956 Boone, Charles E. Pat 1958 Amendola, Jr., John B. 1950 Reynolds, Dr. Benedict M. 1956 Endico, William 1959 Meglio, John Joseph 1950 Moore, Jr., Charles H. 1956 Carroll, Philip R. 1959 Morrison, Thomas C. 1950 Loveless, Dr. Eugene J. 1956 Vagelos, John H. 1959 Petrocelli Jr., Paul 1950 Baker, Jr., Frank J. 1956 Benedetto, Jr., Joseph Anthony 1959 Keeshan, Edward J. 1951 Koehler, Robert F. 1956 Egan, Patrick J. 1951 Paretti, Andrew 1956 Clotworthy, Robert Lynn 1959 Himmelright II, Paul G. 1951 Naclerio,. Richard J. 1956 Miller, Richard C. 1959 Camillone, Robert B. 1952 Loconsolo, John A. 1957 Margiotta, Philip J. 1959 McCabe, Donald 1952 Golden, Ronald E. 1957 Dammann, Harold R. 1959 Hionas, Eugene W. 1953 Farenga, Pasquale S. 1957 Maselli, Rocco A. 1959 Nicholas, George 1953 Boselli, George V. 1957 Ryan, Frank James 1959 Ambrose Jr., Joseph V. 1954 Hazley, George J. 1957 Ix, Douglas E. 1959 Cusack, James J. 1954 Cristofano, Daniel J. 1957 Dammann, David A. 1959 Naclerio, Salvatore T. 1954 LaMotta, Dr. Theodore T. 1957 Donnelly, Gerard Kevin 1959 Roberts II, Dennis J. 1955 Mc Gee, Andrew J. 1957 Sirola, Joseph A. 1960 Ahern, Jeremiah 1955 Farrell, James T. 1957 Van Bellingham, Lawrence S. 1960 DeBlasio, Peter E. h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h e h It is gratifying to note how closely knit the New York Athletic Club has been throughout the years since its creation in 1868. All 100 listed here joined the Club no later than 1958; most far earlier. We thank them for their loyalty and wish them many more years of happy and healthful membership. JANUARY 2019 19
C e l e b r a t i n g 1 5 0 Ye a r s of Athletics Success t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Held on Monday, November 12th, the 2018 All Sports Dinner paid special tribute to the Club’s top c l a s s a t h l e t e s w h i l e a l s o b r i n g i n g t o a c l o s e t h e N YA C ’ s y e a r - l o n g s e s q u i c e n t e n n i a l c e l e b r a t i o n s . 20 THE WINGED FOOT
T he NYAC All Sports Dinner is among the most celebratory of events on the Club’s annual social calendar. To honor the success- es of the Club’s top class athletes is entirely in keeping with the philoso- phy of “the world’s greatest athletic club,” and, as may be expected, the event is eagerly anticipated every year. The 2018 All Sports Dinner, was an occasion prompting even greater anticipation than usual. In the first instance, it was the final event in the NYAC’s year-long sesquicentennial celebrations. As such, it would cele- brate, not only our athletes’ accom- plishments of the year just finished, it would also honor the enormous wealth of sporting success that the NYAC has accrued over the past cen- tury and a half. Anticipation was fur- ther heightened, however, by the announcement that the 2018 Guest of Honor would be Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee. While Mr Bach’s attendance was fitting for a club that is entrenched in the history of the Olympic movement, it was also no small coup given the com- plexity of his schedule. The stars and the multifarious moving parts all fell into place, how- ever, and the 150th Anniversary All Sports Dinner will long be recalled as a unique and memorable occasion. With four-time wrestling world champion Adeline Gray speaking on behalf of the NYAC’s athletes, and with sports legends such as Bob Beamon, Charlie Moore, Chris Mullen, Herb Douglas, Tony Azevedo, Jimmy Pedro, Heather Petri, Jason Morris and countless others in attendance, the scope of the NYAC’s athletic success and the scale of its commitment was in plain sight for Mr Bach to see - and his appreci- ation was similarly evident. In the course of 150 years, many successful All Sports Dinners have been held at the City House. Fittingly, in this, the Club’s 150th year, there have been few to match this one. There could have been no more appropriate manner in which to conclude this year of unforgettable celebrations. - James J. O’Brien JANUARY 2019 21
W h Th Watch The SU SU UPER BOW OW WLL at T R A V E R S I S L A N D Sunda ay, Februa ary 3rd | 5:30pm Come to th he Travers Island Ballro oom for a senssational Super Bowl Parrty! BEER ON TAP TA | ALL YOUR FAAV VORITE PUUB FARE A WINGS, CARVING STA S AT TION, HOT DOG CART, CHIP PS, DIP AND MORE MULTIPLE T FLAT SCREEN TVs AND COMFORTABLE A SEATING T $46 per adu ult; $16 per child 12 and under, plus tax and gratuity. For more information and to make m reservations, please call (914) 738-2700 orr e-mail Cancellations must be made m no less than 48 hours prior to the event. Late ate cancellations will be subject to a fee of $25 per person. D Dress Code G Gentlemen: Collared shirt and sllacks required. Neat jeansns are permitted. Ladies: Comparable appropriate ropriate atttire C Children: Aged 13 and older der m must adhere to the Dresss Code. Football jerseys are permitted. mitted.
T R AV E R S I S L A N D FAMIL A Y NIGH HT DINN NER and a MOVIE Every Sun E S day at The Founderrs’ Bar and Grille | 5:30pm – 8:30pm Bring your family to The Founders’ Bar and Griille and enjoy a delicious pasta buffet dinner, including soups, salads, made e-to o-o order pasta and desserts. Afterr dinner, a family- y friiendly movie will w be shown at 6:30pm. Price for dinner an a d movie: $23 per adult; $11 per child 12 and under, plus tax and gratui t ty. For more information and to make reservati t ons, please call (914) 1 738-2700 x1280 or e-mail TIDining@n Dress Code Gentlem men: Collared shirt requir e ed. Neat jeans arre permitted. L dies: Compar La p abble appropria ri te attir tti e. Childrenn aged 13 and older must adhere to the Dresss Code.
Ring Masters Championships Road to the Garden at the City House Gymnasium Thursday, February 21st 6:30pm – Doors Open | 7:30pm – First Fight USA Boxing Metro and The Madison Square Garden Company announce the qualifying tournament for the National Golden Gloves. The Road to the Garden will showcase the talents of New York’s best young amateur boxers and Olympic hopefuls in venues around the New York City area. $49 per person, plus tax. For more information and to make reservations, please call (212) 767-7093 or e-mail Dress Code: Gentlemen: Jacket and collared shirt are required. Ladies: Comparable appropriate attire
SPORTS REVIEW The NYAC’s Sarah True secured a fourth place finish at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI in October. A fter a splendid showing at the ITU WTS Grand Final in Ironman debut earlier this year in Frankfurt, Germany with a siz- Gold Coast, Australia in September, four NYAC ath- zling 9:05 finish, so all eyes were on her to see how she would fare letes, Sarah True, Matt Chrabot, Kevin Collington and on the grueling Kona course against the best in the world. Sarah Kirsty Jahn, turned their focus to the Ironman World closed with a blazing-fast 2:57 marathon to finish in 8:43, just off Championships in Kona, HI in October. Sarah True made her the podium in fourth place. JANUARY 2019 25
The Sarasota-Bradenton ITU Triathlon World Cup once again served as the USAT Elite national championship for triathlon and, once again, this event was raced as a duathlon due to poor water conditions. The run-bike-run format wound up playing to the strengths of two of our athletes, Renee Tomlin and Kirsten Kasper, with Renee running her way to the gold and Kirsten just behind for the silver. Renee continued her late season surge with a bronze medal two weeks later at the ITU World Cup Triathlon in Tongyeong, South Korea. The NYAC’s world championship-winning water polo women. Our athletes continued excelling in the in the 2018 Women’s FINA Water Polo quarter-final, Australia beat Germany in a spectator-friendly and innovative multi-day World Cup. By defeating Russia 8-5 in the shootout, three to two, earning a spot in Super League Triathlon series in October. final, the US (including 10 NYAC mem- the championship game against a tough Katie Zaferes and Kirsten Kasper took the bers) won its third World Cup (2010, Hungary team. Australia went into the sec- gold and bronze in SLT Malta and then 2014, 2018), advancing the team’s renown ond half down 2-4, keeping pace with the were part of a NYAC podium sweep a after winning Olympic gold medals in World Cup favorites. In the third quarter, week later in Majorca, which included 2016. Ashleigh Johnson was named the Hungary scored four unanswered goals Taylor Spivey at the top of the podium tournament’s top goalkeeper. Maggie and, ultimately, won 10-4, meaning with the overall win. Summer Cook took Steffens was named Tournament MVP. Australia took home a silver medal. In par- home the gold medal in the final ITU race Two days later, at the FINA Men’s Water allel, the US men lost to Croatia and Serbia of the season at the ITU World Cup Polo World Cup in Berlin, Germany, nine and defeated South Africa 15-6. After los- Triathlon in Miyazaki, Japan. Lastly, NYAC water polo players competed. ing 8-10 to Hungary in the quarter-finals, Lindsey Jerdonek placed third at the Lachlan Edwards and Blake Edwards repre- the USA beat Japan by one to qualify for Ironman 70.3 in Buenos Aires, Argentina sented Australia. McQuin Baron, Alex the fifth place game. In a rematch against but was DQ’d for a bike leg infraction. Bowen, Nic Carniglia, Max Irving, Alex Croatia, the USA lost 10-7. - Matthew Giffuni Obert, Alex Roelse and Jesse Smith repre- Water Polo Chairman Chris Judge com- Water Polo sented the United States. The World Cup mented: “We’re thrilled to have had 19 FINA Water Polo World Cup began with a group stage before going into players competing for the top teams and a bracket format. representing the NYAC at the FINA World F rom September 4th to 9th, the women’s US water polo team trav- In the group stage, Australia beat Japan Cup. Decades of support from the Club’s eled to Surgut, Russia to compete and Germany and lost to Hungary by one membership has made our program a glob- point. After beating Croatia 9-8 in the al brand.” - William Irvine 26 THE WINGED FOOT
Pay a one price and a enjoy alll of the athlettics facilitiess at the t City Housse for one dayy. GYMNASIUM AQUATICS CENTER SQUASH COURTS HANDBALL COURTS LOCKER ROOMS The Fitn ness and Well e ness Center is excluded from this offer. $18 for members | $28 for guests plus tax For more information, please call Membership Serviices at (212) 767-7025 or e-mail
NYACKERS schedule, we will give Trump National- tive to attract new members and those who Bedminster, Metropolis and Preakness Hills are unable to attend our mid-week outings Another Successful Year a rest; and we are adding the Glen Oaks during spring, summer and early fall. The O n October 25th, the NYACK- Club - home of the first round of the 2017 first evening event was held at Five Iron ERS successfully completed FedEx Cup playoffs - on September 19th; Golf on November 15th. Unfortunately, a the 107th year of organized this is a real win for us. Other additions are sudden snow storm cut attendance. But, golf at the NYAC. 2018 was a very exciting still being negotiated. those who did attend enjoyed the use of a but challenging year. Mother Nature did golf simulator, tips from the golf pros and some food and beverage. Feedback was very positive and we plan another simula- tor event in early 2019. If you liked what you have just read, why not make the NYACKERS your golf club? Whether you already belong to a private club or not, NYACKERS membership makes sense. You only pay when you play; there is no obligation or pressure to play in or attend a certain number of events. Our 2019 schedule will soon be placed on the The prestigious Glen Oaks Club has been added to the NYACKERS’ schedule for 2019. NYAC web pages, under NYACKERS, On Thursday, October 18th, we held our under the Intra Clubs tab. not cooperate, forcing us to cancel four annual NYACKERS Championship, called If NYACKERS membership interests you, outings. While we were able to re-schedule the President’s Cup, at Quaker Ridge Golf contact Haley Bien, Intra Clubs’ three of them - Hudson National Golf Club. Quaker Ridge was a new venue for Coordinator, at (212) 767-7022 or Club, Whippoorwill and Metropolis - we our club championship. The weather was Even better, check us out could not find a date in the schedule for perfect and the course was in pristine con- on the NYAC web site. - Richard Cini Rockaway Hunting Club. Triathlon Club dition. As is our practice, we again rotated some This year, Robert Romanoff won the courses in and out of our schedule. We President’s Cup and is the 2018 NYACK- September Highlights dropped Nassau Country Club, Glen Head M ERS Club champion. In addition, Peter embers of the Triathlon CC, Fairview and Preakness Hills, but Mozzone won the Vice-President’s Cup for Club had a busy month in added Alpine Country Club, Mountain best net score of 78 in a match of cards. September, beginning with Ridge, Fresh Meadow and Fenway Golf Our congratulations to both champions. one of the oldest triathlon events in the Club. And again, two of these outings, On October 22nd, the NYACKERS host- nation: the 37th Mighty Hamptons, which were sold out. We thank our members for ed a reception in the City House Hall of took place Sunday, September 9th. This their growing support. Fame. It was the first step in a new initia- Olympic distance triathlon (1.5K swim, While we are still working on the 2019 28 THE WINGED FOOT
40K bike and 10K run) from the Yacht Club dock, takes place each year in followed by a 10.5 mile and around Sag Harbor. bike ride on the roads Jonathan Horowitz com- between TI and Orchard peted this year, finishing Beach, ending with a three the course in 2 hours and mile run within the TI 42 minutes to place seventh grounds. Holland com- in his age group. mented that she views the Over the last four years, event as a way to bring the the Travers Island Sprint City House and TI closer The annual Travers Island Triathlon, this year held on Sunday, September 16th, was a great success, with 15 participants accepting the challenge. By name, they were: Bill Boak, Denis Cranstoun, Bryan Cryder, Donato de Donato, Evan Foley, Simone Gentilini, Daniel Goggin, Triathlon has established together, while also encour- Maribeth Holland, Max Jaffe, Chris Kearns, Jason Metakis, Vincent Morrow, Hugh O’Reilly, Gene Reilly and Susan Sales. itself as a popular NYAC aging participation among event that offers Club members an intro- the event, ably assisted by Vincent Morrow newer club members. duction to the sport as well as being a tune- who, this year, provided signage for the This year’s TI Tri took place on a sunny up for more experienced triathletes who course as well as very stylish 150-year Sunday, September 16th; the 15 competi- regularly compete in longer distance races. anniversary NYAC long-sleeve T-shirts for tors jumped into warm waters off the dock For the past four years, Tri Club Vice the finishers. The segments for this event to await the start of the swim just before President Maribeth Holland has directed include a half-mile out-and-back swim 9am. An hour and six minutes later, after JANUARY 2019 29
covering about 14 miles, Jason Metakis Distance Triathlon. Finishers there included Platform Tennis (who took the gold medal in the NYAC Maribeth Holland, Max Jaffe, Jamie Platform Season Underway Indoor Triathlon back in February) made a McCulloch, Bryan Cryder, Hugh O’Reilly, T he platform tennis season kicked final loop around the TI track to break the Paul Lee, Tri Club president Bud Daley, off with the joint tennis/paddle tape for first place. Bryan Cryder crossed and Donato de Donato. Maribeth had party on October 24th, at which three minutes later, followed just 25 sec- another success, winning her age group in a we recognized our Vice Chair, Joe Argento, onds later by Maribeth Holland, who time of 2:50:50, which qualified her for a for his many years of service to the paddle claimed first place among the women. New spot in the age group nationals next year. program. Joe was the 2018 Man of the club member Max Jaffe was the third male On Sunday, September 30th, for the final Year, a well-deserved distinction for the finisher. Second and third place trophies for New York area triathlon of the season, a myriad responsibilities he carries through- the women went to Susan Sales and Evan few Tri Club members took their bikes and out the year. It was a great night enjoyed Foley, while the master’s division title went wetsuits east for the Mighty Man Montauk by more than 100 people, which included to Bill Boak. Sprint/Olympic distance/Half Ironman many of Joe’s family from near and far. The Tri Club gratefully acknowledges the Triathlon. Maribeth noted that due to an The NYAC teams are very competitive in essential support provided by Steven DiDio, algae outbreak, the organizers decided to the Westchester Platform Tennis League, TI Field House manager, along with assis- change the swim course to choppier waters with six teams that play on Tuesday and tance from staff members, Justine Walsh off Navy Beach, requiring dual transition Wednesday nights against nearby clubs. and Cathy Pizzano, as well as TI areas; however, she was undeterred, again Each week, NYAC teams host competitors Waterfront Manager Tim Kerns. winning her age group and finishing as the from Wykagyl CC, Pelham CC, Siwanoy On the following Sunday, September fifth woman overall. Bud Daley competed CC and other area clubs. Our team cap- 23rd, eight Tri Club members journeyed to in the Olympic distance, finishing 12th in tains are Jamey Cappello, Gary Valente, Rye for the annual Westchester Olympic his age group. - Bill Boak Eric Sundin, John Mascalino, Ricardo Remembering Larry Klecatsky, him a spot on the US team, beating athletes half his age, where Rowing Legend he missed a medal by tenths of a second. Larry also won more races at the prestigious Head of the Charles Regatta, Royal I t is with great sadness that we Canadian Henley and the US Championships than all other row- report the passing away on ers in history. He was the foundation of NYAC rowing through- December 14th of NYAC rowing out the 70s and 80s, and his discipline was an inspiration to legend, Larry Klecatsky, at the age of 77. countless rowers. While he was respected as a fierce competitor, Larry was the most decorated US and he was equally respected as an emergency medicine physician NYAC rower of his time. He was elected where he balanced his love of rowing and lifesaving medicine. to NYAC Hall of Fame in 1989 for his performance at the 1976 Larry’s dedication to rowing could only be surpassed by his Olympics, his multiple world championships appearances (1980 devotion to his wife, children, grandchildren and friends. He will silver medalist) and his Pan American Championship perform- be deeply missed by all that knew him both on and off the ances (silver medalist). water. - Rob Milam At the age of 44, Larry’s athletic talent and discipline earned 30 THE WINGED FOOT
Advertise your Business in The Winged Foot There’s no better way to promote your business than through h the pages of the NYAC’s maga azine. Each month, The Winged Foot is mailed to NYAC members and ourr worldwide network of reciprocal clubs. You can find rates and an insertion order form at w O you can contactt Carrie Stevens Or at or (212) 767-7058.
The platform tennis season is well underway at Travers Island, with competitive games and clinics, as well as fun time both on and off the court. Rubio and Wendy Foster. Teams range chef. On December 7th, the women’s holi- voted in for 2019. Congratulations to from DI tennis players to beginners, so if day paddle social was the best one yet and Commodore Joseph Taormina, Vice- you want to play in the weeknight league, our pro, Fernando Santos, dressed as Santa Commodore Melissa Keene, Rear e-mail for more adding to the seasonal cheer. Commodore Daniel Molino, Fleet Captain information. Ladies’ clinics are held on Sundays from Mark Gaffney, Treasurer James Pintauro The Vice Chair Wendy Foster and the 11:30am until 1pm, and on Mondays from and Secretary Alex Helfand. The new women’s paddle program are off to a great 7pm until 8:30pm. Men’s clinics are held Executive Committee members are P. start. We have added a third NYAC team on Sundays from 7:30am until 9:30am, and Christopher Cotronei, Kevin Madden, to the highly competitive MIPTL, playing on Mondays from 8:30pm until 10pm. Christopher Dedona and David Tuesday and Thursday mornings against More and more folks from NYC are McCafferty. other Westchester clubs. Team captains are coming up to join our monthly paddle Thanks to Mark Gaffney for providing Kelly Conners, Kathleen Hughes, Meg socials (typically on Friday nights) and some interesting history on one of our most Bausano, Dawn Pintaro, Stephanie weekend scrambles play. To join our e-mail notable sailing races. The Jackson Day Anderson and Julia Ryan. For the first time list simply write to Race was established at the Yacht Club in in recent memory, women are playing in - Brian Woods 1947, based on the gift of the widow of Yacht Club the Wednesday Night Westchester Paddle Commodore Harry Jackson, Mrs. Statier League, which provides flexibility for those Jackson, to perpetuate his legacy as an who can’t play during the day. E-mail New Leadership NYAC Yachtsman. It was originally a day O Wendy for more information on how to get n November 13th, 2018, the of racing for both power boats (predicted involved with the ladies’ program at Annual General log races) and sailboats from Huckleberry Membership Meeting of the Island to Lloyd Harbor and back, followed We hosted a mixed tournament on NYAC Yacht Club was held at the Yacht by a party for the participants. The prize December 2nd which was both competitive House at Travers Island. As is customary, a originally was a replica of Jackson’s and fun, featuring great food from the TI new Flag and Executive Committee was “Winged Victory” trophy that is part of the 32 THE WINGED FOOT
EN NGAGE G EX XPERIENCE EX XPLORE O NYAC INTRA CL C UBS U The NYAC’ C s ovver 50 Intra Clubs enable yo ou to meet fello l w me m mbers who h havve similar interests e and to establish h friendships that can last a lifetime. iime For more information and to join an Intra Club, please call (212) 767-7022 or e-mail HaleyB@nyac.o y rg. To downlo oad the Intra Clubs informational packet, please visitt www.n . yac.o y rg.
trophy collection he donated to the NYAC American Power Boat Association Club. From 1947 to her death about 20 upon his death in 1943. Handicap Cruiser Championship of years later, Mrs. Jackson personally award- While serving as NYAC Yacht Club America. Jackson was instrumental in ed the trophies at the post-race party. Commodore in 1909, Jackson on his 39’ developing the rules for predicted log rac- The dates for the NYAC Yacht Club sailing sloop “Victory” won the prestigious ing for power boats. Summer Rendezvous has been set for July Brooklyn Yacht Club Ocean Challenge Jackson also served as an officer in the 18th-21st, 2019 at Essex Island Marina in Cup, the “blue ribbon of the sea for small US Coast Guard Reserve during World Essex, CT. In order for us to secure the sailboat ocean racing” of the era. He won Wars I and II. He directed instruction in main basin and pavillion, we are asking all this 285-nautical mile race from City Island Power Squadron courses during World War interested members to reserve their posi- to Martha’s Vineyard and back to Brooklyn I, served as Chief Commander of the US tions between February 1st and April 1st. Yacht Club, despite breaking off and stand- Power Squadron in 1924-25 and was chief Reservations can be made by using the app ing by to aid a disabled competitor during of inspection of Coast Guard Auxiliary ves- “Dockwa” or by going to the race. Upon his retirement from compet- sels during World War II. Since his death in Approximately 20 itive sailboat racing, Jackson took up 1943 occurred while on active duty, boats can be accommodated in the main power boat racing. In 1919 and 1920, on Jackson is also remembered in the World basin so be sure to get your reservation in his power boat “Victory II”, Jackson won War II Monument in the Lobby of the City early. the Power Boat Division of the Club’s House as one of the Club’s war casualties. Please remember to post your 2018 sea- Block Island Race and, in 1920, the The format of the Jackson Day Race has son pictures and comments on our evolved over time, Facebook page. Search “NYAC Yacht but it remains an Club” and request to join if you have not important annual already done so. - James Pintauro event at the Yacht Thanksgiving Basketball Tournament W ith 24 participants, the competition was intense, but so was the camaraderie. When the smoke had cleared, victory had been claimed by (L to R) Charlie Decker, Ryan Buser, Dennis Kelleher, Stephen Dunn and Steven Abernathy. Congratulations to all who took part. 34 THE WINGED FOOT
News from the Gymnasium D ear fellow New York Athletic member of the rugby team and has been training, but they have the technology to Club members, it is our privi- inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall customize and track workout programs lege to represent you as the of Fame. He is currently a captain in the across multiple platforms. They are an new Gymnasium Chairmen. Our mission industry leader, providing equipment for is simple, to provide membership a best in the PGA as well as the Olympics, and are class gymnasium experience. We feel that excited to partner with the New York the New York Athletic Club has been, and Athletic Club. In addition, for the first will remain the premier athletic club in the time we will have Peloton bikes in the car- world and our facilities and programs dio area for those wishing to spin in a vir- should be a reflection of that sentiment. tual class. We consistently deliver an outstanding This upgrade will cover a three year product and maintain great pride in cycle and we expect delivery by early repeated demand for our facilities. We are January. Stayed tuned for details about the committed to keeping the gymnasium ribbon cutting ceremony, as we are thrilled facilities in line with current trends, while to showcase the new equipment. Both New gymnasium co-chairs, Thomas Kehoe (L) at the same time being respectful of NYAC and Matt Rader. Technogym and NYAC staff will be pres- traditions and diverse membership. NYAC Basketball League and a member ent during peak hours for those members Our backgrounds cover a broad spec- of the Athletics Steering Committee. wishing to demo the new machines. trum of activities utilized in the gymnasi- This upcoming year is very exciting for For future plans, we are working with um. Thomas J. Kehoe is a third generation us as we prepare for the upgrade of our gym management and the Athletic member of the NYAC. In his youth, he cardiovascular equipment. Our gym man- Department to offer training classes utiliz- enjoyed participating in the Saturday agement team (Charles Metzger, Steven ing the new equipment. Whether you’re a Morning Program. For many years he Graves, Ronald Morales and Riche Yao) novice or expert we envision a gymnasium competed as a member of the Club’s box- did an extensive review of equipment environment where you will be able to ing team and he continues to volunteer his usage and current market trends. They achieve your goals and maximize the time to the Boxing Program. Presently, provided the Gymnasium Committee with NYAC experience. Many thanks to the Tom is a member of the Membership a thorough recommendation plan which Gymnasium Committee members (Joseph Committee and is the president of the was passed by the Board of Governors in Carballeira, Denis Fahy, Laura Finn, Boxing Intra Club. October. Cedric Jones, Matthew Lentz, Kathryn Matthew Rader played football and We’d like to highlight a few areas of the McGlinn, Casey Wagner, and Andrew baseball at Duke University and the upgrade. First, the main equipment vendor Walsh) for their commitment to keeping University of Pennsylvania. He has repre- will be Technogym. Not only do they offer the NYAC the best in class. sented the New York Athletic Club as a a comprehensive set of skill levels for - Matthew Rader and Thomas Kehoe JANUARY 2019 35
Edee F I T N E S S Edee Healthy Resolutions for a Healthy New Year eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee O ne of the mistakes we make in setting our New walking to do errands that are within close proximity to your Year’s resolutions is that we set goals that are way home/office. If your goal is to make friends, try taking classes too high, often setting us up for disappointment. where you will meet other people who share your same exercise Following are six realistic ways of achieving your goals. interests. 1. Take Small Steps - Simply establishing a goal of leading a 4. Be Realistic - Be sure that your plan of action is realistic. healthy lifestyle should make you feel good about yourself. To Plan to work out at times that are convenient for you. If you make that goal more attainable, are not a morning person, try not come up with small goals you to schedule your workouts for too know you can meet each day to early in the morning, because this keep yourself feeling positive. If will set you up for failure. Try to your goals are too large, you may make things as easy as possible for feel disappointed when you do not yourself. The only way your goal is see immediate results. Small behav- going to become a reality is if you ior changes are easier to stick with believe in it and, most of all, if you than vague resolutions. Rather believe in yourself. It may help to than, “I will exercise more” try “I reinforce your goal if you can find will go for a walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays and work out in a healthy role-model who is living your goal. If they can do it, the gym Mondays and Wednesdays.” In this way you can feel a so can you. sense of accomplishment every day; and, if you miss a day, you 5. Anticipate Roadblocks and Reward Yourself for Successes - can get right back on track rather than feeling like a failure. If things like weather and illness are preventing you from stick- 2. Change for Yourself - Any goals that you set should come ing to your plan, make alternate plans for those situations that from a sincere desire to change for yourself. According to the you cannot avoid. Do not let a missed day or two throw you American College of Sports Medicine, research shows that nega- completely off your target. Instead, do your best to get back on tive feelings are a frequent cause of relapse in behavioral-change track as quickly as possible, which should not be difficult if you programs, and resolutions that feel like punishment can spark set appropriate goals. those negative feelings. All resolutions should be perceived as 6. Build a Support System - Get the support of your friends, positive changes that will help you to reach optimal health and family and co-workers. Hire a trainer to lead you down the cor- well-being. Do not decide to change for anyone other than your- rect path towards your fitness goals. It is of the utmost impor- self. Resolutions are meant to be an opportunity to look for- tance to surround yourself with people who care about you and ward in a positive way, rather than as punishment for past who want to see you achieve your goals and be happy. behaviors. Keep in mind that a well-thought out resolution is a useful 3. Be Creative - Perhaps you can find different ways to exer- tool in helping you live your life the best way possible. cise while also accomplishing your goals. If weather permits, try - Chuck Metzger 36 THE WINGED FOOT
You can also read